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We have investigated a staphylococcal surface display system for its potential future use as a protein library display system in combinatorial biochemistry. Efficient affinity-based selections require a system capable of fine affinity discrimination of closely related binders to minimize the loss of potentially improved variants. In this study, a significant breakthrough was achieved to avoid biases due to potential cell-to-cell variations in surface expression levels, since it was found that a generic protein tag, present within the displayed recombinant surface proteins on the cells, could be successfully employed to obtain normalization of the target-binding signal. Four mutated variants of a staphylococcal protein A domain with different affinity to human IgG were successfully expressed on the surface of recombinant Staphylococcus carnosus cells. The system was evaluated for affinity-based cell sorting experiments, where cell-displayed protein A domains with an 8-fold difference in target affinity were mixed at a ratio of 1:1000 and sorted using FACS. Enrichment factors around 140-fold were obtained from a single round of sorting under normal library sorting conditions when the top 0.1% fraction having the highest antigen binding to surface expression level ratio was sorted. The results demonstrate that the system would have a potential as a selection system in protein library display applications, and the normalization strategy should indeed make it possible to achieve fine affinity discriminations in future library selections.  相似文献   

For efficient generation of high-affinity protein-based binding molecules, fast and reliable downstream characterization platforms are needed. In this work, we have explored the use of staphylococcal cell surface display together with flow cytometry for affinity characterization of candidate affibody molecules directly on the cell surface. A model system comprising three closely related affibody molecules with different affinities for immunoglobulin G and an albumin binding domain with affinity for human serum albumin was used to investigate advantages and differences compared to biosensor technology in a side-by-side manner. Equilibrium dissociation constant (K(D)) determinations as well as dissociation rate analysis were performed using both methods, and the results show that the on-cell determinations give both K(D) and dissociation rate values in a very fast and reproducible manner and that the relative affinities are very similar to the biosensor results. Interestingly, the results also show that there are differences between the absolute affinities determined with the two different technologies, and possible explanations for this are discussed. This work demonstrates the advantages of cell surface display for directed evolution of affinity proteins in terms of fast postselectional, on-cell characterization of candidate clones without the need for subcloning and subsequent protein expression and purification but also demonstrates that it is important to be aware that absolute affinities determined using different methods often vary substantially and that such comparisons therefore could be difficult.  相似文献   

Botulinum neurotoxin (BoNT), the most poisonous substance known, causes naturally occurring human disease (botulism) and is one of the top six biothreat agents. Botulism is treated with polyclonal antibodies produced in horses that are associated with a high incidence of systemic reactions. Human monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) are under development as a safer therapy. Identifying neutralizing epitopes on BoNTs is an important step in generating neutralizing mAbs, and has implications for vaccine development. Here, we show that the three domains of BoNT serotype A (BoNT/A) can be displayed on the surface of yeast and used to epitope map six mAbs to the toxin domains they bind. The use of yeast obviates the need to express and purify each domain, and it should prove possible to display domains of other BoNT subtypes and serotypes for epitope mapping. Using a library of yeast-displayed BoNT/A binding domain (H(C)) mutants and selecting for loss of binding, the fine epitopes of three neutralizing BoNT/A mAbs were identified. Two mAbs bind the C-terminal subdomain of H(C), with one binding near the toxin sialoganglioside binding site. The most potently neutralizing mAb binds the N-terminal subdomain of H(C), in an area not previously thought to be functionally important. Modeling the epitopes shows how all three mAbs could bind BoNT/A simultaneously and may explain, in part, the dramatic synergy observed on in vivo toxin neutralization when these antibodies are combined. The results demonstrate how yeast display can be used for domain-level and fine mapping of conformational BoNT antibody epitopes and the mapping results identify three neutralizing BoNT/A epitopes.  相似文献   

Detection and discrimination of individual viruses by flow cytometry.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A new flow cytometer with a very small observation volume has been developed to detect individual viruses with good resolution, and has been used to discriminate between two types of viral particles based on differences in their light scattering. Measurements of light scattering and fluorescence made with such an instrument can provide a basis for quantitative analysis and sorting of viruses and other particles in the micron and submicron size range.  相似文献   

Nonselective enrichment for yeast adenine mutants by flow cytometry   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The expression of certain adenine biosynthetic mutations in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae results in a red colony color. This phenomenon has historically provided an ideal genetic marker for the study of mutation, recombination, and aneuploidy in lower eukaryotes by classical genetic analysis. In this paper, it is reported that cells carrying ade1 and/or ade2 mutations exhibit primary fluorescence. Based on this observation, the nonselective enrichment of yeast cultures for viable adenine mutants by using the fluorescence-activated cell sorter has been achieved. The advantages of this approach over conventional genetic analysis of mutation, recombination, and mitotic chromosomal stability include speed and accuracy in acquiring data for large numbers of clones. By using appropriate strains, the cell sorter has been used for the isolation of both forward mutations and chromosomal loss events in S. cerevisiae. The resolving power of this system and its noninvasiveness can easily be extended to more complex organisms, including mammalian cells, in which analogous metabolic mutants are available.  相似文献   

The cell cycle of the fission yeast, Schizosaccharomyces pombe, does not easily lend itself to analysis by flow cytometry, mainly because cells in G(1) and G(2) phase contain the same amount of DNA. This occurs because fission yeast cells under standard growth conditions do not complete cytokinesis until after G(1) phase. We have devised a flow cytometric method exploiting the fact that cells in G(1) phase contain two nuclei, whereas cells in G(2) are mononuclear. Measurements of the width as well as the total area of the DNA-associated fluorescence signal allows the discrimination between cells in G(1) and in G(2) phase and the cell-cycle progression of fission yeast can be followed in detail by flow cytometry. Furthermore, we show how this method can be used to monitor the timing of cell entry into anaphase. Fission yeast cells tend to form multimers, which represents another problem of flow cytometry-based cell-cycle analysis. Here we present a method employing light-scatter measurements to enable the exclusion of cell doublets, thereby further improving the analysis of fission yeast cells by flow cytometry.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: A flow cytometric measurement (FCM) technique has been developed to size DNA fragments. Individual fragments of a restriction digest of genomic DNA, stained with an intercalating dye, are passed through an ultrasensitive cytometer. The measured fluorescence intensity from each fragment is proportional to the fragment length. METHODS: The isolation of bacterial genomic DNA and digestion by restriction enzymes were performed inside an agarose plug. Rare cutting enzymes were employed to produce a manageable number of DNA fragments. Electroelution was used to move the DNA fragments from the agarose plug into a solution containing polyamines to protect the DNA from shear-induced breakage. The DNA was stained with the bisintercalating dye thiazole orange homodimer and introduced into our ultrasensitive flow cytometer. A histogram of the fluorescence intensities (fingerprint) was constructed. RESULTS: Gram-positive Bacillus globigii and gram-negative bacteria Escherichia coli and Erwinia herbicola were distinguished by the fingerprint pattern of restriction fragments of their genomic DNA. DNA sizes determined by FCM are in good agreement with pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) analysis. Flow cytometry requires only picogram quantities of purified DNA and takes less than 10 min for data collection and analysis. When the total sample preparation time is included, the analysis times for PFGE and FCM are similar ( approximately 3 days). CONCLUSIONS: FCM is an attractive technique for the identification of bacterial species. It is more sensitive and potentially much faster than PFGE.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae is the most commonly used organism for studying protein- protein interactions. In this report we demonstrate the use of flow cytometry in observing fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) between cyan and yellow fluorescent fusion proteins (CFP and YFP, respectively) as a marker for protein interaction in live yeast cells. Probability binning is also employed to provide a statistical confirmation of our observations. METHODS: We coexpressed CFP and YFP fusions containing the N-terminal transmembrane domain (NTM) of Tom70p in yeast and analyzed FRET in live cells with a multilaser flow cytometer. The Tom70p NTM was previously shown to be sufficient for mitochondrial localization and protein-protein interaction (Millar and Shore, 1994, J Biol Chem 269:12229-12232). RESULTS: FRET was observed only in cells that expressed CFP and YFP fusions that each contained the wild-type NTM. The introduction of mutations previously shown to disrupt NTM interaction eliminated FRET. Probability binning confirmed that differences between the FRET channels of experimental and control samples were statistically and physiologically significant. CONCLUSION: Flow cytometric analysis of FRET in yeast is a powerful technique for studying protein-protein interactions. The use of flow cytometry allows FRET data to be gathered from a large number of individual cells, thus providing important advantages unavailable to other techniques. Its application to yeast presents a new method to a popular system widely used in proteomic studies.  相似文献   

Fine epitope mapping of therapeutically relevant monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) specific for the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) was accomplished through random mutagenesis and yeast surface display. Using this method, we have identified key residues energetically important for the binding of EGFR to the mAbs 806, 225, and 13A9. A yeast-displayed library of single point mutants of an EGFR ectodomain fragment (residues 273-621) was constructed by random mutagenesis and was screened for reduced binding to EGFR mAbs. If an EGFR mutant showed loss of binding to a mAb, this suggested that the mutated residue was potentially a contact residue. The mAb 806 binding epitope was localized to one face of a loop comprised of EGFR residues Cys287-Cys302, which is constrained by a disulfide bond and two salt bridges. The mAb 806 epitope as identified here is not fully accessible in the autoinhibited EGFR monomer conformation, which is consistent with the hypothesis that mAb 806 binds to a transitional form of EGFR as it changes from an autoinhibited to extended monomer. The amino acids Lys465 and Ile467 were identified as energetic hot spot residues for mAb 225 binding to EGFR. These residues are adjacent to the EGFR ligand-binding site, which is consistent with the ability of mAb 225 to block binding of epidermal growth factor (EGF) and transforming growth factor-alpha (TGF-alpha) ligands. Ser468 and Glu472 were identified as energetically important for mAb 13A9 binding to EGFR, and the location of this epitope suggests that mAb 13A9 mediates observed TGF-alpha blocking effects through conformational perturbation of EGFR domain III. Combinatorial library screening of yeast-displayed mutagenic proteins is a novel method to identify discontinuous and heat-denaturable mAb binding epitopes with residue-level resolution.  相似文献   

Summary Flow cytometry is a new method to measure fluorescing cells in liquid media in a few minutes. This rapid technique in combination with immunofluorescence can be employed to determine the purity of yeast cultures. The immunofluorescence technique is based on fluorescent labelling of cells using an antiserum raised in rabbits. Non-fluorescent cells and immunological stained cells are counted separately.  相似文献   

Sepp A  Tawfik DS  Griffiths AD 《FEBS letters》2002,532(3):455-458
In vitro compartmentalisation in an emulsion was used to physically link proteins to the DNA that encodes them via microbeads. These microbeads can be selected for catalysis, or, as demonstrated here, for binding. Genes encoding a peptide containing an epitope (haemagglutinin) were enriched to near purity from a 10(6)-fold excess of genes encoding a different peptide by two rounds of selection using flow cytometry, indicating approximately 1000-fold enrichment per round. Single beads can be isolated using flow sorting and the single gene on the bead amplified by polymerase chain reaction. Hence, the entire process can be performed completely in vitro.  相似文献   

We have characterized a simplified method to determine the relative thermal stability of single-chain antibodies by following the irreversible denaturation of scFv fusions on the surface of yeast by flow cytometry. The method was highly reproducible and correlated well with other methods used to monitor thermal denaturation of the soluble proteins. We found a range of thermal stabilities for wild-type single-chain antibodies with half-maximum denaturation temperatures between 43 and 61 degrees C. The ability to quantitate thermal stability of antibodies or other proteins that are immobilized on the surface of yeast allows rapid comparisons of primary structural information with stability. Thermal denaturation could be a useful parameter to consider in the choice of scFv fragments for various applications.  相似文献   

Effects of temperature on the yeast cell cycle analyzed by flow cytometry   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
M Vanoni  M Vai  G Frascotti 《Cytometry》1984,5(5):530-533
The effects of temperature (in the range 15-36 degrees C) on growth and the nuclear and budding cycle have been studied in populations of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae exponentially growing in batch on yeast nitrogen base (YNB) glucose medium. The maximal rate of exponential growth is achieved at 30 degrees C, and a transition point is apparent at about 20 degrees C. At all tested temperatures DNA replication begins when cells are still unbudded and both the budded period and the postreplicative period have the same temperature dependence. A temperature compensatory mechanism seems to operate in S phase, during which duration remains relatively constant, in the range 21-36 degrees C, while duration of G2+ M phases shows a much more pronounced temperature dependence. The results are discussed in terms of a cell-cycle model for budding yeast.  相似文献   

This protocol describes the process of isolating and engineering antibodies or proteins for increased affinity and stability using yeast surface display. Single-chain antibody fragments (scFvs) are first isolated from an existing nonimmune human library displayed on the yeast surface using magnetic-activated cell sorting selection followed by selection using flow cytometry. This enriched population is then mutagenized, and successive rounds of random mutagenesis and flow cytometry selection are done to attain desired scFv properties through directed evolution. Labeling strategies for weakly binding scFvs are also described, as well as procedures for characterizing and 'titrating' scFv clones displayed on yeast. The ultimate result of following this protocol is a panel of scFvs with increased stability and affinity for an antigen of interest.  相似文献   

酵母细胞表面展示系统的研究进展及其应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
酵母表达体系不但有原核表达体系的特点,同时具有真核细胞翻译后蛋白加工修饰的过程,因此,以酵母为基础的表面展示体系在诸多展示系统中有独特的优势。将酶,抗原,抗体和六聚组氨酸等不同蛋白和多肽展示在酵母细胞表面,可实现各种各样的用途。本文主要概述了酵母细胞展示的理论基础、展示体系类型及应用研究的进展。  相似文献   

Homologous recombination in yeast can be exploited to reliably generate libraries of >107 transformants from a pool of PCR products and a linearized plasmid vector. Homology in the PCR insertion products drives shuffling of these genes in vivo by yeast homologous recombination. Two scFvs that share 89.8% homology were shuffled in vivo by homologous recombination, and chimeric genes were generated regardless of whether or not one of the scFv PCR products lacked 5′ homology to the cut vector and the second scFv PCR product lacked 3′ homology to the cut vector, or both PCR products had both 5′ and 3′ homology to the cut vector. A majority of the chimeras had single crossovers; however, double and triple crossovers were isolated. Crossover points were evenly distributed in the hybrids created and homology of as little as two nucleotides was able to produce a chimeric clone. The numbers of clones isolated with a given number of crossovers was approximated well by a Poisson distribution. Transformation efficiencies for the chimeric libraries were of the order of 104–105 transformants per microgram of insert, which is the same order of magnitude as when a single PCR product is inserted alone into the display vector by homologous recombination. This method eliminates ligation and Escherichia coli transformation steps of previous methods for generating yeast-displayed libraries, requires fewer PCR cycles than in vitro DNA shuffling and, unlike site-specific recombination methods, allows for recombination anywhere that homology exists between the genes to be recombined. This simple technique should prove useful for protein engineering in general and antibody engineering, specifically in yeast.  相似文献   

Since its first application to antibody engineering 15years ago, yeast display technology has been developed into a highly potent tool for both affinity maturing lead molecules and isolating novel antibodies and antibody-like species. Robust approaches to the creation of diversity, construction of yeast libraries, and library screening or selection have been elaborated, improving the quality of engineered molecules and certainty of success in an antibody engineering campaign and positioning yeast display as one of the premier antibody engineering technologies currently in use. Here, we summarize the history of antibody engineering by yeast surface display, approaches used in its application, and a number of examples highlighting the utility of this method for antibody engineering.  相似文献   

The alphabeta T cell receptor (TCR) can be triggered by a class of ligands called superantigens. Enterotoxins secreted by bacteria act as superantigens by simultaneously binding to an MHC class II molecule on an antigen- presenting cell and to a TCR beta-chain, thereby causing activation of the T cell. The cross-reactivity of enterotoxins with different Vbeta regions can lead to stimulation of a large fraction of T cells. To understand the molecular details of TCR-enterotoxin interactions and to generate potential antagonists of these serious hyperimmune reactions, we engineered soluble TCR mutants with improved affinity for staphylococcal enterotoxin C3 (SEC3). A library of randomly mutated, single-chain TCRs (Vbeta-linker-Valpha) were expressed as fusions to the Aga2p protein on the surface of yeast cells. Mutants were selected by flow cytometric cell sorting with a fluorescent-labeled SEC3. Various mutations were identified, primarily in Vbeta residues that are located at the TCR:SEC3 interface. The combined mutations created a remodeled SEC3-binding surface and yielded a Vbeta domain with an affinity that was increased by 1000-fold (K(D)=7 nM). A soluble form of this Vbeta mutant was a potent inhibitor of SEC3-mediated T cell activity, suggesting that these engineered proteins may be useful as antagonists.  相似文献   

Astaxanthin possesses higher antioxidant activity than other carotenoids and, for this and other reasons, has great commercial potential for use in the aquaculture, pharmaceutical, and food industries. The basidiomycetous yeast Xanthophyllomyces dendrorhous is one of the best natural producers of astaxanthin, but wild-type cells accumulate only a small amount of astaxanthin. In this study, we developed an efficient flow cytometry method to screen for astaxanthin-overproducing mutants of X. dendrorhous. We first examined the relationship between cellular astaxanthin content and the intensity of fluorescence emitted from the cell. Although the fluorescence emission maximum of astaxanthin dissolved in acetone occurred at 570 nm, intracellular astaxanthin content correlated better with emission at around 675 nm in different X. dendrorhous strains. Using this emission wavelength, we screened cells mutagenized with ethyl methanesulfonate and successfully isolated mutants that produced 1.5-3.8-fold more astaxanthin than parent cells. This method enabled us to obtain overproducers five times more efficient than conventional screening from plate culture.  相似文献   

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