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Summary The fluorescence intensity of the dye 1,1-dipropyloxadicarbocyanine (DiOC3-(5)) has been measured in suspensions of Ehrlich ascites tumor cells in an attempt to monitor their membrane potential (V m ) under different ionic conditions, after treatment with cation ionophores and after hypotonic cell swelling. Calibration is performed with gramicidin in Na+-free K+/choline+ media, i.e., standard medium in which NaCl is replaced by KCl and cholineCl and where the sum of potassium and choline is kept constant at 155mm. Calibration by the valinomycin null point procedure described by Lariset al. (Laris, P.C., Pershadsingh, A., Johnstone, R.M., 1976,Biochim. Biophys. Acta 436:475–488) is shown to be valid only in the presence of the Cl-channel blocker indacrinone (MK196). Distribution of the lipophilic anion SCN as an indirect estimation of the membrane potential is found not to be applicable for the fast changes inV m reported in this paper. Incubation with DiOC3-(5) for 5 min is demenstrated to reduce the Cl permeability by 26±5% and the NO 3 permeability by 15±2%, while no significant effect of the probe could be demonstrated on the K+ permeability. Values forV m , corrected for the inhibitory effect of the dye on the anion conductance, are estimated at –61±1 mV in isotonic standard NaCl medium, –78±3 mV in isotonic Na+-free choline medium and –46±1 mV in isotonic NaNO3 medium. The cell membrane is depolarized by addition of the K+ channel inhibitor quinine and it is hyperpolarized when the cells are suspended in Na+-free choline medium, indicating thatV m is generated partly by potassium and partly by sodium diffusion. Ehrlich cells have previously been shown to be more permeable to nitrate than to chloride. Substituting NO 3 for all cellular and extracellular Cl leads to a depolarization of the membrane, demonstrating thatV m is also generated by the anions and that anions are above equilibrium. Taking the previously demonstrated single-file behavior of the K+ channels into consideration, the membrane conductances in Ehrlich cells are estimated at 10.4 S/cm2 for K+, 3.0 S/cm2 for Na+, 0.6 S/cm2 for Cl and 8.7 S/cm2 for NO 3 . Addition of the Ca2+-ionophore A23187 results in net loss of KCl and a hyperpolarization of the membrane, indicating that the K+ permeability exceeds the Cl permeability also after the addition of A23187. The K+ and Cl conductances in A23187-treated Ehrlich cells are estimated at 134 and 30 S/cm2, respectively. The membrane potential is depolarized in hypotonically swollen cells, confirming that the increase in the Cl permeability following hypotonic exposure exceeds the concommitant increase in the K+ permeability. In control experiments where the membrane potentialV m =E K =E Cl =E Na , it is demonstrated that cell volume changes has no significant effect on the fluorescence signal, apparently because of a large intracellular buffering capacity. The increase in the Cl conductances is 68-fold when cells are transferred to a medium with half the osmolarity of the standard medium, as estimated from the net Cl efflux and the change inV m . The concommitant increase in the K+ conductance, as estimated from the net K+ efflux, is only twofold.  相似文献   

Summary The addition of glucose to a suspension of Ehrlich ascites tumor cells results in rapid acidification of the extracellular medium due to lactic acid production. The nature of the H+ efflux mechanism has been studied by measuring the time course of the acidification, the rate of proton efflux, the direction and relative magnitude of the H+ concentration gradient, and the voltage across the membrane. Using the pH-sensitive dye acridine orange, we have established that after addition of 10mm glucose an outward-directed H+ concentration gradient develops. As the rate of glycolysis slows, the continued extrusion of H+ reverses the direction of the H+ concentration gradient. Changes in absorbance of the voltagesensitive dye diethyloxadicarbocyanine iodide (DOCC), and changes in the distribution of the lipid permeant cation tetraphenyl phosphonium, showed a dramatic and persistent hyperpolarization of the membrane voltage after glucose addition. The hyperpolarization was prevented by the protonophore tetrachlorosalicylanalide (TCS) and by valinomycin, but not by the neutral-exchange ionophore nigericin. Inhibitors of lactate efflux were found to reduce the rate of acidification after glucose addition but they had no effect on the magnitude of the resulting hyperpolarization. On the basis of these and other data we suggest that an active electrogenic pump mechanism for H+ efflux may be activated by glucose and that this mechanism operates independently of the lactate carrier system.  相似文献   

Summary The Ehrlich tumor cell possesses and anion-cation cotransport system which operates as a bidirectional exchanger during the physiological steady state. This cotransport system, like that associated with the volume regulatory mechanism (i.e. coupled net uptake of Cl+Na+ and/or K+) is Cl-selective and furosemide-sensitive, suggesting the same mechanism operating in two different modes. Since Na+ has an important function in the volume regulatory response, its role in steady-state cotransport was investigated. In the absence of Na+, ouabain-insensitive K+ and DIDS-insensitive Cl transport (KCl cotransport) are low and equivalent to that found in 150mm Na+ medium containing furosemide. Increasing the [Na+] results in parallel increases in K+ and Cl transport. The maximum rate of each (18 to 20 meq/(kg dry wt)·min) is reached at about 20mm Na+ and is maintained up to 55mm. Thus, over the range 1 to 55mm Na+ the stoichiometry of KCl cotransport is 11. In contrast to K+ and Cl, furosemide-sensitive Na+ transport is undetectable until the [Na+] exceeds 50mm. From 50 to 150mm Na+, it progressively rises to 7 meq/(kg dry wt)·min, while K+ and Cl transport decrease to 9 and 16 meq/(kg dry wt)·min, respectively. Thus, at 150mm Na+ the stoichiometric relationship between Cl, Na+ and K+ is 211. These results are consistent with the proposal that the Cl-dependent cation cotransport system when operating during the steady state mediates the exchange of KCl for KCl or NaCl for NaCl; the relative proportion of each determined by the extracellular [Na+].  相似文献   

Summary Furosemide-binding proteins were isolated from cholate-solubilized membranes of Ehrlich ascites tumor cells by affinity chromatography, using furosemide as ligand. Solubilized proteins retarded by the affinity material were eluted by furosemide. In reducing and denaturing gels, the major proteins eluted by furosemide were 100 and 45 kDa. In nonreducing, nondenaturing gels, homodimers of both polypeptides were found, whereas no oligomeric proteins containing both polypeptides were seen. It is concluded that the furosemide gel binds two distinct dimeric proteins. The isolated proteins were reconstituted into phospholipid vesicles and the K+ transport activity of these vesicles was assayed by measurement of86Rb+ uptake against a large opposing K+ gradient. The reconstituted system was found to contain a K+ transporting protein, which is sensitive to Ba2+ like the K+ channel previously demonstrated to be activated in intact cells after cell swelling.  相似文献   

Summary Ehrlich ascites tumor cells undergoing regulatory volume decrease (RVD) exhibit cytoplasmic acidification as measured by an intracellular fluorescent pH indicator. The acidification results in an activation of the Na+/H+ exchanger. The intracellular pH set point for the activation is estimated to be around 7.0. The activation of the Na+/H+ exchanger leads to an incomplete RVD. In support of this conclusion, amiloride and Na+-free medium, known to limit the Na+/H+ exchange, indeed enhance the RVD response. Intracellular acidification and activation of Na+/H+ exchange may be a general response of cells undergoing RVD.  相似文献   

An autoradiographic study was performed on binucleate and mitotic cells in the Ehrlich ascites tumor (EAT) untreated and after treatment with 5-fluorouracil (FU). The number of binucleate cells was greater in the treated tumor than in the controls. It was also observed that the number of labeled mitoses was greater in the Fu-treated tumor. Autoradiographic labeling showed that the cells that proved to be binucleate had previously passed through S-phase; thus, these cells belonged to the proliferative compartment.  相似文献   

Summary Ehrlich ascites tumor cells contain a Na+ uptake system, which is activated by internal protons and is inhibited by amiloride with an IC50 of 25 m and by dimethylamiloride with an IC50 of 0.6 m at 1mm external Na+. Decrease of external Na+ or addition of amiloride is followed by a decrease of internal pH. Taken together, these findings suggest the presence of an operative Na+/H+ antiport system, which is involved in the regulation of internal pH. We cannot find a significant contribution of a proton pump activated by glycolysis to the pH gradient. At an external pH between 7.0 and 7.6, quiescent cells are more alkaline than exponentially growing cells (0.1 to 0.17 units). Accordingly, an increase of the affinity of the Na+/H+ antiport for internal protons in quiescent cells is demonstrated by the following findings: 1. The internal pH, at which the half-maximal activation of the amiloride-sensitive Na+ uptake occurs, is shifted from 6.85 to 7.1 at 1mm external Na+. 2. The threshold value of external pH, below which a pronounced effect of amiloride on steadystate internal pH is observed, is shifted from 7.0 in growing to 7.5 in quiescent cells at physiological Na+ concentrations. Therefore, we conclude that quiescent Ehrlich ascites tumor cells raise their internal pH by increasing the affinity of their Na+/H+ antiporter to internal protons. The Na+/H+ antiport cannot be activated further by addition of serum growth factors to quiescent cells. All experiments were performed at bicarbonate concentrations in the medium which do not exceed 0.5mm. The data are discussed in view of existing models of mitogenic activity of transitory pH changes.  相似文献   

Summary The volume regulatory response of the Ehrlich ascites tumor was studied in KCl-depleted, Na+-enriched cells. Subsequent incubation in K+-containing NaCl medium results in the reaccumulation of K+, Cl, water and the extrusion of Na+. The establishment of the physiological steady state is due primarily to the activity of 2 transport systems. One is the Na/K pump (K M for K 0 + =3.5mm;J max=30.1 mEq/kg dry min), which in these experiments was coupled 1K+/1 Na+. The second is the Cl-dependent (Na++K+) cotransport system (K M for K 0 + =6.8mm;J max=20.8 mEq/kg dry min) which mediates, in addition to net ion uptake in the ratio of 1K+1Na+2Cl, the exchange of K i + for K 0 + . The net passive driving force on the cotransport system is initially inwardly directed but does not decrease to zero at the steady state. This raises the possibility of the involvement of an additional source of energy. Although cell volume increases concomitant with net ion uptake, this change does not appear to be a major factor regulating the activity of the cotransport system.  相似文献   

声化学激活血卟啉诱导艾氏腹水肿瘤细胞凋亡   总被引:24,自引:0,他引:24  
本实验采用频率为2.0MHz,声强分别为1.0w/cm^2、1.5w/cm^2、2.0w/cm^2等不同参数,研究超声激活血卟啉对艾氏腹水肿瘤细胞的杀伤作用和诱导肿瘤细胞凋亡现象。通过扫描电镜、透射电镜以及荧光显微镜观察受损后细胞形态结构的变化,主要表现为细胞微绒毛的减少,胞膜结构和通透性的改变,细胞器的受损以及核物质的分解、丢失;同时发现处理后的肿瘤细胞有核物质凝集、趋边排列以及凋亡小体的形成等细胞凋亡特征。研究中首次发现声化学激活血卟啉在对艾氏腹水肿瘤细胞杀伤的同时,也能诱导艾氏腹水肿瘤细胞发生凋亡,提示在声动力疗法中并存着对癌细胞的直接杀伤和通过诱导癌细胞凋亡的两种抗癌途径。  相似文献   

Cultured Ehrlich ascites tumor cells equilibrate d-glucose via a carrier mechanism with a Km and V of 14 mM and 3 μmol/s per ml cells, respectively. Cytochalasin B competitively inhibits this carrier-mediated glycose transport with an inhibition constant (Ki) of approx. 5·10?7 M. Cytochalasin E does not inhibit this carrier function. With cytochalasin B concentrations up to 1·10?5 M, the range where the inhibition develops to practical completion, three discrete cytochalasin B binding sites, namely L, M and H, are distinguished. The cytochalasin B binding at L site shows a dissociation constant (Kd) of approx. 1·10-6 M, represents about 30% of the total cytochalasin B binding of the cell (8·106 molecules/cell), is sensitively displaced by cytochalasin E but not by d-glucose, and is located in cytosol. The cytochalasin B binding to M site shows a Kd of 4–6·10?7 M, represents approx. 60% of the total saturable binding (14·106 molecules/cell), is specifically displaced by d-glucose with a displacement constant of 15 mM, but not by l-glucose, and is insensitive to cytochalasin E. The sites are membrane-bound and extractable with Triton X-100 but not by EDTA in alkaline pH. The cytochalasin B binding at H site shows a Kd of 2–6 · 10?8 M, represents less than 10% of the total sites (2 · 106 molecules/cell), is not affected by either glucose or cytochalasin E and is of non-cytosol origin. It is concluded that the cytochalasin B binding at M site is responsible for the glucose carrier inhibition by cytochalasin B and the Ehrlich ascites cell is unique among other animal cells in its high content of this site. Approx. 16-fold purification of this site has been achieved.  相似文献   

A common feature of many tumors is an increase in glucose catabolism during tumor growth. We studied the mechanism of this phenomenon by using Ehrlich ascites tumor bearing mice as the animal model. We found that Ehrlich ascites tumor cells possess only glucose transporter 1 (GLUT1) and GLUT3 but no GLUT2, GLUT4, or GLUT5. The mRNA levels of GLUT1 and GLUT3 increased progressively in the tumour during development; however, there were no changes observable in mRNA levels of glucose transporters of all types in brain, liver, and heart of the host mice. These findings suggest that Ehrlich ascites tumor augments its glucose transport mechanism relative to other tissues in response to its unique growth needs. J. Cell. Biochem. 67:131–135, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Ehrlich ascites tumor cells spontaneously release cell surface material (glycocalyx) into isotonic saline medium. Exposure of these cells to tritium-labeled 4,4′-diisothiocyano-1,2′-dihenylethane-2,2′-disulfonic acid (3H2DIDS) at 4°C leads to preferential labeling of the cell surface coat. We have combined studies of the kinetics of 3H2DIDS-label release, the effects of enzymatic treatment, and cell electrophoretic mobility to characterize the 3H2DIDS-labeled components of the cell surface. Approximately 73% of the cell-associated radioactivity is spontaneously released from the cells after 5 h at 23°C. The kinetics of release is consistent with the first-order loss of two fractions; a slow (τ½ = 360 min) component representing 33% of the radioactivity, and a fast (τ½ = 20 min) component representing 26%. The remaining 14% of the labile binding may reflect mechanically induced surface release. Trypsin (1 μ/ml) also removes approximately 73% of the labeled material within 30 min and converts the kinectics of release to that of a single component (τ½ = 5.5 min). The specific activity (SA) of material released by trypsin immediately after labeling is 83% of the SA of the material spontaneously los in 1 h. However, trypsinization following a 2-h period of spontaneous release yields material of reduced (43%) SA. Neither 3H2DIDS labeling nor the initial spontaneous loss of labeled material alters cell electrophoretic mobility. However, extended spontaneous release is accompanied by a significant decrease in surface charge density. Trypsinization immediately following labeling or after spontaneous release (2 h) reduces mobility by 32%. We have tentatively identified the slowly released compartment as contributing to cell surface negativity.  相似文献   

Summary Pretreatment with cytochalasin B, which is known to disrupt microfilaments, significantly inhibits regulatory volume decrease (RVD) in Ehrlich ascites tumor cells, suggesting that an intact microfilament network is a prerequisite for a normal RVD response. Colchicine, which is known to disrupt microtubules, has no significant effect on RVD. Ehrlich cells have a cortical three-dimensional, orthogonal F-actin filament network which makes the cells look completely black in light microscopy following immunogold/silver staining using anti-actin antibodies. After addition of cytochalasin B, the stained cells get lighter with black dots localized to the plasma membrane and appearance of multiple knobby protrusions at cell periphery. Also, a significant decrease in the staining of the cells is seen after 15 min of RVD in hypotonic medium. This microfilament reorganization appears during RVD in the presence of external Ca2+ or Ca2+-ionophore A23187. It is, however, abolished in the absence of extracellular calcium, with or without prior depletion of intracellular Ca2+ stores. An effect of increased calcium influx might therefore be considered. The microfilament reorganization during RVD is abolished by the calmodulin antagonists pimozide and trifluoperazine, suggesting the involvement of calmodulin in the process. The microfilament reorganization is also prevented by addition of quinine. This quinine inhibition is overcome by addition of the K+ ionophore valinomycin.  相似文献   

声化学诱导艾氏腹水瘤细胞凋亡机制初探   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
刘全宏  刘书瑗  齐浩  王攀  汤薇  张坤  代乐  史秀超 《动物学报》2005,51(6):1073-1079
本研究采用频率1.43MHz,声强3W/cm2的高频聚焦超声处理艾氏腹水肿瘤细胞,研究超声激活血卟啉诱导艾氏腹水肿瘤细胞凋亡的途径及其与癌细胞内的氧自由基之间的关系。通过细胞免疫组织化学方法检测与癌细胞凋亡相关的Bax,细胞色素c和caspase-3蛋白的动态表达,黄嘌呤氧化酶法检测超氧化物歧化酶活性变化,硫代巴比妥酸法检测膜脂质过氧化物的含量。结果发现超声加血卟啉处理1h,癌细胞胞浆中的三种促凋亡蛋白表达增多,3h时表现为高表达;处理1h的癌细胞,超氧化物歧化酶活性下降,膜脂质过氧化物增多。研究结果表明超声激活血卟啉诱导艾氏腹水肿瘤细胞凋亡可能通过线粒体途径,且与癌细胞受损后产生的氧自由基有关。  相似文献   

《FEBS letters》1994,350(2-3):183-186
Ehrlich ascites tumor cells were found to be in a low bioenergetic status, as evaluated by acridine orange uptake and ATP content, when resuspended in a glucose medium shortly after removal from the animal. Dye uptake as well as ATP content then increased for about 2 h at room temperature. This effect was only slightly inhibited by oligomycin. Cells resuspended in a glucose-free medium initially showed high dye uptake and ATP level, which were stable over time: in this case oligomycin caused a drop in both dye uptake and ATP level. The above findings, which are indicative of a marked Crabtree effect in Ehrlich ascites tumor cells, means that it is unlikely that limiting ADP and Pi play an important role in the glucose-induced inhibition of oxidative phosphorylation in this system.  相似文献   

A possible activity of the malate-citrate shuttle has been investigated in Ehrlich ascites cells by testing the effects of 1,2,3-benzenetricarboxylic acid, an inhibitor of the malate-citrate exchange, and (?)-hydroxycitrate, an inhibitor of the citrate cleavage enzyme, on the glucose-dependent oxidation-reduction rates of pyridine nucleotides and cytochrome b as well as on ATP levels of glycolyzing cells. Moreover, to quantitate such an activity, the effects of these two inhibitors have been compared with those induced under the same experimental conditions by aminooxyacetate, an inhibitor of the malate-aspartate shuttle which is known to operate in this strain of ascites tumor. Both benzenetricarboxylic acid and hydroxycitrate are able to increase the reduction of pyridine nucleotides, which follows glucose addition to whole cells, to about the same extent. A much more pronounced effect is elicited by aminooxyacetate under the same condition. When n-butylmalonate is added to slow down the flux of glycolytic reducing equivalents to the respiratory chain via the malate-aspartate shuttle, benzenetricar-boxylic acid or hydroxycitrate promotes an ATP-driven reversal of electron transfer. Indeed, the glucose-induced reduction of cytochrome b becomes sensitive to oligomycin and the ATP level is raised significantly with respect to the value of uninhibited cells. It is concluded that the malate-citrate shuttle operates in Ehrlich ascites cells, although with a substantially lower activity with respect to the malate-aspartate shuttle.  相似文献   

Summary Patch-clamp methods were used to study single-channel events in isolated oxyntic cells and gastric glands fromNecturus maculosa. Cell-attached, excised inside-out and outside-out patches from the basolateral membrane frequently contained channels which had conductances of 67±21 pS in 24% of the patches and channels of smaller conductance, 33±6 pS in 56% of the patches. Channels in both classes were highly selective for K+ over Na+ and Cl, and shared linear current-voltage relations. The 67-pS channel was activated by membrane depolarization, whereas the activity of the 33-pS channel was relatively voltage independent. The larger conductance channels were activated by intracellular Ca2+ in the range between 5 and 500nm, but unaffected by cAMP. The smaller conductance channels were activated by cAMP, but not Ca2+. The presence of K+ channels in the basolateral membrane which are regulated by these known second messengers can account for the increase in conductance and the hyperpolarization of the membrane observed upon secretagogue stimulation.  相似文献   

Preparations of cycled tubulin from Ehrlich ascites tumor cells contain several acessory proteins; once or twice cycled microtubule preparations are usually composed of fibers 10 nm in diameter, but lack vimentin. Highly purified tubulin consists of α- and β-tubulin and a minor component which was identified by peptide mapping as a second β-chain. This pure tubulin is able to form in vitro at low concentrations (1 mg protein/ml) fibers of about 10 nm width, and at higher concentrations (3.5 mg protein/ml) normal microtubules.  相似文献   

Summary Patch-clamp techniques have been applied to characterize the channels in the basolateral membrane of resting (cimetidine-treated, nonacid secreting) oxyntic cells isolated from the gastric mucosa ofNecturus maculosa. In cell-attached patches with pipette solution containing 100mm KCl, four major classes of K+ channels can be distinguished on the basis of their kinetic behavior and conductance: (1) 40% of the patches contained either voltage-independent (a) or hyperpolarization-activated (b), inward-rectifying channels with short mean open times (16 msec fora, and 8 msec forb). Some channels showed subconductance levels. The maximal inward conductanceg max was 31±5 pS (n=13) and the reversal potentialE rev was atV p=–34±6 mV (n=9). (2) 10% of the patches contained depolarization-activated and inward-rectifying channels withg max=40 ±18 pS (n=3) andE rev was atV p=–31±5 mV (n=3). With hyperpolarization, the channels open in bursts with rapid flickerings within bursts. Addition of carbachol (1mm) to the bath solution in cell-attached patches increased the open probabilityP o of these channels. (3) 10% of the patches contained voltage-independent inward-rectifying channels withg max=21±3 pS (n=4) andE rev was atV p=–24±9 mV (n=4). These channels exhibited very high open probability (P o=0.9) and long mean open time (1.6 sec) at the resting potential. (4) 20% of the patches contained voltage-independent channels with limiting inward conductance of 26±2 pS (n=3) andE rev atV p=–33±3 mV (n=3). The channels opened in bursts consisting of sequential activation of multiple channels with very brief mean open times (10 msec). In addition, channels with conductances less than 6 pS were observed in 20% of the patches. In all nine experiments with K+ in the pipette solution replaced by Na+, unitary currents were outward, and inward currents were observed only for large hyperpolarizing potentials. This indicates that the channels are more selective for K+ over Na+ and Cl. A variety of K+ channels contributes to the basolateral K+ conductance of resting oxyntic cells.  相似文献   

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