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Plants of barley ( Hordeum vulgare L. cv. Salve) were grown with 6.5–35% relative increase of K+ supply per day (RKR) using a special computer-controlled culture unit. After a few days on the culture solution the plants adapted their relative growth rate (RGR) to the rate of nutrient supply. The roots of the plants remained in a low salt status irrespective of the rate of nutrient supply, whereas the concentration of K+ in shoots increased with RKR. Both Vmax and Km for K+(86Rb) influx increased with RKR. It is concluded that with a continuous and stable K+ stress, the K+ uptake system is adjusted to provide an effective K+ uptake at each given RKR. Allosteric regulation of K+ influx does not occur and efflux of K+ is very small.  相似文献   

The K+ (86Rb+) uptake and the growth of intact wheat seedlings ( Triticum aestivum L. cv. GK Szeged) grown in 0.5 m M CaCl2 solution and of seedlings grown on wet filter paper in Petri dishes were compared under different experimental conditions. Aeroponic (AP) and hydroponic (HP) conditions brought about striking differences in the growth of the roots, whereas the shoot growth was not influenced. The dry weight of the roots was higher for the AP plants than for the HP plants. The AP grown seedlings exhibit a low rate of K+ uptake, which seems to be a passive process. The effect of 2, 4–dinitrophenol (2, 4–DNP) clearly shows the absence of an active component of the K+ uptake in roots grown in air with a high relative humidity. In plants grown under AP conditions the effect of Ca2+ on the K+ uptake is unfavourable, i.e. there is an inhibition (negative Viets effect). Results relating to the effect of 2,4–DNP suggest that the "negative Viets effect" is a feature of the passive K+ uptake. The data suggest that the AP growth conditions play a very important role in the induction and/or development of the ion transport system(s), which becomes impaired under the AP conditions.  相似文献   

Klotz, M. G. and Erdei, L. 1988. Effect of tentoxin on K+ transport in winter wheat seedlings of different K+-status. The influence of the phytoeffective mycotoxin, tentoxin, [cyclo-(L-leucyl-N-methyltrans-dehydronhenyl-alanyl-glycyl-N-methyl-L-alanyl)] (in K+ uptake and on translocation of K+ from roots to shoot was studied in 14-day-old winter wheat plants (Triticum aestivum L. cv. Martonvásári-8) grown at different levels of K+ supply. For comparison, the effects of 2,4-dinilrophcnol and valinomycin were also investigated. In I-h experiments I pM tentoxin reduced K+ influx in the routs over the external K+ concentration range 0.1 to 1 mM (low-K+ plants), whereas stimulation was observed al lower and higher K+ concentrations. On the other hand, in plants grown at 0.3 mM K+, tentoxin stimulated the translocation of K+ from roots to shoots in 5-h experiments. Valinomycin affected K+ transport only al high K+-status (slight stimulation). In low-K+ plants 2,4-dinitrophenol (DNP) caused drastic inhibition of K+ uptake, but in high-K+ plants uptake was only slightly inhibited and translocation slightly stimulated, It is concluded that the opposite effects of tentoxin on K+ uptake and translocation agree1 with the directions of the H+-ATPases pumping H+ towards the apoplast and located at the cortex plasmalemma and the xylem parenchyma plasma-membrane, respectively. These effects should probably be attributed to the interaction between tentoxin and the K+-carrier protein rather than to a direct influence of tentoxin on H+-ATPase.  相似文献   

Seedlings of spring wheat ( Triticum aestivum L. cv. Svenno) were cultivated at 20°C in continuous light or darkness with the roots in nutrient solutions for six days. The plants were starved for K+ during different periods of time to produce plants with various K+ status. In one cultivation light-grown plants were pretreated in darkness, and vice versa, before the uptake experiment. In all experiments, roots were put in a complete nutrient medium containing 2.0 m M K+ radiolabelled with 86Rb. The uptake time was varied (5, 60 or 120 min).
The K+ concentration in the roots, [K+]root, increased during the course of the uptake experiments, especially in light and at initially low [K+]root, At the same time K+ (86Rb) influx in the roots decreased. The simoidal relationship obtained between K+ (86Rb) influx and [K+]root was affected by these changes, and Hill plots gave various Hill coefficients, nH, depending on the duration of the uptake experiments. nH from three apparently straight line segments of the same plot, in different [K+]root - intervals, indicated a falling degree of interaction between the binding sites as [K+]root increased. For the dark-grown plants negative cooperativity could not be demonstrated.  相似文献   

Steady state kinetics were used to examine the influence of Cd2+ both on K+ stimulation of a membrane-bound ATPase from sugar beet roots (Beta vulgaris L. cv. Monohill) and on K+(86Rb+) uptake in intact or excised beet roots. The in vitro effect of Cd2+ was studied both on a 12000–25000 g root fraction of the (Na++K++Mg2+)ATPase and on the ATPase when further purified by an aqueous polymer two-phase system. The observed data can be summarized as follows: 1) Cd2+ at high concentrations (>100 μM) inhibits the MgATPase activity in a competitive way, probably by forming a complex with ATP. 2) Cd2+ at concentrations <100 μM inhibits the specific K+ activation at both high and low affinity sites for K+. The inhibition pattern appears to be the same in the two ATPase preparations of different purity. In the presence of the substrate MgATP, and at K+ <5 mM, the inhibition by Cd2+ with respect to K+ is uncompetitive. In the presence of MgATP and K+ >10 μM, the inhibition by Cd2+ is competitive. 3) At the low concentrations of K+, Cd2+ also inhibits the 2,4-dinitrophenol(DNP)-sensitive (metabolic) K+(86Rb+) uptake uncompetitively both in excised roots and in roots of intact plants. 4) The DNP-insensitive (non metabolic) K+(86Rb+) uptake is little influenced by Cd2+. As Cd2+ inhibits the metabolic uptake of K+(86Rb+) and the K+ activation of the ATPase in the same way at low concentrations of K+, the same binding site is probably involved. Therefore, under field conditions, when the concentration of K+ is low, the presence of Cd2+ could be disadvantageous.  相似文献   

The effects of cadmium and lead on the internal concentrations of Ca2+ and K+, as well as on the uptake and translocation of K(86Rb+) were studied in winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L. a. MV-8) grown hydroponically at 2 levels of K+ (100 uM and 10 mM). Cd2+ and Pb2+ were applied in the nutrient solution in the range of 0.3 to 1000 u.M. Growth was more severely inhibited by Cd2+ and in the high-K+ plants as compared to Pbz+ and low-K+ plants. Ions of both heavy metals accumulated in the roots and shoots, but the K+ status influenced their levels. Ca2+ accumulation was increased by low concentrations of Cd2+ mainly in low-K+ shoots, whereas it was less influenced by Pb2+. The distribution of Cd2+ and Ca2+ in the plant and in the growth media indicated high selectivity for Cd2+ in the root uptake, while Ca2+ was preferred in the radial and/or xylem transport. Cd2+ strongly inhibited net K+ accumulation in high-K+ plants but caused stimulation at low K+ supply. In contrast, the metabolis-dependent influx of K+(86Rb+) was inhibited in low-K+ plants, while the passive influx in high-K+ plants was stimulated. Translocation of K+ from the roots to the shoots was inhibited by Cd2+ but less influenced in Pb2+-treated plants. It is concluded that the effects of heavy metals depend upon the K+-status of the plants.  相似文献   

Effects of interrupted K+ supply on different parameters of growth and mineral cation nutrition were evaluated for spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L. cv. Svenno). K+ (2.0 mM) was supplied to the plants during different periods in an otherwise complete nutrient solution. Shoot growth was reduced before root growth after interruption in K+ supply. Root structure was greatly affected by the length of the period in K+ -free nutrient solution. Root length was minimal, and root branching was maximal within a narrow range of K+ status of the roots. This range corresponded to cultivation for the last 1 to 3 days, of 11 in total, in K+ -free nutrient solution, or to continuous cultivation in solution containing 0.5 to 2 mM K+. In comparison, both higher and lower internal/external K+ concentrations had inhibitory effects on root branching. However, the differing root morphology probably had no significant influence on the magnitude of Ca2+, Mg2+ and Na+ uptake. Uptake of Ca2+ and especially Mg2+ significantly increased after K+ interruption, while Na+ uptake was constant in the roots and slowly increased in the shoots. The two divalent cations could replace K+ in the cells and maintain electroneutrality down to a certain minimal range of K+ concentrations. This range was significantly higher in the shoot [110 to 140 μmol (g fresh weight)?1] than in the root [20 to 30 μmol (g fresh weight)?1]. It is suggested that the critical K+ values are a measure of the minimal amount of K+ that must be present for physiological activity in the cells. At the critical levels, K+ (86Rb) influx and Ca2+ and Mg2+ concentrations were maximal. Below the critical K+ values, growth was reduced, and Ca2+ and Mg2+ could no longer substitute for K+ for electrostatic balance. In a short-term experiment, the ability of Ca2+ to compete with K+ in maintaining electroneutrality in the cells was studied in wheat seedlings with different K+ status. The results indicate that K+, which was taken up actively and fastest at the external K+ concentration used (2.0 mM), partly determines the size of Ca2+ influx.  相似文献   

Passive fluxes of K+ (86Rb) into roots of sunflower ( Helianthus annuus L. cv. Uniflorus) were determined at low K+ concentration (0.1 and 1.0 mM K+) in the ambient solution. Metabolic uptake of K+ was inhibited by 10−4M 2,4-dinitrophenol (DNP). K+ (86Rb) fluxes were studied both continuously and by time differentiation of uptake. In high K+ roots passive uptake was directly proportional to the K+ concentration of the uptake solution, indicating free diffusion. This assumption was supported by the fact that passive Rb+ uptake was not affected by high K+ concentrations. In low K+ roots the passive uptake of K+ was higher than in high K+ roots. The increase was possibly due to carrier-mediated K+ transport. As K+ effluxes were quantitatively similar to influxes, it is suggested that passive K+ fluxes represent exchange diffusion without relation to net K+ transport.  相似文献   

The effects of abscisic acid (ABA) on growth, uptake and translocation of potassium ions, K+,Mg2+-ATPase activity and transpiration were investigated in young wheat ( Triticum aestivum L. cv. Martonvásári-8) plants grown at different K+ supplies. Long-term treatment with ABA (10 μ M ) reduced growth in high-K+ plants, but had less effect under low-K+ conditions. K+(86Rb) uptake was inhibited by about 70 and 40% in low- and high-K+ plants, respectively. The stimulation by K+ of the Mg2+-ATPase activity in the root microsomal fraction was lost with ABA treatment. It is suggested that the inhibitory effect of ABA on K+ uptake may be related to this effects on the K+,Mg2+-ATPase. Translocation of K+ to the shoot was inhibited in low-K+ plants only, and it was not affected in high-K+ plants. In parallel to this, ABA treatment reduced transpiration by about 50% in low-K+ plants, whereas a much smaller effect was seen in high-K+ plants. These observations suggest that the regulation by ABA of the stomatal movements is strongly counteracted by high-K+ status.  相似文献   

Three cultivars of sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.), which are sensitive to aluminium (Al) in the order Primahill > Monohill > Regina, were grown in water culture for 2 weeks. Nutrients were supplied at 15% increase of amounts daily, corresponding to the nutrient demand for maximal growth. The 2.4-dinitrophenol (DNP)-sensitive (metabolic) and DNP-insensitive (non-metabolic) uptake of aluminium, phosphate. 45Ca2+ and K+(86Rb+) in roots were measured as well as transport to shoots of intact plants. All 3 cultivars absorbed more aluminium if DNP was present during the aluminium treatment than in its absence. It is suggested that sugar beets are able to extrude aluminium activity or that they possess an active mechanism to keep Al outside the cell. The presence of Al in the medium during the 1-h experiment affected the metabolic and non-metabolic fluxes of 45Ca2+ and K+(86Rb+) in different ways. In the presence of DNP, the influx of both 45Ca2+ and K+(86Rb+) and the efflux of 45Ca2+ were inhibited by Al in a competitive way. At inhibition of 45Ca2+ influx, 2 Al ions are probably bound per Ca2+ uptake site in cv. Regina (Al-tolerant), but in cvs Primahill and Monohill only one Al ion is bound (more Al sensitive). Aluminium competitively inhibited the active efflux of 45Ca2+ (absence of DNP) in almost the same way in the 3 cultivars. In contrast, aluminium stimulated the influx of K+(86Rb+) in cvs Primahill, Monohill and Regina in the absence of DNP. Thus, the Al effects on active and passive K+(86Rb+) influx are different. The total influx of K+(86Rb+) increased in the presence of Al and might be connected to an active exclusion of Al. Regina is the least Al-sensitive cultivar, probably because Al interferes less with the Ca2+ fluxes and because this cultivar actively excludes phosphate in the presence of Al. Thus Al-phosphate precipitation within the plant could be avoided.  相似文献   

Betula papyrifera Marsh, seedlings adapted very poorly to flooding for up to 60 days. Responses to flooding included increased ethylene production; stomatal closure; leaf senescence; drastic inhibition of shoot growth, cambial growth, and root growth; decay of roots, and death of many seedlings. Flooding inhibited growth of leaves that formed prior to flooding, inhibited formation of new leaves, and induced abscission of old leaves. As a result of extensive leaf abscission, fewer leaves were present after flooding than before flooding was initiated. The drastic reduction in leaf area was associated with greatly decreased growth of the lower stem and roots. No evidence was found of adaptive morphological changes to flooding. The data indicate that intolerance of B. papyrifera seedlings to flooding is an important barrier to regeneration of the species on sites subject to periodic inundation.  相似文献   

The uptake of K+ ion was studied in the roots of wheat ( Triuicum aestivum L. cv. GK Szeged) and cucumber ( Cucumis sativus L. cv. Budai csemege) seedlings grown in nutrient solution under nitrogen and sulfate stress conditions. Seedlings pretreated with 1 or 10 m M NaNO3, absorbed more K+ than those treated with 0.1 m M NaNO3. However, the posteffect of NaNO3 was considerably influenced by the Na2SO4, treatment. The results suggest that, at least partly, a feed-back regulation of K+ uptake may occur. However, due to the high Na+ contents of the roots, a Na+ effect in this process cannot be excluded. The growth and dry matter yields of the roots and shoots were strongly influenced by the SO2−/4 and NO/3 supply of the plants. Appreciable differences were experienced between wheat and cucumber seedlings. The optimum SO2−/4 concentration of the growth solution for maximal growth varied considerably between the species, and was also different for the roots and the shoots in a given species.  相似文献   

Spring wheat was grown in the field under deficient and sufficient levels of soil K and with high and low supplies of fertiliser nitrogen. Measurements were made of K uptake, soil nutrient supply parameters, root growth and, in solution culture, root influx parameters. Mechanistic models predicted uptake reasonably well under K-deficient conditions, but over-predicted uptake, by as much as 4 times, under K-sufficient conditions. The over-prediction was apparently due to poor characterisation of plant demand.  相似文献   

The regulatory role of abscisic acid (ABA) and kinetin on influx of K+(86RB+) IN tools of 7day old intact winter wheat which plant (Fritieun aestivum I ass starke 1 and 11) Was studied the inhibitory effect of 40,80 μM ABA in the uptake solution on K+(86RB+)influx was transiently stipulated pretreatment of the plants with ABA kinetin content enacted inhibitors effect caused by ABA. At low water potential in the uptake solution (05MPa)K+(86RB+) influx was slights higher in the presence of ABA than in is absence High humidity 123kpa ca 100% relative humidity (RID)around the shoots counteracted the inhibitory effect on k+(86RB+) influx caused by A,B,A IN the uptake solution the present data contain the hypothesis that when plants are subjected to conditions such as low water potential and low temperature. ABA stimulates K influx to facilitate water uptake.  相似文献   

Net rates of NO3? and K+ uptake were compared for oilseed rape (Brassica napus L. cv. Jet neuf), perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L. cv. S23), Italian ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum Lam. cv. Augusta) and wheat (Triticum aestivum L. cv. Fen-man) in flowing solution culture during a 4-day sequence of low-low-high-high natural irradiance. Concentrations of NO3? (10 μM) and K+ (2.5 μM) in solutions were maintained automatically and hourly variation in net uptake of these ions was measured. During the 2 days of low irradiance (<1 MJ m?2 day?1) the uptake rates of both ions by all species were low at <1 mmol NO3?, m?2 h?1 and <0.4 mmol K+ m?2 h?1. Uptake increased in each species during the first day of high irradiance (7.90 MJ m?2 day?1) to >4 mmol NO3? m?2 h?1 and >1.4 mmol K+ m?1 h?1. These higher rates were maintained throughout the following night. The lag-time between maximum irradiance and the onset of the highest acceleration in uptake was greater for NO3? (5–8 h) than for K+ (≤1 h) in rape, wheat and Italian ryegrass. Uptake of NO3?, by perennial ryegrass showed an almost constant acceleration for 18 h following maximum irradiance. In all species the measured maximum inflows (uptake rate per unit root length) of both ions were greater than theoretical maximum potential inflows to a non-competing infinite-sink root in soil, by factors of 7 and 36, respectively, for NO3? and K+, averaged over all species.  相似文献   

Five-week-old wheat plants were exposed, under controlled environmental conditions, to 60 nl 1?115NO2 or to purified air. After 48 and 96 h of exposure, leaves, stalks and roots were analysed for 15N-enrichment in α-amino nitrogen of soluble, free amino acids. In addition, the in vitro nitrate reductase (NR, EC and nitrite reductase (NIR, EC activities were determined in the leaves. NR activity in the leaves decreased continously during the 96-h exposure to purified air. In the leaves exposed to 15NO2, NR activity increased within the first 24 h, then decreased, and reached the level of controls after 96 h. NiR activity in leaves exposed to purified air was almost constant during the 96-h exposure. In leaves exposed to 15NO2, NiR activity increased within the first 48 h, then decreased, and reached the level of controls after 72 h, Exposure to 15NO2 enhanced the total content of soluble, free amino acids in all tissues analysed. Most of this increase was attributed to Glu in the leaves and to Asn plus Gln the α-amino group of soluble, free amino acids was observed in the leaves, the lowest enrichment in the roots. The main labelled amino compounds were Glu (with 8.0%15N enrichment compared to the control), γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA; 7.9%), Ala (7.2%). Ser (6.8%), Asp (5.5%) and Gln (4.6%). Appreciable incorporation of 15 into Asn was not found. After 96 h exposure to 15NO2 the 15N enrichment in the α-amino group of soluble, free amino acids in the leaves declined as compared to the values obtained after 48 h fumigation. The possible pathway and the time course of 15N incorporation into soluble, free amino acids from the 15NO2 absorbed are discussed.  相似文献   

Long-term effects of 1-naphtaleneacetic acid (NAA), benzyladenine (BA), gibberellic acid (GA3), abscisic acid (ABA) and ethylene on K+ levels, K+ uptake and translocation to the shoot were studied in young wheat plants (Triticum aesticum L. cv. Martonvásári-8) grown at different K+ supplies. Na+ levels and K+/Na+ selectivity were also investigated. Both in shoots and roots, NAA, BA and ABA decreased K+ and Na+ levels more effectively in high-K+ plants than in low-K+ plants. GA, and ethylene did not influence K+ and Na+ levels. K+/Na+ selectivity in roots of low-K+ plants was increased in favour of K+ by BA, NAA and to a lesser extent by ABA. In high-K+ plants only BA increased the K+/Na+ ratio, whereas the effects of the other hormones were the opposite (NAA) or less pronounced (ABA). K+(86Rb) uptake was inhibited by NAA and BA in low-K+ plants but not in high-K+ plants. K+(86Rb) uptake was inhibited throughout by 10 μM ABA. K+(86Rb) translocation to the shoot was influenced by the hormones similarly to the uptake patterns, with the exception of ABA, which inhibited translocation in low-K+ plants but not in high-K+ plants. The results show that hormonal effects may quantitatively and qualitatively be modified by K+ levels in the plant and that internal K+ concentration may play a role in the mechanisms regulating the effects of NAA, BA and ABA but probably not in those of GA3 or ethylene.  相似文献   

低磷和干旱胁迫对小麦生长发育影响的研究初探   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
研究了低磷和干旱胁迫对小麦(Triticum aestivum L.)生长发育的影响。结果表明,低磷胁迫能显著降低小麦的分蘖数、叶片相对含水量和叶绿素含量,进而抑制小麦的生长发育,降低其生物产量和经济产量,不耐低磷品种中国春受影响的程度要大于耐低磷品种烟中144。在相同条件下,干旱能够强化磷胁迫效应,表现出明显的胁迫叠加现象。  相似文献   

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