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随着高通量测序技术的不断更新,可以在单个分子水平读取核苷酸序列的第三代测序技术迅速发展,纳米孔测序技术是其具有代表性的单分子测序技术,该技术通过检测DNA单链分子穿过纳米孔时引起的跨膜电流信号的变化,实现碱基识别.纳米孔测序仪在便携性、碱基读取速度、测序读段长度等方面较传统的第一代与第二代测序技术都有明显优势.随着纳米...  相似文献   

The conformational flexibility inherent in the polynucleotide chain plays an important role in deciding its three-dimensonal structure and enables it to undergo structural transitions in order to fulfil all its functions. Following certain stereochemical guidelines, both right and left handed double-helical models have been built in our laboratory and they are in reasonably good agreement with the fibre patterns for various polymorphous forms of DNA. Recently, nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy has become an important technique for studying the solution conformation and polymorphism of nucleic acids. Several workers have used 1H nuclear magnetic resonance nuclear Overhauser enhancement measurements to estimate the interproton distances for the various DNA oligomers and compared them with the-interproton distances for particular models of A and B form DNA. In some cases the solution conformation does not seem to fit either of these models. We have been studying various models for DNA with a view to exploring the full conformational space allowed for nucleic acid polymers. In this paper, the interproton distances calculated for the different stereochemically feasible models of DNA are presented and they are compared and correlated against those obtained from1H nuclear magnetic resonance nuclear Overhauser enhancement measurements of various nucleic acid oligomers.  相似文献   

Bohonak AJ  Vandergast AG 《Molecular ecology》2011,20(12):2477–9; authors reply 2480-2477–9; authors reply 2482
In a recent Opinion article in Molecular Ecology, Wang (2010) emphasizes the fact that current patterns of genetic differentiation among populations reflect processes that have acted over temporal scales ranging from contemporary to ancient. He draws a sharp distinction between the fields of phylogeography (as the study of historical processes) and landscape genetics (which he restricts to very recent processes). Wang characterizes DNA sequence data as being inappropriate for the study of contemporary population processes and further states that studies which only include mitochondrial DNA or chloroplast DNA data cannot be considered part of landscape genetics. In this response, we clarify the generally accepted view that DNA sequence data can be analysed with methods that separate contemporary and historical processes. To illustrate this point, we summarize the study of Vandergast et al. (2007), which Wang mischaracterizes as being confused in terms of temporal scale. Although additional focus should be placed on the important issue of correct data interpretation, we disagree strongly with the implication that contemporary and historic processes cannot be separated in the analyses of DNA sequence data.  相似文献   

全球数据量快速增长,成为数字经济发展的核心引擎,但传统数据存储介质受到功耗、体积、成本等限制,难以满足不断增长的数据存储需求。以脱氧核糖核酸(deoxyribonucleic acid, DNA)分子作为存储介质的新型存储方式引起了国内外高度重视,世界主要国家均对其研究进行了顶层规划,部署了一系列重要科研计划。但是,DNA数据存储作为一个新兴交叉研究领域,其发展的“源”与“流”仍存在需要深入分析的问题。针对该问题,从信息、半导体与合成生物学交叉融合的角度深入挖掘DNA数据存储发展的源头,对近年来国际上主要国家与地区在DNA数据存储领域的发展规划进行分析归纳,梳理国内外的科研项目规划布局,尤其是美国“半导体合成生物学联盟”推动的基础研究项目、美国国防部高级研究计划局(Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, DARPA)与美国情报高级研究计划局(Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Activity, IARPA)推动的面向应用的集中攻关项目、欧盟的地平线2020计划以及我国的重点研发计划等。通过比较可...  相似文献   

Complimentary DNA sequence data of Φ × 174, fd, f1, G4, Ml3, MS2, λ and T7 phages ofEscherichia coli are analysed at mono-, di-, tri- and tetranucleotide levels. Our analysis shows that, (i) mononucleotides have certain preferences to occur at specific positions X1, X2, X3 of codon, (ii) These nucleotides interact nonlinearly to form dinucleotide and this dinucleotide also interacts nonlinearely with a third nucleotide to form codon, (iii) However, nonlinear interactions are negligible at tetranucleotide level suggesting that, coding regions of complimentary DNA are Markov chains of order two. Trinucleotide potential values in three frames have suggested that, at least thirteen different trinucleotides can be used as a marker to locate coding regions in DNA of prokaryotes. (iv) Parallel paired codons are expressed in such a way that one of the codons in the pair expresses with high frequency while the other with low frequency. On the other hand the complimentary codon pairs express with small frequency difference, (v) In the synonymous codon groups, codon ending with T are found to express with more frequency  相似文献   

The assumption that maximum parsimony in a phylogenetic tree is achieved by the reduction of the number of overall homoplasies to a minimum is questioned and an alternative approach of using the most parsimonius distribution of taxa at each dichotomy suggested. This approach can be put into practice using Hennigian logic to determine relationships, DNA sequences data as the character set and standard statistical techniques to determine the significance to be placed on the resultipng phylogenetic tree. The logic and robustness of such an approach is described. A software package, SYNAPO, is availabe to assist such analyses.  相似文献   

The problem of recovering DNA distribution from cytofluorometric experimental data was investigated. Theoretical analysis led to a convenient formulation of the problem and to uniqueness results for its solution. A minimization algorithm has been implemented to get the optimal estimate of G1, S, G2, and M phase percentages. This algorithm was tested in some experimental cases.  相似文献   

In this work, the application of a multivariate curve resolution procedure based on alternating least squares optimization (MCR-ALS) for the analysis of data from DNA microarrays is proposed. For this purpose, simulated and publicly available experimental data sets have been analyzed. Application of MCR-ALS, a method that operates without the use of any training set, has enabled the resolution of the relevant information about different cancer lines classification using a set of few components; each of these defined by a sample and a pure gene expression profile. From resolved sample profiles, a classification of samples according to their origin is proposed. From the resolved pure gene expression profiles, a set of over- or underexpressed genes that could be related to the development of cancer diseases has been selected. Advantages of the MCR-ALS procedure in relation to other previously proposed procedures such as principal component analysis are discussed.  相似文献   

信息生产与数据存储能力之间的差距日益扩大,急需分子数据存储等高密度持久性信息保存替代方案,基于脱氧核糖核酸(DNA)的数据存储因在信息保留时间、物理密度和体积编码容量等方面优于多数传统存储介质,而广受关注.本文概述了DNA数据存储技术的基本原理,总结了体外DNA存储数据库与体内分子存储器系统的研究进展,讨论了基于DNA分子的数据存储系统所涉及的各种影响因素以及面临的挑战.  相似文献   

目的:针对分子育种工作的繁琐性及葱属植物次生代谢物较多的特点,研究一种利用普通试剂及简单仪器高效快速提取葱属植物DNA的方法。方法:对碱处理法稍加改进,在碱性环境中高温裂解细胞,将释放的DNA保存在Tris缓冲液中,用PCR检测提取质量并分析DNA的保存时间。结果:与用试剂盒提取的DNA相比,扩增产物无显著差异,利用此方法提取DNA并分析了13个洋葱品种的细胞质雄性不育类型;保存时间分析显示,DNA在常温下只能保存5d,在4℃或-20℃可至少保存2个月。结论:该方法方便快速、成本低、适于田间操作,得到的DNA可满足分子生物学实验的基本要求,可用于以PCR为基础的分子标记辅助育种。  相似文献   

Computational analysis is essential for transforming the masses of microarray data into a mechanistic understanding of cancer. Here we present a method for finding gene functional modules of cancer from microarray data and have applied it to colon cancer. First, a colon cancer gene network and a normal colon tissue gene network were constructed using correlations between the genes. Then the modules that tended to have a homogeneous functional composition were identified by splitting up the network. Analysis of both networks revealed that they are scale-free. Comparison of the gene functional modules for colon cancer and normal tissues showed that the modules' functions changed with their structures.  相似文献   

DNA methylation is a widely studied epigenetic mechanism and alterations in methylation patterns may be involved in the development of common diseases. Unlike inherited changes in genetic sequence, variation in site-specific methylation varies by tissue, developmental stage, and disease status, and may be impacted by aging and exposure to environmental factors, such as diet or smoking. These non-genetic factors are typically included in epigenome-wide association studies (EWAS) because they may be confounding factors to the association between methylation and disease. However, missing values in these variables can lead to reduced sample size and decrease the statistical power of EWAS. We propose a site selection and multiple imputation (MI) method to impute missing covariate values and to perform association tests in EWAS. Then, we compare this method to an alternative projection-based method. Through simulations, we show that the MI-based method is slightly conservative, but provides consistent estimates for effect size. We also illustrate these methods with data from the Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities (ARIC) study to carry out an EWAS between methylation levels and smoking status, in which missing cell type compositions and white blood cell counts are imputed.  相似文献   

A model for the information transfer from DNA to protein using quantum information and computation techniques is presented. DNA is modeled as the sender and proteins are modeled as the receiver of this information. On the DNA side, a 64-dimensional Hilbert space is used to describe the information stored in DNA triplets (codons). A Hamiltonian matrix is constructed for this space, using the 64 possible codons as base states. The eigenvalues of this matrix are not degenerate. The genetic code is degenerate and proteins comprise only 20 different amino acids. Since information is conserved, the information on the protein side is also described by a 64-dimensional Hilbert space, but the eigenvalues of the corresponding Hamiltonian matrix are degenerate. Each amino acid is described by a Hilbert subspace. This change in Hilbert space structure reflects the nature of the processes involved in information transfer from DNA to protein.  相似文献   

DNA deformation in the nucleosome involves partial unstacking between bases and base pairs. By adjusting orientations of different base-pair stacks relative to the histone octamer surface, the optimal set of stacks and their positions is derived, resulting in a sequence pattern, theoretically best suitable for nucleosome DNA. The sequence is very much consistent with available experimental data, thus, suggesting a common eukaryotic nucleosome DNA bendability sequence pattern based exclusively on the very basics of DNA.  相似文献   

The fidelity of DNA synthesis by DNA polymerase is significantly increased by a mechanism of proofreading that is performed at the exonuclease active site separate from the polymerase active site. Thus, the transition of DNA between the two active sites is an important activity of DNA polymerase. Here, based on our proposed model, the rates of DNA transition between the two active sites are theoretically studied. With the relevant parameters, which are determined from the available crystal structure and other experimental data, the calculated transfer rate of correctly base-paired DNA from the polymerase to exonuclease sites and the transfer rate after incorporation of a mismatched base are in good agreement with the available experimental data. The transfer rates in the presence of two and three mismatched bases are also consistent with the previous experimental data. In addition, the calculated transfer rate from the exonuclease to polymerase sites has a large value even with the high binding affinity of 3′-5′ ssDNA for the exonuclease site, which is also consistent with the available experimental value. Moreover, we also give some predictive results for the transfer rate of DNA containing only A:T base pairs and that of DNA containing only G:C base pairs.  相似文献   

Why repetitive DNA is essential to genome function   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
There are clear theoretical reasons and many well-documented examples which show that repetitive, DNA is essential for genome function. Generic repeated signals in the DNA are necessary to format expression of unique coding sequence files and to organise additional functions essential for genome replication and accurate transmission to progeny cells. Repetitive DNA sequence elements are also fundamental to the cooperative molecular interactions forming nucleoprotein complexes. Here, we review the surprising abundance of repetitive DNA in many genomes, describe its structural diversity, and discuss dozens of cases where the functional importance of repetitive elements has been studied in molecular detail. In particular, the fact that repeat elements serve either as initiators or boundaries for heterochromatin domains and provide a significant fraction of scaffolding/matrix attachment regions (S/MARs) suggests that the repetitive component of the genome plays a major architectonic role in higher order physical structuring. Employing an information science model, the 'functionalist' perspective on repetitive DNA leads to new ways of thinking about the systemic organisation of cellular genomes and provides several novel possibilities involving repeat elements in evolutionarily significant genome reorganisation. These ideas may facilitate the interpretation of comparisons between sequenced genomes, where the repetitive DNA component is often greater than the coding sequence component.  相似文献   

A new statistical method associating each trinucleotide with a frame is developed for identifying circular codes. Its sensibility allows the detection of several circular codes in the (protein coding) genes of archaeal genomes. Several properties of these circular codes are described, in particular the lengths of the minimal windows to retrieve the construction frames, a new definition of a parameter for measuring some probabilities of words generated by the circular codes, and the types of nucleotides in the trinucleotide sites. Some biological consequences are presented in Discussion.  相似文献   

In order to understand the relevance of microbial communities on crop productivity, the identification and characterization of the rhizosphere soil microbial community is necessary. Characteristic profiles of the microbial communities are obtained by denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) of polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplified 16S rDNA from soil extracted DNA. These characteristic profiles, commonly called community DNA fingerprints, can be represented in the form of high-dimensional binary vectors. We address the problem of modeling and variable selection in high-dimensional multivariate binary data and present an application of our methodology in the context of a controlled agricultural experiment.  相似文献   

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