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基于QuickBird卫星影像,采用阴影长度法对城市居住建筑面积进行测算,结合社会经济统计数据对沈阳城市潜在人口分布特征进行分析.结果表明: 2015年,沈阳市三环内各行政区潜在人口分布不均;三环内潜在人口空间分布呈现典型的圈层结构特征;各行政区潜在人口数量为铁西区>沈河区>皇姑区>于洪区>和平区>大东区>东陵区;各行政区潜在人口密度为铁西区>和平区>沈河区>皇姑区>于洪区>大东区>东陵区;城市西部潜在人口密度高于东部,南部高于北部.居住建筑及人口的空间分布与区域的自然条件、经济状况以及基础设施建设等因素紧密相关.在未来城市规划建设中,应考虑加强铁西区以及中心城区的基础设施建设,适当增加公园绿地数量,合理开发城市南部的居住用地,适当控制居住人口数量,避免造成较大的环境压力.  相似文献   

基于QuickBird和GIS的沈阳市城市潜在人口空间分布特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
人口是城市发展中最活跃的因素,了解城市人口分布特征对制定城市政策及城市各项设施规划布局具有重要意义.本文基于QuickBird卫星影像提取城市居住建筑信息,结合社会经济统计数据对沈阳市三环以内人口空间分布的特征进行分析.结果表明:2010年沈阳市三环以内各居住用地建筑类型的人口密度依次为:高层片块>混合片块>混合花园>老式多层>高层花园>多层片块>多层花园>别墅片块>矮房及棚户>别墅花园;三环内居住建筑空置率高达30%以上,房地产市场存在严重过剩;沈河区的潜在人口密度在城市5区中最大,铁西区和大东区较小.基于人口重心分析测算的城市人口重心及各行政区人口重心为城市商业设施选址及基础设施规划提供了重要的参考信息.  相似文献   


Spatially explicit, multi-scale models for predictions of species potential distribution can be useful tools for integrating biodiversity considerations in planning and strategic environmental assessment. In such models, the occurrences of focal species are related to habitat and landscape variables, which in urbanising areas should also include effects of urban disturbances. Moreover, the accuracy of the spatial predictive models may be affected by spatial autocorrelation, which means that a part of the variance is explained by neighbouring values. The aim of this study was to explore the effects of habitat and disturbance patterns on the distribution of two forest grouse species, Tetrao urogallus and Bonasa bonasia, and to detect and model the effects of spatial autocorrelation. The distribution of the two species could be explained in terms of reduction of a main predator, habitat quality, quantity and connectivity, including urban disturbances. The residuals of the initial regressions showed positive spatial autocorrelation that could be quantified by using a spatial probit model. The application of the spatial probit model revealed strongly significant spatial dependencies for both species. Furthermore, the model fit could be increased for T. urogallus by applying this model. The results implied that both species distributions might be affected by both reactions to the underlying land-use pattern, but also by interaction with neighbours. The use of the spatial probit model is a way to incorporate spatial interactions that otherwise cannot be captured by the independent variables.  相似文献   

  • 1. 

    Good progress has been made in bringing the importance of high-nature-conservation-value farming systems to the attention of a wider audience. However, simply having a broad appreciation of which farming systems are good for certain species or species assemblages is of little use without a detailed understanding of how each particular farming system functions and integrates with the species reliant upon that system as a whole.

  • 2. 

    Many species have intimate and complex interactions with the annual farming cycle, and their presence on any one piece of farmland is determined not only by the farm management occurring at that time but also by the management practised over the previous weeks and months. Since their exact farm management requirements are not fully understood, it would currently be difficult (if not impossible) to put in place the exact set of conditions necessary to ensure the continued occurrence of many desired species.

  • 3. 

    Consequently, a detailed understanding of the ecological relationships involved is essential before advice can be provided on how best to develop any individual farming system (and the associated policies) so that the ecological characteristics of the system of value to the wildlife assemblages are maintained.

  • 4. 

    These issues are highlighted and illustrated with reference to the findings from research into the ecology and requirements of the chough Pyrrhocorax pyrrhocorax and the effects of farm management practices on ground beetles (Coleoptera: Carabidae) and leatherjackets (Diptera: Tipulidae), which together can form important prey items for birds associated with grassland habitats.


Changes in the frequency and severity of extreme weather may introduce new threats to species that are already under stress from gradual habitat loss and climate change. We provide a probabilistic framework that quantifies potential threats by applying concepts from ecological resilience to single populations. Our approach uses computation to compare disturbance–impacted projections to a population's normal range of variation, quantifying the full range of potential impacts. We illustrate this framework with projection models for coastal birds, which are commonly depicted as vulnerable to disturbances, especially hurricanes and oil spills. We found that populations of coastal specialists are resilient to extreme disturbances, with high resistance to the effects of short‐term reductions in vital rates and recovery within 20 years. Applying the general framework presented here across disturbance‐prone species and ecosystems would improve understanding of population resilience and generate specific projections of resilience that are needed for effective conservation planning.  相似文献   

Species' traits have been used both to explain and, increasingly, to predict species' vulnerability. Trait-based comparative analyses allow mechanisms causing vulnerability to be inferred and, ideally, conservation effort to be focused efficiently and effectively. However, empirical evidence of the predictive ability of trait-based approaches is largely wanting. I tested the predictive power of trait-based analyses on geographically replicated datasets of farmland bird population trends. I related the traits of farmland passerines with their long-term trends in abundance (an assessment of their response to agricultural intensification) in eight regions in two continents. These analyses successfully identified explanatory relationships in the regions, specifically: species faring badly tended to be medium-sized, had relatively short incubation and fledging periods, were longer distant migrants, had small relative brain sizes and were farmland specialists. Despite this, the models had poor ability to predict species' vulnerability in one region from trait-population trend relationships from a different region. In many cases, the explained variation was low (median R(2) = 8%). The low predictive ability of trait-based analyses must therefore be considered if such trait-based models are used to inform conservation priorities.  相似文献   

A review of models of agricultural intensification and their application to the agricultural systems of the humid tropics is presented. Taken into account are the distributions of these systems at various population densities, available data on labor efficiencies, the costs of establishing continuous cropping, and data regarding soils under cultivation and various types of fallow. The findings that fallows much longer than 10 or 15 years serve no known agronomic function, that given preindustrial technology, grass fallows are disadvantageous, even environmentally destructive, and that continuous cropping usually entails a considerable amount of environmental modification support the interpretations that agricultural intensification in the humid tropics is best understood in terms of ecologically optimal strategies at different population densities. Points needing further investigation are highlighted: the reasons for very long fallows, and the comparative labor efficiencies of fallow and continuous cropping systems where crops and environments are similar.  相似文献   

Many ecosystem services provided by wetlands decline if they are managed for agricultural use. Ecological restoration of retired agricultural lands can restore these ecosystem services, yet practitioners require information on where restoration is possible and most likely to succeed. We report trends in the Massachusetts cranberry industry which suggest that cranberry farms located in riparian fens are well suited for ecological restoration that enhance their characteristics and functions as wetlands. We created a classification scheme for cranberry farms based on their: (1) crop status; (2) renovation status; (3) cultivar type; and (4) hydrologic type for the Wareham River watershed in southeastern Massachusetts. We ranked farms for their priority for restoration and extrapolated our results to the total cranberry acreage of Massachusetts. The occurrence of low‐yielding native cranberry cultivars in all riparian farms (i.e. those with a direct hydrological connection to an adjacent river or stream), combined with our finding that 100% of the area of the highest‐yielding new cultivars were planted in newly renovated but non‐riparian farms suggest that riparian farms are not targets for investment but instead have a high likelihood of retirement. We found that 20% of farm area in this watershed had riparian hydrology, a proportion suggesting the existence of over 1,000 ha of high‐priority farms for restoration statewide. Restoration of these stream‐adjacent riparian farms can provide an exit strategy for some cranberry growers, ease economic pressures on remaining growers, and develop wetlands able to provide ecosystem services such as habitat provision, nitrogen removal, and recreation.  相似文献   

Interspecific differences in population variability (fluctuations or cycles) can be due to environmental variability, different trophic interactions or differences in movement behaviour under severe circumstances. To establish the most important factor, variations in numbers of small mammals and passerine birds were examined during 11 years along transect lines extending from mature coniferous forests out into cleared areas, thus providing the potential for recording temporal variation at least in suboptimal habitats. Coefficients of variation did not correlate with sample means and were considerably higher in mammals than in birds. Spatial variation was usually larger than temporal variation, except for two small mammal species. Tropical migrants among the passerines demonstrated especially low temporal variation. Correlations with extrinsic variables (variation in weather and food supply) were only observed in resident mammals and birds. The differences in variability between the two vertebrate classes could not be related to food habits or demography but probably to differences in mobility. The later observation calls for consideration and definition of species-specific scales when examining relations between population fluctuations and extrinsic or community factors.  相似文献   

Aim To test six hypotheses that could explain or mediate the positive correlation between human population density (HPD) and bird species richness while controlling for biased sampling effort. These hypotheses were labelled as follows: productivity (net primary productivity, NPP); inherent heterogeneity (diversity of vegetation types); anthropogenic heterogeneity (diversity of land uses); conservation policy (proportion of conservation land); increased productivity (human‐induced productivity increases); and the reduced‐slope hypothesis (which predicts that humans have a negative impact on species numbers across the full range of variation in HPD). Location Australia. Methods All data were collected at a spatial resolution of 1° across mainland Australia. Bird species richness was from 2007 atlas data and random subsampling was used to account for biased sampling effort. HPD was from the 2006 census. All other data were from government produced geographic information system layers. The most important biotic or abiotic factors influencing patterns in both species richness and HPD were assessed using simultaneous autoregressive models and an information theoretic approach. Results NPP appeared to be one of the main factors driving spatial congruence between bird species richness and HPD. Inherent habitat heterogeneity was weakly related to richness and HPD, although an interaction between heterogeneity and NPP indicated that the former may be an important determinant of species richness in low‐productivity regions. There was little evidence that anthropogenic landscape heterogeneity or human‐induced changes in productivity influenced the relationship between species richness and HPD, but conservation policy appeared to act as an important mediating factor and species richness was positively related to the proportion of conservation land only in regions of high HPD. Main conclusions The spatial congruence between bird species richness and HPD occurs because both respond positively to productivity and, in certain circumstances, habitat heterogeneity. Our results suggest that conservation policy could mediate this relationship, but further research is required to determine the importance of conservation reserves in supporting species in regions densely populated by humans.  相似文献   



Although the effects of life history traits on population density have been investigated widely, how spatial environmental variation influences population density for a large range of organisms and at a broad spatial scale is poorly known. Filling this knowledge gap is crucial for global species management and conservation planning and to understand the potential impact of environmental changes on multiple species.



Time period


Major taxa studied

Terrestrial amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals.


We collected population density estimates for a range of terrestrial vertebrates, including 364 estimates for amphibians, 850 for reptiles, 5,667 for birds and 7,651 for mammals. We contrasted the importance of life history traits and environmental predictors using mixed models and tested different hypotheses to explain the variation in population density for the four groups. We assessed the predictive accuracy of models through cross‐validation and mapped the partial response of vertebrate population density to environmental variables globally.


Amphibians were more abundant in wet areas with high productivity levels, whereas reptiles showed relatively higher densities in arid areas with low productivity and stable temperatures. The density of birds and mammals was typically high in temperate wet areas with intermediate levels of productivity. The models showed good predictive abilities, with pseudo‐R2 ranging between 0.68 (birds) and 0.83 (reptiles).

Main conclusions

Traits determine most of the variation in population density across species, whereas environmental conditions explain the intraspecific variation across populations. Species traits, resource availability and climatic stability have a different influence on the population density of the four groups. These models can be used to predict the average species population density over large areas and be used to explore macroecological patterns and inform conservation analyses.  相似文献   

The effects of global glaciations on the distribution of organisms is an essential element of many diversification models. However, the empirical evidence supporting this idea is mixed, in particular with respect to explaining tropical forest evolution. In the present study, we evaluated the impacts of range shifts associated with Pleistocene global glacial cycles on the evolution of tropical forests. In particular, we tested the predictions: (1) that population genetic structure increases with fragmentation variation between the present and the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) and also (2) with geographical range instability; and (3) that genetic diversity increases with range stability and (4) decreases with fragmentation variation between periods. To address our predictions, we studied population genetic structures and modelled present and past distributions of 15 Atlantic Forest (AF) endemic birds. Afterwards, we evaluated the relationship of population genetic parameters with metrics of species range shifts between the present and the LGM. We found that geographical ranges of AF birds changed in concert with Pleistocene glacial cycles but, unexpectedly, our findings suggest the novel idea that ranges during glacial maxima were slightly larger on average, as well as equally fragmented and displaced from the interglacial ranges. Our findings suggest that range shifts over the late Pleistocene impacted on the diversification of forest organisms, although they did not show that those range shifts had a strong effect. We found that a combination of fragmentation variation across time, small current range size, and range stability increased population genetic structure. However, neither fragmentation, nor range stability affected genetic diversity. Our study showed that evolutionary responses to range shifts across AF birds have a high variance, which could explain the mixed support given by single‐species studies to the action of Pleistocene range shifts on population evolution.  相似文献   


Understanding the mechanisms that shape density‐dependent processes and population dynamics is often essential for species conservation. Two key mechanisms of density‐dependent reductions in reproductive performance are a limited access to foraging habitats (the habitat heterogeneity hypothesis) and territorial aggression towards conspecifics (the interference competition hypothesis) at high population densities. Disentangling the relative importance of these mechanisms within populations below their carrying capacity is important for the evaluation of the success of conservation measures. However, relatively few studies have attempted to quantify the relative importance of both mechanisms for the reproductive performance of a population. Many raptor populations are ideal model systems to investigate density‐dependent effects because they are currently recovering from human‐induced reductions during the last decades. Using a 14‐year dataset, we combined analyses of individual reproductive performance with a mechanistic population model to investigate early signs of density‐dependent regulation in a population of White‐tailed Eagles Haliaeetus albicilla in north‐east Germany. We found a negative effect of the number of neighbouring breeding pairs and a positive effect of water surface area (as a proxy for the availability of favourable foraging habitat) on breeding success and on the average number of nestlings. The mean nearest neighbour distance between breeding pairs has decreased, and the mean distance of nests to the nearest water body has increased over the last 14 years. Moreover, the population model indicates that even though the population is still growing, carrying capacity could be reached at about 500–950 territorial pairs. These results suggest that the selection of nesting sites is determined by a trade‐off between the distance to favourable foraging habitat and the distance to neighbouring breeding pairs. To avoid increasing competition with conspecifics, due to continued population growth, breeding pairs seem to select increasingly suboptimal habitats. Therefore, our results suggest that the habitat heterogeneity and interference competition hypotheses are not necessarily mutually exclusive as mechanisms of density‐dependent population regulation, but can determine the reproductive performance of a raptor population simultaneously. Thus, a future decline in breeding success does not necessarily reflect a decrease in habitat quality but may rather be a consequence of density‐dependent mechanisms. This information may be useful for the interpretation of population trends and for the development of appropriate management strategies for recovering raptor populations.  相似文献   

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