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Few biogeographic studies of dinoflagellate cysts include the near‐shore estuarine environment. We determine the effect of estuary type, biogeography, and water quality on the spatial distribution of organic‐walled dinoflagellate cysts from the Northeast USA (Maine to Delaware) and Canada (Prince Edward Island). A total of 69 surface sediment samples were collected from 27 estuaries, from sites with surface salinities >20. Dinoflagellate cysts were examined microscopically and compared to environmental parameters using multivariate ordination techniques. The spatial distribution of cyst taxa reflects biogeographic provinces established by other marine organisms, with Cape Cod separating the northern Acadian Province from the southern Virginian Province. Species such as Lingulodinium machaerophorum and Polysphaeridinium zoharyi were found almost exclusively in the Virginian Province, while others such as Dubridinium spp. and Islandinium? cezare were more abundant in the Acadian Province. Tidal range, sea surface temperature (SST), and sea surface salinity (SSS) are statistically significant parameters influencing cyst assemblages. Samples from the same type of estuary cluster together in canonical correspondence analysis when the estuaries are within the same biogeographic province. The large geographic extent of this study, encompassing four main estuary types (riverine, lagoon, coastal embayment, and fjord), allowed us to determine that the type of estuary has an important influence on cyst assemblages. Due to greater seasonal variations in SSTs and SSSs in estuaries compared to the open ocean, cyst assemblages show distinct latitudinal trends. The estuarine context is important for understanding present‐day species distribution, the factors controlling them, and to better predict how they may change in the future.  相似文献   

以鄱阳湖-饶河和鄱阳湖-赣江中支两个主要入湖段典型底栖动物(河蚬、圆顶珠蚌、中国圆田螺)为对象,通过组织消解、滤膜过滤分离和显微镜检筛分微塑料(粒径<5mm),分析底栖动物体内微塑料的累积特征。结果表明:三种底栖动物体内均有微塑料淀积且主要淀积于消化道组织中,不同物种淀积丰度表现为河蚬>中国圆田螺>圆顶珠蚌;淀积的微塑料类型包括颗粒类、碎片类、薄膜类和纤维类,其中以纤维类为主;微塑料颜色主要有透明、蓝、红、紫;粒径以<1 mm的丰度最高,且随粒径增大丰度呈递减的趋势;空间尺度上,饶河入湖段底栖动物体内微塑料丰度高于赣江中支入湖段。本研究表明,鄱阳湖微塑料污染已造成底栖动物体内微塑料的累积,湖水产品的食用需要谨慎,但与国内外其他研究相比,本次研究区域的底栖动物处于中等微塑料污染。  相似文献   

The distribution and abundance of benthic algae and macroinvertebrates were examined along a natural thermal gradient formed by hot springs in Little Geysers Creek, Sonoma Co., California, USA. Maximum water temperatures ranged from 52 °C at the uppermost station to 23 °C at a station 400 m downstream. Benthic chlorophyll a decreased exponentially from 2.5 g m–2 at 52 °C to less than 0.1 g m–2 at 23 °C, a pattern of decline also exhibited by algal phaeophytin. Blue-green algae dominated at higher temperatures but were replaced by filamentous green algae and diatoms at lower temperatures.Macroinvertebrates were absent at temperatures 45 °C; the highest density (> 150 000 m–2, mainly Chironomidae) occurred at 34 °C, whereas biomass was highest (4.6 g m–2, as dry weight) at 23 °C and species richness (15 species) was highest at 27 °C. The two predominant macroinvertebrate populations (the midge Tanytarsus sp. and the caddisfly Helicopsyche borealis) occurred at sites that were several degrees below their lethal thermal threshold, suggesting that a temperature buffer is maintained.  相似文献   

Aim Cross‐system comparisons of species richness of benthic macrofauna and environmental factors were made of estuaries and adjacent sea areas in order to reveal possible regulating factors of estuarine biodiversity. Location Denmark. Methods Annual species abundance and biomass data from four years, from unvegetated soft sea/estuary floors were used from 26 grids, of which 15 were situated in estuaries. Bottom water data for oxygen concentration, salinity, and temperature were obtained from stations in or close to, the grids. Data on nutrient loading, water residence time and morphology were obtained for whole estuaries. Species richness from the grids, standardized to the same sample size, were related to environmental variables using linear regression. Results Species richness was unrelated to oxygen deficiency and productivity, but positively related to salinity. However, an equally high degree of explanation (R2 ~ 0.70) was obtained using a model where richness was positively related to saltwater flux, which was computed from estuary volume and residence time and corrected for freshwater flux. The relationship was present for the dominating groups with pelagic dispersal, Annelida and Mollusca, but not for Crustacea, where recruitment is mainly by benthic pathways. Saltwater flux was strongly positively correlated with salinity, illustrating the high importance of flux from adjacent sea areas for water renewal in Danish estuaries. Similarity of species composition was greater for sites within than between saltwater current pathways, and the increases of richness with saltwater flux and salinity in the estuaries was largely due to marine species occurring in the open sea areas. Conclusion Danish estuaries are largely open systems where a part of estuarine species richness is sustained by dispersal from a species pool in adjacent seas. Results are consistent with the barrier prediction of island biogeography theory, but not the island size prediction.  相似文献   

In this meio-faunistic survey along the northern coast of the Gulf of Mexico, gastrotrichs were found in sand collected mostly from beaches on barrier islands. Sediment from Florida and Alabama contained the largest species number. South Texas collecting sites also hosted a very diverse gastrotrich fauna. Paucitubulate Chaetonotida, previously unreported from the area, accounted for about one half of the 45 species encountered. After comparing local specimens also with high resolution videosequences of individuals collected from distant geographic regions, the amphi-Atlantic and/or cosmopolitan distribution of 27 of these species, is confirmed.  相似文献   

Field experiments investigated the possible active entry of stream benthos into the water column. Over a 1-year period, sediment baskets were suspended for 24 hours in a stream pool so that only swimming or floating organisms, essentially unaided by current, could colonize them. A variety of benthos, including taxa characteristic of riffles, colonized the baskets, with colonization highest in late summer and negligible in winter.A modified drift net towed through the pool was used to quantitatively sample benthic animals actually in the water column. Nighttime tows captured a diverse, abundant fauna and indicated densities substantially higher than invertebrate drift densities reported in the literature. Daytime tows yielded little. Estimated percentages of the benthos in the water column at a given time were generally < 1.0%.These findings suggest that not all invertebrate drift is the result of passive mechanical removal from the substrate by current.  相似文献   

The distribution of macroinvertebrates and fishes in Tasmanian estuaries   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The distributions of 390 taxa of benthic macroinvertebrates collected in forty-eight estuaries and 101 fish species collected in seventy-five Tasmanian estuaries were related to geographical and environmental variables. Distribution patterns for the two taxonomic groups were largely congruent at both between and within-estuary scales. Faunal composition and the number of species collected at a site were primarily related to site salinity, the biomass of seagrass and tidal range. At the broader estuary scale, the distributions of macroinvertebrate and fish assemblages were primarily correlated with the presence of an entrance bar. Species richness varied with geographical location for both macrofauna and fishes, with highest numbers of species occurring in the Furneaux Group, north-eastern Tasmania and south-eastern Tasmania. These patterns primarily reflected differences in estuary type between regions rather than concentrations of locally endemic species. Although the majority of species collected during the study were marine vagrants, they constituted a very low proportion of total animal densities within estuaries. Only four species considered exotic to Tasmania were identifed. Nearly all species recorded from Tasmanian estuaries occurred widely within the state and have also been recorded in south-eastern Australia. Only 1% of estuarine fish species and < 5% of invertebrate species were considered endemic to the state. The generally wide ranges of species around Tasmania were complicated by (i) the absence of most species from the west coast (ii) a small (< 10%) component of species that occurred only in the north-east and Furneaux Group (eastern Bass Strait), and (iii) a few species (< 5%) restricted to other regions. The low number of species recorded from estuaries along the western Tasmanian coast reflected extremely low faunal biomass in that area. This depression in biomass on the west coast was attributed to unusually low concentrations of dissolved nutrients in rivers and dark tannin-stained waters which greatly restricted algal photosynthesis and primary production.  相似文献   

A total of 76 taxa of benthic macroinvertebrates as collected from Ham's Lake, Oklahoma, during 1974 and 1975. The composition and density of the benthic assemblage was similar to that of other Oklahoma reservoirs. The number of species and density of macroinvertebrates decreased from March to the end of July, 1975 Species diversity and biomass did not change significantly with time. Number of species and species diversity decreased with depth on all sampling periods. The most pronounced changes occurred between 4 and 5 m during periods of thermal stratification and hypolimnion anoxia. Artificial destratification removed the thermocline from Ham's Lake within 2 wk. More gradually, the deep waters were reoxygenated. Destratification did not substantially alter the depth distribution of benthic macroinvertebrates until oxygen level of the deep water was increased. Research supported with funds from the Oklahoma Water Resources Research Institute and the Bureau of Reclamation.  相似文献   

环境因子对河流底栖无脊椎动物群落结构的影响   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
任海庆  袁兴中  刘红  张跃伟  周上博 《生态学报》2015,35(10):3148-3156
底栖无脊椎动物是河流生态系统的重要组成部分,在物质循环和能量流动中是不可或缺的重要环节。其群落结构特点与河流环境因子密切相关,能较好地反映河流生态系统健康状况。综述了物理因子(底质、温度、水深、水流、洪水干扰等)、化学因子(溶氧量、p H值、磷、氮等)、生物因子(水生植物、竞争和捕食)、人为干扰(电站建设、城镇化等)和综合因子对河流底栖无脊椎动物群落结构的影响,并根据国内外研究现状指出水流、海拔和洪水干扰等环境因子对河流底栖无脊椎动物群落结构影响的研究较少或不足,对这些环境因子的研究应是今后河流生态学领域需要着力推进重要内容。深入研究和完善环境因子与底栖无脊椎动物群落结构的关系可为保护底栖无脊椎动物群落、流域水生态系统管理和受损河流生态系统修复提供更为全面的科学依据。  相似文献   

大沽夹河底栖大型无脊椎动物耐受值估算   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
耐受值表现为水生生物在一定水平的干扰作用下生存和繁殖的相对能力,在生物学评价中起着不可或缺的重要作用。通过查阅文献资料、野外采样和实验室分析与鉴定,获得大沽夹河23个采样点1998~2007年环境要素数据和2006~2007年底栖大型无脊椎动物数据。应用等标指数法和算术平均法计算环境梯度值,利用加权加和法估算底栖大型无脊椎动物的耐受值,建立底栖大型无脊椎动物44个分类单元的耐受值谱。研究表明:(1)根据环境要素值和底栖大型无脊椎动物数据、采用数学方法估算底栖大型无脊椎动物耐受值,比专家经验或以生物多样性划分环境梯度等方法,更加客观;(2)耐受值谱表明,大沽夹河底栖大型无脊椎动物以敏感性和耐受性类型为主,过渡性类型较少。(3)与前人研究成果对比,耐受值在目、科分类单元比较一致,在属、种分类单元存在差异;(4)限于条件,底栖大型无脊椎动物分类鉴定有些粗略,环境梯度计算未包含底质、水文要素,需进一步改进。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the colonization and succession of benthic macroinvertebrates in shallow areas (<7 m) of Lake Anna, a new mainstream impoundment in the southeastern U.S.A. Benthic macroinvertebrates were sampled for the first three years after filling by means of artificial substrates placed on the bottom and retrieved with SCUBA. Lake Anna was well colonized by benthic macroinvertebrates during the summer season immediately after impoundment. The total density of organisms increased in each of the first three years. Major changes in the fauna occurred between the first and second years, but the changes between the second and third years were more subtle. The fauna could be divided into two distinct groups based upon the time when the organisms were most consistently abundant. The first colonizers appeared to be dependent upon the components of the former terrestrial ecosystem for food and habitat. As autochthonous factors began to regulate succession, diversity increased and the dominant species shifted to an assemblage of second colonizers. These factors included: (1) decomposition of terrestrial vegetation and detritus leaving bare substrate, (2) sedimentation, (3) improved food quality of the organic matter in the sediment because of ingestion and egestion by the organisms themselves, (4) increased plankton populations, and (5) appearance of macrophytes. As the second colonizers became firmly established in the third year, distinct patterns of spatial distribution began to appear among species with similar niches.  相似文献   

贺湛斐  童春富 《生态学报》2023,43(11):4619-4631
太浦河连接东太湖和黄浦江,是东太湖向下游行洪的主河道,也是黄浦江上游重要的引水水源。分别于2017年10月、12月和2018年3月、6月在太浦河沿程设置的5个站点开展了大型底栖动物季节频次的取样调研,分析了太浦河大型底栖动物群落的结构特征及其主要影响因子。调查期间共采集到大型底栖动物25种,隶属于3门6纲14科,其中以河蚬(Corbicula fluminea)为代表的双壳类和以铜锈环棱螺(Bellamya aeruginosa)为代表的腹足类处优势地位。太浦河大型底栖动物群落的密度、生物量及多样性特征在不同站点间均存在显著差异(P<0.05);而在不同季节间均不存在显著差异(P>0.05)。聚类排序分析表明,太浦河大型底栖动物群落在空间上的差异较季节间的变化更为明显。太浦河大型底栖动物群落的物种组成特征与太浦河、东太湖的水文连通格局密切相关;而沿程不同程度人为干扰下的水体营养水平以及底质类型与生境异质性等生境条件对太浦河大型底栖动物群落的分布特征具有重要影响,其综合作用机理有待进一步研究。  相似文献   

Changes in species composition and diversity of benthic macroinvertebrates during summer and fall were compared in an area of a lake artificially destratified and in an arm not destratified. Numbers of species, diversity, and density were significantly correlated with the concentration of dissolved oxygen, while none of the biotic variables were correlated with temperature.Research supported with funds from the Oklahoma Water Resources Research Institute  相似文献   

A comparative analysis of fish estuary association guilds was undertaken on some 190 South African estuaries. This pioneering study spanned three zoogeographic regions and included three broad estuarine types. The guild compositions of the estuaries were compared based on an importance value, incorporating taxonomic composition, numerical abundance and relative biomass. Multivariate analyses included both inter‐regional (zoogeographic) and intra‐regional (estuarine typology) comparisons. The major estuary‐associated guilds (estuarine species and marine migrant species) were important in all estuary types within all biogeographic regions. Significant differences both between regions and between estuary types within regions, however, were recorded. Cool–temperate estuaries were generally dominated by migratory species (estuarine migrants and marine migrant opportunists) while the importance of species dependent on estuaries (estuarine residents and estuarine‐dependent marine migrants) was higher in warm–temperate and subtropical regions. The significance of estuarine nursery areas, particularly in regions where estuaries are few in number, is highlighted. In terms of typology, migratory species assumed a greater importance in predominantly open systems, while freshwater and estuarine‐resident species were more important in predominantly closed systems. Predominantly closed estuaries, however, were also important for marine migrant species, which further highlights the significance of these systems as nursery areas for fishes.  相似文献   

Whistle characteristics were quantitatively compared between both geographically separated and neighboring populations of Atlantic spotted dolphins (Stenella frontalis), bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus), and pilot whales (Globicephala spp.) in U.S. waters to evaluate if intraspecific acoustic differences exist between groups. We compared nine whistle characteristics between continental shelf and offshore Atlantic spotted dolphins in the western North Atlantic and between northern Gulf of Mexico and western North Atlantic bottlenose dolphins and pilot whales using discriminant analysis. Offshore Atlantic spotted dolphin whistles were significantly different (Hotelling's T2, P= 0.0003) from continental shelf whistles in high frequency, bandwidth, duration, number of steps, and number of inflection points. Atlantic bottlenose dolphin whistles were significantly different (Hotelling's T2, P < 0.0001) from those in the Gulf of Mexico in duration, number of steps, and number of inflection points. There was no significant difference between pilot whale whistles in the two basins. The whistle differences indicate acoustic divergence between groups in different areas that may arise from geographic isolation or habitat separation between neighboring but genetically distinct populations of dolphins. This study supports the premise that acoustic differences can be a tool to evaluate the ecological separation between marine mammal groups in field studies.  相似文献   

1. We studied the spatial organisation of littoral, benthic invertebrate communities in two large oligotrophic lakes with very extensive heterogeneous littoral zones, and report that littoral communities show significant variation in their structure at multiple spatial scales. 2. At coarser scales, littoral zone topography, riparian inputs and exposure may be important drivers of community spatial structure. At finer scales, the composition of substrates, particularly macrophytes and inorganic sediments, may be drivers of community spatial structure. 3. The effects of substrates on community spatial patterns were non‐additive across scales; community‐habitat correspondence became very noisy when we attempted to extrapolate results throughout the littoral. We present some evidence to suggest that this non‐additivity is because of the interaction among structuring processes that operate at different scales.  相似文献   

生物多样性的形成和维持机制是生态学研究的核心问题,其中环境和空间因子在群落构建中的相对重要性是生态学家面临的重要挑战。为探究黄河口湿地底栖动物群落的关键影响因子,及环境和空间因子对底栖动物群落结构的相对调控作用。于2017年10月与2018年5月对黄河口湿地32个样点(淡水恢复湿地19个和自然湿地13个)的底栖动物和水体理化指标进行采集分析。非度量多维标度排序(NMDS)结果显示,黄河口淡水恢复湿地和自然湿地的底栖动物群落结构显著不同。典范对应分析(CCA)表明,影响淡水恢复湿地底栖动物群落结构的环境因子主要为电导率、盐度和氧化还原电位;而自然湿地底栖动物群落结构主要受pH和无机碳的影响;盐度是两类湿地底栖动物群落组成差异的关键因子。变差分解(VPA)结果显示,环境过滤对淡水恢复湿地底栖动物群落起主导作用;在自然湿地中,空间因子对底栖动物群落具有主要的调控作用,同时环境和空间因子的相互作用也至关重要。本研究明确了黄河口的自然和恢复湿地中环境和空间因素对底栖动物群落特征的相对作用,对黄河三角洲河口湿地中生物多样性的保护和生态系统管理提供参考。  相似文献   

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