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J L Betz  M Z Fall 《Gene》1988,67(2):147-158
The specific binding of dominant-negative (I-d) lactose (lac) repressors to wild-type (wt) as well as mutant (Oc) lac operators has been examined to explore the sequence-specific interaction of the lac repressor with its target. Mutant lacI genes encoding substitutions in the N-terminal 60 amino acids (aa) were cloned in a derivative of plasmid pBR322. Twelve of these lacI-d missense mutations were transferred from F'lac episomes using general genetic recombination and molecular cloning, and nine lacI missense mutations were recloned from M13-lacI phages [Mott et al., Nucl. Acids Res. 12 (1984) 4139-4152]. The mutant repressors were examined for polypeptide size and stability, for binding the inducer isopropyl-beta-D-thiogalactoside (IPTG), as well as binding to wt operator. The mutant repressors' affinities for wt operator ranged from undetectable to about 1% that of wt repressor, and the mutant repressors varied in transdominance against repressor expressed from a chromosomal lacIq gene. Six of the I-d repressors were partially degraded in vivo. All repressors bound IPTG with approximately the affinity of wt repressor. Repressors having significant affinity for wt operator or with substitutions in the presumed operator recognition helix (aa 17-25) were examined in vivo for their affinities for a series of single site Oc operators. Whereas the Gly-18-, Ser-18- and Leu-18-substituted repressors showed altered specificity for position 7 of the operator [Ebright, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 83 (1986) 303-307], the His-18 repressor did not affect specificity. This result may be related to the greater side-chain length of histidine compared to the other amino acid substitutions.  相似文献   

The coat protein of the RNA bacteriophage MS2 is a specific RNA binding protein that represses translation of the viral replicase gene during the infection cycle. As an approach to characterizing the RNA-binding site of coat protein we have isolated a series of coat mutants that suppress the effects of a mutation in the translational operator. Each of the mutants exhibits a super-repressor phenotype, more tightly repressing both the mutant and wild-type operators than does the wild-type protein. The variant coat proteins were purified and subjected to filter binding assays to determine their affinities for the mutant and wild-type operators. Each protein binds the operators from 3 to 7.5-fold more tightly than normal coat protein. The amino acid substitutions seem to extend the normal binding site by introducing new interactions with RNA.  相似文献   

The tryptophan repressor regulates expression of the aroH, trpEDCBA, and trpR operons in Escherichia coli. The protein contains no cysteine residues, and the presence of this reactive side chain would allow introduction of spectral probes to monitor binding reactions. Three mutant trp aporepressors, each with a point mutation from serine to cysteine, were produced at positions 67, 86, and 88 by oligonucleotide-directed site-specific mutagenesis. This single conservative substitution affected both tryptophan and operator DNA affinities in all three purified proteins. Cysteine substitution for serine at position 67 decreased tryptophan binding by approximately 6-fold and the operator DNA affinity by approximately 50-fold. The proximity of this amino acid to Gln-68 which is involved in binding to operator DNA (Otwinowski, Z., Schevitz, R. W., Zhang, R.-G., Lawson, C. L., Joachimiak, A., Marmorstein, R. Q., Luisi, B. F., and Sigler, P. B. (1988) Nature 335, 321-329) may account for this effect. Substitution at position 86 diminished tryptophan binding by approximately 4-fold and operator DNA binding by approximately 130-fold. The participation of Ser-86 in the hydrogen bond network required for operator binding (Otwinowski, Z., Schevitz, R. W., Zhang, R.-G., Lawson, C. L., Joachimiak, A., Marmorstein, R. Q., Luisi, B. F., and Sigler, P. B. (1988) Nature 335, 321-329) presumably accounts for the DNA binding effects. The diminished corepressor activity in these two mutants may derive from distortions of the binding region, as the tryptophan and DNA binding sites are intimately related. The mutation at position 88 altered tryptophan binding the most of the three mutants (approximately 18-fold) and operator binding least (approximately 12-fold). Ser-88 forms a hydrogen bond with the amino group of bound tryptophan (Schevitz, R. W., Otwinowski, Z., Joachimiak, A., Lawson, C. L., and Sigler, P. B. (1985) Nature 317, 782-786), and alteration of the geometry of the side chain would be anticipated to perturb the topology of the binding site. The diminished operator affinity may derive from improper alignment of the tryptophan ligand, crucial for high affinity operator binding (Otwinowski, Z., Schevitz, R. W., Zhang, R.-G., Lawson, C. L., Joachimiak, A., Marmorstein, R. Q., Luisi, B. F., and Sigler, P. B. (1988) Nature 335, 321-329).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

The interaction of lambda phage cro repressor with double-stranded non-specific DNA has been investigated by monitoring the quenching of its intrinsic tyrosyl fluorescence. The McGhee & von Hippel (1974) analysis of the binding of cro repressor to DNA showed that cro repressor undergoes structural variations in the ionic strength range from 0.04 to 0.18m-KCl. Under these salt conditions, the excluded binding site size of cro repressor on the DNA lattice changes from three to four base-pairs (6 to 8 nucleotides) at the lower ionic strengths, to seven to eight base-pairs (14 to 16 nucleotides) at the higher ionic strength. Quaternary structure variation, which does not cause the excluded site size variation, was also noted at low ionic strengths. Evidence is presented to indicate that cro repressor binds only one side of the DNA helix, such that cro repressor covers a stretch of 14 to 16 nucleotides along one side of the helix in the presence of 0.2 m-salt. Under conditions where the cro repressor structure is constant, approximately nine ion-pairs are formed in the cro repressor-non-specific DNA complex. These results are in agreement with the model proposed by Anderson et al. (1981).  相似文献   

A set of arc operators with transition and/or transversion mutations at each operator base pair has been constructed. By determining the ability of Arc to bind these variant operators, the importance of each base pair for Arc recognition has been assessed. Methylation protection experiments have also been used to probe points of close contact between Arc and most of the mutant operators. These data, together with phosphate interference results obtained previously for the wild type operator, provide information about the operator surface that is contacted when Arc binds.  相似文献   

Bacteriophage λ repressor binds co-operatively to adjacent pairs of DNA target sites. A novel combination of positive genetic selections, involving two different operon fusions derived from P22 challenge phages, was used to isolate mutant λ repressors that have lost the ability to bind co-operatively to tandem sites yet retain the ability to bind a strong, single site. These cb (co-operative binding) mutations result in 10 different amino acid changes, which define eight residues in the carboxyl-terminus of repressor. Because challenge phage derivatives may be applied to study essentially any specific protein-DNA interaction, analogous combinations of genetic selections may be used to explore the ways that a variety of proteins interact to assemble regulatory complexes.  相似文献   

B Hecht  G Müller    W Hillen 《Journal of bacteriology》1993,175(4):1206-1210
We have developed a new genetic selection system for Tet repressor mutations with a noninducible phenotype for tetracycline (TetRs). Extensive chemical mutagenesis of tetR yielded 93 single-site Tet repressor mutations. They map from residue 23 preceding the alpha-helix-turn-alpha-helix operator binding motif to residue 196 close to the C terminus of the repressor. Thirty-three of the mutations are clustered between residues 95 and 117, and another 27 are clustered between residues 131 to 158. Several of the mutants were characterized quantitatively in vivo for induction by tetracycline and anhydrotetracycline. While all of these are severely reduced in tetracycline-mediated induction, only some of them are affected for anhydrotetracycline-mediated induction.  相似文献   

Each of 22 amino acids in the proposed alpha-helix-turn-alpha-helix operator binding motif of the Tn10 encoded Tet repressor was replaced by alanine and one residue was replaced by valine to determine their role in tet operator recognition by a 'loss of contact' analysis with 16 operator variants. One class of amino acids consisting of T27 and R28 in the first alpha-helix and L41, Y42, W43 and H44 in the recognition alpha-helix are quantitatively most important for wild-type operator binding. These residues are probably involved in the structural architecture of the motif. A second class of residues is quantitatively less important for binding, but determines specificity by forming base pair specific contacts to three positions in tet operator. This property is most clearly demonstrated for Q38 and P39 and to a lesser extent for T40 at the N-terminus of the recognition alpha-helix. The contacted operator base pairs indicate that the N-terminus of the recognition alpha-helix is located towards the palindromic center in the repressor-operator complex. Although the orientation of the recognition alpha-helix in the Tet repressor-tet operator complex is inversed as compared with the lambda- and 434 repressor-operator complexes, the reduced operator binding of the TA27 mutation in the first alpha-helix suggests that the hydrogen bonding networks connecting the two alpha-helices may be similar in these proteins.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

RecA-mediated cleavage of the bacteriophage lambda repressor results in inactivation of the protein and leads to induction of the lambda prophage. Here, we report the identification of three mutations in lambda repressor that significantly increase the rate of RecA-mediated cleavage. These mutations were isolated as intragenic second-site suppressors of a mutation (ind-) which prevents cleavage. Purified repressor proteins that contain both the ind- mutation and one of the second-site mutations undergo cleavage at near wild-type rates. Purified repressors that contain the second-site mutations in otherwise wild-type backgrounds undergo RecA-mediated cleavage at significantly faster rates than wild-type, and form dimers more poorly than the wild-type protein. In related experiments, we found that other repressor mutants that dimerize poorly are also better substrates for RecA-mediated cleavage. Conversely, we show that a covalent disulfide-bonded repressor dimer is resistant to cleavage. These results support a model in which repressor monomers are the only substrate in the cleavage reaction.  相似文献   

T J Daly  K S Matthews 《Biochemistry》1986,25(19):5479-5484
The effects of cysteine modification and variations in pH on the equilibrium parameters for inducer and operator binding to the lactose repressor protein were examined. Operator binding affinity was minimally affected by increasing the pH from 7.5 to 9.2, whereas inducer binding was decreased for both the unliganded protein and the repressor-operator complex over the same range. Inducer binding to the repressor became more cooperative at high pH. The midpoint for the change in inducer affinity and cooperativity was pH 8.3; this value correlates well with cysteine ionization. The differential between repressor-operator affinity in the presence and absence of inducer was significantly decreased by modification of the protein with methyl methanethiosulfonate (MMTS). In contrast to unreacted protein, the inducer binding parameters for MMTS-modified repressor were largely unaffected by pH variation. The free energy for formation of the completely liganded protein was calculated for two pathways; the delta G values for these two independent routes were equivalent only for stoichiometries of four inducers and two operators per repressor molecule. All of the binding data were analyzed quantitatively by using a Monod-Wyman-Changeux two-state model for allosteric regulation. The observed dependences of the isopropyl beta-D-thiogalactoside binding curves on pH, DNA concentration, and MMTS modification were fitted by varying only the equilibrium constant between the two conformational states of the protein. With this analysis, high pH favors the T (high operator/low inducer affinity) state, while modification of cysteine-281 with MMTS elicits a shift into the R (high inducer/low operator affinity) state.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Dimerization of the operator binding domain of phage lambda repressor   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Dimerization of lambda repressor is required for its binding to operator DNA. As part of a continuing study of the structural basis of the coupling between dimer formation and operator binding, we have undertaken 1H NMR and gel filtration studies of the dimerization of the N-terminal domain of lambda repressor. Five protein fragments have been studied: three are wild-type fragments of different length (1-102, 1-92, and 1-90), and two are fragments bearing single amino acid substitutions in residues involved in the dimer interface (1-102, Tyr-88----Cys; 1-92, Ile-84----Ser). The tertiary structure of each species is essentially the same, as monitored by the 1H NMR resonances of internal aromatic groups. However, significant differences are observed in their dimerization properties. 1H NMR resonances of aromatic residues that are involved in the dimer contact allow the monomer-dimer equilibrium to be monitored in solution. The structure of the wild-type dimer contact appears to be similar to that deduced from X-ray crystallography and involves the hydrophobic packing of symmetry-related helices (helix 5) from each monomer. Removal of two contact residues, Val-91 and Ser-92, by limited proteolysis disrupts this interaction and also prevents crystallization. The Ile-84----Ser substitution also disrupts this interaction, which accounts for the severely reduced operator affinity of this mutant protein.  相似文献   

Tn10 tet operator mutations affecting Tet repressor recognition.   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
The effect of single base pair alterations of the Tn10 encoded tet operator on recognition of Tet repressor was studied in vivo using a repressor titration system and in vitro by dissociation rate determinations of the respective complexes. Both methods reveal that the two operators, O1 and O2, which are in a tandem arrangement in the wild type, are recognized with a two-fold different affinity when separated. Studies on synthetic operator sequences indicate that the Tet repressor binds with higher affinity to the non-palindromic O2 wildtype than to the respective palindromic sequences. The in vivo repressor titration system links the expression of lacZ to the affinity of tet operator to Tet repressor. It was used to isolate tet operator mutations with reduced affinity to the repressor. The in vivo and in vitro obtained results with these mutants agree quantitatively and indicate, that the GC base pairs at positions 2, 6, and 8 are involved in interaction with the Tet repressor. Their importance for recognition decreases in that order. Transitions at position 7 of the tet operator show smaller effects on recognition than transversions.  相似文献   

A model is suggested for the lac repressor binding to the lac operator in which the repressor polypeptide chain sequences from Gly 14 to Ala 32 and from Ala 53 to Leu 71 are involved in specific interaction with operator DNA. A correspondence between the protein and DNA sequences is found which explains specificity of the repressor binding to the lac operator. The model can be extended to describe specific binding of other regulatory proteins to DNA.  相似文献   

We reported previously that 933W repressor apparently does not cooperatively bind to adjacent sites on DNA and that the relative affinities of 933W repressor for its operators differ significantly from that of any other lambdoid bacteriophage. These findings indicate that the operational details of the lysis-lysogeny switch of bacteriophage 933W are unique among lambdoid bacteriophages. Since the functioning of the lysis-lysogeny switch in 933W bacteriophage uniquely and solely depends on the order of preference of 933W repressor for its operators, we examined the details of how 933W repressor recognizes its DNA sites. To identify the specificity determinants, we first created a molecular model of the 933W repressor-DNA complex and tested the predicted protein-DNA interactions. These results of these studies provide a picture of how 933W repressor recognizes its DNA sites. We also show that, opposite of what is normally observed for lambdoid phages, 933W operator sequences have evolved in such a way that the presence of the most commonly found base sequences at particular operator positions serves to decrease, rather than increase, the affinity of the protein for the site. This finding cautions against assuming that a consensus sequence derived from sequence analysis defines the optimal, highest affinity DNA binding site for a protein.  相似文献   

Tet repressor binding induced curvature of tet operator DNA.   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Tet repressor dimer binds to two tet operator sites spaced by 30 bp in the Tn10 encoded tet regulatory DNA. The effect of repressor binding on the gel mobility of circular permutated DNA fragments containing either one or both operator sequences is reported. The EcoRI induced bending of DNA is used to compare the results with other protein binding induced structural perturbations of DNA. Tet repressor bends a DNA fragment with a single tet operator to an angle of 42 degrees +/- 7 degrees. The apparent bend angle of DNA fragments containing the tandem tet operator arrangement occupied by two Tet repressor dimers turns out to be 52 degrees +/- 9 degrees. These results are interpreted with respect to the end to end distances of the bent DNA fragments. They indicate that either the intervening tet regulatory DNA between the operators or the bound operator sequences themselves contain additional perturbations from the canonical B-DNA structure. This finding is discussed in the light of previously obtained results from CD, neutron scattering, and electrooptical studies.  相似文献   

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