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以玉米秸秆为原料同步糖化发酵生产燃料乙醇   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以玉米秸秆为原料,经酸法预处理后,采用同步糖化发酵SSF工艺生产燃料乙醇。正交试验获得的最佳体系为:培养温度34℃、发酵pH值5.5、发酵的液固比8:1、当发酵108h后,乙醇浓度可达8.33g/L。该实验为纤维质燃料乙醇的产业化生产提供技术依据。  相似文献   

黄玉玲  隆小华  刘兆普  王琳  王博 《生态学杂志》2012,31(12):3187-3192
为获得菌株发酵菊芋生产燃料乙醇的最佳方案,首先选取实验室保存的重组菌株R32对其产酶条件进行优化,其最高产菊粉酶活性为298.8 U· mL-1,此时的最佳培养基配方为:YPG培养基为酵母粉1% (w/v),蛋白胨2% (w/v),甘油0.5% (v/v);YPM培养基为酵母粉1% (w/v),蛋白胨2% (w/v),甲醇1%(v/v);培养基pH为自然初始pH.然后选取酿酒酵母S.c和克鲁维酵母Klu,比较是否在添加重组菌株R32粗酶液条件下,两株酵母菌分别进行单独发酵和混合发酵时的产乙醇能力,以获得最佳的发酵组合.结果表明,酿酒酵母S.c和克鲁维酵母Klu在未添加重组菌株R32粗酶液时,混合一步发酵获得的乙醇含量较高,发酵84 h时乙醇含量为11.37%.添加重组菌株R32粗酶液进行两步发酵时,2株酵母菌混合发酵72 h时,乙醇含量为11.43%.2种发酵组合的最高乙醇含量以及各个发酵参数基本相同,虽然一步法发酵时间延长,但节省成本,操作简单,更适宜工业生产应用.最后对其进行正交试验优化,培养条件为菊粉浓度225 g· L-1,脲素浓度40 g·L-1,接种量15%,pH为5时,酿酒酵母菌S.c和克鲁维酵母Klu混合一步发酵法的最高乙醇体积比达11.82%.  相似文献   

菊芋含有大量的菊粉多糖,且种植简单、产量高,是极具开发价值的替代玉米等粮食作物生产燃料乙醇的原料。文中研究了鹰嘴豆孢克鲁维酵母Y179利用菊芋原料同步糖化与发酵生产乙醇。鹰嘴豆孢克鲁维酵母Y179具有高效分泌菊粉酶的能力,摇瓶试验显示Y179酵母能够利用完全由菊芋原料配制而成的培养基良好生长并发酵产生乙醇。通气及温度对乙醇产量影响明显,相对厌氧环境对Y179酵母发酵产乙醇具有促进作用,30℃发酵温度相对37℃和42℃更有利于乙醇产量提高。种子液培养时间及接种量对乙醇产量影响较小。在5 L发酵罐中以10%(V/V)量接入预培养36 h的Y179种子液,发酵液完全由菊芋干粉配制而成,总糖含量22%(W/V),30℃不通气,300 r/min搅拌,发酵144 h时,乙醇浓度达到12.3%(V/V),糖醇转化效率86.9%,糖利用率大于93.6%。初步研究结果显示鹰嘴豆孢克鲁维酵母Y179在利用菊芋原料生产乙醇方面具有良好应用前景。  相似文献   

代谢工程与全基因组重组构建酿酒酵母抗逆高产乙醇菌株   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
将酿酒酵母海藻糖代谢工程与全基因组重组技术相结合,改良工业酿酒酵母菌株的抗逆性和乙醇发酵性能。对来源于二倍体出发菌株Zd4的两株优良单倍体Z1和Z2菌株进行杂交获得基因组重组菌株Z12,并对Z1和Z2先进行(1)过表达海藻糖-6-磷酸合成酶基因 (TPS1) ,(2)敲除海藻糖水解酶基因 (ATH1), (3)同时过表达 TPS1和敲除ATH1, 经此三种基因工程操作后再进行杂交获得代谢工程菌株的全基因组重组菌株Z12ptps1、Z12 Δath1和Z12pTΔA。与亲株Zd4相比,Z12及结合代谢工程获得的菌株在高糖、高乙醇浓度与高温条件下生长与乙醇发酵性能都有不同程度的改进。对比研究结果表明:在高糖发酵条件下,同时过表达 TPS1和敲除ATH1 的双基因操作工程菌株胞内海藻糖积累、乙醇主发酵速率和乙醇产量相对于亲株的提高幅度要大于只过表达 TPS1,或敲除ATH1 的工程菌。结合了全基因组重组后获得的二倍体工程菌株Z12pTΔA,与原始出发菌株Zd4及重组子Z12相比,主发酵速率分别提高11.4%和6.3%,乙醇产量提高7.0%和4.1%,与其胞内海藻糖含量高于其它菌株、在胁迫条件下具有更强耐逆境能力相一致。结果证明,海藻糖代谢工程与杂交介导的全基因组重组相结合,是提高酿酒酵母抗逆生长与乙醇发酵性能的有效策略与技术途径。  相似文献   

以树干毕赤酵母和酿酒酵母为发酵菌株,酸性蒸汽爆破玉米秸秆预水解液和纯糖模拟液为C源,采用固定化酵母细胞的方法,研究了酸爆玉米秸秆预水解液初始pH、N源种类及其浓度、3种发酵模式对树干毕赤酵母戊糖发酵的影响。结果表明:玉米秸秆预水解液适合发酵的初始pH范围为6.0~7.0;1.0 g/L的(NH4)2SO4作为N源,在40 g/L葡萄糖和25 g/L木糖培养基中发酵24 h,糖利用率达到99.47%,乙醇质量浓度为24.72 g/L,优于尿素和蛋白胨作为N源;3种模式的发酵体系中,以游离树干毕赤酵母和固定化酿酒酵母发酵性能最好,糖利用率和乙醇得率分别为99.43%和96.39%。  相似文献   

以1株能够直接利用菊糖产乙醇的酿酒酵母L610为出发菌株,对其利用菊糖生产乙醇的发酵条件进行了一系列研究。结果表明,L610最适乙醇发酵温度为37℃,且40℃高温发酵对其产乙醇能力无显著影响;L610对酸性发酵环境有良好的耐受性,当发酵液p H值降至3.5时,其糖醇转化率及乙醇产量仍保持较高水平;以0.025~0.10 vvm的通气量通气12 h有利于L610发酵菊糖产乙醇;L610对350 g/L的高浓度菊糖有良好的转化率,乙醇浓度和生产强度分别达到129 g/L和1.35 g/(L·h);当直接以300 g/L菊芋粗粉为唯一底物进行发酵时,L610发酵产乙醇浓度达到89.6 g/L,为理论产量的78.1%。本研究所取得的成果为酿酒酵母一步法发酵菊芋生产乙醇的工业化发展提供参考。  相似文献   

【目的】研究酿酒酵母(Saccharomyces cerevisiae)工业菌株Mbp1基因的功能,探讨Mbp1基因对酿酒酵母乙醇发酵性能的影响。【方法】以酿酒酵母MF1015为出发菌株,用PCR方法构建Mbp1基因敲除组件Loxp-KanMX-Loxp,将敲除组件转化两种配型的酿酒酵母单倍体,通过单倍体复倍获得敲除Mbp1基因的二倍体突变菌株,研究突变菌株形态变化及乙醇发酵特性。【结果】敲除Mbp1基因后突变菌株生长曲线无显著变化,出芽率降低,细胞体积增大19.2%,对饥饿更敏感,较早出现假菌丝。甘蔗糖蜜在静置条件下发酵,突变菌株的乙醇产量明显低于野生型;在130 r/min的条件下发酵,突变菌株和野生型发酵液中的乙醇产量基本相同。【结论】Mbp1基因缺失使酿酒酵母的乙醇发酵能力下降并影响细胞的形态分化。  相似文献   

探讨了木质纤维素经过湿氧化爆破后在同步糖化发酵过程中酵母产乙醇的基本规律.采用单因素方法对湿氧化爆破条件、酶系组成和添加量以及预酶解时间和温度进行了优化.不同湿氧化爆破预处理条件下的稻秆对同步糖化发酵工艺的影响较大,在预处理温度160 ℃,进氧压力为4×105 Pa,碱用量为6%(w/w),反应时间为20 min的条件...  相似文献   

为研究微生物法预处理对红麻秸秆中木质素的降解及后续的红麻纤维素酶促糖化和发酵效率的影响,将白腐真菌Pleurotus sajor-caju接种在红麻秸秆培养基上固态培养,对红麻秸秆进行预处理。经P. sajor-caju培养25~35 d后,有效转化红麻秸秆中的木质素,转化率最高可达50.20%,并提高红麻纤维素的酶促水解效率,糖化率达69.33%~78.64%,与对照组相比提高了3.5~4.1倍。以微生物法预处理后的红麻秸秆样品为底物的同步糖化发酵实验表明,发酵72 h,发酵液中乙醇浓度达到18.35~  相似文献   

【目的】在酿酒酵母体内设计代谢通路,使酿酒酵母能利用纤维素水解产物纤维二糖生产乙醇。【方法】首先,用大肠杆菌DH5α总DNA为模板克隆编码大肠杆菌乳糖透过酶的LacY基因。为过表达LacY基因,以质粒YEplac181作为载体,将酿酒酵母PGK1p强启动子加到LacY基因之前,CYC1t终止子加到LacY基因之后,构建质粒YEplac181-PGK1p-LacY-CYC1t。之后,将纤维二糖转运蛋白LacY表达质粒和β-葡萄糖苷酶(β-glucosidase,BGL)表达质粒pRS316-PGK1p-gh1-1-CYC1t依次转入野生型酿酒酵母W303-1A中,使野生型酿酒酵母W303-1A异源表达可转运纤维二糖的LacY蛋白和β-葡萄糖苷酶GH1-1,构建可利用纤维二糖的酿酒酵母工程菌W303-1A GL。最后,通过发酵测定酿酒酵母工程菌W303-1A GL的纤维二糖利用情况和乙醇产量,并对纤维二糖代谢通路中纤维二糖酶活力进行测定。【结果】本研究构建了纤维二糖转运蛋白LacY和β-葡萄糖苷酶GH1-1协同表达的酿酒酵母工程菌W303-1AGL。W303-1AGL可以有效利用纤维二糖发酵生产乙醇,W303-1A GL发酵24 h时乙醇产量达到3.25 g/L,得率为0.325 g乙醇/g纤维二糖,利用葡萄糖产乙醇理论得率为0.511 g乙醇/g纤维二糖,达到葡萄糖产乙醇理论得率的64%,细胞密度最高在第54 h达到OD600=10.84,胞内β-葡萄糖苷酶的酶活在72 h最高,可达到0.51 U/mg。【结论】本研究成功构建了能有效利用纤维二糖的重组酿酒酵母工程菌W303-1A GL,为提高纤维素乙醇生产效率、降低纤维素乙醇生产成本提供了新思路。  相似文献   

以乙醇耐受力较强的酿酒酵母为受体菌,构建了能够分泌菊粉酶的基因工程菌并进行了菊芋粉的生料发酵。首先,以马克斯克鲁维酵母Kluyveromyces marxianus中的基因组DNA为模板,PCR扩增菊粉酶编码基因inu,分别使用菊粉酶自身启动子和酵母磷酸甘油激酶 (Phosphoglycerate kinase,pgk) 启动子,构建重组表达质粒HO/p-inu和HO/pgk-inu。经NotⅠ线性化后,采用电击法转化酿酒酵母工业菌株Saccharomyces cerevisiae 6525,分别得到含菊  相似文献   

Simultaneous saccharification and co‐fermentation (SSCF) of waste paper sludge to ethanol was investigated using two recombinant xylose‐fermenting microbes: Zymomonas mobilis 8b and Saccharomyces cerevisiae RWB222. S. cerevisiae RWB222 produced over 40 g/L ethanol with a yield of 0.39 g ethanol/g carbohydrate on paper sludge at 37°C, while similar titers and yields were achieved by Z. mobilis 8b at 30°C. Both S. cerevisiae RWB222 and Z. mobilis 8b exhibited decreasing cell viability at 37°C when producing over 40 g/L ethanol. A high ethanol concentration can account for S. cerevisiae RWB222 viability loss, but ethanol concentration was not the only factor influencing Z. mobilis 8b viability loss at 37°C. Over 3 g/L residual glucose was observed at the end of paper sludge SSCF by Z. mobilis 8b, and a statistical analysis revealed that a high calcium concentration originating from paper sludge, a high ethanol concentration, and a high temperature were the key interactive factors resulting in glucose accumulation. The highest ethanol yields were achieved by SSCF of paper sludge with S. cerevisiae RWB222 at 37°C and Z. mobilis 8b at 30°C. With good sugar consumption at 37°C, S. cerevisiae RWB222 was able to gain an improvement in the polysaccharide to sugar yield compared to that at 30°C, whereas Z. mobilis 8b at 30°C had a lower polysaccharide to sugar yield, but a higher sugar to ethanol yield than S. cerevisiae. Both organisms under optimal conditions achieved a 19% higher overall conversion of paper sludge to ethanol than the non‐xylose utilizing S. cerevisiae D5A at its optimal process temperature of 37°C. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 2010;107: 235–244. © 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Jerusalem artichoke mashed tubers were fermented using single yeasts and a bacterium as well as mixed culture of microorganisms. Kluyveromyces fragilis, a yeast with an active inulinase, was used together with either a commercial distillery yeast, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, or the bacterium Zymomonas mobilis. After batch fermentation the best ethanol concentration of 0.48 g g(-1) for the mixed population and 0.46 g g(-1) for the single population can be obtained. The theoretical yield of the mixed cultures was 2-12% higher than for the single microorganism.  相似文献   

Aims: To study fuel ethanol fermentation with Kluyveromyces marxianus ATCC8554 from Jerusalem artichoke (Helianthus tuberosus) grown in salina and irrigated with a mixture of seawater and freshwater. Methods and Results: The growth and ethanol fermentation of K. marxianus ATCC8554 were studied using inulin as substrate. The activity of inulinase, which attributes to the hydrolysis of inulin, the main carbohydrate in Jerusalem artichoke, was monitored. The optimum temperatures were 38°C for growth and inulinase production, and 35°C for ethanol fermentation. Aeration was not necessary for ethanol fermentation with the K. marxianus from inulin. Then, the fresh Jerusalem artichoke tubers grown in salina and irrigated with 25% and 50% seawater were further examined for ethanol fermentation with the K. marxianus, and a higher ethanol yield was achieved for the Jerusalem artichoke tuber irrigated with 25% seawater. Furthermore, the dry meal of the Jerusalem artichoke tubers irrigated with 25% seawater was examined for ethanol fermentation at three solid concentrations of 200, 225 and 250 g l?1, and the highest ethanol yield of 0·467, or 91·5% of the theoretical value of 0·511, was achieved for the slurry with a solid concentration of 200 g l?1. Conclusions: Halophilic Jerusalem artichoke can be used for fuel ethanol production. Significance and Impact of the Study: Halophilic Jerusalem artichoke, not competing with grain crops for arable land, is a sustainable feedstock for fuel ethanol production.  相似文献   

Despite the well‐recognized merits of simultaneous saccharification and co‐fermentation (SSCF) on relieving sugar product inhibition on cellulase activity, a practical concomitance difficulty of xylose with inhibitors in the pretreated lignocellulose feedstock prohibits the essential application of SSCF for cellulosic ethanol fermentation. To maximize the SSCF potentials for cellulosic ethanol production, a dry biorefining approach was proposed starting from dry acid pretreatment, disk milling, and biodetoxification of lignocellulose feedstock. The successful SSCF of the inhibitor free and xylose conserved lignocellulose feedstock after dry biorefining reached a record high ethanol titer at moderate cellulase usage and minimum wastewater generation. For wheat straw, 101.4 g/L of ethanol (equivalent to 12.8% in volumetric percentage) was produced with the overall yield of 74.8% from cellulose and xylose, in which the xylose conversion was 73.9%, at the moderate cellulase usage of 15 mg protein per gram cellulose. For corn stover, 85.1 g/L of ethanol (equivalent to 10.8% in volumetric percentage) is produced with the overall conversion of 84.7% from cellulose and xylose, in which the xylose conversion was 87.7%, at the minimum cellulase usage of 10 mg protein per gram cellulose. Most significantly, the SSCF operation achieved the high conversion efficiency by generating the minimum amount of wastewater. Both the fermentation efficiency and the wastewater generation in the current dry biorefining for cellulosic ethanol production are very close to that of corn ethanol production, indicating that the technical gap between cellulosic ethanol and corn ethanol has been gradually filled by the advancing biorefining technology.  相似文献   

In this study ethanol was produced from corn stover pretreated by alkaline and acidic wet oxidation (WO) (195 degrees C, 15 min, 12 bar oxygen) followed by nonisothermal simultaneous saccharification and fermentation (SSF). In the first step of the SSF, small amounts of cellulases were added at 50 degrees C, the optimal temperature of enzymes, in order to obtain better mixing condition due to some liquefaction. In the second step more cellulases were added in combination with dried baker's yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) at 30 degrees C. The phenols (0.4-0.5 g/L) and carboxylic acids (4.6-5.9 g/L) were present in the hemicellulose rich hydrolyzate at subinhibitory levels, thus no detoxification was needed prior to SSF of the whole slurry. Based on the cellulose available in the WO corn stover 83% of the theoretical ethanol yield was obtained under optimized SSF conditions. This was achieved with a substrate concentration of 12% dry matter (DM) acidic WO corn stover at 30 FPU/g DM (43.5 FPU/g cellulose) enzyme loading. Even with 20 and 15 FPU/g DM (corresponding to 29 and 22 FPU/g cellulose) enzyme loading, ethanol yields of 76 and 73%, respectively, were obtained. After 120 h of SSF the highest ethanol concentration of 52 g/L (6 vol.%) was achieved, which exceeds the technical and economical limit of the industrial-scale alcohol distillation. The SSF results showed that the cellulose in pretreated corn stover can be efficiently fermented to ethanol with up to 15% DM concentration. A further increase of substrate concentration reduced the ethanol yield significant as a result of insufficient mass transfer. It was also shown that the fermentation could be followed with an easy monitoring system based on the weight loss of the produced CO2.  相似文献   

Aims: Developing an innovative process for ethanol fermentation from Jerusalem artichoke tubers under very high gravity (VHG) conditions. Methods and Results: A consolidated bioprocessing (CBP) strategy that integrated inulinase production, saccharification of inulin contained in Jerusalem artichoke tubers and ethanol production from sugars released from inulin by the enzyme was developed with the inulinase‐producing yeast Kluyveromyces marxianus Y179 and fed‐batch operation. The impact of inoculum age, aeration, the supplementation of pectinase and nutrients on the ethanol fermentation performance of the CBP system was studied. Although inulinase activities increased with the extension of the seed incubation time, its contribution to ethanol production was negligible because vigorously growing yeast cells harvested earlier carried out ethanol fermentation more efficiently. Thus, the overnight incubation that has been practised in ethanol production from starch‐based feedstocks is recommended. Aeration facilitated the fermentation process, but compromised ethanol yield because of the negative Crabtree effect of the species, and increases the risk of contamination under industrial conditions. Therefore, nonaeration conditions are preferred for the CBP system. Pectinase supplementation reduced viscosity of the fermentation broth and improved ethanol production performance, particularly under high gravity conditions, but the enzyme cost should be carefully balanced. Medium optimization was performed, and ethanol concentration as high as 94·2 g l?1 was achieved when 0·15 g l?1 K2HPO4 was supplemented, which presents a significant progress in ethanol production from Jerusalem artichoke tubers. Conclusions: A CBP system using K. marxianus is suitable for efficient ethanol production from Jerusalem artichoke tubers under VHG conditions. Significance and Impact of the Study: Jerusalem artichoke tubers are an alternative to grain‐based feedstocks for ethanol production. The high ethanol concentration achieved using K. marxianus with the CBP system not only saves energy consumption for ethanol distillation, but also significantly reduces the amount of waste distillage discharged from the distillation system.  相似文献   

AIMS: Recombinant Saccharomyces cerevisiae strains harbouring different levels of xylulokinase (XK) activity and effects of XK activity on utilization of xylulose were studied in batch and fed-batch cultures. METHODS AND RESULTS: The cloned xylulokinase gene (XKS1) from S. cerevisiae was expressed under the control of the glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase promoter and terminator. Specific xylulose consumption rate was enhanced by the increased specific XK activity, resulting from the introduction of the XKS1 into S. cerevisiae. In batch and fed-batch cultivations, the recombinant strains resulted in twofold higher ethanol concentration and 5.3- to six-fold improvement in the ethanol production rate compared with the host strain S. cerevisiae. CONCLUSIONS: An effective conversion of xylulose to xylulose 5-phosphate catalysed by XK in S. cerevisiae was considered to be essential for the development of an efficient and accelerated ethanol fermentation process from xylulose. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: Overexpression of the XKS1 gene made xylulose fermentation process accelerated to produce ethanol through the pentose phosphate pathway.  相似文献   

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