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水稻抗稻瘟病天然免疫机制及抗病育种新策略   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
何峰  张浩  刘金灵  王志龙  王国梁 《遗传》2014,36(8):756-765
稻瘟病是水稻最严重的病害之一,由子囊菌(Magnaporthe oryzae)引起。利用抗病品种是防治稻瘟病最经济、最有效的措施。近年来,稻瘟病已发展为研究植物与病原真菌分子互作机制的模式系统,在水稻与稻瘟菌互作和寄主抗性分子生物学、基因组学和蛋白组学等领域取得了一系列重要的研究成果。文章综述了近年来水稻抗稻瘟病两种天然免疫机制,即病原菌相关分子模式诱导和效应蛋白诱导的抗病机制研究的最新进展,讨论了GWAS、TALLEN、CRISPR和HIGS等基因组研究新方法和新技术在水稻抗病育种中的应用,并对目前稻瘟病抗性机制研究和抗病育种中的问题和挑战进行了探讨和展望。  相似文献   

The fungus Magnaporthe oryzae causes blast, the most devastating disease of cultivated rice. After penetrating the leaf cuticle, M. oryzae grows as a biotroph in intimate contact with living rice epidermal cells before necrotic lesions develop. Biotrophic growth requires maintaining metabolic homeostasis while suppressing plant defenses, but the metabolic connections and requirements involved are largely unknown. Here, we characterized the M. oryzae nucleoside diphosphate kinase-encoding gene NDK1 and discovered it was essential for facilitating biotrophic growth by suppressing the host oxidative burst—the first line of plant defense. NDK enzymes reversibly transfer phosphate groups from tri- to diphosphate nucleosides. Correspondingly, intracellular nucleotide pools were perturbed in M. oryzae strains lacking NDK1 through targeted gene deletion, compared to WT. This affected metabolic homeostasis: TCA, purine and pyrimidine intermediates, and oxidized NADP+, accumulated in Δndk1. cAMP and glutathione were depleted. ROS accumulated in Δndk1 hyphae. Functional appressoria developed on rice leaf sheath surfaces, but Δndk1 invasive hyphal growth was restricted and redox homeostasis was perturbed, resulting in unsuppressed host oxidative bursts that triggered immunity. We conclude Ndk1 modulates intracellular nucleotide pools to maintain redox balance via metabolic homeostasis, thus quenching the host oxidative burst and suppressing rice innate immunity during biotrophy.  相似文献   

Mitochondria are cellular organelles involved in host-cell metabolic processes and the control of programmed cell death. A direct link between mitochondria and innate immune signalling was first highlighted with the identification of MAVS-a crucial adaptor for RIGI-like receptor signalling-as a mitochondria-anchored protein. Recently, other innate immune molecules, such as NLRX1, TRAF6, NLRP3 and IRGM have been functionally associated with mitochondria. Furthermore, mitochondrial alarmins-such as mitochondrial DNA and formyl peptides-can be released by damaged mitochondria and trigger inflammation. Therefore, mitochondria emerge as a fundamental hub for innate immune signalling.  相似文献   

Rice blast, caused by Magnaporthe oryzae (synonym: Pyricularia oryzae), severely reduces rice production and grain quality. The molecular mechanism of rice resistance to M. oryzae is not fully understood. In this study, we identified a chaperone DnaJ protein, OsDjA6, which is involved in basal resistance to M. oryzae in rice. The OsDjA6 protein is distributed in the entire rice cell. The expression of OsDjA6 is significantly induced in rice after infection with a compatible isolate. Silencing of OsDjA6 in transgenic rice enhances resistance to M. oryzae and also results in an increased burst of reactive oxygen species after flg22 and chitin treatments. In addition, the expression levels of WRKY45, NPR1 and PR5 are increased in OsDjA6 RNAi plants, indicating that OsDjA6 may mediate resistance by affecting the salicylic acid pathway. Finally, we found that OsDjA6 interacts directly with the E3 ligase OsZFP1 in vitro and in vivo. These results suggest that the DnaJ protein OsDjA6 negatively regulates rice innate immunity, probably via the ubiquitination proteasome degradation pathway.  相似文献   

Analyses of emerging concepts indicate that parallels exist between self-incompatibility and pathogen recognition. In the case of surveillance of 'nonself', plant immune responses are triggered either by pattern recognition receptors (PRRs) that detect conserved pathogen-associated molecular patterns (PAMPs) or by resistance (R) proteins recognizing isolate-specific pathogen effectors. PAMP detection is an important component of innate immunity in plants and serves as an early warning system for the presence of potential pathogens and activation of plant defense mechanisms. In the Brassicaceae, the recognition of 'self' and self-incompatibility are components of a receptor-ligand based mechanism that utilizes an S receptor kinase (SRK) to perceive and reject 'self'-pollen. SRK is an S-domain receptor-like kinase (RLK), which in turn is part of the RLK family, some members of which represent PRRs involved in the detection of PAMPs. S-domain RLKs also occur in species that do not exhibit self-incompatibility and are up-regulated in response to wounding, PAMPs and pathogen recognition. Although evolution may have driven expansion of certain RLK families to serve roles in particular physiological processes, this may not exclude these receptor types from functioning in different programs. Recent findings on self/nonself recognition are reviewed and conceptual and mechanistic links between microbial recognition and self-incompatibility are discussed.  相似文献   


Rice blast is the leading fungal disease which is caused by Magnaporthe oryzae that contributes for the significant decline in the rice yield throughout the globe. There is a need for the understanding of biochemical changes in rice plant during blast infection for the development of novel disease control strategies. In the present study, we isolated M. oryzae from the local paddy fields and the fungal isolates (VCF and PON) were identified by ITS-PCR using genomic DNA samples. Further, we inoculated resistant (BR2655 and TUNGA) and susceptible (INTAN and HR12) rice cultivars with PON and VCF isolates. PON isolate showed relatively high virulence compared to VCF and standard MTCC fungal strains. Therefore, we evaluated the effect of PON on the total protein content and plant defence-related key enzymes (peroxidase, polyphenol oxidase, phenylalanine ammonia lyase, β-glucosidase, chitinase and lipoxygenase) activities between 24- and 120-hour post-inoculation (hpi). The results demonstrated the decrease in total protein content in all the inoculated cultivars. In addition, we observed the variation in the activity of peroxidase, polyphenol oxidase, β-glucosidase, chitinase and lipoxygenase at different time points in all the tested rice plants compared to respective controls. However, no significant difference was observed in the phenylalanine ammonia lyase activity relative to its control. Taken together, this study emphasizes on the variation in the activities of plant defence enzymes in different plant cultivars against the tested fungal pathogen and also implementation of defence enzymes as biochemical markers for resistant breeding.  相似文献   

Innate immune cells such as macrophages and neutrophils initiate protective inflammatory responses and engage antimicrobial responses to provide frontline defence against invading pathogens. These cells can both restrict the availability of certain transition metals that are essential for microbial growth and direct toxic concentrations of metals towards pathogens as antimicrobial responses. Zinc is important for the structure and function of many proteins, however excess zinc can be cytotoxic. In recent years, several studies have revealed that innate immune cells can deliver toxic concentrations of zinc to intracellular pathogens. In this review, we discuss the importance of zinc status during infectious disease and the evidence for zinc intoxication as an innate immune antimicrobial response. Evidence for pathogen subversion of this response is also examined. The likely mechanisms, including the involvement of specific zinc transporters that facilitate delivery of zinc by innate immune cells for metal ion poisoning of pathogens are also considered. Precise mechanisms by which excess levels of zinc can be toxic to microorganisms are then discussed, particularly in the context of synergy with other antimicrobial responses. Finally, we highlight key unanswered questions in this emerging field, which may offer new opportunities for exploiting innate immune responses for anti‐infective development.  相似文献   

Somatic embryogenesis receptor kinase (SERK) proteins play pivotal roles in regulation of plant development and immunity. The rice genome contains two SERK genes, OsSerk1 and OsSerk2. We previously demonstrated that OsSerk2 is required for rice Xa21-mediated resistance to Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae (Xoo) and for normal development. Here we report the molecular characterization of OsSerk1. Overexpression of OsSerk1 results in a semi-dwarf phenotype whereas silencing of OsSerk1 results in a reduced angle of the lamina joint. OsSerk1 is not required for rice resistance to Xoo or Magnaporthe oryzae. Overexpression of OsSerk1 in OsSerk2-silenced lines complements phenotypes associated with brassinosteroid (BR) signaling defects, but not the disease resistance phenotype mediated by Xa21. In yeast, OsSERK1 interacts with itself forming homodimers, and also interacts with the kinase domains of OsSERK2 and BRI1, respectively. OsSERK1 is a functional protein kinase capable of auto-phosphorylation in vitro. We conclude that, whereas OsSERK2 regulates both rice development and immunity, OsSERK1 functions in rice development but not immunity to Xoo and M. oryzae.  相似文献   

MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are known to fine‐tune growth, development, and stress‐induced responses. Osa‐miR1873 is a rice‐specific miRNA targeting LOC_Os05g01790. Here, we show that Osa‐miR1873 fine‐tunes rice immunity against Magnaporthe oryzae and yield traits via LOC_Os05g01790. Osa‐miR1873 was significantly upregulated in a susceptible accession but downregulated in a resistance accession at 24 h post‐inoculation (hpi) of M. oryzae. Overexpressing Osa‐miR1873 enhanced susceptibility to M. oryzae and compromised induction of defense responses. In contrast, blocking Osa‐miR1873 through target mimicry compromised susceptibility to M. oryzae and enhanced induction of defense responses. Altered expression of Osa‐miR1873 also resulted in some defects in yield traits, including grain numbers and seed setting rate. Moreover, overexpression of the target gene LOC_Os05g01790 increased rice blast disease resistance but severely penalized growth and yield. Taken together, we demonstrate that Osa‐miR1873 fine‐tunes the rice immunity‐growth trade‐off via LOC_Os05g01790, and blocking Osa‐miR1873 could improve blast disease resistance without significant yield penalty. Thus, the Osa‐miR1873‐LOC_Os05g01790 regulatory module is valuable in balancing yield traits and blast resistance.  相似文献   

Chitin is a component of fungal cell walls, and its fragments act as elicitors in many plants. The plasma membrane glycoprotein CEBiP, which possesses LysM domains, is a receptor for the chitin elicitor (CE) in rice. Here, we report that the perception of CE by CEBiP contributes to disease resistance against the rice blast fungus, Magnaporthe oryzae, and that enhanced responses to CE by engineering CEBiP increase disease tolerance. Knockdown of CEBiP expression allowed increased spread of the infection hyphae. To enhance defense responses to CE, we constructed chimeric genes composed of CEBiP and Xa21, which mediate resistance to rice bacterial leaf blight. The expression of either CRXa1 or CRXa3, each of which contains the whole extracellular portion of CEBiP, the whole intracellular domain of XA21, and the transmembrane domain from either CEBiP or XA21, induced cell death accompanied by an increased production of reactive oxygen and nitrogen species after treatment with CE. Rice plants expressing the chimeric receptor exhibited necrotic lesions in response to CE and became more resistant to M. oryzae. Deletion of the first LysM domain in CRXA1 abolished these cellular responses. These results suggest that CEs are produced and recognized through the LysM domain of CEBiP during the interaction between rice and M. oryzae and imply that engineering pattern recognition receptors represents a new strategy for crop protection against fungal diseases.  相似文献   

Innate immunity is critical for the control of virus infection and operates to restrict viral susceptibility and direct antiviral immunity for protection from acute or chronic viral-associated diseases including cancer. RIG-I like receptors (RLRs) are cytosolic RNA helicases that function as pathogen recognition receptors to detect RNA pathogen associated molecular patterns (PAMPs) of virus infection. The RLRs include RIG-I, MDA5, and LGP2. They function to recognize and bind to PAMP motifs within viral RNA in a process that directs the RLR to trigger downstream signaling cascades that induce innate immunity that controls viral replication and spread. Products of RLR signaling also serve to modulate the adaptive immune response to infection. Recent studies have additionally connected RLRs to signaling cascades that impart inflammatory and apoptotic responses to virus infection. Viral evasion of RLR signaling supports viral outgrowth and pathogenesis, including the onset of viral-associated cancer.  相似文献   

Magnaporthe oryzae is an important fungal pathogen of both rice and wheat. However, how M. oryzae effectors modulate plant immunity is not fully understood. Previous studies have shown that the M. oryzae effector AvrPiz-t targets the host ubiquitin-proteasome system to manipulate plant defence. In return, two rice ubiquitin E3 ligases, APIP6 and APIP10, ubiquitinate AvrPiz-t for degradation. To determine how lysine residues contribute to the stability and function of AvrPiz-t, we generated double (K1,2R-AvrPiz-t), triple (K1,2,3R-AvrPiz-t) and lysine-free (LF-AvrPiz-t) mutants by mutating lysines into arginines in AvrPiz-t. LF-AvrPiz-t showed the highest protein accumulation when transiently expressed in rice protoplasts. When co-expressed with APIP10 in Nicotiana benthamiana, LF-AvrPiz-t was more stable than AvrPiz-t and was less able to degrade APIP10. The avirulence of LF-AvrPiz-t on Piz-t:HA plants was less than that of AvrPiz-t, which led to resistance reduction and lower accumulation of the Piz-t:HA protein after inoculation with the LF-AvrPiz-t-carrying isolate. Chitin- and flg22-induced production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) was higher in LF-AvrPiz-t than in AvrPiz-t transgenic plants. In addition, LF-AvrPiz-t transgenic plants were less susceptible than AvrPiz-t transgenic plants to a virulent isolate. Furthermore, both AvrPiz-t and LF-AvrPiz-t interacted with OsRac1, but the suppression of OsRac1-mediated ROS generation by LF-AvrPiz-t was significantly lower than that by AvrPiz-t. Together, these results suggest that the lysine residues of AvrPiz-t are required for its avirulence and virulence functions in rice.  相似文献   

肠道病毒属于小核糖核酸病毒科,包括脊髓灰质炎病毒等多种重要人类病原体,已成为全球公共卫生安全的重大威胁之一。固有免疫是机体早期抵御病毒感染的重要防线。不同肠道病毒在进化中已经具备了多种途径躲避免疫识别或诱导固有免疫系统失活。本文重点对肠道病毒调控宿主固有免疫的相关分子机制进行综述,系统整理了肠道病毒逃避干扰素依赖与干扰素非依赖的抗病毒固有免疫防御的分子特征与作用规律,为肠道病毒致病机制的探究和抗病毒药物的研发提供参考。  相似文献   

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