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(—)-Kaurene-U-3H was metabolized in seedlings of Pharbitisnil, a short-day plant, to labeled ( — )-kaurenol, ( —)-kaurenal, ( — )-kaurenoic acid, and unidentified polarsubstances, in this sequence. No significant effect of photoperiodicfloral induction upon the metabolism of ( — )-kaurene-U-3Hor ( — )-kaurenol-U-3H was observed, which suggests that( — )-kaurene metabolism is not involved in photoperiodicfloral induction 1This work was supported in part by grants from the Ministryof Education. (Received September 24, 1970; )  相似文献   

Homble F. 1985. Effect of sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesiumand tetraethylammonium on the transient voltage response toa galvanostatic step and of the temperature on the steady membraneconductance of Chara corallina: A further evidence for the involvementof potassium in the fast time variant conductance.—J.exp. Bot. 36: 1603–1611. Potassium channels of Chara corallina have an activation energyof 36±1 kJ mol–1 and 50±2 kJ mol–1at temperatures higher and lower than 15°C respectively.The fast time variant conductance property of potassium channelsis insensitive to sodium and magnesium ions and is depressedby the presence of calcium, potassium and tetraethylammoniumions. It is suggested that in Chara two different kinds of potassiumchannels exist, each kind being distinguished by their kineticsand their response to calcium and magnesium ions. Key words: —Chara corallina, membrane conductance, potassium channels, temperature  相似文献   

Current risk assessment techniques for almost all chemicalsinvolve establishing a threshold dose, or the dose below whichno adverse effects are seen. But threshold doses may not applyin situations where the chemical mimics the actions of an endogenouscompound—such as a steroid hormone—that is importantto development. In such cases, any exposure may exceed the threshold.Recent studies with the red-eared slider turtle have shown thatexogenous estradiol—even when applied to eggshell in dosesas low 0.4 ng—will affect sex development during embryogenesis.Considering that only 0.2% of the estradiol applied to the eggshellends up in the embryo, it becomes apparent that even very lowdosages of steroid hormones or their mimics can have profoundbiological effects. We tested this idea using eight compoundsidentified in the yolk of alligator eggs from Lake Apopka, Fla.Five of the compounds—the PCB mixture Aroclor 1242,trans-Nonachlor,cis-Nonachlor,p,p'-DDE, and chlordane—altered sex ratio outcomes whenapplied to eggshells during development. Aroclor 1242 producedthe most powerful effects, shifting the ratio of females almosttwofold, while chlordane had the greatest effect when combinedwith estradiol. Administration of all eight compounds togetheralso increased the ratio of females to males. However, comparingthe single-compound exposures at the same dosages indicate thatthese compounds behave differently in combination than theydo singly, emphasizing the need for further studies using chemicalmixtures reflecting proportions found in nature. The effectof chlordane and Aroclor 1242 on aromatase activity levels duringembryogenesis in the brain and adrenal-kidney-gonad (AKG) complexwas also examined. Chlordane, a suspected anti-androgen in thisspecies, did not affect aromatase activity in either the brainor the AKG. However, Aroclor 1242 significantly altered aromataseactivity levels in the red-eared slider turtle brain—butnot in the AKG—during a crucial developmental period.After this crucial period, Aroclor 1242 caused an increase inaromatase activity in the AKG of embryos just prior to hatch.Additionally, hatchling males treated during embryogenesis withAroclor 1242 and chlordane exhibited significantly lower testosteronelevels than controls in response to follicle-stimulating hormoneadministration, while chlordane-treated females had significantlylower progesterone, testosterone, and 5-dihydrotestosteronelevels relative to controls. These results are similar to thosefound in juvenile alligators from Lake Apopka. Males treatedwith Aroclor 1242 and trans-Nonachlor displayed an elevatedestradiol response to FSH administration vs. control males.Taken together, these results suggest that EDCs exert effectsduring embryonic development that extend beyond birth. Theyalso suggest that the alterations in sex steroid hormone levelsobserved in animals from contaminated areas may result fromEDC-induced alterations in the neuroendocrine axis controllinggonadal sex steroid hormone production.  相似文献   

Young, A. J., Collins, J. C. and Russell, G. 1987. Ecotypicvariation in the osmotic responses of Enteromorpha intestinalis(L.) Link.—J. exp. Bot. 38: 1309–1324. The physiological basis for salt tolerance has been studiedin the euryhaline marine alga Enteromorpha intestinalis. Adaptationto dilute and concentrated seawaters has been investigated inthree separate populations of this alga: marine, rock pool andestuarine. Internal K+, Na+ and Cl levels have been determined usingtracer efflux analyses. K+ has been shown to be the major osmoticsolute within this alga. Cellular levels of Cl and, inparticular, Na+ are low although levels in the cell wall arehigh. Levels of these ions varied considerably between the separateplants; K+ levels within marine plants of E. intestinalis aretwo to four times those found in the other populations. Thetertiary sulphonium compound ß-dimethylsulphonio-propionateis maintained at relatively high levels, although it remainsfairly insensitive to change in the external salinity. Changes in the tissue water content and cell volume are large,particularly within the estuarine plants. The thin cell wallsof these plants allow large changes in volume in the diluteconditions experienced in an estuary, while low turgor preventscell rupture. Thicker cell walls and small cells of the marineand rock pool plants assist in tolerating high and low externalosmotic potential—the estuarine plants respond poorlyto concentrated seawater. Key words: Enteromorpha, osmoregulation, ecotypes  相似文献   

NG, a strain of cultured tobacco cells of Nicotiana glutinosahad high growth rates and carboxylate contents (C—A) of100 to 130 meq/100 g of dry cells on media containing 42 meqNO3/liter as the sole N source. (C—A) is the amount ofinorganic cations minus inorganic anions in meq per 100 g ofdry cells. NG, cultured on media containing NH4 10+NO3 42 in meq/liter,had lower growth rates and lower (C—A) values as comparedwith NG on media containing NO3 as the sole N source. NG, cultured on media containing NH4 30+NO3 42 in meq/liter,had high growth rates and (A—C) values of 22 to 53 meq/100gof dry cells. In this case, the (A—C) content may correspondto organic cations, basic organic N compounds such as free asprotein-bound basic amino acids. The easily absorbed Cl mayhave been required maintain good growth conditions such as ionicbalance and a favorable pH in the cells. Thus cultured cells of Nicotiana glutinosa may have physiologicaladaptability against variations in a relatively wide range of|C—A| contents [|C—A| being the absolute valuesof (C—A)]. (Received May 15, 1980; )  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. The present paper is concerned mainly with the melanin-dispersingeffect of melanocyte-stimulating hormones (MSH's) on the skinmelanophores of amphibians. In addition, some of the more recentevidence for the unihumoral theory of the control of color changeis reviewed. The mechanism of dispersion of melanin is stillunknown, but evidence is accumulating that the action of MSHmay be mediated by an increase in the melanophoric content ofadenosine 3', 5'-monophosphate (cyclic AMP). For example, cyclicAMP has a specific, reversible melanin-dispersing effect onthe melanophores of the isolated skin of R. pipiens and Xenopuslaevis. It also has a reversible "melanophore—expanding"effect on the tissue—cultured embryonic melanophores ofthe spotted salamander, Ambystoma maculatum. The effect of cyclicAMP on melanophores of R. pipiens does not require sodium butis inhibited by hypertonicity. Finally, new evidence is presented that confirms that the melanin-dispersingeffect of catecholamines on melanophores of X. laevis is mediatedby beta adrenergic receptors,because it is blocked by the highlyspecific ß—blocking agent, propranolol. On theother hand, the melanin-aggregating effect of catecholamineson amphibian melanophores appears to be mediated by alpha adrenergicreceptors. There is even a possibility that the effects of catecholaminesare also mediated through a control of cyclic AMP levels inmelanophores, with beta adrenergic stimulation producing anincrease in cyclic AMP levels, followed by dispersion of melanin,and alpha adrenergic stimulation producing a decrease in cyclicAMP levels, followed by aggregation of melanin.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. Superimposed upon seasonal changes in morphology,physiology and behavior, are facultative responses to unpredictableevents known as labile (i.e., short-lived) perturbation factors(LPFs). These responses include behavioral and physiologicalchanges that enhance survival and collectively make up the "emergency"life history stage. There is considerable evidence that glucocorticosteroids,and other hormones in the hypothalamo—pituitary—adrenal(HPA) cascade, initiate and orchestrate the emergency life historystage within minutes to hours. This stage has a number of sub—stagesthat promote survival and avoid potential deleterious effectsof stress that may result from chronically elevated levels ofcirculating glucocorticosteroids over days and weeks. Thesesub—stages may include: redirection of behavior from anormal life history stage to increased foraging, irruptivetypemigration during the day, enhanced restfulness at night, andelevated gluconeogenesis. Once the perturbation passes, glucocorticosteroidsmay also promote recovery. Additional evidence from birds indicatesthat glucocorticosteroid responses to a standardized capture,handling and restraint protocol are modulated both on seasonaland individual levels. Field work reveals that these changesin responsiveness to LPFs have ecological bases, such as reproductivestate, body condition etc., that in turn indicate differenthormonal control mechanisms in the HPA cascade.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. Colonies of the compound tunicate Botryllus show thecapacity for self—nonself discrimination by fusion betweenseparated pieces of the same colony and rejection between piecesof unrelated colonies. We have found that genes controllingthis colony specificity are similar to those which cause transplantrejection in the vertebrates. Like the loci within the vertebratemajor histocompatibility complex (MHC), Botryllus fusibility(or histocompatibility) genes are highly polymorphic. In Botryllus,the histocompatibility complex also controls self—sterility,and limits cross—fertilization between colonies sharinghistocompatibility alleles. The mouse MHC, the H-2 region, islinked to loci which also affect the frequencies of allelesat H-2 loci in mouse populations. Thus both systems containcharacters which could act to promote the heterozygous conditionat the linked histocompatibility loci. We suggest that suchlinked characters are responsible for the evolution of allogeneicpolymorphism in vertebrates (however currently maintained),and that tunicate fusibility loci may be the evolutionary precursorsof vertebrate MHC genes.  相似文献   

In south-eastern France, Trochoidea geyeri (Soós) todaycharacterizes open upland environments from about 1000 m abovesea level. At lower altitude it is replaced by Candidula unifasciata(Poiret)—another member of the Helicellinae—whilethe other members of the community remain almost the same. Duringthe cold stages of the Quaternary, T. geyeri was also an importantelement of lowland gastropod communities in Provence, whileit was always replaced by C. unifasciata during the interglacialstages. Thus, T. geyeri seems to be a valuable cold indicatorspecies for palaeoclimatic reconstructions. Some anomalies in this pattern, however, show that each of thesespecies can live in bioclimatic conditions which characterizethe area of the other. This suggests a competitive dominancephenomenon from a threshold situated around 1000 m on the altitudinalgradient. The influence of competitive interaction is demonstratedusing similar altitudinal gradients in which T. geyeri is missingbecause of historical factors: in such cases, C. unifasciataoccupies the entire gradient, up to 2250 m. Quaternary climaticchanges produced altitudinal shifts of the contact zone betweenT. geyeri and C. unifasciata, and, correlatively, repeated isolationsof T. geyeri populations. (Received 26 December 1992; accepted 4 February 1993)  相似文献   

During morphogenesis, intercellular attachments constrain cellmobility so that embryonic tissues may (i) deform as solid sheetsof tightly bound cells, (ii) disperse to migrate as separatecells or (iii) flow as multicellular liquids (in which cellsremain aggregated yet can still slide past one another). Bymodelling deep germ layers as multicellular liquids in amphibiangastrulation, Davis and I have predicted, and then confirmedexperimentally, (i) the area-invariance of deep-germ-layer surfacetensions in vitro, (ii) spontaneous cell slippage in deformeddeep—germ—layer cell aggregates and (iii) correlationsof tissue surface tensions with tissue positioning in deep-germ-layercell-sorting and aggregate—fusion experiments. Liquid—tissueflow involves intercalations of interior cells into expandingtissue interfaces (or withdrawal of surface cells from shrinkingtissue interfaces). Tissue surface tensions are macroscopicreflections of the microscopic, tissue—specific adhesivedifferentials which direct these cell translocations. Such adhesivedifferentials may act independently of, or together with, activecell—shape changes, chemotaxis, contact guidance and/orhaptotaxis in controlling embryonic tissue rearrangements. Deepcell intercalations in vivo occur throughout amphibian gastrulation:during ectodermal epiboly; during marginal—zone extensionand convergence (and therefore blastopore closure); during mesodermalinvolution; and probably during the anterior spreading and axialextension (and therefore dorsal convergence) of involuted mesoderm.Tissue—surface—tension measurements may help determine(i) which of these cell—intercalation processes are activeand which are passive, (ii) the specific contributions of variousmicroscopic cell properties to the regulation of liquid—likegerm—layer assembly and (iii) similarities and differencesbetween in vitro and in vivo control mechanisms governing amphibiangastrulation.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. Development is not a gradual but a saltatory process.A combination of qualitative changes in form and function—thresholds—createsboundaries between a succession of quantitative intervals—steps.Thresholds can be modified by an altered time of appearanceof structures and functions (heterochrony), especially duringearly ontogeny, to form an operational basis for the prolongationof juvenile characters and adaptability into later ontogeny.Whereas such prolongation enables juvenilization in phylogeny,analogous principles may operate on a much shorter time scaleto produce the r-selection-like altricial and the K-selection-likeprecocial trends in ontogeny. The inherited capacity to adjustconstantly to the environment (heterochrony) selects for structural,biochemical and behavioral improvements. The tendency is towardthe precocial but the way back to altricial forms is left open.The heterochronous adaptations in early ontogeny can "reverse"the vulnerable specialization, should the environment becomeless stable and/or the community less competitive. Juvenilization,capable of turning gerontomorphosis into paedomorphosis in evolution,and heterochronous shifts of character anlagen, capable of turninga precocial trend into an altricial trend in ontogeny are bothpart of the same biological process which operates during earlyontogeny.  相似文献   

Freezing avoidance mechanism of primordial shoots of conifer buds   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Sakai  Akira 《Plant & cell physiology》1979,20(7):1381-1390
Excised winter buds of very hardy fir supercooled to —30or — 35?C, though primordial shoots excised from thesewinter buds (freezing point: about —5.5?C) supercooledonly to —12 to — 14?C. Also, excised primordialshoots did not tolerate freezing, but were rather resistantto desiccation. Differential thermal analysis (DTA) of primordialshoots revealed that the capability of supercooling increasedwith decreasing water content and that no exotherm could bedetected in the primordial shoots with a water content belowabout 20%. When excised whole buds were cooled very slowly,the exotherm temperature shifted markedly to a lower value andthe exotherm became much smaller. Also, masses of needle icewere observed, mainly beneath the crown of the primordial shoot.From these results, it may be concluded that most of the waterin primordial shoots gradually migrates out through the crownand freezes as the temperature decreases (extraorgan freezing),which enables primordial shoots to survive at very low temperatures.Winter buds of Abies balsamea held at — 20?C for 30 daysand then slowly cooled down to —50 or —60?C remainedalive. Thus, there seems to be no low temperature limit to thisfrost avoidance mechanism, if the primordial shoots can resistintensive freeze-dehydration. Low temperature exotherms wereobserved in all genera which belong to Abietoideae and Laricoideaeof Pinaceae, all of which have a crown in the primordial shoots,but not in other conifers. 1 Contribution No. 2037 from the Institute of Low TemperatureScience. (Received June 25, 1979; )  相似文献   

The relationship between a photochemically active chromoprotein(ACP) (cf. ref. 1) and photosystem II was investigated withmembrane fragments of Anabaena cylindrica, A. variabilis andP. boryaman. ACP was solubilized from membrane fragments of A. cylindricabut not from those of A. variabilis or P. boryanum, when themembrane fragments had been incubated in a dilute buffer andhad lost their Hill or photosystem II activity. In A. cylindrica,ACP-solubilization always occurred, independent of photosystemII inactivation, on incubation of the membrane fragments inmedia without PEG. However, the amount of ACP solubilizationaccompanying photosystem II inactivation was twice that withoutphotosystem II inactivation. The increase in ACP solubilizationaccompanying photosystem II inactivation. The kinetics resembledthose for the decrease in 695 nm fluorescence emitted by membranefragments at — 196?C (cf. 2). The ACP solubilized independent of photosystem II inactivationwas assumed to have been released during disruption of intactcells in the preparation of membrane fragments. The slow ACPsolubilization upon the inactivation of photosystem II was attributedto the pigment being bound to membranes. We assume that thephoto-reactive component of ACP, P690 (cf. 3, 4), is releasedfrom the membranes during photosystem II inactivation, and thatP690 is a component of photosystem II which emits the 695 nmfluorescence at — 196?C. (Received March 22, 1974; )  相似文献   

The human red blood cell sialoglycoprotein, glycophorin A (GpA),contains a ‘mucin-like’ extensively O-glycosylatedextracellular domain which carries the MN blood group antigens.We have revised the sites of O-glyccsylation in the extracellulardomain of GpA by automated solid-phase Edman degradation, whichallowed positive identification and quantitation of O-glycosylatedSer and Thr residues, as well as the single N-glycosylationsite. One N-linked and 16 O-linked sites were identified. Carbohydratewas absent on Ser 1, Ser14, Ser15, Ser23, Thr28 and Thr58 inGpA. We propose that the glycosyltransferases present in erythrocytesrecognize specific flanking sequences around potential O-glycosylationsites. All 16 O-glycosylation sites are explained on the basisof four motifs. Three motifs are associated with Thr-glycosylation:Xaa—Pro—Xaa—Xaa where at least one Xaa = Thr;Thr—Xaa—Xaa—Xaa where at least one Xaa = Thr;Xaa—Xaa—Thr—Xaa where at least one X = Argor Lys. The fourth motif is associated with Ser-glycosylation:Ser—Xaa—Xaa—Xaa where at least one Xaa = Ser.These simple rules explain the glycosylation (or lack of it)on 21 of 22 Ser/Thr in the extracellular domain of GpA. glycophorin A O-glycosylation motif solid-phase Edman degradation  相似文献   

Rao, S. and Venkateswerlu, G. 1986. Glutamine metabolism inNeurospora crassa under conditions of copper toxicity.—J.exp. Bot. 37: 947–955. The enzyme, glutamine synthetase, of Neurospora crassa was inhibitedby copper in a non-competitive manner. Nitrate reductase activityincreased with an increase in copper concentration in the culturemedium probably as a consequence of decreased glutamine synthetaseactivity. The hexosamine content was low, whereas DNA and RNAcontents were high in cultures of N. crassa inhibited by copper.A slight accumulation of arginine and 20% less arginase activitywere observed in such cultures. Iron counteracted the toxicityof copper. Key words: Glutamine metabolism, copper toxicity, Neurospora crassa, glutamine synthetase  相似文献   

Root hairs are excellent cells for the study of the exocytoticprocess that leads to growth in higher plants, because the exocytoticevent takes place locally and because the cells are directlyaccessible for signals, drugs, fixatives, microinjection, andmicroscopic observation. Well—characterized lipochito—oligosaccharides,signal molecules excreted by Rhizobium bacteria, induce roothair growth which can be recorded microscopically in a roothair deformation assay developed for Vicia sativa L. Root hairdeformation is a morphogenetic process involving swelling ofthe hair tip and subsequent new hair outgrowth from that swelling.This response to the signal occurs at a specific developmentalstage, namely when hairs are terminating growth. Thus, sincepolar growth can be triggered intentionally, the system allowsthe study of growth phenomena in higher plants at the cellularlevel. Furthermore, important advances are being made with moleculargenetics that will allow the unravelling of the signal transductionpathways in root hair morphogenesis leading to growth. Thispaper first discusses cytological phenomena involved in theprocess of polar growth, such as cytoplasmic polarity, cyto—plasmicstreaming and the organization of actin filaments, the locationof a spectrin—like antigen, the distribution of intracellularcalcium, cortical microtubules and cell wall texture, endocytosisby means of coated pits, and physical aspects of the incorporationof exocytotic vesicles into the plasma membrane. In the secondpart, changes are discussed that occur in some of these phenomenawhen growth is influenced by growth regulators and mutations. Key words: Cytoskeleton, exocytosis, plant growth regulators, Nodulation factors, root hair, tip growth  相似文献   

A study has been made of the ion distributions in the leaf cellsof the moss, Hookeria lucens. The cells were subjected to chemicalanalysis and electrical potential measurements. The observedinternal concentrations were 210 mM/1 for potassium, 3.9 mM/1for sodium, 22 mM/1 for calcium, and 27 mM/1 for chloride. Awide range of electrical potential values were obtained. Whilea majority of these values were grouped around —145 mV,a significant number were found at —200 mV. Nernst potentialsfor the various ions were calculated and compared with the observedelectrical potentials.  相似文献   

In luteal cells, prostaglandin (PG)F2a mobilizes intracellular calcium concentration ([Ca]i), generates reactive oxygen species (ROS), depletes ascorbic acid (AA) levels, inhibits steroidogenesis, and ultimately induces cell death. We investigated the hypothesis that [Ca]i mobilization stimulates ROS, which results in depletion of cellular AA in rat luteal cells. We used a self-referencing AA-selective electrode that noninvasively measures AA flux at the extended boundary layer of single cells and fluorescence microscopy with fura 2 and dichlorofluorescein diacetate (DCF-DA) to measure [Ca]i and ROS, respectively. Menadione, a generator of intracellular superoxide radical (), PGF2a, and calcium ionophore were shown to increase [Ca]i and stimulate intracellular ROS. With calcium ionophore and PGF2a, but not menadione, the generation of ROS was dependent on extracellular calcium influx. In unstimulated cells there was a net efflux of AA of 121.5 ± 20.3 fmol · cm1 · s1 (mean ± SE, n = 8), but in the absence of extracellular calcium the efflux was significantly reduced (10.3 ± 4.9 fmol · cm1 · s1; n = 5, P < 0.05). PGF2a and menadione stimulated AA efflux, but calcium ionophore had no significant effect. These data suggest two AA regulatory mechanisms: Under basal conditions, AA efflux is calcium dependent and may represent recycling and maintenance of an antioxidant AA gradient at the plasma membrane. Under luteolytic hormone and/or oxidative stress, AA efflux is stimulated that is independent of extracellular calcium influx or generation of ROS. Although site-specific mobilization of calcium pools and ROS cannot be ruled out, the release of AA by PGF2a-stimulated luteal cells may occur through other signaling pathways. luteolysis; apoptosis; self-referencing microelectrode  相似文献   

Inoue, H. and Katoh, Y. 1987. Calcium inhibitsion-stimulatedstomatal opening in epidermal strips of Commelina communis L.—J.exp. Bot. 38: 142–149. Ca2+ suppressed both the ion-stimulated stomatal opening andH+ extrusion of pre-illuminated epidermal strips isolated fromCommelina communis L. In the absence of Ca2+, the rate of H+release was 18 nmol H+ cm–2 h–1 per epidermal stripunit area in 150 mol m–3 KCL at pH 7?4. Half-maximum inhibitionof stomatal opening was observed with 220 mmol m–3 ofCa2+. The hexavalent dye, ruthenium red, showed concentration-dependentprevention of the inhibition by Ca2+ of the ion-stimulated stomatalopening. The effect of ruthenium red was non-competitive, andthe K1 for the calcium inhibition was found to be 3?6 mmol m–3.The calcium inhibition of H+ extrusion was also prevented byruthenium red. These results suggest that Ca2+ inhibits theactivity of electrogenic H+ translocating ATPase of the guardcell plasma membrane and leads to the suppression of stomatalopening. Key words: Calcium, Commelina communis, ruthenium red, stomata  相似文献   

Highly purified oilseed rape (Brassica napus) root plasma membranefractions were prepared and their polypeptide patterns analysedby two-dimensional gel electrophoresis. Sulphur starvation enhancesthe sulphate uptake capacity of B. napus roots. The relativeabundance of several polypeptides increased significantly andspecifically after sulphur starvation. Several of them (37,38, 60, and 65 kDa), found in sulphur-starved plants, were moreabundant in a phase-partitioned membrane fraction treated withTriton X-100/KBr, indicating that they are intrinsic polypeptides.One polypeptide (47 kDa) was identified in the in vitro translationproducts of the roots mRNAs as specific for S-starved plants.It was also present among the intrinsic polypeptides specificfor —S plants. These plasma membrane polypeptides mightbe involved in sulphate uptake. Key words: Sulphate, sulphur-starvation, plasma membrane, polypeptides, root, transport  相似文献   

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