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The major histocompatibility complex in man contains at least 20 class I genes. Included within this family are three closely linked loci with 11-47 codominant alleles that encode the classical transplantation antigens HLA-A, -B, and -C. The study of individual HLA-A, -B, and -C genes is complicated both by the high degree of sequence homology among all members of the class I gene family and by the high degree of polymorphism exhibited by HLA-A, -B, and -C genes. Identification of potential locus-specific regions suitable for use as unique probes has been limited by the small number of nucleotide sequences available for comparison. In the present study, the nucleotide sequences of two cDNA clones, designated HLA-4 and HLA-10, that encode previously unsequenced alleles of HLA-C and HLA-A genes, respectively, are compared with those of other class I genes. From these intergenic and interallelic comparisons, it was deduced that the nucleotide sequence encoding amino acids 291-299 of the transmembrane region showed sufficient divergence between loci and similarity between alleles, to be suitable for the generation of locus-specific probes. Synthetic oligonucleotides were generated and shown to be highly locus-specific in hybridization. These probes were used successfully for the quantitation of the relative amounts of mRNA transcribed in human liver from HLA-A, -B, and -C genes; they should greatly simplify future studies of restriction fragment length polymorphisms of HLA-A, -B, and -C alleles as genetic markers of disease susceptibility.  相似文献   

Dunn DS  Tait BD  Kulski JK 《Immunogenetics》2005,56(10):765-768
There are five polymorphic Alu insertion (POALIN) loci within the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I region that have been strongly associated with HLA class I alleles, such as HLA-A1, HLA-A2 and HLA-B57. In order to assess the variability and frequency of POALIN distribution within two common HLA-B haplotypes, we detected the presence of the MHC class I POALIN by PCR in a panel of 15 individuals with HLA-B57 and 47 homozygous individuals with 7.1 AH (HLA-B7, -Cw7, -A3) obtained from the Australian Bone Marrow Donor Registry, and also from four families (25 individuals) containing the HLA-B57 allele. Only two of the 47 HLA-B7 genotypes had a detectable POALIN, whereas all of the HLA-B57 genotypes had at least one or more POALINs present, confirming that certain MHC class I haplotypes are relatively POALIN-free and others are POALIN-enriched. Six distinct HLA-B57 haplotypes, based on differences at the HLA-A locus and three of five POALIN loci, were identified that appear to have evolved by different mechanisms, including either by shuffling different combinations of conserved alpha and beta blocks or by recombination events involving two or more previously generated HLA-B57 haplotypes.  相似文献   

The nucleotide sequences of two rice histone H3 genes.   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文

In most myogenic systems, synthesis of the intermediate filament (IF) protein vimentin precedes the synthesis of the muscle-specific IF protein desmin. In the dorsal myotome of the Xenopus embryo, however, there is no preexisting vimentin filament system and desmin's initial organization is quite different from that seen in vimentin-containing myocytes (Cary and Klymkowsky, 1994. Differentiation. In press.). To determine whether the organization of IFs in the Xenopus myotome reflects features unique to Xenopus or is due to specific properties of desmin, we used the injection of plasmid DNA to drive the synthesis of vimentin or desmin in myotomal cells. At low levels of accumulation, exogenous vimentin and desmin both enter into the endogenous desmin system of the myotomal cell. At higher levels exogenous vimentin forms longitudinal IF systems similar to those seen in vimentin-expressing myogenic systems and massive IF bundles. Exogenous desmin, on the other hand, formed a reticular IF meshwork and non-filamentous aggregates. In embryonic epithelial cells, both vimentin and desmin formed extended IF networks. Vimentin and desmin differ most dramatically in their NH2- terminal "head" regions. To determine whether the head region was responsible for the differences in the behavior of these two proteins, we constructed plasmids encoding chimeric proteins in which the head of one was attached to the body of the other. In muscle, the vimentin head- desmin body (VDD) polypeptide formed longitudinal IFs and massive IF bundles like vimentin. The desmin head-vimentin body (DVV) polypeptide, on the other hand, formed IF meshworks and non-filamentous structures like desmin. In embryonic epithelial cells DVV formed a discrete filament network while VDD did not. Based on the behavior of these chimeric proteins, we conclude that the head domains of vimentin and desmin are structurally distinct and not interchangeable, and that the head domain of desmin is largely responsible for desmin's muscle- specific behaviors.  相似文献   

Two lipase-encoding genes (LIP1 and LIP2) have been isolated from a SacI genomic library of the yeast Candida cylindracea and their nucleotide sequences have been determined. Comparison with the sequence of a cDNA ruled out the presence of introns in the two genes. Both ORFs encode for mature proteins of 534 residues with putative signal peptides of 15 and 14 amino acids, respectively. When compared with other lipase sequences, the two C. cylindracea lipases showed homology only with the Geotrichum candidum lipase, whereas they shared a significant similarity with several esterases.  相似文献   

The complete nucleotide sequence of an active class I HLA gene, HLA-A3, has been determined. This sequence, together with that obtained for the HLA-CW3 gene, represents the first complete nucleotide sequence to be determined for functional class I HLA genes. The gene organisation of HLA-A3 closely resembles that of class I H-2 genes in mouse: it shows a signal exon, three exons encoding the three extracellular domains, one exon encoding the transmembrane region and three exons encoding the cytoplasmic domain. The complete nucleotide sequences of the active HLA genes, HLA-A3 and HLA-CW3, now permit a meaningful comparison of the nucleotide sequences of class I HLA genes by alignment with the sequence established for a HLA-B7-specific cDNA clone and the sequences of two HLA class I pseudogenes HLA 12.4 and LN- 11A . The comparisons show that there is a non-random pattern of nucleotide differences in both exonic and intronic regions featuring segmental homologies over short regions, which is indicative of a gene conversion mechanism. In addition, analysis of the frequency of nucleotide substitution at the three base positions within the codons of the functional genes HLA-A3, HLA-B7 and HLA-CW3 shows that the pattern of nucleotide substitution in the exon coding for the 3rd extracellular domain is consistent with strong selection pressure to conserve the sequence. The distribution of nucleotide variation in the other exons specifying the mature protein is nearly random with respect to the frequencies of substitution at the three nucleotide positions of their codons. The evolutionary implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

Initiation of an immune response depends upon expression of class II MHC determinants on plasma membranes of APC. Murine peritoneal macrophages treated with either rIFN-gamma or rIL-4 display significantly more class II MHC determinants than untreated control cells. Analysis of the induction of macrophage Ia Ag by these cytokines showed considerable quantitative and qualitative differences. Maximal levels of Ia Ag induced in macrophages and detected by ELISA after IL-4 treatment at 48 h was about 80% of that induced by IFN-gamma. However, the frequency of Ia+ cells in replicate macrophage populations cultured for 48 h in excess concentrations of cytokine was 60 to 80% with IFN-gamma, 30 to 40% with IL-4, and 5% with medium alone. Thus, the subpopulation of macrophages able to respond to IL-4 for induction of Ia Ag expression was less than that able to respond to IFN-gamma. Expression of Ia Ag on macrophages continuously exposed to IFN-gamma was maximal at 48 h and remained at this high level through 6 days. Maximal Ia Ag expression for IL-4-treated cells was also detected at 48 h, but was not sustained with time in culture, and returned to base line by 4 days. A similar time course for levels of Ia-specific message in macrophages at various times after IFN-gamma and IL-4 treatment was detected by Northern dot blot analysis. Loss of Ia mRNA and Ag with time in culture in the IL-4 treated cells was not due to macrophage cell death, depletion of active cytokine, or presence of fluid-phase inhibitors. IL-4 unresponsive cells were fully capable of maximal response to IFN-gamma for Ia Ag induction. These findings suggest that IL-4 and IFN-gamma induce class II MHC determinants through different mechanisms which may provide discrete regulatory control of APC function.  相似文献   

Specificity of T cell receptor (TCR) and its interaction with coreceptor molecules play decisive role in successful passing of T lymphocytes via check-points during their development and finally determine the efficiency of adaptive immunity. Genes encoding alpha- and beta-chains of TCR hybridoma 1D1 have been cloned. The hybridoma 1D1 was established by the fusion of BWZ.36CD8alpha cell line with CD8+ memory cells specific to MHC class I H-2Kb molecule. Exploiting retroviral transduction of thymoma 4G4 cells with TCR genes and coreceptors CD4 and CD8, variants of this cell line expressing on the surface CD3/TCR complex and coreceptors, separately or simultaneously have been obtained. The main function of CD4 is stabilization of interaction between TCR and MHC class II molecule. Nevertheless, we have found that CD4 could successfully participate in the activation of transfectants via TCR specific to MHC class I molecule H-2Kb. Moreover, coreceptor CD4 dominates CDS, because the response of transfectants CD4+CD8+ is blocked by antibodies to CD4 and MHC Class II Ab molecule but not to coreceptor CD8. The response of CD4+ cells was not due to cross-reaction between TCR 1D1 with MHC class II molecules, because transfectants do not respond to splenocytes of H-2b knockouted mice with impaired assembly of TCR/beta2-microglobulin/peptide complexes resulting in their absence on the cell surphace. The effect of domination was not due to sequestration of kinase p56lck, because truncated CD4 with the loss of binding motif for p56lck remained functional in 4G4 cells. Results obtained can explain the number of features of intrathymic selection and represent experimental basis for development of new methods of cancer gene therapy.  相似文献   

Electrophoretically detected genetic polymorphism of human MHC class III genes, factor B (Bf) and complement C4A and C4B, was studied in the Finnish population. Bf alleles were determined in a panel of sera from 70 unrelated individuals. The common Bf alleles, Bf*S and Bf*F, had frequencies of 73% and 26%, respectively. Only in 1 individual was another allele, Bf*F1, detected. The frequencies of the C4A and C4B alleles were based on studies of 254 unrelated individuals. In this panel, five different alleles were detected at the C4A locus and four at the C4B locus. At both loci an allele without a gene product, i.e. a 'null' allele, was observed with high frequency, 11% for C4A 'null' and 17% for C4B 'null'. The association of complotypes to HLA haplotypes was analyzed in 70 chromosomes. The most common combination, defined by class I and class III alleles, was HLA-B7-S31 (13%), followed by HLA-B35-F20 (8.4%) and HLA-B8-S03 (7.1%). Some HLA-B specificities, for example B15, B27 and B40, were associated with a variety of complotypes. The importance of complotyping in HLA genetics is discussed.  相似文献   

A cDNA library prepared from lymphocytes of a cow (E98), homozygous at major histocompatibility complex (MHC) loci (BoLA phenotype w10, KN104), was screened with a bovine MHC class I probe. Of the cDNA clones isolated, two, (2.1 and 5.1) were selected and showed divergence at both 5 and 3 termini. E98 DNA was digested with rare-cutter enzymes (Sfi I, Mlu I, Not I, and Cla I) and fragments were size-separated by field inversion gel electrophoresis (FIGE). Hybridization with an entire class I cDNA probe revealed multiple fragments generated by each enzyme. When the 3 untranslated regions (UT) of 2.1 and 5.1 were used as probes, only one fragment was revealed in each digested sample, showing locus specificity of these probes in cattle. Further, DNA of transfected mouse fibroblasts L4 (expressing KN104) and L10 (expressing w10) hybridized to the 3UT regions of clones 2.1 and 5.1, respectively, Northern blot analysis of the mRNA of the L4 and L10 transfected cells provided further evidence that the cDNA clones 2.1 and 5.1 code for the BoLA-KN104 and BoLA-w10 class I molecules respectively, and thus these represent the products of two different genes. A long range physical mapping of the BoLA-w10 and KN104 genes was performed using FIGE analysis of DNA of and homozygous and an heterozygous animal. This analysis revealed that the BoLA-w10 and KN104 genes are separated by not more than 210 kilobases (kb) and that they are components of a multigene family spanning 1550 kb. As the] w10 gene is at the BoLA-A locus we assign the KN104 gene to a B locus.  相似文献   

Cyclic-di-GMP and cyclic-di-AMP are second messengers produced by bacteria and influence bacterial cell survival, differentiation, colonization, biofilm formation, virulence, and bacteria-host interactions. In this study, we show that in both RAW264.7 macrophage cells and primary bone marrow-derived macrophages, the production of IFN-β and IL-6, but not TNF, in response to cyclic-di-AMP and cyclic-di-GMP requires MPYS (also known as STING, MITA, and TMEM173). Furthermore, expression of MPYS was required for IFN response factor 3 but not NF-κB activation in response to these bacterial metabolites. We also confirm that MPYS is required for type I IFN production by cultured macrophages infected with the intracellular pathogens Listeria monocytogenes and Francisella tularensis. However, during systemic infection with either pathogen, MPYS deficiency did not impact bacterial burdens in infected spleens. Serum IFN-β and IL-6 concentrations in the infected control and MPYS(-/-) mice were also similar at 24 h postinfection, suggesting that these pathogens stimulate MPYS-independent cytokine production during in vivo infection. Our findings indicate that bifurcating MPYS-dependent and -independent pathways mediate sensing of cytosolic bacterial infections.  相似文献   

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