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Three Azospirillum brasilense mutants constitutive for nitrogen fixation (Nif(C)) in the presence of NH4(+) and deficient in nitrate-dependent growth were used as tools to define the roles of the glnB and ntrYX genes in this organism. Mutant HM14 was complemented for nitrate-dependent growth and NH4(+) regulation of nitrogenase by plasmid pL46 which contains the ntrYX genes of A. brasilense. Mutant HM26 was restored for NH4(+) regulation and nitrate-dependent growth by plasmid pJC1, carrying the A. brasilense glnB gene expressed from a constitutive promoter. Mutant HM053, on the other hand, was not complemented for NH4(+) regulation of nitrogenase and nitrate-dependent growth by both plasmids pJCI and pL46. The levels and control of glutamine synthetase activity of all mutants were not affected by both plasmids pL46 (ntrYX) and pJC1 (glnB). These results support the characterization of strains HM14 as an ntrYX mutant and strain HM26 as a glnB mutant and the involvement of ntrYX and glnB in the regulation of the general nitrogen metabolism in A. brasilense.  相似文献   

The expression of nifA-, niH- and nifB-lacZ fusions was examined in different mutants of Azospirillum brasilense. Mutations in nifA, glnA and glnB severely impaired the expression of nifH- and nifB-lacZ fusions. By contrast, a nifA-lacZ fusion was not affected in a nifA or a glnB background and was only partially impaired in glnA mutants. It is proposed that in A. brasilense, the PII protein and glutamine synthetase are involved in a post-translational modification of NifA.  相似文献   

用PR方法克隆了巴西固氮螺菌Yu62 nifH的启动子片段,DNA序列分析表明菌株Yu62与标准菌株sp7之间的DNA序列差异很小。利用启动子探针质粒载体pcBl82,构建了3个不同的nifH::lacz转录融合质粒,在大肠杆菌中分别测定肺炎克氏杆菌NifA对它们的转录激活作用。结果表明巴西固氮螺菌nifH启动子的转录是依赖于NifA的,缺失了上游激活序列的启动子不能被NifA激活转录,肺炎克氏杆菌NifA对其自身nifH及巴西固氮螺菌nifH启动子的转录激活作用并无很大差异。  相似文献   

Abstract The effect of certain nitrogen compounds on nitrogenase activity was studied in cells of Azospirillum brasilense strain Sp6, grown under microaerophilic conditions with nitrogenase fully derepressed. 0.5 mM NH4Cl, 0.5 mM glutamine, 1.0 mM KNO3 and 0.1 mM KNO2 completely blocked nitrogenase activity. 1.0 mM asparagine, 1.0 mM aspartate, 1.0 mM histidine and 1.0 mM adenine did not caused no inhibition of nitrogenase; indeed asparagine, aspartate and histidine showed a slight stimulatory effect on N2 fixation. The addition of 10 mM dl -methionine- dl -sulphoximine prevented the inhibitory effect of NH4Cl and glutamine but did not counteract the effect of KNO2. Rifampicin and chloramphenicol did not prevent the inhibition of nitrogenase by NH4Cl.  相似文献   

The kinetic properties of the Mg2+-activated and Mn2+-activated glutamine synthetase (GS) of Azospirillum brasilense in the biosynthetic reaction were studied. The Mg2+-supported and Mn2+-supported GSs in an average state of adenylylation varied in pH optimum, maximum activity, saturation functions for ammonium and glutamate, affinity to substrates, and in the Me2+-ATP ratio required for the optimal enzyme activity. Seventeen other cations were tested for the maintenance of GS activity. The level of the latter and the kinetic behavior of the GS in A.brasilense is suggested to depend essentially on the concentrations of Mg2+, Mn2+ and Co2+, as well as on their ratio  相似文献   

固氯螺菌(Azospirillum)是一类仅在限铵和微好氧条件下固氮的微生物,它可与许多禾本科作物联合共生⑴,具有较大的应用潜力。铵作为固氮作用的调节信号,在固氮螺菌的实际应用中是首要的限制因素。在固氯螺菌中,铵不但具有与肺炎克氏杆菌(Klebsiella pneumoniae)相似的阻遏固氮酶合成的作用,而且还对已合成的固氮酶进行活性调节⑵。研究表明,其固氮酶翻译后活性调节的机制类似于深红红螺菌(Rhodospirillum rubrum)⑶,即在有铵条件下其固氮酶铁蛋白的一个亚基被共价修饰而丧失活性,这一过程是可逆的。由于铵在固氮螺菌中双水平地调节固氮作用,使得在野生菌株中研究其固氮基因表达水平上的调节较为困难。Zhang等⑷利用区域定位诱变技术获得了巴西固氮螺菌Sp7(A.Brasilense Sp7)的draT-突变株,在该突变株中铵不再影响固氮酶的活性,这为其固氮基因表达调节的研究提供了一个良好的材料。本文将组成型表达的肺炎克氏杆菌nifA基围引入该突变株中,通过分析讨论铵对巴西固氮螺菌固氮基固表达的调节作用方式。  相似文献   

Azospirillum brasilense NifA, which is synthesized under all physiological conditions, exists in an active or inactive from depending on the availability of ammonia. The activity also depends on the presence of PII, as NifA is inactive in a glnB mutant. To investigate further the mechanism that regulates NifA activity, several deletions of the nifA coding sequence covering the amino-terminal domain of NifA were constructed. The ability of these truncated NifA proteins to activate the nifH promoter in the absence or presence of ammonia was assayed in A. brasilense wild-type and mutant strains. Our results suggest that the N-terminal domain is not essential for NifA activity. This domain plays an inhibitory role which prevents NifA activity in the presence of ammonia. The truncated proteins were also able to restore nif gene expression to a glnB mutant, suggesting that PII is required to activate NifA by preventing the inhibitory effect of its N-terminal domain under conditions of nitrogen fixation. Low levels of nitrogenase activity in the presence of ammonia were also observed when the truncated gene was introduced into a strain devoid of the ADP-ribosylation control of nitrogenase. We propose a model for the regulation of NifA activity in A. brasilense.  相似文献   

Disruption of an open reading frame (ORF) of 840 bp (280 amino acids; ORF280) in an Azospirillum brasilense Tn5 mutant resulted in a pleiotrophic phenotype. Besides an enhanced N(2)-fixing capacity and altered expression pattern of a nifH-gusA fusion, growth on the charged polar amino acids glutamate and arginine was severely affected. ORF280, similar to previously identified ORFs present in Bradyrhizobium japonicum (ORF277), Paracoccus denitrificans (ORF278) and Rhodobacter capsulatus (ORF277), exhibits in its C-terminus a significant similarity with the recently defined family of universal stress proteins.  相似文献   

In semiliquid laboratory media, the bacterium Azospirillum brasilense migrates with the formation of swarming rings. It is demonstrated that adsorption of the sulfonated azodye Congo Red confers on A. brasilense the ability to consistently spread in a semiliquid agar with formation of microcolonies. Spontaneous variants of A. brasilense with increased swarming rate are described, as well as variants that swarm in the presence of Congo Red. It is assumed that at least two types of compounds are formed, which are necessary for swarming and/or spreading with the formation of microcolonies and are capable of interacting with Congo Red.  相似文献   

Growth of and the capacity to take up nitrogen in the freshwater microalgae Chlorella vulgaris were studied while varying the concentrations of ammonium and nitrate, the pH and the source of carbon in a synthetic wastewater growth medium when co-immobilized in alginate beads with the microalgae growth-promoting bacterium Azospirillum brasilense. Analyses of 29 independent experiments showed that co-immobilization of the microalgae with A. brasilense could result in two independent phenomena directly affected by cultivation factors, such as nitrogen species, pH and presence of a carbon source. First, growth of the microalgal population increased without an increase in the capacity of the single cells to take up nitrogen, or second, the capacity of cells to take up nitrogen increased without an increase of the total microalgal population. These phenomena were dependent on the population density of the microalgae, which was in turn affected by cultivation factors. This supports the conclusion that the size of the microalgal population controls the uptake of nitrogen in C. vulgaris cells - the higher the population (regardless the experimental parameters), the less nitrogen each cell takes up.  相似文献   


The effect of Azospirillum brasilense Sp245 on the micropropagation of three fruit rootstocks: Mr.S 2/5 plum (Prunus cerasifera×P. spinosa), GF 677 hybrid (Prunus persica×P. amigdalus), and MM 106 apple (Northen Spy×M1) was assessed. Rooted shoots were treated with 3×107 of Sp245 cells during transplantation from in vitro cultures to the acclimatization phase. After 60 days, growth parameters were positively affected by Sp245 inoculum. In the case of Mr.S 2/5, an increase in rootstock stem length and node number by 37% and 42%, respectively, compared to the control was noted. In the case of GF 677, the bacterial inoculum increased stem length and node number by up to the 75% and 65%, respectively, compared to the control. The inoculum did not exert on MM 106 for both parameters suggesting that the effects of Sp245 could depend on a specific clone-microbe association. In all cases, however, a higher vigor, consistent with a wider leaf area, was present in the inoculated plantlets demonstrating that the use of Azospirillum can significantly contribute to optimize plant performance during the phase of adaptation of plants to post-vitrum conditions.  相似文献   

The effect of wheat root exudates on the exopolysaccharide (EPS) composition and the lipopolysaccharide (LPS) profile of Azospirillum brasilense Cd under saline stress was studied. EPS of A. brasilense Cd was composed of glucose (47%), mannose (3%), xylose (4%), fucose (28%), rhamnose (6%), arabinose (1%) and galactose (11%). Under saline stress, A. brasilense produced a totally different EPS, composed mainly of galactose. Root exudates induced changes in A. brasilense EPS composition only under normal conditions, consisting of higher amounts of arabinose and xylose compared with EPS of bacteria grown without root exudates. No changes were induced by root exudates when A. brasilense was grown under saline stress. Additionally, root exudates induced changes in the LPS profile, both under normal and stress conditions.  相似文献   

Analysis of the expression of the Herbaspirillum seropedicae nifA promoter in Escherichia coli and Herbaspirillum seropedicae, showed that nifA expression is primarily dependent on NtrC but also required NifA for maximal expression under nitrogen-fixing conditions. Deletion of the IHF (integration host factor)-binding site produced a promoter with two-fold higher activity than the native promoter in the H. seropedicae wild-type strain but not in a nifA strain, indicating that IHF controls NifA auto-activation. IHF is apparently required to prevent overexpression of the NifA protein via auto-activation under nitrogen-fixing conditions in H. seropedicae.  相似文献   

Saubidet  María I.  Fatta  Nora  Barneix  Atilio J. 《Plant and Soil》2002,245(2):215-222
Azospirillium brasilense is a rhizosphere bacteria that has been reported to improve yield when inoculated on wheat plants. However, the mechanisms through which this effect is induced is still unclear. In the present work, we have studied the effects of inoculating a highly efficient A. brasilense strain on wheat plant grown in 5 kg pots with soil in a greenhouse, under three N regimes (0, 3 or 16 mM NO3 , 50 ml/pot once or twice-a -week), and in disinfected or non-disinfected soil. At the booting stage, the inoculated roots in both soils showed a similar colonization by Azospirillum sp. that was not affected by N addition. The plants grown in the disinfected soil showed a higher biomass, N content and N concentration than those in the non-disinfected soil, and in both soils the inoculation stimulated plant growth, N accumulation, and N and NO3 concentration in the tissues.At maturity, the inoculated plants showed a higher biomass, grain yield and N content than the uninoculated ones in both soils, and a higher grain protein concentration than the uninoculated. It is concluded that in the present experiments, A. brasilenseincreased plant growth by stimulating nitrogen uptake by the roots.  相似文献   

Abstract The PII protein in the glutamine synthetase cascade transduces the nitrogen signal, as sensed by uridylyltransferase, both to the NRII/NRI two-component system and to adenylyltransferase, to regulate the activity of glutamine synthetase. Here we describe the amplification of a chromosomal DNA fragment from Escherichia coli which contains the sequence of a PII homologue. The derived amino acid sequence of this DNA fragment is 67% identical to E. coli PII. It contains the conserved tyrosine residue which is known to be the site of uridylylation in PII. E. coli is the first organism in which two different PII proteins have been detected.  相似文献   

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