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以欧亚种葡萄品种‘红地球’、‘火焰无核’以及欧美杂交种葡萄品种‘户太八号’、‘夏黑’为试材,分析了露地和避雨两种栽培模式下鲜食葡萄叶片光合气体交换参数、生理指标、抗病性以及枝条生长的差异,探明避雨栽培模式对鲜食葡萄生长发育以及病害发生的影响。结果表明:(1)避雨栽培下鲜食葡萄叶片的净光合速率和蒸腾速率均低于露地栽培,而其叶片的气孔导度较露地栽培有所上升;避雨栽培显著促进了鲜食葡萄叶片叶绿素a、叶绿素b和总叶绿素含量的增加,降低了叶绿素a/b比值,且在‘红地球’、‘火焰无核’中的作用更显著。(2)各葡萄品种叶片中可溶性总糖和可溶性蛋白含量在两种栽培模式间无显著差异,但露地栽培葡萄叶片中水杨酸(SA)含量显著高于避雨栽培,且抗霜霉病品种‘户太八号’和‘夏黑’叶片中SA含量的增加幅度显著高于感病品种‘红地球’和‘火焰无核’。(3)避雨栽培显著降低了鲜食葡萄病叶率、叶片病情指数,且在欧亚种葡萄上达到极显著水平。(4)与露地栽培相比,避雨栽培葡萄枝条的长度和粗度均显著增加,且在葡萄果实采收后‘户太八号’和‘夏黑’枝条粗度在增幅上表现极显著。研究发现,避雨栽培显著减少了鲜食葡萄病害的发生,提高叶片...  相似文献   

为搞清红地球葡萄(Red Globe Grape)霜霉病(Plasmopara vaticola)的发生流行规律,以及在生产实践中为提高田间抽样的准确度,运用聚集度指数(K、CA、I&和M^*/X、λ)分析研究了红地球葡萄霜霉病系统型病株的田间分布型.结果表明:红地球葡萄霜霉病病株在葡萄园中的空间分布呈聚集型,分布的基本型是嵌纹分布和核心分布,适合率分别为75%和76.67%。二项分布的适合率为8.33%.在此分布型的基础上,通过调查病叶平均数,比较平行线、“W”字型、“Z”字型抽样方式,最后肯定平行线法最好.  相似文献   

水杨酸诱导小白菜抗霜霉病的作用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以小白菜(Brassica campestris ssp.chinesis L.)为材料,采用叶面喷洒的方法施用不同浓度水杨酸(Salicylic acid,SA),研究了SA小白菜对霜霉病的抗性诱导,并对经SA诱导后小白菜植株体内相关酶活性进行了研究.结果发现,在0.2~2.0 mmol·L-1的浓度范围内,随着SA浓度的增加,SA的诱导防治效果先增后减,1.0 mmol·L-1浓度为诱导抗性最适浓度.经SA诱导后,小白菜植株体内SOD、POD和PPO等酶活性也明显增强.  相似文献   

Controlled glasshouse experiments were conducted to investigate the temporal progress of powdery mildew and its effects on host dynamics of tomato, without and with one fungicide application. Healthy tomato transplants (5‐ to 6‐week old) were artificially inoculated with powdery mildew, and disease progress as well as host growth were monitored in both fungicide sprayed and unsprayed treatments and compared with non‐inoculated plants. Actual disease severity on a plant basis increased in unsprayed plants reaching maximum severity in the proportionate range of 0.53–0.83. One fungicide spray significantly reduced the maximum disease severity by two‐ to fourfolds. Despite adjustments for defoliation, declines in the proportion of disease severity between successive assessments were evident. Whereas the estimated growth rates of diseased plants were significantly lower than that of healthy plants, no significant differences were observed in the maximum leaf area formed of inoculated and non‐inoculated plants. A considerable effect of the powdery mildew epidemics was manifested through hastened shrivelling and defoliation of diseased leaves within the tomato canopy. An average of 18–29% and 40–52% of leaves had abscised from the plant canopy at the last date of assessment in sprayed and non‐sprayed plants, respectively. Accordingly, defoliation accounted for 14–33.3% and 58.3–63.1% losses in leaf area of sprayed and non‐sprayed plants, respectively. Duration of healthy leaf area and yield of inoculated plants were also significantly reduced by powdery mildew epidemics.  相似文献   

White tip, caused by Phytophthora porri, is a devastating disease in the autumn and winter production of leek (Allium porrum) in Europe. This study investigated the disease cycle of P. porri in laboratory and field conditions. Oospores readily germinated in the presence of non‐sterile soil extract at any temperature between 4 and 22°C, with the formation of sporangia which released zoospores. The zoospores survived at least 7 weeks in water at a temperature range of 0 till 24°C. Microscopic examinations revealed that zoospores encysted and germinated on the leek leaf surface and hyphae entered the leaf directly through stomata or by penetrating via appressoria. Oospores were formed in the leaves within 6 days, while sporangia were not produced. By monitoring disease progress in fields with a different cropping history of leek, it could be deduced that P. porri survives in soil for up to 4 years. Disease progress during three consecutive years was correlated with average daily rainfall in the infection period. Disease incidence on leek was reduced when rain splash was excluded by growing the plants in an open hoop greenhouse. Based on these findings, we propose a disease cycle for P. porri in which oospores germinate in puddles, and zoospores reach the leaves by rain splash and survive in water in the leaf axils, from where they infect the plant by direct penetration or via stomata. When conditions become unfavourable, oospores are produced in the leaves which again reach the soil when leaves decay. Secondary spread of the disease by sporangia does not seem to be important.  相似文献   

Benalaxyl is widely applied as a fungicide during grape planting processing. In this experiment, the stereoselective behavior of benalaxyl was studied during the grape growth and wine‐making process. A simple method based on high‐performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) equipped with a chiral column and UV detector was established to separate and determine the enantiomers of benalaxyl. Stereoselective degradation of the two enantiomers of benalaxyl was found in grapes. The degradation of both enantiomers followed pseudofirst‐order kinetics, and the degradation rate of R‐(?)‐benalaxyl was faster than S‐(+)‐benalaxyl. The half‐life of R‐(?)‐benalaxyl was 27 h, while the half‐life of S‐(+)‐benalaxyl was 31 h. The enantiomer fraction value decreased from 0.50 to 0.34 and finally only S‐(+)‐benalaxyl could be detected. In the fermentation process, both enantiomers of benalaxyl were hardly degraded, and no configuration interconversion was observed. Meanwhile, both enantiomers of benalaxyl showed little influence on the growth of the yeast, consumption of carbon sources, or production of alcohol. The result of this study might provide more sufficient data for the evaluation of food safety and potential risk. Chirality 28:394–398, 2016. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

We report the distribution and disease level of downy mildew on lettuce (Lactuca sativa) and virulence variation in populations of its causal agent (Bremia lactucae) in the Czech Republic during the period 1999–2011. Disease incidence was not high; among a total of 92 different localities surveyed, 43.4% of them were infected by lettuce downy mildew at least once during the whole period. However, among individual years, differences were found in disease incidence that ranged from 4.8% (2009) to 66.7% (2004). A total of 128 isolates of B. lactucae collected from infected leaf samples in 35 different localities during the surveying period were included in the virulence analysis. Virulence was examined on a set of 19 differential genotypes of Lactuca sativa and Lactuca serriola (EU‐A test set). Isolates exhibited quite a broad variation in virulence to individual Lactuca differential genotypes. Eighteen of 19 virulence factors (v‐factors) tested were present in the samples. The most frequently detected factors were v1–4, v5/8, v6, v7, v10–14, v16, v36 and v38; factor v17 was not found. The most pronounced temporal shift was recorded for factors v36 and v38 whose frequency increased during the studied period. V‐factors 15, 17, 18 and 37 were present in low frequencies in a pathogen population, and their corresponding gene (Dm15) or resistance factors (R17, R18 and R37) may have the best potential for resistance breeding in the Czech Republic. Broad diversity of v‐phenotypes (63 different ones) was identified during the study period. The numbers of v‐factors per v‐phenotype (resp. isolate) varied within a range of 5–15. Within the 128 analysed isolates, only 9 v‐phenotypes were recorded repeatedly (three or more times). Possible reasons of recorded virulence variation are discussed.  相似文献   

Land‐use change (LUC) is a major driving factor for the balance of soil organic carbon (SOC) stocks and the global carbon cycle. The temporal dynamic of SOC after LUC is especially important in temperate systems with a long reaction time. On the basis of 95 compiled studies covering 322 sites in the temperate zone, carbon response functions (CRFs) were derived to model the temporal dynamic of SOC after five different LUC types (mean soil depth of 30±6 cm). Grassland establishment caused a long lasting carbon sink with a relative stock change of 128±23% and afforestation on former cropland a sink of 116±54%, 100 years after LUC (mean±95% confidence interval). No new equilibrium was reached within 120 years. In contrast, there was no SOC sink following afforestation of grasslands and 75% of all observations showed SOC losses, even after 100 years. Only in the forest floor, there was carbon accumulation of 0.38±0.04 Mg ha?1 yr?1 in afforestations adding up to 38±4 Mg ha?1 labile carbon after 100 years. Carbon loss after deforestation (?32±20%) and grassland conversion to cropland (?36±5%), was rapid with a new SOC equilibrium being reached after 23 and 17 years, respectively. The change rate of SOC increased with temperature and precipitation but decreased with soil depth and clay content. Subsoil SOC changes followed the trend of the topsoil SOC changes but were smaller (25±5% of the total SOC changes) and with a high uncertainty due to a limited number of datasets. As a simple and robust model approach, the developed CRFs provide an easily applicable tool to estimate SOC stock changes after LUC to improve greenhouse gas reporting in the framework of UNFCCC.  相似文献   

The alloying reaction of silicon with lithium in negative electrodes for lithium‐ion batteries causes brutal morphological changes that severely degrade their cyclability. In this study, the dynamics of their expansion and contraction, of their cracking in the bulk and of their debonding at the interface with the current collector are visualized by in situ synchrotron X‐ray computed tomography and quantified from appropriate 3D imaging analyses. Two electrodes made with same silicon material having reasonable particle size distribution from an applied point of view are compared: one fabricated according to a standard process and the other one prepared with a maturation step, which consists in storing the electrode in a humid atmosphere for a few days before drying and cell assembly. All morphological degradations are significantly restrained for the matured electrode, confirming the great efficiency of this maturation step to produce a more ductile and resilient electrode architecture, which is at the origin of the major improvement in their cyclability.  相似文献   

Tick vector systems are comprised of complex climate‐tick‐host‐landscape interactions that are difficult to identify and estimate from empirical observations alone. We developed a spatially‐explicit, individual‐based model, parameterized to represent ecological conditions typical of the south‐central United States, to examine effects of shifts in the seasonal occurrence of fluctuations of host densities on tick densities. Simulated shifts in the seasonal occurrence of periods of high and low host densities affected both the magnitude of unfed tick densities and the seasonality of tick development. When shifting the seasonal densities of all size classes of hosts (small, medium, and large) synchronously, densities of nymphs were affected more by smaller shifts away from the baseline host seasonality than were densities of larval and adult life stages. When shifting the seasonal densities of only a single size‐class of hosts while holding other size classes at their baseline levels, densities of larval, nymph, and adult life stages responded differently. Shifting seasonal densities of any single host‐class earlier resulted in a greater increase in adult tick density than when seasonal densities of all host classes were shifted earlier simultaneously. The mean densities of tick life stages associated with shifts in host densities resulted from system‐level interactions of host availability with tick phenology. For example, shifting the seasonality of all hosts ten weeks earlier resulted in an approximately 30% increase in the relative degree of temporal co‐occurrence of actively host‐seeking ticks and hosts compared to baseline, whereas shifting the seasonality of all hosts ten weeks later resulted in an approximately 70% decrease compared to baseline. Differences among scenarios in the overall presence of active host‐seeking ticks in the system were due primarily to the degree of co‐occurrence of periods of high densities of unfed ticks and periods of high densities of hosts.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to quantify and qualify seasonal changes of all important components of a microbial biofilm community. We explored the development of the biofilm community structure on submerged glass slides for 15 months including all organisms from bacteria to macro‐invertebrates. Besides bacteria, heterotrophic flagellates were the most abundant biofilm component followed by ciliates, meiofauna organisms and algae. Most important were sessile choanoflagellates, peritrichous ciliates and some crustaceans. Ciliates and macrofauna were the most important components with regard to the total biovolume. The biofilm architecture was strongly influenced by extracellular structures produced by protozoans and macro‐invertebrates. Alterations within the biofilm community were mainly due to changes in abundances rather than in the composition except for heterotrophic flagellates and macro‐invertebrates. Biofilm organisms were dominated by planktivorous organisms exerting a strong grazing impact on the plankton organisms in this large river. (© 2011 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

Emerging pathogens constitute a severe threat for human health and biodiversity. Determining the status (native or non‐native) of emerging pathogens, and tracing back their spatio‐temporal dynamics, is crucial to understand the eco‐evolutionary factors promoting their emergence, to control their spread and mitigate their impacts. However, tracing back the spatio‐temporal dynamics of emerging wildlife pathogens is challenging because (i) they are often neglected until they become sufficiently abundant and pose socio‐economical concerns and (ii) their geographical range is often little known. Here, we combined classical population genetics tools and approximate Bayesian computation (i.e. ABC) to retrace the dynamics of Tracheliastes polycolpus, a poorly documented pathogenic ectoparasite emerging in Western Europe that threatens several freshwater fish species. Our results strongly suggest that populations of T. polycolpus in France emerged from individuals originating from a unique genetic pool that were most likely introduced in the 1920s in central France. From this initial population, three waves of colonization occurred into peripheral watersheds within the next two decades. We further demonstrated that populations remained at low densities, and hence undetectable, during 10 years before a major demographic expansion occurred, and before its official detection in France. These findings corroborate and expand the few historical records available for this emerging pathogen. More generally, our study demonstrates how ABC can be used to determine the status, reconstruct the colonization history and infer key evolutionary parameters of emerging wildlife pathogens with low data availability, and for which samples from the putative native area are inaccessible.  相似文献   

Dopamine (DA) replacement therapy with L‐DOPA continues to be the primary treatment of Parkinson's disease; however, long‐term therapy is accompanied by L‐DOPA‐induced dyskinesias (LID). Several experimental and clinical studies have established that Propranolol, a β‐adrenergic receptor antagonist, reduces LID without affecting L‐DOPA's efficacy. However, the exact mechanisms underlying these effects remain to be elucidated. The aim of this study was to evaluate the anti‐dyskinetic profile of Propranolol against a panel of DA replacement strategies, as well as elucidate the underlying neurochemical mechanisms. Results indicated that Propranolol, in a dose‐dependent manner, reduced LID, without affecting motor performance. Propranolol failed to alter dyskinesia produced by the D1 receptor agonist, SKF81297 (0.08 mg/kg, sc), or the D2 receptor agonist, Quinpirole (0.05 mg/kg, sc). These findings suggested a pre‐synaptic mechanism for Propranolol's anti‐dyskinetic effects, possibly through modulating L‐DOPA‐mediated DA efflux. To evaluate this possibility, microdialysis studies were carried out in the DA‐lesioned striatum of dyskinetic rats and results indicated that co‐administration of Propranolol (20 mg/kg, ip) was able to attenuate L‐DOPA‐ (6 mg/kg, sc) induced DA efflux. Therefore, Propranolol's anti‐dyskinetic properties appear to be mediated via attenuation of L‐DOPA‐induced extraphysiological efflux of DA.


DNA‐based vaccination is an attractive alternative for overcoming the disadvantages of inactivated virus vaccines; however, DNA vaccines alone often generate only weak immune responses. In this study, the efficacy of LMS as a chemical adjuvant on a DNA vaccine (pVIR‐P12A‐IL18‐3C) encoding the P1‐2A and 3C genes of the FMDV and swine IL‐18, which provides protection against FMDV challenge, was tested. All test pigs were administered booster vaccinations 28 days after the initial inoculation, and were challenged with 1000 ID50 FMDV O/NY00 20 days after the booster vaccination. Positive and negative control groups were inoculated with inactivated virus vaccine and PBS respectively. The DNA vaccine plus LMS induced greater humoral and cell‐mediated responses than the DNA vaccine alone, as evidenced by higher concentrations of neutralizing and specific anti‐FMDV antibodies, and by higher concentrations of T‐lymphocyte proliferation and IFN‐γ production, respectively. FMDV challenge revealed that the DNA vaccine plus LMS provided higher protection than the DNA vaccine alone. This study demonstrates that LMS may be useful as an adjuvant for improving the protective efficiency of DNA vaccination against FMDV in pigs.  相似文献   

Simulation methods were used to generate paired data from a simulated population that included the age‐based process of movement and the length‐based process of gear selection. The age‐based process caused bias in the estimates of growth parameters assuming random at length, even when relatively few age classes were affected. Methods that assumed random at age were biased by the subsequent inclusion of the length‐based process of gear selection. Additional knowledge of the age structure of the sampled area is needed to ensure an unbiased estimate of the growth parameters when using the length‐conditional approach in the presence of age‐based movement. Estimates of the variability in the length‐at‐age relationship were better estimated with the length‐conditional than the traditional method even when the assumptions of random at length were violated. Inclusion of paired observations of length and associated age inside the population dynamics model may be the most appropriate way of estimating growth.  相似文献   

Effects of hydrophobic and electrostatic interactions on the self‐assembling process of the ionic‐complementary peptide EMK16‐II are investigated by atomic force microscopy imaging, circular dichroism spectra, light scattering, and chromatography. It is found that the hydrophobicity of the peptide promotes the aggregation in pure water even at a very low concentration, resulting in a much lower critical aggregation concentration than that of another peptide, EAK16‐II. The effect of anions in solution with different valences on electrostatic interactions is also important. Monovalent anions (Cl? and Ac?) with a proper concentration can facilitate the formation of peptide fibrils, with Cl? of smaller size being more effective than Ac? of larger size. However, only small amounts of fibrils, but plenty of large amorphous aggregates, are found when the peptide solution is incubated with multivalent anions, such as SO, C6H5O, and HPO. More importantly, by gel filtration chromatography, the citrate anion, which induces a similar effect on the self‐assembling process of EMK16‐II as that of SO and HPO, can interact with two or more positively charged residues of the peptide and reside in the amorphous aggregates. This implies a “salt bridge” effect of multivalent anions on the peptide self‐assembling process, which can interpret a previous puzzle why divalent cations inhibit the formation of ordered nanofibrils of the ionic‐complementary peptides. Thus, our results clarify the important effects of hydrophobic and electrostatic interactions on the self‐assembling process of the ionic‐complementary peptides. These are greatly helpful for us to understand the mechanism of peptides' self‐assembling process and protein folding and aggregation. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Biopolymers 93: 318–329, 2010. This article was originally published online as an acceptedpreprint. The “Published Online” date corresponds to the preprintversion. You can request a copy of the preprint by emailing the Biopolymers editorial office at biopolymers@wiley.com  相似文献   

G‐quadruplexes are characteristic structural arrangements of guanine‐rich DNA sequences that abound in regions with relevant biological significance. These structures are highly polymorphic differing in the number and polarity of the strands, loop composition, and conformation. Furthermore, the cation species present in solution strongly influence the topology of the G‐quadruplexes. Recently, we reported the synthesis and structural studies of new G‐quadruplex forming oligodeoxynucleotides (ODNs) in which the 3′‐ and/or the 5′‐ends of four ODN strands are linked together by a non‐nucleotidic tetra‐end‐linker (TEL). These TEL‐ODN analogs having the sequence TGGGGT are able to form parallel G‐quadruplexes characterized by a remarkable high thermal stability. We report here an investigation about the influence of the reduction of the TEL size on the molecularity, topology, and stability of the resulting TEL‐G‐quadruplexes using a combination of circular dichroism (CD), CD melting, 1H NMR spectroscopy, gel electrophoresis, and molecular modeling data. We found that all TEL‐(TGGGGT)4 analogs, regardless the TEL size and the structural orientation of the ODN branches, formed parallel TEL‐G‐quadruplexes. The molecular modeling studies appear to be consistent with the experimental CD and NMR data revealing that the G‐quadruplexes formed by TEL‐ODNs having the longer TEL (L 1 ‐ 4 ) are more stable than the corresponding G‐quadruplexes having the shorter TEL (S 1 ‐ 4 ). The relative stability of S 1 ‐ 4 was also reported. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Biopolymers 91: 466–477, 2009. This article was originally published online as an accepted preprint. The “Published Online” date corresponds to the preprint version. You can request a copy of the preprint by emailing the Biopolymers editorial office at biopolymers@wiley.com  相似文献   

The impact of continuous cropping of lettuce on the disease dynamics of bottom rot and genotypic diversity of the causal pathogen Rhizoctonia solani AG 1‐IB was studied over 3 years with two crops per year within a field naturally infested with R. solani the pathogen. This field had not had lettuce cultivated in it for 7 years. The disease incidence (DI) and disease severity (DS) were assessed at each harvest and mapped. Surprisingly, a high DI was already observed in the first crop of year one of this field study. In addition, the pathogen was also found to be evenly distributed. Severely infected plants occurred mainly in patches, and the position varied between crops. A significant increase in DS was already observed in the second year, and both temperature conditions and continuous cropping influenced the DS on average over time. Rhizoctonia isolates were randomly collected from the first crop in 1999 and the sixth crop in 2001. The genotypic diversity within the subgroup of R. solani AG 1‐IB was analysed by BOX‐PCR genomic fingerprinting and the aggressiveness of isolates by bioassay. The fingerprints revealed a high level of genotypic diversity within the AG 1‐IB field population. However, continuous cropping was found not to have an impact on genotypic diversity and aggressiveness.  相似文献   

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