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The mitochondrial genomes of two isolates of the wheat pathogen Mycosphaerella graminicola were sequenced completely and compared to identify polymorphic regions. This organism is of interest because it is phylogenetically distant from other fungi with sequenced mitochondrial genomes and it has shown discordant patterns of nuclear and mitochondrial diversity. The mitochondrial genome of M. graminicola is a circular molecule of approximately 43,960bp containing the typical genes coding for 14 proteins related to oxidative phosphorylation, one RNA polymerase, two rRNA genes and a set of 27 tRNAs. The mitochondrial DNA of M. graminicola lacks the gene encoding the putative ribosomal protein (rps5-like), commonly found in fungal mitochondrial genomes. Most of the tRNA genes were clustered with a gene order conserved with many other ascomycetes. A sample of 35 additional strains representing the known global mt diversity was partially sequenced to measure overall mitochondrial variability within the species. Little variation was found, confirming previous RFLP-based findings of low mitochondrial diversity. The mitochondrial sequence of M. graminicola is the first reported from the family Mycosphaerellaceae or the order Capnodiales. The sequence also provides a tool to better understand the development of fungicide resistance and the conflicting pattern of high nuclear and low mitochondrial diversity in global populations of this fungus.  相似文献   

DNA sequences from five nuclear loci and data from three microsatellites were collected from 360 isolates representing 14 globally distributed populations of the plant pathogenic fungus Mycosphaerella graminicola. Haplotype networks were constructed for the five sequence loci and population subdivision was assessed using Hudson's permutation test. Migration estimates were calculated using six regional populations for both the sequence and microsatellite loci. While subdivision was detected among the six regional populations, significant gene flow was indicated among some of the populations. The European and Israeli populations contributed the majority of historical immigrants to the New World. Migration estimates for microsatellite loci were used to infer more recent migration events among specific New World populations. We conclude that gene flow was an important factor in determining the demographic history of Mycosphaerella graminicola.  相似文献   

The population genetic dynamic of a species is driven by interactions among mutation, migration, drift, mating system, and selection, but it is rare to have sufficient empirical data to estimate values for all of these forces and to allow comparison of the relative magnitudes of these evolutionary forces. We combined data from a mark-release-recapture experiment, extensive population surveys, and computer simulations to evaluate interactions among these evolutionary forces in the pathogenic fungus Mycosphaerella graminicola. The results from these studies showed that, on average, the immigration rate was 0.027, the fraction of outcrossing individuals was 0.035, and the selection coefficient associated with immigrants was 0.106 each generation. We also estimated that effective population sizes for this fungus were larger than 24,000 and the mutation rate for the RFLP markers used in surveys and field experiments was approximately 4 x 10(-5). Computer simulations based on these estimates indicate that, on average, the global population of M. graminicola has reached equilibrium. Population genetic parameters including number of alleles, gene diversity, and population subdivision estimated from the computer simulations were surprisingly close to empirical estimates. Simulations also revealed that random drift is the major evolutionary force decreasing genetic variation in this fungus, followed by natural selection. The major force adding to genetic variation was mutation, followed by gene flow and sexual recombination. Gene flow played the leading role in decreasing population subdivision while natural selection was the major factor increasing population subdivision.  相似文献   

We compared genetic variation and population differentiation at RFLP marker loci with seven quantitative characters including fungicide resistance, temperature sensitivity, pycnidial size, pycnidial density, colony size, percentage of leaves covered by pycnidia (PLACP) and percentage of leaves covered by lesions (PLACL) in Mycosphaerella graminicola populations sampled from four regions. Wide variation in population differentiation was found across the quantitative traits assayed. Fungicide resistance, temperature sensitivity, and PLACP displayed a significantly higher Q(ST) than G(ST), consistent with selection for local adaptation, while pycnidial size, pycnidial density and colony size displayed a lower or significantly lower Q(ST) than G(ST), consistent with constraining selection. There was not a statistical difference between Q(ST) and G(ST) in PLACL. We also found a positive and significant correlation between genetic variation in molecular marker loci and quantitative traits at the multitrait scale, suggesting that estimates of overall genetic variation for quantitative traits in M. graminicola could be derived from analysis of the molecular genetic markers.  相似文献   

Both mating-type loci from the wheat septoria leaf blotch pathogen Mycosphaerella graminicola have been cloned and sequenced. The MAT1-2 gene was identified by screening a genomic library from the MAT1-2 isolate IPO94269 with a heterologous probe from Tapesia yallundae. The MAT1-2 idiomorph is 2772 bp and contains a single gene encoding a putative high-mobility-group protein of 394 amino acids. The opposite idiomorph was obtained from isolate IPO323, which has the complementary mating type, by long-range PCR using primers derived from sequences flanking the MAT1-2 idiomorph. The MAT1-1 locus is 2839 bp in size and contains a single open reading frame encoding a putative alpha1-domain protein of 297 amino acids. Within the nonidiomorphic sequences, homology was found with palI, encoding a membrane receptor from Aspergillus nidulans, and a gene encoding a putative component of the anaphase-promoting complex from Schizosaccharomyces pombe and a DNA-(apurinic or apyrimidinic) lyase from S. pombe. For each of the MAT genes specific primers were designed and tested on an F1 mapping population that was generated from a cross between IPO323 and IPO94269. An absolute correlation was found between the amplified allele-specific fragments and the mating type as determined by backcrosses of each F1 progeny isolate to the parental isolates. The primers were also used to screen a collection of field isolates in a multiplex PCR. An equal distribution of MAT1-1 and MAT1-2 alleles was found for most geographic origins examined.  相似文献   

Summary Twenty-three strains of Cochliobolus heterostrophus were examined for the presence of plasmid DNA. One isolate, T40, contained a 1.9 kb sequence which occurred as a series of circular head-to-tail multimers with from 1 to 17 or more monomers per plasmid molecule. The plasmid was cloned in pBR322 to facilitate analysis. It was homologous to the mitochondrial chromosome of isolate T40 as well as to the mitochondrial DNAs of C. heterostrophus isolates that did not contain the plasmid; each isolate, including T40, had only one copy of the plasmid sequence integrated into the mitochondrial chromosome and the sequence mapped at the same location in all isolates tested. In the T40 isolate there were about 30 excised copies per chromosome in addition to the single integrated sequence. Presence of the plasmid had no apparent effect on the structural integrity of the mitochondrial chromosome. There was no detectable homology between the plasmid and either C. heterostrophus nuclear DNA or plasmids that have been isolated from mitochondria of Neurospora or Podospora. A circular map was constructed which has 6 sites for hexan-ucleotide-recognizing enzymes and the region of the splice site; no sites were detected in the plasmid for an additional 17 restriction enzymes. The plasmid functioned as an ARS (autonomously replicating sequence) in yeast, although it was highly unstable compared to other ARSs.  相似文献   

Dispersal processes of fungal plant pathogens can be inferred from analysis of spatial genetic structures resulting from recent range expansion. The relative importance of long‐distance dispersal (LDD) events vs. gradual dispersal in shaping population structures depends on the geographical scale considered. The fungus Mycosphaerella fijiensis, pathogenic on banana, is an example of a recent worldwide epidemic. Founder effects in this species were detected at both global and continental scale, suggesting stochastic spread of the disease through LDD events. In this study, we analysed the structure of M. fijiensis populations in two recently (∼1979–1980) colonized areas in Costa Rica and Cameroon. Isolates collected in 10–15 sites distributed along a ∼250‐ to 300‐ km‐long transect in each country were analysed using 19 microsatellite markers. We detected low‐to‐moderate genetic differentiation among populations in both countries and isolation by distance in Cameroon. Combined with historical data, these observations suggest continuous range expansion at the scale of banana‐production area through gradual dispersal of spores. However, both countries displayed specific additional signatures of colonization: a sharp discontinuity in gene frequencies was observed along the Cameroon transect, while the Costa Rican populations seemed not yet to have reached genetic equilibrium. These differences in the genetic characteristics of M. fijiensis populations in two recently colonized areas are discussed in the light of historical data on disease spread and ecological data on landscape features.  相似文献   

Xanthomonas is a large genus of bacteria that collectively cause disease on more than 300 plant species. The broad host range of the genus contrasts with stringent host and tissue specificity for individual species and pathovars. Whole-genome sequences of Xanthomonas campestris pv. raphani strain 756C and X. oryzae pv. oryzicola strain BLS256, pathogens that infect the mesophyll tissue of the leading models for plant biology, Arabidopsis thaliana and rice, respectively, were determined and provided insight into the genetic determinants of host and tissue specificity. Comparisons were made with genomes of closely related strains that infect the vascular tissue of the same hosts and across a larger collection of complete Xanthomonas genomes. The results suggest a model in which complex sets of adaptations at the level of gene content account for host specificity and subtler adaptations at the level of amino acid or noncoding regulatory nucleotide sequence determine tissue specificity.  相似文献   

【目的】明确球孢白僵菌种内线粒体基因组的分化程度。【方法】从GenBank下载已知的球孢白僵菌6个菌株线粒体基因组序列,详细分析基因组的组成结构,比较外显子区、内含子区和基因间区的碱基变异情况,分析菌株间的系统发育关系。【结果】球孢白僵菌不同菌株的线粒体基因组大小为28.8–32.3 kb,都有14个常见的核心蛋白编码基因、2个rRNA基因和25个tRNA基因,具有很强的共线性关系。但是,不同菌株含有的线粒体内含子数目存在差异(2–5个/菌株),在cox1、cox2和nad1基因中表现出内含子插入/缺失多态性,这是导致线粒体基因组大小变化的主要因素。对外显子、内含子和基因间区的碱基变异情况进行分析,发现内含子和基因间区相对变异较大,而外显子区相对变异较小。系统发育分析发现,这些球孢白僵菌菌株以很高的支持度聚在一起,具有相同内含子分布规律的菌株也具有较近的聚类关系。【结论】本研究首次报道球孢白僵菌因内含子数目不同、插入缺失突变和单核苷酸变异等在线粒体基因组上表现出较大程度的遗传分化,为认识真菌种内线粒体基因组分化提供了新的证据。  相似文献   

Mycosphaerella graminicola is a dimorphic fungus which causes Septoria tritici leaf blotch. This report describes the examination of the role of several components of the Pmk1p/Fus3p mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) signalling pathway in the development of this species. The genes encoding the MAPK kinase kinase MgSte11p and the MAPK kinase MgSte7p were found to be indispensible for pathogenicity while the deletion of the gene encoding the proposed scaffold protein MgSte50p led to a reduction in virulence. These phenotypes were attributed to a reduced ability to form filaments on the plant surface which prevented penetration. A delayed disease progression was observed on deletion of the gene MGSTE12. The MGSTE7, MGSTE50 and MGSTE12 genes were able to complement mutants of Magnaporthe grisea lacking the orthologous genes. Interactions between the My. graminicola signalling components were also investigated. Furthermore genes whose MgSte12p/Mst12p dependence is conserved between My. graminicola and Ma. grisea were identified.  相似文献   

We have determined the complete mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) sequences of three chytridiomycete fungi, Monoblepharella15, Harpochytrium94 and Harpochytrium105. Our phylogenetic analysis based on concatenated mitochondrial protein sequences confirms the placement of Mono blepharella15 together with Harpochytrium spp. and Hyaloraphidium curvatum within the taxonomic order Monoblepharidales, with overwhelming support. These four mtDNA sequences encode the standard fungal mitochondrial gene complement and, like certain other chytridiomycete fungi, encode a reduced complement of 7–9 tRNAs, some of which require 5′-tRNA editing to be functional. Highly conserved sequence elements were identified upstream of almost all protein-coding genes in the mtDNAs of Monoblepharella15 and both Harpochytrium species. Finally, a guanosine residue is conserved upstream of the predicted ATG or GTG start codons of almost every protein-coding gene in these genomes. The appearance of this G residue correlates with the presence of a non-canonical cytosine residue at position 37 in the anticodon loop of the mitochondrial initiator tRNAs. Based on the unorthodox features in these four genomes, we propose that a 4 bp interaction between the CAUC anticodon of these tRNAs and GAUG/GGUG codons is involved in translation initiation in monoblepharidalean mitochondria. Intriguingly, a similar interaction may also be involved in mitochondrial translation initiation in the sea anemone Metridium senile.  相似文献   

In the present study, the complete mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) sequences of the pig nodule worm Oesophagostomum quadrispinulatum were determined for the first time, and the mt genome of Oesophagostomum dentatum from China was also sequenced for comparative analysis of their gene contents and genome organizations. The mtDNA sequences of O. dentatum China isolate and O. quadrispinulatum were 13,752 and 13,681 bp in size, respectively. Each of the two mt genomes comprises 36 genes, including 12 protein-coding genes, two ribosomal RNA and 22 transfer RNA genes, but lacks the ATP synthetase subunit 8 gene. All genes are transcribed in the same direction and have a nucleotide composition high in A and T. The contents of A+T are 75.79% and 77.52% for the mt genomes of O. dentatum and O. quadrispinulatum, respectively. Phylogenetic analyses using concatenated amino acid sequences of the 12 protein-coding genes, with three different computational algorithms (maximum likelihood, maximum parsimony and Bayesian inference), all revealed that O. dentatum and O. quadrispinulatum represent distinct but closely-related species. These data provide novel and useful markers for studying the systematics, population genetics and molecular diagnosis of the two pig nodule worms.  相似文献   

Zhang T  Fang Y  Wang X  Deng X  Zhang X  Hu S  Yu J 《PloS one》2012,7(1):e30531
The complete nucleotide sequences of the chloroplast (cp) and mitochondrial (mt) genomes of resurrection plant Boea hygrometrica (Bh, Gesneriaceae) have been determined with the lengths of 153,493 bp and 510,519 bp, respectively. The smaller chloroplast genome contains more genes (147) with a 72% coding sequence, and the larger mitochondrial genome have less genes (65) with a coding faction of 12%. Similar to other seed plants, the Bh cp genome has a typical quadripartite organization with a conserved gene in each region. The Bh mt genome has three recombinant sequence repeats of 222 bp, 843 bp, and 1474 bp in length, which divide the genome into a single master circle (MC) and four isomeric molecules. Compared to other angiosperms, one remarkable feature of the Bh mt genome is the frequent transfer of genetic material from the cp genome during recent Bh evolution. We also analyzed organellar genome evolution in general regarding genome features as well as compositional dynamics of sequence and gene structure/organization, providing clues for the understanding of the evolution of organellar genomes in plants. The cp-derived sequences including tRNAs found in angiosperm mt genomes support the conclusion that frequent gene transfer events may have begun early in the land plant lineage.  相似文献   

The ascomycete fungus Mycosphaerella graminicola is the causal agent of Septoria Tritici Blotch disease of wheat and can grow as yeast-like cells or as hyphae depending on environmental conditions. Hyphal growth is however essential for successful leaf infection. A T-DNA mutagenesis screen performed on haploid spores identified a mutant, which can undergo yeast-like growth but cannot switch to hyphal growth. For this reason the mutant was non-pathogenic towards wheat leaves. The gene affected, MgAlg2, encoded a homologue of Saccharomyces cerevisiae ScAlg2, an alpha-1,2-mannosyltransferase, which functions in the early stages of asparagine-linked protein (N-) glycosylation. Targeted gene deletion and complementation experiments confirmed that loss of MgAlg2 function prevented the developmental growth switch. MgAlg2 was able to functionally complement the S. cerevisiae ScAlg2-1 temperature sensitive growth phenotype. Spores of ΔMgAlg2 mutants were hypersensitive to the cell wall disrupting agent Calcofluor white and produced abnormally hypo-N-glycosylated proteins. Gene expression, proteome and glycoproteome analysis revealed that ΔMgAlg2 mutant spores show responses typically associated with the accumulation of mis-folded proteins. The data presented highlight key roles for protein N-glycosylation in regulating the switch to hyphal growth, possibly as a consequence of maintaining correct folding and localization of key proteins involved in this process.  相似文献   

Microbial genome sequences provide us with the fossil records for inferring their origination and evolution. Assuming that current microbial genomes are the evolutionary results of ancient genomes or fragments and the neighboring genes in ancient genomes are more likely neighbors in current genomes, in this paper we proposed a paleontological algorithm and assembled the orthologous gene groups from 66 complete and current microbial genome sequences into a pseudo-ancient genome, which consists of continuous fragments of various sizes. We performed bootstrap resampling and correlation analyses and the results showed that the assembled ancient genome and fragments are statistically significant and the genes of the same fragment are inherently related and likely derived from common ancestors. This method provides a new computational tool for studying microbial genome structure and evolution.  相似文献   

We report here the complete sequence of the mitochondrial (mt) genome of the pathogenic yeast Candida glabrata. This 20 kb mt genome is the smallest among sequenced hemiascomycetous yeasts. Despite its compaction, the mt genome contains the genes encoding the apocytochrome b (COB), three subunits of ATP synthetase (ATP6, 8 and 9), three subunits of cytochrome oxidase (COX1, 2 and 3), the ribosomal protein VAR1, 23 tRNAs, small and large ribosomal RNAs and the RNA subunit of RNase P. Three group I introns each with an intronic open reading frame are present in the COX1 gene. This sequence is available under accession number AJ511533.  相似文献   



In addition to gene identification and annotation, repetitive sequence analysis has become an integral part of genome sequencing projects. Identification of repeats is important not only because it improves gene prediction, but also because of the role that repetitive sequences play in determining the structure and evolution of genes and genomes. Several methods using different repeat-finding strategies are available for whole-genome repeat sequence analysis. Four independent approaches were used to identify and characterize the repetitive fraction of the Mycosphaerella graminicola (synonym Zymoseptoria tritici) genome. This ascomycete fungus is a wheat pathogen and its finished genome comprises 21 chromosomes, eight of which can be lost with no obvious effects on fitness so are dispensable.


Using a combination of four repeat-finding methods, at least 17% of the M. graminicola genome was estimated to be repetitive. Class I transposable elements, that amplify via an RNA intermediate, account for about 70% of the total repetitive content in the M. graminicola genome. The dispensable chromosomes had a higher percentage of repetitive elements as compared to the core chromosomes. Distribution of repeats across the chromosomes also varied, with at least six chromosomes showing a non-random distribution of repetitive elements. Repeat families showed transition mutations and a CpA → TpA dinucleotide bias, indicating the presence of a repeat-induced point mutation (RIP)-like mechanism in M. graminicola. One gene family and two repeat families specific to subtelomeres also were identified in the M. graminicola genome. A total of 78 putative clusters of nested elements was found in the M. graminicola genome. Several genes with putative roles in pathogenicity were found associated with these nested repeat clusters. This analysis of the transposable element content in the finished M. graminicola genome resulted in a thorough and highly curated database of repetitive sequences.


This comprehensive analysis will serve as a scaffold to address additional biological questions regarding the origin and fate of transposable elements in fungi. Future analyses of the distribution of repetitive sequences in M. graminicola also will be able to provide insights into the association of repeats with genes and their potential role in gene and genome evolution.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/1471-2164-15-1132) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

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