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No catalase activity was detected in four strains of glucose-grown Mycoplasma pneumoniae at any time during the replication of the organism. Exogenous catalase dramatically increased the O(2) uptake with glycerol, presumably by releasing inhibition caused by hydrogen peroxide. The effect of added catalase on the O(2) uptake of washed organisms with glucose as substrate was moderate and variable in degree. The production of hydrogen peroxide was demonstrated by the quantitative enzymatic assay for inorganic peroxide and by the fact that added pyruvate, which is non-enzymatically oxidized by H(2)O(2) to acetic acid and CO(2) could mimic the action of catalase.  相似文献   

Pseudomonas strain PH1 can utilize nitro-, chloro-, and aminophenols and was used in this study. The enzymes of two pathways, utilizing phenol and meta-aminophenol (MAP), were analyzed under different growth conditions. The enzymes responsible for phenol to catechol conversion followed by the ring cleavage enzyme for catechol, and also the enzymes responsible for MAP oxidation and hydroxylation of resorcinol, were studied. Enzyme and respirometric assays were carried out with cells harvested from log phase and stationary phase from medium with different carbon sources and nitrogen levels. It was observed that the first step for utilization of both the substrates requires the same physiological state of the cells, whereas, the subsequent step require different physiological states.  相似文献   

A hydroponic experiment has been carried out to study the influence of iodine species [iodide (I(-)), iodate ([Formula: see text]), and iodoacetic acid (CH(2)ICOO(-))] and concentrations on iodine uptake by water spinach. Results show that low levels of iodine in the nutrient solution can effectively stimulate the growth of biomass of water spinach. When iodine levels in the nutrient solution are from 0 to 1.0 mg/l, increases in iodine levels can linearly augment iodine uptake rate by the leafy vegetables from all three species of iodine, and the uptake effects are in the following order: [Formula: see text]. In addition, linear correlation was observed between iodine content in the roots and shoots of water spinach, and their proportion is 1:1. By uptake of I(-), vitamin C (Vit C) content in water spinach increased, whereas uptake of [Formula: see text] and CH(2)ICOO(-) decreased water spinach Vit C content. Furthermore, through uptake of I(-) and [Formula: see text], the nitrate content in water spinach was increased by different degrees.  相似文献   

Rate of Uptake of Potassium by Three Crop Species in Relation to Growth   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Barley, ryegrass, and fodder radish were grown in flowing nutrientsolutions at four potassium concentrations, [Ke+], from 0.05to 4 mg I–1. During the first 2 weeks after germinationthe response to [Ke+] (fodder radish > barley > ryegrass)depended on the potential relative growth rate, the ratio ofroot surface area to plant weight, and on the K+ flux into theroots. Subsequently, there was no effect of [Ke+] on growthrate within the range tested. The K+ flux decreased from 4–23? 10–12 mol cm–2 s–1 in the first 2 weeksafter germination, when it was concentration-dependent, to 2–5? 10–12 mol cm–2 s–1 after 4–5 weeks,when it became independent of [Ke+] down to 0.05 mg 1–1.The results explain the importance of high [Ke+] and rapid rootgrowth during the first 2 weeks after seed germination.  相似文献   

Somatic Segregation and Its Relation to Atypical Growth   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Jones DF 《Genetics》1937,22(5):484-522

The maintenance coefficient of glucose-limited Aspergillus nidulans chemostat cultures at 30 C was 0.018 g per g (dry weight) per hr for glucose and 0.55 mmoles per g (dry weight) per hr for oxygen. These values can only be approximate because melanin was produced by the mold at low growth rates and because it is unlikely that this polymer contributed to the maintenance energy requirement although it contributed to the dry weight. Biomass (defined here as dry weight minus melanin) was used to calculate a more meaningful maintenance coefficient for glucose (0.029 g of glucose per g of biomass per hr). At the highest growth rates examined, a nonlinear relationship between growth rate and glucose utilization rate was obtained, suggesting a qualitative change in the metabolic activities of the mold at high growth rates. The oxidative capacity of the mold was highest at the highest growth rates. This observation indicates that the increased substrate utilization rate observed at the higher growth rates is a reflection of enhanced enzyme synthesis. This hypothesis was verified by assaying the specific activities of several enzymes at different growth rates. However, in contrast to all the other enzymes assayed, the activities of reduced nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate: (acceptor) oxido-reductases were highest at the lowest growth rates.  相似文献   

目前,糖尿病及其并发症已经成为我国一个重大的公共卫生问题。大量研究证实,氧化应激与糖尿病大血管和微血管并发症的发生及发展密切相关。臭氧自血疗法的应用已有半个世纪,低强度、精确计算且可重复的臭氧自血治疗可诱发标准化的急性氧化应激,使机体的抗氧化防御系统得到锻炼和增强,而在此过程中产生的一定数量的信使,可以与血液和实质细胞产生相互作用,改善缺血组织的血液循环和氧供,使免疫系统轻度活化,增加生长因子的释放,激活神经保护系统,改善患者的健康状态。虽然有证据显示臭氧治疗在改善血糖和血脂控制方面的贡献,且安全性良好,但迄今为止,臭氧自血疗法的临床试验数据还相当欠缺,有必要开展设计良好的临床试验,进行长期观察,以获得其应用和推广所需的更为确凿的证据。本综述旨在探讨臭氧自血疗法的作用机制及应用前景。  相似文献   

Acetaldehyde Utilization by Leuconostoc Species   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
Single-strain cultures of Leuconostoc dextranicum and L. mesenteroides were found to be capable of utilizing acetaldehyde in both acidified and nonacidified milk cultures at 21 and 30 C. L. dextranicum utilized acetaldehyde more rapidly than L. mesenteroides when the pH of the medium was near that of normal ripened lactic dairy cultures. Acetaldehyde production and utilization varied widely among different two-strain cultures of lactic streptococci and leuconostocs. The concentration of acetaldehyde in ripened single-strain lactic streptococcal cultures was lowered by adding a large inoculum of ripened L. citrovorum culture and continuing incubation at 21 or 5 C.  相似文献   

Intracellular water activities ( a w) calculated from the solute composition of various bacterial cells, are in good agreement with values derived from intracellular freezing point data. Further, and confirming literature results based on freezing points, the intracellular a w was found to be generally equal to or lower than that of the growth medium.  相似文献   

Experiments in well-cleaned glass flasks revealed that addition of starch in concentrations of 10 and 25 μg of substrate C per liter to the filtrate of slow sand filters stimulated the development of a yellow-pigmented bacterium which was identified as a Flavobacterium species. The isolate was able to multiply in tap water without substrates added, but addition of starch and glucose in amounts as low as 1 μg of substrate C per liter clearly enhanced growth. The substrate affinities of the Flavobacterium for these compounds were 3.9 μg of starch C and 3.3 μg of glucose C per liter. The results of this study indicate that microorganisms which rapidly utilize starch at a level of a few micrograms per liter commonly occur in water.  相似文献   

Apparent resistances to water transport in the liquid phase were determined from measurements of soil, root, basal shoot internode, shoot apex, and leaf water potentials and water flux in Vitis vinifera (cv White Riesling) during soil drying. Predawn water potential differences (ΔΨ) in the shoots accounted for 20% of the total ΔΨ between the soil and the shoot apex when plants were well-watered but increased to about 90% when shoot growth ceased. The ΔΨ from soil to root was essentially constant during this period. At low water potential, the ΔΨ in the shoot was persistent when transpiration was low (predawn) or completely prevented (plant bagging). The apparent hydraulic resistance between the basal shoot internode and most rapidly expanding leaf (or shoot apex) increased several-fold when water was withheld. Leaf and internode expansion both exhibited high sensitivity to increasing hydraulic resistance. Measurements of pneumatic resistance to air flow through frozen internode segments indicated progressive vapor-filling of vessels as soil drying progressed. From these observations and others in the literature, it was suggested that embolization may be a common occurrence and play an important role in the inhibition of shoot growth at moderate water deficits.  相似文献   

The flacca mutant in tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill. cv Rheinlands Ruhm) was employed to examine the effects of a relatively constant diurnal water stress on leaf growth and water relations. As the mutant is deficient in abscisic acid (ABA) and can be phenotypically reverted to the wild type by applications of the growth substance, inferences can be made concerning the involvement of ABA in responses to water stress. Water potential and turgor were lower in leaves of flacca than of Rheinlands Ruhm, and were increased by ABA treatment. ABA decreased transpiration rates by causing stomatal closure and also increased the hydraulic conductance of the sprayed plants. Osmotic adjustment did not occur in flacca plants despite the daily leaf water deficits. Stem elongation was inhibited by ABA, but leaf growth was promoted. It is concluded that, in some cases, ABA may promote leaf growth via its effect on leaf water balance.  相似文献   

The progress of water absorption by wheat grains was studiedby supplying water in the vapour phase, at controlled potentials. At a potential of –250 metres of water, the curve forwater uptake against time shows exponential approach to equilibriummoisture content. Living and dead seeds behave similarly untilgermination effects are apparent. Water uptake in the earlystages is probably due to physical rather than physiologicalprocesses. When germination occurs, it causes an exponentialincrease in the rate of water uptake. At higher potentials, up to zero, the uptake curves for deadseeds depart from the simple exponential relationship; in additionto the exponential component, there is a component the rateof which increases with time to a constant rate. The first componentmay represent the physical process of imbibition by the starch,and the second the initiation and progress of starch hydrolysis. A parameter a of the formula derived for the curves is interpretedas representing the diffusivity of water vapour in the seedmaterial, depending upon the physical properties and dimensionsof the seed.  相似文献   

The growth of the limbs of peach trees measured by dendrometerswas inhibited during periods when the rate of d. wt accumulationby the fruit was increasing. The diurnal shrinkage of theselimbs measured by the same dendrometers was greatest duringperiods when limb growth was inhibited. The increase in diurnalshrinkage of the limbs coinciding with inhibited limb growth,and increased assimilate demand, was greater than that causedby environmental factors at maximum soil water-potential andgreater than that caused by five days soil drying after irrigation.Leaf water potential and diurnal limb shrinkage were measuredcontinuously during two periods of maximum soil water-potentialand leaf area when the rate of d. wt increase of the fruit wasdecreasing (DW II) and then later when the rate of d. wt increaseof the fruit was increasing (DW III). The leaf water potentialwas lower and limb shrinkage greater during DW 111 than DW II.The hydraulic gradient also increased from 1 bar m–1 inDW II to 2 bar m–1 in DW III Environmental conditions during both periods were very similarand the data suggest total water use by the tree increased substantiallyduring periods of high assimilate demand by the fruit.  相似文献   

目的:探讨浓度为1.8-3.2 mg/L溶解臭氧水冲洗控制皮肤创口炎症引发的红肿痛的临床效果。方法:将40例接受激光皮肤除斑治疗的患者分为两组,其中实验组20例患者采用浓度为1.8-3.2 mg/L溶解臭氧水冲洗皮肤创面,而对照组20例患者采用冰袋冷敷的方式处理创面。观察并比较两组患者皮肤创面红肿的改善情况以及两种治疗方法的临床效果。结果:1疼痛症状改善情况:实验组显效20例,对照组显效0例,实验组患者显效率明显高于对照组,差异具有统计学意义(P0.01)。2临床体征改善情况:实验组显效20例,对照组显效0例,实验组患者显效率明显高于对照组,差异具有统计学意义(P0.01)。结论:浓度1.8-3.2mg/L溶解臭氧水对于炎症引发的皮肤创面红肿症状具有显著的疗效,不仅能够抑制炎症发展,而且有利于促进创面愈合,值得在临床广泛推广应用。  相似文献   

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