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The composition and dynamics of phytoplankton populations were examined in Old Woman Creek estuary, Lake Erie (USA). The centric bacillariophytes,Cyclotella atomus Hust.,Cyclotella meneghiniana Kütz., andAulacoseira alpigena (Grun.) Krammer, and the cryptophytes,Cryptomonas erosa Ehren. andRhodomonas minuta var. nannoplanctonica Skuja, dominated the phytoplankton most of the year. Chlorophytes, euglenophytes, and cyanophytes were observed less frequently. Estuarine and Lake Erie phytoplankton were considered distinct populations; lake taxa were largely confined to the estuary mouth and present only in low biomass. Maxima and minima of estuarine phytoplankton coincided with meteorological and hydrological forcing in the form of rainfall and subsequent storm-water inflows, respectively. Distinct population dynamics between the upper and lower estuary following storm events were attributed to the presence/absence of refugia serving as a source for repopulation by opportunistic taxa, fluctuating light conditions in the water column resulting from influx of particulate matter and resuspension of bottom sediments, and nutrient inputs associated with surface runoff and sub-surface interflow. Additionally, agricultural herbicides introduced by storm-water inflows potentially may affect and/or control the growth and physiological responses of individual taxa.  相似文献   

Phytoplankton abundance and composition and the cyanotoxin, microcystin, were examined relative to environmental parameters in western Lake Erie during late-summer (2003–2005). Spatially explicit distributions of phytoplankton occurred on an annual basis, with the greatest chlorophyll (Chl) a concentrations occurring in waters impacted by Maumee River inflows and in Sandusky Bay. Chlorophytes, bacillariophytes, and cyanobacteria contributed the majority of phylogenetic-group Chl a basin-wide in 2003, 2004, and 2005, respectively. Water clarity, pH, and specific conductance delineated patterns of group Chl a, signifying that water mass movements and mixing were primary determinants of phytoplankton accumulations and distributions. Water temperature, irradiance, and phosphorus availability delineated patterns of cyanobacterial biovolumes, suggesting that biotic processes (most likely, resource-based competition) controlled cyanobacterial abundance and composition. Intracellular microcystin concentrations corresponded to Microcystis abundance and environmental parameters indicative of conditions coincident with biomass accumulations. It appears that environmental parameters regulate microcystin indirectly, via control of cyanobacterial abundance and distribution.  相似文献   

Aquatic oligochaetes are an important component of the benthos in many freshwater habitats. Yet, virtually nothing is known about the population genetics of this group. Electrophoretic surveys of allozymic variation of selected members of the Family Tubificidae were conducted at six locations in the Laurentian Great Lakes of North America. Branchiura sowerbyi was the dominant member of the oligochaete fauna at two sites, and was found to be monomorphic at all enzyme loci that were examined. In contrast, members of the genus Limnodrilus, which included L. cervix, L. claparedianus, L. hoffmeisteri, L. maumeensis, and L. udekemianus showed considerable allozymic variation at several enzyme loci. L. udekemianus exhibited tri- and tetra-allelic heterozygous electromorph banding patterns at the monomeric Pgm locus, along with unbalanced heterozygous patterns at both Pgm and the dimeric Pgi locus.Genetic distance analyses suggest that L. cervix, L. claparedianus, and L. maumeensis are closely-related (genetic identifies ranged from 0.92–0.85), and may represent subspecies rather than distinct species. Breeding studies need to confirm this assertion. This survey represents the first attempt to characterize allozymic variation of aquatic oligochaetes in North America. Additional work should focus on elucidating taxonomic ambiguities within this group via both morphological and biochemical genetic studies.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to develop a real‐time PCR assay to specifically identify lake whitefish Coregonus clupeaformis in larval fish assemblages based on a 122 bp amplicon from the mitochondrial genome. The efficiency of the reaction, as calculated from the standard curve, was 90·77% with the standard curve having an r2 value of 0·998. Specificity of the assay provided single melt peak in a melt‐curve analysis and amplification of only the target species. The assay successfully identified target DNA in as low as 0·1% proportion of a DNA mixture. This assay was designed on the portable Smart Cycler II platform and can be used in both field and laboratory settings to successfully identify C. clupeaformis.  相似文献   

Historically management of human use of ecosystems has been based around engineering and chemical approaches and through the construction of treatment facilities, effluent controls and setting chemical concentrations, both at end of pipe and in the aquatic environment. However, the general continued degradation of many ecosystems shows these approaches alone are insufficient. In the Laurentian Great Lakes the Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement was first signed in 1972 and ratified in 1978 and in 1987 tacitly acknowledged the problems with a chemical only approach by requiring the development of ecosystem objectives in the 1978 agreement. Furthermore, the agreement specifically identified numerical ecosystem objectives in the 1987 agreement. The evolution of ecosystem objectives in the Great Lakes has expanded from the strictly numerical objectives such as production of lake trout and abundance of the amphipod Pontoporeia hoyi. More recent developments in ecosystem objectives have been the inclusion of indicators for wildlife, habitat, human health and stewardship.Prepared as a discussion paper presented to the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe's seminar on an Ecosystems Approach to Water Management (May 27–31, 1991).  相似文献   

Lake sturgeon (Acipenser fulvescens) have experienced significant habitat loss, resulting in reduced population sizes. Three artificial reefs were built in the Huron‐Erie corridor in the Great Lakes to replace lost spawning habitat. Genetic data were collected to determine the source and numbers of adult lake sturgeon spawning on the reefs and to determine if the founder effect resulted in reduced genetic diversity. DNA was extracted from larval tail clips and 12 microsatellite loci were amplified. Larval genotypes were then compared to 22 previously studied spawning lake sturgeon populations in the Great Lakes to determine the source of the parental population. The effective number of breeders (Nb) was calculated for each reef cohort. The larval genotypes were then compared to the source population to determine if there were any losses in genetic diversity that are indicative of the founder effect. The St. Clair and Detroit River adult populations were found to be the source parental population for the larvae collected on all three artificial reefs. There were large numbers of contributing adults relative to the number of sampled larvae. There was no significant difference between levels of genetic diversity in the source population and larval samples from the artificial reefs; however, there is some evidence for a genetic bottleneck in the reef populations likely due to the founder effect. Habitat restoration in the Huron‐Erie corridor is likely resulting in increased habitat for the large lake sturgeon population in the system and in maintenance of the population's genetic diversity.  相似文献   

Dietary fish must be assessed for benefits and risks to formulate risk management strategies. This article demonstrates that Laurentian Great Lakes (GL) freshwater species are good sources of omega-3 fatty acids using new data from a small sample (n = 7) of Lake Superior siscowet lake trout (Salvelinus namaycush siscowet) and five other GL fish species’ data. For Lake Superior (LS) siscowets, the saturates, mono-unsaturates, and poly-unsaturates composed 20.1, 40.7, and 39.1% of total lipid weight, respectively. Omega-3 poly-unsaturates (PUFAs) in these fish were more than twice the omega-6 (omega 3/6 ratio = 2.4). The LS lake trout data were combined with earlier LS data collected during the 1980s for eight other species and from five species of Lake Erie fish. All the GL freshwater species were compared with seven other published marine and freshwater fish studies from other global regions. PUFAs were compared based on latitude and marine versus freshwater origin. Differences between marine and freshwater species in omega-3 fatty acid were less at higher latitudes. GL freshwater fish species can be a good source of beneficial fats like marine fish and must be accounted in effective risk communications involving persistent bioaccumulative toxicants in dietary fish.  相似文献   

Bacterioplankton growth in temperate Lake Zurich (Switzerland) was studied during the spring phytoplankton bloom by in situ techniques and short-term dilution bioassays. A peak of chlorophyll a (Chl a ) concentrations was followed by a rise of bacterial cell numbers and leucine assimilation rates, of the proportions of cells incorporating 5-bromo-2-deoxyuridine (BrdU), and of community net growth rates in dilution cultures. Incorporation of BrdU was low in Betaproteobacteria (2 ± 1%), indicating that these bacteria did not incorporate the tracer. Pronounced growth of Betaproteobacteria in the enrichments was only observed after the decline of the phytoplankton bloom. An initial peak in the proportions of BrdU-positive Actinobacteria (30%) preceded a distinct rise of their cell numbers during the period of the Chl a maximum. Cytophaga–Flavobacteria (CF) changed little in numbers, but featured high proportions of BrdU-positive cells (28 ± 12%). Moreover, CF represented > 90% of all newly formed cells in dilution cultures before and during the phytoplankton bloom. One phylogenetic lineage of cultivable Flavobacteria (FLAV2) represented a small (0.5–1%) but highly active population in lake plankton. The growth rates of FLAV2 in dilution cultures doubled during the period of the Chl a maximum, indicating stimulation by phytoplankton exudates. Thus, CF, and specifically Flavobacteria , appeared to be substantially more important for carbon transfer in Lake Zurich spring bacterioplankton than was suggested by their standing stocks. The high in situ growth potential of these bacteria might have been counterbalanced by top-down control.  相似文献   

Although dietary concerns of Laurentian Great Lakes (GL) fish focus on the risk from persistent bioaccumulative toxicant (PBT) contaminants, fish are also an important source of nutrients beneficial to human health such as polyunsaturated fatty acids (e.g., eicosapentanoic acid and docosahexanoic acid). This study presents PBT trend data from the GL tribal fisheries over the past 20 years. PBT contaminants (282 analytes) from fillet portions of lake trout and whitefish were analyzed for trending patterns from 1992 to 2011 and are reported on five of the ATSDR/USEPA Great Lakes biomonitoring legacy contaminants (Hg, ΣDDE, ΣDDT, HCB, mirex, and ΣPCBs), two of the optional biomonitoring PBTs (toxaphene and Σdioxins/furans) and PCB 153 as a specific congener marker. Similar to other recent reports our data indicate that most PBT contaminant concentrations in the GL biota have decreased, which may indicate progress in reducing environmental emissions. Our research confirms that all contaminants demonstrate significant declines except Hg and toxaphene. Both of those remained constant after correcting for known independent factors of age, lipid, and size. These results are potentially encouraging and may provide useful data for the long distance and perhaps global influences of PBTs on the safety of fish consumption.  相似文献   

Filtration of ballast water was investigated as a means of minimizing the introduction of nonindigenous zooplankton and phytoplankton by ships visiting the North American Great Lakes-St. Lawrence Seaway system (GLSLSS). An automatic backwash screen filtration (ABSF) system with nominal filtration options of 25, 50 or 100 μm was mounted on the deck of an operating Seaway-sized dry bulk carrier, the MV Algonorth. Water was pumped through the ABSF with a deck mounted pump at 341 m3 hr−1 during routine ship operations in the GLSLSS, and effectiveness of the various screen pore sizes at removing taxonomic categories of zooplankton and phytoplankton was measured using matched treatment and control ballast tanks. The smallest pore sizes (25 and 50 μm) performed better than the 100 μm pore size at removing biological material. There was no difference in the filtration efficiency of the 25 and 50 μm screens relative to macro- or microzooplankton in these tests, but this result was probably due to low densities of macrozooplankton, and soft-bodied (aloricate) characteristics of the microzooplankton present. The 25 and 50 μm pore sizes were subjected to more controlled tests on board a stationary barge platform equipped with triplicate 700 L catchment bins moored in Duluth Harbor of Lake Superior. In these tests, filter pore size, organism size and rigidity influenced zooplankton removal efficiency by the ABSF. The 25 μm screen reduced both macrozooplankton and microzooplankton significantly more than the 50 μm screen. Zooplankton width was more determinative of filtration performance than length, and both filters removed loricate species of rotifers significantly more efficiently than aloricate species of the same length and width size classes. The 25 and 50 μm ABSF also significantly reduced algal densities, with the exception of colonial and filamentous green algae (50 μm only). Filter efficiency relative to algal particles was influenced by filter pore size, organism morphology and structure, and intake density, while algal particle size was not determinative. This research provides compelling evidence that 25 or 50 μm filtration is a potentially powerful means of reducing densities of organisms discharged by ships operating in the Great Lakes but an additional treatment step would be necessary to effectively minimize risk and meet the International Maritime Organization's discharge standards associated with organisms of all sizes in the water column.  相似文献   

The Laurentian Great Lakes are a vast, interconnected freshwater system spanning strong physicochemical gradients, thus constituting a powerful natural laboratory for addressing fundamental questions about microbial ecology and evolution. We present a comparative analysis of pelagic microbial communities across all five Laurentian Great Lakes, focusing on Bacterial and Archaeal picoplankton characterized via 16S rRNA amplicon sequencing. We collected samples throughout the water column from the major basins of each lake in spring and summer over 2 years. Two oligotypes, classified as LD12 (Alphaproteobacteria) and acI-B1 (Actinobacteria), were among the most abundant in every sample. At the same time, microbial communities showed distinct patterns with depth during summer stratification. Deep hypolimnion samples were frequently dominated by a Chloroflexi oligotype that reached up to 19% relative abundance. Stratified surface communities differed between the colder, less productive upper lakes (Superior, Michigan, Huron) and warmer, more productive lower lakes (Erie, Ontario), in part due to an Actinobacteria oligotype (acI-C2) that averaged 7.7% of sequences in the lower lakes but <0.2% in the upper lakes. Together, our findings suggest that both hydrologic connectivity and local selective pressures shape microbial communities in the Great Lakes and establish a framework for future investigations.  相似文献   

During the spring of 1994, we determined the factors responsiblefor the decline of the seasonal diatom bloom in the Gullmarfjord, on the west coast of Sweden. Four species constituted>75% of the biomass—Detonula confervacea, Chaetocerosdiadema, Skeletonema costatum and Thalassiosira nordenskioeldii—reachingconcentrations of 4900, 350, 8200 and 270 cells ml–1,respectively. Growth of phytoplankton was exponential (growthrate = 0.12 day–1) from 3 to 21 March, after which a galewith winds >15 m s–1 caused massive aggregation. Amaximum of 130 p.p.m. (v/v) of marine snow aggregates was observedby in situ video at the peak of the bloom. Critical concentrations(Jackson, Deep-Sea Res., 37, 1197–1211, 1990) were similarto observed showing that coagulation theory could explain thesudden decline of the bloom. The heterotrophic dinoflagellateGyrodinium cf. spirale increased exponentially after the peakof the bloom with maximum (temperature-adjusted) growth rates.After the rapid aggregation and sedimentation of the bloom,they were able to control any further growth of diatoms. Nitrateand silicate were never depleted, but phosphate may have beenlimiting by the end of the study period. We conclude that massaggregation during a gale marked the end of the bloom, and thatintense grazing by heterotrophic dinoflagellates prevented anysubsequent increase of diatoms.  相似文献   

The phytoplankton and productivity of the North American Great Lakes has been studied extensively by Fisheries and Oceans Canada during the past 15 years to monitor the impact of nutrient and contaminant loading on the plankton of the ecosystem. Lakewide cruises were conducted at monthly intervals mainly during the spring to fall period. This provided extensive biomass, species, size, productivity and nutrient concentration data for the Great Lakes. These data were collected using the Utermöhl inverted microscope technique together with standardized taxonomic, productivity and data-handling procedures. These standardized methodologies were applied to all the Great Lakes which resulted in a comprehensive phycological and ecological data base for the first time. These data form the basis for the evaluation of the complex phenomenon of seasonality.The eutrophic/mesotrophic Lower Great Lakes exhibited well-developed seasonal peaks of high biomass, with inshore-offshore differentiation and spring maxima most pronounced in the inshore region. However, the oligotrophic Upper Great Lakes had low biomass and generally lacked well-developed seasonal patterns. No marked seasonal trends were observed in the ultra-oligotrophic Lake Superior. The seasonality of biomass and various taxonomic groups of phytoplankton showed differentiation between individual lakes and is discussed in detail. The seasonal succession of species provided interesting comparisons between the Lower Great Lakes, which harbour eutrophic and mesotrophic species, and the Upper Great Lakes, which harbour oligotrophic species.Due to the voluminous nature of our data, a general overview has been given for all the Great Lakes with Lake Ontario treated in detail as a case study. The Lake Ontario case study provides the state-of-the-art status ranging from the lakewide surveys of 1970 to the current research with minute organisms such as ultraplankton and picoplankton.  相似文献   

A detailed characterization is presented of the spring diatom bloom which occurred in the enclosed experimental ecosystem bags at Loch Ewe, Scotland, during March–April 1983. The nutrient condition and bacterial biomass of the water column, phytoplankton species distribution, gross biochemical composition and detailed lipid composition (lipid class, fatty acid and free sterol) of the phytoplankton are reported throughout the bloom period. The results are compared with results from previous years. The conclusions are that major changes take place in the biochemical composition of a rapidly growing diatom population which affect both the gross composition and also the more detailed lipid composition. Such changes can take place over a matter of days and appear to be very dependent upon available growth conditions. Both carbohydrate and lipids levels increase towards the end of the bloom as nitrate and silicate levels are depleted in the water. Neutral lipids are shown to be important lipid components of the phytoplankton populations and long-chain ω3 polyunsaturated fatty acids are found to be only minor components of the structural polar lipids. The fatty acid and sterol data are discussed in relation to present knowledge concerning phytoplankton lipid composition.  相似文献   

Zooplankton of the Laurentian Great Lakes developed hernial protrusions whose gross appearance matches those on zooplankton described elsewhere in the world. We have carried out a histologic and cytologic analysis of the protrusions and found that they are composed of apparently degenerating or necrotic tissue(s) that has been expressed from the organism through the process of herniation. At their base the protrusions are continuous with viable tissue(s) within the organism through a fissure in the exoskeleton. Our observations lead us to suspect that these hernial protrusions are lethal. The development of such protrusions in zooplankton may be a worldwide phenomenon, but the cause of the herniation remains a mystery.  相似文献   

Indoor mesocosms were used to study the combined effect of warming and of different densities of overwintering mesozooplankton (mainly copepods) on the spring development of phytoplankton in shallow, coastal waters. Similar to previous studies, warming accelerated the spring phytoplankton peak by ca. 1 day °C?1 whereas zooplankton did not significantly influence timing. Phytoplankton biomass during the experimental period decreased with warming and with higher densities of overwintering zooplankton. Similarly, average cell size and average effective particle size (here: colony size) decreased both with zooplankton density and warming. A decrease in phytoplankton particle size is generally considered at typical footprint of copepod grazing. We conclude that warming induced changes in the magnitude and structure of the phytoplankton spring bloom cannot be understood without considering grazing by overwintering zooplankton.  相似文献   

The spring phytoplankton composition has been investigated ata 50 m deep station off Plymouth in the English Channel for6 years (1993–1999). The percentage of diatoms duringthe spring bloom was significantly correlated with the NorthAtlantic Oscillation index. A similar relationship between phytoplanktonand North Atlantic Oscillation has also been found in a Swedishlake, suggesting a possible link between atmospheric forcingand phytoplankton composition.  相似文献   

Analysis of aquatic ecosystem data collected from large water bodies must consider spatial variations. A suite of pelagic survey stations exists for the Laurentian Great Lakes, but little is known about their redundancy. We present a strategy to delineate the lakes into zones based on water quality and phytoplankton biovolume. Water samples were collected from 72 sites in two seasons (spring and summer) from 2007 to 2010 in all five lakes. Integrated samples were analyzed for phytoplankton biovolume and nine water quality parameters. We conducted cluster analysis, principal components analysis and non-metric multidimensional scaling methods for water quality and phytoplankton taxon-specific biovolume for the Great Lakes basin and for each lake separately. There were significant lake-to-lake differences, and based on lake-specific analyses, Lake Superior, Lake Michigan and Lake Erie were each divided into three zones; Lake Huron and Lake Ontario were each grouped into two zones. The zones identified by water quality and phytoplankton provide an understanding of spatial distributions for evaluating monitoring data.  相似文献   

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