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Using a signal detection procedure and a microprocessor-controlledgustometer, sensitivity to three concentrations of NaCl (0.01,0.1 and 1.0 M) was measured on the tongue tip, and on a region3.0 cm posterior to the tongue tip in 12 young (20–29years of age) and 12 elderly (70–79 years of age) subjects.Stimulus duration was 2 s; the sizes of the tongue areas stimulatedwere 12.5, 25 and 50 mm2. On average, the young subjects weremore sensitive to NaCl on the tongue tip than on the more posteriorstimulation site and exhibited, at both tongue loci, an increasein detection performance as stimulus concentration increased.The elderly subjects, on the other hand, performed at chancelevel at both tongue loci for all three stimulus sizes and concentrationstested. No sex differences were observed. In the young subjects,the mean R-index increased monotonically as a function of stimulussize for the two highest NaCl concentrations at both tongueloci. A hyperbolic function provided the best fit to these dataat the tongue tip, and an exponential function at the more posteriortongue region, implying a different pattern of spatial summationat these two sites. Overall, this study demonstrates that markedage-related changes in regional taste sensitivity to NaCl arepresent in elderly persons. Chem. Senses 20: 283–290,1995.  相似文献   

We model spiking neurons in locus coeruleus (LC), a brain nucleus involved in modulating cognitive performance, and compare with recent experimental data. Extracellular recordings from LC of monkeys performing target detection and selective attention tasks show varying responses dependent on stimuli and performance accuracy. From membrane voltage and ion channel equations, we derive a phase oscillator model for LC neurons. Average spiking probabilities of a pool of cells over many trials are then computed via a probability density formulation. These show that: (1) Post-stimulus response is elevated in populations with lower spike rates; (2) Responses decay exponentially due to noise and variable pre-stimulus spike rates; and (3) Shorter stimuli preferentially cause depressed post-activation spiking. These results allow us to propose mechanisms for the different LC responses observed across behavioral and task conditions, and to make explicit the role of baseline firing rates and the duration of task-related inputs in determining LC response.  相似文献   

For group-living animals, reaching consensus to stay cohesive is crucial for their fitness, particularly when collective motion starts and stops. Understanding the decision-making at individual and collective levels upon sudden disturbances is central in the study of collective animal behavior, and concerns the broader question of how information is distributed and evaluated in groups. Despite the relevance of the problem, well-controlled experimental studies that quantify the collective response of groups facing disruptive events are lacking. Here we study the behavior of small-sized groups of uninformed individuals subject to the departure and stop of a trained conspecific. We find that the groups reach an effective consensus: either all uninformed individuals follow the trained one (and collective motion occurs) or none does. Combining experiments and a simple mathematical model we show that the observed phenomena results from the interplay between simple mimetic rules and the characteristic duration of the stimulus, here, the time during which the trained individual is moving away. The proposed mechanism strongly depends on group size, as observed in the experiments, and even if group splitting can occur, the most likely outcome is always a coherent collective group response (consensus). The prevalence of a consensus is expected even if the groups of naives face conflicting information, e.g. if groups contain two subgroups of trained individuals, one trained to stay and one trained to leave. Our results indicate that collective decision-making and consensus in (small) animal groups are likely to be self-organized phenomena that do not involve concertation or even communication among the group members.  相似文献   

While studies of the gustatory cortex (GC) mostly focus on its role in taste aversion learning and memory, the necessity of GC for other fundamental taste-guided behaviors remains largely untested. Here, rats with either excitotoxic lesions targeting GC (n = 26) or sham lesions (n = 14) were assessed for postsurgical retention of a presurgically LiCl-induced conditioned taste aversion (CTA) to 0.1M sucrose using a brief-access taste generalization test in a gustometer. The same animals were then trained in a two-response operant taste detection task and psychophysically tested for their salt (NaCl or KCl) sensitivity. Next, the rats were trained and tested in a NaCl vs. KCl taste discrimination task with concentrations varied. Rats meeting our histological inclusion criterion had large lesions (resulting in a group averaging 80% damage to GC and involving surrounding regions) and showed impaired postsurgical expression of the presurgical CTA (LiCl-injected, n = 9), demonstrated rightward shifts in the NaCl (0.54 log10 shift) and KCl (0.35 log10 shift) psychometric functions, and displayed retarded salt discrimination acquisition (n = 18), but eventually learned and performed the discrimination comparable to sham-operated animals. Interestingly, the degree of deficit between tasks correlated only modestly, if at all, suggesting that idiosyncratic differences in insular cortex lesion topography were the root of the individual differences in the behavioral effects demonstrated here. This latter finding hints at some degree of interanimal variation in the functional topography of insular cortex. Overall, GC appears to be necessary to maintain normal taste sensitivity to NaCl and KCl and for salt discrimination learning. However, higher salt concentrations can be detected and discriminated by rats with extensive damage to GC suggesting that the other resources of the gustatory system are sufficient to maintain partial competence in these tasks, supporting the view that such basic sensory-discriminative taste functions involve distributed processes among central gustatory structures.  相似文献   

A lengthening in meal duration can be used to measure an increase in orofacial mechanical hyperalgesia having similarities to the guarding behavior of humans with orofacial pain. To measure meal duration unrestrained rats are continuously kept in sound attenuated, computerized feeding modules for days to weeks to record feeding behavior. These sound-attenuated chambers are equipped with chow pellet dispensers. The dispenser has a pellet trough with a photobeam placed at the bottom of the trough and when a rodent removes a pellet from the feeder trough this beam is no longer blocked, signaling the computer to drop another pellet. The computer records the date and time when the pellets were taken from the trough and from this data the experimenter can calculate the meal parameters. When calculating meal parameters a meal was defined based on previous work and was set at 10 min (in other words when the animal does not eat for 10 min that would be the end of the animal''s meal) also the minimum meal size was set at 3 pellets. The meal duration, meal number, food intake, meal size and inter-meal interval can then be calculated by the software for any time period that the operator desires. Of the feeding parameters that can be calculated meal duration has been shown to be a continuous noninvasive biological marker of orofacial nociception in male rats and mice and female rats. Meal duration measurements are quantitative, require no training or animal manipulation, require cortical participation, and do not compete with other experimentally induced behaviors. These factors distinguish this assay from other operant or reflex methods for recording orofacial nociception.  相似文献   

Psychophysical experiments on human observers and physiological measurements on Pacinian corpuscles (PCs) isolated from cat mesentery were performed to explain certain discrepancies in the psychophysical—physiological model (Bolanowski et al., 1988) for the sense of touch in the vibrotactle Pacinian (P) channel. The model was based on correlations among the psychophysical frequency response obtained on human glabrous skin and physiological frequency-response functions measured on two PC preparations: PC fibers innervating human glabrous skin (Johansson et al., 1982) and PCs isolated from cat mesentery. The three frequency-response functions were qualitatively similar. However, the low-frequency slope for the human PC fibers differed from the slopes for the psychophysical and cat mesentery PC functions by being 3 dB/octave less steep. This discrepancy can be explained theoretically by differences in methodology involving the effect of stimulus duration and the property of temporal summation known to exist in the P channel (i.e., a 3-dB increase in sensitivity per doubling of stimulus duration). To test this, experiments were performed using two methods of stimulation: (1) a constant stimulus duration for different test frequencies, as generally used in this laboratory; and (2) a constant number of stimulus cycles (n = 5) for each test frequency as used by Johansson et al. The method of least squares was used to calculate the low-frequency (50 to 150-Hz) slopes of individual psychophysical and physiological functions. The mean slopes that resulted from using the two methods of stimulation were consistent with the theoretical expectations.  相似文献   

There is a close relationship between perception of umami, which has become recognized as the fifth taste, and the human physical condition. We have developed a clinical test for umami taste sensitivity using a filter paper disc with a range of six monosodium glutamate (MSG) concentrations. We recruited 28 patients with taste disorders (45–78 years) and 184 controls with no taste disorders (102 young [18–25 years] and 82 older [65–89 years] participants). Filter paper discs (5 mm dia.) were soaked in aqueous MSG solutions (1, 5, 10, 50, 100 and 200 mM), then placed on three oral sites innervated by different taste nerves. The lowest concentration participants correctly identified was defined as the recognition threshold (RT) for MSG. This test showed good reproducibility for inter- and intra-observer variability. We concluded that: (1) The RT of healthy controls differed at measurement sites innervated by different taste nerves; that is, the RT of the anterior tongue was higher than that of either the posterior tongue or the soft palate in both young and older individuals. (2) No significant difference in RT was found between young adults and older individuals at any measurement site. (3) The RT of patients with taste disorders was higher before treatment than that of the healthy controls at any measurement site. (4) The RT after treatment in these patients improved to the same level as that of the healthy controls. (5) The cutoff values of RT, showing the highest diagnostic accuracy (true positives + true negatives), were 200 mM MSG for AT and 50 mM MSG for PT and SP. The diagnostic accuracy at these cutoff values was 0.92, 0.87 and 0.86 for AT, PT and SP, respectively. Consequently, this umami taste sensitivity test is useful for discriminating between normal and abnormal umami taste sensations.  相似文献   

Spatiotemporal EEG characteristics of an operator were analyzed at different stages of visual recognition of letters under conditions of exposure to negative emotional factors: the threat of electrodermal stimulation and an information deficit produced by a decrease in the time of stimulus presentation. It was shown that, during exposure to the emotional factors under study, recognition sensorimotor performance was associated with decreased intra- and interhemispheric crosscorrelation coefficients. The most prominent changes in this parameter were observed under the conditions of an information deficit. Under these complicated conditions, the stimulus recognition was characterized by differently directed redistributions of potentials in the - and frequency ranges in the rostral and caudal regions of the brain. It is suggested that, under the influence of emotional factors, a functional system with decreased interrelation of the brain structures is formed. Such a system provides optimal sensorimotor performance during exposure to emotional factors.  相似文献   

Evidence is mixed as to whether oral metering contributes to the satiation of NaCl intake. To examine this in detail, we measured NaCl intake of sodium-deficient rats given preloads of NaCl that were sham ingested, normally ingested, or intubated into the stomach. Intake of 500 mM NaCl was reduced by prior ingestion, but not by sham ingestion, of an NaCl preload. NaCl intubation reduced NaCl intake if the test began 15 min, but not 60 min, after the preload. Gastric emptying of NaCl was initially more rapid after intubated than after ingested NaCl. Plasma aldosterone concentrations dropped more rapidly after ingested than after intubated NaCl and also dropped after sham ingestion of NaCl, raising the possibility of a cephalic-phase influence on aldosterone levels. These findings suggest that oral factors do not directly control the amount of NaCl consumed by sodium-deprived rats. Differences between the physiological effects of voluntary ingestion and intubation may be responsible for the results of several early studies purported as evidence for oral metering of sodium consumption.  相似文献   

The effect of triadimefon (TDM) on various biochemical parameters was studied in NaCl stressed radish (Raphanus sativus L.). Stress imposed by 80 mM NaCl decreased the protein content and proline oxidase activity, and increased the proline and glycine betaine contents, and protease, -glutamyl kinase and ATPase activities. The TDM treatment alleviated the stress by increasing protein, and glycine betaine contents, and by decreasing proline accumulation, and proline oxidase and ATPase activities.  相似文献   

The effect of a sound stimulus on postural responses was studied in five subjects (four females and one male). Sound stimuli were noise signals successively applied to loudspeakers placed along an arc, simulating movement of a sound source. A subject stood on a platform centered relative to the arc so that the sagittal plane of the subject coincided with the plane of the arc. Stabilograms of the body's general center of gravity (GCOG) were recorded for 15 s, including 6 s of silence, auditory stimulation (1.6, 3.2, or 4.8 s), and silence after the signal was cut off. A slight decrease in the amplitude of displacement of the GCOG was observed during auditory stimulation. For a signal duration of 4.8 s, a slight forward shift of the GCOG was observed in the sagittal plane, in which the auditory image moved.  相似文献   

Acetylcholinesterase was solubilized from rabbit white muscle by means of dilute buffer and Triton X-100 (0.5%). About 50% of total activity was brought into solution with buffer, the rest being solubilized by extracting the tissue with buffer and Triton X-100. The enzyme activity recovered in the supernatants was 170% of that found in the homogenate in the absence of Triton X-100 indicating that, to some extent, the enzyme could be found in an occluded form in muscle. At suboptimum substrate concentration the Triton-solubilized acetylcholinesterase displayed a negative cooperativity, this phenomenon being greatly modified in the presence of NaCl. As the salt concentration increased (0-400 mM) the enzyme activity decreased, the Km values being linearly-dependent on the NaCl concentration in the assay medium. We propose a kinetic pattern to explain both the negative cooperativity produced by the substrate and the effect of NaCl on the kinetic behaviour on this enzyme. Our data are consistent with the hypothesis of binding of substrate to both the catalytic anionic site and a peripheral anionic site, the salt showing the capacity to compete with the substrate for these two binding sites.  相似文献   

To examine the possibility that different taste qualities arerepresented by the correlative activity of cortical gustatoryneurons, we made simultaneous recordings of neuron pairs duringapplication of four basic tastes into the oral cavity of anesthetizedrats and the following observations were made: (i) in 30 of67 pairs of taste responsive neurons, peaks (troughs in a fewcases) were produced in the cross-correlograms (CCs) duringstimulation with some tastants; (ii) the correlative dischargesoccupied 6–8% of the total spikes discharged by individualneurons during taste stimulation and occurred, in a considerablenumber of cases, even during stimulation with tastants to whichone or both of the component neurons of a pair were apparentlynon-responding (often sucrose and quinine); (iii) the numberof tastants to which a neuron pair responded with a significantcorrelative activity was often greater than the number of tastantsto which the component neurons of the same pair responded withsignificant changes in discharge rate; (iv) there was no significantdifference between the correlative (formation of peaks or troughsin the CC) and individual (change in discharge rate of individualneurons) ways of coding in the sensitivity to distinguish betweentwo taste qualities ranked to be adjacent on the basis of thenumber of spikes composing the response; and (v) the peaks ortroughs appearing in two CCs during stimulations with two kindsof tastants were compared with regard to overlapping of theirdelay ranges and widths. The spikes in the non-overlapping portionof each peak (suppressed spike number in the case of troughs)are supposed to be able to contribute to two-taste discrimination:the correlated discharges occurring with a delay time that correspondsto the overlapping portion can in no way be judged differently,but the spikes falling in the non-overlapping portion may contributeto the differentiation. The ratio of the non-overlapping portionto the entire peak (or trough) was 0.35 on average. It is concludedthat temporal coding of taste qualities seems to operate effectivelyin the gustatory cortex. Chem. Senses 22: 363–373, 1997.  相似文献   

Contrary to what has often been said about the subject, declinein taste sensitivity with aging characterizes virtually everybodyand is not the artificial result of averaging large losses ofa minority with negligible losses of a majority. This assertionis supported by six repeated measures of sucrose thresholdsin each of 15 older (over 64 years) and 15 younger (under 27years) adult subjects. Threshold was determined by a proceduresimilar to past studies and with the same results: much scatterand considerable overlap between the thresholds of younger andolder subjects. A quite contrasting picture emerges, however,when each subject's six threshold determinations are averaged.Averaging shrinks the individual differences among subjects,as well as the over-lap between younger and older subjects.Although virtually all elderly subjects now revealed taste weakness,reliable individual differences in degree of weakness aboundamong them, suggesting various individual rates of physiologicalaging. In contrast young persons exhibit greater uniformityof sensitivity. These findings were brought out by inter-testcorrelations, which were much higher for the older subjects;i.e. an older subject who tended to score high (low) on onetest tended to score high (low) on the other tests. The studyconfirms the tenuous nature of brief threshold tests as indicesof personal sensitivity as found earlier also in olfactory thresholdsand in concurrent measurement of two-point touch thresholdsin the present study. This revealed correlated losses betweenrepeated taste and touch thresholds from the same 15 older subjects,unrelated to their exact chronological age. Chem. Senses 20:451–459, 1995.  相似文献   

The influence of the rate of stimulus temperature rise on the interthreshold interval of the appearance of thermal sensitivity of the skin was studied in 14 male volunteers using the MarStock method. The maximal skin thermal sensitivity was shown to occur at the optimum rate of stimulus increase equal to 0.2°C/s, while an increase in the interthreshold interval at other rates of stimuli predominantly occurs due to the increase in the temperature thresholds of the appearance of warmth sensations. A rapid reaction of the acquisition of a new temperature sensitivity level with a sharp change in the rate of stimulus increase was revealed. A critical view was taken of the increased (up to 1 to 3°C) rate of thermal stimulus presentation used in clinical practice. The physiological mechanisms underlying the regularities obtained are discussed on the basis of known data.  相似文献   

Abstract: The kinetics of synaptosomal [3H]glutamate release were measured on a subsecond time scale to study the relationship between the length of depolarization and the duration of the secretory event. The time course of release evoked by elevated K+ was complex, proceeding for several seconds after a 200-ms depolarization. We developed a protocol for depolarizing excitable membranes on a millisecond time scale to deliver brief depolarizations, termed the synthetic action potential, by using batrachotoxin to activate Na+ channels. Depolarization is achieved by superfusing with solutions containing elevated concentrations of Na+, and the duration of the depolarization is limited by including tetrodotoxin (TTX) in the superfusion solution to block Na+ entry. Direct measurements of the time courses of Na+ current and membrane depolarizations were made in batrachotoxin-treated sensory neurons using patch clamp recording methods. Rapid increases in Na+ and TTX concentrations produced transient increases in inward Na+ current that decayed with a time course proportional to TTX concentration. Current clamp measurements indicated that, with 10 µ M TTX, depolarizations last ∼30 ms. Nonetheless, synaptosomal release of [3H]glutamate triggered by the synthetic action potential remained prolonged. Brief neuronal action potentials at some synapses may trigger transmitter release that persists for several seconds.  相似文献   

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