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Cassava (Manihot esculenta) is the basic source for dietary energy of 500 million people in the world. In Brazil, Erinnyis ello ello (Lepidoptera: Sphingidae) is a major pest of cassava crops and a bottleneck for its production. In the 1980s, a naturally occurring baculovirus was isolated from E. ello larva and successfully applied as a bio-pesticide in the field. Here, we described the structure, the complete genome sequence, and the phylogenetic relationships of the first sphingid-infecting betabaculovirus.


The baculovirus isolated from the cassava hornworm cadavers is a betabaculovirus designated Erinnyis ello granulovirus (ErelGV). The 102,759 bp long genome has a G + C content of 38.7%. We found 130 putative ORFs coding for polypeptides of at least 50 amino acid residues. Only eight genes were found to be unique. ErelGV is closely related to ChocGV and PiraGV isolates. We did not find typical homologous regions and cathepsin and chitinase homologous genes are lacked. The presence of he65 and p43 homologous genes suggests horizontal gene transfer from Alphabaculovirus. Moreover, we found a nucleotide metabolism-related gene and two genes that could be acquired probably from Densovirus.


The ErelGV represents a new virus species from the genus Betabaculovirus and is the closest relative of ChocGV. It contains a dUTPase-like, a he65-like, p43-like genes, which are also found in several other alpha- and betabaculovirus genomes, and two Densovirus-related genes. Importantly, recombination events between insect viruses from unrelated families and genera might drive baculovirus genomic evolution.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/1471-2164-15-856) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

A Colombian isolate of Erinnyis ello granulovirus (EeGV) was characterized by electron microscopy, restriction endonuclease digestion, and SDS-PAGE. Electron microscopy showed the occlusion bodies to have a morphology typical of granuloviruses. The restriction patterns of DNA from EeGV and the granuloviruses of Trichoplusia ni (TnGV) and Pieris rapae (PrGV) show little or no similarity, indicating little relatedness among these viruses. EeGV was estimated to possess a relatively small genome of 90.5 +/- 0.5 kbp. SDS-PAGE analysis compared the occulsion body and enveloped nucleocapsid proteins of EeGV and TnGV, and the polypeptide patterns also showed little similarity between these viruses. These analyses, as well as comparison of our results to those reported for other granuloviruses, indicate that EeGV represents a new granulovirus isolate.  相似文献   

《Insect Biochemistry》1984,14(5):587-594
Differential centrifugation of homogenates of midgut cells prepared in isotonic solutions has been carried out and hydrolase and enzyme marker activities have been determined in the isolated fractions. α- and β-Glucosidase and trehalase seem to occur loosely associated with large structures, from which they are set free by homogenizing in water. They are also found in the cytosolic fraction. Aminopeptidase activity follows that of alkaline phosphatase, whereas that of amylase and trypsin occur mainly among particulate fractions. Part of the amylase present in the particulate fractions seems to correspond to soluble amylase bound by membranes. The enrichment factor for alkaline phosphatase and aminopeptidase in microvilli purified from midgut cells is 4 and for amylase 1.5 Amylase and trypsin are only partly released from a membrane fraction after several washings in different media, including ultracentrifugation in a discontinuous glycerol gradient. About 50% of the amylase and trypsin are solubilized from the membranes by treatment with Triton X-100. The results support the proposal that intermediate and final digestion in Erinnyis ello occur under the action of glycocalyx-associated hydrolases (α- and β-glucosidase and trehalase) and of plasma membrane-bound enzymes (aminopeptidase, and perhaps also amylase and trypsin).  相似文献   

The midgut epithelia of the millipedes Polyxenus lagurus, Archispirostreptus gigas and Julus scandinavius were analyzed under light and transmission electron microscopies. In order to detect the proliferation of regenerative cells, labeling with BrdU and antibodies against phosphohistone H3 were employed. A tube-shaped midgut of three millipedes examined spreads along the entire length of the middle region of the body. The epithelium is composed of digestive, secretory and regenerative cells. The digestive cells are responsible for the accumulation of metals and the reserve material as well as the synthesis of substances, which are then secreted into the midgut lumen. The secretions are of three types – merocrine, apocrine and microapocrine. The oval or pear-like shaped secretory cells do not come into contact with the midgut lumen and represent the closed type of secretory cells. They possess many electron-dense granules (J. scandinavius) or electron-dense granules and electron-lucent vesicles (A. gigas, P. lagurus), which are accompanied by cisterns of the rough endoplasmic reticulum. The regenerative cells are distributed individually among the basal regions of the digestive cells. The proliferation and differentiation of regenerative cells into the digestive cells occurred in J. scandinavius and A. gigas, while these processes were not observed in P. lagurus. As a result of the mitotic division of regenerative cells, one of the newly formed cells fulfills the role of a regenerative cell, while the second one differentiates into a digestive cell. We concluded that regenerative cells play the role of unipotent midgut stem cells.  相似文献   

The midgut epithelium of adult Erinnyis ello L. (Lepidoptera: Sphingidae) forms ramified villus-like folds. The epithelial cells exhibit long microvilli and narrow and sinuous basal channels studded with particles. These morphological features are thought to be involved in the absorption of nutrients present in low concentration in food. Enzymatic assays in E. ello adults showed the presence of amylase in salivary glands, and the occurrence of aminopeptidase, -fructosidase, - and -glucosidase, trehalase and trypsin in the midgut. Calcium differential precipitation of midgut homogenates showed that aminopeptidase and -glucosidase are integral proteins of the microvillar cell membranes, whereas the other enzymes are soluble or partly soluble and partly membrane bound. Detergent-solubilized aminopeptidase (pH optimum 7.5) sediments as a protein with Mr 120000, whereas trehalase (pH optimum 6.5), as a protein with Mr 95000. The activities of amylase (pH optimum 5.5), -glucosidase (pH optimum 5.0) and trypsin (pH optimum 9.5) were not sufficiently high to be further characterized, whereas -fructosidase and membrane-bound -glucosidase were characterized elsewhere. The data suggest that nectar-feeding E. ello adults are able to some extent to digest and absorb starch and proteins, in addition to nectar sugars. Initial digestion is considered to occur in midgut lumen and final digestion on the surface of midgut cells under the action of microvillar enzymes.
Résumé L'épithélium de l'intestin moyen des adultes de E. ello L; (Lépido., Sphingidae) est replié en villosités. Les cellules épithéliales présentent de longs microvilli et d'étroits canaux sinueux basaux garnis de particules. Ces caractères morphologiques peuvent être interprétés comme impliquant l'absorption d'aliments présents en faible concentration dans la nourriture. Des études enzymatiques ont révélé la présence d'amylase dans les glandes salivaires, et la découverte d'aminopeptidase, de -fructosidase, d'- et -glucosidases, de tréhalase et de trypsine dans l'intestin moyen. La précipitation calcique différentielle d'homogénats de l'intestin moyen a montré que l'aminopeptidase et l'-glucosidase sont des protéines appartenant aux membranes microvillaires cellulaires, tandis que les autres enzymes sont entièrement ou partiellement solubles et partiellement liées aux membranes. L'aminopeptidase solubilisée par un détergent (pH optimum: 7,5) sédimente comme une protéine de Mr 120000, tandis que la tréhalase (pH optimum: 6,5) comme une protéine de Mr 95000. Les activités de l'amylase (pH optimum: 5,5), de la -glucosidase (pH optimum 5,0) et de la trypsine (pH optimum 9,5) n'étaient pas suffisantes pour être caractérisées, tandis que la -fructosidase et l'-glucosidase liée à la membrane ont été caractérisées ailleurs. Les résultats suggèrent que les adultes E. ello consommateurs de nectar sont capables de digérer et d'absorber une certaine quantité d'amidon et de protéines, en plus des sucres du nectar. La digestion doit débuter dans la lumière de l'intestin moyen pour s'achever à la surface des cellules intestinales sous l'action des enzymes des microvilli.

Gold  C. S.  Altieri  M. A.  Bellotti  A. C. 《BioControl》1989,34(1):73-76
Oviposition by the cassava hornworm,Erinnyis ello L., was quantified for upper (abaxial) and lower (adaxial) leaf surfaces of cassava in the department of Tolima, Colombia. Relative rates of egg parasitism byTelenomus sphingis Ashmead on the different leaf surfaces were determined and compared. Approximately 6% of hornworm eggs had been placed on lower leaf surfaces. These eggs showed significantly lower rates of parasitism indicating reduced searching time or efficiency by the parasitoid on leaf undersides.   相似文献   

The evolution of the digestive system in the Order Orthoptera is disclosed from the study of the morphophysiology of the digestive process in its major taxa. This paper deals with a cricket representing the less known suborder Ensifera. Most amylase and trypsin activities occur in crop and caeca, respectively. Maltase and aminopeptidase are found in soluble and membrane-bound forms in caeca, with aminopeptidase also occurring in ventriculus. Amaranth was orally fed to Gryllodes sigillatus adults or injected into their haemolymph. The experiments were performed with starving and feeding insects with identical results. Following feeding of the dye the luminal side of the most anterior ventriculus (and in lesser amounts the midgut caeca) became heavily stained. In injected insects, the haemal side of the most posterior ventriculus was stained. This suggested that the anterior ventriculus is the main site of water absorption (the caeca is a secondary one), whereas the posterior ventriculus secretes water into the gut. Thus, a putative counter-current flux of fluid from posterior to anterior ventriculus may propel digestive enzyme recycling. This was confirmed by the finding that digestive enzymes are excreted at a low rate. The fine structure of midgut caeca and ventriculus cells revealed that they have morphological features that may be related to their involvement in secretion (movement from cell to lumen) and absorption (movement from lumen to cell) of fluids. Furthermore, morphological data showed that both merocrine and apocrine secretory mechanisms occur in midgut cells. The results showed that cricket digestion differs from that in grasshopper in having: (1) more membrane-bound digestive enzymes; (2) protein digestion slightly displaced toward the ventriculus; (3) midgut fluxes, and hence digestive enzyme recycling, in both starved and fed insects.  相似文献   

The midgut of Rhynchosciara americana larvae consists of a cylindrical ventriculus from which protrudes two gastric caeca formed by polyhedral cells with microvilli covering their apical faces. The basal plasma membrane of these cells is infolded and displays associated mitochondria which are, nevertheless, more conspicuous in the apical cytoplasm. The anterior ventricular cells possess elaborate mitochondria-associated basal plasma membrane infoldings extending almost to the tips of the cells, and small microvilli disposed in the cell apexes. Distal posterior ventricular cells with long apical microvilli are grouped into major epithelial foldings forming multicellular crypts. In these cells the majority of the mitochondria are dispersed in the apical cytoplasm, minor amounts being associated with moderately-developed basal plasma membrane infoldings. The proximal posterior ventriculus represents a transition region between the anterior ventriculus and the distal posterior ventriculus. The resemblance between the gastric caeca and distal posterior ventricular cells is stressed by the finding that their microvilli preparations display similar alkaline phosphatase-specific activities. The results lend support to the proposal, based mainly on previous data on enzyme excretion rates, that the endo-ectoperitrophic circulation of digestive enzymes is a consequence of fluid fluxes caused by the transport of water into the first two thirds of midgut lumen, and its transference back to the haemolymph in the gastric caeca and in the distal posterior ventriculus.  相似文献   

Cell-Penetrating Peptides (CPPs) are short peptides that are able to translocate across the cell membrane a wide range of cargoes. In the past decade, different mammalian cell lines have been used to clarify the mechanism of CPPs penetration and to characterize the internalization process, which has been described either as an energy-independent direct penetration through the plasma membrane, or as endocytic uptake. Whatever the mechanism involved, the cell penetration properties of these peptides make their use very attractive as vector for promoting the cellular uptake of coupled bioactive macromolecules, such as peptides, proteins and oligonucleotides. Here we demonstrate, for the first time in insect, that cultured columnar cells from the larval midgut of Bombyx mori more readily internalize eGFP (enhanced Green Fluorescent Protein) when fused to CPP Tat. Tat-eGFP translocates across the plasma membrane of absorptive cells in an energy-independent and non-endocytic manner, since no inhibition of the fusion protein uptake is exerted by metabolic inhibitors and by drugs that interfere with the endocytic uptake. Moreover, the CPP Tat enhances the internalization of eGFP in the columnar cells of intact midgut tissue, mounted in a suitable perfusion apparatus, and the transepithelial flux of the protein. These results open new perspectives for effective delivery of insecticidal macromolecules targeting receptors located both within the insect gut epithelium and behind the gut barrier, in the hemocoel compartment.  相似文献   

Plant disease resistance genes (R genes) show significant similarity amongst themselves in terms of both their DNA sequences and structural motifs present in their protein products. Oligonucleotide primers designed from NBS (Nucleotide Binding Site) domains encoded by several R-genes have been used to amplify NBS sequences from the genomic DNA of various plant species, which have been called Resistance Gene Analogues (RGAs) or Resistance Gene Candidates (RGCs). Using specific primers from the NBS and TIR (Toll/Interleukin-1 Receptor) regions, we identified twelve classes of RGCs in cassava ( Manihot esculenta Crantz). Two classes were obtained from the PCR-amplification of the TIR domain. The other 10 classes correspond to the NBS sequences and were grouped into two subfamilies. Classes RCa1 to RCa5 are part of the first subfamily and were linked to a TIR domain in the N terminus. Classes RCa6 to RCa10 corresponded to non-TIR NBS-LRR encoding sequences. BAC library screening with the 12 RGC classes as probes allowed the identification of 42 BAC clones that were assembled into 10 contigs and 19 singletons. Members of the two TIR and non-TIR NBS-LRR subfamilies occurred together within individual BAC clones. The BAC screening and Southern hybridization analyses showed that all RGCs were single copy sequences except RCa6 that represented a large and diverse gene family. One BAC contained five NBS sequences and sequence analysis allowed the identification of two complete RGCs encoding two highly similar proteins. This BAC was located on linkage group J with three other RGC-containing BACs. At least one of these genes, RGC2, is expressed constitutively in cassava tissues.Communicated by M.-A. Grandbastien  相似文献   

Summary Chloride-stimulated K+ secretion by Manduca sexta midgut (5th-instar larvae) was measured as K+-carried short-circuit current of the tissue mounted in an Ussing chamber. Microscopic parameters, such as single-channel current and channel density for the rate-determining passive transport step across the basolateral goblet cell membrane (i.e. K+ channels), were estimated by means of current-fluctuation analysis of the K+ channel blockade by haemolymph-side Ba2+ ions. Ba2+ was equally effective with Cl- or gluconate (Glu-) as the principal ambient anion. The Ba2+-induced K+ channel conduction noise is reflected by a Lorentzian, or relaxation, noise component in the power spectrum of the K+ current fluctuations. A reduced Lorentzian plateau value, but an unchanged corner frequency, were observed when Cl- was replaced by Glu-. The results from the analysis of a two-state model of K+ channel block by Ba2+, with respect to the anion-replacement effects, suggest that the observed changes in K+ current and Lorentzian plateau value mirror a complex change of the underlying parameters: Cl- omission reduces single channel current but increases channel density so that the product of single channel current and channel density is smaller in Glu- than in Cl-. It seems likely that basolateral K+ channels (1) are subject to anionic gating ligands, and (2) depend on anions with respect to the rate of K+ transfer through and open K+ channel.Abbreviations a.c. alternating current - single-channel conductance - E K K+ Nernst potential - f frequency contained in current noise - f c corner frequency - Glu- gluconate - G t transepithelial conductance - I sc short-circuit current - I K K+ current - I K(max) maximal K+ current - i single-channel current - K Ba barium inhibition constant - K m Michaelis constant of saturating K+ current - k 01 and k 10 barium association and dissociation rate constant, respectively - M K+ channel density - S f power density - S o Lorentzian plateau value - P o channel-open probability - P K K+ permeability - V sc cellular potential at short-circuit These results have already been presented in part, at the 1989 joint meeting of the German and Israel Physiological Societies in Jerusalem (Zeiske et al. 1990).  相似文献   

The cytology and ultrastructure of the midgut cells of Manduca sexta larvae are described for untreated controls, larvae which fed on a spore preparation of Bacillus thuringiensis, and larvae which were fasted for either 24 or 48 hr. New observations on the ultrastructure of midgut cells in Manduca larvae included the finding of specialized Golgi vesicles in anteriormost columnar cells and of regular arrays of expanded rough endoplasmic reticulum in goblet cells of the posterior midgut region. The present observations reveal that the columnar cells of the midgut responded cytologically in the same way to fasting as they did to exposure to the toxic spores of B. thuringiensis. The goblet cells, however, appeared unaffected by fasting but became swollen in response to feeding of B. thuringiensis spore preparation.  相似文献   

Summary The metamorphosing midgut of Aeshna cyanea is characterized by the successive development of two tissues: the reticulated tissue and the imaginal epithelium. These tissues supply information concerning contacts between cells diverging in their developmental pathways although arising from the same stem cell population. In addition to small desmosomes, which bind reticulated to imaginal cells, the reticulated cells form invaginations into the apex of imaginai epithelial cells. The projections of the reticulated cells have enlarged tips, and numerous microfilaments run longitudinally along the length of theses processes. It is suggested that the anchoring projections of these cells delay the casting off of the reticulated tissue into the lumen, and thus allow the development of the imaginal microvilli. These project into the dilated intercellular space filled with a glycoprotein material that separates imaginal and reticulated cells (Andries, 1972).  相似文献   

Midgut epithelium in Filientomon takanawanum is composed of epithelial cells and single, sporadic regenerative cells. In 80% of analyzed specimens midgut epithelial cells, as fat body and gonads, are infected with rickettsia-like microorganism. In non-infected specimens young and completely differentiated epithelial cells are distinguished among epithelial cells. Characteristic for midgut epithelial cells regionalization in organelles distribution is not observed. Autophagy is the sporadic process, but if the cytoplasm of epithelium cells possesses numerous spherites and sporadic autophagosomes, the apoptosis begins. Necrosis is observed sporadically.In the midgut epithelium cells of about 80% of analyzed specimens rickettsia-like microorganisms are observed. The more rickettsia-like microorganisms occur in the cytoplasm, the more autophagosomes are formed, and the process of apoptosis proceeds intensively.  相似文献   

Amplified fragment length polymophism was assessed in 20 land races and nine elite lines of cassava from Africa, resistant and susceptible to the cassava mosaic disease (CMD). Eleven accessions from a representative core collection from Latin America, previously studied by AFLPs, were included as a reference. AFLP data from all accessions was analyzed by both the unweighted pair group mean average (UPGMA) and multiple cluster analysis (MCA) methods of analysis. Genetic differentiation between clusters and the coefficient of genetic differentiation was also calculated. Results reveal a genetic divergence between African and Latin American accessions, although some overlap was found between them. African land races resistant to CMD, were also found to be genetically differentiated from susceptible land races and from resistant elite lines. AFLP analysis identified a considerable number of duplicates in the African accessions, suggesting a sizeable percentage of redundancy. A unique AFLP fragment, found in a relatively high frequency in African accessions, but absent in the Latin American accessions, was found to be associated with branching pattern by QTL mapping in an F1 progeny derived from African and Latin American parents. The likely source and the utility of the unique AFLP fragment in understanding the processes of genetic divergence in Africa is discussed. Received: 15 May 1999 / Accepted: 28 July 1999  相似文献   

Maximum photosynthetic CO2 exchange rates (Pn) of single attached leaves were determined for several cassava cultivars selected from different habitats and grown in pots outdoors at CIAT, Colombia, S.A. Pn rates were in a narrow range of 22 to 26 mol CO2 m–2s–1 for all cultivars tested when measured at high photon flux density, normal air, optimum temperature and with low leaf-air vapor pressure differences. For all tested cultivars (9 cvs.), there was a broad optimum temperature for Pn between 25 to 35°C. At temperatures below and above this range Pn declined in all cultivars with Pn rates reaching 80% of maximum at 20 and 40°C. Pn temperature coefficient (Q10) from 15–25°C was 1.6±0.2 across cultivars. No consistent relation existed between Pn, optimum temperature, and the original habitat.  相似文献   

The genus Mononychellus is represented by 28 herbivorous mites. Some of them are notorious pests of cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz), a primary food crop in the tropics. With the exception of Mononychellus tanajoa (Bondar), their geographic distribution is not widely known. This article therefore reports observational and specimen-based occurrence data of Mononychellus species associated with cassava. The dataset consists of 1,513 distribution records documented by the International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT) between 1975 and 2012. The specimens are held at CIAT’s Arthropod Reference Collection (CIATARC). Most of the records are from the genus’ native range in South America and were documented between 1980 and 2000. Approximately 61% of the records belong to M. tanajoa, 25% to M. caribbeanae (McGregor), 10% to M. mcgregori (Flechtmann and Baker) and 2% to M. planki (McGregor). The complete dataset is available in Darwin Core Archive format via the Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF).  相似文献   

The salivary glands of two species of Zoraptera, Zorotypus caudelli and Zorotypus hubbardi, were examined and documented mainly using transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The results obtained for males and females of the two species are compared and functional aspects related to ultrastructural features are discussed. The salivary glands are divided into two regions: the secretory cell region and the long efferent duct, the latter with its distal end opening in the salivarium below the hypopharyngeal base. The secretory region consists of a complex of secretory cells provided with microvillated cavities connected by short ectodermal ducts to large ones, which are connected with the long efferent duct. The secretory cell cytoplasm contains a large system of rough endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi apparatus producing numerous dense secretions. The cells of the efferent duct, characterized by reduced cytoplasm and the presence of long membrane infoldings associated with mitochondria, are possibly involved in fluid uptaking from the duct lumen.  相似文献   

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