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Arthropod sampling protocols have been applied to four areas of undisturbed rainforest in Australia and Borneo at sites located between 28° S and 4° N. Seven different trapping methods have been used in each case following a strictly comparable protocol applied during single wet-season surveys at each location. A number of large scale patterns across sites correlated with latitude, altitude and/or biogeographical history are evident at the ordinal level. The results are used to evaluate two key ideas in biodiversity survey. The first tests questions of the constancy of particular trap types in terms of the target animals. The second attempts to design an efficient multiple method sampling 'package' for rapid biodiversity assessment. Across all sites similar traps behaved in a similar manner in terms of the profile of arthropods that they caught although Malaise traps and pitfalls are particularly 'constant' in this regard. Subsets of both trapping methods and target taxa are identified which will maximise the opportunities for detecting between site differences.  相似文献   

The soil seed bank is considered as an important component for resilience of climacic vegetation. Whereas several related studies have been conducted in Asian, American and some African tropical forests, no investigation has ever been conducted in Central African rainforests, especially in logged forests where the soil seed bank could contribute to regeneration of timber of trees species. We studied the soil seed bank characteristics in relation to the standing vegetation in three Cameroonian forest zones with different disturbance regimes. There was no significant difference between sites in terms of density of the seed bank; the average mean density was 87.6 seeds m−2. But dissimilarities of the floristic compositions between sites were quite high. Overall, seeds came from 43 species including three commercial tree species. Whereas the seedlings emerging from soil samples mostly came from weedy and short-lived pioneer species, climax species predominated in the extant vegetation, leading to a very weak similarity between soil seed flora and the surrounding vegetation: Sorensen's index ranged from 3.5 to 7.6%. Canopy openness could significantly affect the species richness of soil seed stocks but not the seed density. These results show that the soil seed bank contribution to the resilience of mature tropical forests is low. In particular, very few timber tree species could benefit from soil seed stocks for their regeneration. Therefore, the development of enrichment techniques including use of the soil seed bank as a source of tree regeneration in such a context would be irrelevant.  相似文献   

New data shows that edible fruit and nut production in Amazonian forests is substantially lower than most conservationists assume. Direct measures of production in Amazonian Peru show that two terra firma forest types produced significantly less edible fruit than an alluvial soil forest. Swamp forest produced more edible fruit than any other forest type measured. Palms produce 60% of edible fruit productivity, averaged over three forest types, but the most preferred palm fruits are difficult to harvest because they are borne too high for easy access by collectors. Forest fruit collection in Amazonia is less productive in the short-term than all other food-producing activities except for hunting and cattle ranching. Technological, social and political changes are essential so that sustainable but intrinsically low-yielding extractive activities like fruit collecting become more attractive to Amazonians.  相似文献   

Movement of water from soil to atmosphere by plant transpiration can feed precipitation, but is limited by the hydraulic capacities of plants, which have not been uniform through time. The flowering plants that dominate modern vegetation possess transpiration capacities that are dramatically higher than any other plants, living or extinct. Transpiration operates at the level of the leaf, however, and how the impact of this physiological revolution scales up to the landscape and larger environment remains unclear. Here, climate modelling demonstrates that angiosperms help ensure aseasonally high levels of precipitation in the modern tropics. Most strikingly, replacement of angiosperm with non-angiosperm vegetation would result in a hotter, drier and more seasonal Amazon basin, decreasing the overall area of ever-wet rainforest by 80 per cent. Thus, flowering plant ecological dominance has strongly altered climate and the global hydrological cycle. Because tropical biodiversity is closely tied to precipitation and rainforest area, angiosperm climate modification may have promoted diversification of the angiosperms themselves, as well as radiations of diverse vertebrate and invertebrate animal lineages and of epiphytic plants. Their exceptional potential for environmental modification may have contributed to divergent responses to similar climates and global perturbations, like mass extinctions, before and after angiosperm evolution.  相似文献   

In contrast to the significant importance of tropical rainforest ecosystems as one of the major sources within the global atmospheric N2O budget (2.2–3.7 Tg N yr?1), regional estimates of their N2O source strength are still limited and highly uncertain. To contribute toward more reliable estimates of the N2O source strength of tropical rainforest ecosystems on a regional scale, we modified a process‐oriented biogeochemical model, PnET‐N‐DNDC, and parameterized it to simulate C and N turnover and associated N2O emissions in and from tropical rainforest ecosystems. Model modifications included: (1) new parameterizations associated with plant physiology and soil hydrology and the addition of algorithms relating daily leaf litterfall to water stress as well as to daily rainfall to account for the effects of heavy rainfall damage; (2) the development of a denitrifier activity index that depends on soil moisture conditions and influences N turnover by denitrification; and (3) the addition of a biological N fixation algorithm. Daily simulated N2O emissions based on site data were in good agreement (model efficiencies up to 0.83) with field observations in the Wet Tropics of Australia and Costa Rica. The model was even able to reproduce the highly dynamic pattern of N2O emissions with short‐term increases during the wet season. Sensitivity analyses demonstrated that the PnET‐N‐DNDC model was sensitive to changes in soil properties such as pH, clay content, soil organic carbon and climatic factors such as rainfall and temperature. By linking the PnET‐N‐DNDC model to a geographic information systems database, tropical rainforests in a 9000 km2 area of the Wet Tropics of Australia are estimated to emit 962 t N2O‐N yr?1 (2.4 kg N2O‐N ha?1 yr?1) between July 1997 and June 1998.  相似文献   

The negative effects of roads on wildlife in tropical rainforests are poorly understood. Road construction has high priority in Africa, while negative impacts of roads on wildlife movement often are neglected. This study aims at providing information on the effects of roads on crossing behaviour of rainforest wildlife. The probability that wildlife would cross forest roads was analysed for association with ten different factors that were linked to road presence or construction. Factors were divided into three classes: vegetation cover, topography and human influence. A trackplot survey was done in southern Cameroon, Africa. Trackplots were laid along a 32 km unpaved logging road that intersects Campo‐Ma’an National Park. Tracks of several species were found frequently (e.g. genets and porcupines); while others were found only sporadically (e.g. forest duikers and apes). The actual physical obstacles found along the road (e.g. logs, banks, etc.) were highly negatively correlated with crossing probabilities. For all wildlife species high vegetation cover was positively correlated to crossing probability. This study indicates that roads have a large impact on wildlife, and suggests which factors could be altered during road construction and maintenance in order to mitigate these impacts.  相似文献   

A solute mass balance for a 23.4 ha catchment of undisturbed rainforest in the central Amazon Basin was computed from detailed measurements of water and solute fluxes via rainfall, streamflow, and subsurface outflow over an annual cycle. Annual atmospheric deposition fluxes are lower than previously reported among mass balance studies conducted in the Amazon. Nutrient export fluxes are lower than previously reported for the Amazon, despite the fact that export fluxes via flow paths not previously measured were included. Given that climatic conditions were representative of a one in 10 wet year, the ecosystem was expected to show a net loss of nutrients rather than net gain. Instead, an excess of nutrient inputs via rainfall over ecosystem outflows was detected, ranging in annual quantities from 0.30 to 0.50 of the measured input. Among several mechanisms that could reconcile this budget, two are supported by the information presently available while two others cannot be evaluated without further research. Interannual variability in the amount of water available for runoff at the spatial scale of small catchments varies by a factor of two, in contrast to rainfall variability of ±20%, and may be a critical control on the apparent changes in ecosystem storage detected by annual-scale nutrient budgets in rainforests. Entrainment of materials from the terrestrial ecosystem to the atmosphere, including particulates containing elements which do not exist as gases, may be a particularly important loss pathway in rainforests existing on deeply weathered or nutrient poor soils.  相似文献   

We have evaluated techniques of estimating animal density through direct counts using line transects during 1988–92 in the tropical deciduous forests of Mudumalui Sanctuary in southern India for four species of large herbivorous mammals, namely, chital (Axis axis). sambar (Cervus unicolor). Asian elephant (Elephas maximus) and gaur (Bos gaurus) Density estimates derived from the Fourier Series and the Half-Normal models consistently had the lowest coefficient of variation. These two models also generated similar mean density estimates. For the Fourier Series estimator, appropriate cut-off widths for analyzing line transect data for the four species are suggested. Grouping data into various distance classes did not produce any appreciable differences in estimates of mean density or their variances, although model fit is generally better when data arc placed in fewer groups. The sampling effort needed to achieve a desired precision (coefficient of variation) in the density estimate is derived. A sampling effort of 800 km of transects returned a 10% coefficient of variation on estimate for ehital; for the other species a higher effort was needed to achieve this level of precision. There was no statistically significant relationship between detectability of a group and the size of the group for any species. Density estimates along roads were generally significantly different from those in the interior of the forest, indicating that road-side counts many not be appropriate for most species.  相似文献   

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