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In the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans, up to 15% of the genes are organized in operons. Polycistronic precursor RNAs are processed by trans-splicing at the 5' ends of genes by adding a specific trans-spliced leader. Ten different spliced leaders are known in C. elegans that differ in sequence and abundance. The SL1 leader is most abundant and is spliced to the 5' ends of monocistronic genes and to upstream genes in operons. Trans-splicing is common among nematodes and was observed in the genera Panagrellus, Ascaris, Haemonchus, Anisakis, and Brugia. However, little is known about operons in nonrhabditid nematodes. Dolichorhabditis CEW1, another rhabditid nematode that is now called Oscheius CEW1, contains operons and SL2 trans-splicing. We have studied the presence of operons and trans-splicing in Pristionchus pacificus, a species of the Diplogastridae that has recently been developed as a satellite organism in evolutionary developmental biology. We provide evidence that P. pacificus contains operons and that downstream genes are trans-spliced to SL2. Surprisingly, the one operon analyzed so far in P. pacificus is not conserved in C. elegans, suggesting unexpected genomic plasticity.  相似文献   

In this study evolutionary host plant patterns at ranks from order to species were analysed using spatial evolutionary and ecological vicariance analysis (SEEVA), based on a multigene phylogeny of 45 ascomycete fungal species. The objective was to understand speciation events and host associations in Ophiognomonia (Gnomoniaceae). Species of this genus are perithecial fungi that occur as endophytes, pathogens, and latent saprobes on plants in the families of Betulaceae, Fagaceae, Juglandaceae, Lauraceae, Malvaceae, Platanaceae, Rosaceae, Salicaceae, and Sapindaceae. A second objective was to determine whether speciation events are influenced by host conservatism, host specialization, or host switching at different taxonomic host ranks. Host differences between sister clades were interpreted using the divergence index (D) from the SEEVA analysis, ranging from 0 for no divergence to 1 for maximum possible divergence. Several fungal subclades showed clear patterns of host order/family conservatism (D = 1.00) for hosts in Betulaceae, Fagaceae, Juglandaceae, and Rosaceae. Clear trends of host specialization at host genus and species ranks (D = 1.00) were suggested within these host families. Independent host jumps were observed for two species at the family rank and three at the order rank. As a result of this study, host specificity and specialization is hypothesized as a mechanism that can strongly contribute to speciation patterns in fungal pathogens. © 2013 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2014, 111 , 1–16.  相似文献   

Studies on the nature of restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs) were undertaken to characterize the Citrus genome. This type of analysis has not been carried out with any other perennial crop. Citrus reticulata Blanco cv Clementine, C. xparadisi Macf. cv Duncan, and an F1 hybrid (LB 1–21) were used to determine what probe/enzyme combinations revealed polymorphisms in Southern analysis, and a backcross family (LB 1–21xClementine) of 65 randomly selected hybrid seedlings was used for some analyses. A majority (73%) of the clones examined from a PstI genomic library appeared to detect single-copy sequences based on RFLP banding patterns, while clones from a cDNA library revealed a lower percentage of single copy sequences. When hybridization stringencies were lowered, 21% of the genomic clones examined revealed greater copy numbers. PstI digestion of Duncan DNA indicated abundant methylation, so the relatively high frequency of multiple-copy sequences observed at moderate stringency cannot be attributed to a lack of methylation of the Citrus DNA. The polymorphisms in banding patterns observed primarily resulted from insertions and/or deletions rather than from base substitutions, and a model is presented to account for the varying patterns obtained from individual probes with different restriction enzymes. Finally, a model for transposon activity in Citrus is proposed, based on observations made during the course of these studies.  相似文献   

Linkage of restriction fragment length polymorphisms and isozymes in Citrus   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary Genetic linkage analysis was performed using two segregating populations of citrus. One population arose from an intergeneric backcross of Citrus grandis (L.) Osb. cv Thong Dee and Poncirus trifoliata (L.) Raf. cv Pomeroy, using the former as the recurrent (female) parent. The other population came from an interspecific backcross of C. reticulata Blanco cv Clementine and C. x paradisi Macf. cv Duncan, using the former as the recurrent (male) parent. A total of 11 isozyme and 58 restriction fragment length polymorphisms were found to segregate in a monogenic fashion in one or both populations. Linkage analysis revealed that 62 of the loci examined mapped to 11 linkage groups, while 7 loci segregated independently from all other markers. Gene order was highly conserved between the maps generated from the two divergent segregating populations. Possible applications of the use of such maps in tree fruit breeding are discussed.  相似文献   

The hermaphroditic nematode Pristionchus pacificus is a model organism with a range of fully developed genetic tools. The species is globally widespread and highly diverse genetically, consisting of four major independent lineages (lineages A, B, C, and D). Despite its young age (~2.1 Ma), volcanic La Réunion Island harbors all four lineages. Ecological and population genetic research studies suggest that this diversity is due to repeated independent island colonizations by P. pacificus. Here, we use model‐based statistical methods to rigorously test hypotheses regarding the evolutionary history of P. pacificus. First, we employ divergence analyses to date diversification events among the four “world” lineages. Next, we examine demographic properties of a subset of four populations (“a”, “b”, “c”, and “d”), present on La Réunion Island. Finally, we use the results of the divergence and demographic analyses to inform a modeling‐based approximate Bayesian computation (ABC) approach, where we test hypotheses about the order and timing of establishment of the Réunion populations. Our dating estimates place the recent common ancestor of P. pacificus lineages at nearly 500,000 generations past. Our demographic analysis supports recent (<150,000 generations) spatial expansion for the island populations, and our ABC approach supports c>a>b>d as the most likely colonization order of the island populations. Collectively, our study comprehensively improves previous inferences about the evolutionary history of P. pacificus.  相似文献   

Pristionchus pacificus has been developed as a nematode satellite organism in evolutionary developmental biology. Detailed studies of vulva development revealed multiple differences in genetic and molecular control in P. pacificus compared to the model organism Caenorhabditis elegans. To place evolutionary developmental biology in a comprehensive evolutionary context, such studies have to be complemented with ecology. In recent field studies in western Europe and eastern North America we found 11 Pristionchus species that are closely associated with scarab beetles and the Colorado potato beetle. However, P. pacificus was not commonly found in association with scarab beetles in these studies. Here, we describe the results of a similar survey of scarab beetles in Japan. Pristionchus pacificus was the most common Pristionchus species on scarab beetles in Japan, with 40 out of 43 (93%) isolates. The other Pristionchus isolates represent three novel species, which we refer to as Pristionchus sp. 11, Pristionchus sp. 14, and Pristionchus sp. 15. Thirty-seven of the established P. pacificus strains were found on the oriental beetle Exomala orientalis. Laboratory studies with the sex pheromone (Z)-7-tetradecen-2-one of the oriental beetle revealed that P. pacificus shows strong olfactory attraction to the beetle's sex pheromone, which provides a potential mechanism for the recognition and interaction of P. pacificus and E. orientalis. Together, this study identifies P. pacificus as the most common Pristionchus nematode in field studies in Japan, identifies E. orientalis as an important host species, and provides the basis for the ecology of P. pacificus.  相似文献   

Summary Restriction fragment length polymorphism analyses of SLA class I genes were performed on 55 Duroc and 24 Hampshire boars from the 1986–87 national performance tests of each breed. Few boars were inbred. Southern blotting and hybridization procedures were performed on genomic DNA isolated from white blood cells by using Pvu II, Bam HI, and Eco RI endonucleases and a swine MHC class I probe. Genetic variability within and between the two breeds was estimated in terms of nucleotide diversity, by using a mathematical analysis based on the different RFLP patterns. The nucleotide diversity calculated within each breed was less than that between the two breeds. The results from the nucleotide diversity analysis suggested that genetic variability was greater in the Duroc breed than in the Hampshire breed. A relatively high level of genetic variability was shown in the class I major histocompatibility complex genes in the pig.  相似文献   

Summary Random cDNA sequences synthesized from poly A+ RNA extracted from germinated urediospores of the flax rust fungus, Melampsora lini, were used as probes to detect restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs) in three races of M. lini originating from cultivated flax, Linum usitatissimum, and one race originating from Australian native flax, L. marginale. Fourteen out of 22 probes tested detected RFLPs in the three races from cultivated flax while 19 of the probes detected polymorphisms between these three races and the race from L. marginale. The segregation of seven RFLPs was determined in a family of 19 F2 progeny derived from a cross between two of the rust races. With six of these the inheritance was consistent, in each case, with the segregation of alleles at a single locus. Inheritance of the seventh was unusual and an explanation involving two loci with null alleles at each was proposed. No linkage was detected between any of the RFLP loci and nine unlinked loci specifying avirulence.  相似文献   

A typing method for Clostridium difficile based on restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLP) is described. The technique utilizes commercially available Escherichia coli ribosomal ribonucleic acid (rRNA) as probe material. Probe labelling, hybridization and detection was performed using the Enhanced Chemiluminescence (ECL) gene detection system. The probe labelling procedure was easy to perform, taking only 20 min. The complete typing method was comparatively simple, reproducible and readily adaptable to most bacterial genera.  相似文献   

Summary RFLPs were used to study genome evolution and phylogeny in Brassica and related genera. Thirtyeight accessions, including 10 accessions of B. rapa (syn. campestris), 9 cultivated types of B. oleracea, 13 nine-chromosome wild brassicas related to B. oleracea, and 6 other species in Brassica and allied genera, were examined with more then 30 random genomic DNA probes, which identified RFLPs mapping to nine different linkage groups of the B. rapa genome. Based on the RFLP data, phylogenetic trees were constructed using the PAUP microcomputer program. Within B. rapa, accessions of pak choi, narinosa, and Chinese cabbage from East Asia constituted a group distinct from turnip and wild European populations, consistent with the hypothesis that B. rapa had two centers of domestication. A wild B. rapa accession from India was positioned in the tree between European types and East Asian types, suggesting an evolutionary pathway from Europe to India, then to South China. Cultivated B. oleracea morphotypes showed monophyletic origin with wild B. oleracea or B. alboglabra as possible ancestors. Various kales constitute a highly diverse group, and represent the primitive morphotypes of cultivated B. oleracea from which cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, etc. probably have evolved. Cauliflower was found to be closely related to broccoli, whereas cabbage was closely related to leafy kales. A great diversity existed among the 13 collections of nine-chromosome wild brassicas related to B. oleracea, representing various taxonomic states from subspecies to species. Results from these studies suggested that two basic evolutionary pathways exist for the diploid species examined. One pathway gave rise to B. fruticulosa, B. nigra, and Sinapis arvensis, with B. adpressa or a close relative as the initial ancestor. Another pathway gave rise to B. oleracea and B. rapa, with Diplotaxis erucoides or a close relative as the initial ancestor. Raphanus sativus and Eruca sativus represented intermediate types between the two lineages, and might have been derived from introgression or hybridization between species belonging to different lineages. Molecular evidence for an ascending order of chromosome numbers in the evolution of Brassica and allied genera was obtained on the basis of RFLP data and phylogenetic analysis.  相似文献   

Summary Restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs) of nuclear DNAs have been used to explore the origin and evolution of the six cultivated Brassica species. Extensive RFLP variation was found at the species, subspecies and variety levels. Based on RFLP data from Brassica and related genera, a detailed phylogenetic tree was generated using the PAUP microcomputer program, which permits a quantitative analysis of the interrelationships among Brassica species. The results suggested that 1) B. nigra originated from one evolutionary pathway with Sinapis arvensis or a close relative as the likely progenitor, whereas B. campestris and B. oleracea came from another pathway with a possible common ancestor in wild B. oleracea or a closely related nine chromosome species; 2) the amphidiploid species B. napus and B. juncea have evolved through different combinations of the diploid morphotypes and thus polyphyletic origins may be a common mechanism for the natural occurrence of amphidiploids in Brassica; 3) the cytoplasm has played an important role in the nuclear genome evolution of amphidiploid species when the parental diploid species contain highly differentiated cytoplasms. A scheme for the origins of diploid and amphidiploid species is depicted based on evidence gathered from nuclear RFLP analysis, cpDNA RFLP analysis, cytogenetic studies and classical taxonomy.  相似文献   

Developmental plasticity is often correlated with diversity and has been proposed as a facilitator of phenotypic novelty. Yet how a dimorphism arises or how additional morphs are added is not understood, and few systems provide experimental insight into the evolution of polyphenisms. Because plasticity correlates with structural diversity in Pristionchus nematodes, studies in this group can test the role of plasticity in facilitating novelty. Here, we describe three new species, Pristionchus fukushimae sp. nov. , Pristionchus hoplostomus sp. nov. , and the hermaphroditic Pristionchus triformis sp. nov. , which are characterized by a novel polymorphism in their mouthparts. In addition to showing the canonical mouth dimorphism of diplogastrid nematodes, comprising a stenostomatous (‘narrow‐mouthed’) and a eurystomatous (‘wide‐mouthed’) form, the new species exhibit forms with six, 12, or intermediate numbers of cheilostomatal plates. Correlated with this polymorphism is another trait that varies among species: whereas divisions between plates are complete in P. triformis sp. nov. , which is biased towards a novel ‘megastomatous’ form comprising 12 complete plates, the homologous divisions in the other new species are partial and of variable length. In a reconstruction of character evolution, a phylogeny inferred from 26 ribosomal protein genes and a partial small subunit rRNA gene supported the megastomatous form of P. triformis sp. nov. as the derived end of a series of split‐plate forms. Although split‐plate forms were normally only observed in eurystomatous nematodes, a single 12‐plated stenostomatous individual of P. hoplostomus sp. nov. was also observed, suggesting independence of the two types of mouth plasticity. By introducing these new species to the Pristionchus model system, this study provides further insight into the evolution of polymorphisms and their evolutionary intermediates. © 2013 The Linnean Society of London  相似文献   

In this study, we isolated and tested restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) markers for Aspergillus fumigatus based on PCR products amplified by the random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) primer R108. Four DNA fragments, Afd, Af5, Af4, and Af4A, were amplified. Fragments Afd and Af5 were 85% and 88% identical at the DNA level to part of the Afut1 retrotransposon from A. fumigatus. Fragment Af4A is a duplication of fragment Af4 and both showed similarity at the amino acid level with endonucleases from other fungal retrotransposons. We used both RAPD with primer R108 and RFLP assays with Afut1, Afd, and Af4A, to determine the genetic relatedness of clinical isolates of A. fumigatus isolated sequentially from four patients colonized with A. fumigatus. The combination of these different methods suggested that the isolates infecting the four patients were not identical.  相似文献   

Summary Linkage relationships are reported for 34 markers in celery (Apium graveolens L. var dulce) including 21 RFLP, 11 isozyme, and 2 morphological traits. The mapping was carried out in a cross between celery and an annual accession from Thailand, A143, and based on F2 segregation of 136 plants. A total of 318 centiMorgans (cM) are covered by the markers distributed in 8 linkage groups. Probes for the identification of RFLPs were isolated from a celery cDNA library and were also obtained from heterologous sources. EcoRV, EcoRI, and HindIII were the most useful restriction enzymes in uncovering polymorphism. In our cross, 18% of the cDNA probes were found to be polymorphic for at least one of the enzymes used. Six of the markers showed significant deviations from expected F2 ratios.  相似文献   

A total of 225 new genetic loci [151 restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLP) and 74 random amplified polymorphic DNAs (RAPD)] in coastal Douglas-fir [Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco var. menziesii] have been identified using a three-generation outbred pedigree. The Mendelian inheritance of 16 RFLP loci and 29 RAPD loci was demonstrated based on single-locus segregation in a sample of F2 progeny. One RFLP locus, PtIFG2025, showed segregation distortion. Probe pPtIFG2025 is a loblolly pine cDNA probe encoding for rbcS. The 16 RFLP loci and 23 allozyme loci were also assayed in a sample of 16 Douglas-fir seed-orchard clones. Allelism was determined at 11 of the 16 RFLP loci. RFLPs were able to detect slightly more variation (4.0 alleles per locus) than allozymes (3.1 alleles per locus). The inheritance of an additional 80 RAPD loci was determined based on haploid segregation analysis of megagametophytes from parent tree 013-1. Once 200–300 markers are identified and placed on a genetic map, quantitative trait loci affecting bud phenology will be mapped.  相似文献   

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