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The authors assess mobile methods of x-ray computer-aided tomography (CAT) and suggest an organization and methodological scheme of its application. Their program of the first and up to now the only one in this country mobile CAT device is based on the new principles of mobile CAT application. It is realized in special hospitals of large regions, where the patients with the optimal indications for CAT are assembled. Over 15,000 examinations were carried out with the use of the suggested CAT program over 4 years, that resulted in detection of 1295 brain tumors, 804 cases with neoplastic involvement of the abdominal cavity and the retroperitoneal space. The authors claim that wide application of mobile CAT devices according to the program they suggest will help decide the problem of unavailability of such examinations, for it will rule out the principal cause of this unavailability--economic problems arising because of high price of this equipment. One mobile device may replace 3 permanent CAT devices, if used according to the program suggested by the authors.  相似文献   

Hypopituitarism can be a result of various lesions of hypothalamus, pituitary stalk, or of the pituitary gland itself. The aim of the study was to assess the value of CT and MRI examinations in determination of the cause of hypopituitarism. Seventeen patients with hypopituitarism (9 women and 8 men) aged 22 to 61 years have been examined. In three cases growth deficiency was observed, 4 women had galactorrhoea, 4 patients had diabetes insipidus, 16 patients had supra-adrenal insufficiency, 14 had signs of hypogonadism and 10 hypothyroidism. In each case plasma concentrations of LH, FSH, PRL, TSH, alpha-subunit, ACTH before and after appropriate stimulation with TRH, metoclopramid, LH-RH, GRF or metyrapon were determined with RIA. Every patient was examined both with CT and MRI (0.5 T Toshiba MRT 50a). All 17 patients had abnormal MR images of hypothalamo-pituitary area, while only 10 of them had abnormalities in their CT scans. In remaining 7 patients the MRI revealed: three cases of congenital malformation of hypophyseal stalk, two cases of empty sella, one posttraumatic lesion of the stalk and one case of granulomatous infiltration of the stalk. We found MRI superior to CT in establishing the case of hypopituitarism.  相似文献   

Clinical and X-Ray studies were performed in 85 patients with disseminated pulmonary tuberculosis. All the patients underwent routine computerized tomography (CT) and high-resolution CT. According to the pathogenetic process, the authors identified hematogenic (n = 38), lymphogenic (n = 19), bronchogenic (n = 18) and mixed (n = 10) disseminations. High-resolution CT was found to have great advantages in detecting various types of tuberculous disseminations and in assessing the pattern of pulmonary abnormalities. Disseminated tuberculosis was revealed in 7 patients who had no pathological changes on routine lung X-ray films. The specific signs of hematogenic, lymphogenic disseminations and bronchgenic inoculations were identified in other forms of pulmonary tuberculosis. CT symptomatology is shown to be determined by the pathogenetic variant of its development and the stage of the process. Small focal changes in the lung were prevalent in patients with acute and subacute hematogenic forms of the disease. Infiltrates with decay cavities, thin-wall caverns, emphysema and bronchoectases were detected over the chronic course. Lymphogenic disseminations were characterized by the predominance of interstitial changes along with multiple minor foci. High-resolution CT had advantages in identifying decay cavities, signs of fibrosis and in evaluating mediastinal lymph nodes. CT data are of great significance for differential diagnosis of disseminated tuberculosis with lung metastases and diffuse interstitial diseases.  相似文献   






589例腰椎骨折手术患者有41例(6.96%)出现切口深部感染。41例感染患者的渗出液或分泌物中鉴定分离出53株病原菌,其中30例患者为单菌株感染,占73.17%;11例患者为多菌株感染,占26.83%。53株病原菌中革兰阴性菌30株,革兰阳性菌22株,真菌1株。革兰阴性菌中,大肠埃希菌对哌拉西林的耐药率最高,为91.67%;对美罗培南、亚胺培南及厄他培南的耐药率相对较低,为16.67%;铜绿假单胞菌对头孢吡肟、头孢曲松、头孢唑林和复方磺胺甲噁唑的耐药率最高,为90.00%;对环丙沙星和阿米卡星的耐药率相对较低,为20.00%。革兰阳性菌中金黄色葡萄球菌对青霉素和红霉素的耐药率最高,为76.92%;对万古霉素、利奈唑胺的耐药率为0.00%。术后感染患者与非感染患者在年龄分布、BMI、是否合并糖尿病、手术持续时间、是否输血等方面的差异有统计学意义(均P<0.05);在性别、是否存在烟酒史、是否合并高血压或冠心病、术中失血量等方面差异无统计学意义(均P>0.05)。Logistic回归分析显示,年龄≥60岁、BMI≥28 kg/m2、合并糖尿病、手术时间≥2 h及预防性应用抗生素为腰椎骨折术后患者切口深部感染的独立危险因素(均P<0.05)。


腰椎骨折术后患者深部切口感染病原菌种类较多,以金黄色葡萄球菌和大肠埃希菌为主,且药敏性普遍较低。年龄≥60岁、BMI≥28 kg/m2、合并糖尿病、手术时间≥2 h及预防性应用抗生素为腰椎骨折术后患者切口深部感染的独立危险因素,临床应根据药敏情况合理选择抗菌药物以降低感染发生率。


Low-back pain has been related to degenerative changes after nucleotomy. Although several etiologies for pain after nucleotomy have been proposed, there is evidence of pain arising in the facet joints in general, which may be related to changes in load transfer. This study addresses the effect of nucleotomy on facet joint loading.  相似文献   

Temperature sense and pain appreciation in the dermatomes of the cauda equina roots were estimated in patients with lumbar intervertebral disk hernias before surgery, as well as immediately and long after surgery for disk herniation. Before surgery, the temperature sense and pain appreciation were impaired not only in the dermatome of the compressed root, but also in the dermatomes located proximal and distal to it. The temperature sense was impaired more severely. The recovery of the temperature sense and pain appreciation in the dermatomes of the cauda equina roots after surgery is limited, especially in the region innervated by the compressed root. Positive changes in temperature sense and pain appreciation in different zones examined soon after surgery were observed, on average, in 55% of cases, whereas delayed positive changes were detected only in 36% of the patients. Pain appreciation (in tests with heat pain) both immediately and long after surgery was improved to a higher degree.  相似文献   

Lobule of the lung is a principal anatomical structure of the respiratory zone in the lungs. Secondary lobule of the lung consists of about fifty primary lobules and is delineated by fibrous interlobular septa. Each lobule is delineated by interlobular septa and blood is supplied by small arterioles of pulmonary artery system. Its shape is conical and size ranges from 10 to 22 mm. The author used algorithm of high resolution in HR CT to present normal distal generations of respiratory area of the lungs and the same in 32 patients with disseminated lesions to the lungs. It is known, that lobule of the lung may be involved in very important pathologies. The author shown that significant architectural rearrangement takes place in pulmonary lobules and adjacent areas in the course of disseminated pulmonary diseases. The process include thickening of interlobular septa, consolidation of lobular area, changes in the shape of lobuli, and appearance of small cysts. The use of HR CT enables imaging in such pathologies which normally are inaccessible to conventional radiologic examinations.  相似文献   

Existing biomechanical evidence suggests mechanisms of low back injuries and disorders associated with prolonged stooping. However, no research has tested realistic and more natural stooped work conditions with human subjects in the investigation of the biomechanical responses of the low back in prolonged stooping. The current study was aimed to explore various biomechanical responses of the low back in more realistic and work-related loading and posture conditions of prolonged stooping. Twenty two subjects performed stooped work tasks for 7 min with periodic micro-breaks in upright standing, and various measures for assessing biomechanical responses of the low back were obtained before, during and immediately after the stooped work period. Study results found significant increases (p < 0.05) in the range of lumbar flexion and myoelectric activation of the low back muscles after the stooped work period. During stooped work, the low back extensor muscles did not show flexion–relaxation. It could be concluded that the natural and unrestricted stooped work conditions produced similar viscoelastic responses of the low back to what more severe stooping conditions with posture restrictions did in previous research, but could be more fatigue-prone due to low but consistent activation of the low back extensor muscles during stooped work activities.  相似文献   

目的探讨腰椎后路手术患者肠道菌群的变化以期更合理的指导临床治疗。方法选择58例腰椎后路手术患者,出现肠道菌群失调症者38例,未出现肠道菌群失调症的20例作为对照组。在腰椎后路手术后,分别取2组患者自然排出的新鲜粪便10 g,采用定性定量检测比较2组患者肠道主要菌群差异及B/E值。肠道菌群失调症患者且与手术前自然排出的新鲜粪便进行相同比较。结果试验组肠道的双歧杆菌、类杆菌数量及B/E值较对照组均减少,分别是:9.21±0.65 vs 10.12±0.85;10.02±0.45 vs 10.23±0.45;1.05±0.17 vs 6.99±1.24,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);而肠杆菌、肠球菌数量较对照组增加,分别是:9.11±1.09 vs 8.55±0.89;7.80±1.02vs 7.29±0.98,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。小梭菌、乳杆菌与对照组相比较,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。肠道菌群失调症患者与手术前进行比较,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。结论腰椎后路手术出现肠道菌群失调患者专性厌氧菌减少,条件致病菌增加,肠道微生物定植抗力下降。正确及时地去除病因,尽可能地采取微创手术技术,减少医源性损伤,调整机体免疫功能,纠正营养不良,合理使用抗生素是解决腰椎后路手术患者肠道功能障碍的有效办法。  相似文献   

Low back mechanics are important to quantify to study injury, pain and disability. As in vivo forces are difficult to measure directly, modeling approaches are commonly used to estimate these forces. Validation of model estimates is critical to gain confidence in modeling results across populations of interest, such as people with lower-limb amputation. Motion capture, ground reaction force and electromyographic data were collected from ten participants without an amputation (five male/five female) and five participants with a unilateral transtibial amputation (four male/one female) during trunk-pelvis range of motion trials in flexion/extension, lateral bending and axial rotation. A musculoskeletal model with a detailed lumbar spine and the legs including 294 muscles was used to predict L4-L5 loading and muscle activations using static optimization. Model estimates of L4-L5 intervertebral joint loading were compared to measured intradiscal pressures from the literature and muscle activations were compared to electromyographic signals. Model loading estimates were only significantly different from experimental measurements during trunk extension for males without an amputation and for people with an amputation, which may suggest a greater portion of L4-L5 axial load transfer through the facet joints, as facet loads are not captured by intradiscal pressure transducers. Pressure estimates between the model and previous work were not significantly different for flexion, lateral bending or axial rotation. Timing of model-estimated muscle activations compared well with electromyographic activity of the lumbar paraspinals and upper erector spinae. Validated estimates of low back loading can increase the applicability of musculoskeletal models to clinical diagnosis and treatment.  相似文献   

An analysis was made of chest computed tomograms of 38 small-cell lung cancer patients subjected to radical surgical treatment after neoadjuvant therapy. CT data were compared with the findings of macro- and microscopic examination of surgical specimens. In 24 (63.2%) patients, computed tomograms made before surgery showed complete tumor response confirmed by gross examination in 22 (96.1%) of them. However, microscopic examination found cancer cells in 8 (33.3%) patients. In 2 (8.3%) patients, small residual tumors could be detected by sight, which was confirmed by pathological examination. In 14 (36.8%) patients with partial response, radiological and gross examination findings fully coincided. Nevertheless, in 2 (14.3%) cases the "residual tumor" appeared to be a segment of fibrocicatrical tissue under pathological examination. On the basis of the CT findings the values of diagnostic sensitivity, accuracy and specificity in tumor response evaluation were calculated which made up 87.5%, 68.4% and 54.5% respectively. With sufficiently high sensitivity, CT specificity is low. CT makes it possible to objectively define the response of small-cell lung cancer to neoadjuvant therapy. However, the conclusion about complete response to the treatment can be made only on the basis of a comprehensive evaluation of the results of all available investigation methods and pathological examination.  相似文献   

A total of 309 investigated cases was analyzed with the help of the Magnaview apparatus with field intensity of 0.04 T. The method included obtaining both T1- and T2-suspended tomograms in the sagittal and, if necessary, transverse planes. MRT was shown to be an effective method of diagnosis and differential diagnosis of the compression syndrome of osteochondrosis, the effects of a "spinal" trauma, extra- and intramedullary tumors, metastatic vertebral involvement, postoperative changes, and syringomyelia.  相似文献   

I measured the bodies of vertebrae L3 and L4 of 338 skeletons from the Terry collection in the Smithsonian Institution, including Blacks and Whites, males and females, aged from 20 to 90 years. Transverse breadths of the upper and lower endplates (excluding osteophytes) and minimum transverse breadths all increase with age. In general, the greater broadening occurs in the endplates, but the middle of the body also broadens to such a degree that there is no demonstrable increase in vertebral “flaring” with age. In males, posterior body height decreases relative to anterior height, so that the lumbar bodies become more wedge-shaped with age, but females show essentially no change. Anterior height decreases in proportion to minimum breadth, so that the lumbar bodies become relatively lower and broader, and this change is significantly correlated with age in all groups. Midbody height decreases relative to anterior height, so that Nordin's biconcavity index is reduced with age. The increase in biconcavity remains evident even when average anterior-posterior height is used to calculate the index. At all age levels a high percentage of individuals have biconcavity indices of 80% or less, indicating that Nordin's standard of normality for this index, established from measurement on radiographs of the living, should be revised downward for use in evaluating osteoporosis in skeletal populations.  相似文献   

A three-dimensional nonlinear finite element model of the lumbar spine was developed. Paired threaded cages and a monosegmental internal spinal fixation device were integrated into the computer model. The model was loaded with such forces as apply during standing, as well as with pure moments in the three main anatomical planes, plus an additional preload. The latter was generated by shortening the distance between the pedicle screws on the longitudinal rod of the fixator. With the exception of torsional loading, an implant appreciably reduces the mobility in the segment concerned. At the loads studied, cages had only a minor impact on the movements and stresses in the adjacent regions, but a strong influence on the stresses in the endplates in contact with them. A preload increases these stresses dramatically. Contact conditions between vertebral body and cages also have a marked effect on the stress distribution in the corresponding vertebral endplate, especially in the case of extension loading. Owing to the preload, maximum stresses were higher for the rigid bond than when contact elements were used.  相似文献   

This paper presents three-dimensional static modeling of the human lumbar spine to be used in the formation of anatomically-correct movement patterns for a fully cable-actuated robotic lumbar spine which can mimic in vivo human lumbar spine movements to provide better hands-on training for medical students. The mathematical model incorporates five lumbar vertebrae between the first lumbar vertebra and the sacrum, with dimensions of an average adult human spine. The vertebrae are connected to each other by elastic elements, torsional springs and a spherical joint located at the inferoposterior corner in the mid-sagittal plane of the vertebral body. Elastic elements represent the ligaments that surround the facet joints and the torsional springs represent the collective effect of intervertebral disc which plays a major role in balancing torsional load during upper body motion and the remaining ligaments that support the spinal column. The elastic elements and torsional springs are considered to be nonlinear. The nonlinear stiffness constants for six motion types were solved using a multiobjective optimization technique. The quantitative comparison between the angles of rotations predicted by the proposed model and in the experimental data confirmed that the model yields angles of rotation close to the experimental data. The main contribution is that the new model can be used for all motions while the experimental data was only obtained at discrete measurement points.  相似文献   

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