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The structural transitions in aqueous dispersions of egg-sphingomyelin and bovine brain-sphingomyelin and sphingomyelin co-dispersed with different proportions of cholesterol were compared during temperature scans between 20° and 50 °C using small-angle and wide-angle X-ray scattering techniques. The Bragg reflections observed in the small-angle scattering region from pure phospholipids and codispersions of sphingomyelin:cholesterol in molar ratios 80:20 and 50:50 could all be deconvolved using peak fitting methods into two coexisting lamellar structures. Electron density profiles through the unit cell normal to the bilayer plane were calculated to derive bilayer and water layer thicknesses of coexisting structures at 20° and 50 °C. Codispersions of sphingomyelin:cholesterol in a molar ratio 60:40 consisted of an apparently homogeneous bilayer structure designated as liquid-ordered phase. Curve fitting analysis of the wide-angle scattering bands were applied to correlate changes in packing arrangements of hydrocarbon in the hydrophobic domain of the bilayer with changes in enthalpy recorded by differential scanning calorimetry. At 20 °C the wide-angle scattering bands of both pure sphingomyelins and codispersions of sphingomyelin and cholesterol could be deconvolved into two symmetric components. A sharp component located at a d-spacing of 0.42 nm was assigned to a gel phase in which the hydrocarbon chains are oriented perpendicular to the bilayer plane. A broader symmetric band centered at d-spacings in the region of 0.44 nm was assigned as disordered hydrocarbon in dispersions of pure sphingomyelin and as liquid-ordered phase in codispersions of sphingomyelin and cholesterol. It is concluded from the peak fitting analysis that cholesterol is excluded from gel phases of egg and brain sphingomyelins at 20 °C. The gel phases coexist with liquid-ordered phase comprised of egg-sphingomyelin and 27 mol% cholesterol and brain-sphingomyelin and 33 mol% cholesterol, respectively. Correlation of the disappearance of gel phase during heating scans and the enthalpy change recorded by calorimetry in codispersions of sphingomyelin and cholesterol leads to the conclusion that a major contribution to the broadened phase transition endotherm originates from dilution of the cholesterol-rich liquid-ordered phase by mobilization of sphingomyelin from the melting gel phase.  相似文献   

Erythrocyte ghosts were incubated with sonicated vesicles and the uptake of cholesterol by vesicles allowed to proceed to equilibrium. The experiments were carried out for a series of phospholipids at different temperatures. The equilibrium partition of cholesterol between ghosts and single shelled vesicles provided a measure of the relative affinities of cholesterol for the different phospholipids studied. It was found that the affinity of cholesterol for dipalmitoyl phosphatidylcholine was the same as that for N-palmitoyl sphingomyelin both at temperatures above and below the gel to liquid crystalline transition temperature of these phospholipids.  相似文献   

We have examined the mixing properties of phosphatidylethanolamine (PE) and phosphatidylglycerol (PG), the major components of many bacterial membranes. The phase transition behavior of dilute aqueous suspensions of PE:PG mixtures with different chain lengths (n = 14, 16) in 0.1 M NaCl at pH 7 and pH 2 was investigated by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). The DSC curves were simulated using an approach which takes into account the broadening of the phase transition in addition to symmetric, non-ideal mixing in the gel and the liquid-crystalline phase. Based on the temperatures for onset and end of “melting” obtained by the simulations, the phase diagrams were constructed and then refined using a regular solution model with non-symmetric mixing in both phases. The mixing properties of PE:PG mixtures were analyzed as a function of pH and acyl chain length. In almost all cases, non-symmetric mixing behavior was observed, i.e. the non-ideality parameters are different for bilayers with low PG content compared to bilayers with high PG content. For equimolar mixtures at pH 7, when PG is negatively charged, the non-ideality parameters are negative for both phases, indicating preferential formation of mixed pairs. This mixed pair formation is more pronounced for the gel phase. At pH 2, when PG is partly protonated, the non-ideality parameter is less negative and the formation of mixed pairs is reduced compared to pH 7. The formation of PE:PG mixed pairs at pH 7 might be of benefit to a bacterial membrane, because it prevents demixing of lipid components with a concomitant destabilization of the membrane. Received: 3 August 1998 / Revised version: 4 October 1999 / Accepted: 12 October 1999  相似文献   

Garden lizards, Calotes versicolor, were acclimated to three different temperatures, i.e., 16°C, 26°C and 36°C for a period of 30 days in ‘walk-in-environmental chambers’. The phospholipid profile and fatty acid pattern were analysed in the hypothalamus and brain of the acclimated animals. Hypothalamic and brain membrane phospholipids were prepared and their phase-transition temperatures were recorded using differential scanning calorimetry. Acclimation temperature, phospholipid composition, fatty acids of these phospholipids and the physical state and fluidity of the specific model membranes of hypothalamus (and brain) are intimately inter-related. Evidence is presented for the first time to show a possible correlation between acclimation temperature and phase-transition temperature of hypothalamic phospholipid membrane. A direct physico-chemical basis is suggested for the thermoregulatory process of hypothalamus leading to a better understanding of our knowledge on the origin of thermoregulation.  相似文献   

The bilayer phase transitions of a series of ether-linked phospholipids, 1,2-dialkylphosphatidylcholines containing linear saturated alkyl chain (Cn = 12, 14, 16 and 18), were observed by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) under ambient pressure and light-transmittance measurements under high pressure. The thermodynamic quantities of the pre- and main-transitions for the ether-linked PC bilayer membranes were calculated and compared with those of a series of ester-linked PCs, 1,2-diacylphosphatidylcholines. The thermodynamic quantities of the main transition for the ether-linked PC bilayers showed distinct dependence on alkyl-chain length and were slightly different from those of the ester-linked PC bilayers. From the comparison of thermodynamic quantities for the main transition between both PC bilayers, we revealed that the attractive interaction in the gel phase for the ether-linked PC bilayers is weaker than that for the ester-linked PC bilayers. Regarding the pretransition, although changes in enthalpy and entropy for both PC bilayers were comparable to each other, the volume changes of the ether-linked PC bilayers roughly doubled those of the ester-linked PC bilayers. The larger volume change results from the smallest partial molar volume of the ether-linked PC molecule in the interdigitated gel phase. Further, we constructed the temperature-pressure phase diagrams for the ether-linked PC bilayers by using the phase-transition data. The region of the interdigitated gel phase in the phase diagrams was extended by applying pressure and by increasing the alkyl-chain length of the molecule. Comparing the phase diagrams with those for the ester-linked PC bilayers, it was proved that the phase behavior of the ester-linked PC bilayers under high temperature and pressure is almost equivalent to that of the ether-linked PC bilayers in the vicinity of ambient pressure.  相似文献   

Varying chemically the structure of phospholipids in the region between hydrophobic and hydrophilic segments is expected to have a strong influence on the interaction with water and the phase behavior. This is studied in this work with the motivation to investigate these lipids as potential inhibitors of phospholipase A2. Thus the amide phospholipids L-ether-amide-PC (1-O-hexadecyl-2-N-palmitoyl-2-amino-2-deoxy-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine), L-ester-amide-PC (1-palmitoyl-2-N-palmitoyl-2-amino-2-deoxy-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine) and L-ether-amide-PE (1-O-hexadecyl-2-N-palmitoyl-2-deoxy-sn-glycero-3-phosphoethanolamine) have been synthesized and characterized. The phase behavior and thermal transitions in buffer dispersions are examined by a combination of high-sensitivity differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and small angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) experiments between 10 and 80 degrees C at pH 8.9. The onset temperatures determined from DSC measurements agree well with the starting temperatures of changes in the repeat distance obtained by SAXS measurements. The phases observed are lamellar both below and above the main phase transition. The phase transition temperatures and enthalpies depend strongly on the substitutions in sn-1 position and head group structure. The lamellar repeat distance in gel and liquid-crystalline phases increases with increasing temperature for L-ester-amide-PC and L-ether-amide-PC, whereas the temperature dependence is opposite for the L-ether-amide-PE. The observed behavior is discussed and compared with that of DPPC and DPPE, indicating the strong dependence of hydration and phase behavior on head group structure.  相似文献   

For drug delivery purpose the anticancer drug S12363 was loaded into ESM/Chol-liposomes using either a pH or an ammonium gradient. Association between the drug and the liposome depends markedly on the liposome membrane structure. Thus, ESM and ESM/Chol bilayer organization had been characterized by coupled DSC and XRDT as a function of both cholesterol concentration and aqueous medium composition. ESM bilayers exhibited a ripple lamellar gel phase P(beta') below the melting temperature and adopted a L(beta)-like gel phase upon Chol insertion. Supramolecular organization of ESM and ESM/Chol bilayers was not modified by citrate buffer or ammonium sulfate solution whatever the pH (3< or = pH < or =7). Nevertheless, in ESM bilayer, ammonium sulfate salt induced a peculiar organization of head groups, leading to irregular d-spacing and weakly correlated bilayers. Moreover, in the presence of salts, a weakening of van der Waals attraction forces was seen and led to a swelling of the water layer.  相似文献   

Sclareol (labd-14-ene-8,13-diol) is a highly water-insoluble molecule that belongs to the labdane type diterpenes and is characterized as a biologically active molecule, due to its cytotoxic and cytostatic effects against human leukemic cell lines. A superimposition study between sclareol and cholesterol, based on their corresponding hydrophobic and polar molecular segments calculated from their lipophilic profiles, revealed their spatial similarities. This structural similarity between the two molecules prompted us to compare their effects on the structure and stability of phospholipid dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine (DPPC) membranes. Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) was applied to compare the thermal changes caused by either cholesterol or sclareol when are incorporated in DPPC bilayers. The results showed that sclareol is incorporated into phospholipid model membranes and mimics the thermal effects of cholesterol especially at concentrations up to X(sclareol)=9.1 mol%. These effects can be summarized as the abolition of pre-transition, lowering of the main phase transition and reduction of the enthalpy change (DeltaH) of the gel to liquid-crystalline phase transition of DPPC bilayers. At concentrations X> or =16.7 mol%, sclareol and cholesterol caused different heterogeneity in lipid bilayers or a reversible transition from a vesicular suspension to an extended peak bilayer network. This different fluidization, exerted by the two molecules at high concentration, may be related to their different stability and the z-average mean diameter of the liposomes they form. Small unilamellar vesicles, prepared by the thin film hydration method showed that DPPC bilayers containing a high concentration of sclareol in equimolar ratio sclareol:cholesterol were unstable, in contrast to the ones containing only cholesterol.  相似文献   

The interaction of La3+ with phosphatidylserine vesicles is elucidated by binding studies, differential scanning calorimetry, X-ray diffraction, freeze fracture electron microscopy, and release of vesicle contents. La3+ effectively competes with Ca2+ for phosphatidylserine binding sites. The saturation level is close to a La/lipid ratio of 1:3. A concentration of 0.1 mM of La3+ is sufficient to induce fusion between sonicated vesicles.  相似文献   

Differential scanning calorimetry was employed as an aid in examining the structure of the bovine milk fat globule membrane. At least six major endotherms are observed between 10 and 90°C, corresponding to order-disorder transitions of discrete structural domains of the membrane. These endothermic transitions occur at 16, 28, 43, 58, 68, and 75°C. The transitions occurring between 10 and 50°C were reversible, suggesting the involvement of lipid. However, the high temperature transitions were irreversible. The calorimetric C transition, centered at 43°C, was shown to involve neutral lipid, since the endotherm was reversible, insensitive to proteolysis, and similar to the endotherm of the isolated neutral lipid fraction of the milk fat globule membrane. The glycolipid and phospholipid fractions of the milk fat globule membrane yielded endotherms outside of the temperature range of the C transition. Another endotherm, the D transition (58°C), was found to involve the denaturation of the major membrane coat protein, butyrophilin (band 12). Evidence for this assignment included the following observations: (i) the nearly selective proteolysis of butyrophilin resulted in the complete removal of the D transition, (ii) the butyrophilin-enriched, Triton X-100-insoluble pellet of milk fat globule membrane yielded a relatively normal D transition, and (iii) the irreversible, disulfide-stabilized aggregation of butyrophilin occurred in the membrane solely at the temperature of the D transition. Furthermore, no other prominent milk fat globule membrane polypeptide formed these non-native disulfide crossbridges during the D transition. The sources of the other major endotherms of the milk fat globule membrane have not yet been assigned.  相似文献   

Phase behavior of hydrated lipid bilayer was investigated for the mixtures of two phospholipid species chosen from phosphatidic acid (PA), phosphatidylcholine (PC), phosphatidylethanolamine (PE), and phosphatidylglycerol (PG) with the same acyl chains. The pseudo-binary phase diagrams constructed by a differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) were analyzed based on a thermodynamic model applying the Bragg–Williams approximation for non-ideality of mixing. The interchange energy parameters, ρ0, derived from this approach were positive for all mixture systems in both gel and liquid–crystalline phase bilayers, and increased in the order PG/PE<PC/PA<PC/PE<PG/PA with a few exception. This suggests that the energetical disadvantage for the mixed-pair formation relative to the like-pair formation in the hydrated bilayer increases in this order. In addition, the ρ0 values increased with the increase in the acyl chain length of the phospholipids. These experimental results were discussed in terms of an intermolecular interaction of the phospholipid species in hydrated bilayer.  相似文献   

Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy and quantum calculation based on molecular modeling were applied to investigate the interaction between pirarubicin (THP), an anthracycline antibiotic frequently used in chemotherapy, and zwitterionic distearoylphosphatidylcholine (DSPC) or anionic distearoylphosphatidylglycerol (DSPG). DSC and FTIR studies suggested that DSPG bilayers were less perturbed by THP than those of DSPC, and this might be due to the strong interactions between NH3+ of THP and the phosphate (PO2) group in the polar head of DSPG, which limit the further access of THP into its bilayers. Quantum calculation results based on molecular modeling could further confirm the DSC and FTIR conclusions. Meanwhile, it could well translate the calorimetric and spectroscopic phenomena into the underlying physical knowledge. Interactions between THP and phospholipids can play a critical role in the liposomal drug delivery system, especially in the safety mechanism elucidation and rational formulation design.  相似文献   

Plasma membranes from Saccharomyces cerevisiae were prepared by a new procedure involving lyticase treatment of the yeast cells. The plasma membranes were right-side-out, closed vesicles of uniform appearance with a sterol to phospholipid molar ratio of 0.365. The thermotropic behavior of these plasma membranes from wild-type yeast and from sterol mutants was examined by differential scanning calorimetry, fluorescence anisotropy and Arrhenius kinetics of plasma membrane enzymes. While differential scanning calorimetry failed to demonstrate any lipid transition, fluorescence anisotropy data indicated that lipid transitions were occurring in the plasma membranes of the yeast sterol mutants but not the sterol wild-type. The temperature dependence of the plasma membrane enzymes, chitin synthase and Mg2+-ATPase, was also investigated. The Arrhenius kinetics of chitin synthase did not reveal any transitions in either the sterol mutant or wild-type plasma membranes, yet the Arrhenius kinetics of the Mg2+-ATPase suggested that lipid transitions were occurring in both cases.  相似文献   

It is demonstrated that the phase changes reported for a quick frozen calcium cardiolipin solution containing CaCl2 are virtually identical to those seen in pure CaCl2. This introduces uncertainty as to whether the data in fact reflect the behavior of cardiolipin or of the associated CaCl2.  相似文献   

dl-Dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine multilamellar vesicle suspensions were examined by the method of differential scanning calorimetry. A lack of the subtransition at 18°C was established. Such a subtransition is characteristic for l-dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine suspensions. This lack is supposed to be the result of the impossibility of the racemic phospholipid mixture to form the low-temperature crystal structure Lc.  相似文献   

Thermotropic properties of purified cytochrome c1 and cytochrome c have been studied by differential scanning calorimetry under various conditions. Both cytochromes exhibit a single endothermodenaturation peak in the differential scanning calorimetric thermogram. Thermodenaturation temperatures are ionic strength, pH, and redox state dependent. The ferrocytochromes are more stable toward thermodenaturation than the ferricytochromes. The enthalpy changes of thermodenaturation of ferro- and ferricytochrome c1 are markedly dependent on the ionic strength of the solution. The effect of the ionic strength of solution on the enthalpy change of thermodenaturation of cytochrome c is rather insignificant. The formation of a complex between cytochromes c and c1 at lower ionic strength causes a significant destabilization of the former and a slight stabilization of the latter. The destabilization of cytochrome c upon mixing with cytochrome c1 was also observed at high ionic strength, under which conditions no stable complex was detected by physical separation. This suggests formation of a transient complex between these two cytochromes. When cytochrome c was complexed with phospholipids, no change in the thermodenaturation temperature was observed, but a great increase in the enthalpy change of thermodenaturation resulted.  相似文献   

Interactions between melittin and a variety of negatively-charged lipid bilayers have been investigated by intrinsic fluorescence, fluorescence polarization of 1,6-diphenylhexatriene and differential scanning calorimetry. (1) Intrinsic fluorescence of the single tryptophan residue of melittin shows that binding of this peptide to negatively-charged phospholipids is directly related to the surface charge density, but is unaffected by the physical state of lipids, fluid or gel, single-shell vesicles or unsonicated dispersions. (2) Changes in the thermotropic properties of negatively-charged lipids upon melittin binding allow to differentiate two groups of lipids: (i) A progressive disappearance of the transition, without any shift in temperature, is observed with monoacid C14 lipids such as dimyristoylphosphatidylglycerol and -serine (group 1). (ii) With a second group of lipids (group 2), a transition occurs even at melittin saturation, and two transitions are detected at intermediate melittin content, one corresponding to remaining unperturbed lipids, the other shifted downward by 10–20°C. This second group of lipids is constituted by monoacid C16 lipids, dipalmitoylphosphatidylglycerol and -serine. Phosphatidic acids also enter this classification, but it is the net charge of the phosphate group which allows to discriminate: singly charged phosphatidic acids belong to group 2, whereas totally ionized ones behave like group 1 lipids, whatever the chain length. (3) It is concluded that melittin induces phase separations between unperturbed lipid regions which give a transition at the same temperature as pure lipid, and peptide rich domains in which the stoichiometry is 1 toxin per 8 phospholipids. The properties of such domains depend on the bilayer stability: in the case of C16 aliphatic chains and singly charged polar heads, the lipid-peptide domains have a transition at a lower temperature than the pure lipid. With shorter C14 chains or with two net charges by polar group, the bilayer structure is probably totally disrupted, and the new resulting phase can no longer lead to a cooperative transition.  相似文献   

We have studied the influence of four antimicrobial peptides of different secondary and ternary structure - melittin (Mel), protegrin-1 (PG-1), peptidyl-glycylleucine-carboxyamide (PGLa), and gramicidin S (GS) - on the lamellar-to-nonlamellar transition of palmitoyloleoyl phosphatidylethanolamine (POPE) applying differential scanning calorimetry and small-angle X-ray diffraction. None of the peptides studied led to the formation of an inverted hexagonal phase observed for pure POPE at high temperatures. Instead either cubic or lamellar phases were stabilized to different degrees. GS was most effective in inducing a cubic phase, whereas Mel fully stabilized the lamellar phase. The behavior of POPE in the presence of PG-1 and PGLa was intermediate to GS and Mel. In addition to the known role of membrane elasticity we propose two mechanisms, which cause stabilization of the lamellar phase: electrostatic repulsion and lipid/peptide pore formation. Both mechanisms prevent transmembrane contact required to form either an inverted hexagonal phase or fusion pores, as precursors of the cubic phase.  相似文献   

The bilayer phase transitions of dilauroylphosphatidylcholine (DLPC), containing two linear acyl chains with 12 carbon atoms, were observed by means of differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) under ambient pressure and light transmittance under high pressure. When the heating scan for the DLPC bilayer in 50 wt.% aqueous ethylene glycol (EG) solution began at -30 degrees C after cold storage, the DSC thermogram showed two endothermic peaks at 1.7 and 4.5 degrees C, which correspond to the transition from the lamellar crystalline (Lc) phase to the intermediate liquid crystalline (Lx) phase and the transition from the Lx phase to the liquid crystalline (L) phase, respectively. Extremely large enthalpy change (32.9 kJ mol(-1)) is characteristic of the Lc/Lx phase transition. The DSC thermogram for the heating scan beginning from -10 degrees C showed a single endothermic peak with 9.2 kJ mol(-1) at -0.4 degrees C, which was assigned as the so-called main transition between the metastable ripple gel (P'(beta)) and metastable Lalpha phases. The DLPC bilayer under high pressure underwent three kinds of transitions in EG solution, whereas only one transition was observed in water under high pressure. The middle-temperature transition in EG solution could be assigned to the main transition because of its consistency with the main transition in water. The lower-temperature transition is probably assigned as transition from the Lc phase to the P'(beta) phase. Since the slope (dT/dp) of the Lc/P'(beta) phase boundary is smaller than that for the main transition, the Lc/P'(beta) phase boundary and the main transition curves crossed each other at 40 MPa on the temperature-pressure phase diagram. The higher-temperature transition in EG solution refers to the transition from the Lx phase to the Lalpha phase. The Lx phase disappeared at about 180 MPa, and the direct transition from the P'(beta) phase to the Lalpha phase was observed at high pressures above 180 MPa.  相似文献   

A completely dehydrated dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine (DPPC) was prepared with dehydration under high vacuum and at a temperature above its main transition temperature. Thermal analyses on about forty different samples of the DPPC-water system indicated that the main transition temperature decreased stepwise with an increase in the water content to the limiting temperature at 42.6°C, reflecting the thermal behaviors of a total of five endothermic peaks. The pretransition appeared at a water content above 17 g%, and the predominant role of ‘newly incorporated water’ between the bilayers of DPPC molecules at the pretransition was made evident.  相似文献   

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