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 Replication of mini-F plasmids requires the initiator protein RepE, which binds specifically to four iterons within the origin (ori2), as well as some host factors that are involved in chromosomal DNA replication. To understand the role of host factors and RepE in the early steps of mini-F DNA replication, we examined the effects of RepE and the Escherichia coli proteins DnaA and HU on the localized melting of ori2 DNA in a purified in vitro system. We found that the binding of RepE to an iteron causes a 50° bend at or around the site of binding. RepE and HU exhibited synergistic effects on the localized melting within the ori2 region, as detected by sensitivity to the single-strand specific P1 endonuclease. This opening of duplex DNA occurred around the 13mer of ori2, whose sequence closely resembles the set of 13mers found in the chromosomal origin oriC. Further addition of DnaA to the reaction mixture increased the efficiency of melting and appeared to extend melting to the adjacent AT-rich region. Moreover, DNA melting with appreciably higher efficiencies was observed with mutant forms of RepE that were previously shown to be hyperactive both in DNA binding in vitro and in initiator activity in vivo. We propose that the binding of RepE to four iterons of ori2 causes bending at the sites of RepE binding and, with the assistance of HU, induces a localized melting in the 13mer region. The addition of DnaA extends melting to the AT-rich region, which could then serve as the entry site for the DnaB-DnaC complex, much as has been documented for oriC- dependent replication. Received: 15 May 1996/Accepted: 11 July 1996  相似文献   

DnaA is an essential component in the initiation of bacterial chromosomal replication. DnaA binds to a series of 9 base pair repeats leading to oligomerization, recruitment of the DnaBC helicase, and the assembly of the replication fork machinery. The structure of the N-terminal domain (residues 1-100) of DnaA from Mycoplasma genitalium was determined by NMR spectroscopy. The backbone r.m.s.d. for the first 86 residues was 0.6 +/- 0.2 A based on 742 NOE, 50 hydrogen bond, 46 backbone angle, and 88 residual dipolar coupling restraints. Ultracentrifugation studies revealed that the domain is monomeric in solution. Features on the protein surface include a hydrophobic cleft flanked by several negative residues on one side, and positive residues on the other. A negatively charged ridge is present on the opposite face of the protein. These surfaces may be important sites of interaction with other proteins involved in the replication process. Together, the structure and NMR assignments should facilitate the design of new experiments to probe the protein-protein interactions essential for the initiation of DNA replication.  相似文献   

DnaA protein is a key protein in the initiation of chromosomal replication in Escherichia coli. We reported the assignments of 1H, 13C, and 15N resonances of N-terminal domain of Dna A (1–108) which contains the activities of self-oligomerization and DnaB helicase loading.  相似文献   

The Rep proteins of some plasmid replicons have two functions. Dimers bind to the operator sequences acting as auto-repressors, whereas monomers bind to the iterons to initiate replication of DNA. The ColE2 Rep proteins are present mostly in a dimeric form with some multimers larger than dimers in solution, while the form of Rep binding to Ori is not known. We used an EMSA-based method to determine the molecular weight of Rep in the Rep-Ori complex. The result suggested that Rep binds to Ori as a monomer. In addition, the result of EMSA using the Rep protein fused with the maltose binding protein and the His6-tag also supported this conclusion. We proposed that dimerization of Rep might probably be involved in keeping the copy number of the ColE2 plasmid at the normal low level by limiting the amount of active monomeric forms of Rep in the host cell.  相似文献   

Here, we study the homodimerization of the transmembrane domain of Neu, as well as an oncogenic mutant (V664E), in vesicles derived from the plasma membrane of mammalian cells. For the characterization, we use a Förster resonance energy transfer (FRET)-based method termed Quantitative Imaging-FRET (QI-FRET), which yields the donor and acceptor concentrations in addition to the FRET efficiencies in individual plasma membrane-derived vesicles. Our results demonstrate that both the wild-type and the mutant are 100% dimeric, suggesting that the Neu TM helix dimerizes more efficiently than other RTK TM domains in mammalian membranes. Furthermore, the data suggest that the V664E mutation causes a very small, but statistically significant change in dimer structure. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: Interfacially Active Peptides and Proteins. Guest Editors: William C. Wimley and Kalina Hristova.  相似文献   

The N-terminal (NT) domain of spider silk proteins (spidroins) is crucial for their storage at high concentrations and also regulates silk assembly. NTs from the major ampullate spidroin (MaSp) and the minor ampullate spidroin are monomeric at neutral pH and confer solubility to spidroins, whereas at lower pH, they dimerize to interconnect spidroins in a fiber. This dimerization is known to result from modulation of electrostatic interactions by protonation of well-conserved glutamates, although it is undetermined if this mechanism applies to other spidroin types as well. Here, we determine the solution and crystal structures of the flagelliform spidroin NT, which shares only 35% identity with MaSp NT, and investigate the mechanisms of its dimerization. We show that flagelliform spidroin NT is structurally similar to MaSp NT and that the electrostatic intermolecular interaction between Asp 40 and Lys 65 residues is conserved. However, the protonation events involve a different set of residues than in MaSp, indicating that an overall mechanism of pH-dependent dimerization is conserved but can be mediated by different pathways in different silk types.  相似文献   

Clp ATPases are unique chaperones that promote protein unfolding and subsequent degradation by proteases. The mechanism by which this occurs is poorly understood. Here we demonstrate that the N-terminal domain of ClpX is a C4-type zinc binding domain (ZBD) involved in substrate recognition. ZBD forms a very stable dimer that is essential for promoting the degradation of some typical ClpXP substrates such as lambdaO and MuA but not GFP-SsrA. Furthermore, experiments indicate that ZBD contains a primary binding site for the lambdaO substrate and for the cofactor SspB. Removal of ZBD from the ClpX sequence renders the ATPase activity of ClpX largely insensitive to the presence of ClpP, substrates, or the SspB cofactor. All these results indicate that ZBD plays an important role in the ClpX mechanism of function and that ATP binding and/or hydrolysis drives a conformational change in ClpX involving ZBD.  相似文献   

Abstract pT181 is a Staphylococcus aureus rolling circle replicating plasmid whose copy number is controlled by regulating the synthesis and activity of the initiator protein, RepC. The RepC dimer is modified during pT181 replication by the addition of an oligodeoxynucleotide, giving rise to a new form, RepC*. To purify RepC*, RepC was expressed in S. aureus as a fusion protein with a polyhistidine tail. The histidine-tagged RepC retains its initiation and topoisomerase activities in vitro. Histagged RepC/RepC and RepC/RepC* were purified in a two-step procedure. Peptide mapping, mass spectrometric analysis and protein sequencing of purified RepC and RepC* were carried out, and both proteins appeared identical, except that the peptide containing the RepC active site tyrosine used in nicking activity was absent when the purified RepC* sample was analyzed. The absence of the active site in RepC* suggests that this site was modified during replication. The results provide the first direct biochemical evidence that RepC* is a modified form of RepC, and support a model in which RepC replication of pT181 leaves RepC with an oligonucleotide blocking the active site of one of its subunits.  相似文献   

RepB initiates plasmid rolling‐circle replication by binding to a triple 11‐bp direct repeat (bind locus) and cleaving the DNA at a specific distant site located in a hairpin loop within the nic locus of the origin. The structure of native full‐length RepB reveals a hexameric ring molecule, where each protomer has two domains. The origin‐binding and catalytic domains show a three‐layer α–β–α sandwich fold. The active site is positioned at one of the faces of the β‐sheet and coordinates a Mn2+ ion at short distance from the essential nucleophilic Y99. The oligomerization domains (ODs), each consisting of four α‐helices, together define a compact ring with a central channel, a feature found in ring helicases. The toroidal arrangement of RepB suggests that, similar to ring helicases, it encircles one of the DNA strands during replication to confer processivity to the replisome complex. The catalytic domains appear to be highly mobile with respect to ODs. This mobility may account for the adaptation of the protein to two distinct DNA recognition sites.  相似文献   

The key protein in the initiation of Helicobacter pylori chromosome replication, DnaA, has been characterized. The amount of the DnaA protein was estimated to be approximately 3000 molecules per single cell; a large part of the protein was found in the inner membrane. The H.pylori DnaA protein has been analysed using in vitro (gel retardation assay and surface plasmon resonance (SPR)) as well as in silico (comparative computer modeling) studies. DnaA binds a single DnaA box as a monomer, while binding to the fragment containing several DnaA box motifs, the oriC region, leads to the formation of high molecular mass nucleoprotein complexes. In comparison with the Escherichia coli DnaA, the H.pylori DnaA protein exhibits lower DNA-binding specificity; however, it prefers oriC over non-box DNA fragments. As determined by gel retardation techniques, the H.pylori DnaA binds with a moderate level of affinity to its origin of replication (4nM). Comparative computer modelling showed that there are nine residues within the binding domain which are possible determinants of the reduced H.pylori DnaA specificity. Of these, the most interesting is probably the triad PTL; all three residues show significant divergence from the consensus, and Thr398 is the most divergent residue of all.  相似文献   

The fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 (FGFR1) oncogene partner, FOP, is a centrosomal protein that is involved in the anchoring of microtubules (MTS) to subcellular structures. The protein was originally discovered as a fusion partner with FGFR1 in oncoproteins that give rise to stem cell myeloproliferative disorders. A subsequent proteomics screen identified FOP as a component of the centrosome. FOP contains a Lis-homology (LisH) motif found in more than 100 eukaryotic proteins. LisH motifs are believed to be involved in microtubule dynamics and organization, cell migration, and chromosome segregation; several of them are associated with genetic diseases. We report here a 1.6A resolution crystal structure of the N-terminal dimerization domain of FOP. The structure comprises an alpha-helical bundle composed of two antiparallel chains, each of them having five alpha-helices. The central part of the dimer contains the LisH domain. We further determined that the FOP LisH domain is part of a longer N-terminal segment that is required, albeit not sufficient, for dimerization and centrosomal localization of FOP.  相似文献   

The 3C-like proteinase of severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) coronavirus has been proposed to be a key target for structural-based drug design against SARS. Accurate determination of the dimer dissociation constant and the role of the N-finger (residues 1-7) will provide more insights into the enzyme catalytic mechanism of SARS 3CL proteinase. The dimer dissociation constant of the wild-type protein was determined to be 14.0microM by analytical ultracentrifugation method. The N-finger fragment of the enzyme plays an important role in enzyme dimerization as shown in the crystal structure. Key residues in the N-finger have been studied by site-directed mutagenesis, enzyme assay, and analytical ultracentrifugation. A single mutation of M6A was found to be critical to maintain the dimer structure of the enzyme. The N-terminal octapeptide N8 and its mutants were also synthesized and tested for their potency as dimerization inhibitors. Peptide cleavage assay confirms that peptide N8 is a dimerization inhibitor with a K(i) of 2.20mM. The comparison of the inhibitory activities of N8 and its mutants indicates that the hydrophobic interaction of Met-6 and the electrostatic interaction of Arg-4 contribute most for inhibitor binding. This study describes the first example of inhibitors targeting the dimeric interface of SARS 3CL proteinase, providing a novel strategy for drug design against SARS and other coronaviruses.  相似文献   

Prosurfactant protein C (proSP‐C) is a 197‐residue integral membrane protein, in which the C‐terminal domain (CTC, positions 59–197) is localized in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) lumen and contains a Brichos domain (positions 94–197). Mature SP‐C corresponds largely to the transmembrane (TM) region of proSP‐C. CTC binds to SP‐C, provided that it is in nonhelical conformation, and can prevent formation of intracellular amyloid‐like inclusions of proSP‐C that harbor mutations linked to interstitial lung disease (ILD). Herein it is shown that expression of proSP‐C (1–58), that is, the N‐terminal propeptide and the TM region, in HEK293 cells results in virtually no detectable protein, while coexpression of CTC in trans yields SDS‐soluble monomeric proSP‐C (1–58). Recombinant human (rh) CTC binds to cellulose‐bound peptides derived from the nonpolar TM region, but not the polar cytosolic part, of proSP‐C, and requires ≥5‐residues for maximal binding. Binding of rhCTC to a nonhelical peptide derived from SP‐C results in α‐helix formation provided that it contains a long TM segment. Finally, rhCTC and rhCTC Brichos domain shows very similar substrate specificities, but rhCTCL188Q, a mutation linked to ILD is unable to bind all peptides analyzed. These data indicate that the Brichos domain of proSP‐C is a chaperone that induces α‐helix formation of an aggregation‐prone TM region.  相似文献   

In response to accumulation of unfolded proteins in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER), cells activate an intracellular signal transduction pathway called the unfolded protein response (UPR). IRE and PERK are the two type-I ER transmembrane protein kinase receptors that signal the UPR. The N-terminal luminal domains (NLDs) of IRE1 and PERK sense ER stress conditions by a common mechanism and transmit the signal to regulate the cytoplasmic domains of these receptors. To provide an experimental system amenable to detailed biochemical and structural analysis to elucidate the mechanism of ER-transmembrane signaling mechanism mediated by the NLD, we overexpressed the soluble luminal domain of human IRE1alpha in COS-1 cells by transient DNA transfection. Here we report the expression, purification, and characterization of the soluble NLD. The biological function of the NLD was confirmed by its ability to associate with itself and to interact with both the membrane-bound full-length IRE1alpha receptor and the ER chaperone BiP. Functional and spectral studies suggested that the highly conserved N-linked glycosylation site is not required for proper protein folding and self-association. Interestingly, we demonstrated that the NLD forms stable dimers linked by intermolecular disulfide bridges. Our data support that the luminal domain represents a novel ligand-independent dimerization domain.  相似文献   

Sulfurtransferase are enzymes involved in the formation, conversion and transport of compounds containing sulfane-sulfur atoms. Although the three-dimensional structure of the rhodanese from the nitrogen-fixing bacterium Azotobacter vinelandii is known, the role of its two domains in the protein conformational stability is still obscure. We have evaluated the susceptibility to proteolytic degradation of the two domains of the enzyme. The two domains show different resistance to the endoproteinases and, in particular, the N-terminal domain shows to be more stable to digestion during time than the C-terminal one. Cloning and overexpression of the N-terminal domain of the protein was performed to better understand its functional and structural role. The recombinant N-terminal domain of rhodanese A. vinelandii is soluble in water solution and the spectroscopic studies by circular dichroism and heteronuclear NMR spectroscopy indicate a stable fold of the protein with the expected alpha/beta topology. The results indicate that this N-terminal domain has already got all the elements necessary for an C-terminal domain independent folding. Its solution structure by NMR, actually under course, will be a valid contribution to understand the role of this domain in the folding process of the sulfurtransferase.  相似文献   

Tetramerization of the human p53 tumor suppressor protein is required for its biological functions. However, cellular levels of p53 indicate that it exists predominantly in a monomeric state. Since the oligomerization of p53 involves the rate-limiting formation of a primary dimer intermediate, we engineered a covalently linked pair of human p53 tetramerization (p53tet) domains to generate a tandem dimer (p53tetTD) that minimizes the energetic requirements for forming the primary dimer. We demonstrate that p53tetTD self-assembles into an oligomeric structure equivalent to the wild-type p53tet tetramer and exhibits dramatically enhanced oligomeric stability. Specifically, the p53tetTD dimer exhibits an unfolding/dissociation equilibrium constant of 26 fM at 37 degrees C, or a million-fold increase in stability relative to the wild-type p53tet tetramer, and resists subunit exchange with monomeric p53tet. In addition, whereas the wild-type p53tet tetramer undergoes coupled (i.e. two-state) dissociation/unfolding to unfolded monomers, the p53tetTD dimer denatures via an intermediate that is detectable by differential scanning calorimetry but not CD spectroscopy, consistent with a folded p53tetTD monomer that is equivalent to the p53tet primary dimer. Given its oligomeric stability and resistance against hetero-oligomerization, dimerization of p53 constructs incorporating the tetramerization domain may yield functional constructs that may resist exchange with wild-type or mutant forms of p53.  相似文献   

Most known proteins have at least one local Hsp70 chaperone binding site. Does this mean that all proteins interact with Hsp70 as they fold? This study makes an initial step to address the above question by examining the interaction of the E.coli Hsp70 chaperone (known as DnaK) and its co-chaperones DnaJ and GrpE with a slow-folding E.coli substrate, RNase HD. Importantly, this protein is a nonobligatory client, and it is able to fold in vitro even in the absence of chaperones. We employ stopped-flow mixing, chromatography, and activity assays to analyze the kinetic perturbations induced by DnaK/DnaJ/GrpE (K/J/E) on the folding of RNase HD. We find that K/J/E slows down RNase HD''s apparent folding, consistent with the presence of transient chaperone-substrate interactions. However, kinetic retardation is moderate for this slow-folding client and it is expected to be even smaller for faster-folding substrates. Given that the interaction of folding-competent substrates such as RNase HD with the K/J/E chaperones is relatively short-lived, it does not significantly interfere with the timely production of folded biologically active substrate. The above mode of action is important because it preserves K/J/E bioavailability, enabling this chaperone system to act primarily by assisting the folding of other misfolded and (or) aggregation-prone cellular proteins that are unable to fold independently. When refolding is carried out in the presence of K/J and absence of the nucleotide exchange factor GrpE, some of the substrate population becomes trapped as a chaperone-bound partially unfolded state.  相似文献   

Kinetoplast DNA (kDNA), the mitochondrial genome of trypanosomatids, consists of several thousand topologically interlocked DNA circles. Mitochondrial histone H1-like proteins were implicated in the condensation of kDNA into a nucleoid structure in the mitochondrial matrix. However, the mechanism that remodels kDNA, promoting its accessibility to the replication machinery, has not yet been described. Analyses, using yeast two hybrid system, co-immunoprecipitation, and protein-protein cross-linking, revealed specific protein-protein interactions between the kDNA replication initiator protein universal minicircle sequence-binding protein (UMSBP) and two mitochondrial histone H1-like proteins. Fluorescence and electron microscopy, as well as biochemical analyses, demonstrated that these protein-protein interactions result in the decondensation of kDNA. UMSBP-mediated decondensation rendered the kDNA network accessible to topological decatenation by topoisomerase II, yielding free kDNA minicircle monomers. Hence, UMSBP has the potential capacity to function in vivo in the activation of the prereplication release of minicircles from the network, a key step in kDNA replication, which precedes and enables its replication initiation. These observations demonstrate the prereplication remodeling of a condensed mitochondrial DNA, which is mediated via specific interactions of histone-like proteins with a replication initiator, rather than through their posttranslational covalent modifications.  相似文献   

Human high affinity receptor for IgE is a membrane glycoprotein multichain complex presenting two extracellular Ig modules in its alpha-chain (D1D2). The receptor IgE binding region is located within the membrane-proximal module D2, while the N-terminal module D1 appears to promote an optimal receptor conformation for IgE binding. To understand the structural relationship between the two modules, we dissected FcepsilonRI alpha-chain into its discrete Ig units and expressed them in mammalian cells. Unexpectedly, D2 was secreted as a disulphide-linked dimer, while D1 was monomeric. Active secretion and full glycosylation of dimeric D2 suggest a native-like conformation of the protein, justifying the escape from the endoplasmic reticulum/Golgi quality control systems. We then propose a domain-swapping model for D2, in which two interdigitated polypeptide chains assume the overall conformation of two Ig modules, as observed for rat CD2 N-terminal domain. Fusion of an unrelated Ig fold moiety at the N terminus of D2 did not interfere with its dimerisation. While D1D2 assumes a correct fold, co-expression of both isolated domains in the same cell did not restore monomeric folding of D2. Thus, D1 appears to assist the appropriate folding of FcepsilonRI alpha-chain, acting as an uncleavable intramolecular chaperone-like block towards D2.  相似文献   

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