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Temperature and oxygen regimes were monitored weekly in a four-year old reservoir and downstream for ten weeks during the summer (May 15 to July 30, 1979), and monthly in the fall and winter. During the summer discharge levels were changed from top to bottom in the eighth week, back to top in the ninth, all at 0.71 m3/s (= 25 cfs), and returned to the bottom in the tenth, but at 1.14 m3/s (= 40 cfs). Changing the discharge level had little or no impact on the thermal regime within the lake or downstream at 1.14 m3/s and only a moderate impact on water in the lake near the dam at 0.71 m3/s bottom discharge by generating double thermoclines. Oxygen depletion rates were greatest near the surface of the lake, mainly due to temperature effects, but increased greatly at the 3 m depth, the level of the top discharge port, when discharge was changed from bottom to top. Discharge of anoxic waters through the bottom of the dam caused a drop in oxygen content immediately downstream but oxygen content returned to inflow values within 1 km downstream of the dam.  相似文献   

珠江东塔产卵场鳙繁殖的生态水文需求   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
帅方敏  李新辉  李跃飞  杨计平  李捷 《生态学报》2016,36(19):6071-6078
鳙(Aristichthys nobilis(Richardson)),我国著名的四大家鱼之一,是一种重要的大型淡水经济鱼类。然而近年来由于各种原因,我国鳙种群数量急剧下降。依据2006—2013年珠江中下游长时间序列仔鱼数据和日平均流量数据,分析了研究水域鳙的繁殖生态,包括仔鱼出现的时间分布特征和早期资源周年变化规律,同时采用交互小波光谱分析方法 (cross wavelet analysis),分析了径流量与鳙仔鱼多度的关系。发现珠江水系鳙早期资源发生主要在5至8月,2006—2011年早期补充资源量逐渐减少,2012—2013年间呈明显著增加;鳙早期资源年度出现的时间呈缩减趋势,其中最大繁殖量出现的时间逐年提前。交互小波光谱分析结果表明:径流量的改变与鳙仔鱼的多度显著正相关,当径流量大于5×103m3/s,且持续2d以上,是珠江水系鳙大量繁殖的基础,将对受梯级水坝控制的鳙产卵场的繁殖生态水文保障具有指导意义。  相似文献   

Habitat restoration within large rivers to enhance early life stages of fish is an emerging field. Prior to restoration, assessment of what constitutes “good” habitat is needed. We exemplify this with a study of larval Alosa sapidissima (American shad) in the Hudson River estuary in New York State, United States, which examines the quality of four main shallow water habitat types that have been reduced greatly by dredging activities. The larval stage has been identified as a sensitive period in need of mortality reduction. Habitats were examined as nursery habitat by comparing ambient conditions to known suitability indexes and by comparing relative abundance, loss rate, daily growth, and relative condition among habitats. Areas of lower velocity had greater abundances of shad ≤15.0 mm in length and shad growth was significantly higher. As shad became larger, those in areas of higher velocity had significantly higher relative condition, suggesting a shift in habitat use as larvae metamorphose into the juvenile stage. Contiguous backwater and secondary channel habitats had reduced loss rates during 2011 when there was high river discharge. No single habitat type examined in this study was found to be overall poor quality, and it is recommended that restoration sites be examined on an individual basis. More broadly, habitat diversity appears needed both for within‐year ontogeny as well as for longer‐term resiliency in the face of disturbance, such as storm‐driven high flows.  相似文献   

1. The St. Johns River Water Management District removed over 5.4 million kg of gizzard shad (Dorosoma cepedianum) from Lake Apopka, FL during 1993–2005, as a means of reducing lake phosphorus and phytoplankton concentrations and improving water clarity. Other steps included reduction of external nutrient inputs and operation of a treatment wetland. We measured nutrient excretion by Lake Apopka gizzard shad to quantify the nutrient effect of this biomanipulation. 2. Both N and P excretion were significantly affected by fish body mass and temperature. Larger fish had lower mass‐specific rates of excretion than smaller fish. 3. High water temperature increased P excretion to a much greater extent than N, resulting in a low N : P of nutrient excretion in midsummer. The N : P of excretion was lower than has been observed in other systems, probably because of higher water temperature. 4. Removal of gizzard shad >200 g prevented the annual release of 45 800 kg N year?1 (3.46 kg N ha?1 year?1) and 7700 kg P year?1 (0.62 kg P ha?1 year?1) on average. The actual impact on the P cycle varied substantially from year to year (range 7900–78 800 kg N year?1; 1200–14 800 kg P year?1), primarily because of fluctuations in the catch. 5. On an annual basis, the P directly removed in fish tissues was similar to that removed by the treatment wetland. The P excretion prevented by the removal of fish was approximately 20% of the reduction in external P loading achieved during 1993–2005. 6. In the short term, most of the P demand of planktonic primary producers is met through recycling of P, which greatly exceeds external P loading. Depending on population biomass, phosphorus excretion by the resident gizzard shad population was similar in magnitude to the P release by diffusive flux from the sediments.  相似文献   

Shalash  S. 《Hydrobiologia》1982,91(1):623-639
The River Nile receives most of its sediment load from the Atbara and Blue Nile rivers, which carry eroded sediments north from the Ethiopian mountains during the seasonal flood period between August and October. Prior to the construction and operation of the High Aswan Dam, in 1964, 9–10 × 106 metric tons of suspended sediment were deposited annually in the flood plain of the Nile, while about 93% of the total average annual suspended load of 124 × 106 metric tons was carried out into the Mediterranean Sea. Since the full operation of the High Aswan Dam in 1968, the flood discharge of the Nile, below the dam, has been greatly modified and more than 98% of the total suspended load has been retained within the reservoir. Based on long-term records; estimated relationships between discharge and suspended load, and field measurements, the life span of the dead storage capacity has been estimated at a minimum of about 360 years. Although this preliminary calculation is less than the estimated design capacity of 450 years, it is expected that progressively more suspended solids will be released in the outflow of the reservoir and that together with the use of flood diversion schemes the High Aswan Dam is likely to approach its design life span.  相似文献   

Synopsis The influence of temperature and the size of reproducing females on the timing of spawning of perch in Lake Geneva has been studied for 10 consecutive years (1984–1993) by means of artificial spawning substrates. The clutch of perch is an egg ribbon with a width proportional to the size of the reproducing female, so that the size structure distribution of the female population can be estimated from measurements of the width of the egg ribbons. The survey of egg-ribbon size revealed a succession of 3 cycles (period of increasing mean size followed by a sharp decrease) lasting 3, 3 and 4 years which were due to the occurrence of 3 strong year classes born in 1982, 1985 and 1988 respectively. This phenomenon can be explained by the effect of intraspecific predation exerted by strong year classes on the offspring of the 2 following years rather than by fluctuations in the success of reproduction in relation to climatic changes. In Lake Geneva, perch spawn in May. The water temperature exerted only a minor influence on the date of the beginning of the spawning period but had a greater effect on its intensity. A rise in temperature in May stimulated spawning while bad weather decreased spawning intensity. The larger perch had a tendency to spawn later than the small ones. The date of the mid-spawning period was well correlated with the yearly mean width of perch egg ribbons but no correlation could be detected between it and the water temperature.  相似文献   

Synopsis The reproductive behavior of yellowtail damselfish,Microspathodon chrysurus, was studied off the Caribbean coast of Panama to determine if there is a lunar spawning cycle. Male damselfish prepare nest sites on dead coral surfaces within their permanent feeding territories. Spawning occurs at sunrise and lasts for approximately one hour. Males defend the eggs until hatching, which occurs before the morning of the sixth day of incubation. Males spawn only once a day, but may spawn many times within each reproductive phase. Reproductive activity is highest in the time periods from full to new moon. The timing of this lunar cycle differs from those reported for other marine fishes. The spawning pattern is not consistent with common explanations for lunar periodicity that are based on the role of tides or moonlight. Some implications of these results for the organization of tropical reef communities are discussed.  相似文献   

The nutritional environment for fish larvae is analysed for the Basque continental shelf (Bay of Biscay), during the main anchovy-spawning period (spring) over two years. The quantity and quality of Suspended Particulate Matter (seston) is analysed for total particles, microparticles (20-200 μm) and mesoparticles (200-1000 μm). Separately, the characterisation of the < 20 μm particles is made, by subtracting the values obtained for micro- and mesoparticles, from the values for total seston. During the study period, the interannual variability on the nutritional environment was higher than inter-month, or spatial, variability. Changes in total seston quantity and quality were found to be associated to river discharges and marine circulation; these represented mainly the changes in the < 20 μm particles, which had the lowest nutritional value. In contrast, micro- and macroparticles were constituted mostly by living particles; they were found to have a higher nutritional value. Changes in abundance and quality showed similar trends in micro- and mesoparticles, but differed in the < 20 μm particles. However, the nutritional quality of particles increased with temperature within the three fractions. Biochemical analyses revealed that the nutritional environment, for fish larvae, was rich over the Basque continental shelf during both of the years investigated.  相似文献   

This study reports the only direct evidence of spawning of green sturgeon, Acipenser medirostris, in the upper Sacramento River, CA. Two green sturgeon eggs were collected with substrate mats immediately below Red Bluff Diversion Dam. One green sturgeon larva was collected with a larval net at Bend Bridge. We concluded that green sturgeon spawn in the upper Sacramento River, both above and below RBDD. Temperature ranges in the study area (10–15°C) are similar to conditions used in successful artificial rearing of green sturgeon and do not appear to be a limiting factor to successful spawning of green sturgeon; however, suitable habitat upstream of RBDD is inaccessible when dam gates are lowered.  相似文献   

Synopsis We examined the prey capture process in walleye larvae (9.8–18.0 mm mean length) feeding on zooplankton (density 1501–1) in laboratory aquaria at 15,18.5 and 22°C. Larvae were starved for 8 h prior to the experiment and only allowed to feed for 10 min during the experiment in order to minimize the influence of gut processing or satiation on feeding behaviour. Prey consumption (g min–1) increased exponentially and prey capture success (%) increased logarithmically with mean walleye length. Prey consumption and attack rate (strikes min–1) increased significantly with increasing temperature. The effect of temperature on capture success was slight (2% increase from 15 to 22°C) and not significant. Walleye showed positive electivity for medium-sized prey (0.3–0.6 mm body width, mostlyCeriodaphnia quadrangula), negative electivity for small prey (0.3 mm, mostly cyclopoid copepods) and neutral electivity for large prey (0.6 mm, mostlyDaphnia sp.). Neither prey species electivity nor prey size electivity were significantly affected by temperature. However, prey size electivity did show a fairly large effect size with respect to temperature and we suggest that this relationship should be examined further. These results indicate that temperature affects prey capture in walleye larvae primarily by influencing attack rate.  相似文献   

Tao J P  Gao Y  Qiao Y  Zheng H T  Wang X  Wan L  Chang J B 《农业工程》2010,30(4):233-239
The split-beam echo sounders were used in the No. 1 ship lock and the adjacent areas of the Gezhouba Dam Reach separately, to observe fish spatial distribution and the behavior of local fish about the Gezhouba Dam, and figure out whether the ship lock could served as a channel for fish migration in a way. The resulted showed that there were significance difference in both fish size (converted from the TS of individual fish) and abundance in the five marked sub-areas. Beyond that, there was an analogical fish distribution format in the analogical environmental condition. It might well be that fish species distributed in this area with the regioselectivity, which might resulted in the spatial differentiation. The horizontal fixed-location detection of the No. 1 ship lock revealed that, there were many ups and downs in the fish density with significant difference during a diurnal period, which might be resulted by the law of diel vertical distribution. There were all together 38 fishes moving up- or downstream the ship lock were detected during the period of ship-lock opening. In spite of the fact that, we cannot regard that the ship lock can served as the channel for fish migration. Because the evidence originated from the fish spatial differentiation and behavior in preference to that, it was the general behavior of that the fish swam backwards and forwards across the ship lock.  相似文献   

The split-beam echo sounders were used in the No. 1 ship lock and the adjacent areas of the Gezhouba Dam Reach separately, to observe fish spatial distribution and the behavior of local fish about the Gezhouba Dam, and figure out whether the ship lock could served as a channel for fish migration in a way. The resulted showed that there were significance difference in both fish size (converted from the TS of individual fish) and abundance in the five marked sub-areas. Beyond that, there was an analogical fish distribution format in the analogical environmental condition. It might well be that fish species distributed in this area with the regioselectivity, which might resulted in the spatial differentiation. The horizontal fixed-location detection of the No. 1 ship lock revealed that, there were many ups and downs in the fish density with significant difference during a diurnal period, which might be resulted by the law of diel vertical distribution. There were all together 38 fishes moving up- or downstream the ship lock were detected during the period of ship-lock opening. In spite of the fact that, we cannot regard that the ship lock can served as the channel for fish migration. Because the evidence originated from the fish spatial differentiation and behavior in preference to that, it was the general behavior of that the fish swam backwards and forwards across the ship lock.  相似文献   

The critical thermal maxima (TMAX) of threadfin shad Dorosoma petenense exposed to standardized stress (30 s handling in a dip‐net), simulating stressors endured during fish loading before transport, were measured over a range of holding temperatures (15, 20 and 25° C). Dorosoma petenense TMAX showed a significant thermal effect, displaying mean ±s.d . critical thermal maxima of 26·5 ± 1·6, 30·9 ± 1·2 and 33·3 ± 1·4° C, when tested at temperatures of 15, 20 and 25° C, respectively. Dorosoma petenense TMAX levels were also affected by stress, with handled fish showing significantly lower values than control fish exposed to 15 (mean ±s.d . TMAX = 25·6 ± 2·0° C), 20 (27·6 ± 2·8° C) and 25° C (32·0 ± 2·6° C). In addition to providing basic information on D. petenense thermal tolerance, experimental results suggest that fishery managers should consider the whole suite of potential stressors, such as air exposure during handling and fish loading, when developing management criteria.  相似文献   

利用浮游生物Ⅰ(孔径505 μm)、Ⅱ(160 μm)、Ⅲ(77 μm)型拖网所得的10个站位、4个季节丰度数据,以浮游动物生物体积为单位划分粒级,探讨了国华电厂排水口附近海域浮游动物Sheldon型粒径谱和标准化粒径谱的时空变化特征,以期探明海域增温对浮游动物粒径谱影响.结果表明: 浮游动物个体体积范围为0.00012~127.0 mm3·ind-1,可划分为21个对数粒级组,对数范围为-13.06~6.99.据Sheldon型粒径谱结果,构成不同月份粒径谱主谱峰的主要种类有桡足幼体、墨氏胸刺水蚤、中华哲水蚤、仔鱼、百陶箭虫、拿卡箭虫和球型侧腕水母,小谱峰大多由个体较小的幼体类、剑水蚤类、针刺拟哲水蚤构成.在不同增温区断面中,桡足幼体、鱼卵和剑水蚤类等基本不受增温影响,而大型浮游动物,如百陶箭虫、拿卡箭虫、球型侧腕水母、中华哲水蚤和瓜水母等明显倾向于迁离排水口.从标准化粒径谱参数变化看,截距从低到高分别发生在11、2、5和8月;斜率变化以2月最小,5月与8月斜率相似且较大,表明2月小型浮游动物在群落中所占比例最高,而中大型浮游动物以5月和8月较高.在不同断面中,斜率以距离排水口0.2 km断面最低,且随着断面距离增加而增加,说明距离排水口越近,浮游动物小型化越明显.象山港标准化粒径谱年平均截距为4.68,斜率为-0.655.  相似文献   

Pollution of rivers caused by human activity is a widely discussed problem, however there is not much attention paid to the changes of water quality that result from the inflow of effluent discharged from fish breeding ponds. The paper presents results of studies on changes of the abiotic parameters (hydrochemical and hydrological) of water observed in the yearly cycle between 2004 and 2008 in selected rivers of Northwest Poland. It was proved that the fastest reaction on the inflow of the effluent discharged from the fish ponds was reflected in changes of biogenic and organic compounds in the river water. The largest, i.e. threefold (rivers Krapiel and Tywa) or even fourfold (rivers Rurzyca and Stepnica) increase in nutrients and organic matter was recorded during the pond effluent discharge into the rivers. At that time values of the organic matter ranged from 8.9 to 18.3 mgO2/dm3 (BOD5), the nitrogen compounds from 16.868 to 26.930 mgN/dm3, while the phosphorus from 1.928 to 6.353 mgP/dm3. Interestingly, an additional dry mass of seston was recorded no earlier than the activity of the harmful element had been stopped and the river had resumed to the “initial” state (i.e. before the effluent discharge); that period varied from one to two months, depending on the river characteristics. The highest values of the dry seston mass (580.9 mg/dm3) was recorded in river Krapiel in November 2006. It seems that in spite of remarkable influence on values of individual physical and chemical indices of the river water quality, the effluent discharge from the fish ponds is not a factor hampering the self-purification processes of the rivers.  相似文献   

A four-year study showed a clear seasonal succession of species within the cladoceran community of the large, oligotrophic Sainte-Croix reservoir (S.E. France). Diaphanosoma brachyurum and Ceriodaphnia pulchella were strictly limited to the warm stratified period (July to October), whereas Bosmina longirostris and Bosmina coregoni were dominant during spring and autumn. Daphnia longispina was the only species to occur throughout the year with higher densities in spring.In spring and late autumn, the discharge of the inflowing river Verdon was high and the abundance of all species showed a gradient over the whole lake with lower densities close to the inflow. During the stratified period, water inflow was very low and species showed different patterns. Densities of the small form Ceriodaphnia pulchella were similar all along the long axis of the lake, whereas Daphnia densities were significantly higher near the dam. The distribution pattern of Diaphanosoma, an intermediate-sized species, showed similar trends to that of Daphnia. The only planktivorous fish in the pelagic zone, the bleak (Alburnus alburnus), fed mostly on large-bodied species (> 1.0 mm) and was more abundant close to the inflow current. A comparison between the length frequency distributions of cladocera upstream and downstream provided a clear demonstration of the effects of size-selective predation on prey populations. Finally, the interactions between spatial heterogeneity and long-term development of the zooplankton community and the indirect effects of predation are discussed.  相似文献   

Published spawning seasons of sparid fish were investigated to determine if there were consistent patterns that could be related to large-scale physical variability, and whether these relationships were species-specific or characteristic of higher taxonomic groupings. For individual species, genera and the family Sparidae as a whole, there was a consistent pattern; spawning at lower latitudes was concentrated close to the month of lowest sea surface temperature, while spawning at higher latitudes was more variable with greater deviations from the month of minimum sea surface temperature. The distribution of sparids may be limited by a lack of tolerance of one or more early life-history stage to high water temperatures, so targeting spawning to the coolest part of the year could be a tactic allowing maximum penetration into warmer waters. Such a link between the physiology of early life-history stages and timing of spawning could have direct consequences for patterns of distributions over a number of taxonomic scales. If there are similar constraints on the reproduction of other species, even minor increases in water temperature due to global warming that may be within the tolerance of adults, may impose constraints on the timing of spawning, with flow-on effects for both species and whole ecosystems.  相似文献   

SUMMARY. Temperature and current discharge regulated phytoplanktonic concentration, chlorophyll-a concentration, the light-saturated rate of photosynthesis (Pmax), and photosynthetic capacity (Pcap) in the Mississippi River at Prairie Island, Minnesota. The chlorophyll-a maximum was 48 mg m−3 in 1975, a wet year with a high current discharge, and 190 mg m−3 in 1976, a relatively dry year. The highest values of Pmax were 0.37 (mgO2 I−1h−1) in 1975 and 1.60 in 1976. Pcap varied from 3 to 21 (gO2 per g chlorophyll-a h−1) both years, and its value was highly correlated with temperature. The temperature optimum shifted from 16°C for Pcap in the spring, to greater than 28°C in the summer. Multiple regression analysis indicated a second-order relationship of Pcap in the spring to temperature. Other independent variables explained only negligible variation of Pcap.  相似文献   

Metal concentrations in the gill, muscle and liver tissues of Labeo rosae from two impoundments, Loskop and Flag Boshielo dams on the Olifants River, were evaluated in 2011 to detect patterns in metal associations between tissues and impoundments. Elevated concentrations of Ba, Zn, B, Al, Si and Fe, relative to a pristine site in the catchment, were found in the muscle, liver and gill tissues at both impoundments. Molybdenum concentrations were exceptionally high in all tissues at Loskop Dam and in liver at Flag Boshielo Dam. No definite pattern in the ratio metal concentrations within, or between, fish tissues was identified. The expected trend, liver > gills > muscle, was found at both impoundments, but was less prominent at Loskop Dam. Metal concentrations in muscle of Loskop Dam fish were significantly higher than in those at Flag Boshielo Dam. The inverse was true for liver. The long-term impact of elevated metal concentrations on fish health at both impoundments raises concern.  相似文献   

目的:探讨N-甲基-D-天门冬氨酸(NMDA)和非NMDA类受体在基本呼吸节律发生和调节中的可能作用。方法:以改良的Kerb's液灌流新生SD大鼠离体延髓脑片,记录片与之相连的舌下神经的呼吸节律性放电活动(respiratory rhythmical discharge activity,RRDA),在灌流中给予兴奋性氨式酸类递质及相应的拮抗剂,观察其对RRDA的影响。结果:使用非NMDA受体激动剂海人酸(KA)后,可见呼吸周期及呼吸时间有所延长,NMDA受体激动剂NMDA对呼吸活动则没有明显影响;相应的拮抗剂6-氰基-7-硝基喹恶啉土卫四(DNAX)和2-氨基酸戊酸(AP5)均可使放电频率和积分幅值明显降低,吸气时间显著缩短,但DNQX同时可致呼吸周期和呼气时间明显缩短。结论:在哺乳动物基本呼吸节律的产生和调节中,NMDA类受体主要对呼吸活动的强度产生调节作用;而非NMDA类受体不仅可以影响呼吸的强度,同时对呼吸的频率也发挥调节作用。  相似文献   

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