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Transport activity of the hog gastric (H+ + K+)-ATPase system was measured either as the formation of proton gradient using the dye probe acridine orange or as the formation of a proton diffusion potential using the cyanine dye 3,3'-diethyloxdicarbocyanine iodide in the presence of the protonophore tetrachlorosalicylanilide. The development of these gradients has been compared in K+ media in the presence of either Cl- or SO4-2 as the anionic species. This comparison of proton diffusion potential formation to proton gradient formation has been used to demonstrate that a Cl- conductance in this vesicular system results from limited enzymic digestion with either trypsin or alpha-chymotrypsin from the ageing process itself. The possible significance of this finding is discussed.  相似文献   

The carbocyanine dye, diS-C3-(5) was used to quantitate the plasma membrane potential of the bullfrog corneal endothelium. It was shown that valinomycin hyperpolarized the endothelial cell and that in the presence of the ionophore the membrane potential largely reflected the K+ equilibrium potential. Using calibration curves constructed by changing medium K+ concentration in the presence of valinomycin, and nigericin and ouabain to abolish ion gradients and electrogenic pump activity, the cell membrane potential was calculated to be 28.6 ± 4.2 mV. The major source of this potential was a K+ diffusion potential, and the membrane Na+ conductance reduced the cell potential to less than the apparent K+ equilibrium potential of 51.5 ± 5.1 mV. About 20% of the cell potential could be ascribed to the rheogenic (Na++K+)-ATPase.  相似文献   

The sensitivity of the fluorescent dye, 3,3′-diethylthiadicarbocyanine (DiS-C2(5)), was too low for the detection of membrane potential changes in rat small intestinal membrane vesicles. Only after adding LaCl3 or after fractionation of the intestinal membranes by free-flow electrophoresis could the dye be used to monitor electrogenic Na+-dependent transport systems. It is concluded that the response of this potential-sensitive dye is influenced by the negative surface charge density of the vesicles.  相似文献   

Changes in fluorescence of 3,3′-dipropylthiodicarbocyanine iodide which had been equilibrated with suspensions of the wild-type yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae and of respiration-deficient mutants were followed. The changes have been attributed to changes of yeast membrane potentials, since the fluorescence with wild-type yeast could be affected in a predictable manner by uncouplers and the pore-forming agent nystatin. As in other systems, a rise of steady-state fluorescence was ascribed to depolarization and a drop of the fluorescence to hyperpolarization. (1) A considerable rise in steady-state fluorescence was brought about by addition of antimycin A or some other mitochondrial inhibitors to respiring cells. A major part of the composite membrane potential monitored in intact yeast cells appeared to be represented by the membrane potential of mitochondria. (2) Addition of D-glucose and of other substrates of hexokinase, including non-metabolizable 2-deoxy-D-glucose, induced a two-phase response of fluorescence, indicating transient depolarization followed by repolarization. Such a response was not elicited by other sugars which had been reported to be transported into the cells by a glucose carrier or by D-galactose in galactose-adapted cells. The depolarization was explained by electrogenic ATP exit from mitochondria to replenish the ATP consumed in the hexokinase reaction and the repolarization by subsequent activation of respiration. (3) In non-respiring cells only a drop in fluorescence was induced by glucose and this was ascribed to an ATP-dependent polarization of the plasma membrane. (4) Steady-state fluorescence in suspensions of respiration-deficient mutants, lacking cytochrome a, cytochrome b, or both, was high and remained unaffected by uncouplers and nystatin. This indicates that membranes of the mutants may have been entirely depolarized. A partial polarization, apparently restricted to the plasma membrane, could be achieved by glucose addition.  相似文献   

The trinucleous divalent cationic cyanide dye triS-C4(5) was shown to be an uncoupler of oxidative phosphorylation in mitochondria only in reaction medium containing inorganic phosphate (Pi). This dye also induced marked increase in the electrical conductance of a phospholipid bilayer membrane in bathing solution containing Pi, but not in solution containing Tris-HCI buffer without Pi. Time-dependent fluctuation of the electrical current across the bilayer membrane was observed in the presence of triS-C4(5) only in bathing solution containing Pi. This fluctuation could be due to perturbation of the bilayer membrane structure induced by the cooperative action of the cyanine dye and Pi, and this perturbation should be directly related to their effects in increasing membrane conductance and also causing uncoupling in mitochondria.  相似文献   

Summary Differences in the thymus of young and old male CSE Wistar rats were examined by use of routine histological stains on paraffin-embedded sections. There was a highly significant loss of thymic weight and disruption of architecture with age. Both surgical castration and chemical castration induced by a luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone analogue (Goserelin) caused a significant increase in thymic weight and the reappearance of a well-defined cortex and medulla in ageing rats. Cell surface antigens were detected on cryosections after incubation with a range of monoclonal antibodies. The Pan T cell marker (detected with antibody W3/13) showed fewer positive cells in ageing rats, and an increase after chemical castration. The smaller glands of old rats had fewer positive T cells with CD4 (MRC OX35) and CD8 (MRC OX8) antigens, and more after chemical castration in both young and ageing rats, but the greatest changes were seen in the intensity of Class II major histocompatibility complex (MRC OX6) immunoreactivity. In both young and ageing chemically-castrated rats, the numbers of cells and the intensity of immunoreactivity were greatly increased in the medulla.  相似文献   

The accumulation of [3H]triphenylmethylphosphonium cation in neuroblastoma N1E 115 cells in the presence of tetraphenylboron is reduced by 3,3′-diethylthiadicarbocyanine iodide and by 3,3′-dipropylthiadicarbocyanine iodide. This reduction in uptake of the lipophilic cation is not due to the carbocyanine dyes depolarizing the plasma membrane of these cells but due to an interaction between the carbocyanine dyes and tetraphenylboron leaving less of the lipophilic anion free in solution to assist uptake of the lipophilic cation. This interaction is shown to have a 1:1 stoicheiometry.  相似文献   

A simple and reliable method for the determination of mercury in hair on a rotating gold disk electrode using subtractive anodic stripping voltammetry without removal of oxygen is reported. Voltammetric and microwave parameters were optimized to obtain the best analytical results. Parameters such as supporting electrolyte concentration, influence of chloride in the Hg peak, deposition potential, scan rate, accumulation time, rotation rate, square-wave amplitude, and electrode conditioning were studied. Pressurized microwave-assisted digestion of hair, suitable for the accurate voltammetric determination of Hg, was evaluated using six acid mixtures and several time-power programs. Under the optimized conditions, no interference by copper, cadmium, lead, nickel, manganese, iron, or zinc was found at concentrations corresponding to their occurrence in normal hair. A calibration plot between 6,67 and 46,69 μg/L was linear, with r 2 better than 0.999. The detection limit for a deposition time of 60 s at 25g, was calculated as 1.92 nM (3σ). Validation of the method was demonstrated with the use of a certified reference sample of hair. Eight real samples of hair (four unexposed children and four exposed persons) were also analyzed.  相似文献   

The interaction of avermectin B1a (AVMB1a) with mouse brain chloride channels was characterized using a radiochloride efflux assay. The loss of intravesicular chloride from synaptoneurosomes preloaded with 36Cl involved an initial rapid phase followed by a slower phase that approached equilibrium within 10 min. AVMB1a stimulated a 30% loss of intravesicular chloride within the first 2 s of exposure; however, AVMB1a had no effect on the rate of the slower phase of chloride loss. Experiments with lysed synaptoneurosomes showed that both chloride loading and basal and AVMB1a-stimulated chloride release required the presence of intact vesicles. The efflux of 36Cl from mouse brain synaptosomes and the stimulation of efflux by AVMB1a were qualitatively similar to the results obtained with synaptoneurosomes but involved much lower overall levels of chloride loading and release. AVMB1a produced halfmaximal stimulation of chloride efflux from synaptoneurosomes at a concentration of 2.1 ± 0.3 μM and a 35.4 ± 1.4% maximal loss of intravesicular chloride at saturating concentrations. γ-Aminobutyric acid (GABA), bicuculline, or the chloride channel blockers picrotoxinin, t-butylbicyclophosphorothionate (TBPS) 4,4′-diisothiocyanatostilbene-2,2′-disulfonic acid (DIDS), and anthracene 9-carboxylic acid (9-CA) had little or no effect on the loss of chloride from synaptoneurosomes either in the presence or the absence of AVMB1a. However, the chlorinated cycloalkane insecticides dieldrin and lindane were equally effective as inhibitors of GABA-dependent chloride uptake and AVMB1a-stimulated chloride efflux. These data demonstrate that AVMB1a-stimulated chloride efflux from mouse brain synaptic vesicles results from the activation of GABA-insensitive chloride channels and that this action is distinct from their previously documented effects on GABA-gated chloride channels in mouse brain preparations. Our findings imply that both GABA-gated and GABA-insensitive chloride channels may be toxicologically significant targets for the action of avermectins.  相似文献   

Changes in lipoxygenase (LOX) protein pattern and/or activity were investigated in relation to acquired resistance of cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) leaves against two powdery mildews, Sphaerotheca fuliginea (Schlecht) Salmon and Erysiphe cichoracearum DC et Merat. Acquired resistance was established by spraying leaves with salicylic acid (SA) or 2,6-dichloroisonicotinic acid (INA) and estimated in whole plants by infested leaf area compared to control plants. SA was more effective than INA. According to Western blots, untreated cucumber leaves contained a 97 kDa LOX form, which remained unchanged for up to 48 h after pathogen inoculation. Upon treatment with SA alone for 24 h or with INA plus pathogen, an additional 95 kDa LOX form appeared which had an isoelectric point in the alkaline range. For the induction of this form, a threshold concentration of 1 mM SA was required, higher SA concentrations did not change LOX-95 expression which remained similar between 24 h and 96 h but further increased upon mildew inoculation. Phloem exudates contained only the LOX-97 form, in intercellular washing fluid no LOX was detected. dichloroisonicotinic localization revealed LOX protein in the cytosol of the mesophyll cells without differences between the forms.  相似文献   

Summary Clusters of 2–4 bare, deciduous hardwood trees and woody vines in a dry upland forest in Costa Rica were surrounded by scaffolding and rehydration was induced during the dry season by irrigation of 9–50 m2 plots with 200 mm water. The resulting changes in water status preceding bud break were monitored. Following irrigation, stem water potentials increased from < –4 MPa to about –1.5 MPa within 24 h and to > –0.3 MPa within 48 h. Rehydration of stem tissues by lateral transport, measured as an increase in electric conductivity, continued for 4–8 days. Terminal flower buds in Tabebuia ochracea began to expand 48 h after irrigation and trees were in full bloom 4 days later. In all experimental species, lateral vegetative buds began to expand 5–7 days after irrigation and leaves were fully expanded 2 weeks later. After the first rains of the rainy season (100 mm in 48 hr) all trees in the dry forest rehydrated and leaves emerged in synchrony slightly faster than after irrigation. In response to rain or irrigation drought-stressed tropical hardwood trees thus rehydrated at rates similar to those of desert succulents and their development resumed much faster than that of deciduous cold-temperate trees in spring.  相似文献   

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