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Chitinases (EC and β -1.3 glucanases (EC have been known to play a vital role in the defense of plants against fungal pathogens. The pattern of induction of these two enzymes subsequent to infection by powdery mildew was studied in 10 pairs of near-isogenic lines of barley ( Hordeum vulgare L.) which possess powdery mildew resistance genes. These isogenic lines have been grotiped according to their reaction to the fungus. The induction patterns varied between the resistant and the susceptible cultivars within each group and between different groups. More tsozymcs were induced in susceptible varieties of highly resistant groups and the overall levels and the number of isozymes of chitinases and β -1.3 glucanases were lower in groups with low resistance. The effect of powdery mildew infection and mechanical wounding on the cellular localization of chitinases and β -1.3 glucanases in barley leaves has also been studied. The 31 kDa leaf chitinase, L-CH2, and trace amounts of a 25 kDa chitinase. L-CH3. were present in healthy leaves. Wounding increased the levels of L-CH3 within I ft h. Powdery mildew infection increased the levels of L-CH3 both in intercellular fluid and in intracellular extract of leaves. A /3-I.3 glucanase. GH, also increased after infection and wounding. In infected barley leaves, GL-1 was present both in intercellular space and intracellular extract. It is concluded that powdery mildew resistance genes exhibit qualitative and quantitative differences in the expression of chitinases and β -1.3 glucanases. Further, chitinases and β -1.3 glucanases appear to be a response to active infection rather than the factors responsible for disease resistance.  相似文献   

A microarray carrying 5,648 probes of Medicago truncatula root-expressed genes was screened in order to identify those that are specifically regulated by the arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungus Gigaspora rosea, by Pi fertilisation or by the phytohormones abscisic acid and jasmonic acid. Amongst the identified genes, 21% showed a common induction and 31% a common repression between roots fertilised with Pi or inoculated with the AM fungus G. rosea, while there was no obvious overlap in the expression patterns between mycorrhizal and phytohormone-treated roots. Expression patterns were further studied by comparing the results with published data obtained from roots colonised by the AM fungi Glomus mosseae and Glomus intraradices, but only very few genes were identified as being commonly regulated by all three AM fungi. Analysis of Pi concentrations in plants colonised by either of the three AM fungi revealed that this could be due to the higher Pi levels in plants inoculated by G. rosea compared with the other two fungi, explaining that numerous genes are commonly regulated by the interaction with G. rosea and by phosphate. Differential gene expression in roots inoculated with the three AM fungi was further studied by expression analyses of six genes from the phosphate transporter gene family in M. truncatula. While MtPT4 was induced by all three fungi, the other five genes showed different degrees of repression mirroring the functional differences in phosphate nutrition by G. rosea, G. mosseae and G. intraradices. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Chitinase and β-1,3-glucanase activities were assayed in roots, stems and leaves of 12-day-old chickpea ( Cicer arietinum L.) plants. While glucanase activity was higher in roots than in the aerial parts of the plant, leaves had higher Chitinase activity. Both glucanase and chitinase activities were induced in roots and stems in response to wounding (excision into 1-cm pieces), with activity increasing 6 h after treatment, reaching a maximum between 24 and 48 h, and thereafter remaining nearly constant up to 72 h. Ethephon treatment also induced β-1,3-glucanase and chitinase activities in stems but not in roots. Both enzymes occurred in root and stem tissues as a complex mixture of isoenzymes. At least four different peaks with glucanase and chitinase activities could be resolved by gel filtration chromatography on Sephacryl S-200 and chromatofocusing on PBE 94 (pH 4–7). Following ammonium sulfate precipitation and ion exchange on CM- and DEAE-Trisacryl, three β-1,3-glucanase and chitinase fractions, referred to as basic, neutral and acidic, were separated on the basis of their chromatographic behaviour. Most of the total protein (75%) of stem extracts was found in the acidic fraction, whereas the major glucanase (53%) and chitinase (62%) activities were in the basic and neutral fractions, respectively. While wounding resulted in an increase in the neutral glucanase and chitinase activities, the activities of the acidic fractions were promoted by ethephon.  相似文献   

The arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) morphology of three host plant species inoculated with single and mixed fungal culture and the distribution of AM fungal species in roots of the hosts treated with a mixed culture of AM fungi were determined. The aim was to investigate the effect of host plants and AM fungi on AM morphology of coexisting plant species. Noncolonized rooted cuttings of Hedera rhombea (Miq) Bean, Rubus parvifolius L., and Rosa multiflora Thunb. were inoculated with five fungal species as single and mixed culture inocula. The fungal species used were Gigaspora rosea and Scutellospora erythropa, previously isolated from H. rhombea; Acaulospora longula and Glomus etunicatum from R. parvifolius; and Glomus claroideum from both plant species. A few hyphal and arbusculate coils were seen in the mixed culture-inoculated roots of R. parvifolius; all fungal treatments produced this Paris-type AM in H. rhombea and Arum-type AM in R. parvifolius, and R. multiflora indicates that AM morphology is strongly controlled by the identity of the host plants used in this study. AM fungal rDNA was extracted separately from roots of each replicate plant species inoculated with the mixed fungal culture, amplified, cloned, sequenced, and analyzed to determine the AM fungal species and their respective proportions in roots of each plant species. Glomus etunicatum and G. claroideum of the family Glomaceae generally occurred more frequently in R. parvifolius and R. multiflora, which form Arum-types, whereas S. erythropa, of the family Gigasporaceae, was the most frequently detected species in H. rhombea, which produced Paris-type AM. Although the genotype of the plant species used appears to determine the AM morphologies formed, there was preferential association between the hosts and AM fungal inoculants.  相似文献   

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