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We have analyzed the progressive changes in the spatial distribution of telomeres during meiosis using three-dimensional, high resolution fluorescence microscopy. Fixed meiotic cells of maize (Zea mays L.) were subjected to in situ hybridization under conditions that preserved chromosome structure, allowing identification of stage-dependent changes in telomere arrangements. We found that nuclei at the last somatic prophase before meiosis exhibit a nonrandom, polarized chromosome organization resulting in a loose grouping of telomeres. Quantitative measurements on the spatial arrangements of telomeres revealed that, as cells passed through premeiotic interphase and into leptotene, there was an increase in the frequency of large telomere-to-telomere distances and a decrease in the bias toward peripheral localization of telomeres. By leptotene, there was no obvious evidence of telomere grouping, and the large, singular nucleolus was internally located, nearly concentric with the nucleus. At the end of leptotene, telomeres clustered de novo at the nuclear periphery, coincident with a displacement of the nucleolus to one side. The telomere cluster persisted throughout zygotene and into early pachytene. The nucleolus was adjacent to the cluster at zygotene. At the pachytene stage, telomeres rearranged again by dispersing throughout the nuclear periphery. The stagedependent changes in telomere arrangements are suggestive of specific, active telomere-associated motility processes with meiotic functions. Thus, the formation of the cluster itself is an early event in the nuclear reorganizations associated with meiosis and may reflect a control point in the initiation of synapsis or crossing over.  相似文献   

Evidence for meiosis was demonstrated electron microscopically for the first time in Pneumocystis carinii in rat alveoli by the observation of synaptonemal complexes followed by nuclear divisions. Synaptonemal complexes indicating meiotic nuclear divisions were observed in uninuclear precysts. Additionally, owing to the use of tannic acid as a fixative, spindle microtubules were also observed for the first time in the precyst. Based on these facts, a new life cycle of the organism is proposed. The precyst has generally been considered an intermediate form between the trophozoite and the cyst. The present paper proposes that the precyst is additionally defined as the cell in which eight intracystic bodies are produced through meiotic reduction. The most characteristic feature of the precyst is a clump of mitochondria in the cytoplasm. We divide the precyst phase into three forms, which are named early, intermediate, and late. Synaptonemal complexes were only observed in the early precyst, which is a uninuclear cell with a thin pellicle. In the intermediate precyst, nuclear divisions are observed as follows: meiosis I produces two haploid nuclei and each of these divides at meiosis II producing four nuclei. After that, another postmeiotic mitosis takes place, resulting in eight haploid nuclei. In the late precyst, a delimiting membrane originates from the mother plasmalemma and surrounds the daughter nuclei and a small portion of the adjacent cytoplasm. Finally, when the eight intracystic bodies are complete, the precyst changes to a cyst. Thus, we deduce that intracystic bodies resulting from meiotic nuclear division are haploid and, after excystation, they are haploid trophozoites. We consider that this process can be called sporogony. Although we could not distinguish between the haploid and the diploid trophozoite, it is quite plausible that copulation occurs, probably in host alveoli.  相似文献   

M. Flatters  D. Dawson 《Genetics》1993,134(2):423-433
Meiotic chromosome segregation must occur with high fidelity in order to prevent the generation of deleterious aneuploidies. In meiosis I, homologous chromosomes pair, then migrate to opposite poles of the spindle. This process uses a collection of unique structures and mechanisms that have yet to be thoroughly characterized. To acquire a collection of informative meiotic mutants, we carried out a novel genetic screen in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. This screen was designed to identify dominant mutants in which meiosis I chromosome segregation occurs with decreased fidelity. One mutant recovered using this screen, SID1-1 (sister disjunction), showed an incidence of spores disomic for a marked chromosome III that was 25-fold greater than the wild-type level. Crossing-over is slightly, but not dramatically, reduced in SID1-1. Both recombinant and nonrecombinant chromosomes segregate with reduced fidelity in the presence of SID1-1. We present evidence that the mutant is defective in sister-chromatid association.  相似文献   



Chronic inflammation from recurring trauma is an underlying pathophysiological basis of numerous diseases. Furthermore, it may result in cell death, scarring, fibrosis, and loss of tissue function. In states of inflammation, subsequent increases in oxidative stress and cellular division may lead to the accelerated erosion of telomeres, crucial genomic structures which protect chromosomes from decay. However, the association between plasma inflammatory marker concentrations and telomere length has been inconsistent in previous studies.


The purpose of this study was to determine the longitudinal association between telomere length and plasma inflammatory biomarker concentrations including: CRP, SAA, sICAM-1, sVCAM-1, VEGF, TNF-α, IL-1β, IL-2, IL-6, IL-8, and IL-10.


The longitudinal study population consisted of 87 subjects. The follow-up period was approximately 2 years. Plasma inflammatory biomarker concentrations were assessed using highly sensitive electrochemiluminescent assays. Leukocyte relative telomere length was assessed using Real-Time qPCR. Linear mixed effects regression models were used to analyze the association between repeated-measurements of relative telomere length as the outcome and each inflammatory biomarker concentration as continuous exposures separately. The analyses controlled for major potential confounders and white blood cell differentials.


At any follow-up time, each incremental ng/mL increase in plasma CRP concentration was associated with a decrease in telomere length of −2.6×10−2 (95%CI: −4.3×10−2, −8.2×10−3, p = 0.004) units. Similarly, the estimate for the negative linear association between SAA and telomere length was −2.6×10−2 (95%CI:−4.5×10−2, −6.1×10−3, p = 0.011). No statistically significant associations were observed between telomere length and plasma concentrations of pro-inflammatory interleukins, TNF-α, and VEGF.


Findings from this study suggest that increased systemic inflammation, consistent with vascular injury, is associated with decreased leukocyte telomere length.  相似文献   



Both telomere length and mitochondrial function are accepted as reflective indices of aging. Recent studies have shown that telomere dysfunction may influence impaired mitochondrial biogenesis and function. However, there has been no study regarding the possible association between telomere and mitochondrial function in humans. Therefore, the purpose of the study was to identify any relationships between mitochondrial and telomere function.


The present study included 129 community-dwelling, elderly women. The leukocyte mitochondrial DNA copy number and telomere length were measured using a quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction method. Anthropometric measurement, biochemical blood testing, a depression screening questionnaire using a 15-question geriatric depression scale (GDS-15), and a cognitive function test using the Korean version of the mini mental state examination (K-MMSE) were performed.


Leukocyte mtDNA copy number was positively associated with telomere length (r=0.39, p=<0.0001) and K-MMSE score (r=0.06, p=0.02). Additionally, leukocyte mtDNA copy number was negatively correlated with GDS-15 score (r=-0.17, p=0.04). Age (r=-0.15, p=0.09), waist circumference (r=-0.16, p=0.07), and serum ferritin level (r=-0.13, p=0.07) tended to be inversely correlated with leukocyte mtDNA copy number. With a stepwise multiple regression analysis, telomere length was found to be an independent factor associated with leukocyte mtDNA copy number after adjustment for confounding variables including age, body mass index, waist circumference, total cholesterol, HDL-cholesterol, LDL-cholesterol, triglycerides, hs-CRP, serum ferritin, HOMA-IR, K-MMSE, GDS-15, hypertension, diabetes, dyslipidemia, currently smoking, alcohol drinking, and regular exercise.


This study showed that leukocyte mtDNA copy number was positively correlated with leukocyte telomere length in community-dwelling elderly women. Our findings suggest that telomere function may influence mitochondrial function in humans.  相似文献   

A positive correlation between the length of the basis and the ability of the cuttings to form adventitious roots was observed in pea cuttings. Plants with a different basis length (the third internode) were obtained in different ways: Regulation by the level of irradiance, dark treatment or gibberellic acid. The length of the basis was also regulated by excision of the cuttings at different places on the stock plants. With increasing basis length an increase was found in the number of roots subsequently formed. The results were similar in cuttings from plants grown at different levels of irradiance or from dark treated plants. Optimal rooting was obtained by cutting the plants just above the second scale leaf. Cuttings from plants treated with 10?3M GA3 showed the same correlation between the length of the third internode and root formation as found in the other experiments, but the number of roots were at a lower level.  相似文献   

鞭毛介导的运动性与细菌生物膜的相互关系   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
丁莉莎  王瑶 《微生物学报》2009,49(4):417-422
摘要:由于运动缺陷型细菌形成生物膜的能力会下降,长期以来细菌的运动性都被认为与生物膜的形成呈正相关,但这一理论现在证明还有待商榷,而且运动性不是影响膜形成的绝对因素。本文详细介绍了细菌的生物膜和运动性,并重新定义了两者的相互关系。  相似文献   

The pms1 mutants, isolated on the basis of sharply elevated meiotic prototroph frequencies for two closely linked his4 alleles, display pleiotropic phenotypes in meiotic and mitotic cells. Two isolates carrying recessive mutations in PMS1 were characterized. They identify a function required to maintain low postmeiotic segregation (PMS) frequencies at many heterozygous sites. In addition, they are mitotic mutators. In mutant diploids, spore viability is reduced, and among survivors, gene conversion and postmeiotic segregation frequencies are increased, but reciprocal exchange frequencies are not affected. The conversion event pattern is also dramatically changed in multiply marked regions in pms1 homozygotes. The PMS1 locus maps near MET4 on chromosome XIV. The PMS1 gene may identify an excision-resynthesis long patch mismatch correction function or a function that facilitates correction tract elongation. The PMS1 gene product may also play an important role in spontaneous mitotic mutation avoidance and correction of mismatches in heteroduplex DNA formed during spontaneous and UV-induced mitotic recombination. Based on meiotic recombination models emphasizing mismatch correction in heteroduplex DNA intermediates, this interpretation is favored, but alternative interpretations involving longer recombination intermediates in the mutants are also considered.  相似文献   

膜联蛋白A1 (Annexin A1,ANXA1)是一种来源于脊柱(哺乳)动物的钙依赖性磷脂结合蛋白,是介导细胞内糖皮质激素抗炎作用的效应分子,在组织中广泛表达,参与细胞生长周期的各个阶段.其既可以可溶性形式存在,也可稳定或可逆结合于细胞骨架蛋白,调控细胞与细胞外基质的相互作用.大量的研究发现,AnnexinA1的表达在不同肿瘤组织中有差异,并且同一肿瘤不同类型中表达也不一样,其异常表达及细胞内定位改变可能跟多种恶性肿瘤的分化及转移相关.Annexin A1与肿瘤的密切关系,或许可使其发展为一个新的肿瘤标志物,为肿瘤的早期诊断、治疗及预后提供新的判断标准.因此,探讨Annexin A1与肿瘤的关系极具临床应用前景.  相似文献   

目的:探讨老年慢性阻塞性肺疾病(COPD)患者疾病进展与机体调节性T细胞(Treg)的关系。方法:选取我院收治的65例COPD患者(COPD组)以及同期在我院行体检的健康人群45例(正常对照组),将COPD患者分为急性期组41例及稳定期组24例,采用肺功能仪检测肺功能,采用酶联免疫吸附法检测血清γ-干扰素(IFN-γ)、白介素4(IL-4)、IL-17水平,采用流式细胞仪检测外周血CD4+CD25+Treg细胞比例。结果:与正常对照组比较,COPD患者的FEV1、FVC、PEF、FEV1/FVC、6MWT、血清IL-4水平、外周血CD4~+CD25~+Treg细胞比例均明显下降,血清IFN-γ、IL-17及Th1/Th2均显著升高。急性期COPD患者的CD4~+CD25~+Treg细胞比例较正常对照组显著升高,而正常对照组患者的CD4~+CD25~+Treg细胞比例较稳定组COPD患者显著升高,组间比较均有明显差异(P0.05)。结论:老年CODP患者体内存在免疫功能失调,调节性T细胞可能参与了老年COPD疾病的发病以及急性加重过程,导致患者出现肺功能改变。  相似文献   

A new method is proposed to distinguish between meiotic and premeiotic exchange events in Drosophila melanogaster males associated with male recombination activities. The method was applied to data that have accumulated in this laboratory during the past five years, and it was concluded that a large fraction, perhaps the overwhelming majority, of the male recombinants were due to exchange events that took place before meiosis.  相似文献   

Sporulation of Saccharomyces cerevisiae is a developmental process in which four haploid spores are generated inside a diploid cell. Gip1, a sporulation-specific targeting subunit of protein phosphatase type 1, together with its catalytic subunit, Glc7, colocalizes with septins along the extending prospore membrane and is required for septin organization and spore wall formation. However, the mechanism by which Gip1-Glc7 phosphatase promotes these events is unclear. We show here that Ysw1, a sporulation-specific coiled-coil protein, has a functional relationship to Gip1-Glc7 phosphatase. Overexpression of YSW1 partially suppresses the sporulation defect of a temperature-sensitive allele of gip1. Ysw1 interacts with Gip1 in a two-hybrid assay, and this interaction is required for suppression. Ysw1 tagged with green fluorescent protein colocalizes with septins and Gip1 along the extending prospore membrane during spore formation. Sporulation is partially defective in ysw1Δ mutant, and cytological analysis revealed that septin structures are perturbed and prospore membrane extension is aberrant in ysw1Δ cells. These results suggest that Ysw1 functions with the Gip1-Glc7 phosphatase to promote proper septin organization and prospore membrane formation.Diploid cells of Saccharomyces cerevisiae subjected to nitrogen limitation in the presence of a nonfermentable carbon source undergo the developmental process of sporulation (14, 23, 35). Four nuclei produced by two rounds of nuclear division, meiosis I and II, are encapsulated by newly formed double-membrane structures, called prospore membranes, and are finally packaged into spores covered with layered spore walls (35).In this process, prospore membrane formation is one of the most dynamic events. Early in meiosis II, the cytoplasmic surface of the meiotic spindle pole body (SPB) is modified by the recruitment of sporulation-specific protein complex that acts as a site of vesicle recruitment (2, 22, 39). Post-Golgi secretory vesicles dock to the surface of the SPBs and fuse with each other, generating prospore membranes (33, 34). The prospore membranes then grow to engulf daughter nuclei through a series of stages that are categorized by the membranes'' appearance in the fluorescence microscope (12). Initially, the membranes appear as small horseshoes that enlarge to become small round membrane structures. The prospore membranes then extend into a tube-like shape, engulfing the nucleus, as well as some cytosol and organelles (12). After this extension, prospore membrane undergoes a rapid change to a mature round form. This rounding of the membrane is coordinated with membrane closure (12). Spore wall materials are then deposited into the luminal space created by closure of the prospore membrane (9).In addition to the meiotic plaque of the SPB, two protein complexes are associated with the prospore membrane as it forms. One is the leading edge protein complex, which exists at the lip of the prospore membranes and consists of three components: Ssp1, Ady3, and Don1 (27, 30, 38). Ssp1 is the most important of the three and is required for proper extension of the prospore membrane (30). The second complex is a sporulation-specific septin structure. The septins are a family of cytoskeletal proteins, which form filaments (18, 50). Septins are conserved from yeast to mammals. They were originally found and have been extensively studied in S. cerevisiae. In vegetatively growing S. cerevisiae cells, five septin proteins—Cdc3, Cdc10, Cdc11, Cdc12, and Shs1—form a ring at the bud neck that serves as a scaffold for many additional proteins, as well as a barrier to diffusion of proteins between the mother and the bud (19, 29, 50). In sporulating cells, the set of septin proteins is changed. Cdc3 and Cdc10, along with two sporulation-specific septins, Spr3 and Spr28, form a pair of parallel bars or sheets associated with each prospore membrane (11, 15, 29). Although deletion of sporulation-specific septins has only modest effects on sporulation (11, 15), their specific localization suggests that they have some function during prospore membrane formation. Septin organization in vegetatively growing cells is regulated by phosphorylation and dephosphorylation of septin components and septin-associated proteins (29). In sporulating cells, a sporulation-specific protein phosphatase type 1 (PP1) complex Gip1-Glc7 is required for the formation of septin structures (46), although whether this phosphatase acts directly on the septin proteins is unknown.The PP1 catalytic subunit is highly conserved in eukaryotes and is involved in a variety of cellular processes (8, 44). In S. cerevisiae it is encoded by an essential gene, GLC7, and functions in glycogen synthesis, glucose repression, chromosome segregation, cell wall organization, endocytosis, mating, and sporulation (3, 17, 24, 42, 44, 47, 53). The specificity of this enzyme is determined by targeting subunits. GIP1 was originally isolated in a two-hybrid screen by using GLC7 as a bait, and this interaction was confirmed by coimmunoprecipitation of the two proteins (48). GIP1 is a sporulation-specific gene required for sporulation. Further analysis revealed that Gip1 and Glc7 colocalize with septins during sporulation and are required for both septin organization and spore wall formation (46). The specific targets or cofactors of this PP1 complex are unknown.To elucidate the role of Gip1-Glc7 phosphatase, we screened for high-copy suppressors of a temperature-sensitive allele of gip1 and isolated YSW1. Ysw1 interacts with Gip1 and colocalizes with septins similar to Gip1. Furthermore, a ysw1Δ mutant displays aberrant septin structures and prospore membrane extension. These results suggest that Ysw1 may function with Gip1-Glc7 to regulate proper septin organization and prospore membrane formation.  相似文献   

Two biologically active, 34 amino acid fragments of parathyroid hormone interact with dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine to form lipoprotein particles. In the lipid-bound form these parathyroid hormone peptides exhibit an increased amount of folded secondary structure and the tryptophan residue of [Nle8, Nle18, Tyr34] b PTH (1-34) amide appears to become buried in a more hydrophobic environment. The lipoprotein particle which is formed has dimensions of approximately 65 X 7 nm but aggregates to larger structures with increasing temperature. Above the phase transition of the phospholipid the peptides no longer affect the morphology of the lipid and the spectral properties of the peptide are not perturbed by the lipid. This is similar to the behavior of glucagon with dimyristoylphatidylcholine. The results indicate that several nonhomologous peptide hormones have common features which allow them to fold into an amphipathic helix and solubilize phospholipid.  相似文献   

Persistent immune activation plays a central role in driving Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) disease progression. Whether CD4+CD25+ regulatory T cells (Tregs) are harmful by suppressing HIV-specific immune responses and/or beneficial through a decrease in immune activation remains debatable. We analysed the relationship between proportion and number of regulatory T cells (Tregs) and immune activation in HIV-infected patients interrupting an effective antiretroviral therapy (ART). Twenty-five patients were included in a substudy of a prospective multicenter trial of treatment interruption (TI) (ANRS 116). Proportions and numbers of Tregs and the proportion of activated CD4 and CD8 T cells were assessed at baseline and month 12 (M12) of TI. Specific anti-HIV CD4 and CD8 responses were investigated at baseline and M12. Non parametric univariate analyses and multivariate linear regression models were conducted. At baseline, the proportion of Tregs negatively correlated with the proportion of HLA-DR+CD8+T cells (r = −0.519). Following TI, the proportion of Tregs increased from 6.3% to 7.2% (p = 0.029); absolute numbers of Tregs decreased. The increase in the proportion of HLA-DR+CD38+CD8+T cells was significantly related to the increase in proportion of Tregs (p = 0.031). At M12, the proportion of Tregs did not negatively correlate with CD8 T-cell activation. Nevertheless, Tregs retain a suppressive function since depletion of Treg-containing CD4+CD25+ cells led to an increase in lymphoproliferative responses in most patients studied. Our data suggest that Tregs are efficient in controlling residual immune activation in patients with ART-mediated viral suppression. However, the insufficient increase in the proportion and/or the decrease in the absolute number of Tregs result in a failure to control immune activation following TI.

Trial Registration

ClinicalTrials.gov NCT00118677  相似文献   

To clarify the reason for the decrease in CFR (color forming ratio) of pale, soft and exudative (PSE) porcine muscle, the effect of simulation of the PSE conditions on cooked cured meat color was investigated in fractionated components from porcine skeletal muscle, 24 hr postmortem. Although the solubility of total proteins and heme pigments markedly decreased in sarcoplasm by this treatment, no decline in CFR of the sarcoplasm could be observed when compared to the controls. A similar tendency was observed in both high- and low-molecular weight fractions of sarcoplasm. On the other hand, myofibrils simulated the PSE conditions in the presence of myoglobin significantly decreased CFR, and the extent of this decline was nearly consistent with the case of whole muscle. The reasons for the decrease in CFR of PSE muscle are discussed.  相似文献   

为探究玉米基部节间质量性状与茎秆强度形成的内在关系,该研究选用不同耐密性玉米品种为材料,采用随机区组设计,在田间条件下研究玉米基部节间形态特征、干物质积累的变化特点,分析茎秆内部木质素积累动态变化及其相关合成酶活性对茎秆强度形成的影响。结果表明:(1)耐密品种‘先玉335’基部节间单位长度干重(DWUL)和直径均较高,不同品种的茎秆强度快速形成时期有一定差异,与木质素的积累密切相关。(2)耐密品种茎秆穿刺强度(RPS)和木质素积累快速形成时期较不耐密品种‘新玉41’长5~7 d,穿刺强度高于不耐密品种24.9%~36.6%,其木质素积累量高于不耐密品种12.5%~47.0%,且RPS和木质素积累速率较不耐密品种快。(3)玉米抽雄期(VT)前是基部节间木质素快速积累的关键时期,玉米大喇叭口期(V12~V15)酶活性与抽雄期木质素积累量呈显著或极显著正相关,对茎秆强度形成至关重要。(4)在玉米12叶期耐密品种‘先玉335’的木质素合成相关酶均显著高于不耐密品种‘新玉41’,PAL、TAL、CAD和POD分别较‘新玉41’高1.85、0.30、0.11和0.42 U·mg-1。研究认为,玉米大喇叭口期茎秆干物质积累量较高、木质素合成相关酶的活性较强,能有效促进木质素的快速积累,增加茎秆抗倒伏强度,进而提高玉米茎秆抗倒伏能力。  相似文献   

目的探讨在非小细胞肺癌(non small cell lung cancer,NSCLC)中的Livin、JNKI蛋白的表达及相关性。方法采用免疫组织化学(二步法)检测187例NSCLC肺癌组织Livin、JNK1[包括总JN1蛋白(t-JNK1),磷酸化JNK1(p-JNK1)]蛋白的表达情况,采用Spearman等级相关分析探讨其相关性。结果Livin主要在胞浆中定位表达,在肺癌中的表达阳性率明显高于肺良性病变对照组;在鳞癌中表达阳性率明显高于腺癌和其他癌类(P〈0.05)。其在肺癌表达的积分明显高于良性对照组(P〈0.05),其在鳞癌中表达的积分明显高于腺癌及其他癌类组织。t-JNK1、p-JNK1在肺癌细胞上及在假复层纤毛柱状上皮均可见表达,主要在胞浆中定位表达,t—JNKl未见核内定位表达,而p-JNKl偶见核内定位表达。t—JNK1在肺癌组表达阳性率明显低于对照组(P〈0.05),t-JNKl在肺癌中表达的积分低于对照组;而p-JNK1在肺癌组表达阳性率明显高于对照组(P〈0.05)。p-JNK1在肺癌中表达的积分高于对照组,但两者无统计学意义(P〉0.05)。Livin与t-JNK1呈现显著的负相关,Livin与p-JNK1呈现显著的正相关。结论Livin在肺癌中高表达,其在鳞癌中表达高于腺癌和其他类型癌。t-JNK1在肺癌中低表达,而p-JNK1在肺癌中高表达。Livin与p-JNK1表达正相关,推测Livin可促JNK1蛋白磷酸化。  相似文献   

Previous studies revealed that extracellular regulated kinase-1 and-2(ERK1/2) cascade plays pivotal roles in regulating oocyte meiotic cell cycle progression. However, most knowledge about the in vivo function of ERK1/2 in mammalian oocytes was indirectly obtained from analyzing the phenotypes of Mos knockout mice. In this study, we knocked out Erk1 and Erk2 in mouse oocytes as early as the primordial follicle stage using the well-characterized Gdf9-Cre mouse model, and for the first time directly investigated the in vivo function of ERK1/2 in mouse oocytes. In this novel mouse model, we observed that ERK1/2 activities in oocyte are dispensable for primordial follicle maintenance,activation and follicle growth. Different from the Mos null oocytes, the ERK1/2-deleted oocytes had well-assembled spindles at metaphase Ⅰ(MⅠ), extruded polar body-1(PB1) with normal sizes, and did not undergo a full parthenogenetic activation characterized for pronuclear formation. However, the ovulated ERK1/2-deleted oocytes had poorly-assembled metaphase Ⅱ(MⅡ) spindles, spontaneously released polar body-2(PB2), and were arrested at another metaphase called metaphase Ⅲ(MⅢ). In addition, ERK1/2 deletion prevented male pronuclear formation after fertilization, and caused female infertility. In conclusion, these results indicate that ERK1/2 activities are required for not only MⅡ-arrest maintenance, but also efficient pronuclear formation in mouse oocytes.  相似文献   

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