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The rapid accumulation of sequence data generated by the various genome sequencingprojects and the generation of expressed sequence tag databases has resulted in the need forthe development of fast and sensitive methods for the identification and characterisation oflarge numbers of gel electrophoretically separated proteins to translate the sequence data intobiological function. To achieve this goal it has been necessary to devise new approaches toprotein analysis: matrix-assisted laser desorption and electrospray mass spectrometry havebecome important protein analytical tools which are both fast and sensitive. When combinedwith a robotic system for the in-gel digestion of electrophoretically separated proteins, itbecomes possible to rapidly identify many proteins by searching databases with MS data. Thepower of this combination of techniques is demonstrated by an analysis of the proteins presentin the myofibrillar lattice of the indirect flight muscle of Drosophila melanogaster. Theproteins were separated by SDS-PAGE and in-gel proteolysis was performed bothautomatically and manually. All 16 major proteins could quickly be identified by massspectrometry. Although most of the protein components were known to be present in theflight muscle, two new components were also identified. The combination of methodsdescribed offers a means for the rapid identification of large numbers of gel separatedproteins.  相似文献   

Small-angle x-ray diffraction from isolated muscle preparations is commonly used to obtain time-resolved structural information during contraction. We extended this technique to the thoracic flight muscles of living fruit flies, at rest and during tethered flight. Precise measurements at 1-ms time resolution indicate that the myofilament lattice spacing does not change significantly during oscillatory contraction. This result is consistent with the notion that a net radial force maintains the thick filaments at an equilibrium interfilament spacing of approximately 56 nm throughout the contractile cycle. Transgenic flies with amino-acid substitutions in the conserved phosphorylation site of the myosin regulatory light chain (RLC) exhibit structural abnormalities that can explain their flight impairment. The I(20)/I(10) equatorial intensity ratio of the mutant fly is 35% less than that of wild type, supporting the hypothesis that myosin heads that lack phosphorylated RLC remain close to the thick filament backbone. This new experimental system facilitates investigation of the relation between molecular structure and muscle function in living organisms.  相似文献   

《Insect Biochemistry》1989,19(8):723-729
We have looked at protein synthesis in Drosophila pupae during normal and abnormal development of indirect flight muscle. Abnormal development was followed in the dominant flightless mutant wupB isolated by Hotta and Benzer (Genetic Mechanisms of Development, pp. 129–167. Academic Press, New York, 1972). The mutant muscles in adult wupB flies have abnormal morphology and disorganized myofibrils. Protein synthesis in developing muscle was followed on SDS-polyacrylamide gels. During early stages of development (55–60 h) protein synthesis patterns are similar in the mutant and the wild-type. However, at 61 h, the mutant shows a transient increase in synthesis of the 68 and 70 kDa heat shock proteins. This is followed at about 70 h by a divergence of the patterns of synthesis of other proteins seen in the mutant and wild type. These results suggest that induction of heat shock protein synthesis is an early event in abnormal morphogenesis in this mutant.  相似文献   

It is possible to monitor the electrical activity of the motor neurons of Drosophila by recording the electrical activity of the muscle fibers. We have found that it is possible to specify the location of the subcuticular terminations and to describe the orientation within the thorax for the individual muscle fibers, because of the large size of the fibers and because the surface anatomy of Drosophila is known in detail. A map has been made to indicate the location of the muscle fibers with respect to superficial landmarks. The importance of the stereotaxic map for physiological studies is discussed.  相似文献   

Stripe (sr) is a highly specific mutant affecting only one of the indirect flight muscles, the dorsal longitudinal muscle (DLM). In the homozygous condition the DLM is reduced in size. In the hemizygous condition (sr/Df(3)sr) no DLM is present in the adult, though all other thoracic muscles are present. In the early stages of pupation, DLM development in sr/Df(3)sr is no different from that in wild type. Adult myocytes collect around target larval muscles and fuse to form myotubes; myofilaments are synthesized. Subsequently (35-hr pupa) the DLM commences to degenerate, forming random clumps of vacuolated muscle tissue. Adjacent muscles are unaffected and develop normally. In the adult a neuroma-like mass of nerve tissue is maintained where the DLM would normally be located. In this mass many abnormal synapses (hemisynapses) are seen: presynaptic specializations occur in the absence of any postsynaptic structure. Small remnants (less than 16-microns diameter) of muscle tissue are sometimes found in the neuroma-like mass. Such remnants resemble slow muscle, not the normal fast type of DLM. These data suggest a possible muscle origin from primary and secondary myotubes. The DLM motor axons are present in the neuroma-like mass, persisting even with the virtual degeneration of their end target. Thus, motoneurons and presynaptic specializations can survive independently of postsynaptic targets.  相似文献   

Biophysical and structural studies on muscle myosin rely upon milligram quantities of extremely pure material. However, many biologically interesting myosin isoforms are expressed at levels that are too low for direct purification from primary tissues. Efforts aimed at recombinant expression of functional striated muscle myosin isoforms in bacterial or insect cell culture have largely met with failure, although high level expression in muscle cell culture has recently been achieved at significant expense. We report a novel method for the use of strains of the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster genetically engineered to produce histidine-tagged recombinant muscle myosin isoforms. This method takes advantage of the single muscle myosin heavy chain gene within the Drosophila genome, the high level of expression of accessible myosin in the thoracic indirect flight muscles, the ability to knock out endogenous expression of myosin in this tissue and the relatively low cost of fruit fly colony production and maintenance. We illustrate this method by expressing and purifying a recombinant histidine-tagged variant of embryonic body wall skeletal muscle myosin II from an engineered fly strain. The recombinant protein shows the expected ATPase activity and is of sufficient purity and homogeneity for crystallization. This system may prove useful for the expression and isolation of mutant myosins associated with skeletal muscle diseases and cardiomyopathies for their biochemical and structural characterization.  相似文献   

Dominant autosomal mutation l(2)M66 DCS induced in Drosophila melanogaster by ethyl-methane-sulfonate was studied. Electron-microscopic studies of asynchronous (fibrillar) and synchronous (tubular) muscles in 24-hour old mutants showed pathological changes in their fine structure. All systems were affected: the fragmentation of the Z-lines, disappearance of protofibrils, degenerative changes of mitochondria, sarcoplasmic reticulum, and the T-system, the appearance of membrane aggregates and lysosomes, the presence of a large amount of glycogen were detected. These changes in the ultrastructure of the flight muscles in mutants are similar to those observed in the process of physiological degeneration of insect muscles.  相似文献   

Structural interactions between the myosin converter and relay domains have been proposed to be critical for the myosin power stroke and muscle power generation. We tested this hypothesis by mutating converter residue 759, which interacts with relay residues I508, N509, and D511, to glutamate (R759E) and determined the effect on Drosophila indirect flight muscle mechanical performance. Work loop analysis of mutant R759E indirect flight muscle fibers revealed a 58% and 31% reduction in maximum power generation (PWL) and the frequency at which maximum power (fWL) is generated, respectively, compared to control fibers at 15°C. Small amplitude sinusoidal analysis revealed a 30%, 36%, and 32% reduction in mutant elastic modulus, viscous modulus, and mechanical rate constant 2πb, respectively. From these results, we infer that the mutation reduces rates of transitions through work-producing cross-bridge states and/or force generation during strongly bound states. The reductions in muscle power output, stiffness, and kinetics were physiologically relevant, as mutant wing beat frequency and flight index decreased about 10% and 45% compared to control flies at both 15°C and 25°C. Thus, interactions between the relay loop and converter domain are critical for lever-arm and catalytic domain coordination, high muscle power generation, and optimal Drosophila flight performance.  相似文献   

Characterization of the Drosophila melanogaster mitochondrial proteome   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We have combined high-resolution two-dimensional (2-D) gel electrophoresis with mass spectrometry with the aim of identifying proteins represented in the 2-D gel database of Drosophila melanogaster mitochondria. First, we purified mitochondria from third instar Drosophila larvae and constructed a high-resolution 2-D gel database containing 231 silver-stained polypeptides. Next, we carried out preparative 2-D PAGE to isolate some of the polypeptides and characterize them by MALDI-TOF analysis. Using this strategy, we identified 66 mitochondrial spots in the database, and in each case confirmed their identity by MALDI-TOF/TOF analysis. In addition, we generated antibodies against two of the mitochondrial proteins as tools for characterizing the organelle.  相似文献   

We have combined high-resolution two-dimensional (2-D) gel electrophoresis with mass spectrometry to identifying proteins represented in a 2-D gel database of Drosophila melanogaster ribosomes. First, we purified ribosomes from third instar Drosophila larvae and constructed a high-resolution 2-D gel database containing 58 Coomassie blue stained polypeptides. Next, we carried out preparative 2-D PAGE to isolate some of the polypeptides and characterize them by MALDI-TOF. Using this strategy we identified 52 ribosomal spots in the database, and in each case confirmed their identity by MALDI-TOF/TOF. The database can be used to analyze Minute mutants of Drosophila.  相似文献   

An extensive ethylmethanesulfonate mutagenesis of Drosophila melanogaster was undertaken to isolate the stronger alleles of 3 indirect flight-muscle mutations. We isolated 17 strong mutant lines, with nearly complete penetrance and expressivity, using direct screening under polarized light, from more than 1700 mutagenized chromosomes. On complementation, we found 11 of these 17 mutant lines to be alleles of 3 indirect flight-muscle mutations (Ifm(2)RU1, 3 noncomplementing lines; ifm(2)RU2, 6 alleles; ifm(2)RU3, 2 alleles) of the previously isolated 8 complementation groups (Ifm(2)RU1to ifm(2)RU8). In addition, we found 6 new complementation groups with strong defects in adult-muscle morphology; we named these ifm(2)RS1 to ifm(2)RS6. All mutant lines were mapped by meiotic recombination, and 5 of the 6 new complementation lines were mapped using chromosome deficiencies. ifm(2)RS1 maps to a region that harbors ifm(2)RU4 (a mutation that was isolated previously); however, theses are not alleles because each complements the other mutation, and the mutant-muscle phenotype is very different. We used direct screening under polarized light to find recessive mutations; although this method was labor intensive, it can be used to identify recessive genes involved in myogenesis, unlike screens for flightlessness or wing-position defects. This screen identifies regions on the second chromosome that harbor probable genes that are likely expressed in the mesoderm and are thought to be involved in myogenesis. This screen has generated valuable resources that will help us to understand the role of many molecular players involved in myogenesis.  相似文献   

We investigated the effects of aging on Drosophila melanogaster indirect flight muscle from the whole organism to the actomyosin cross-bridge. Median-aged (49-day-old) flies were flight impaired, had normal myofilament number and packing, barely longer sarcomeres, and slight mitochondrial deterioration compared with young (3-day-old) flies. Old (56-day-old) flies were unable to beat their wings, had deteriorated ultrastructure with severe mitochondrial damage, and their skinned fibers failed to activate with calcium. Small-amplitude sinusoidal length perturbation analysis showed median-aged indirect flight muscle fibers developed greater than twice the isometric force and power output of young fibers, yet cross-bridge kinetics were similar. Large increases in elastic and viscous moduli amplitude under active, passive, and rigor conditions suggest that median-aged fibers become stiffer longitudinally. Small-angle x-ray diffraction indicates that myosin heads move increasingly toward the thin filament with age, accounting for the increased transverse stiffness via cross-bridge formation. We propose that the observed protein composition changes in the connecting filaments, which anchor the thick filaments to the Z-disk, produce compensatory increases in longitudinal stiffness, isometric tension, power and actomyosin interaction in aging indirect flight muscle. We also speculate that a lack of MgATP due to damaged mitochondria accounts for the decreased flight performance.  相似文献   

Twelve monoclonal antibodies have been raised against proteins in preparations of Z-disks isolated from Drosophila melanogaster flight muscle. The monoclonal antibodies that recognized Z-band components were identified by immunofluorescence microscopy of flight muscle myofibrils. These antibodies have identified three Z-disk antigens on immunoblots of myofibrillar proteins. Monoclonal antibodies alpha:1-4 recognize a 90-100-kD protein which we identify as alpha-actinin on the basis of cross-reactivity with antibodies raised against honeybee and vertebrate alpha-actinins. Monoclonal antibodies P:1-4 bind to the high molecular mass protein, projectin, a component of connecting filaments that link the ends of thick filaments to the Z-band in insect asynchronous flight muscles. The anti-projectin antibodies also stain synchronous muscle, but, surprisingly, the epitopes here are within the A-bands, not between the A- and Z-bands, as in flight muscle. Monoclonal antibodies Z(210):1-4 recognize a 210-kD protein that has not been previously shown to be a Z-band structural component. A fourth antigen, resolved as a doublet (approximately 400/600 kD) on immunoblots of Drosophila fibrillar proteins, is detected by a cross reacting antibody, Z(400):2, raised against a protein in isolated honeybee Z-disks. On Lowicryl sections of asynchronous flight muscle, indirect immunogold staining has localized alpha-actinin and the 210-kD protein throughout the matrix of the Z-band, projectin between the Z- and A-bands, and the 400/600-kD components at the I-band/Z-band junction. Drosophila alpha-actinin, projectin, and the 400/600-kD components share some antigenic determinants with corresponding honeybee proteins, but no honeybee protein interacts with any of the Z(210) antibodies.  相似文献   

Understanding how proteins and their complex interaction networks convert the genomic information into a dynamic living organism is a fundamental challenge in biological sciences. As an important step towards understanding the systems biology of a complex eukaryote, we cataloged 63% of the predicted Drosophila melanogaster proteome by detecting 9,124 proteins from 498,000 redundant and 72,281 distinct peptide identifications. This unprecedented high proteome coverage for a complex eukaryote was achieved by combining sample diversity, multidimensional biochemical fractionation and analysis-driven experimentation feedback loops, whereby data collection is guided by statistical analysis of prior data. We show that high-quality proteomics data provide crucial information to amend genome annotation and to confirm many predicted gene models. We also present experimentally identified proteotypic peptides matching approximately 50% of D. melanogaster gene models. This library of proteotypic peptides should enable fast, targeted and quantitative proteomic studies to elucidate the systems biology of this model organism.  相似文献   

The application of functional proteomics to important model organisms with unsequenced genomes is restricted because of the limited ability to identify proteins by conventional mass spectrometry (MS) methods. Here we applied MS and sequence-similarity database searching strategies to characterize the Xenopus laevis microtubule-associated proteome. We identified over 40 unique, and many novel, microtubule-bound proteins, as well as two macromolecular protein complexes involved in protein translation. This finding was corroborated by electron microscopy showing the presence of ribosomes on spindles assembled from frog egg extracts. Taken together, these results suggest that protein translation occurs on the spindle during meiosis in the Xenopus oocyte. These findings were made possible due to the application of sequence-similarity methods, which extended mass spectrometric protein identification capabilities by 2-fold compared to conventional methods.  相似文献   

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