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Dimerization inhibitors of HIV-1 protease   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
By targeting the highly conserved antiparallel beta-sheet formed by the interdigitation of the N- and C-terminal strands of each monomer, dimerization inhibitors of HIV-1 protease may be useful to overcome the drug resistance observed with current active-site directed antiproteases. Sequestration of the monomer by the inhibitor (or disruption of the dimer interface) prevents the correct assembly of the inactive monomers to active enzyme. Strategies for the design of drugs targeting the dimer interface are described. Various dimerization inhibitors are reported including N- and C-terminal mimetics, lipopeptides and cross-linked interface peptides.  相似文献   

A new family of molecules potentially inhibitors of the HIV-1 Tat-TAR complex was prepared. These compounds are constituted by dinucleotide analogs (PNA dimer) bound, through a linker, to an arginine residue. In this series, several molecules inhibit viral development in cell culture with a micromolar IC50 and without cellular toxicity until 200 microM concentration.  相似文献   

Tricyclic thiazoleamine derivatives that were identified as hits in a screen against human umbilical vein endothelial cell proliferation were subjected to a structure–activity relationship study. Two structurally superimposable scaffolds—4H-thiochromeno[4,3-d]thiazol-2-amine and 5,6-dihydro-4H-benzo[6,7]cyclohepta[1,2-d]thiazol-2-amine derivatives—yielded low-micromolar inhibitors, and two among them 37 and 43 also exhibited antiangiogenic activity in an endothelial tube formation assay. Thus, 37 and 43 can serve as leads to develop a novel class of antiangiogenic agents.  相似文献   

Compounds containing the easily accessible Phe[CH(OH)CH2N(NH)Phe dipeptide isostere as a non-hydrolyzable replacement of the scissile amide bond in the natural substrate are potent inhibitors of HIV-1 protease. The expected symmetric binding pattern of the most potent inhibitor in this series (CGP 53280, IC50 = 9 nM) is illustrated by the X-ray analysis performed with the corresponding enzyme-inhibitor complex.  相似文献   

The HIV-1 nucleocapsid protein NCp7, which contains two highly conserved zinc fingers, is being used as a novel target for AIDS therapy due to its pivotal role in viral replication and its mutationally intolerant nature. Herein we report a new class of NCp7 inhibitors that possess good antiviral activity with low cellular toxicity.  相似文献   

A significant obstacle to the efficacy of drugs directed against viral targets is the presence of amino acid polymorphisms in the targeted molecules. Amino acid polymorphisms may occur naturally due to the existence of variations within and between viral strains or as the result of mutations associated with drug resistance. An ideal drug will be one that is extremely effective against a primary target and maintains its effectiveness against the most important variations of the target molecule. A drug that simultaneously inhibits different variants of the target will lead to a faster suppression of the virus, retard the appearance of drug-resistant mutants and provide more efficacious and, in the long range, more affordable therapies. Drug molecules with the ability to inhibit several variants of a target with high affinity have been termed adaptive drugs (Nat. Biotechnol. 20 (2002) 15; Biochemistry 42 (2003) 8459; J. Cell. Biochem. S37 (2001) 82). Current drug design paradigms are predicated upon the lock-and-key hypothesis, which emphasizes shape complementarity as a way to attain specificity and improved binding affinity. Shape complementarity is accomplished by the introduction of conformational constraints in the drug molecule. While highly constrained molecules do well against a unique target, they lack the ability to adapt to target variations like those originating from naturally occurring polymorphisms or drug-resistant mutations. Targeting an array of closely related targets rather than a single one while still maintaining selectivity, requires a different approach. A plausible strategy for designing high affinity adaptive inhibitors is to engineer their most critical interactions (for affinity and specificity) with conserved regions of the target while allowing for adaptability through the introduction of flexible asymmetric functionalities in places facing variable regions of the target. The fundamental thermodynamics and structural principles associated with this approach are discussed in this chapter.  相似文献   

There is a great need for alternative modes of inhibition for the design of anti-HIV therapies, due to the increased resistance of HIV to currently approved drugs. A novel strategy for generating potent dimerization inhibitors of HIV-1 protease is described based on sidechain-linked interfacial peptides. In a number of cases the activity of these agents against HIV-1 protease was found to be among the most potent reported, with inhibitory constants in the low nM range.  相似文献   

The preparation of unsymmetrical cyclic ureas bearing novel biaryl indazoles as P2/P2' substituents was undertaken, utilizing a Suzuki coupling reaction as the key step. Compound 6i was equipotent to the lead compound of the series SE063.  相似文献   

The design of new HIV protease inhibitors requires an improved understanding of the physical basis of inhibitor/protein binding. Here, the binding affinities of seven aliphatic cyclic ureas to HIV-1 protease are calculated using a predominant states method and an implicit solvent model based upon finite difference solutions of the Poisson-Boltzmann equation. The calculations are able to reproduce the observed U-shaped trend of binding free energy as a function of aliphatic chain length. Interestingly, the decrease in affinity for the longest chains is attributable primarily to the energy cost of partly desolvating charged aspartic and arginine groups at the mouths of the active site. Even aliphatic chains too short to contact these charged groups directly are subject to considerable desolvation penalties. We are not aware of other systems where binding affinity trends have been attributed to long-ranged electrostatic desolvation of ionized groups. A generalized Born/surface area solvation model yields a much smaller change in desolvation energy with chain length and, therefore, does not reproduce the experimental binding affinity trends. This result suggests that the generalized Born model should be used with caution for complex, partly desolvated systems like protein binding sites. We also find that changing the assumed protonation state of the active site aspartyl dyad significantly affects the computed binding affinity trends. The protonation state of the aspartyl dyad in the presence of cyclic ureas is discussed in light of the observation that the monoprotonated state reproduces the experimental results best.  相似文献   

Peptidyl sulfonium salts. A new class of protease inhibitors   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The possibility has been examined that peptidylmethyl sulfonium salts might affinity label proteases by an alkyl transfer from sulfur to an active center residue. The synthesis of a number of agents of this type is described as well as initial results of their effect on cysteinyl proteases, papain and cathepsin B. These are readily inactivated by reagents in which the peptidyl portion contains features that promote binding to the proteases such as a penultimate phenylalanine residue. Irreversible inactivation ensues by transfer of the peptidyl portion, not methyl groups. Peptidylmethyl sulfonium salts lose a proton to form an ylide structure which may be the prevalent form at physiological pH values. The ylide may also be the active affinity labeling form of the reagent since the rate of inactivation of cathepsin B increases with pH. In contrast, the action of another affinity labeling reagent for cathepsin B, benzyloxycarbonyl-Phe-AlaCHN2, a diazomethyl ketone, is relatively independent of pH.  相似文献   

A novel strategy to identify potent HIV-1 protease dimerization inhibitors was developed using 12-aminododecanoic acid as a tether to crosslink interfacial peptides. The directionality of the southern peptide was changed from N-->C to C-->N as compared to previously reported inhibitors. The terminal amine of the southern peptide and side chains were further diversified to find essential functional groups for dimerization inhibition of HIV-1 protease.  相似文献   

Quantitative structure-activity relationships (QSAR) for HIV-1 protease inhibitory activity of substituted tetrahydropyrimidinones have been produced using CODESSA PRO methodology and software. The best four-parameter equation (R(2)(cv)=0.847) allowed us to reveal two main structural factors which are strongly correlated with the title activity: molecular hydrophobicity and ability to form hydrogen bonds with the target enzyme.  相似文献   

The human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) which encodes, among other indispensable enzymes, an aspartic protease that is essential for viral maturation and replication. Numerous inhibitors of the protease have been developed. However, the eventual resistance of HIV-1 to these drugs implies a continuous battle to develop new inhibitors. Proposed herein is a robust, fast, and reliable method employing (19)F NMR for the evaluation of the inhibitory activity of new compounds against HIV-1 protease.  相似文献   

A series of N-aryl heteroarylisopropanolamines in which an indole or a 3-arylpyrrole moiety was linked to an aryl group through an isopropanolamine linker, were designed and synthesized as potential anti-HIV-1-PR agents. Series was tested for their ability in blocking PR activity. As a rule, indole derivatives of class 1 exhibited more potency than pyrrole analogues of class 2 while tert-butylamide substituents increased anti-PR potency. In fact, bis tert-butylamide 1e showed the highest activity with IC(50)=25 microM. Even if not very potent, a simple class of anti-PR agents, with a facile synthetic pathway was discovered. QSAR studies on isopropanolamines 1 and 2 were performed in comparison with diarylbutanols, a new class of non peptidic anti-PR agents, recently discovered by Agouron Pharmaceuticals. QSAR and CoMFA models based on 30 diarylbutanols used as a training set were developed. The obtained models were used to investigate the binding mode of the newly synthesized derivatives 1 and 2. The results of this study suggest that N-aryl heteroarylisopropanolamines bind to the PR active site similarly to the diarylbutanols of Agouron.  相似文献   

In AIDS therapy, attempts have been made to inhibit the virus-encoded enzymes, e.g. HIV-1 protease, using active site-directed inhibitors. This approach is questionable, however, due to virus mutations and the high toxicity of the drugs. An alternative method to inhibit the dimeric HIV protease is the targeting of the interface region of the protease subunits in order to prevent subunit dimerization and enzyme activity. This approach should be less prone to inactivation by mutation. A list of improved 'dimerization inhibitors' of HIV-1 protease is presented. The main structural features are a short 'interface' peptide segment, including non-natural amino acids, and an aliphatic N-terminal blocking group. The high inhibitory power of some of the lipopeptides [e.g. palmitoyl-Tyr-Glu-Leu-OH, palmitoyl-Tyr-Glu-(L-thyronine)-OH, palmitoyl-Tyr-Glu-(L-biphenyl-alanine)-OH] with low nanomolar Ki values in the enzyme test suggests that mimetics with good bio-availability can be derived for AIDS therapy.  相似文献   

Interaction kinetic and thermodynamic analyses provide information beyond that obtained in general inhibition studies, and may contribute to the design of improved inhibitors and increased understanding of molecular interactions. Thus, a biosensor-based method was used to characterize the interactions between HIV-1 protease and seven inhibitors, revealing distinguishing kinetic and thermodynamic characteristics for the inhibitors. Lopinavir had fast association and the highest affinity of the tested compounds, and the interaction kinetics were less temperature-dependent as compared with the other inhibitors. Amprenavir, indinavir and ritonavir showed non-linear temperature dependencies of the kinetics. The free energy, enthalpy and entropy (DeltaG, DeltaH, DeltaS) were determined, and the energetics of complex association (DeltaG(on), DeltaH(on), DeltaS(on)) and dissociation (DeltaG(off), DeltaH(off), DeltaS(off)) were resolved. In general, the energetics for the studied inhibitors was in the same range, with the negative free energy change (DeltaG < 0) due primarily to increased entropy (DeltaS > 0). Thus, the driving force of the interaction was increased degrees of freedom in the system (entropy) rather than the formation of bonds between the enzyme and inhibitor (enthalpy). Although the DeltaG(on) and DeltaG(off) were in the same range for all inhibitors, the enthalpy and entropy terms contributed differently to association and dissociation, distinguishing these phases energetically. Dissociation was accompanied by positive enthalpy (DeltaH(off) > 0) and negative entropy (DeltaS(off) < 0) changes, whereas association for all inhibitors except lopinavir had positive entropy changes (DeltaS(on) > 0), demonstrating unique energetic characteristics for lopinavir. This study indicates that this type of data will be useful for the characterization of target-ligand interactions and the development of new inhibitors of HIV-1 protease.  相似文献   

Peptide substrates and inhibitors of the HIV-1 protease   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
Oligopeptides containing the consensus retroviral protease cleavage sequence Ser/Thr-X-Y-Tyr/Phe-Pro are substrates for purified recombinant HIV-1 protease with Km's in the millimolar range. The minimum sequence containing the consensus pentapeptide which serves as a good substrate is a heptapeptide spanning the P4-P3' residues. Substitution of reduced Phe-Pro or Tyr-Pro dipeptide isosteres or the statine analog 3-hydroxy-4-amino-5-phenylpentanoic acid for the scissile dipeptide afforded inhibitors of HIV-1 protease with Ki values in the micromolar range, three orders of magnitude better in affinity than the corresponding substrates. Inhibitors of HIV-1 protease may provide a novel and potentially useful therapeutic approach to the treatment of acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS).  相似文献   

Using a newly developed multicomponent chemistry strategy in combination with structure based drug design, a new class of HIV-1 protease inhibitors has been obtained.  相似文献   

Crucial amides for dimerization inhibitors of HIV-1 protease   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
An inhibitor based on crosslinked peptides from the interfacial region of HIV-1 protease, previously shown to act by dimerization inhibition, was modified by N-methylation to ascertain the importance of the amide hydrogens on inhibition. The effects of N-methylation on HIV-1 protease inhibition, as well as the effects on degradation by proteases are described.  相似文献   

In this report, the rapid syntheses of 24 novel C2-symmetric HIV-1 protease inhibitors are described. Two ortho-iodobenzyloxy containing C-terminal duplicated inhibitors served as starting materials for microwave-enhanced palladium(0)-catalyzed carbon-carbon bond forming reactions (Suzuki, Sonogashira, Heck, and Negishi). Highly potent inhibitors equipped with ortho-functionalized P1/P1' side chains as the structural theme were identified. Computational efforts were applied to study the binding mode of this class of inhibitors and to establish structure-activity relationships. The overall orientation of the inhibitors in the active site was reproduced by docking which suggested three possible conformations of the P1/P1' groups of which two seem more plausible.  相似文献   

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