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Zhu  Y-G.  Smith  S. E. 《Plant and Soil》2001,231(1):105-112
Two experiments were carried out in a growth chamber and a naturally lit glasshouse to investigate the influence of seed phosphorus (P) reserves on growth and P uptake by wheat plants (Triticum aestivum cv Krichauff), and their association with arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi. Increased seed P reserves improved plant growth at a range of P supply up to over 100 mg P kg–1 soil. Plants grown from seeds with high P reserves tended to accumulate more P from soil, which was mainly attributed to better root system development. Mycorrhizal colonisation did not significantly affect P uptake of plants grown with low irradiance (in growth chamber). However, in the naturally lit glasshouse, mycorrhizal plants had significantly higher P concentrations than non-mycorrhizal plants. Furthermore, mycorrhizal plants grown from seeds low in P accumulated similar amounts of P compared with those grown from seeds with high P, indicating that mycorrhizal colonisation may overcome the disadvantage of having low seed P reserves in the field.  相似文献   

Genotypic differences in phosphorus efficiency of wheat   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Horst  W. J.  Abdou  M.  Wiesler  F. 《Plant and Soil》1993,155(1):293-296
In an attempt to evaluate whether breeding and selection for high yielding capacity did change the P requirements of modern wheat cultivars, the response of two wheat cultivars to different levels of P supply was investigated. A traditional cultivar (Peragis) and a modern cultivar (Cosir) were cultivated in a C-loess low in available P and high in CaCO3 in 120 cm high PVC pots. Shoot and root growth at different developmental stages was compared. The grain yield of the modern cultivar Cosir was higher at limiting and non-limiting P supply and, therefore, this cultivar can be considered as more P-efficient than the traditional cultivar. From the results it can be concluded that the main factors contributing to the higher P efficiency of the modern cultivar are (i) efficient use of assimilates for root growth characteristics which enhance P acquisition: smaller root diameter, and longer root hairs, (ii) efficient remobilization of P from vegetative plant organs to the grains, and (iii) lower P requirement for grain yield formation because of lower ear number per plant but higher grain number per ear.  相似文献   

Field response of wheat to arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and drought stress   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Al-Karaki G  McMichael B  Zak J 《Mycorrhiza》2004,14(4):263-269
Mycorrhizal plants often have greater tolerance to drought than nonmycorrhizal plants. This study was conducted to determine the effects of arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi inoculation on growth, grain yield and mineral acquisition of two winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) cultivars grown in the field under well-watered and water-stressed conditions. Wheat seeds were planted in furrows after treatment with or without the AM fungi Glomus mosseae or G. etunicatum. Roots were sampled at four growth stages (leaf, tillering, heading and grain-filling) to quantify AM fungi. There was negligible AM fungi colonization during winter months following seeding (leaf sampling in February), when soil temperature was low. During the spring, AM fungi colonization increased gradually. Mycorrhizal colonization was higher in well-watered plants colonized with AM fungi isolates than water-stressed plants. Plants inoculated with G. etunicatum generally had higher colonization than plants colonized with G. mosseae under both soil moisture conditions. Biomass and grain yields were higher in mycorrhizal than nonmycorrhizal plots irrespective of soil moisture, and G. etunicatum inoculated plants generally had higher biomass and grain yields than those colonized by G. mosseae under either soil moisture condition. The mycorrhizal plants had higher shoot P and Fe concentrations than nonmycorrhizal plants at all samplings regardless of soil moisture conditions. The improved growth, yield and nutrient uptake in wheat plants reported here demonstrate the potential of mycorrhizal inoculation to reduce the effects of drought stress on wheat grown under field conditions in semiarid areas of the world.  相似文献   

A pot experiment was conducted in the green house to investigate the establishment of phosphate solubilizing strains of Azotobacter chroococcum, including soil isolates and their mutants, in the rhizosphere and their effect on growth parameters and root biomass of three genetically divergent wheat cultivars (Triticum aestivum L.). Five fertilizer treatments were performed: Control, 90 kg N ha—1, 90 kg N + 60 kg P2O5 ha—1, 120 kg N ha—1 and 120 kg N + 60 kg P2O5 ha—1. Phosphate solubilizing and phytohormone producing parent soil isolates and mutant strains of A. chroococcum were isolated and selected by an enrichment method. In vitro phosphate solubilization and growth hormone production by mutant strains was increased compared with soil isolates. Seed inoculation of wheat varieties with P solubilizing and phytohormone producing A. chroococcum showed better response compared with controls. Mutant strains of A. chroococcum showed higher increase in grain (12.6%) and straw (11.4%) yield over control and their survival (12—14%) in the rhizosphere as compared to their parent soil isolate (P4). Mutant strain M37 performed better in all three varieties in terms of increase in grain yield (14.0%) and root biomass (11.4%) over control.  相似文献   

In order to study the responses of winter wheat cultivars released in different years to short-term high O3 exposure, an old cultivar (‘Nongda 311’, released in 1960s) and a modern one (‘Yannong 19’, released in 1990s) were treated with an O3 exposure (145 ± 12 mm3 m−3, 4 h d−1 for 3 d) shortly after anthesis stage (> 50 % main stems blossomed). During the O3 exposure, light-saturated photosynthetic rate (P N) and stomatal conductance (g s) of both cultivars decreased considerably. Elevated O3 did not decrease dark-adapted maximum photochemical efficiency, but induced significant reduction in actual photochemical efficiency and thereby considerably increase in non-photochemical quenching. P N, g s of the modern cultivar ‘Yannong 19’ decreased more than the older one ‘Nongda 311’, indicating the former exhibited higher sensitivity to O3 than the latter. After O3 exposure, P N, g s and chlorophyll (Chl) content in flag leaf decreased more quickly than control, indicating induction of faster premature leaf senescence. As a result, the short-term O3 exposure caused substantial yield loss, with larger reduction in ‘Yannong 19’ (−19.2 %) than in ‘Nongda 311’ (−8.4 %). Our results indicated that high O3 exposure at grain filling stage would have greater negative impacts on the high yielding modern cultivar relative to the old one with lower yield.  相似文献   

Summary Chromosome arrangements of twenty-eight cultivars of common wheat, Triticum aestivum L., from or introduced into Spain are compared with that of Chinese Spring taken as a pattern. All the cultivars analyzed differ from Chinese Spring by one or two reciprocal translocations. When 12 out of 28 cultivars were compared it was concluded that a minimum number of thirteen interchanges are present, involving at least ten different chromosomes of the complement. The interest of a reappraisal of the rôle of interchanges in the evolution of Gramineae is pointed out.  相似文献   

Fertile, green plants were regenerated from immature inflorescence explants from each of four Canadian wheat cultivars. The cultivars were representative of four classes of Canadian wheat. Explants from immature inflorescences of three size ranges were cultured on two types of media: MSI/MSR, which contains 1650 mg l-1 NH4NO3and sucrose as a carbon source, and BII/BIR, which contains 250 mg l-1 NH4NO3and maltose as a carbon source. Regeneration from all cultivars was significantly better on BII/BIR media than on MSI/MSR media. On BII/BIR media, `AC Karma', `Plenty', and `Fielder' gave the highest number of shoots per 10 explants, where the explants were derived from immature inflorescences 5.1 to 10.0 mm in length. 'Columbus' did not regenerate on MSI/MSR medium, and regenerated poorly on BII/BIR medium. Differences were found between cultivars with regard to the number of regenerant plants produced with the best treatments: `Plenty' produced 16.1 shoots per 10 explants, `AC Karma' 12.4, `Fielder' 6.4, and `Columbus' 2.2.  相似文献   

Shoot length (cm), shoot fresh weight (g/pot), root length (cm), and root fresh weight (g/pot) were measured on six cultivars of wheat (Triticum aestivum L. cv Saluda, C9733, Gore, Stacy, FL301, and FL302) grown at pH 6.0, 5.5, 5.0, 4.5, or 4.0 for 14 days in white quartz flintshot sand. Plants were watered on alternate days with pH-adjusted buffer solutions. All measured plant parameters decreased as H+ concentration increased from pH 6.0 to 4.0. Decreased lengths of shoots and roots were similar among the cultivars as the pH decreased. This indicated a uniform response of wheat cultivars to excess H+ concentration in the soil solution; however, the decrease in shoot and root length was only about 50% as large as was previously reported for sorghum [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench.].  相似文献   

Summary Two commercial wheat cultivars with low embryogenesis efficiencies, AC Karma and Hy417, were transformed by the bombardment of isolated scutella with two gene constructs. Three AC Karma plants (433, 436, and 437) carrying plasmid pRC62 containing a gus:npt fusion gene, and one Hy417 plant (438) carrying plasmid pBARGUS containing a bar gene and a gusA gene were recovered and characterized. Presence of transgenes in T0 and T1 plants was confirmed by both PCR and Southern hybridization. Copy number of transgenes varied from one to six in these four plants. The inheritance of transgenes in the progeny was characterized. The gusA gene and its activity in AC Karma plant 436 and bar gene and its activity in Hy417 plant 438 segregated in the selfed T1 progeny in a Mendelian 3:1 ratio, but gusA gene and its activity in AC Karma plants 433 and 437 segregated in selfed T1 progeny in a non-Mendelian 1:1 ratio. The gusA activity in all three AC Karma plants was stably transmitted to selfed T2 or T3 progenies. The levels of gusA and nptII activities in nine T1 plants from AC Karma plant 437 were also determined. A GusA fluorometric assay indicated that gusA activity in the nine T1 plants increased by 2.5–7.2-fold compared with the nontransformed control, while and NptII ELISA assay detected nptII activity only in two of the nine T1 plants, suggesting the nptII gene was silenced in the other seven T1 plants.  相似文献   

Erenoglu  B.  Nikolic  M.  Römheld  V.  Cakmak  I. 《Plant and Soil》2002,241(2):251-257
Using two bread wheat (Triticum aestivum) and two durum wheat (Triticum durum) cultivars differing in zinc (Zn) efficiency, uptake and translocation of foliar-applied 65Zn were studied to characterize the role of Zn nutritional status of plants on the extent of phloem mobility of Zn and to determine the relationship between phloem mobility of Zn and Zn efficiency of the used wheat cultivars. Irrespective of leaf age and Zn nutritional status of plants, all cultivars showed similar Zn uptake rates with application of 65ZnSO4 to leaf strips in a short-term experiment. Also with supply of 65ZnSO4 by immersing the tip (3 cm) of the oldest leaf of intact plants, no differences in Zn uptake were observed among and within both wheat species. Further, Zn nutritional status did not affect total uptake of foliar applied Zn. However, Zn-deficient plants translocated more 65Zn from the treated leaf to the roots and remainder parts of shoots. In Zn-deficient plants about 40% of the total absorbed 65Zn was translocated from the treated leaf to the roots and remainder parts of shoots within 8 days while in Zn-sufficient plants the proportion of the translocated 65Zn of the total absorbed 65Zn was about 25%. Although differences in Zn efficiency existed between the cultivars did not affect the translocation and distribution of 65Zn between roots and shoots. Bread wheats compared to durum wheats, tended to accumulate more 65Zn in shoots and less 65Zn in roots, particularly under Zn-deficient conditions. The results indicate that differences in expression of Zn efficiency between and within durum and bread wheats are not related to translocation or distribution of foliar-applied 65Zn within plants. Differential compartementation of Zn at the cellular levels is discussed as a possible factor determining genotypic variation in Zn efficiency within wheat.  相似文献   

Spring wheat was grown in the field under deficient and sufficient levels of soil K and with high and low supplies of fertiliser nitrogen. Measurements were made of K uptake, soil nutrient supply parameters, root growth and, in solution culture, root influx parameters. Mechanistic models predicted uptake reasonably well under K-deficient conditions, but over-predicted uptake, by as much as 4 times, under K-sufficient conditions. The over-prediction was apparently due to poor characterisation of plant demand.  相似文献   

Protein kinase activities were extracted from anther tissue of wheat (Triticum aestivum L. cv. Zaragoza) and characterized with regard to the effects of polyamines, second messengers and plant growth hormones. The protein kinases were inhibited by polyamines and cyclic nucleotides, but were stimulated by the addition of auxins, gibberellic acid and kinetin. The dominant polyamine-sensitive kinase activity was partially purified and characterized. The optimal pH of the reaction was 7.5 to 8.0 and casein was the preferred exogenous substrate. Polyamines were inhibiting in the decreasing order of putrecine > spermidine > spermine. The results are discussed against the context of the anther culture technique.  相似文献   

Four different growth environments (field, two phytotron greenhouses and one growth chamber) were compared, using two genotypes of spring wheat, one recalcitrant and one responsive. Field-grown plants gave inferior results. Large improvements could be made by improving the conditions, embryoid frequencies in the two genotypes reaching 77.1% and 183.9% per 100 anthers, respectively. High light intensity during the induction phase strongly suppressed induction in both genotypes, but stimulated regeneration of green plants in the recalcitrant genotype, which had the lowest regeneration ability. Weak, diffuse light did not inhibit induction while the positive effect on regeneration was maintained. Also, another recalcitrant genotype was grown in the field, together with two F1-hybrids (recalcitrant x recalcitrant and recalcitrant x responsive). Evidence for a three-factor system was obtained.  相似文献   

Summary Leaves of young seedlings of a number of tall cultivars of wheat, lacking the dwarfing Rht genes, readily responded to a brief 2 min exposure to CO, as assessed by in vivo aerobic assay of nitrate reductase. This test depends on the inhibition of cytochrome c oxidase by CO, which in turn renders cytosolic NADH available for the reduction of nitrate to nitrite in vivo. Semi-dwarf cultivars of wheat (Rht present) did not respond to CO in this way. Since CO forms a complex only with reduced cytochrome a3, the results indicate differences in the redox state of cytochrome a3, during in situ respiration of leaves from tall and semi-dwarf plants which are likely to be under genetic control.  相似文献   

The present investigation was undertaken in order to select the surface-sterilization technique most efficient for eliminating epiphytes, to document the spectrum of endophytes of healthy leaves from three wheat cultivars in Buenos Aires Province (Argentina) and to determine their infection frequencies at three growth stages. Surface-sterilization with undiluted commercial solution of sodium hypochlorite was reaffirmed as adequate for removing epiphytes on wheat leaves. From the 450 wheat leaf segments incubated, three bacterial isolates and 130 fungal isolates were obtained. From all the isolates, 19 fungal species were identified. Bacterial isolates were characterized as Bacillus sp. There were significant differences between microorganisms, stages of growth, and stages × microorganisms interaction. Differences between cultivars, stages × cultivars, microorganisms × cultivars and for the triple interaction were not significant. Frequency of microorganisms isolated increased with crop age, but it was statistically similar for the three wheat cultivars tested (Klein Centauro, Klein Dragón and Buck Ombú). Rhodotorula rubra, Alternaria alternata, Cladosporium herbarum and Epicoccum nigrum were isolated in the highest frequency. The other microorganisms were present at intermediate or low values. The species isolated may be assigned to three groups: (a) well-known and economically important pathogens of wheat, (b) commonly abundant phylloplane fungi considered to be primary saprobic and minor pathogens and (c) species occasionally present in wheat.  相似文献   

Summary Heat-shock protein (HSP) gene expression in two wheat lines cv Mustang (heat-tolerant) and cv Sturdy (heat-susceptible) were analyzed to determine if wheat genotypes differing in heat tolerance also differ in in-vitro HSP synthesis (translatable HSP mRNAs) and steady-state levels of HSP mRNA. Several sets of mRNA were isolated from seedling leaf tissues which had been heat-stressed at 37 °C for various time intervals. These mRNAs were hybridized with HSP cDNA or genomic DNA probes (HSP17, 26, 70, 98, and ubiquitin). Protein profiles were compared using in-vitro translation and 2-D gels. The Northern slot-blot data from the heat-stress treatment provide evidence that the heat-tolerant cv Mustang synthesized low molecular weight (LMW) HSP mRNA earlier during exposure to heat shock and at a higher level than did the heat-susceptible cv Sturdy. This was especially true for the chloroplast-localized HSP. The protein profiles shown by 2-D gel analysis revealed that there were not only quantitative differences of individual HSPs between the two wheat lines, but also some unique HSPs which were only found in the Mustang HSP profiles. The high level of RFLP between the two wheat lines was revealed by Southern blot hybridization utilizing a HSP17 probe. These data provide a molecular basis for further genetic analysis of the role of HSP genes in thermal tolerance in wheat.  相似文献   

Baon  J. B.  Smith  S. E.  Alston  A. M. 《Plant and Soil》1993,(1):277-280
A glasshouse experiment was undertaken to investigate the effect of mycorrhizal infection on the allocation of phosphorus (P) in agronomically P-efficient (i.e. high yields at low P supply) and inefficient barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) cultivars. Four barley cultivars differing in agronomic P-efficiency were inoculated or not inoculated with Glomus etunicatum. Cultivars did not differ in percentage of root length infected. The concentration of P in roots of the inefficient cultivars was higher than that of the efficient cultivars. However, because of changes in root to shoot dry weight ratio and below-ground productivity, mycorrhizal infection significantly reduced the percentage of total plant P in roots of the inefficient cultivars. The distribution of P between root and shoot of P-efficient cultivars was not affected by mycorrhizal infection. Root to shoot dry weight ratio of the P-efficient cultivars was lower than that of the inefficient cultivars, and the decrease in the ratio following infection was significant in inefficient but not in P-efficient cultivars. This study indicates that mycorrhizal infection alters the allocation of P in inefficient cultivars and effectively improves the efficiency of P utilization with respect to shoot growth.  相似文献   

We have developed a method for the accelerated production of fertile transgenic wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) that yields rooted plants ready for transfer to soil in 8–9 weeks (56–66 days) after the initiation of cultures. This was made possible by improvements in the procedures used for culture, bombardment, and selection. Cultured immature embryos were given a 4–6 h pre-and 16 h post-bombardment osmotic treatment. The most consistent and satisfactory results were obtained with 30 g of gold particles/bombardment. No clear correlation was found between the frequencies of transient expression and stable transformation. The highest rates of regeneration and transformation were obtained when callus formation after bombardment was limited to two weeks in the dark, with or without selection, followed by selection during regeneration under light. Selection with bialaphos, and not phosphinothricin, yielded more vigorously growing transformed plantlets. The elongation of dark green plantlets in the presence of 4–5 mg/l bialaphos was found to be reliable for identifying transformed plants. Eighty independent transgenic wheat lines were produced in this study. Under optimum conditions, 32 transformed wheat plants were obtained from 2100 immature embryos in 56–66 days, making it possible to obtain R3 homozygous plants in less than a year.  相似文献   

The effect of GA3 on coleoptile-and first leaf elongation of tall (rht1) and semi-dwarf (Rht1) nearly-isogenic genotypes, within each of 25 random F9 wheat families, was determined on seedlings grown in a growth room at 18 °C. Conspicuous and very significant inter-family variation in the response of the first leaf to GA3 application was found in both the rht1 and Rht1 genotypes. The magnitudes of the response of the different families within genotypes to GA3 were not related to the leaf length of their untreated seedlings. It is suggested that, under given environmental conditions, background genotypic effects, inducing inter-family variation in responsiveness to GA3, regulate the elongation growth up to the limits set by the Rht alleles.  相似文献   

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