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Supernumerary digits on roe deer (Capreolus capreolus) have been recorded over many decades in Germany. The case described in this communication is believed to be only the second documented example from the UK. A right hind foot of a buck had three equally developed digits arising from a metatarsal that trifurcated.  相似文献   

Subcutaneous larvae of Hypoderma spp. (Diptera: Oestridae) were detected in the dorsal region in 10 roe deer, Capreolus capreolus (Artiodactyla: Cervidae), hunted in central Spain between January and March 2016. All larvae were found in the inner side of the hide during the skinning of the animals. The study of the morphological features of eight larvae of different stages collected from two animals allowed the identification of Hypoderma actaeon Brauer. The small size (4–5 mm) of some of the first instars suggests that the internal lifecycle of H. actaeon may be exclusively subcutaneous. This is the first confirmation of H. actaeon in roe deer; however, further studies to assess the spread of the parasite and to follow the evolution of this myiasis in roe deer are needed.  相似文献   

匈牙利平原环境中狍的集群行为   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
20 0 2年 4月至 2 0 0 3年 4月利用直接观察法对匈牙利平原农田环境中狍的集群行为进行了研究 ,结果显示平均群体数量在寒冷的秋冬季节较大 ,最大群体数量也具有类似的变动趋势 ,2 0 0 3年 2月最大群体有 92 - 94只 ,并保持集群长达 2 0d ,在冷季以大于 5只的群体所占百分比较高。 2 0 0 2年 4月和 2 0 0 3年 3月集群开始解散 ,雄性个体在 2 0 0 2年 6、 7月的交配期独居或保持家庭小群 ,雌性主要与幼体构成家庭群。生活在小片林地的群体数量小于农田群体 ,作者认为农田平原环境的开阔性结构和繁殖生理状态是导致狍群体较大和集群行为变化的近因  相似文献   

Roe deer ( Capreolus capreolus ) spacing behaviour, during the period between mother-fawn separation and home range establishment, was studied in southern Sweden during 1987–1992. Data were collected, using telemetry, in two non-hunted populations. Females dispersed either as yearlings, or as 2- or 3-year-olds after having migrated between non-overlapping summer and winter ranges for one and two seasons, respectively. Seasonal migration usually ended with permanent settlement in the new summer area. Males dispersed as one- or two-year-olds, or remained philopatric. Median distance moved was c. 2 km with no significant sex-bias. Both populations underwent one increase, and one stable phase. During the increase phase, the frequency of yearling dispersal was 70% in one of the populations, but dropped to 20% at high density. This drop paralleled a 14% decrease in yearling winter weights. In the other population, yearling dispersal frequency was 56% during the increase phase. This population stopped increasing at an intermediate density and dispersal frequency was kept at 75%. Weights remained high in this population. In neither of the populations, at intermediate and high densities, was a sex-bias in dispersal among yearlings evident. Dispersers were on average heavier than philopatrics. High juvenile winter weight did not predestinate yearlings to dispersal, whereas low weight seemed to prevent dispersal. On the basis of these relationships, we propose a hypothesis relating dispersal to body condition, in order to explain dispersal tendency at different population densities. Further, we suggest the reason for female migration is the advantage of residing in a group during winters when predation risk is high. Since it is difficult for females (but not for males) to join non-relatives, dispersers must go back to the natal area as long as they have too few offspring to form their own matriarchal group.  相似文献   

Population densities of red and roe deer were estimated in 20 conifer plantations throughout central and northern Scotland. Ten forests were selected on the basis of culling records that were considered likely to cover the range of possible densities. Ten further forests were selected at random to investigate the relationship between red and roe deer densities. Density assessment was by standing-crop dung-group counts, on 1.5 x 100 m transects. Dung decay rates were estimated in four areas and used to convert the values to deer densities. Red deer densities were estimated to range from 0.3-35 km−2; roe deer densities ranged from 0.5-25 km−2. Preferences for different structural habitats within individual forests (i.e. blocks with different age classes of tree) were inferred from dung densities. Red deer preferred unplanted ground, open-thicket, and prethicket; roe deer likewise preferred prethicket (highly) and open-thicket. Both species avoided closed-canopy habitats. Red and roe deer densities were negatively correlated and the relationship was significant when the data were log transformed ( P < 0.05).  相似文献   

 We investigated the effects of cohort, sex, litter size and time of birth on birth weights and postnatal growth rates of roe deer fawns in a highly reproductive Norwegian population. By repeatedly recapturing radio-collared individuals, a total of 950 weights were obtained from 231 fawns of known age. In accordance with earlier studies, there was a period of linear growth during the first month following birth. Mean postnatal growth rates of 155 g/day are the highest yet recorded for roe deer; however, the mean birth weights of fawns were lower than those reported from populations in continental Europe. During the period of linear growth, we found no sex differences. However, growth rates were affected both by time of birth and litter size; fawns born early had lower growth rates than fawns born during or after the peak calving period, and fawns in triplet – groups had lower growth rates than either fawns in twin – groups or single fawns. Despite a fourfold increase in population density during the study, this factor was not able to explain variation in postnatal growth rates, although cohort effects on birth weight were evident. Received: 13 May 1996 / Accepted: 26 June 1996  相似文献   

Mandibular osteomyelitis in free-ranging cervids is a rare, but eventually fatal, disease. We examined 41,895 defleshed mandibles of roe deer collected throughout Slovenia in 2007. Mandibles from 14,679 fawns had no signs of osteomyelitis, and were excluded from further analysis. Of the remaining 27,216 specimens, chronic osteomyelitis ("lumpy jaw") was found in 113 mandibles (4.2%; 7.0% of adults). The majority of cases were observed from the Mediterranean and subalpine regions, near larger cities and thermal power plants. There was no statistically significant correlation between severity of the mandibular osteomyelitis and body weight. Females were more frequently affected than males. Coarse and abrasive food, and to some extent dental fluorosis, are the most probable triggers for development of lesions.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to evaluate effect of a short-acting neuroleptic (acepromazine) on capture stress response in roe deer (Capreolus capreolus). Sixteen roe deer were captured by drive-nets in the winters of 1998, 1999, and 2001. Roe deer were divided into two groups: animals in the treatment group received an intramuscular injection of acepromazine (0.093 mg/kg +/- 0.003 SEM; n = 8) while animals in the control group (n = 8) did not receive tranquilizer. Heart rate and body temperature, as well as hematologic and biochemical indicators of stress, were used to evaluate effect of the neuroleptic over 3 hr. Heart rate decreased over time after capture in both groups (P < 0.05), but stabilized sooner in the treated roe deer (75 min after capture) than in the controls (105 min after capture). Body temperature decreased over 45 min and then stabilized in both groups (P < 0.05). Comparisons of blood parameters revealed significantly lower red blood cell count (RBC), lymphocyte count, hemoglobin concentration, packed cell volume (PCV), and serum alanine aminotransferase (ALT), aspartate aminotransferase (AST), creatine kinase (CK), and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) activities in tranquilized animals compared with controls (at least P < 0.05). A reduction in PCV, lymphocyte count, and serum cortisol concentrations (at least P < 0.05) and an increase in serum creatinine levels (P < 0.05) were recorded over time in control animals, while a reduction in RBC and hemoglobin concentration (at least P < 0.05) and an increase in serum urea concentrations (P < 0.05) over time were observed in the treated group. Finally, a decrease in serum lactate and potassium levels and an increase in CK, AST, ALT, and LDH activities were recorded over time in both groups. Results obtained showed the suitability of using acepromazine in capture operations in order to reduce stress response and prevent its adverse effects in roe deer. The beneficial effect was not only due to the sedative effect of acepromazine, but also to peripheral vasodilatation.  相似文献   

The potential role of roe deer as a sylvatic reservoir of Bartonella in north-west Poland has been assessed. In addition, ticks infesting roe deer were screened to assess their role as a vector and reservoir of Bartonella. Blood and tissue samples of 72 animals from north-western Poland were PCR-screened. Bartonella DNA was detected by using primers complementary to the intergenic spacer between the 16S and 23S rRNA genes, which is used for identification of over a dozen species of this genus. Products of three different sizes were detected: 230 and 290 bp, representative of two strains of Bartonella capreoli, and 190 bp, identified as Bartonella bovis. All the three amplicons were detected in the blood, spleen and liver from the roe deer. All samples from the heart, lungs and kidneys were PCR negative. In ticks (Ixodes ricinus), only the 290 bp fragment from B. capreoli was present. Generally, Bartonella infection rate in Capreolus capreolus amounted to 27.6% of the roe deer, but it was much higher during winter (62%) than in spring (6.9%). The results show that the roe deer may be a reservoir for B. capreoli and B. bovis. The infection detected in I. ricinus ticks (7.7%) suggests that ticks may act as a Bartonella reservoir and vector.  相似文献   

An abundant tandem repetitive DNA segment (CCsatIII) with a repeat unit of 2.2 kb has been found in the genome of roe deer (Capreolus capreolus). It accounts for approximately 5%–10% of the genome and is only present in the two species of the genus Capreolus. The sequence has no similarity or common motifes with other deer satellite DNAs and there is no internal repeat structure. A 93 bp fragment is homologous to a bovine repeat. Fluorescent in situ hybridisation showed a predominant centromeric staining of most chromosomes accompanied by a weak interstitial staining of the same chromosomes. On Southern blots, CCsatIII probes do not discriminate between the closely related Capreolus species. Received: 16 June 1997; in revised form: 5 December 1997 / Accepted: 8 December 1997  相似文献   

Eight Swedish Red Breed cattle, about 2 months old, were experimentally infected with a Swedish isolate of Dictyocaulus viviparus (Dviv-Se) from cattle and D. capreolus from roe deer. The aims were to determine whether the roe deer lungworm is infective to cattle or if it can induce seroconversion in cattle against D. viviparus as measured with an ELISA. Four calves which were given 500 Dviv-Se infective larvae (L3) each by larval dosing for two successive days developed patent infection between days 23 and 25 post-inoculation (PI). Larval output varied among the calves and during the patent period. However, maximum recovery occurred between 28 and 56 days PI with peak shedding on day 37 PI. Shedding ceased at day 58 PI and adult worms were recovered from one calf at necropsy (day 67 PI). No immature worms were recovered from the lungs at necropsy. Seroconversion was detected on days 35-42 PI. One Dviv-Se infected calf became seronegative on day 67 PI whereas the other calves still remained seropositive during this period. Prepatency and patency periods of D. viviparus and serological findings in this study basically conform to previous studies. Each calf that was infected with 400 L3 of D. capreolus for two successive days, and about 800 L3 of the same species about 8 weeks later, did not develop to patency based on faecal and post-mortem examinations. Consequently, under the conditions of this study, D. capreolus was not infective to cattle. Two of the four calves that were infected with L3 from roe deer were challenged with L3 cultured from faeces of the Dviv-Se-infected calves. This infection did not develop to patency. Whether this was due to cross-protection as a result of the prior priming with L3 from roe deer is not clear. However, if it is so, it opens up the possibility of using D. capreolus L3 for preventing bovine dictyocauliasis.  相似文献   

Roe deer is a seasonal breeder characterised by a short rutting season in summer. Mature males show synchronised cycles of testicular involution and recrudescence. Therefore, this species is a valuable model to study seasonal regulation of spermatogenesis in ruminants. It is hypothesised that a time-dependent production of testicular growth factors is required to regulate seasonal changes in testis growth and spermatogenesis. To identify potential candidates, total RNA from roe deer testis tissue was extracted at three different seasonal periods (April, August, December), and using RT-PCR the presence of several growth factors (aFGF, bFGF, IGF-I, IGF-II, TGF-alpha, TGF-beta1, TGF-beta3 and two isoforms of VEGF) was detected. Sequencing of the growth factor PCR fragments revealed a high sequence homology between cattle and roe deer. To further explore the expression patterns of the identified growth factors in roe deer their expression levels were standardised using glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH) gene expression. The study demonstrates the expression of several growth factors in roe deer testis and supports the assumption of their seasonally diverse regulation. These results provide the basis to investigate the role of growth factors in the regulation of circannual changes of testicular activity.  相似文献   

Human influence typically impacts on natural populations of conservation interest. These interactions are varied and sometimes complex, and may be negative and unintended or associated with conservation and management strategy. Understanding the details of how these interactions influence and are influenced by natural evolutionary processes is essential to the development of effective conservation strategies. In this study, we investigate a species in Britain that has experienced both negative impact through overhunting in historical times and management efforts through culls and translocations. At the same time, there are regional populations that have been less affected by human influence. We use mtDNA and nuclear microsatellite DNA markers to investigate patterns of connectivity and diversity and find multiple insular populations in Britain that probably evolved within the Holocene (when the habitat was free of ice). We identify three concurrent processes. First, surviving indigenous populations show highly provincial patterns of philopatry, maintaining and generating population structure on a small geographic scale. Second, founder populations into habitat extirpated of native populations have expanded, but remained largely insular. Third, introductions into established populations generate some admixture. We discuss the implications for the evolution of diversity of the integration of natural processes with anthropogenic influences on population size and distribution.  相似文献   

Two populations of roe deer from Spain, approximately 300 km apart from each other and currently recognized as separate subspecies. were studied to analyse the nature of the morphological differences between these populations and to assess the validity of its taxonomic division. Sixty-one skulls of roc deer from the Occidental Cantabric Mountains (OCM) and 17 from the Northern lberic Mountains (NIM) were used. No significant sexual dimorphism allowed pooling of male and female samples, on which a large set of 53 measurements was taken. Skulls from the OCM population are, on average, 1·9% larger than those from the NIM population. Twenty-five out of the 53 characters showed some degree of significant differences between means of both populations, though only four showed highly significant differences. Mandible characters were the most variable traits, showing also significant differences between populations. Eight principal factors were extracted. explaining a total of 84·7% of the sample variance. An ANOVA of factor scores from each population revealed significant differences in PF 1 and PF 3. Interpretation of these two factors suggests that morphological differences between both populations can be summarized as specimens from OCM having larger mandibles and broader neurocranium than specimens from NIM. Mandible differences might reflect morphological adaptations to favour the consumption of ligneous plants, which are more frequently eaten by the OCM roe deer population, whereas a broader neurocranium might be related to antler size. It is concluded that biometric differences observed in skulls from these two populations only reflect minor morphological adaptations to different habitats, thus. there is a lack of morphological data to support the taxonomic distinction of the OCM population as a separate subspecies.  相似文献   

Anthropogenic transportation infrastructure is a major factor of habitat fragmentation leading to genetic population fragmentation in wildlife. Assessing and understanding the impact of this deterministic factor on genetic diversity and divergence of populations is crucial to appraise the viability of wildlife populations in fragmented landscapes. In this study, the roe deer is used as an example species for the assessment of genetic differentiation of populations separated by an anthropogenic barrier. In order to detect genetic discontinuities, we screened 12 polymorphic microsatellites on 222 individuals out of 11 roe deer populations that were sampled on the east and the westside of a fenced motorway in Central Switzerland. The interaction between landscape structure and microevolutionary processes such as gene flow and drift were assessed and evaluated by different population genetic methods like F-statistics, Mantel test, spatial autocorrelation analyses, Monmonier algorithm, and principal component analysis in conjunction with geographic information system data (synthesis map). We revealed an influence of the transportation infrastructure on genetic divergence of the roe deer population examined, but no impact on genetic diversity was detected. Based on the achieved genetic findings, recommendations for management implementation were made.  相似文献   

We investigated the effects of the year of birth (cohort effect), sex and birth date on the variations observed in birth weight and postnatal growth rate in 209 newborn fawns marked during eight consecutive fawning seasons from a highly productive roe deer population under good nutritional conditions. Roe deer exhibited a fast body development with a birth weight of 1628 g and a postnatal growth rate of 139 g/day constant over the first 20 days of their life. As previously reported for dimorphic and polygynous ungulates, there was a marked cohort effect on the rate of body development. This variability was partly explained by climatic conditions during late gestation. When fewer than 5 days with rainfall over 5 mm occurred in April, fawns were heavier. High temperatures during April and during the winter could also be involved in fast body development of roe deer fawns. Sex of fawn did not affect roe deer growth pattern. This was expected on the basis of low sexual dimorphism in size and low polygyny level characteristic of roe deer. Lastly, the date of birth did not affect the body development of roe deer fawns. High constancy of mean birth dates and high synchrony of births observed in this population could account for this result.  相似文献   

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