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The gene GTF2IRD1 is localized within the critical region on chromosome 7 that is deleted in Williams syndrome patients. Genotype-phenotype comparisons of patients carrying variable deletions within this region have implicated GTF2IRD1 and a closely related homolog, GTF2I, as prime candidates for the causation of the principal symptoms of Williams syndrome. We have generated mice with an nls-LacZ knockin mutation of the Gtf2ird1 allele to study its functional role and examine its expression profile. In adults, expression is most prominent in neurons of the central and peripheral nervous system, the retina of the eye, the olfactory epithelium, the spiral ganglion of the cochlea, brown fat adipocytes and to a lesser degree myocytes of the heart and smooth muscle. During development, a dynamic pattern of expression is found predominantly in musculoskeletal tissues, the pituitary, craniofacial tissues, the eyes and tooth buds. Expression of Gtf2ird1 in these tissues correlates with the manifestation of some of the clinical features of Williams syndrome.  相似文献   

The bacterial ArsA ATPase is the catalytic component of an oxyanion pump that is responsible for resistance to arsenicals and antimonials. Homologues of the bacterial ArsA ATPase are widespread in nature. We had earlier identified the mouse homologue (Asna1) that exhibits 27% identity to the bacterial ArsA ATPase. To identify the physiological role of the protein, heterozygous Asna1 knockout mice (Asna1+/-) were generated by homologous recombination. The Asna1+/- mice displayed similar phenotype as the wild-type mice. However, early embryonic lethality was observed in homozygous Asna1 knockout embryos, between E3.5 (E=embryonic day) and E8.5 stage. These findings indicate that Asna1 plays a crucial role during early embryonic development.  相似文献   

Human damaged DNA-binding protein (DDB) is a heterodimer of p48/DDB2 and p127/DDB1 subunits. Mutations in DDB2 are responsible for Xeroderma Pigmentosum group E, but no mutants of mammalian DDB1 have been described. To study DDB1, the Schizosaccharomyces pombe DDB1 sequence homologue (ddb1(+)) was cloned, and a ddb1 deletion strain was constructed. The gene is not essential; however, mutant cells showed a 37% impairment in colony-forming ability, an elongated phenotype, and abnormal nuclei. The ddb1Delta strain was sensitive to UV irradiation, X-rays, methylmethane sulfonate, and thiabendazole, and these sensitivities were compared with those of the well characterized rad13Delta, rhp51Delta, and cds1Delta mutant strains. Ddb1p showed nuclear and nucleolar localization, and the aberrant nuclear structures observed in the ddb1Delta strain suggest a role for Ddb1p in chromosome segregation.  相似文献   

The HPC-1/syntaxin 1A (STX1A) gene maps to the Williams syndrome (WS) commonly deleted region on chromosome 7q11.23 and encodes a protein implicated in the docking of synaptic vesicles with the presynaptic plasma membrane. To assess the potential role of STX1A in the WS phenotype, we carried out expression studies at the RNA and protein levels, in fetal and adult human tissues. RNA in situ hybridization on human embryo sections showed strong STX1A expression in spinal cord and ganglia. However, in adulthood, this gene was preferentially expressed in brain, as shown by Northern blot and RT-PCR experiments. Marked expression levels were observed in cerebellum and cerebral cortex. The STX1A protein was prevalently distributed in the molecular layer of the cerebellar cortex. A qualitative and quantitative analysis using a specific anti-STX1A antibody did not disclose any significant difference among frontal, temporal, and occipital poles of the human adult cortex in the two hemispheres. This is the first study focused on STX1A expression in humans. Our results indicate that this gene is strongly expressed in cerebral areas involved in cognitive process, supporting a likely role in the neurological symptoms of WS.  相似文献   

The human c-myc gene consists of three exons transcribed from two distinct promoters and the function of the first, noncoding exon is unknown. In COLO 320 cells, there co-exist normal and truncated (i.e., lacking exon 1) c-myc genes, both of which are transcribed. Studies on the turnover of c-myc mRNA show that the normal mRNA has an in vivo half-life of approximately 30 min which is approximately similar to the turnover time of the mRNA in lymphoblastoid cells. However, the truncated mRNA was found to be substantially more stable. This observation was also made with a Burkitt's lymphoma cell line which has a translocated, truncated c-myc gene. Therefore truncation of the c-myc gene can cause the mRNA to be more stable than the full size product suggesting that this can be a crucial factor in the activation of the c-myc oncogene, by exon 1 loss, in chromosomal translocation. The results also suggest a role for exon 1 in the c-myc mRNA degradative mechanism.  相似文献   

The leucine zipper-, EF-hand-containing transmembrane protein 1 (LETM1) has recently been cloned in an attempt to identify genes deleted in Wolf-Hirschhorn syndrome (WHS), a microdeletion syndrome characterized by severe growth and mental retardation, hypotonia, seizures, and typical facial dysmorphic features. LETM1 is deleted in almost all patients with the full phenotype and has recently been suggested as an excellent candidate gene for the seizures in WHS patients. We have shown that LETM1 is evolutionarily conserved throughout the eukaryotic kingdom and exhibits homology to MDM38, a putative yeast protein involved in mitochondrial morphology. Using LETM1-EGFP fusion constructs and an anti-rat LetM1 polyclonal antibody we have demonstrated that LETM1 is located in the mitochondria. The present study presents information about a possible function for LETM1 and suggests that at least some (neuromuscular) features of WHS may be caused by mitochondrial dysfunction.  相似文献   

We isolated a neuronal calcium sensor 1/frequenin-like gene, Mg-NCS-1, from Magnaporthe grisea and evaluated the phenotypes of null-mutants of the gene. The putative Mg-NCS-1 protein showed high similarity to the other NCS-1 proteins. The null-mutants had normal growth and pathogenicity similar to the parental strain, but their growth was suppressed in high concentrations of Ca2+ or acidic conditions.  相似文献   

Summary Viral leukemogenesis in mice is frequently initiated by proviral activation of a highly conserved cellular gene called Pim-1. Here we report the chromosomal localization of the human homologue by Southern blot analyses of DNAs obtained from human-rodent somatic cell hybrids. The single copy human homologue was assigned to the 6pter-q12 segment.  相似文献   

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