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CRISPR传感检测技术具有便宜、简单、便携、高灵敏和高特异等优点,被称为“下一代分子诊断技术”。由于CRISPR-Cas系统具有特异的识别、顺式切割和非特异性的反式切割能力,已经实现了对DNA和RNA等核酸靶标以及蛋白质、外泌体、细胞和小分子等非核酸靶标的检测。为了解不同CRISPR传感检测技术的优势和发展历程,促进该技术的发展和应用,本文根据不同Cas蛋白的活性特征,对目前的CRISPR传感检测技术进行了分类总结,并在此基础上根据检测的靶标类型,依次总结了各种CRISPR传感检测技术的应用情况,以期为开发新型CRISPR传感检测技术提供参考。  相似文献   

A rapid method for culturing guinea pig gastric mucous cell monolayers   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Summary A method has been developed for growing confluent primary cultured monolayers of guinea pig gastric mucous cells suitable for in vitro electrophysiological, transport, and pharmacological studies. Isolated mucous cells were enriched on a one-step Percoll density gradient and plated on fibronectin-coated plastic dishes or in small cups with holes containing glutaraldehyde-fixed Vitrogen gels. These cups were designed to fit in Ussing chambers. Mucous cells attached, proliferated, and formed confluent monolayers in 3 d. The low cuboidal cells contained periodic acid Schiff-positive mucous granules that were negative by Bowie and indirect immunofluorescent staining for pepsinogen. Electron microscopy revealed polarized mucous cells with microvilli, mucous granules, microfilaments, small mitochondria, some vacuoles, and junctional complexes that excluded wheat germ agglutinin-peroxidase. No basal lamina was present. Monolayers could be maintained for over 2 wk but subcultures were not made. The cultures were virtually free of fibroblasts. Epithelial sheets produced by this simple and rapid method can be used for electrophysiological, ion transport, and pharmacological studies. This research was supported in part by National Institutes of Health grants GM7806, AM31158, AM 15681, and AM 30303.  相似文献   

The differential pulse polarography has been used on samples taken from the medium during the culture of chinese hamster ovary cells with a view to producing the active principle of an anti-cancer drug. An electrochemical signal at a potential of −1.8 V with respect to the saturated calomel electrode was correlated with the lactic acid concentration, the pH variation and the number of cells. The peaks observed in oxidation at potentials −0.35 V and −0.05 V were associated with the transformation of the cystine present in the nutrient medium into cysteine and provide an indication of the modification of the reducing power of the medium during culture. No correlation was found between the electrochemical behaviour and cell production.  相似文献   

郭庆华  刘瑾 《生物多样性》2018,26(8):785-67
正自1985年美国国家生物多样性论坛第一次筹备会议提出"biodiversity"一词至今(HarperHawksworth, 1995),生物多样性科学(马克平, 2016)历经30余年的学科建设发展和保护实践活动,其维持生态系统功能、提供生态系统服务、延续人类福  相似文献   

Summary One of the major problems in cell culturing is the misidentification or cross-contamination of authentic continuous cell lines. We applied a rapid and efficient isoelectric focusing (IEF) technique for the routine analysis to detect interspecies contamination of cell cultures and for the identification of unknown animal cell lines. The method is based on the isoelectric separation of a specific set of intracellular enzymes which can be used to distinguish between cell lines of human, murine, or other mammalian origin. By means of preformed agarose gels, standardized conditions and equipment, this technique is especially applicable for routine work and allows the analysis of a large number of unknown samples with reproducible results. One hundred seventy-seven cell lines which have been sent to the Department of Human and Animal Cell Cultures at the DSM (Deutsche Sammlung von Mikroorganismen and Zellkulturen) were analyzed for species authentication; only three cell lines were found not to be of the presumed species. Our study strongly emphasizes standardized IEF as an efficient and rapid method for routinely monitoring the authenticity of cell lines.  相似文献   

遥感技术在大亚湾区域土地利用类型监测中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
何章莉  史合印  邢前国  潘伟斌 《生态科学》2006,25(4):371-374,384
文章综合利用了Landsat系列卫星不同传感器(MSS、TM、ETM )的遥感资料对1979至2004年20多年间的大亚湾周边的植被陆地、非植被陆地以及水域等土地利用类型的相关变化进行了定量监测与评估。遥感监测结果表明,在过去的二十多年间,大亚湾周边植被覆盖总体保持相对稳定,但非植被陆地由1991年的5.1%左右上升到2004年的10.5%左右,水体面积也相应降低了5%左右,表现出“人进水退”的总体变化格局,该变化特征与该区域过去的环境政策、经济活动发展历程有关。通过将人类对区域环境影响的方式、力度和土地利用类型的变化建立一种对应关系,可以预测以后的开发建设活动对土地利用类型的影响,并应用到区域环境影响评价中去。  相似文献   

Potato is commonly affected by various pathogens of viral, bacterial, and fungal origin; therefore, simple and accurate diagnostic and identification techniques are of key importance both for the production of virus free planting material and for the monitoring of the phytosanitary state of planting areas. The newly developed test systems based on qualitative fluorescent amplification-based specific hybridization (FLASH-PCR) enable fast and accurate diagnostics of the major potato pathogens, i.e. potato viruses A, Y, X, M, and S, potato leaf roll virus, potato mop top virus, as well as potato spindle tuber viroid, while minimizing the risk of the working zone contamination.  相似文献   

Biosensor systems which enable impedance measurements on adherent cell layers under label-free conditions are considered powerful tools for monitoring specific biological characteristics. A radio frequency identification-based sensor platform was adopted to characterize cultivation and differentiation of human bone marrow-derived multipotent stem cells (bmMSC) over periods of up to several days and weeks. Electric cell-substrate impedance sensing was achieved through fabrication of sensitive elements onto glass substrates which comprised two comb-shaped interdigitated gold electrodes covering an area of 1.8 mm×2 mm. The sensing systems were placed into the wells of a 6-well tissue culture plate, stacked onto a reader unit and could thus be handled and operated under sterile conditions. Continuous measurements were carried out with a sinusoidal voltage of 35 mV at a frequency of 10 kHz. After seeding of human bmMSC, this sensor was able to trace significant impedance changes contingent upon cell spreading and adhesion. The re-usable system was further proven suitable for live examination of cell-substrate attachment or continuous cell monitoring up to several weeks. Induction of either osteogenic or adipogenic differentiation could be validated in bmMSC cultures within a few days, in contrast to state-of-the-art protocols, which require several weeks of cultivation time. In the context of medical cell production in a GMP-compliant process, the here presented interdigitated electric microsensor technology allows the documentation of MSC quality in a fast, efficient and reliable fashion.  相似文献   

A rapid high-resolution genome-wide strategy for molecular mapping of major QTL(s)/gene(s) regulating important agronomic traits is vital for in-depth dissection of complex quantitative traits and genetic enhancement in chickpea. The present study for the first time employed a NGS-based whole-genome QTL-seq strategy to identify one major genomic region harbouring a robust 100-seed weight QTL using an intra-specific 221 chickpea mapping population (desi cv. ICC 7184 × desi cv. ICC 15061). The QTL-seq-derived major SW QTL (CaqSW1.1) was further validated by single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) and simple sequence repeat (SSR) marker-based traditional QTL mapping (47.6% R2 at higher LOD >19). This reflects the reliability and efficacy of QTL-seq as a strategy for rapid genome-wide scanning and fine mapping of major trait regulatory QTLs in chickpea. The use of QTL-seq and classical QTL mapping in combination narrowed down the 1.37 Mb (comprising 177 genes) major SW QTL (CaqSW1.1) region into a 35 kb genomic interval on desi chickpea chromosome 1 containing six genes. One coding SNP (G/A)-carrying constitutive photomorphogenic9 (COP9) signalosome complex subunit 8 (CSN8) gene of these exhibited seed-specific expression, including pronounced differential up-/down-regulation in low and high seed weight mapping parents and homozygous individuals during seed development. The coding SNP mined in this potential seed weight-governing candidate CSN8 gene was found to be present exclusively in all cultivated species/genotypes, but not in any wild species/genotypes of primary, secondary and tertiary gene pools. This indicates the effect of strong artificial and/or natural selection pressure on target SW locus during chickpea domestication. The proposed QTL-seq-driven integrated genome-wide strategy has potential to delineate major candidate gene(s) harbouring a robust trait regulatory QTL rapidly with optimal use of resources. This will further assist us to extrapolate the molecular mechanism underlying complex quantitative traits at a genome-wide scale leading to fast-paced marker-assisted genetic improvement in diverse crop plants, including chickpea.  相似文献   

Microfabricated systems equipped with 3D cell culture devices and in‐situ cellular biosensing tools can be a powerful bionanotechnology platform to investigate a variety of biomedical applications. Various construction substrates such as plastics, glass, and paper are used for microstructures. When selecting a construction substrate, a key consideration is a porous microenvironment that allows for spheroid growth and mimics the extracellular matrix (ECM) of cell aggregates. Various bio‐functionalized hydrogels are ideal candidates that mimic the natural ECM for 3D cell culture. When selecting an optimal and appropriate microfabrication method, both the intended use of the system and the characteristics and restrictions of the target cells should be carefully considered. For highly sensitive and near‐cell surface detection of excreted cellular compounds, SERS‐based microsystems capable of dual modal imaging have the potential to be powerful tools; however, the development of optical reporters and nanoprobes remains a key challenge. We expect that the microsystems capable of both 3D cell culture and cellular response monitoring would serve as excellent tools to provide fundamental cellular behavior information for various biomedical applications such as metastasis, wound healing, high throughput screening, tissue engineering, regenerative medicine, and drug discovery and development.  相似文献   

The large-scale production of plant-derived recombinant proteins requires the breeding of lines homozygous for the transgene(s). These can be selected by progeny testing over multiple sexual generations, but a more efficient means is to fix homozygosity in a single generation using doubled haploid technology. In this study, transgenic tobacco plants, hemizygous for both of the independently inherited genes encoding the light and heavy chains of the anti-human immunodeficiency virus monoclonal antibody 2F5, were used to establish embryogenic pollen cultures. The improved protocol employed in this study guaranteed a very high regeneration efficiency, with more than 50% of the regenerants being spontaneously doubled haploids. Hence, there was no requirement to chemically induce chromosome doubling to recover sufficient entirely homozygous recombinants. As expected, approximately 25% of the regenerants were homozygous for both transgenes. Thus, the employment of haploid technology allowed for the efficient and rapid generation of true-breeding tobacco lines accumulating functional immunoglobulins.  相似文献   

In order to automate measurements of cell concentration and viability in a suspended animal cell culture, we have developed anin situ microscopic image analysis system with an effective cell recognition algorithm. With a small amount of sample, this system can measure the cell density rapidly and aseptically. In addition, it can measure a cell size histogram including cell debris small particle distribution. These small particles have been found to be related to the viability of the mouse-mouse hybridoma STK1 cell line. By using cell debris small particle density as an indicator of cell viability, the developed system provides non-destructive viability monitoring without trypan blue staining.  相似文献   

Migratory birds experience bouts of muscle growth and depletion as they prepare for, and undertake prolonged flight. Our studies of migratory bird muscle physiology in vitro led to the discovery that sanderling (Calidris alba) muscle satellite cells proliferate more rapidly than other normal cell lines. Here we determined the proliferation rate of muscle satellite cells isolated from five migratory species (sanderling; ruff, Calidris pugnax; western sandpiper, Calidris mauri; yellow-rumped warbler, Setophaga coronata; Swainson''s thrush, Catharus ustulatus) from two families (shorebirds and songbirds) and with different migratory strategies. Ruff and sanderling satellite cells exhibited rapid proliferation, with population doubling times of 9.3 ± 1.3 and 11.4 ± 2 h, whereas the remaining species'' cell doubling times were greater than or equal to 24 h. The results indicate that the rapid proliferation of satellite cells is not associated with total migration distance but may be related to flight bout duration and interact with lifespan.  相似文献   

An improved culture system for plant cells that employs filter paper resting on polyurethane saturated with liquid medium is described. It combines a simplified version of the system outlined by Weber and Lark [1979, Theor Appl Genet 55: 81–86] with the method of growth estimation described by Horsch et al. [1980, Can J Bot 58: 2402–2406]. The growth of plated cells or callus can be conveniently monitored through repeated non-destructive fresh weight measurements of the filter paper and adhering cells, thereby allowing the construction of a complete growth curve over the course of an experiment. Experiments with 3 Nicotiana genotypes (N. plumbaginifolia Viv., N. tabacum L. SC 58 and N. tabacum WI 38) and 3 Vitis vinifera L. genotypes (Chenin Blanc, Dogridge and White Riesling) clearly demonstrate higher growth rates of plated cells on polyurethane supports compared with agar. Further experiments with N. plumbaginifolia illustrate the use of polyurethane supports for culturing cells at low pH (4.0) and the recovery of spent medium for monitoring changes in pH. These features will greatly facilitate quantitative studies of mineral nutrition and metal toxicity in cultured cells. Polyurethane supports also allow the incorporation of conditioned medium or feeder cells to support the growth of cells at low densities and facilitate the rapid recovery of variant cells.  相似文献   

The prevalence of diabetes complications is a significant public health problem with a considerable economic cost. Thus, the timely diagnosis of complications and prevention of their development will contribute to increasing the length and quality of patient life, and reducing the economic costs of their treatment. This article aims to review the current state‐of‐the‐art biophotonics technologies used to identify the complications of diabetes mellitus and assess the quality of their treatment. Additionally, these technologies assess the structural and functional properties of biological tissues, and they include capillaroscopy, laser Doppler flowmetry and hyperspectral imaging, laser speckle contrast imaging, diffuse reflectance spectroscopy and imaging, fluorescence spectroscopy and imaging, optical coherence tomography, optoacoustic imaging and confocal microscopy. Recent advances in the field of optical noninvasive diagnosis suggest a wider introduction of biophotonics technologies into clinical practice and, in particular, in diabetes care units.  相似文献   

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