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C. Barberis 《FEBS letters》1983,162(2):400-405
Characterization of specific vasopressin binding sites to rat hippocampal membranes has been assayed using tritiated lysine-vasopressin labelled on the tyrosyl residue. At 30°C specific [3H]vasopressin binding was saturable. The estimated equilibrium dissociation constant was 7.1 nM, the mean maximal binding capacity was 78 fmol/mg protein. Arginine-vasopressin has a high affinity (Kd = 2.8 nM) and dDAVP has a low affinity (Kd = 249 nM) for hippocampal synaptic membranes. (OH)AVP and Phe2Orn8VT are at least as active as AVP in inhibiting [3H]vasopressin binding. Adenylate cyclase was activated by VIP and inhibited by PIA, but not affected by lysine-vasopressin.  相似文献   

Calcium-induced phosphorylated intermediates and calmodulin-binding proteins in membrane preparations from th renal cortex were analyzed by SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis at low pH, protein electroblotting and [125I]calmodulin overlay. Two calcium-induced phosphoproteins were found, with a molecular mass of 135 and 115 kDa, respectively. By comparing different preparations characterized by marker enzymes, it was shown that the 135 kDa phosphoprotein is localized in the basal-lateral fragment of the plasma membrane, whereas the 115 kDa phosphoprotein is more pronounced in preparations containing a high proportion of endoplasmic reticulum. A prominent calmodulin-binding protein comigrated with the 135 kDa phosphoprotein; there was no calmodulin binding to polypeptides in the molecular mass range of the 115 kDa phosphoprotein. Partial proteolysis by trypsin and the effect of 20 μM La2+ on the formation of phosphoproteins before and after trypsinization support the conclusion that the 135 kDa protein can be identified with the plasma membrane calcium pump, whereas the 115 kDa phosphoprotein is the phosphorylated intermediate of a different type of calcium pump probably originating from the endoplasmic reticulum. Calmodulin binding in renal membrane preparations analyzed on Laemmli-type slab gels revealed that there are many calmodulin-binding proteins in our preparations. We have identified one band with the renal calcium pump localized in the basal-lateral membrane. Another calmodulin-binding protein migrating at 108 kDa, is not localized in the basal-lateral membrane and could be one of the calmodulin-binding proteins originating from the cytoskeleton.  相似文献   

Synaptic plasma membrane (SPM) vesicles were isolated under conditions which preserve most of their biochemical properties. Therefore, they appeared particularly useful to study the cytoplasmic GABA release mechanism through its neuronal transporter without interference of the exocytotic mechanism. In this work, we utilized SPM vesicles isolated from sheep brain cortex to investigate the process of [3H]GABA release induced by ouabain, veratridine and Na+ substitution by other monovalent cations (K+, Rb+, Li+, and choline). We observed that ouabain is unable to release [3H]GABA previously accumulated in the vesicles and, in our experimental conditions, it does not act as a depolarizing agent. In contrast, synaptic plasma membrane vesicles release [3H]GABA when veratridine is present in the external medium, and this process is sensitive to extravesicular Na+ and it is inhibited by extravesicular Ca2+ (1 mM) under conditions which appear to permit its entry. However, veratridine-induced [3H]GABA release does not require membrane depolarization, since this drug does not induce any significant alteration in the membrane potential, which is determined by the magnitude of the ionic gradients artificially imposed to the vesicles. The substitution of Na+ by other monovalent cations promotes [3H]GABA release by altering the Na+ concentration gradient and the membrane potential of SPM vesicles. In the case of choline and Li+, we observed that the fraction of [3H]GABA released relatively to the total amount of neurotransmitter released by K+ or Rb+ is about 28% and 68%, respectively. Since the replacement of Na+ by K+, Rb+, and Li+ causes different levels of membrane depolarization, and the replacement of Na+ by choline causes hyperpolarization of the vesicles, these results suggest that, in parallel to the [3H]GABA release, which is directly proportional to the level of membrane depolarization, this neurotransmitter can be released by decreasing the external Na+, which reflects an elevation of the Na+ concentration gradient (inout). Like veratridine-induced release, the depolarization-induced release of [3H]GABA by SPM vesicles is inhibited by Ca2+, which suggests that this divalent cation interfers with the cytoplasmic GABA release mechanism.Abbreviations used ATPase adenosine triphosphatase - GABA -aminobutyric acid - Mes 2 (N-morpholino)-ethanosulfonic acid - SPM synaptic plasma membranes - membrane potential  相似文献   

Several characteristics of calmodulin association with brain synaptic and coated vesicles were analyzed and compared. Radioimmunoassay revealed that both classes of vesicles contain approx. 1 μg of calmodulin per mg of vesicle protein. Discontinuous sucrose gradients revealed that coated and synaptic vesicles preparations were homogeneous and had different sedimentation properties. Binding of 125I-labeled calmodulin to synaptic and coated vesicles was Ca2+ dependent and displaced by unlabeled calmodulin but not by troponin-C. Scatchard analysis revealed the presence of two binding sites. In both vesicle types there was one high-affinity, low-binding-capacity site (Kd = 1–39 nM and Bmax = 4–16 pmol/mg) and one low-affinity, high-binding-capacity site (Kd = 102–177 nM and Bmax = 151–202 pmol/mg). (Ca2+ + Mg2+)-ATPase activity was stimulated in both synaptic and coated vesicles by calmodulin. Thus synaptic and coated vesicles may possess similar calmodulin binding sites.  相似文献   

Synaptic plasma membranes (SPM) from the brain are known to have specific binding sites for several steroid hormones, but the mechanisms of membrane transduction of steroid signals is not understood. In this study, corticosterone was found to prevent temperature-dependent dissociation of endogenous calmodlin (CaM) from highly purified SPM from rat cerebral cortex. The steroid stabilizes Ca2+-dependent membrane binding of endogenous CaM (78% of total CaM), whereas Ca2+-independent binding of CaM (the other 22%) is not affected. The stabilization of membrane binding of endogenous CaM by corticosterone is concentration-dependent, with the maximal effect occurring at steroid concentration of 1 M. The EC50 is estimated as 130 nM, which is almost identical to the Kd of specific binding of the steroid to SPM (120 nM) reported previously. The effect in stabilizing membrane binding of CaM is specific to corticosterone and other glucocorticoids (cortisol, dexamethasone and triamcinolone); gonadal steroids (17-estradiol, progesterone and testosterone) are ineffective. Furthermore, corticosterone administration in vivo (2 mg/kg, i.p.) produced a rapid increase of CaM content in SPM, occurring within 5 min after steroid injection and persisting for at least 20 min. Since CaM mediates a variety of biochemical processes in synaptic membranes, we hypothesize that the effect of glucocorticoids in promoting membrane binding of CaM may lead to a cascade of consequences in synaptic membrane function.Special issue dedicated to Dr. Sidney Ochs.  相似文献   

Studies on isolated synaptic plasma membranes (SPM) have detected little if any heparan sulfate or other glycosaminoglycans (GAGs), while more recent studies employing proteoglycan antibodies have localized heparan sulfate proteoglycan in presynaptic plasma membrane of intact tissue. To further address the issue of proteoglycans in synaptic plasma membrane of intact tissue. To further address the issue of proteoglycans in synaptic plasma membrane, we have investigated the possible presence of axonally transported GAGs in SPM isolated from the goldfish optic tectum. SPMs isolated from tecta following rapid axonal transport of35SO4 labeled molecules down the optic nerve, showed specific radioactivity approximately two-fold higher than the starting homogenate. Treatment of the transport labeled SPM with the enzyme heparitinase liberated 21% of the radioactivity, indicating the presence of a significant fraction of trnasported label in heparan sulfate. In a separate series of experiments a GAG fraction was isolated from transport labeled SPM and was found to consist of heparan sulfate containing 28% of transported radioactivity. Chondroitin (4 or 6) sulfate, which undergoes axonal transport in the goldfish optic system, was not found associated with SPM. Taken together the results support immunological evidence for the presence of heparan sulfate proteoglycans in presynaptic plasma membrane.To whom to address reprint request..  相似文献   

A membrane preparation from rat brain catalyzed the hydrolysis of [2-3H]glycerol-labeled lysophosphatidylinositol (lysoPI) to yield monoacylglycerol (MG) and inositolphosphates. This phospholipase C activity had an optimal pH of 8.2. The membrane preparation did not require the addition of Ca2+ for its maximum activity, but the activity was inhibited by addition of 0.1 mM EDTA to the assay mixture and was restored by simultaneous addition of 0.2 mM Ca2+. The activity was found to be localized in synaptic plasma membranes prepared by Ficoll and Percoll density gradients. The phospholipase C was highly specific for lysoPI; diacylglycerol formation from phosphatidylinositol, and MG formation from lysophosphatidylcholine, lysophosphatidylethanolamine, and lysophosphatidylserine were below 5% of that observed with lysoPI under the conditions used. We concluded that there is a pathway for phosphatidylinositol metabolism in brain synaptic membranes which is different from the well-characterized phosphoinositide-specific phospholipase C pathway.Abbreviations PI phosphatidylinositol - lysoPI lysophosphatidylinositol - lysoPI-PLC lysophosphoinositide-specific phospholipase C - PI-PLC phosphoinositide-specific phospholipase C - MG monoacylglycerol - PLC phospholipase C To whom to address reprint requests.  相似文献   

An understanding of the mechanism of kainic acid toxicity to neurons could provide important clues to pathogenesis of Huntington's chorea. The existence of high-affinity binding sites for kainate, a foreign compound, is suggestive of the existence of kainate-like substances in the brain. In addition to such neurotoxic kainate-like substances, and endogenous inhibitor of kainate binding may also exist in the brain to allow the synaptic function to operate normally. Based on this idea, the existence of molecules which inhibit [3H]kainate binding to synaptic membranes was examined in rat brain. An endogenous inhibitor of [3H]kainate binding to synaptic membranes was found in the supernatant obtained from synaptic membranes of rat brain. The inhibitor is a thermostable, basic protein with a relatively low molecular weight.  相似文献   

Summary The specific binding of [3H]corticosterone to hepatocytes is a nonsaturable, reversible and temperature-dependent process. The binding to liver purified plasma membrane fraction is also specific, reversible and temperature dependent but it is saturable. Two types of independent and equivalent binding sites have been determined from hepatocytes. One of them has high affinity and low binding capacity (K D=8.8nm andB max=1477 fmol/mg protein) and the other one has low affinity and high binding capacity (K D=91nm andB max=9015 fmol/mg). In plasma membrane only one type of binding site has been characterized (K D=11.2nm andB max=1982 fmol/mg). As it can be deduced from displacement data obtained in hepatocytes and plasma membrane the high affinity binding sites are different from the glucocorticoid, progesterone nuclear receptors and the Na+,K+-ATPase digitalis receptor. Probably it is of the same nature that the one determinate for [3H]cortisol and [3H]corticosterone in mouse liver plasma membrane. Beta-and alpha-adrenergic antagonists as propranolol and phentolamine did not affect [3H]corticosterone binding to hepatocytes and plasma membranes; therefore, these binding sites are independent of adrenergic receptors. The binding sites in hepatocytes and plasma membranes are not exclusive for corticosterone but other steroids are also bound with very different affinities.  相似文献   

Summary The mechanism of steroid uptake by the cell remains controversial. [3H]R5020 was utilized to characterize by photoaffinity labeling the steroid binding site in plasma membrane. This binding was saturable, reversible and had one type of binding site (K d = 33 ± 4 nm, B max = 32 ± 2 pmol/mg). [3H]R5020 could be prevented from binding by a variety of steroids (cortisol, progesterone, deoxycorticosterone, and levonorgestrel); estradiol did not have affinity for this binding site. The kinetics of R5020 photoactivation was time dependent and saturable. SDS-PAGE showed a specific band which corresponded to a 53-kDa peptide. The sucrose density gradient analysis has revealed the existence of a protein with a sedimentation coefficient of 3.6 ± 0.2 S. This polypeptide shows different characteristics than cytosolic steroid receptor or serum steroid binding proteins. This binding protein could correspond to the steroid binding site previously found in the plasma membrane.This work was supported by grants PB85-0461 from the Comisión Asesora de Investigatión Científica y Técnica and PGV-8612 from the Departamento de Educatión, Universidades e Investigation del Gobierno Vasco. We thank Roussel-Uclaf (France) for the nonradioactive RU-steroids kindly provided.  相似文献   

Preparations enriched in synaptic membrane fragments from rat cerebral cortex contain protein kinases which phosphorylate membrane proteins in reactions dependent on cAMP, Ca2+ (in the absence or presence of calmodulin) or independent of these factors. In these present work characteristics of the main phosphorylated acceptors were studied and compared with the results of other investigations. Apparent molecular weights were estimated by determining electrophoretic mobility on gels of different acrylamide concentration. Irregular migration behaviour was detected by measuring free mobilities from Ferguson plots. Certain phosphate acceptors were found to exhibit anomalously low free mobilities and it was concluded that estimates of molecular weight for these acceptors were unreliable.  相似文献   

Calmodulin (CaM) is a Ca2+ signaling protein that binds to a wide variety of target proteins, and it is important to establish methods for rapid characterization of these interactions. Here we report the use of fluorescence polarization (FP) to measure the Kd for the interaction of CaM with the plasma membrane Ca2+-ATPase (PMCA), a Ca2+ pump regulated by binding of CaM. Previous assays of PMCA-CaM interactions were indirect, based on activity or kinetics measurements. We also investigated the Ca2+ dependence of CaM binding to PMCA. FP assays directly detect CaM-target interactions and are rapid, sensitive, and suitable for high-throughput screening assay formats. Values for the dissociation constant Kd in the nanomolar range are readily measured. We measured the changes in anisotropy of CaM labeled with Oregon Green 488 on titration with PMCA, yielding a Kd value of CaM with PMCA (5.8 ± 0.5 nM) consistent with previous indirect measurements. We also report the binding affinity of CaM with oxidatively modified PMCA (Kd = 9.8 ± 2.0 nM), indicating that the previously reported loss in CaM-stimulated activity for oxidatively modified PMCA is not a result of reduced CaM binding. The Ca2+ dependence follows a simple Hill plot demonstrating cooperative binding of Ca2+ to the binding sites in CaM.  相似文献   

A procedure was developed for isolation of plasma membrane (PM) preparations from unfertilized mouse eggs. Zona-free mouse eggs prepared by the method of Boldt and Wolf (Gamete Res 13:213–222, 1986) were labeled with 125I-concanavalin A (ConA) prior to sonication and fractionation on iso-osmotic self-generated Percoll density gradients. Experiments using the ConA-specific sugar α-methylmannoside (αMM) indicated that 125I-ConA bound specifically to the egg PM. Greater than 95% of 125I-ConA binding to zona-free eggs was blocked in the presence of 0.1 M αMM, and incubation of eggs in αMM after 125I-ConA labeling caused release of 85–90% of bound label. Fractionation of 125I-ConA-labeled eggs by Percoll density gradient centrifugation yielded a single radioactive peak at density = 1.025, corresponding to egg PM material. Prolonged incubation of 125I-ConA-labeled eggs or egg sonicates prior to fractionation did not alter the location of the radioactive peak, indicating that 125I-ConA did not label other organelles. As a control, human erythrocytes were labeled with 125I-ConA and fractionated under identical experimental conditions and yielded a single radioactive peak at density (1.020) comparable to that observed for 125I-ConA-labeled eggs. These results indicate that 125I-ConA can be used as a specific marker to support PM isolation from small numbers of zona-free mouse eggs.  相似文献   

Chen P  Li X  Sun Y  Liu Z  Cao R  He Q  Wang M  Xiong J  Xie J  Wang X  Liang S 《Journal of neurochemistry》2006,98(4):1126-1140
The hippocampus is a distinct brain structure that is crucial in memory storage and retrieval. To identify comprehensively proteins of hippocampal plasma membrane (PM) and detect the neuronal-specific PM proteins, we performed a proteomic analysis of rat hippocampus PM using the following three technical strategies. First, proteins of the PM were purified by differential and density-gradient centrifugation from hippocampal tissue and separated by one-dimensional electophoresis, digested with trypsin and analyzed by electrospray ionization (ESI) quadrupole time-of-flight (Q-TOF) tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS). Second, the tryptic peptide mixture from PMs purified from hippocampal tissue using the centrifugation method was analyzed by liquid chromatography ion-trap ESI-MS/MS. Finally, the PM proteins from primary hippocampal neurons purified by a biotin-directed affinity technique were separated by one-dimensional electrophoresis, digested with trypsin and analyzed by ESI-Q-TOF-MS/MS. A total of 345, 452 and 336 non-redundant proteins were identified by each technical procedure respectively. There was a total of 867 non-redundant protein entries, of which 64.9% are integral membrane or membrane-associated proteins. One hundred and eighty-one proteins were detected only in the primary neurons and could be regarded as neuronal PM marker candidates. We also found some hypothetical proteins with no functional annotations that were first found in the hippocampal PM. This work will pave the way for further elucidation of the mechanisms of hippocampal function.  相似文献   

The presynaptic proteome controls neurotransmitter release and the short and long term structural and functional dynamics of the nerve terminal. Using a monoclonal antibody against synaptic vesicle protein 2 we immunopurified a presynaptic compartment containing the active zone with synaptic vesicles docked to the presynaptic plasma membrane as well as elements of the presynaptic cytomatrix. Individual protein bands separated by sodium dodecyl sulfate–polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis were subjected to nanoscale-liquid chromatography electrospray ionization-tandem mass spectrometry. Combining this method with 2-dimensional benzyldimethyl- n -hexadecylammonium chloride/sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization time of flight and immunodetection we identified 240 proteins comprising synaptic vesicle proteins, components of the presynaptic fusion and retrieval machinery, proteins involved in intracellular signal transduction, a large variety of adhesion molecules and proteins potentially involved in regulating the functional and structural dynamics of the pre-synapse. Four maxi-channels, three isoforms of voltage-dependent anion channels and the tweety homolog 1 were co-isolated with the docked synaptic vesicles. As revealed by in situ hybridization, tweety homolog 1 reveals a distinct expression pattern in the rodent brain. Our results add novel information to the proteome of the presynaptic active zone and suggest that in particular proteins potentially involved in the short and long term structural modulation of the mature presynaptic compartment deserve further detailed analysis.  相似文献   

The roles of protein undernutrition as well as selenium (Se) and zinc (Zn) supplementation on the ability of calmodulin (CaM) to activate erythrocyte ghost membrane (EGM) Ca2+‐ATPase and the calmodulin genes and protein expressions in rat's cortex and cerebellum were investigated. Rats on adequate protein diet and protein‐undernourished (PU) rats were fed with diet containing 16% and 5% casein, respectively, for a period of 10 weeks. The rats were then supplemented with Se and Zn at a concentration of 0.15 and 227 mg l−1, respectively, in drinking water for 3 weeks. The results obtained from the study showed significant reductions in synaptosomal plasma membrane Ca2+‐ATPase (PMCA) activity, Ca2+/CaM activated EGM Ca2+ATPase activity and calmodulin genes and protein expressions in PU rats. Se or Zn supplementation improved the ability of Ca2+/CaM to activate EGM Ca2+‐ATPase and protein expressions. Se or Zn supplementation improved gene expression in the cerebellum but not in the cortex. Also, the activity of PMCA was significantly improved by Zn. In conclusion, it is postulated that Se and Zn might be beneficial antioxidants in protecting against neuronal dysfunction resulting from reduced level of calmodulin such as present in protein undernutrition. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Synaptic plasma membranes (SPMV) decrease the steady state ascorbate free radical (AFR) concentration of 1 mM ascorbate in phosphate/EDTA buffer (pH 7), due to AFR recycling by redox coupling between ascorbate and the ubiquinone content of these membranes. In the presence of NADH, but not NADPH, SPMV catalyse a rapid recycling of AFR which further lower the AFR concentration below 0.05 μM. These results correlate with the nearly 10-fold higher NADH oxidase over NADPH oxidase activity of SPMV. SPMV has NADH-dependent coenzyme Q reductase activity. In the presence of ascorbate the stimulation of the NADH oxidase activity of SPMV by coenzyme Q1 and cytochrome c can be accounted for by the increase of the AFR concentration generated by the redox pairs ascorbate/coenzyme Q1 and ascorbate/cytochrome c. The NADH:AFR reductase activity makes a major contribution to the NADH oxidase activity of SPMV and decreases the steady-state AFR concentration well below the micromolar concentration range.  相似文献   

The interaction of 5-aminolevulinic acid (ALA) with GABAA receptors has been proposed to underlie the neurological dysfunctions of ALA-accumulating disorders, such as acute intermittent porphyria. The effects of ALA on [3H]muscimol binding to human and rat cerebral cortical membranes were compared. ALA (0.1–10 mM) significantly inhibited the binding of [3H]muscimol (12 nM), with a similar potency in rat and human membranes (IC50 = 199 vs. 228 M, respectively). Kinetical analysis revealed that ALA (1 mM) significantly increased the Kd and decreased the Bmax of [3H]muscimol to both rat (100 and 50%, respectively) and human (200 and 40%, respectively) membranes, indicating a mixed-type inhibition. The similarity in the potency and mechanism of the ALA-induced inhibition of muscimol binding in rat and human membranes indicate that rat studies are useful to evaluate the neurotoxic properties of ALA towards the human GABAergic system, and may help to understand the pathophysiology of porphyria.  相似文献   

The effects on energy-consuming ATP-ases were studied in two types of synaptic plasma membranes from rat cerebral cortex after in vivo injection of clonidine. To study the mechanism of action of clonidine at subcellular level, the enzyme activities of Na+, K+-ATP-ase, Ca2+, Mg2+-ATP-ase, Low- and High-affinity Ca2+-ATP-ase, and Mg2+-ATP-ase were evaluated on synaptic plasma membranes of control and treated animals with clonidine (5 g · kg–1; i.p. 30 minutes). Acute treatment with clonidine decreased the catalytic activity of Ca2+, Mg2+-ATP-ase and of low-affinity Ca2+-ATP-ase only in synaptic plasma membranes of II type, that is the fraction enriched in synaptic plasma membranes. The decreases of these enzymatic activities are related to the interference of the drug on Ca2+ homeostasis in synaptoplasm. The reductions of these enzyme-consuming ATP-ases give further evidence that clonidine has not only neuroreceptorial effects, but that the drug also affects the energy metabolism of cerebral tissue, improving the knowledges about the pharmacology of clonidine. Because the elevation of [Ca2+]i, during ischemia/hypoxia contributes to cellular injury, these findings may suggest that the prevention of calcium overload may be the key mechanism of protection by 2-agonist.  相似文献   

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