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孙家梅  张玲敏  徐芳 《昆虫学报》2009,52(12):1356-1365
【目的】 对中国白蛉亚科(Phlebotominae)昆虫进行数值分类研究, 探索其在系统发育过程中的亲缘关系。【方法】 选取中国白蛉40个蛉种作为分类单元以及白蛉的68项形态特征为分类指标, 进行系统聚类分析。【结果】 聚类分析结果与传统属级及白蛉属Phlebotomus的亚属级分类一致。司蛉属Sergentomyia的亚属分类与传统分类有一些区别, 聚类分析将司蛉属分为8类, 其中尼克组nicnic group与司蛉亚属subgenus Sergentomyia和传统分类一致; 泉州司蛉S. quanzhouensis和唐氏司蛉S. tangi聚入帕蛉亚属subgenus Parrotomyia; 尹氏司蛉S. yini聚入新蛉亚属subgenus Neophlebotomus, 应氏司蛉S. iyengari、马来司蛉S. malayensis、吐鲁番司蛉S. turfanensis、兰州司蛉S. lanzhouensis和南京司蛉S. nankingensis聚为一类; 歌乐山司蛉S. koloshanensis、方亮司蛉S. fanglianensis和云南司蛉S. yunnanensis与尼克组nicnic group聚成一类, 此类群和此属中其他蛉种系统发育关系距离远。【结论】 中国白蛉亚科昆虫的聚类分析结果与传统分类基本一致, 验证了传统分类系统的可靠性, 并揭示了传统分类中一些蛉种不确定分类问题。司蛉属聚类分析结果与传统分类有差别, 提示有个别蛉种需重新考虑其分类地位。  相似文献   

中华白蛉的自育性研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
现场及实验室结果表明,我国黄土高原的大多数中华白蛉(Phlebotomus chinensis)应属自育性品系,它通常在羽化后、吸血前经交配能依靠腹节内脂肪体发育卵泡,一般在产卵后始行吸血。其生理性状是:胃内无血、腹节内有大量块状或条状脂肪体。羽化24小时后,附腺内有暗色颗粒,卵巢内有发育的卵泡。在25℃士1℃下它的生活史分快、慢两型。快型从卵至成虫仅需44—50夭,慢型需要以四龄幼虫滞育,其长短随滞育期而定,最长的滞育期达301天。观察了白蛉幼虫在饥饿状态下对自育性的影响。此外,还比较了吸血白蛉与自育性白蛉的妊卵数。吸血白蛉的妊卵数约较自育性的高出1/5。这种自育性品系的中华白蛉在自然居群约内占92%、主要栖于洞穴内为野栖种类。本文对自育性中华白蛉的生态及其防制策略作了分析和讨论。  相似文献   

2005年11月和2006年5月,先后两次的采集中获得毛蠓1个本地新纪录,竹生毛蠓Dasyhdea bambusaoris Yu,2005和3个新种,分别命名为何玉贤毛蠓新种Dasyhelea heyuxiani Yu,Yuan,and Zeng sp.nov.、尖刺毛蠓新种Dasyhelea apiculata Yu,Chen,and Yan sp.nov.和亚刺毛蠓新种Dasyhdea subechinatus Yu,Zeng,and Yuan sp,nov.。  相似文献   

2003年8月中旬在晋陕接壤地带进行医学昆虫调查时,在山西永济境内普救寺花园内采集到若干蠓类,经分类研究,发现1毛蠓新种,命名为普寺毛蠓DasyheleapusiYuandYansp.nov.,本文描述了该新种两性成虫的形态特征。模式标本收藏于医学昆虫标本馆。  相似文献   

昆明市郊采获毛蠓二新种(双翅目:蠓科)   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文报道作者于1995年在昆明市郊采获蠓科毛蠓属二新种,分别命名为昆明毛蠓Dasyheleakunmingensissp.nov.,和南竹毛蠓Dasyheleanandinasp.nov,并作了特征描述和绘图。  相似文献   

毛蠓亚科已知有476种,广布世界各地。本描述的河内毛蠓新种Dasyhelea hanoiensis是越南河内市毛蠓新种的初次报导。模式标本收藏于医学昆虫标本馆(北京100071,丰台,东大街20号)。  相似文献   

虞以新 《四川动物》2008,27(2):165-166
2006年9月在法国南部佩皮里昂的马力布度假村发现马力布毛蠓新种Dasyhelea(Pseudoculicoides)malibui sp.nov.和尖突柱蠓Stilobezzia oxiana Remm,1980-新纪录,本文分别予以记述。  相似文献   

为确定可靠的雷氏按蚊Anopheles lesteri Baisas et Hu.1936分类鉴别特征,对采自不同地区的雷氏按蚊进行了形态、染色体和分子特征的观察和分析。检视了辽宁、广东现场标本,江苏实验室品系的成蚊、虫卵特征,描述了染色体核型,并测定了采自广东、辽宁、河南和云南4省的现场标本,以及江苏、海南和广西实验室品系的核糖体DNA间隔2区(ITS2)和D3序列。结果显示成蚊、虫卵形态变异较大,不具备稳定、明确的鉴别特征;染色体核型具有多态现象,性染色体X、Y分别有3个和2个类型,可分为染色体型A与B;唯有ITS2分子序列具有客观、稳定的种间差异,系雷氏按蚊可靠、可行的鉴别特征。  相似文献   

报道采自中国青海省格尔木地区的毛蠓属(Dasyhelea)1新种;高原毛蠓Dasy-helea alticola Liu et Zhang,sp.nov.和1中国新记录种;花蕊毛蠓Dasyhelea calycata Remm1972,模式标本保存在北京军事医学科学院医学昆虫标本馆。  相似文献   

毛蠓属一新种及一中国新记录种(双翅目:蠓科)   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
报道采自中国西北地区的毛蠓属(Dasyhelea)1新种--散布毛蠓Dasyhelea (Pseudoculicoides)effusa Liu et Yu,sp.nov和1新记录种--二裂毛蠓Dasyhelea (Pseudoculicoides)bifida Zilahi-Sebess,1936。模式标本保存在北京军事医学科学院医学昆虫标本馆。  相似文献   

Abstract.  Syrphidae (Diptera) commonly called hoverflies, includes more than 5000 species world-wide. The aim of this study was to address the systematic position of the disputed elements in the intrafamilial classification of Syrphidae, namely the monophyly of Eristalinae and the placement of Microdontini and Pipizini, as well as the position of particular genera ( Nausigaster , Alipumilio , Spheginobaccha ). Sequence data from nuclear 28S rRNA and mitochondrial COI genes in conjunction with larval and adult morphological characters of fifty-one syrphid taxa were analysed using optimization alignment to explore phylogenetic relationships among included taxa. A species of Platypezidae, Agathomyia unicolor , was used as outgroup, and also including one representative ( Jassidophaga villosa ) of the sister-group of Syrphidae, Pipunculidae. Sensitivity of the data was assessed under six different parameter values. A stability tree summarized the results. Microdontini, including Spheginobaccha , was placed basally, and Pipizini appeared as the sister-group to subfamily Syrphinae. The monophyly of subfamily Eristalinae was supported. The results support at least two independent origins of entomophagy in syrphids, and frequent shifts between larval feeding habitats within the saprophagous eristalines.  相似文献   

Phylogeny of Tunicata inferred from molecular and morphological characters   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The phylogeny of the Tunicata was reconstructed using molecular and morphological characters. Mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase I (cox1) and 18S rDNA sequences were obtained for 14 and 4 tunicate species, respectively. 18S rDNA sequences were aligned with gene sequences obtained from GenBank of 57 tunicates, a cephalochordate, and a selachian craniate. Cox1 sequences were aligned with the sequence of two ascidians and a cephalochordate obtained from GenBank. Traditional, morphological, life history, and biochemical characters of larval and adult stages were compiled from the literature and analyzed cladistically. Separate and simultaneous parsimony analyses of molecular and morphological data were carried out. Aplousobranch ascidians from three different families were included in a molecular phylogenetic analysis for the first time. Analysis of the morphological, life history, and biochemical characters results in a highly unresolved tree. Aplousobranchiata form a strongly supported monophylum in the analysis of the 18S rDNA data, the morphological data, and the combined data set. Cionidae is not included in the Aplousobranchiata but nests within the Phlebobranchiata. Appendicularia (=Larvacea) nest within the 'Ascidiacea' as the sister taxon of Aplousobranchiata in the parsimony analysis of the 18S rDNA data and the combined analysis. A potential morphological synapomorphy of Aplousobranchiata plus Appendicularia is the horizontal orientation of the larval tail. In the 18S rDNA and the combined analysis, Thaliacea is included in the 'Ascidiacea' as the sister group to Phlebobranchiata. Pyrosomatida is found to be the sister taxon to the Salpidae in analyses of 18S rDNA and combined data, whereas the analysis of the morphological data recovers a sister group relationship between Doliolidae and Salpidae. Results of cox1 analyses are incongruent with both the 18S rDNA and the morphological phylogenies. Cox1 sequences may evolve too rapidly to resolve relationships of higher tunicate taxa. However, the cox1 data may be useful at lower taxonomic levels.  相似文献   

The intrasubfamilial classification of Microdontinae Rondani (Diptera: Syrphidae) has been a challenge: until recently more than 300 out of more than 400 valid species names were classified in Microdon Meigen. We present phylogenetic analyses of molecular and morphological characters (both separate and combined) of Microdontinae. The morphological dataset contains 174 characters, scored for 189 taxa (9 outgroup), representing all 43 presently recognized genera and several subgenera and species groups. The molecular dataset, representing 90 ingroup species of 28 genera, comprises sequences of five partitions in total from the mitochondrial gene COI and the nuclear ribosomal genes 18S and 28S. We test the sister‐group relationship of Spheginobaccha with the other Microdontinae, attempt to elucidate phylogenetic relationships within the Microdontinae and discuss uncertainties in the classification of Microdontinae. Trees based on molecular characters alone are poorly resolved, but combined data are better resolved. Support for many deeper nodes is low, and placement of such nodes differs between parsimony and Bayesian analyses. However, Spheginobaccha is recovered as highly supported sister group in both. Both analyses agree on the early branching of Mixogaster, Schizoceratomyia, Afromicrodon and Paramicrodon. The taxonomical rank in relation to the other Syrphidae is discussed briefly. An additional analysis based on morphological characters only, including all 189 taxa, used implied weighting. A range of weighting strengths (k‐values) is applied, chosen such that values of character fit of the resulting trees are divided into regular intervals. Results of this analysis are used for discussing the phylogenetic relationships of genera unrepresented in the molecular dataset.  相似文献   

Abstract Variation in the morphology of larvae of twenty-six cytologically identified species of Chironomus Meigen from Europe is described. Characters studied include tubules on posterior abdominal segments, head pigmentation, mental size and teeth, mandibular and epipharyngeal teeth and antennae. A key to the species, based on these characters and ventromental plate features, is presented.  相似文献   

Psychodidae is a diverse family of flies with approximately 3000 described species in six subfamilies, including Phlebotominae vectors of human disease. Psychodidae has been the subject of few phylogenetic investigations and development of a stable classification has been hampered by poor understanding of the morphology of larvae, pupae and adults. Specimens were collected, and we analysed DNA sequence data from two nuclear genes for one or more representatives of all subfamilies. The subfamilies with multiple representatives included were resolved as monophyletic with good support. Placement of Horaiellinae, Sycoracinae and Trichomyiinae remains unclear, whereas Bruchomyiinae is hypothesized as the sister group to (Phlebotominae + Psychodinae). Representatives of some psychodine tribes were resolved in agreement with previous hypotheses. Relationships among and within subfamilies are discussed, and morphological characters supporting these relationships are reviewed. One compelling synapomorphy of the male genitalia supporting a relationship between Phlebotominae and Psychodinae is the presence of articulated surstyli with apical retinacula. Only cerci are present and sometimes developed into clasping structures in males of other subfamilies.  相似文献   

Evolutionary relationships were investigated in the genus Mesocyclops, a pantropical freshwater cyclopid group. In the phylogenetic analyses that involved all 71 known species, and used 81 morphological characters (265 character states) mainly of the adult females, two different approaches were applied: global parsimony, and a new distance method based upon the recognition of sister‐groups on the basis of minimal distances iteratively corrected for unique character states (MICSEQ). In coding of the characters, half of which showed intraspecific variation, the ‘scaled’ method was employed, which assumes that any trait between its absence and fixed presence passes through a polymorphic stage. Impact of the reference points on topology of the trees generated by the parsimony method was tested in three ways where the outgroups comprised: (1) nine species representing six genera of two subfamilies; (2) three species from two genera supposedly not distant from Mesocyclops; and (3) one presumably close and one distant relative of Mesocyclops. The trees generated by the parsimony‐based and corrected distance methods agreed as to the monophyly of the following groups: reidae‐clade (M. reidae, M. chaci, M. yutsil); rarus‐clade (Mesocyclops annae, M. pseudoannae, M. splendidus, M. rarus, M. paludosus, M. darwini, M. dayakorum); annulatus‐clade (Mesocyclops intermedius, M. ellipticus, M. paranaensis, M. annulatus, M. tenuisaccus); meridianus‐clade (Mesocyclops meridionalis, M. varius, M. venezolanus, M. brasilianus, M. pseudomeridianus, M. meridianus); major‐clade (Mesocyclops major, M. pilosus, M. insulensis); dussarti‐clade (M. dussarti, M. dadayi, M. isabellae, M. thermocyclopoides); pubiventris‐clade (M. pubiventris, M. medialis, M. brooksi, M. notius). A majority of the analyses support a clade of the ‘true’Mesocyclops including all ingroup species except the reidae‐group, and point to monophyly of the Old World species lacking medial spine on P1 basipodite. There were, however, some components for which the two procedures, regardless of the outgroup choice and/or character set, suggested different relationships. Basal relationships of Mesocyclops[between M. edax (North and Central America), the Neotropical species (M. longisetus, M. araucanus, M. evadomingoi, meridianus‐ and annulatus‐clade), Old World group (P1 basipodite without medial spine) and the rarus‐clade (Old World; P1 basipodite with medial spine)] remained unresolved. © 2006 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2006, 147 , 1–70.  相似文献   

We studied the phylogeny and systematics of the tribe Paragini (Diptera: Syrphidae) using morphological and molecular data. The paper presents separate parsimony analyses of both adult morphological characters and partial DNA sequence data from mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase I and nuclear ribosomal 28S rRNA gene, as well as a combined analysis of all the data. The data set of morphological characters included some features of the male terminalia (i.e. shape of the ejaculatory apodeme; relative position of elements of the aedeagal complex; shape of surstylar apodeme; shape of the aedeagal apodeme) not previously used in the systematics of the Paragini. The trees obtained from separate parsimony analyses of molecular and morphological data produced almost identical topologies. Four lineages are supported by the combined data set, and we establish two new subgenera, i.e. Serratoparagus Vujić et Radenković subgen. nov., and Afroparagus Vujić et Radenković subgen. nov., and redefine Pandasyopthalmus Stuckenberg, 1954 stat. rev. and Paragus Latreille, 1804, stat. rev. The monophyly of the Pandasyopthalmus clade, including the species fitting neither of the current species groups ( jozanus -group) of Paragini, is established. Diagnoses of all known species groups are presented, including a new arrangement of almost all valid species of Paragini.  © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2008, 152 , 507–536.  相似文献   

Abstract. The muscid genus Thricops Rondani comprises forty‐four species and two subspecies restricted to the northern hemisphere. A species‐level phylogenetic analysis of Thricops was conducted using forty‐four morphological characters, 426 bp of the nuclear gene white and 523 bp spanning the 5′ end of the cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI), the tRNA leucine gene (L2 region) and the 3′ end of the cytochrome c oxidase subunit II (COII). Thirty‐nine species and two subspecies of Thricops were included in the analysis. Two species of Azelia Robineau‐Desvoidy and one species of Hydrotaea Robineau‐Desvoidy were used as outgroups. Morphological characters were coded for all included species, the mitochondrial gene fragment (COI + II) was sequenced for a subset of seventeen species of Thricops and three outgroup species, and white for twelve of those seventeen Thricops species and two outgroup species. Six separate maximum parsimony analyses were performed on three taxon sets of different sizes (n = 14, n = 20, n = 44). Results from the partition homogeneity test indicated no significant incongruence between data partitions, and four combined maximum parsimony analyses were conducted (DNA + morphology for n = 14; COI + II + morphology for n = 20; DNA + morphology for n = 20; DNA + morphology for n = 44). The relative contribution of each data partition to individual nodes was assessed using partitioned Bremer support. Strict consensus trees resulting from the unweighted analyses of each dataset are presented. Combination of datasets increased resolution for the small taxon set (n = 14), but not for the larger ones (n = 20, n = 44), most probably due to increasing amounts of missing data in the larger taxon sets. Results from both individual and combined analyses of the smaller taxon sets (n = 14, n = 20) provided support for the monophyly of Thricops and a complete division of the genus into two monophyletic subgroups. The strict consensus cladograms resulting from the analysis of the morphological data alone and the combined data for the large taxa set (n = 44) both supported the monophyly of the genus, but placed the species Thricops foveolatus (Zetterstedt) and Thricops bukowskii (Ringdahl) at the base of the ingroup, in a polytomy with a relatively well‐resolved branch comprising all remaining species of the genus. The basal position of these two species, included in the morphological taxon set but absent in the others, illustrates the potential pitfalls of taxon sampling and missing data in phylogenetic analyses. The synonymy of Alloeostylus with Thricops as proposed by previous authors was supported by our results. Relative contributions of different data partitions is discussed, with the mitochondrial sequence generally providing finer resolution and better branch support than white.  相似文献   

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