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Relationships between taste perception and diet were investigatedin two ethnic groups. The Chinese subjects (n = 30) were bornin the People's Republic of China and were currently livingin the United States. The U.S. subjects (n = 30) were of Europeanancestry. Psychophysical taste intensity functions for sucrosesolutions, NaCl solutions and NaCl in soup were obtained usingmagnitude matching. Pleasantness ratings for the above stimuli,plus sucrose in cookies and NaCl in crackers were obtained usingcategory rating scales. Three-day dietary records and the frequencyof sweet food consumption were also collected. Chinese subjectsassigned higher pleasantness ratings to the higher concentrationsof sucrose in water and showed a tendency to rate sucrose incookies as tasting more pleasant. These higher pleasantnessratings of sucrose were not reflected in increased sugar intake.The Chinese subjects also assigned higher pleasantness ratingsto and preferred higher concentrations of salt in crackers andthis was reflected in the data from the dietary records. TheChinese Na/Kcal and Na/K ratios were greater than those of theU.S. group.  相似文献   

Tentative evidence suggests that hydrochlorothiazide (HCTZ)and amiloride may alter salivary function, taste sensitivityand dietary intake. The effects of these diuretics on salivaryflow and composition, taste attributes (i.e. recognition thresholds,perceived intensity ratings and preference) as well as sodiumintake were further examined in 73 normotensive adults in adouble-blind, placebo-controlled, cross-over study. Followingrandom assignments to one of three groups [5 mg twice per dayof amiloride (n = 24), 50 mg/day of HCTZ (n = 24) or placebo(n = 25)], subjects took appropriate placebos for 2 weeks, activedrug for 8 weeks and placebo for 3 weeks. Relative to baselinevalues, amiloride treatment resulted in a significant 39% decreasein stimulated salivary sodium levels and a 28% decline in NaClrecognition thresholds. HCTZ significantly stimulated sodiumintake as the sodium/creatinine ratio was {small tilde}50% higherfollowing 4 weeks of drug use relative to baseline values. Subjectswere subjectively unaware of these changes. Potential mechanismsand clinical implications of these findings are considered.  相似文献   

Limited support for the postulated association between tasteand blood pressure responses to NaCl has prompted investigationsof selected subgroups of subjects more likely to display a relationship.The present study included 20 black adolescents who were diagnosedas salt sensitive (n = 10) or salt insensitive (n = 10) basedupon blood pressure responses to 14 days of dietary salt loading(10 g NaCl/day). Each was administered a battery of taste tests,including measures of detection and recognition threshold, suprathresholdintensity responses and preference tests. No significant groupdifference was observed on any taste measure. While explanationsfor the failure to note differences between these individualswith marked variabilty in systemic reactivity to NaCl are offered,the present findings question the continued study of this issue.  相似文献   

In order to study the role of peripheral taste sensitivity inmediating increases in salt intake of the rat, the effects ofsodium deprivation and adrenalectomy on chorda tympani nerveresponses to taste stimulation were determined. Sodium deprivationresulted in a reduction in whole nerve responsivity to suprathresholdNaCl concentrations requiring a 10-fold increase in concentrationto elicit the same neural signal of control preparations. Saltintake of sodium deprived rats was predicted by adjusting datain a 10-min intake test from control rats for the reduced neuralsignal and lower salivary sodium levels of sodium deprived rats.The whole nerve responses to LiCl and KCl, as well as to NaCl,were reduced after sodium deprivation and adrenalectomy. Themultifiber response of the chorda tympani is comprised of theindividual responses of NaCl sensitive N-best fibers and HCl/NaClsensitive H-best fibers. After sodium deprivation N-best fibers'responses to suprathreshold concentrations of NaCl were reduced;H-best fibers' responses were not affected by sodium deprivation.Future studies will determine the effect of KCl and other saltson responses of N-best and H-best fibers. Applying Beidler'sbiophysical model to the single fiber data suggests that sodiumdeprivation influences receptor mechanisms for NaCl of N-bestfibers and not H-best fibers. Because repeated NaCl stimulationresulted in increased chorda tympani responsivity to NaCl, wesuggest that sodium deprivation may alter the salt receptorsimply by disuse. Altered receptor sensitivity may be an adaptivemechanism to influence salt consumption by a shift in suprathresholdNaCl intensity.  相似文献   

Genetically mediated sensitivity to the bitter taste of 6-n-propylthiouracil(PROP) has been associated with greater acuity for bitter andfor some sweet tastes. Thus far, few studies have explored therelationship between PROP taste sensitivity and hedonic responsesto bitter and sweet. In this study, 87 normal-weight young womenwere divided into PROP non-tasters (n = 18), regular tasters(n = 49), and supertasters (n = 20), based on their PROP detectionthresholds and the scaling of five suprathreshold solutionsof PROP and NaCl. Non-tasters had thresholds >1.8 x 10–4mol/l PROP. Supertasters had thresholds <3.2 x 10–5mol/l PROP and PROP/NaCl ratios >1.70. As expected, dislikeof the bitter taste of PROP was determined by its perceivedintensity, which was greater among supertasters than among regulartasters or non-tasters. Significant correlations were observedbetween PROP taste thresholds and the sum of intensity ratings(r = –0.61) and between summed intensity and summed hedonicratings (r = –0.80). PROP taste sensitivity was weaklylinked to enhanced perception of sweet taste, but did not predicthedonic responses to sucrose or to saccharin solutions. Giventhat the dislike of PROP solutions is determined by their perceivedintensity, hedonic responses to PROP solutions may provide arapid way of screening for PROP taster status. Chem. Senses22: 27–37, 1997.  相似文献   

Differential context effects in taste perception   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
A series of three experiments explored differential contexteffects in judgements of taste intensity. For example, a givenconcentration of NaCl was judged stronger than a given concentrationof sucrose in one contextual condition (where the stimulus setcomprised low concentrations of NaCl and high ones of sucrose),but was judged weaker in another condition (where the concentrationsreversed). Overall, differential context effects were largerwhen subjects judged NaCl and sucrose than when they judgedNaCl and NaCl sucrose mixtures, an outcome predicted by thehypothesis that the magnitude of differential context effectsdepends on the degree of qualitative similarity between thesubsets of stimuli. This pattern of results mimics those previouslyobtained for judgements of loudness of tones at different soundfrequencies, and thereby suggests that a common mechanism mayunderlie contextual interactions in different modalities; moreover,this mechanism may bear implications for current theories ofthe coding of taste quality and intensify.  相似文献   

Magnitude-matching: the measurement of taste and smell   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
In the method of magnitude-matching, subjects try to judge intensitiesof sensations from two or more modalities on a single, commonscale. Using responses to one modality as a standard makes itpossible to compare subjects' suprathreshold perceptions onthe other, test modality. A series of ten experiments revealedthe following: (i) magnitude-matching ‘works’: withboth loudness of tones and lightness of grays as standards,tasters versus nontasters of 6-n-prophylthiouracil (PROP) (asdefined by a threshold criterion) show much greater responceto suprathreshold PROP and slightly greater response to surcose;(ii) though superior to rating-scale judgements of sensory intensitymade without reference to a second modality, magnitude-matchingis not, however, flawless: the cross-modality matching relationproduced by a set of magnitude-matches depends systematicallyon the contextual sets of stimulus levels presented for judgement;(iii) with taste as the standard, old versus young subjectsshowed only a 25% decrement in responce to the odor intensityof butanol when both groups recieved the same physical (concentration)levels, but a >50% decrement in responce when both groupsrecieved about the same perceptual levels; (iv) magnitude-matchesare much the same whether subjets make their judgements on abounded rating-scale or an open-ended magnitude-estimation scale:and (v) loudness, lightness and odor intensity serve about equallyin magnitude-matching with taste intensity.  相似文献   

The hypocholesterolemic effect of tomato juice has been investigated in an intervention study with rats, along with the possible inhibition effect of bioactive tomato compounds binding to the HMGCR enzyme. Two experimental groups (n = 8 Sprague-Dawley rats) were fed ad libitum for five weeks, with water or tomato juice provided to the control and intervention groups, respectively. Total, LDL and HDL cholesterol, and total triglycerides were analysed in plasma, and the lycopene content and the expression and activity of the enzyme HMGCR were determined in liver samples. A computational molecular modelling was carried out to determine the interactions between HMGCR and lycopene, chlorogenic acid and naringenin. Total, LDL and HDL cholesterol were significantly lower in the intervention group after the intake of tomato juice. In addition, a significant reduction in HMGCR activity was observed, although this was not accompanied by changes in gene expression. The molecular modelling showed that components of tomato can bind to the active site of the enzyme and compete with the ligand HMGCoA. Lycopene, from tomato juice, accumulates in the liver and can inhibit the activity of the rate-limiting enzyme of cholesterol biosynthesis, HMGCR.  相似文献   

Mouse taste preference tests: why only two bottles?   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Two-bottle tests have been used extensively to measure the preference for taste and nutrient solutions but there has been little work with tests involving more than two bottles. Here, we compare the results obtained in two-bottle tests with those obtained in three- and six-bottle tests. In Experiment 1, we measured the preferences for 2 mM saccharin, 50 mM citric acid, 0.3 mM quinine hydrochloride and 75 mM NaCl displayed by 129X1/SvJ (129) and C57BL/6J (B6) mice. Mice drank more taste solution when they received two bottles providing taste solution and one providing water than when they received either a standard two-bottle test or two bottles providing water and one providing taste solution. The three-bottle tests also revealed the left spout side preferences of the 129 strain and were generally better at distinguishing between the 129 and B6 strains (i.e. were more sensitive) than were the two-bottle tests. In Experiment 2, we measured intakes and preferences in tests with six bottles, with one, two, three, four or five containing 75 mM NaCl and the rest containing water. NaCl preferences were monotonically related to the number of NaCl spouts available. A follow-up experiment found similar results whether the index of ingestion was volume intakes or licks. This argues that spillage cannot account for the effect of spout number on taste solution intake. Together, the results suggest that (i) the number of bottles of taste solution and water has a profound influence on taste solution intake and preference, and (ii) three-bottle tests may be more sensitive than two-bottle tests in many circumstances.  相似文献   

The relationship between obesity and taste, especially sweettaste, has been and is of interest. From this point of viewof a small primate, the lesser mouse lemur (Microcebus murinus),is of particular interest. It goes through a yearly cycle ofphysiological changes, one of which is an extreme variationin body weight of up to 100%. This occurs concomitantly withsignificant changes of the animal's liking for sucrose; measuredby two-bottle preference tests, the threshold for sucrose changesfrom 28–45 in lean to 77–105 mM in obese animals.It is possible that a change in peripheral taste sensitivitymight be the cause for these preference changes. To test thispossibility we studied the ability of M.murinus to taste sucrosewith electrophysiological and conditioned taste aversion techniques.The electrophysiological recordings were obtained from the chordatympani proper nerve in two heavy and three lean animals. Wedid not record any difference between the two groups in theirneural response to a series of sucrose concentrations. Conditionedtaste aversion experiments with 200 mM sucrose as conditioningstimulus and 50 and 200 mM sucrose as test stimuli gave similarresults. No difference was found between three heavy and fourlean animals; both groups rejected the sucrose concentrations.The results support the notion that the seasonal variationsin preference threshold to sucrose were unrelated to the abilityof M.murinus to taste sucrose.  相似文献   

The relationship between phylogeny and taste is of growing interest.In this study we present recordings from the chorda tympaniproper (CT) nerve of two lemuriforme primates, the lesser mouselemur (Microcebus murinus) and the mongoose lemur (Eulemur mongoz),to an array of taste stimuli which included the sweeteners acesulfame-K,alitame, aspartame, D-glucose, dulcin, monellin, neohesperidindihydrochalcone (NHDHC), saccharin, sodium superaspartame, stevioside,sucralose (TGS), sucrose, suosan, thaumatin and xylitol, aswell as the non–sweet stimuli NaC1, citric acid, tanninand quinine hydrochloride. In M.murinus the effects of the tastemodifiers gymnemic acid and miraculin on the CT response wererecorded. Conditioned taste aversion (CTA) experiments in M.murinusand two-bottle preference (TBP) tests in E.mongoz were alsoconducted. We found that all of the above tastants except thaumatinelicited a CT response in both species. The CTA technique showedthat M.murinus generalized from sucrose to monellin but notto thaumatin. The intake of aspartame, ranging in concentrationfrom 0.1 to 30 mM was measured in E.mongoz with TBP tests. Atno concentration did we see a preference, but there was a significantrejection of 10 and 30 mM aspartame (P  相似文献   

Rats prefer hypotonic and isotonic NaCl solutions to water in long-access drinking paradigms. To focus on the role of taste signals in NaCl preference, licking patterns of rats with 30-s exposure to NaCl solutions (0-0.5 M) were examined when they were either water deprived, sodium depleted, or not deprived (NaCl mixed in dilute sucrose). In all three conditions, rats displayed a preference for NaCl. The addition of 100 microM amiloride, a sodium channel blocker, to NaCl did not change rats' licking when they were sodium replete but dramatically reduced licking when they were deplete. Transection of the chorda tympani (CT) nerve, an afferent pathway for amiloride-sensitive Na(+) signals, had no effect on NaCl preference in nondeprived rats and only a modest effect on those that were Na(+) deplete. Amiloride was found to exert significant suppression of NaCl intake in Na(+)-depleted rats with transection of the CT, supporting the existence of other afferent pathways for transmission of amiloride-sensitive Na(+) signalling. Together, these studies argue for the involvement of different neural signalling mechanisms in NaCl preference in the presence and absence of explicit Na(+) need.  相似文献   

Rats can be classified as either sucralose avoiders (SA) or sucralose preferrers (SP) based on their behavioral responses in 2-bottle preference, 1-bottle intake, and brief-access licking tests. The present study demonstrates that this robust phenotypic variation in the preference for sucralose predicts acceptance of saccharin, an artificial sweetener with a purported concentration-dependent "bitter" side taste and a 0.25 M sucrose solution adulterated with increasing concentrations of quinine hydrochloride (QHCl). Specifically, SA displayed decreased preference for and intakes of saccharin (≥41.5 mM) and sucrose-QHCl (>0.5 mM QHCl) solutions, relative to SP. In a second experiment involving brief-access (30-s) tests, SP and SA did not differ in their unconditioned licking responses across a range of sodium chloride or QHCl solutions (0.03-1 mM). However, the acceptability threshold for sucrose was lower in SA, relative to SP (0.06 and 0.13 M, respectively). Our findings suggest that phenotypic differences in sucralose preference are indicative of a more general difference in the hedonic processing of stimuli containing "bittersweet" or "sweet" taste qualities.  相似文献   

Horio  T; Kawamura  Y 《Chemical senses》1998,23(4):417-421
The effects of physical exercise on preference for various sapid solutions was studied in 58 healthy university students. After 30 min of exercise using a bicycle ergometer at 50% VO2max (maximal oxygen uptake) intensity, a rating scale test on taste hedonic tone and the triangle test for taste absolute threshold were done. The test solutions were sucrose, NaCl, citric acid, caffeine and monosodium glutamate (MSG). Preference scale values for sucrose and citric acid increased after exercise, whereas the values for NaCl, caffeine and MSG were not changed. The absolute thresholds for all the sapid solutions did not differ for pre- and post-exercise. These findings indicate that in humans preference for sucrose and citric acid increase after physical exercise.   相似文献   

Carotenoids, found in many fruits and vegetables, are antioxidants that protect human skin from UV radiation. In humans, fruit and vegetable intake increases carotenoid contents in skin, which are conventionally assessed by invasive blood tests. In this study, 47 healthy Korean subjects (volunteers) consumed fruit juice containing tomato, apple, strawberry, or grape three times per week for 6 weeks. Skin antioxidant levels were measured by non-invasive resonance Raman spectroscopy. The correlation between skin carotenoid (SC) score with demographic data (age, height, weight) and juice supplementation and changes in SC scores among groups were analyzed. Variations in skin antioxidant levels increased with juice supplementation (p < 0.05). Fruit juice intake was significantly correlated with SC score, indicating increased skin antioxidant levels. Grape and tomato increased skin antioxidant levels and showed higher antioxidant activity than other fruits. Fruit juices containing high levels of carotenoids and antioxidants may provide modest benefits to human health.  相似文献   

Effects of serving size, gender, age, tea type, tea‐making technique and water quality on the sensory attributes (appearance, aroma and taste), overall acceptability and preference of Rooibos tea were investigated. In general, there were significant effects of age and main factor interactions on the attributes and product acceptability (P ≤ 0.05). The interaction of serving size, gender and age affected the acceptability of Rooibos (P ≤ 0.05). Although there was significant difference between natural and vanilla‐flavored tea in terms of color, clarity, odor and taste (P ≤ 0.05), no difference was observed in the product acceptability (P > 0.05). The tea‐making technique only affected the odor, with traditionally brewed tea having lower intensity scores than the infused tea. The tea prepared using natural spring water was found to be clearer and had higher acceptability scores than the tea prepared using tap water (P ≤ 0.05). There was no existing significant preference for the natural Rooibos over the vanilla‐flavored one, and the traditionally brewed tea over the infused one; however, the tea prepared using the spring water was preferred over the one prepared using tap water.  相似文献   

Recalling Taste Intensities in Sweetened and Salted Liquids   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
The effect of training on recalling taste intensities over 6weeks was studied using an ad libitum mixing procedure. Subjectstasted sweet and salty standards labeled as ‘weak’and ‘strong’ (3 and 8% sucrose in redcurrant juice;0.4 and 1.2% NaCl in beef broth). They subsequently mixed unsweetenedand sweetened juice, and unsalted and salted broth, to producetaste intensities that corresponded to the standards. A minimumtraining (MT) group (n = 13) produced comparison stimuli bytasting and directly comparing with standards in one sessiononly; an extensive training (ET) group (n = 13) did this insix sessions before producing comparison stimuli based on memoryonly at 1 h, 1 day, 1 week and 6 weeks. An upward bias (chemicallydetermined concentrations of comparison stimuli exceeding thoseof standards) occurred at 1 day or 1 week in MT subjects for‘weak’ and ‘strong’ sweetness, and for‘strong’ saltiness, and sustained thereafter. Theupward tendency was also observed in ET subjects but was significantonly for ‘strong’ sweetness. It is important torecognize memory effects such as the one described, as theyaffect food perceptions and can be a major source of bias insensory food research. Chem. Senses 21: 29–34, 1996. 3Current address: Psychonomics Department, Utrecht University,Heidelberglaan 2, 3584 CS Utrecht, The Netherlands  相似文献   

Difference taste thresholds, expressed as jnd values or Weberratios, were determined for sucrose in water and in orange juiceat laboratories in Sweden, U.S.A., Poland and Switzerland usinga method of constant stimuli. The following total arithmeticmean values of all 172 individual jnd values were obtained:0.266 and 0.400% sucrose at 2 and 5% sucrose in water, respectively;0.977 and 1.19% sucrose at 1.5 and 3.75% sucrose in orange juice,respectively. The frequency distributions of the individualvalues were asymetrical and showed a large variation among subjects.The results of some additional experiments at 2 and 5% sucrosein orange juice, performed only by the Polish laboratory, arereported also. Significance analyses performed according to one parametricmethod (t-test), using pooled data of groups of subjects, andone non-parametric method (Mann-Whitney's U-test), using individualthreshold values, gave the same conclusion in practically allcases. The data indicated that females had slightly lower average discriminationthresholds than males. There was a significant degree of correlationbetween subjects' discriminatory ability at different concentrationsof sucrose in each of the two media. Few significant differences between the laboratories were foundfor sucrose in water, whereas for sucrose in orange juice thefollowing rank order, from lowest to highest average jnd value,among the laboratories was obtained for both concentrationstested: Poland < U.S.A. < Sweden = Switzerland. Some speculationswere advanced as partial explanation for the differences amongthe laboratories. *Formerly Johansson  相似文献   

An intensity/time study of the taste of selected amino acidswas carried out. Intensity, persistence and total gustatoryresponse were assessed at five concentrations. Ten amino acidswere assessed for sweetness and eleven amino acids were assessedfor bitterness, four amino acids being assessed for both sweetnessand bitterness. Both a linear function and a power function,I = Kcn (where I is taste intensity, c is concentration, K isa constant and n is the exponent of taste intensity), were fittedto the data. The accession efficiencies for taste recognitionand taste detection were found. Kinetic equations were usedto find Km, the affinity of the receptor site for the sapidmolecule. Limited relationships between chemical structure ofthe amino acids and their temporal properties were found.  相似文献   

The Km and Vmax of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase (RuBPCase)in selenium absorbing plants (Astragalus flavus Barn., Astragalusrafaelensis Barn. and Stanleya pinnata Bril.) were similar toRuBPCase from tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum L. var. tropic).The pH optima for RuBPCase activity was 8.0 for L. esculentumand A. flavus and 7.0 for A. rafaelensis and S. pinnata. TheActivation Energy (E) values for the enzymes were as follows:A.flavus (21.37), S.pinnata (19.85), A. rafaelensis (19.12)and L. escudentum (18.58). The energy of activation was higherfor the desert plants as compared to the tomato. The Arrheniusplot curves were linear to 50?C far the desert plants as comparedto 45?C for tomato. Enzyme kinetics of RuBPCase from halophytic plants (Salicorniapacifica Stand., var. utahensis (Tidestrom) Munz. and Salicorniarubra Nels.) indicated the enzyme was at least as sensitiveto NaCl concentrations as the enzyme from tomato. (Received November 9, 1976; )  相似文献   

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