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Are the genera of Nematomorpha monophyletic taxa?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Twenty-two genera of horsehair worms (Nematomorpha) have been described to date, one (Nectonema) from the marine environment and the remaining ones (taxon Gordiida) from freshwater. The aim of this investigation was to test whether the genera represent monophyletic taxa or are likely to be paraphyletic assemblages. The recognition and delimitation of monophyletic taxa are prerequisites for further systematic analyses. From the 15 nematomorph genera containing more than one species, autapomorphies can be found for five genera (Chordodes, Nectonema, Beatogordius, Acutogordius, Noteochordodes). In three further genera (Paragordius, Parachordodes, Gordionus), the evaluation of characters as autapomorphies is likely, but relies on further investigations. For seven genera ('Gordius', 'Paragordionus', 'Euchordodes', 'Neochordodes', 'Pseudochordodes', 'Spinochordodes', 'Digordius'), no autapomorphy could be found. Five genera ('Digordius', Lanochordodes, Progordius, Pantachordodes, Pseudogordius) are likely to be synonymous with other genera, and one genus ( Chordodiolus ) has been synonymized with Beatogordius recently. The importance of high quality documentation of characters in investigations of nematomorph species is stressed.  相似文献   

Previous studies of the phylogeny of land plants based on analysis of 18S ribosomal DNA (rDNA) sequences have generally found weak support for the relationships recovered and at least some obviously spurious relationships, resulting in equivocal inferences of land plant phylogeny. We hypothesized that greater sampling of both characters and taxa would improve inferences of land plant phylogeny based on 18S rDNA sequences. We therefore conducted a phylogenetic analysis of complete (or nearly complete) 18S rDNA sequences for 93 species of land plants and 7 green algal relatives. Parsimony analyses with equal weighting of characters and characters state changes and parsimony analyses weighting (1) stem bases half as much as loop bases and (2) transitions half as much as transversions did not produce substantially different topologies. Although the general structure of the shortest trees is consistent with most hypotheses of land plant phylogeny, several relationships, particularly among major groups of land plants, appear spurious. Increased character and taxon sampling did not substantially improve the performance of 18S rDNA in phylogenetic analyses of land plants, nor did analyses designed to accommodate variation in evolutionary rates among sites. The rate and pattern of 18S rDNA evolution across land plants may limit the usefulness of this gene for phylogeny reconstruction at deep levels of plant phylogeny. We conclude that the mosaic structure of 18S rDNA, consisting of highly conserved and highly variable regions, may contain historical signal at two levels. Rapidly evolving regions are informative for relatively recent divergences (e.g., within angiosperms, seed plants, and ferns), but homoplasy at these sites makes it difficult to resolve relationships among these groups. At deeper levels, changes in the highly conserved regions of small-subunit rDNAs provide signal across all of life. Because constraints imposed by the secondary structure of the rRNA may affect the phylogenetic information content of 18S rDNA, we suggest that 18S rDNA sequences be combined with other data and that methods of analysis be employed to accommodate these differences in evolutionary patterns, particularly across deep divergences in the tree of life.  相似文献   

Microorganisms growing in a multi-substrate medium have different and varying preferences for the various components of the medium. The preferences depend on the operating conditions and the substrates may be utilized sequentially or simultaneously. Sometimes an organism may change its preferences among substrates and/or switch between sequential and simultaneous utilization. These aspects are difficult to describe through models based on chemical and physical laws alone. Cybernetic modeling ascribes to microorganisms the ability to perceive their environment (i.e. the growth medium) and make 'intelligent' choices regarding substrate utilization to maximize an objective, which is usually the growth rate. This article reviews the development of cybernetic modeling since it began in 1982. Different workers have suggested different perspectives of how microbes make optimal use of their resources. These are discussed and future directions for improvement are indicated.  相似文献   

The Coccinellidae (ladybirds) is a highly speciose family of the Coleoptera. Ladybirds are well known because of their use as biocontrol agents, and are the subject of many ecological studies. However, little is known about phylogenetic relationships of the Coccinellidae, and a precise evolutionary framework is needed for the family. This paper provides the first phylogenetic reconstruction of the relationships within the Coccinellidae based on analysis of five genes: the 18S and 28S rRNA nuclear genes and the mitochondrial 12S, 16S rRNA and cytochrome oxidase subunit I (COI) genes. The phylogenetic relationships of 67 terminal taxa, representative of all the subfamilies of the Coccinellidae (61 species, 37 genera), and relevant outgroups, were reconstructed using multiple approaches, including Bayesian inference with partitioning strategies. The recovered phylogenies are congruent and show that the Coccinellinae is monophyletic but the Coccidulinae, Epilachninae, Scymninae and Chilocorinae are paraphyletic. The tribe Chilocorini is identified as the sister-group of the Coccinellinae for the first time.  相似文献   

With the aim of protecting Mexican diversity, one current governmental task is to complete national biological inventories. In the case of odonate insects, several researchers have hypothesized that species richness is complete (205 dragonflies and 151 damselflies), but there has not been any formal exercise to test this. Thus, we have investigated whether odonate species richness (for Mexican endemics, dragonflies (suborder Anisoptera), damselflies (suborder Zygoptera) and total species) is complete using sample-based and coverage-based rarefaction curves. Along with this, we also showed how good distribution data are in the country. The rarefaction curves have indicated 100% completeness for all groups suggesting that the inventory is complete. However, species' distribution data is highly patchy regarding areas either well (e.g. central Mexico) or badly (e.g. coast of Guerrero and Oaxaca) collected. We encourage researchers to continue odonate sampling in order to support at least three conservation actions: (i) conservation assessment of endangered species; (ii) knowledge of range shifts given rising global temperatures; and (iii) increase public interest and awareness in protected, touristic areas.  相似文献   

Although long-branch attraction (LBA) is frequently cited as the cause of anomalous phylogenetic groupings, few examples of LBA involving real sequence data are known. We have found several cases of probable LBA by analyzing subsamples from an alignment of 18S rDNA sequences for 133 metazoans. In one example, maximum parsimony analysis of sequences from two rotifers, a ctenophore, and a polychaete annelid resulted in strong support for a tree grouping two "long-branch taxa" (a rotifer and the ctenophore). Maximum-likelihood analysis of the same sequences yielded strong support for a more biologically reasonable "rotifer monophyly" tree. Attempts to break up long branches for problematic subsamples through increased taxon sampling reduced, but did not eliminate, LBA problems. Exhaustive analyses of all quartets for a subset of 50 sequences were performed in order to compare the performance of maximum likelihood, equal-weights parsimony, and two additional variants of parsimony; these methods do differ substantially in their rates of failure to recover trees consistent with well established, but highly unresolved phylogenies. Power analyses using simulations suggest that some incorrect inferences by maximum parsimony are due to statistical inconsistency and that when estimates of central branch lengths for certain quartets are very low, maximum-likelihood analyses have difficulty recovering accepted phylogenies even with large amounts of data. These examples demonstrate that LBA problems can occur in real data sets, and they provide an opportunity to investigate causes of incorrect inferences.  相似文献   

Based on the differences in position, structure and function of the cuticular supportive structures in the pharynx of representatives of two major groups of tardigrades, the Heterotardigrada and Eutardigrada, it is postulated that these structures are not homologous throughout the Tardigrada. Hithero, these structures have been termed placoids in both classes (fused placoids in Heterotardigrada versus macro- and microplacoids in Eutardigrada). It is proposed here that there are two different kinds of fused placoids within the Heterotardigrada and that only one of these is homologous to the macro- and microplacoids of the Eutardigrada. It is furthermore proposed that the plesiomorphic condition for the tardigrade pharynx is without reinforced cuticular supportive structures and not the presence of encrusted fused placoids as found in Heterotardigrada.  相似文献   

We investigated the monophyletic status of the hoplonemertean taxon Tetrastemma by reconstructing the phylogeny for 22 specimens assigned to this genus, together with another 25 specimens from closely related hoplonemertean genera. The phylogeny was based on partial 18S rRNA sequences using Bayesian and maximum likelihood analyses. The included Tetrastemma-species formed a well-supported clade, although the within-taxon relationships were unsettled. We conclude that the name Tetrastemma refers to a monophyletic taxon, but that it cannot be defined by morphological synapomorphies, and our results do not imply that all the over 100 species assigned to this genus belong to it. The results furthermore indicate that the genera Amphiporus and Emplectonema are non-monophyletic.  相似文献   

The phylogenetic relationships of multiple enterobacterial species were reconstructed based on 16S rDNA gene sequences to evaluate the robustness of this housekeeping gene in the taxonomic placement of the enteric plant pathogens Erwinia, Brenneria, Pectobacterium, and Pantoea. Four data sets were compiled, two of which consisted of previously published data. The data sets were designed in order to evaluate how 16S rDNA gene phylogenies are affected by the use of different plant pathogen accessions and varying numbers of animal pathogen and outgroup sequences. DNA data matrices were analyzed using maximum likelihood (ML) algorithms, and character support was determined by ML bootstrap and Bayesian analyses. As additional animal pathogen sequences were added to the phylogenetic analyses, taxon placement changed. Further, the phylogenies varied in their placement of the plant pathogen species, and only the genus Pantoea was monophyletic in all four trees. Finally, bootstrap and Bayesian support values were low for most of the nodes, and all nonterminal branches collapsed in strict consensus trees. Inspection of 16S rDNA nucleotide alignments revealed several highly variable blocks punctuated by regions of conserved sequence. These data suggest that 16S rDNA, while effective for both species-level and family-level phylogenetic reconstruction, may underperform for genus-level phylogenetic analyses in the Enterobacteriaceae.  相似文献   

Over the last 30 years it has become increasingly apparent that there are many behavioral differences among wild communities of Pan troglodytes. Some researchers argue these differences are a consequence of the behaviors being socially learned, and thus may be considered cultural. Others contend that the available evidence is too weak to discount the alternative possibility that the behaviors are genetically determined. Previous phylogenetic analyses of chimpanzee behavior have not supported the predictions of the genetic hypothesis. However, the results of these studies are potentially problematic because the behavioral sample employed did not include communities from central Africa. Here, we present the results of a study designed to address this shortcoming. We carried out cladistic analyses of presence/absence data pertaining to 19 tool‐use behaviors in 10 different P. troglodytes communities plus an outgroup (P. paniscus). Genetic data indicate that chimpanzee communities in West Africa are well differentiated from those in eastern and central Africa, while the latter are not reciprocally monophyletic. Thus, we predicted that if the genetic hypothesis is correct, the tool‐use data should mirror the genetic data in terms of structure. The three measures of phylogenetic structure we employed (the Retention Index, the bootstrap, and the Permutation Tail Probability Test) did not support the genetic hypothesis. They were all lower when all 10 communities were included than when the three western African communities are excluded. Hence, our study refutes the genetic hypothesis and provides further evidence that patterns of behavior in chimpanzees are the product of social learning and therefore meet the main condition for culture. Am J Phys Anthropol, 2010. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Are blue-green algae a suitable food for zooplankton? An overview   总被引:2,自引:15,他引:2  
de Bernardi  R.  Giussani  G. 《Hydrobiologia》1990,200(1):29-41

One of the reasons suggested to explain the dominance of blue-greens in eutrophic lakes is that they are not used as food by zooplankton; and even when ingested, they are poorly utilized.

An increase in herbivores might be the expected result of biomanipulation of the aquatic food chain. This attempt at controlling the algae population is, however, destined to fail if zooplankton do not also utilize blue-greens as food. In this respect, a series of in-lake experimental results indicates that after the food chain has been biomanipulated, there is a decrease in blue-green density in periods when there is an increase in herbivores. Is this only an accidental result or are the two facts interrelated; in other words, can the decrease in the density of blue-greens be attributed to the increased use of them by zooplankton herbivores?

The suitability of blue-greens as food for zooplankton has been widely investigated by many authors with contrasting and inconclusive results. Two main factors seem to play important role in determining their suitability as food: the biochemical properties of the different species, or even different strains of the same species; and the shape and size of the colonies.

In particular, biochemical properties can result in toxic effects on zooplankton, while size and shape may strongly interfere with filtering, thus reducing the possibility of gathering food.


The minimal region required for actin binding in the smallest of the three domains of gelsolin (termed Segment 1 or S1) was previously defined by deletion mutagenesis as residues 37-126. Further analysis of NH2-terminal deletions here redefines the minimal functional core as residues 41-126. Amino acid substitutions within this core further elucidate the nature of the interaction of segment 1 with actin. Of 26 point mutants analyzed, 14 reduced the affinity for actin. The charged residues His 119, Arg 120, Glu 121, and Gln 123 appear to be involved in direct interaction with actin. Substitutions of Leu 108, Leu 112, and Val 117 by polar groups all affect the structural stability of segment 1 and thereby reduce binding affinity. In addition replacement of Glu 126 by aspartic acid modifies the physical properties of segment 1 and weakens binding. We have further shown that changing charged residues within the highly conserved pentapeptide sequence LDDYL (residues 108-112) has no effect on actin binding. This sequence, found in a number of different actin binding proteins, does not therefore constitute part of the interaction site. Similarly, substitution of the two acidic residues by basic ones within the DESG motif of segment 1 (residues 96-99, but also found near the COOH terminus of actin) does not impair binding. These results show the dangers of predicting functional sites on the basis of conserved sequences.  相似文献   

1. Dispersal ability influences the distribution and abundance of organisms, but empirical investigations of the relationship between dispersal ability and the composition of ecological assemblages are scarce. Here, we compare between-site variation in the species richness and community composition of actively and passively dispersing pond invertebrates.
2. Coleoptera (active dispersers) and microcrustacea (passive dispersers) were sampled over a season from 16 ponds within a 4-km radius in south-west England. Species richness and community composition were related to environmental variables using regression and Canonical Correspondence Analysis (CCA), respectively.
3. Coleopteran species richness was significantly and positively correlated with pond permanence and maximum area, whereas microcrustacean species richness was relatively equal across sites and did not correlate with environmental variables. The frequency of species' occurrence between sites was the same for both groups, which suggests that active and passive dispersers exhibited the same degree of dispersal.
4. Between-site variation in community composition was non-random for both groups, with pond permanence and area, together, explaining similar proportions of between-site variation for Coleoptera. Permanence was correlated most strongly with microcrustacean community composition and a high proportion (25%) of microcrustacean species were more numerous in smaller, more ephemeral ponds.
5. These data suggest that, at small spatial scales, Coleoptera which can undertake multiple dispersal events, are more likely to colonise large, more permanent ponds than passively dispersing microcrustacea. For microcrustacea, other traits (in this case those permitting existence in ephemeral habitats) may over-ride the influences of dispersal in driving between-site variation in species composition.  相似文献   

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