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Divergent selection in 10-week-old Finn-Dorset ram lambs was based on the luteinizing hormone (LH) response to a pharmacological dose of GnRH (5 micrograms). After eight generations of selection, the LH responses of the two lines (low and high) to GnRH differed by a factor of five. This study investigates the pituitary sensitivity of the two lines to exogenous GnRH. Initially, two pilot studies were performed: one to determine the range of doses of GnRH which would stimulate LH pulses of similar amplitude to those seen endogenously, and the other to confirm that sodium pentobarbitone prevents pulsatile LH secretion in prepubertal ram lambs. The results indicated that barbiturate anaesthesia suppressed pulsatile LH secretion in castrated and intact ram lambs. A model system was therefore constructed in 18 10-week-old intact ram lambs (high n = 7, low n = 11), whereby endogenous pulsatile LH secretion was prevented by sodium pentobarbitone anaesthesia and the amplitudes of LH pulses produced in response to different doses of exogenous GnRH could be measured. The GnRH dose-response curves demonstrated that there was a five-fold difference in the sensitivity of the pituitary glands of the two lines to stimulation with GnRH. The projected minimum concentration of GnRH required to produce a measurable pulse of LH was 4.75 ng for the high-line animals and 26.6 ng for the low-line animals. The results indicated that the low-line animals required five times more GnRH than the high-line lambs to stimulate LH pulses of similar amplitude (high line 43.67 ng; low line 206.55 ng). These results demonstrate that selection has produced two lines of sheep which differ in the control of LH secretion at the level of the hypothalamus-pituitary gland.  相似文献   

The aim of this experiment with ram and ewe lambs was to test the hypothesis that there are consistent individual differences in Luteinising Hormone (LH) response to Gonadotrophin Releasing Hormone (GnRH).Pre-puberal Border-Leicester × Merino lambs (15 of each sex) aged 9 weeks were challenged with either 0, 30 or 60 μg synthetic GnRH each month for 7 months (December to June). The lambs were then rested from this monthly routine until they were challenged an eighth time in September at 48 weeks of age. Luteinising Hormone response (area under LH release curve) was measured each month and the repeatability of individual LH responses calculated.There was a significant interaction (P < 0.01) between treatment month and sex reflecting a fall in LH response by ram lambs after a peak in February, while at the same time responses by ewe lambs increased to peak again in May. LH response also increased with GnRH dose (30 vs. 60 μg; P < 0.05).Responses by individual lambs were ranked 1 to 5 each month within sex and GnRH doses (30 and 60 μg only). Highest ranked lambs had LH responses 1.4 to 7.0 times larger than lowest ranked lambs. Repeatability of rank between months was poor in all groups except ewe lambs given 60 μg GnRH, where three of the five lambs repeated a particular rank at 5 of the 8 sample months. However, the repeatability of response in this group was not considered to be sufficient to reject the null hypothesis. It was concluded that if consistent individual differences do exist they may be subtle and easily masked by factors such as GnRH dose, sex, age and season.  相似文献   

Entire and castrate male lambs, which were cranial cervical ganglionectomized (GX) or untreated, were utilized in a study of responses to intravenous GnRH; 24 animals were treated at both 101 and 277 days of age. GX caused a reduction in basal LH concentrations of both wethers and rams at the first sampling, but increased pre-injection levels of this hormone in 277 day old wethers. Basal LH levels of castrates were substantially higher than those of entires, but GX had no significant influence on pretreatment testosterone secretion in rams. GnRH treatment elevated plasma LH levels in all animals, while in entires increases in testosterone concentrations also occurred. Castration significantly increased peak LH levels together with total LH output. At neither age were the LH or testosterone reponses influenced significantly by GX, nor was the interaction of castration and GX significant for LH response data. The major effect of age at GnRH treatment was that markedly higher testosterone responses were recorded from the older rams.  相似文献   

We and others have observed that the response of serum luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) to chronic gonadotropin-releasing hormone-agonist (GnRH-A) treatment is substantially different in normal compared to hypogonadal males. These data suggested that products of the testes determine the gonadotropin response to GnRH-A. The present studies were designed to determine whether this effect is mediated by products of the interstitial (steroids) or the tubular compartment. To create experimental states with selective impairment of interstitial, tubular, or both compartments, 100 male sexually mature Wistar rats were divided into five groups: I, intact; II, castrated; III, castrated with 20-mm testosterone (T) implants; IV, bilaterally cryptorchid; and V, ketoconazole-treated animals. Cryptorchid animals have been shown to have impairment of tubular function while ketoconazole inhibits T biosynthesis. Each of the 5 groups was divided into 2 subgroups to receive daily injections of either saline or 1 microgram of a potent GnRH agonist, D-leu6 des-Gly10 GnRH N-ethylamide, for 4 wk. Unlike the intact animals, which showed an elevation of basal serum LH concentration after 4 wk of GnRH-A treatment, the castrated animals showed significant suppression below baseline. Animals with preferential impairment of tubular function (cryptorchid and castrated + T) also showed significant suppression of LH after GnRH-A treatment. However, the ketoconazole-treated animals (with inhibition of T biosynthesis and intact tubular function), behaved similarly to intact animals and demonstrated an elevation of LH after GnRH-A treatment.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The dynamics of FSH and LH secretion were studied in sheep genetically selected for High (H) and Low (L) rates of testis growth. Gonadotrophin secretion had previously been shown to be affected in the ram lamb with H-line lambs more sensitive to steroid feedback than L. While there were significant differences in mean LH concentrations during the luteal and follicular phases of the oestrous cycle, mean LH values were essentially similar in the two lines in response to ovariectomy, the effect of oestradiol implants on the response to ovariectomy and the response to LHRH. However, the frequency of LH pulses in the H line was similar during both phases of the oestrous cycle, showing a surprising insensitivity to steroid feedback. By contrast, LH pulse frequency was markedly lower in the L-line ewes in the luteal than the follicular phase (0.6 vs 1.1 pulses/h) as expected from the literature. Mean FSH concentrations were significantly higher in the L-line ewes during the follicular phase of the oestrous cycle and after ovariectomy but no significant differences were detected at the other sampling periods. There were no differences in ovulation rate between the lines. It was concluded that selection for testis size had affected the feedback control of gonadotrophin release in the ewe, as in the ram, and hence the expression of the genes controlling this is not sex limited.  相似文献   

Exposure of starlings to long days initially causes reproductive maturation, but eventually leads to photorefractoriness. During photorefractoriness, gonadotrophin-releasing hormone (GnRH) decreases in the GnRH cell bodies and fibers emanating from these to the median eminence, circulating gonadotrophin concentrations decrease to a minimum, and the gonads regress. Thyroidectomy profoundly affects these photoperiodic responses. In chronically thyroidectomized starlings, gonadal responses to changes in day length are attenuated. This investigation was conducted to determine whether, in the absence of gonadal responsiveness, the GnRH system of chronically thyroidectomized starlings responds to changes in day length. Two groups of thyroidectomized male starlings were transferred from short days (8L:16D) to long days (18L:6D) for four weeks, and testicular volume increased. One group was kept on long days (TxLD) and the other was returned to short days (TxSD). Testicular volume did not decrease in the TxSD group. The GnRH neurons of the two thyroidectomized groups were compared to those of two groups of intact starlings, one of them on long days and photorefractory (ILD), the other on short days and photosensitive (ISD). Group ILD had lower numbers of GnRH-stained cells than groups TxLD, TxSD and ISD, which did not differ in this respect. Similar differences were observed for GnRH cell size in the pre-optic area (POA) and for density of staining of GnRH fibers in the median eminence. The results confirm that thyroidectomy attenuates gonadal responses to change in day length and suggest that this results from an effect upon the central nervous system rather than a peripheral effect.  相似文献   

Anterior hemipituitaries from female rats were incubated invitro in Krebs Ringer bicarbonate buffer, pH 7.2 containing 2 mg/ml of glucose in the absence and in the presence of GnRH or cholera enterotoxin. Following this incubation, the pituitaries were separated from the medium and cAMP and LH were assayed in the tissue and the medium, respectively. Incubations with GnRH in the range of 25 ng/ml to 400 ng/ml resulted in increase in LH release into the medium. Cholera enterotoxin at a concentration of 1 μg/ml, by contrast, caused no release of LH into the medium, but caused a 5-fold increase in cAMP level and this effect was concentration dependent. Cholera enterotoxin did not interfere with the GnRH-mediated LH release. It is concluded from these experiments that the ability of GnRH to increase cAMP level may be independent of its ability to release LH.  相似文献   

When ovulation is induced with gonadotrophin-releasing hormone (GnRH) in anoestrous ewes, a proportion of animals fail to form normal (full-lifespan) corpora lutea (CL). Progesterone treatment before GnRH prevents luteal inadequacy. It remains uncertain whether a similar effect, achieved with medroxyprogesterone acetate (MAP) from intravaginal sponges, is mediated by influences on growing ovarian follicles and/or secretion of gonadotrophic hormones, before and after GnRH treatment. Two experiments were performed, on 13 and 11 anoestrous Western white-faced ewes, respectively. Seven and six ewes, respectively, received MAP-containing sponges (60 mg) for 14 days; the remaining ewes served as untreated controls. To test the effect of timing of GnRH administration after pre-treatment with MAP-releasing sponges, GnRH injections (250 ng every 2h for 24h followed by a bolus injection of 125 microg of GnRH i.v.) were given either immediately (Experiment 1) or 24h after sponge removal in the treated ewes (Experiment 2). Ovarian follicular dynamics (follicles reaching >or=5mm in size) and development of luteal structures were monitored using transrectal ultrasonography. In Experiment 1, the mean ovulation rate (0.7+/-0.3 and 1.0+/-0.4) and proportion of ovulating ewes (57 and 67%, respectively) did not vary (P>0.05) between MAP-treated and control ewes. Normal (full-lifespan) CL were detected in 29% of treated and 67% of control ewes (P>0.05). In Experiment 2, the mean ovulation rate (2.3+/-0.2 and 1.2+/-0.6; P<0.05) and percentage of ewes with normal (full-lifespan) CL (100 and 40%, respectively; P<0.10) were greater in the treated compared to control ewes. In Experiment 1, the mean peak concentration of the GnRH-induced LH surge was lower (P<0.05) in MAP-treated than in control ewes. There were no significant differences between MAP-treated and control ewes in the characteristics of follicular waves, mean daily serum FSH concentrations, and secretory parameters of LH/FSH, based on intensive blood sampling conducted 1 day before sponging and 1 day before sponge removal. It is concluded that treatment with MAP has no effect on the tonic secretion of LH/FSH or follicular wave development in anoestrous ewes. However, the GnRH-stimulated LH discharge was attenuated in the ewes that received MAP-impregnated sponges for 14 days and were treated with GnRH immediately after sponge withdrawal. Ovulatory response and CL formation were increased when GnRH was administered 24 h after sponge removal.  相似文献   

Concentration of plasma luteinizing hormone (LH) and oestradiol concentrations and responses to a standard challenge with a gonadotrophin-releasing hormone (GnRH) analogue were measured at certain stages of anoestrus during consecutive cycles in five beagle bitches. Blood samples were collected every 20 min for 6h followed immediately by injection of GnRH analogue (0.16 micrograms i.v.) and collection of further samples after 10, 20, 40 and 60 min. Five, 10, 17 and three such sampling sequences were obtained during the luteal phase, transition to anoestrus, anoestrus and pro-oestrus respectively (i.e. 154-71, 114-44, 85-11 and 7-1 days before the preovulatory LH peak, respectively). Pulsatile LH secretion occurred spontaneously at all stages of the luteal phase and anoestrus and there was no effect of cycle stage on mean LH concentration or variability. In contrast, oestradiol could not be detected in most samples from early and mid-anoestrus until approximately one month before the preovulatory LH peak, after which average oestradiol concentration and between sample variability appeared to increase. Mean (+/- SEM) oestradiol concentration for all samples collected from 100-75, 74-50, 49-25, 24-10 and 9-1 days before LH peak was 1.4 +/- 0.1, 1.3 +/- 0.1, 2.4 +/- 0.3, 11.0 +/- 1.4 and 36.0 +/- 3.2 pg ml-1, respectively. Plasma LH concentration increased in all bitches after GnRH analogue injection (2.7 +/- 0.7 ng ml-1 at t = 0, 12.5 +/- 1.0 ng ml-1 at t = 10 min, mean +/- SEM, n = 35) regardless of cycle stage.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

To determine if LHRH might act within the brain to modify its own release, repeated blood samples were removed from conscious ovariectomized rats and minute doses of LHRH were injected into the third ventricle (3V). The effect of these injections on plasma LH and FSH was measured by radioimmunoassay (RIA). The higher dose of intraventricular LHRH (10 ng in 2 microliter) induced an increase in plasma LH within 10 min after its injection. Plasma LH decreased for the next 60 min. This was followed by restoration of LH pulses characteristic of the ovariectomized rat. This dose of LHRH slightly elevated plasma FSH concentrations. In stark contrast, a 10 fold lower dose of 1 ng of LHRH injected into the ventricle resulted in a highly significant decrease of plasma LH at 10 min following injection, followed by return of LH pulsations. There was no effect on the pulsatile release of FSH. The results are interpreted to mean that at the higher dose, sufficient LHRH reached the site of origin of the hypophyseal portal vessels in the median eminence so that it diffused into portal vessels and was delivered to the gonadotrophs to induce LH release. In contrast, the lower dose provided sufficient hypothalamic concentrations of the peptide to suppress the discharge of the LHRH neurons, thereby leading to a decline in plasma LH, indicative of an ultrashort-loop negative feedback of LHRH to suppress its own release.  相似文献   

Sixteen ram lambs (5 m.o. old, 45 +/- 1.5 kg) received a control diet (50% concentrate, no locoweed, n = 4), locoweed (20% locoweed for 21 d, n = 4), MUSE (2 mL i.m. of MUSE containing 5 mg selenium and 50 mg vitamin E/mL, n = 4) on Days 21 and 35([Day 0 = first day of trial]), or locoweed + MUSE (n = 4). The rams were maintained in individual pens (3 x 9 m) with free access to feed, water, salt and shade. On Day 7 after initiating locoweed, serum alkaline phosphatase (AP) increased (P < 0.01), and serum thyroxine (T4) decreased (P < 0.01) in locoweed-fed rams. Effects on serum AP and T4 remained constant in rams during the 21 d of locoweed feeding. Treatment with MUSE did not influence (P > 0.10) AP or T4. Locoweed-fed rams had reduced (P < 0.05) intake and body weight for the 2-wk period after locoweed feeding ended. The MUSE regimen or diet had no effect on intake or body weight (P > 0.50). Neither locoweed nor MUSE affected serum LH before or after GnRH administration on Day 22 (P > 0.10). On Day 50, however, area under the LH curve (AUC) was 966 units in locoweed-fed rams and 1,373 units (+/- 154) in controls (P = 0.09). Serum testosterone (T) was reduced in locoweed-fed rams before and after (P < 0.05) GnRH on Day 22. On Day 50, the T AUC was numerically lower (P = 0.14) in locoweed-fed rams (1,252 units) than in controls (1,539 +/- 130 units). Conversely, MUSE treatment resulted in increased (P = 0.02) T AUC on Day 50 (1,148 and 1,643 +/- 130 units in control and MUSE-treated ram lambs, respectively). During the 6-wk period after locoweed feeding, serum immunoglobulin G averaged 14.0 and 18.6 (+/- 1.1) mg/mL in control and locoweed-fed rams (P < 0.01), respectively. Twenty percent dietary locoweed for 21 d exerts adverse effects on feed intake, growth, and reproduction in young ram lambs and MUSE was not effective in reversing these effects.  相似文献   

Fifteen Pony mares, ovariectomized during the previous summer, were randomly assigned to three seasonal treatment groups, winter, spring and summer (N = 5). At the designated season, the animals were killed and hypothalamic areas were collected and assayed by radioimmunoassay for gonadotrophin-releasing hormone (GnRH) activity. The hypothalamic areas were sectioned into 54 5-mm cubes to determine the sites of GnRH storage. Maximum immunoreactive GnRH activity was located in an oblique pattern extending from the arcuate nucleus-median eminence area to the anterior hypothalamic area dorsally and anteriorly. While total hypothalamic GnRH concentrations were not significantly different among seasons (P greater than 0.05), there was a trend towards increasing concentrations in the summer season. Distribution of GnRH activity was significantly different among seasons (P less than 0.05), the change in distribution occurring in the ventral to dorsal plane, as well as anteriorly to posteriorly.  相似文献   

The hypothesis tested was that the decline in negative feedback of estradiol on secretion of luteinizing hormone (LH) that occurs as puberty approaches in heifers results from a decline in the number of receptors for estradiol in the hypothalamus and/or pituitary. In addition, associated changes in receptors for luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone (LHRH) in the pituitary, ovarian follicle development, and uterine growth were characterized. Fifty prepubertal heifers, 234 to 264 days of age, were used. Six heifers of median body weight were designated controls, and sequential blood samples were collected at 20-min intervals for 24 h every 2 wk from 249 days of age through puberty and analyzed for concentrations of LH. Frequency of LH pulses/24 h was regressed on number of days prepuberty to develop a prediction equation for puberty. Thirty of the remaining 44 heifers were killed at 253, 302, and 351 days of age (n = 10/group), and tissues for described analyses were collected. Three to 5 days before tissue collection, sequential blood samples were obtained from these heifers, as described for control heifers to determine frequency of release of LH. With this information, number of days prepuberty at the time of tissue collection was estimated from the prediction equation developed with data from control heifers. The average age at puberty in control heifers was 366 days. The average age at puberty of heifers that were not killed or included in the control group (n = 14) was 360 days. Receptor and morphological data were related to the estimated onset of puberty. Cytosolic concentration of receptors for estradiol (fmoles receptor/mg cytosolic protein) in the anterior hypothalamus, medial basal hypothalamus, and anterior pituitary declined (p less than 0.05) as puberty approached. No change in concentration of receptors for estradiol was observed in the stalk median eminence or preoptic area. The concentration of receptors for LHRH in the anterior pituitary did not change as puberty approached. Uterine weight increased rapidly during the 50 days preceding puberty. The number of small, medium, or large follicles and the wet, pressed, or dry weight of the ovaries did not change as puberty approached. Follicles with a diameter greater than 12 mm were found only in the 3 heifers estimated to be closest to puberty at the time of tissue collection. The hypothesis that the decline in estradiol feedback on secretion of LH during the prepubertal period in heifers may result from a decline in the concentration of binding sites for estradiol at the hypothalamus and/or pituitary is supported by this study.  相似文献   

Seasonal changes in pulsatile luteinizing hormone (LH) secretion in ovariectomized ewes were examined over the course of 2 yr in relation to annual changes in environmental photoperiod, shifts in response to estradiol negative feedback control of LH secretion, and timing of the breeding season. Under natural environmental conditions, the frequency of LH pulses in individual ovariectomized ewes changed gradually and in close association with the annual cycle of day length. As days became shorter in late summer and autumn, LH pulse frequency increased; conversely, as day length increased in late winter and spring, frequency declined. Under artificial conditions in which ovariectomized ewes were exposed to different photoperiods, a similar inverse relationship was observed between day length and LH pulse frequency. The seasonal changes in frequency of LH pulses in ovariectomized ewes, although symmetric with the annual photoperiodic cycle, were not temporally coupled to the dramatic shifts in response to estradiol feedback inhibition of LH secretion at the transitions between breeding season and anestrus. The feedback shifts occurred abruptly and at times when LH pulse frequency in ovariectomized ewes was at, or near, the annual maximum or minimum. The tight coupling between LH pulse frequency and photoperiod leads to the conclusion that there is a photoperiodic drive to the LH pulse-generating system of the ewe. The temporal dissociation between changes in this photoperiodic drive and the seasonal shifts in response to estradiol negative feedback support the hypothesis that the neuroendocrine basis for these two phenomena is not one and the same.  相似文献   

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