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The influence of NH4+, in the external medium, on fluxes of NO3 and K+ were investigated using barley (Hordeum vulgare cv Betzes) plants. NH4+ was without effect on NO3 (36ClO3) influx whereas inhibition of net uptake appeared to be a function of previous NO3 provision. Plants grown at 10 micromolar NO3 were sensitive to external NH4+ when uptake was measured in 100 micromolar NO3. By contrast, NO3 uptake (from 100 micromolar NO3) by plants previously grown at this concentration was not reduced by NH4+ treatment. Plants pretreated for 2 days with 5 millimolar NO3 showed net efflux of NO3 when roots were transferred to 100 micromolar NO3. This efflux was stimulated in the presence of NH4+. NH4+ also stimulated NO3 efflux from plants pretreated with relatively low nitrate concentrations. It is proposed that short term effects on net uptake of NO3 occur via effects upon efflux. By contrast to the situation for NO3, net K+ uptake and influx of 36Rb+-labeled K+ was inhibited by NH4+ regardless of the nutrient history of the plants. Inhibition of net K+ uptake reached its maximum value within 2 minutes of NH4+ addition. It is concluded that the latter ion exerts a direct effect upon K+ influx.  相似文献   

Evidence is presented that chlorate is an extremely good analog for nitrate during nitrate uptake by intact barley (Hordeum vulgare cv. Fergus) roots. The depletion of ClO3 or NO3 from uptake media over 2 to 6 hours by seedlings was found to be dependent on combined NO3 plus ClO3 concentrations, and total anion uptake was equivalent at different NO3/ClO3 ratios. After loading barley seedlings with 36ClO3 for 6 hours, kinetic parameters were derived from the analysis of efflux of [36Cl] chlorate into unlabeled solution. On the basis of this analysis, the half times for exchange for the cytoplasmic and vacuolar phases were 17 minutes and 20 hours, respectively.  相似文献   

13NO3 was used to investigate patterns of NO3 influx into roots of barley plants (Hordeum vulgare L. cv Klondike) previously grown with (`induced') or without (`uninduced') a source of external NO3 ([NO3]0). In both induced and uninduced plants, 13NO3 influx was biphasic in the range from 0.005 to 50 moles per cubic meter [NO3]0. In the low concentration range (<1 mole per cubic meter for induced plants and <0.3 mole per cubic meter for uninduced plants), influx was saturable and Vmax and Km values for influx either increased or decreased according to NO3 pretreatment. By contrast, 13NO3 influx in the high concentration range revealed a strictly linear concentration dependence. These fluxes appeared to be mediated by a constitutive, rather than an inducible, transport system.  相似文献   

Using 13NO3, effects of various NO3 pretreatments upon NO3 influx were studied in intact roots of barley (Hordeum vulgare L. cv Klondike). Prior exposure of roots to NO3 increased NO3 influx and net NO3 uptake. This `induction' of NO3 uptake was dependent both on time and external NO3 concentration ([NO3]). During induction influx was positively correlated with root [NO3]. In the postinduction period, however, NO3 influx declined as root [NO3] increased. It is suggested that induction and negative feedback regulation are independent processes: Induction appears to depend upon some critical cytoplasmic [NO3]; removal of external NO3 caused a reduction of 13NO3 influx even though mean root [NO3] remained high. It is proposed that cytoplasmic [NO3] is depleted rapidly under these conditions resulting in `deinduction' of the NO3 transport system. Beyond 50 micromoles per gram [NO3], 13NO3 influx was negatively correlated with root [NO3]. However, it is unclear whether root [NO3] per se or some product(s) of NO3 assimilation are responsible for the negative feedback effects.  相似文献   

13N-labeled nitrate was used to trace short-term nitrate influx into Lemna gibba L. G3 in experiments where disappearance of both radioactivity and total nitrate from the incubation medium was measured continuously and simultaneously. In plants performing net nitrate uptake from an initial nitrate concentration of 40 to 60 micromolar, there was no discrepancy between net uptake and influx, irrespective of the N status of the plants, indicating that concomitant nitrate efflux was low or nil. Plants treated with tungstate to inactivate nitrate reductase were able to take up nitrate following induction of the uptake system by exposure to a low amount of nitrate. Also, in this case, net uptake was equivalent to influx. In tungstate-treated plants preloaded with nitrate, both net uptake and influx were nil. In contrast to these observations, a clear discrepancy between net uptake and influx was observed when the plants were incubated at an initial nitrate concentration of approximately 5 micromolar, where net uptake is low and eventually ceases. It is concluded that plasmalemma nitrate transport is essentially unidirectional in plants performing net uptake at a concentration of 40 to 60 micromolar, and that transport is nil when internal nitrate sinks (vacuole, metabolism) are eliminated. The efflux component becomes increasingly important when the external concentration approaches the threshold value for net nitrate uptake (the nitrate compensation point) where considerable exchange between internal and external nitrate occurs.  相似文献   

Compartmental analyses of intact roots of barley (Hordeum vulgareL. cv. Klondike) plants, grown with different levels of NO3(up to 1·0 mol m–3) in the external media, wereundertaken using 13NO3. Two additional treatments, namelysodium dodecyl sulphate (SDS) or brief exposure to high temperature,designed to investigate the identity of the three NO3compartments revealed by compartmental analyses, provided supportfor the identification of the latter as corresponding to superficialsolution, apoplasm, and cytoplasm. Half-lives for exchange ofthese compartments, 3 s, 30 s, and 7 mm, were unaffected bythe level of NO3 provided during growth. Independentestimates of 13NO3 fluxes obtained by direct methodsagreed well with values of fluxes calculated from the compartmentalanalyses. Cytoplasmic [NO3], estimated from the compartmental analyses,were in the range from 1–37 mol m–3, and increasedwith increasing [NO3] of the medium. Such values forcytoplasmic [NO3] are inconsistent with an earlier proposal(Siddiqi, Glass, Ruth, and Rufty, 1990; Glass, Siddiqi, Ruth,and Rufty, 1990) of passive NO3 uptake in the concentrationrange above 10 mol m–3. A model, based upon localizeddistribution of nitrate reductase activity in epidermal cells,is proposed in which the proposed passive low affinity NO uptakeat high external [NO3] is restricted to epidermal cells. During loading periods with 13NO3, significant amountsof 13N were translocated to the shoot. Two pools of 13N, onebeing the root symplasm, appear to participate in the transferof labelled N to the shoot. Key words: Barley, compartmentation, nitrate, nitrate reductase, 13N  相似文献   

Short-term (10 minutes) measurements of plasmalemma NO3 influx (oc) into roots of intact barley plants were obtained using 13NO3. In plants grown for 4 days at various NO3 levels (0.1, 0.2, 0.5 millimolar), oc was found to be independent of the level of NO3 pretreatment. Similarly, pretreatment with Cl had no effect upon plasmalemma 13NO3 influx. Plants grown in the complete absence of 13NO3 (in CaSO4 solutions) subsequently revealed influx values which were more than 50% lower than for plants grown in NO3. Based upon the documented effects of NO3 or Cl pretreatments on net uptake of NO3, these observations suggest that negative feedback from vacuolar NO3 and/or Cl acts at the tonoplast but not at the plasmalemma. When included in the influx medium, 0.5 millimolar Cl was without effect upon 13NO3 influx, but NH4+ caused approximately 50% reduction of influx at this concentration.  相似文献   

Studies of the Uptake of Nitrate in Barley : IV. Electrophysiology   总被引:12,自引:5,他引:12       下载免费PDF全文
Transmembrane electrical potential differences (Δψ) of epidermal and cortical cells were measured in intact roots of barley (Hordeum vulgare L. cv Klondike). The effects of exogenous NO3 on Δψ (in the concentration range from 100 micromolar to 20 millimolar) were investigated to probe the mechanisms of nitrate uptake by the high-affinity (HATS) and low-affinity (LATS) transport systems for NO3 uptake. Both transport systems caused depolarization of Δψ, demonstrating that the LATS (like the HATS) for NO3 uptake is probably mediated by an electrogenic cation (H+?) cotransport system. Membrane depolarization by the HATS was “inducible” by NO3, and saturable with respect to exogenous [NO3]. By contrast, depolarization by the LATS was constitutive, and first-order in response to external [NO3]. H+ fluxes, measured in 200 micromolar and in 5 millimolar Ca(NO3)2 solutions, failed to alkalinize external media as anticipated for a 2 H+:1 NO3 symport. However, switching from K2SO4 solutions (which were strongly acidifying) to KNO3 solutions at the same K+ concentration caused marked reductions in H+ efflux. These observations are consistent with NO3 uptake by the HATS and the LATS via 2 H+:1 NO3 symports. These observations establish that the HATS for nitrate uptake by barley roots is essentially similar to those reported for Lemna and Zea mays by earlier workers. There are, nevertheless, distinct differences between barley and corn in their quantitative responses to external NO3.  相似文献   

Studies of the Uptake of Nitrate in Barley : II. Energetics   总被引:3,自引:4,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
Q10 values for 13NO3 influx were determined in `uninduced' (NO3-starved) and `induced' (NO3-pretreated) roots of barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) plants at various concentrations of external NO3 ([NO3]0). At 0.02 mole per cubic meter [NO3]0, Q10 values for influx were from 3 to 4 between 5 and 10°C. As [NO3]0 increased Q10 values decreased, reaching values of 1.2 and 2.0, respectively, at 20 moles per cubic meter in uninduced and induced plants. The metabolic dependence of 13NO3 influx at low and high [NO3]0 (0.1 and 20.0 moles per cubic meter, respectively) in uninduced and induced plants was probed by the use of various inhibitors. These experiments confirmed the findings of the Q10 studies, demonstrating that at low [NO3]013NO3 influx was extremely sensitive to metabolic inhibition. By contrast, at high [NO3]0, influx was relatively insensitive to the presence of inhibitors.  相似文献   

Sodium-Stimulated NO(3) Uptake in Amaranthus tricolor L. Plants   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
Nitrate uptake of Na+ -deficient Amaranthus tricolor L. cv Tricolor seedlings from complete culture solution was stimulated by about 210% within 5 hours by application of 0.5 millimolar NaCl. From a Na+ -preloading experiment, intracellular Na+ was shown to be responsible for the stimulation of NO3 uptake. The results suggest a possible role of Na+ in NO3 uptake in C4 plants.  相似文献   

Lee  R. B. 《Annals of botany》1993,72(3):223-230
Rates of influx and net uptake of nitrate, phosphate and sulphatewere measured in intact barley plants, and concurrent effluxwas obtained by difference. Net uptake of these anions variedwidely depending on the nutrient status of the plants, and thedifferences in net uptake could be accounted for almost entirelyby changes in influx. Efflux played only a minor role in regulatingnet uptake of nitrate, phosphate or sulphate during recoveryfrom N-, P-, or S-deficiency. Nitrate influx and short-term ammonium absorption by N-deficientbarley plants were closely correlated, and varied in parallelwith rates of net uptake of nitrate or ammonium by similar plants.Again, it would seem that net uptake of ammonium is controlledpredominantly by changes in the rate of influx.Copyright 1993,1999 Academic Press Hordeum vulgare, barley, nutrient absorption, influx, nitrate, phosphate, sulphate, ammonium  相似文献   

The influence of a 12-h pretreatment with either NO3-, NH4+, glutamine, or glutamate (300 [mu]M) on the apparent induction of NO3- uptake was investigated. Net fluxes of NO3- into roots of intact, 7-d-old barley (Hordeum vulgare L. cv Prato) seedlings in solution culture were estimated from ion activity gradients measured with NO3--selective microelectrodes in the unstirred layer of solution immediately external to the root surface. Control plants, pretreated with nitrogen-free nutrient solution, exhibited a sigmoidal increase in net NO3- uptake, reaching a maximum rate between 8 and 9 h after first exposure to NO3-. Plants pretreated with NH4+ or Glu exhibited a delay of several hours in the initiation of the induction process after they had been exposed to NO3-. In Gln-pretreated plants, however, responses ranged from no delay of the induction process to delays comparable to those observed following NH4+ or Glu pretreatments. Only treatment with NO3-resulted in the induction of NO3- uptake, whereas pretreatments with NH4+, Gln, or Glu tended to delay induction of NO3- uptake upon subsequent exposure to NO3-.  相似文献   

Soybean plants (Glycine max [L.] Merr) were grown in sand culture with 2 millimolar nitrate for 37 days and then supplied with 15 millimolar nitrate for 7 days. Control plants received 2 millimolar nitrate and 13 millimolar chloride and, after the 7-day treatment period, all plants were supplied with nil nitrate. The temporary treatment with high nitrate inhibited nitrogenase (acetylene reduction) activity by 80% whether or not Rhizobium japonicum bacteroids had nitrate reductase (NR) activity. The pattern of nitrite accumulation in nodules formed by NR+ rhizobia was inversely related to the decrease and recovery of nitrogenase activity. However, nitrite concentration in nodules formed by NR rhizobia appeared to be too low to explain the inhibition of nitrogenase. Carbohydrate composition was similar in control nodules and nodules receiving 15 millimolar nitrate suggesting that the inhibition of nitrogenase by nitrate was not related to the availability of carbohydrate.

Nodules on plants treated with 15 millimolar nitrate contained higher concentrations of amino N and, especially, ureide N than control nodules and, after withdrawal of nitrate, reduced N content of treated and control nodules returned to similar levels. The accumulation of N2 fixation products in nodules in response to high nitrate treatment was observed with three R. japonicum strains, two NR+ and one NR. The high nitrate treatment did not affect the allantoate/allantoin ratio or the proportion of amino N or ureide N in bacteroids (4%) and cytosol (96%).


Nitrogen isotope fractionation by Pearl Millet (Pennisetum americanum L. and P. mollissimum L.) grown on nitrate was associated with nitrate reductase activity. Fractionation was evidenced at the step of nitrate reduction when the substrate-to-enzyme ratio was high (possibly saturating for the active sites of the nitrate reductase enzyme), for instance in young seedlings having a low nitrate reductase activity or in seedlings grown on high nitrate concentration.  相似文献   

In soybean (Glycine max L. Merr. cv Kingsoy), NO3 assimilation in leaves resulted in production and transport of malate to roots (B Touraine, N Grignon, C Grignon [1988] Plant Physiol 88: 605-612). This paper examines the significance of this phenomenon for the control of NO3 uptake by roots. The net NO3 uptake rate by roots of soybean plants was stimulated by the addition of K-malate to the external solution. It was decreased when phloem translocation was interrupted by hypocotyl girdling, and partially restored by malate addition to the medium, whereas glucose was ineffective. Introduction of K-malate into the transpiration stream using a split root system resulted in an enrichment of the phloem sap translocated back to the roots. This treatment resulted in an increase in both NO3 uptake and C excretion rates by roots. These results suggest that NO3 uptake by roots is dependent on the availability of shoot-borne, phloem-translocated malate. Shoot-to-root transport of malate stimulated NO3 uptake, and excretion of HCO3 ions was probably released by malate decarboxylation. NO3 uptake rate increased when the supply of NO3 to the shoot was increased, and decreased when the activity of nitrate reductase in the shoot was inhibited by WO42−. We conclude that in situ, NO3 reduction rate in the shoot may control NO3 uptake rate in the roots via the translocation rate of malate in the phloem.  相似文献   

The critical range of Zn2+ activity in nutrient solution required for optimum growth of barley (Hordeum vulgare L. cv Herta) was studied using the synthetic chelating agent N-(2-hydroxyethyl)ethylenedinitrilotriacetic acid to buffer micronutrient metal ions. The activity of Zn2+ was varied over a wide range from approximately 0.1 x 10-11 to 22 x 10-11 M Zn2+. The dry weight of barley shoots reached a maximum at Zn2+ activities above approximately 3 x 10-11 M and was clearly depressed when Zn2+ activities were below about 1 x 10-11 M. The relationship in shoots between dry weight and Zn concentrations supports the view that there is a critical Zn concentration of about 25 [mu]g g-1 dry weight in whole shoots of barley seedlings. When Zn2+ activities in solution were near or below approximately 3 x 10-11 M, barley shoots accumulated higher concentrations of P, Mn, Ca, Mg, and Na, whereas Cu concentrations were reduced. P and Mn began to accumulate in the shoots before differences in dry weights were apparent and provided the earliest index of Zn deficiency. In Zn-deficient roots, concentrations of Ca and Mg increased by 25 to 30%, and those of Fe and Mn more than doubled. Zn appears to play a special role in regulating uptake of several mineral nutrients in barley.  相似文献   

The inhibitory effect of NH4+ on net NO3- uptake has been attributed to an enhancement of efflux and, recently, to an inhibition of influx. To study this controversy, we devised treatments to distinguish the effects of NH4+ on these two processes. Roots of intact barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) seedlings, uninduced or induced with NO3- or NO2-, were used. Net uptake and efflux, respectively, were determined by following the depletion and accumulation in the external solutions. In roots of both uninduced and NO2- -induced seedlings, NO3- efflux was negligible; hence, the initial uptake rates were equivalent to influx. Under these conditions, NH4+ had little effect on NO3- uptake (influx) rates by either the low- or high-Km uptake systems. In contrast, in plants preloaded with NO3-, NH4+ and its analog CH3NH3+ decreased net uptake, presumably by enhancing NO3- efflux. The stimulatory effect of NH4+ on NO3- efflux was a function of external NH4+ and internal NO3- concentration. These results were corroborated by the absence of any effect of NH4+ on NO2- uptake unless the roots were preloaded with NO2-. In this case NH4+ increased efflux and decreased net uptake. Hence, the main effect of NH4+ on net NO3- and NO2- uptake appears to be due to enhancement of efflux and not to inhibition of influx.  相似文献   

Nitrate uptake has been studied in nitrogen-deficient cells of the marine diatom Skeletonema costatum. When these cells are incubated in the presence of nitrate, this ion is quickly taken up from the medium, and nitrite is excreted by the cells. Nitrite is excreted following classical saturation kinetics, its rate being independent of nitrate concentration in the incubation medium for nitrate concentration values higher than 3 micromolar. Nitrate uptake shows mixed-transfer kinetics, which can be attributed to the simultaneous contributions of mediated and diffusion transfer. Cycloheximide and p-hydroxymercuribenzoate inhibit the carrier-mediated contribution to nitrate uptake, without affecting the diffusion component. When cells are preincubated with nitrate, the net nitrogen uptake is increased.  相似文献   

The influence of nitrogen stress on net nitrate uptake resulting from concomitant 15NO3 influx and 14NO3 efflux was examined in two 12-day-old inbred lines of maize. Plants grown on 14NO3 were deprived of nitrogen for up to 72 hours prior to the 12th day and then exposed for 0.5 hour to 0.15 millimolar nitrate containing 98.7 atom% 15N. The nitrate concentration of the roots declined from approximately 100 to 5 micromolar per gram fresh weight during deprivation, and 14NO3 efflux was linearly related to root nitrate concentration. Influx of 15NO3 was suppressed in nitrogen-replete plants and increased with nitrogen deprivation up to 24 hours, indicating a dissipation of factors suppressing influx. Longer periods of nitrogen-deprivation resulted in a decline in 15NO3 influx from its maximal rate. The two inbreds differed significantly in the onset and extent of this decline, although their patterns during initial release from influx suppression were similar. Except for plants of high endogenous nitrogen status, net nitrate uptake was largely attributable to influx, and genetic variation in the regulation of this process is implied.  相似文献   

The effects of nitrate and ammonium addition on net and gross photosynthesis, CO2 efflux and the dissolved inorganic carbon compensation point of nitrogen-limited Selenastrum minutum Naeg. Collins (Chlorophyta) were studied. Cultures pulsed with nitrate or ammonium exhibited a marked decrease in both net and gross photosynthetic carbon fixation. During this period of suppression the specific activity of exogenous dissolved inorganic carbon decreased rapidly in comparison to control cells indicating an increase in the rate of CO2 efflux in the light. The nitrate and ammmonium induced rates of CO2 efflux were 31.0 and 33.8 micromoles CO2 per milligram chlorophyll per hour, respectively, and represented 49 and 48% of the rate of gross photosynthesis. Nitrate addition to cells at dissolved inorganic carbon compensation point caused an increase in compensation point while ammonium had no effect. In the presence of the tricarboxylic acid cycle inhibitor fluoroacetate, the nitrate-induced change in compensation point was greatly reduced suggesting the source of this CO2 was the tricarboxylic acid cycle. These results are consistent with the mechanism of N-induced photosynthetic suppression outlined by Elrifi and Turpin (1986 Plant Physiol 81: 273-279).  相似文献   

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