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We have applied a hybrid equilibration and sampling procedure for the atomic level simulation of a hydrated lipid bilayer to systems consisting of dipalmitoyl phosphatidylcholine (DPPC) and cholesterol, and palmitoyl-oleyl phosphatidylcholine (POPC) at low (approximately 6%) cholesterol concentration. The procedure is applied to bilayers of 94 molecules of DPPC, 6 molecules of cholesterol, and 3205 water molecules, and to bilayers of 120 molecules of POPC, 8 molecules of cholesterol, and 4268 water molecules, at a temperature of 325 K. After equilibration, three separate 400-ps continuous molecular dynamics runs, separated by 10,000 configurational bias Monte Carlo steps, were carried out for each system. Properties of the systems were calculated and averaged over the three separate runs. Results of the simulations are presented and compared with experimental data and with other recent simulations of DPPC and cholesterol, and of pure DPPC, and pure POPC. Certain properties of the bilayers are indistinguishable from cholesterol-free bilayers, including lateral diffusion and electron density. Other properties, most notably the order parameter profile, show the effect of cholesterol even at low concentrations.  相似文献   

The molecular dynamics of binary dispersions of plasmenylcholine/cholesterol and phosphatidylcholine/cholesterol were quantified by electron spin resonance (ESR) and deuterium magnetic resonance (2H NMR) spectroscopy. The order parameter of both 5-doxylstearate (5DS) and 16-doxylstearate (16DS) was larger in vesicles comprised of plasmenylcholine in comparison to phosphatidylcholine at all temperatures studied (e.g., S = 0.592 vs. 0.487 for 5DS and 0.107 vs. 0.099 for 16DS, respectively, at 38 degrees C). Similarly, the order parameter of plasmenylcholine vesicles was larger than that of phosphatidylcholine vesicles utilizing either spin-labeled phosphatidylcholine or spin-labeled plasmenylcholine as probes of molecular motion. The ratio of the low-field to the midfield peak height in ESR spectra of 16-doxylstearate containing moieties (i.e., spin-labeled plasmenylcholine and phosphatidylcholine) was lower in plasmenylcholine vesicles (0.93 +/- 0.01) in comparison to phosphatidylcholine vesicles (1.03 +/- 0.01). 2H NMR spectroscopy demonstrated that the order parameter of plasmenylcholine was greater than that of phosphatidylcholine for one of the two diastereotopic deuterons located at the C-2 carbon of the sn-2 fatty acyl chain. The spin-lattice relaxation times for deuterated plasmenylcholine and phosphatidylcholine in binary mixtures containing 0-50 mol % cholesterol varied nonmonotonically as a function of cholesterol concentration and were different for each phospholipid subclass. Taken together, the results indicate that the vinyl ether linkage in the proximal portion of the sn-1 aliphatic chain of plasmenylcholine has substantial effects on the molecular dynamics of membrane bilayers both locally and at sites spatially distant from the covalent alteration.  相似文献   

Quantitative structures are obtained at 30 degrees C for the fully hydrated fluid phases of palmitoyloleoylphosphatidylcholine (POPC), with a double bond on the sn-2 hydrocarbon chain, and for dierucoylphosphatidylcholine (di22:1PC), with a double bond on each hydrocarbon chain. The form factors F(qz) for both lipids are obtained using a combination of three methods. (1) Volumetric measurements provide F(0). (2) X-ray scattering from extruded unilamellar vesicles provides /F(qz)/ for low q(z). (3) Diffuse X-ray scattering from oriented stacks of bilayers provides /F(qz)/ for high q(z). Also, data using method (2) are added to our recent data for dioleoylphosphatidylcholine (DOPC) using methods (1) and (3); the new DOPC data agree very well with the recent data and with (4) our older data obtained using a liquid crystallographic X-ray method. We used hybrid electron density models to obtain structural results from these form factors. The result for area per lipid (A) for DOPC 72.4 +/- 0.5 A(2) agrees well with our earlier publications, and we find A = 69.3 +/- 0.5 A2 for di22:1PC and A = 68.3 +/- 1.5 A2 for POPC. We obtain the values for five different average thicknesses: hydrophobic, steric, head-head, phosphate-phosphate and Luzzati. Comparison of the results for these three lipids and for our recent dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine (DMPC) determination provides quantitative measures of the effect of unsaturation on bilayer structure. Our results suggest that lipids with one monounsaturated chain have quantitative bilayer structures closer to lipids with two monounsaturated chains than to lipids with two completely saturated chains.  相似文献   

Conjugated linoleic acids (CLA) are found naturally in dairy products. Two isomers of CLA, that differ only in the location of cis and trans double bonds, are found to have distinct and different biological effects. The cis 9 trans 11 (C9T11) isomer is attributed to have the anti-carcinogenic effects, while the trans 10 cis 12 (T10C12) isomer is believed to be responsible for the anti-obesity effects. Since dietary CLA are incorporated into membrane phospholipids, we have used Molecular Dynamics (MD) simulations to investigate the comparative effects of the two isomers on lipid bilayer structure. Specifically, simulations of phosphatidylcholine lipid bilayers in which the sn-2 chains contained one of the two isomers of CLA were performed. Force field parameters for the torsional potential of double bonds were obtained from ab initio calculations. From the MD trajectories we calculated and compared structural properties of the two lipid bilayers, including areas per molecule, density profiles, thickness of bilayers, tilt angle of tail chains, order parameters profiles, radial distribution function (RDF) and lateral pressure profiles. The main differences found between bilayers of the two CLA isomers, are (1) the order parameter profile for C9T11 has a dip in the middle of sn-2 chain while the profile for T10C12 has a deeper dip close to terminal of sn-2 chain, and (2) the lateral pressure profiles show differences between the two isomers. Our simulation results reveal localized physical structural differences between bilayers of the two CLA isomers that may contribute to different biological effects through differential interactions with membrane proteins or cholesterol.  相似文献   

A fully hydrated dimiristoylphosphatidylcholine (DMPC) bilayer has been studied by a molecular dynamics simulation. The system, which consisted of 64 DMPC molecules and 1792 water molecules, was run in the NVE ensemble at a temperature of 333 K for a total of 10 ns. The resulting trajectory was used to analyze structural and dynamical quantities. The electron density, bilayer spacing, and order parameters (S(CD)), based on the AMBER forcefield and SPCE water model are in good agreement with previous calculations and experimental data. The simulation reveals evidence for two types of lateral diffusive behavior: cage hopping and that of a two-dimensional liquid. The lateral diffusion coefficient is 8 x 10(-8) cm(2)/s. We characterize the rotational motion, and find that the lipid tail rotation (D(rot_tail) = -0.04 rad(2)/ns) is slower then the head group rotation (D(rot_hg) = 2.2 rad(2)/ns), which is slower than the overall in plane (D(rot) = 3.2 rad(2)/ns) for the lipid molecule.  相似文献   

This study focuses on dioleoylphosphatidylcholine (DOPC) bilayers near full hydration. Volumetric data and high-resolution synchrotron x-ray data are used in a method that compares DOPC with well determined gel phase dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine (DPPC). The key structural quantity obtained is fully hydrated area/lipid A0 = 72.2 +/- 1.1 A2 at 30 degrees C, from which other quantities such as thickness of the bilayer are obtained. Data for samples over osmotic pressures from 0 to 56 atmospheres give an estimate for the area compressibility of KA = 188 dyn/cm. Obtaining the continuous scattering transform and electron density profiles requires correction for liquid crystal fluctuations. Quantitation of these fluctuations opens an experimental window on the fluctuation pressure, the primary repulsive interaction near full hydration. The fluctuation pressure decays exponentially with water spacing, in agreement with analytical results for soft confinement. However, the ratio of decay length lambda(fl) = 5.8 A to hydration pressure decay length lambda = 2.2 A is significantly larger than the value of 2 predicted by analytical theory and close to the ratio obtained in recent simulations. We also obtain the traditional osmotic pressure versus water spacing data. Our analysis of these data shows that estimates of the Hamaker parameter H and the bending modulus Kc are strongly coupled.  相似文献   

K Tu  D J Tobias    M L Klein 《Biophysical journal》1995,69(6):2558-2562
We report a constant pressure and temperature molecular dynamics simulation of a fully hydrated liquid crystal (L alpha) phase bilayer of dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine at 50 degrees C and 28 water molecules/lipid. We have shown that the bilayer is stable throughout the 1550-ps simulation and have demonstrated convergence of the system dimensions. Several important aspects of the bilayer structure have been investigated and compared favorably with experimental results. For example, the average positions of specific carbon atoms along the bilayer normal agree well with neutron diffraction data, and the electron density profile is in accord with x-ray diffraction results. The hydrocarbon chain deuterium order parameters agree reasonably well with NMR results for the middles of the chains, but the simulation predicts too much order at the chain ends. In spite of the deviations in the order parameters, the hydrocarbon chain packing density appears to be essentially correct, inasmuch as the area/lipid and bilayer thickness are in agreement with the most refined experimental estimates. The deuterium order parameters for the glycerol and choline groups, as well as the phosphorus chemical shift anisotropy, are in qualitative agreement with those extracted from NMR measurements.  相似文献   

Both wide-angle and lamellar x-ray diffraction data are interpreted in terms of a difference in hydrocarbon chain tilt between fully hydrated dipalmitoyl phosphatidylcholine (DPPC) and dipalmitoyl phosphatidylethanolamine (DPPE). Although the hydrocarbon chains of multilayers of DPPC tilt ty approximately 30 degrees relative to the normal to the plane of the bilayer, as previously reported by others, the hydrocarbon chains of DPPE appear to be oriented approximately normal to the plane of the bilayer. It is found that the chain tilt in DPPC bilayers can be reduced by either: (a) adding an n-alkane to the bilayer interiors or (b) adding lanthanum ions to the fluid layers between bilayers. A molecular packing model is presented which accounts for these data. According to this model, DPPC chains tilt because of the size and conformation of the PC polar head group.  相似文献   

Kinetin is shown to increase substantially the water permeability of liposomes composed of several types of phosphatidylcholines including the natural phospholipids egg lecithin and asolectin and the synthetic phospholipids dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine and dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine. Kinetin effects were measured from 16.3 micromolar to 2.4 millimolar at temperatures from 10°C to 50°C and at pH 2.0, 7.0, and 11.0. Temperature studies indicate that kinetin produces a larger increase in water permeability with membranes in the more fluid liquid crystalline state. Kinetin is also shown to enhance [14C]glucose permeability and perhaps promotes membrane aggregation. From these experiments, we conclude that kinetin may produce its initial effect by altering the lipid bilayer portion of membranes.  相似文献   

Cationic lipid membranes are known to form compact complexes with DNA and to be effective as gene delivery agents both in vitro and in vivo. Here we employ molecular dynamics simulations for a detailed atomistic study of lipid bilayers consisting of a mixture of cationic dimyristoyltrimethylammonium propane (DMTAP) and zwitterionic dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine (DMPC). Our main objective is to examine how the composition of the DMPC/DMTAP bilayers affects their structural and electrostatic properties in the liquid-crystalline phase. By varying the mole fraction of DMTAP, we have found that the area per lipid has a pronounced nonmonotonic dependence on the DMTAP concentration, with a minimum around the point of equimolar DMPC/DMTAP mixture. We show that this behavior has an electrostatic origin and is driven by the interplay between positively charged TAP headgroups and the zwitterionic phosphatidylcholine (PC) heads. This interplay leads to considerable reorientation of PC headgroups for an increasing DMTAP concentration, and gives rise to major changes in the electrostatic properties of the lipid bilayer, including a significant increase of total dipole potential across the bilayer and prominent changes in the ordering of water in the vicinity of the membrane. Moreover, chloride counterions are bound mostly to PC nitrogens implying stronger screening of PC heads by Cl ions compared to TAP headgroups. The implications of these findings are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

Surface areas and fluctuations evaluated from 50 ns molecular dynamics simulations of fully hydrated dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine (DPPC) bilayers in a 1:2 trehalose:lipid ratio carried out at surface tensions 10, 17 and 25 dyn/cm/leaflet are compared with those of pure bilayers under the same conditions. Trehalose increases the surface area, as consistent with the surface tension lowering observed in simulations at constant area. The system bulk elastic modulus K b  = 1.5 ± 0.3 × 1010 dyn/cm2. It is independent of bilayer surface area and trehalose content within statistical error. In contrast, the area elastic modulus K a shows a strong area dependence. At 64 Å2/lipid (the experimental surface area), K a  = 138 ± 26 dyn/cm for a pure DPPC bilayer and 82 ± 10 dyn/cm for one with trehalose; i.e. trehalose increases fluidity of the bilayer surface at this area per lipid.  相似文献   

Interaction of the calcium-channel antagonist dihydropyridines (DHPs), lacidipine and nifedipine, with a phospholipid bilayer was studied using 600 ps molecular dynamic simulations. We have constructed a double layer membrane model composed of 42 dimirystoyl-phosphatidylcholine molecules. The DHP molecules locate at about 7 Å from the centre of the membrane, inducing an asymmetry in the bilayer. While lacidipine did not induce significant local perturbations as judged by the gauche-trans isomerisation rate, nifedipine significantly decreased this rate, probably by producing a local rigidity of the membrane in the vicinity of the DHP.  相似文献   

T J McIntosh  S A Simon 《Biochemistry》1986,25(17):4948-4952
The area per lipid molecule for fully hydrated dilauroylphosphatidylethanolamine (DLPE) has been obtained in both the gel and liquid-crystalline states by combining wide-angle X-ray diffraction, electron density profiles, and previously published dilatometry results [Wilkinson, D. A., & Nagle, J. F. (1981) Biochemistry 20, 187-192]. The molecular area increases from 41.0 +/- 0.2 to 49.1 +/- 1.2 A2 upon melting from the gel to liquid-crystalline phase. The thickness of the bilayer, as measured from the electron density profiles, decreases about 4 A upon melting, from 45.2 +/- 0.3 to 41.0 +/- 0.6 A. A somewhat unexpected result is that the fluid layer between fully hydrated bilayers is the same in both gel and liquid-crystalline phases and is only about 5 A thick. From these data, plus the volume of the anhydrous DLPE molecule, it is possible to determine the number of water molecules per lipid and their approximate distribution relative to the lipid molecule. Our analysis shows that there are about 7 and 9 waters per DLPE molecule in the gel and liquid-crystalline phases, respectively. About half of the water is located in the fluid space between adjacent bilayers, and the remaining waters are intercalated into the bilayer, presumably in the head group region. There are significantly fewer water molecules in the fluid spaces between DLPE bilayers than in the fluid spaces in gel- or liquid-crystalline-phase phosphatidylcholine bilayers. This small fluid space in PE bilayers could arise from interbilayer hydrogen bond formation through the water molecules or electrostatic interactions between the amine and phosphate groups on apposing bilayers.  相似文献   

X-ray data are presented for the benchmark dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine lipid bilayer in the most biologically relevant state in which the bilayers are fully hydrated and in the fluid (liquid-crystalline) phase. Form factors F(q(z)) are obtained from a combination of two sample preparations, oriented stacks of bilayers for q(z) extending to 0.85 A(-1) and unilamellar vesicles for smaller q(z). Modeling obtains the electron density profile and values for the area per molecule, for the locations of the component groups, and for the different types of thicknesses of the bilayer, such as the hydrocarbon thickness and the steric thickness.  相似文献   

Molecular dynamics simulations of fully hydrated Dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine bilayers, extending temporal and spatial scales by almost one order of magnitude, are presented. The present work reaches system sizes of 1024 lipids and times 10-60 ns. The simulations uncover significant dynamics and fluctuations on scales of several nanoseconds, and enable direct observation and spectral decomposition of both undulatory and thickness fluctuation modes. Although the former modes are strongly damped, the latter exhibit signs of oscillatory behavior. From this, it has been possible to calculate mesoscopic continuum properties in good agreement with experimental values. A bending modulus of 4 x 10(-20) J, bilayer area compressibility of 250-300 mN/m, and mode relaxation times in the nanosecond range are obtained. The theory of undulatory motions is revised and further extended to cover thickness fluctuations. Finally, it is proposed that thickness fluctuations is the explanation to the observed system-size dependence of equilibrium-projected area per lipid.  相似文献   

In order to understand the interaction between naratriptan and a fully hydrated bilayer of 1-palmitoyl-2-oleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphatidyl-choline (POPC), we carried out molecular dynamics simulations. The simulations were performed considering neutral and protonated ionization states, starting from different initial conditions. At physiological pH, the protonated state of naratriptan is predominant. It is expected that neutral compounds could have larger membrane partition than charged compounds. However, for the specific case of triptans, it is difficult to study neutral species in membranes experimentally, making computer simulations an interesting tool. When the naratriptan molecules were originally placed in water, they partitioned between the bilayer/water interface and water phase, as has been described for similar compounds. From this condition, the drugs displayed low access to the hydrophobic environment, with no significant effects on bilayer organization. The molecules anchored in the interface, due mainly to the barrier function of the polar and oriented lipid heads. On the other hand, when placed inside the bilayer, both neutral and protonated naratriptan showed self-aggregation in the lipid tail environment. In particular, the protonated species exhibited a pore-like structure, dragging water through this environment.
Graphical Abstract Different behaviour of Naratriptan and Sumatriptan, when the drugs were originally placed in the lipid core

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