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Highlights? TYPHON explores a protein's conformational space under given nonlocal restraints ? TYPHON's advanced probabilistic models ensure protein-like local structure ? TYPHON can reproduce a range of experimental results ? TYPHON's computational efficiency makes large scale screening efforts possible  相似文献   

Globular proteins in the native state are assumed to behave as continuous elastic spheres in the low frequency breathing motions. Reasonable values of Young's modulus E = 10(11) dyne/cm2 and the radius of the sphere ro = 20 A, yield a wave number of 26 cm-1 for the fundamental vibration of the sphere. The peak at around 30 cm-1 in the laser Raman spectra of native alpha-chymotrypsin and pepsin observed by Brown et al. might be assigned to the breathing motion which the native proteins undergo as continuous elastic bodies.  相似文献   

Osmolytes increase the thermodynamic conformational stability of proteins, shifting the equilibrium between native and denatured states to favor the native state. However, their effects on conformational equilibria within native-state ensembles of proteins remain controversial. We investigated the effects of sucrose, a model osmolyte, on conformational equilibria and fluctuations within the native-state ensembles of bovine pancreatic ribonuclease A and S and horse heart cytochrome c. In the presence of sucrose, the far- and near-UV circular dichroism spectra of all three native proteins were slightly altered and indicated that the sugar shifted the native-state ensemble toward species with more ordered, compact conformations, without detectable changes in secondary structural contents. Thermodynamic stability of the proteins, as measured by guanidine HCl-induced unfolding, increased in proportion to sucrose concentration. Native-state hydrogen exchange (HX) studies monitored by infrared spectroscopy showed that addition of 1 M sucrose reduced average HX rate constants at all degrees of exchange of the proteins, for which comparison could be made in the presence and absence of sucrose. Sucrose also increased the exchange-resistant core regions of the proteins. A coupling factor analysis relating the free energy of HX to the free energy of unfolding showed that sucrose had greater effects on large-scale than on small-scale fluctuations. These results indicate that the presence of sucrose shifts the conformational equilibria toward the most compact protein species within native-state ensembles, which can be explained by preferential exclusion of sucrose from the protein surface.  相似文献   

Helicases are motor proteins that play a central role in the metabolism of DNA and RNA in biological cells. Using the energy of ATP molecules, they are able to translocate along the nucleic acids and unwind their duplex structure. They have been extensively characterized in the past and grouped into superfamilies based on structural similarities and sequential motifs. However, their functional aspects and the mechanism of their operation are not yet well understood. Here, we consider three helicases from the major superfamily 2--Hef, Hel308 and XPD--and study their conformational dynamics by using coarse-grained relaxational elastic network models. Specifically, their responses to mechanical perturbations are analyzed. This enables us to identify robust and ordered conformational motions which may underlie the functional activity of these proteins. As we show, such motions are well-organized and have large amplitudes. Their possible roles in the processing of nucleic substrate are discussed.  相似文献   

The reversible intramolecular binding of the distal histidine side chain to the heme iron in methemoglobin is of special interest due to the very large negative reaction entropy which overcompensates the large reaction enthalpy. It may be considered as a prominent example of the ability of proteins (including enzymes) to provide global entropy in a local process. In this work new experiments and model calculations are reported which aim at finding the structural elements contributing to the reaction entropy. Geometrical studies prove the implication of the 20 residue E-helix being shifted by more than 2 A. Vibrational entropies are calculated by a procedure derived from the method of Karplus and Kushik. It turns out that neither the histidine alone nor the complete E-helix contribute more than 15 per cent of the required entropy.  相似文献   

Conformational analysis of constrained cyclohexane systems was pioneered fifty years ago by Barton and Hassel. We now report an investigation based on a conformational analysis of a number of novel cyclohexane based Gabapentin analogues coupled with their in vitro evaluation at the Gabapentin binding site. These data are used to propose a possible binding conformation for Gabapentin.  相似文献   

We use a minimalist protein model, in combination with a sequence design strategy, to determine differences in primary structure for proteins L and G, which are responsible for the two proteins folding through distinctly different folding mechanisms. We find that the folding of proteins L and G are consistent with a nucleation-condensation mechanism, each of which is described as helix-assisted beta-1 and beta-2 hairpin formation, respectively. We determine that the model for protein G exhibits an early intermediate that precedes the rate-limiting barrier of folding, and which draws together misaligned secondary structure elements that are stabilized by hydrophobic core contacts involving the third beta-strand, and presages the later transition state in which the correct strand alignment of these same secondary structure elements is restored. Finally, the validity of the targeted intermediate ensemble for protein G was analyzed by fitting the kinetic data to a two-step first-order reversible reaction, proving that protein G folding involves an on-pathway early intermediate, and should be populated and therefore observable by experiment.  相似文献   

Structure fluctuations and conformational changes accompany all biological processes involving macromolecules. The paper presents a classification of protein residues based on the normalized equilibrium fluctuations of the residue centers of mass in proteins and a statistical analysis of conformation changes in the side-chains upon binding. Normal mode analysis and an elastic network model were applied to a set of protein complexes to calculate the residue fluctuations and develop the residue classification. Comparison with a classification based on normalized B-factors suggests that the B-factors may underestimate protein flexibility in solvent. Our classification shows that protein loops and disordered fragments are enriched with highly fluctuating residues and depleted with weakly fluctuating residues. Strategies for engineering thermostable proteins are discussed. To calculate the dihedral angles distribution functions, the configuration space was divided into cells by a cubic grid. The effect of protein association on the distribution functions depends on the amino acid type and a grid step in the dihedral angles space. The changes in the dihedral angles increase from the near-backbone dihedral angle to the most distant one, for most residues. On average, one fifth of the interface residues change the rotamer state upon binding, whereas the rest of the interface residues undergo local readjustments within the same rotamer.  相似文献   

Summary An experimental investigation under field conditions of enclosures containing freshwater pulmonate snails, the macrophyteCeratophyllum demersum and epiphytes, produced evidence of beneficial interactions.Ceratophyllum growth, measured in terms of stem length, numbers of leaf-nodes and growing tips and leaf survival was significantly enhanced in the presence of snails. This effect was attributed to the increased availability of plant nutrients of snail origin, such as phosphates and ammonia, as well as to the snails' action as “cleaning symbionts” in reducing the density of bacterial and algal epiphyton potentially deleterious to macrophytes. Principal component analysis revealed both seasonal and treatment effects of snail grazing on algal epiphyton. Small adnate algal species (e.g.Cocconeis placentula) survived grazing and benefited from the removal of larger, competitor, species. Snail densities increased in all treatments, despite high (86%) juvenile mortality. It is concluded that freshwater pulmonate snails are strong interactors in lentic habitats, enhancing the growth ofCeratophyllum and producing characterisic epiphyte communities. This benefits not only the snails, but also the plants and epiphytes that are associated with them. Thus the interactions between these component parts of the community can be considered as mutualistic.  相似文献   

After stimulation with agonist, G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) activate G proteins and become phosphorylated by G protein-coupled receptor kinases (GRKs), and most of them translocate cytosolic arrestin proteins to the cytoplasmic membrane. Agonist-activated GPCRs are specifically phosphorylated by GRKs and are targeted for endocytosis by arrestin proteins, suggesting a connection between GPCR conformational changes and interaction with GRKs and arrestins. Previously, we showed that by substitution of histidine for residues at the cytoplasmic side of helix 3 (H3) and helix 6 (H6) of the parathyroid hormone (PTH) receptor (PTHR), a zinc metal ion-binding site is engineered that prevents PTH-stimulated G(s) activation (Sheikh, S. P., Vilardaga, J.-P., Baranski, T. J., Lichtarge, O., Iiri, T., Meng, E. C., Nissenson, R. A., and Bourne, H. R. (1999) J. Biol. Chem. 274, 17033-17041). These data suggest that relative movements between H3 and H6 are critical for G(s) activation. Does this molecular event play a similar role in activation of GRK and arrestin and in PTHR-mediated G(q) activation? To answer this question, we utilized the two previously described mutant forms of PTHR, H401 and H402, which contain a naturally present histidine residue at position 301 in H3 and a second substituted histidine residue at positions 401 and 402 in H6, respectively. Both mutant receptors showed inhibition of PTH-stimulated inositol phosphate and cAMP generation in the presence of increasing concentrations of Zn(II). However, the mutants showed no Zn(II)-dependent impairment of phosphorylation by GRK-2. Likewise, the mutants were indistinguishable from wild-type PTHR in the ability to translocate beta-arrestins/green fluorescent protein to the cell membrane and were also not affected by sensitivity to Zn(II). These results suggest that agonist-mediated phosphorylation and internalization of PTHR require conformational switches of the receptor distinct from the cAMP and inositol phosphate signaling state. Furthermore, PTHR sequestration does not appear to require G protein activation.  相似文献   

Antibody-induced conformational changes in proteins   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  



How antibodies recognize and bind to antigens can not be totally explained by rigid shape and electrostatic complimentarity models. Alternatively, pre-existing equilibrium hypothesis states that the native state of an antibody is not defined by a single rigid conformation but instead with an ensemble of similar conformations that co-exist at equilibrium. Antigens bind to one of the preferred conformations making this conformation more abundant shifting the equilibrium.  相似文献   

Singh VR  Kopka M  Chen Y  Wedemeyer WJ  Lapidus LJ 《Biochemistry》2007,46(35):10046-10054
The formation of specific intramolecular contacts has been studied under a range of denaturing conditions in single domains of the immunoglobulin-binding proteins L and G. Although they share no significant sequence similarity and have dissimilar folding pathways, the two domains have a similar native fold. Our measurements show that the rates of forming corresponding contacts in the unfolded states of both proteins are remarkably similar and even exhibit similar dependence on denaturant concentration. The unfolded proteins were modeled using Szabo, Schulten, and Schulten (SSS) theory as wormlike chains with excluded volume; when combined with our experimental data, the SSS analysis suggests that the unfolded state becomes uniformly more compact and less diffusive (i.e., rearranges more slowly) with decreasing denaturant concentrations.  相似文献   

A detailed assignment of the 13C chemical shifts of κ- and ι-carrageenans in their Na+ and K+ forms in D2O and dimethylsulfoxide is given. Evidence of the conformational transition induced by temperature variation in the absence of any gel formation on κ-carrageenans is also presented. This evidence is based on 13C-nmr and optical rotation experiments.  相似文献   

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