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The inhibition of covalent binding of the nascent C4b fragment of the human complement component to its natural target, immunoglobulin G, was studied. To this end, an immunoenzyme system was developed. In this ELISA method, the complement was activated on the sorbed IgG molecules and the resulting nascent C4b fragment acylated IgG or interacted with a competitive inhibitor added to the system. The inhibition constants for binding of the nascent C4b to its target were determined for immunoglobulins G1, G2, G3, G4, M, and A1, as well as for ferritin, yeast mannan, capsid polysaccharides of theNeisseria meningitidis A, B, and C serotypes, diphtheria anatoxin, epinephrine, and salicylic acid. On the basis of the experimental data, the immunoglobulin role at the activation stage of the complement regulation cascade, the relationship between the antigen immunogenicity and its ability to interact with C4b, and the direct effect of a number of therapeutic agents on the complement system were discussed. Lectins of various specificities were shown to inhibit the enzymic activation of C4 by the first complement component and the subsequent C4b sorption by its target, which allowed us to suggest that some oligosaccharide fragments of the C1s and C4 molecules are spatially close to the C1s active site and to the thioester bond of C4.  相似文献   

C5 convertase of the classical complement pathway is a protein complex consisting of C4b, C2a, and C3b. Within this complex C3b binds to C4b via an ester linkage. We now present evidence that the covalent C3b-binding site on human C4b is Ser at position 1217 of C4. We also show that formation of the covalently linked C4b.C3b complex occurs in the mouse complement system and that the C3b-binding site on mouse C4b is Ser at position 1213 which is homologous to Ser-1217 of human C4. Therefore, covalent binding of C3b to a single specific site on C4b within the classical pathway C5 convertase is likely a common phenomenon in the mammalian complement system. Specific noncovalent association of metastable C3b with C4b would occur first, leading to reaction of the thioester with a specific hydroxy group. This is supported by two lines of experimental evidence, one which shows that a mutant C4 that does not make a covalent linkage with C3b is still capable of forming C5 convertase and a second in which the C4b.C3b complex has been demonstrated by cross-linking erythrocytes bearing this C5 convertase.  相似文献   

1. One of the activation products of C4, C4b, was prepared, and the reactive thiol group on the alpha'-chain was radioactively labelled with iodo[2-14C]acetic acid. The alpha'-chain was isolated and the N-terminal amino acid sequence of the first 13 residues was determined. 2. C4b was cleaved by C3bINA in the presence of C4b-binding protein and C4d and C4c isolated. The radioactive label and therefore the reactive thiol group were located to C4d. 3. C4c was reduced and alkylated and the two alpha'-chain fragments of C4c were separated. 3. The molecular weights, amino acid analyses and carbohydrate content of the three alpha'-chain fragments were determined. C4d has a mol.wt. of 44500 and a carbohydrate content of 6%. The two alpha'-chain fragments of C4c have mol.wts. of 25000 (alpha 3) and 12000 (alpha 4) and carbohydrate contents of 10 and 22% respectively. 4. The N-terminal amino acid sequences of C4d, the alpha 3 and the alpha 4 fragments were determined for 18, 24 and 11 residues respectively and, by comparison with the N-terminal sequence of the C4b alpha'-chain, the 25000-mol.wt. fragment (alpha 3) was shown to be derived from the N-terminal part of the alpha'-chain. 5. C-Terminal analyses were done on the alpha'-chain and its three fragments. Arginine was found to be the C-terminal residue of C4d and of the alpha 3 fragment. The C-terminal residue of the alpha'-chain and of the alpha 4 fragment could not be identified. The order of the three fragments of the alpha'-chain is therefore: alpha 3(25000)--C4d(44500)--alpha 4(12000). The specificity of C3bINA is for an Arg--Xaa peptide bond.  相似文献   

The complement component C4 of mammals.   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Human complement component C4 is coded by tandem genes located in the HLA class III region. The products of the two genes, C4A and C4B, are different in their activity. This difference is due to a degree of 'substrate' specificity in the covalent binding reactions of the two isotypes. Mouse also has a duplicated locus, but only one gene produces active C4, while the other codes for the closely related sex-limited protein (Slp). In order to gain some insight into the evolutionary history of the duplicated C4 locus, we have purified C4 from a number of other mammalian species, and tested their binding specificities. Like man, chimpanzee and rhesus monkey appear to produce two C4 types with reactivities similar to C4A and C4B. Rat, guinea pig, whale, rabbit, dog and pig each expresses C4 with a single binding specificity, which is C4B-like. Sheep and cattle express two C4 types, one C4B-like, the other C4A-like, in their binding properties. These results suggest that more than one locus may be present in these species. If this is so, then the duplication of the C4 locus is either very ancient, having occurred before the divergence of the modern mammals, or there have been three separate duplication events in the lines leading to the primates, rodents and ungulates.  相似文献   

We probed the functional significance of the region around Cys-241 in human C2 by testing the hemolytic activity of a series of mutant rC2. Mutant C2 cDNA were constructed by oligonucleotide-directed site-specific mutagenesis and expressed transiently in COS cells. Wild-type rC2 had threefold higher specific hemolytic activity than native serum C2. Substitution of Gly, Ala, or Ser for Cys-241 resulted in a slightly, but significantly, increased activity. In addition, I2 had no effect on the activity of these mutant C2. Substitution of Lys for Gln-243 increased the hemolytic activity by more than two-fold. Increased activity in all cases was due to slower decay rates of the C3 convertase. Finally, substitution of Leu or Ala for Asp-240 or Ser-244, respectively, resulted in more than 100-fold decrease of hemolytic activity. The results suggest that residues 240 to 244 of human C2 represent an important structural determinant of the C4b binding site of C2a. They also confirm that Cys-241 is the residue responsible for the increased activity of C2 reacted with I2.  相似文献   

Vitamin K-dependent protein S and the higher-molecular-weight form of C4b-binding protein (C4bp-high) interact, forming a 1:1 complex with a KD of approx. 1 X 10(-7) M [Dahlb?ck (1983) Biochem. J. 209, 847-856]. In the present study the effect of protein S on the degradation of C4b by Factor I (C3b inactivator) and C4bp was investigated both in fluid phase and on cell surfaces, with the use of highly purified components. Fluid-phase degradation of C4b was monitored on sodium dodecyl sulphate/polyacrylamide-slab-gel electrophoresis, and the effect on surface-bound C4b was estimated by haemolytic assay. No effect of protein S could be demonstrated in any of the systems used. Thus, although bound to C4bp, protein S is neither involved in, nor does it affect, the interaction between C4bp and C4b. This indicates that the binding sites on the C4bp molecule for protein S and for C4b are independent and different.  相似文献   

Phenotyping of human complement component C4, a class-III HLA antigen.   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12       下载免费PDF全文
The plasma complement protein C4 is encoded at two highly polymorphic loci, A and B, within the class-III region of the major histocompatibility complex. At least 34 different polymorphic variants of human C4 have been identified, including non-expressed or 'null' alleles. The main method of identification of C4 polymorphic allotypes is separation on the basis of charge by agarose-gel electrophoresis of plasma. On staining by immunofixation with anti-C4 antibodies, each C4 type gives three major bands, but, since individuals can have up to five allotypes, the overlapping banding pattern is difficult to interpret. We show that digestion of plasma samples with carboxypeptidase B, which removes C-terminal basic amino acids, before electrophoresis, produces a single, sharp, distinct band for each allotype and allows identification of the biochemical basis of the multiple banding pattern previously observed in C4 phenotype determination.  相似文献   

Sequence of the gene for murine complement component C4   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  

The C4d.1 antigenic specificity was first defined serologically in 1959 as an H-2-associated cellular alloantigen first designated "G," later H-2.7. It was subsequently shown to be an allotype of component C4 of the C system, with the antigenic determinant carried on the C4d proteolytic fragment of the alpha-chain, thus the designation C4d.1. Alloantisera defining an antithetical Ag, C4d.2, were also prepared. Previous studies in our laboratory showed that the structural difference between the two specificities resides in a single tryptic peptide of C4d. As an efficient approach to definition of the amino acid difference(s) involved, genomic clones covering the C4d regions from two H-2 haplotypes of the C4d.1 type have been prepared and sequenced, and compared with two sequences already available for C4d.2-type molecules. The results indicate that the rather striking serologic difference between C4d.1 and C4d.2 is attributable to the single amino acid substitution of arginine in C4d.2 for glutamine in C4d.1. The substituted residue is in a highly hydrophilic region of the C4 molecule, at a position homologous to one that contributes to the Chido/Rodgers serologic difference of human C4 molecules. This substitution also determines a new Pst I site in C4d.1 strains. A HindIII restriction fragment length polymorphism between C4d.1 and C4d.2 has also been observed.  相似文献   

J A Hunt  M Ahmed  C A Fierke 《Biochemistry》1999,38(28):9054-9062
The role of highly conserved aromatic residues surrounding the zinc binding site of human carbonic anhydrase II (CAII) in determining the metal ion binding specificity of this enzyme has been examined by mutagenesis. Residues F93, F95, and W97 are located along a beta-strand containing two residues that coordinate zinc, H94 and H96, and these aromatic amino acids contribute to the high zinc affinity and slow zinc dissociation rate constant of CAII [Hunt, J. A., and Fierke, C. A. (1997) J. Biol. Chem. 272, 20364-20372]. Substitutions of these aromatic amino acids with smaller side chains enhance the copper affinity (up to 100-fold) while decreasing the affinity of both cobalt and zinc, thereby altering the metal binding specificity up to 10(4)-fold. Furthermore, the free energy of the stability of native CAII, determined by solvent-induced denaturation, correlates positively with increased hydrophobicity of the amino acids at positions 93, 95, and 97 as well as with cobalt and zinc affinity. Conversely, increased copper affinity correlates with decreased protein stability. Zinc specificity is therefore enhanced by formation of the native enzyme structure. These data suggest that the hydrophobic cluster in CAII is important for orienting the histidine residues to stabilize metals bound with a distorted tetrahedral geometry and to destabilize the trigonal bipyramidal geometry of bound copper. Knowledge of the structural factors that lead to high metal ion specificity will aid in the design of metal ion biosensors and de novo catalytic sites.  相似文献   

The inhibition of covalent binding of the nascent C4b fragment of the human complement component to its natural target, immunoglobulin G, was studied. To this end, an immunoenzyme system was developed. In this ELISA method, the complement was activated on the sorbed IgG molecules and the resulting nascent C4b fragment acylated IgG or interacted with a competitive inhibitor added to the system. The inhibition constants for binding of the nascent C4b to its target were determined for immunoglobulins G1, G2, G3, G4, M, and A1, as well as for ferritin, yeast mannan, capsid polysaccharides of the Neisseria meningitidis A, B, and C serotypes, diphtheria anatoxin, epinephrine, and salicylic acid. On the basis of the experimental data, the immunoglobulin role at the activation stage of the complement regulation cascade, the relationship between the antigen immunogenicity and its ability to interact with C4b, and the direct effect of a number of therapeutic agents on the complement system were discussed. Lectins of various specificities were shown to inhibit the enzymic activation of C4 by the first complement component and the subsequent C4b sorption to its target, which allowed us to suggest that some oligosaccharide fragments of the C1s and C4 molecules are spatially close to the C1s active site and to the thioester bond of C4.  相似文献   

Complement component C3b has been purified from human, rabbit and bovine serum by affinity chromatography on human factor H-Sepharose after preliminary fractionation by poly(ethylene glycol) and DEAE-Sepharose. The yields are high (35--40%) and the whole process is rapid (3 days). Binding of C3b to factor H-Sepharose is equimolar, has a sharp optimum pH at 7.6 and is quite sensitive to ionic strength.  相似文献   

The binding of human complement component C4 to antibody-antigen aggregates and the nature of the interaction have been investigated. When antibody-antigen aggregates with optimal C1 bound are incubated with C4, the C4 is rapidly cleaved to C4b, but only a small fraction (1-2%) is bound to the aggregates, the rest remaining in the fluid phase as inactive C4b. It has been found that C4b and th antibody form a very stable complex, due probably to the formation of a covalent bond. On reduction of the C4b-immunoglobulin G (IgG) complex, the beta and gamma chains, but not the alpha' chain, of C4b are released together with all the light chain, but only about half of the heavy chain of IgG. The reduced aggregates contain two main higher-molecular-weight complexes, one shown by the use of radioactive components to contain both IgG and C4b and probably therefore the alpha' chain of C4b and the heavy chain of IgG, and the other only C4b and probably an alpha' chain dimer. The aggregates with bound C1 and C4b show maximal C3 convertase activity, in the presence of excess C2, when the alpha'-H chain component is in relatively highest amounts. When C4 is incubated with C1s in the absence of aggregates, up to 15% of a C4b dimer is formed, which on reduction gives an alpha' chain complex, probably a dimer. The apparent covalent interaction between C4b and IgG and between C4b and other C4b molecules cannot be inhibited by iodoacetamide and hence cannot be catalysed by transglutaminase (factor XIII). The reaction is, however, inhibited by cadaverine and putrescine and 14C-labelled putrescine is incorporated into C4, again by a strong, probably covalent, bond. It is suggested that a reactive group, possibly an acyl group, is generated when C4 is activated by C1 and that this reactive group can react with IgG, with another C4 molecule, or with water.  相似文献   

Borrelia burgdorferi (Bb) is the causative agent of Lyme disease in the United States, a disease that can result in carditis, and chronic and debilitating arthritis and/or neurologic symptoms if left untreated. Bb survives in the midgut of the Ixodes scapularis tick, or within tissues of immunocompetent hosts. In the early stages of infection, the bacteria are present in the bloodstream where they must resist clearance by the innate immune system of the host. We have found a novel role for outer surface protein C (OspC) from B. burgdorferi and B. garinii in interactions with the complement component C4b and bloodstream survival in vivo. Our data show that OspC inhibits the classical and lectin complement pathways and competes with complement protein C2 for C4b binding. Resistance to complement is important for maintenance of the lifecycle of Bb, enabling survival of the pathogen within the host as well as in the midgut of a feeding tick when ospC expression is induced.  相似文献   

The fourth component of rat complement was purified to homogeneity by sequential chromatography of rat plasma in benzamidine on QAE-A50, SP-C50, hydroxyapatite, and gel filtration on Bio-Gel A 1.5. The final material was homogeneous on SDS-PAGE analysis and had a calculated m.w. of 198,000. A monospecific antibody against rat C4 was obtained from immunized rabbits. The concentration of rat C4 in the plasma of normal 4-month-old Wistar rats was 190 +/- 34 microgram/ml (mean +/- 1 S.D.).  相似文献   

We have compared the C5-convertase-forming ability of different C4 allotypes, including the C4A6 allotype, which has low haemolytic activity and which has previously been shown to be defective in C5-convertase formation. Recent studies suggest that C4 plays two roles in the formation of the C5 convertase from the C3 convertase. Firstly, C4b acts as the binding site for C3 which, upon cleavage by C2, forms a covalent linkage with the C4b. Secondly, C4b with covalently attached C3b serves to form a high-affinity binding site for C5. Purified allotypes C4A3, C4B1 and C4A6 were used to compare these two activities of C4. Covalently linked C4b-C3b complexes were formed on sheep erythrocytes with similar efficiency by using C4A3 and C4B1, indicating that the two isotypes behave similarly as acceptors for covalent attachment of C3b. C4A6 showed normal efficiency in this function. However, cells bearing C4b-C3b complexes made from C4A6 contained only a small number of high-affinity binding sites for C5. Therefore a lack of binding of C5 to the C4b C3b complexes is the reason for the inefficient formation of C5 convertase by C4A6. The small number of high-affinity binding sites created, when C4A6 was used, were tested for inhibition by anti-C3 and anti-C4. Anti-C4 did not inhibit C5 binding, whereas anti-C3 did. This suggests that the sites created when C4A6 is used to make C3 convertase may be C3b-C3b dimers, and hence the low haemolytic activity of C4A6 results from the creation of low numbers of alternative-pathway C5-convertase sites.  相似文献   

How synaptic specificity is molecularly coded in target cells is a long-standing question in neuroscience. Whereas essential roles of several target-derived attractive cues have been shown, less is known about the role of repulsion by nontarget cells. We conducted single-cell microarray analysis of two neighboring muscles (M12 and M13) in Drosophila, which are innervated by distinct motor neurons, by directly isolating them from dissected embryos. We identified a number of potential target cues that are differentially expressed between the two muscles, including M13-enriched Wnt4. When the functions of Wnt4, or putative receptors Frizzled 2 and Derailed-2 or Dishevelled were inhibited, motor neurons that normally innervate M12 (MN12s) formed smaller synapses on M12 but instead formed ectopic nerve endings on M13. Conversely, ectopic expression of Wnt4 in M12 inhibits synapse formation by MN12s. These results suggest that Wnt4, via Frizzled 2, Derailed-2, and Dishevelled, generates target specificity by preventing synapse formation on a nontarget muscle. Ectopic expression of five other M13-enriched genes, including beat-IIIc and Glutactin, also inhibits synapse formation by MN12s. These results demonstrate an important role for local repulsion in regulating cell-to-cell target specificity.  相似文献   

Neuraminidase treatment of cells infected with herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) markedly enhanced the binding of complement component C3b to HSV 1 glycoprotein C (gC). When HSV-1 was grown in BHK RicR14 cells in which glycoproteins had reduced amounts of N-linked complex oligosaccharides, including sialic acid, the binding of C3b to gC was markedly enhanced. We used neuraminidase treatment to demonstrate that cloning the gC gene from the HSV-1 F strain into an HSV-1 mutant which fails to express gC converted the mutant virus from C3b receptor negative to receptor positive. These results further support a role for gC as a C3b receptor and indicate that sialic acid modifies receptor activity.  相似文献   

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