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Cluster Computing - Decentralized, open-access blockchain systems opened up new, exciting possibilities—all without reliance on trusted third parties. Regardless of the employed consensus...  相似文献   

Peter D Wagner 《Journal of applied physiology》2002,92(5):2224; author reply 2224-2224; author reply 2225

Cholesterol exchange in platelets, erythrocytes and megakaryocytes   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Cholesterol exchange between plasma and human platelets and erythrocytes and guinea pig platelets, erythrocytes and megakaryocytes was studied. The characteristics of exchange of cholesterol between [3H]cholesterol-labeled plasma and human platelets and erythrocytes were similar: exchange per cell was independent of cell concentration in whole plasma, decreased only 2-fold over a wide range of cell concentrations in low concentrations of plasma and approached a plateau at 1/3 normal plasma cholesterol concentration, and there was no net change in the cholesterol content of either cell. The activation energy for exchange for both cells was 47 kJ/mol. In all experiments, erythrocyte cholesterol was labeled to approximately twice the specific activity of platelet cholesterol. Guinea pig megakaryocyte cholesterol exchanged at 25-33% of the rate of guinea pig platelet cholesterol in vitro. Similarly, when guinea pigs were fed [3H]cholesterol, erythrocyte cholesterol specific activity after 24 h was 90%, platelet 50-65%, and megakaryocyte 20-26% that of plasma. Guinea pig platelets incubated with plasma radiolabeled in free and esterified cholesterol incorporated radioactivity from free but not esterified cholesterol. The similarity of free cholesterol exchange in platelets and erythrocytes in vitro and in vivo and the apparent inability of platelets to take up cholesterol esters from lipoproteins suggest that the interaction between normal platelets and normocholesterolemic plasma is limited to cholesterol exchange.  相似文献   

The cochaperone GrpE functions as a nucleotide exchange factor to promote dissociation of adenosine 5'-diphosphate (ADP) from the nucleotide-binding cleft of DnaK. GrpE and the DnaJ cochaperone act in concert to control the flux of unfolded polypeptides into and out of the substrate-binding domain of DnaK by regulating the nucleotide-bound state of DnaK. DnaJ stimulates nucleotide hydrolysis, and GrpE promotes the exchange of ADP for adenosine triphosphate (ATP) and also augments peptide release from the DnaK substrate-binding domain in an ATP-independent manner. The eukaryotic cytosol does not contain GrpE per se because GrpE-like function is provided by the BAG1 protein, which acts as a nucleotide exchange factor for cytosolic Hsp70s. GrpE, which plays a prominent role in mitochondria, chloroplasts, and bacterial cytoplasms, is a fascinating molecule with an unusual quaternary structure. The long alpha-helices of GrpE have been hypothesized to act as a thermosensor and to be involved in the decrease in GrpE-dependent nucleotide exchange that is observed in vitro at temperatures relevant to heat shock. This review describes the molecular biology of GrpE and focuses on the structural and kinetic aspects of nucleotide exchange, peptide release, and the thermosensor hypothesis.  相似文献   

DNA crosslinking, sister-chromatid exchange and specific-locus mutations   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Chinese hamster ovary cells were treated with the DNA-crosslinking chemicals, mitomycin C (MMC) and porfiromycin (POR), and their monofunctional derivative decarbamoyl mitomycin C (DCMMC). After exposure, the cells were studied for the induction of sister-chromatid exchanges (SCEs) and mutations at the hypoxanthine phosphoribosyltransferase and adenine phosphoribosyltransferase loci. The frequency of SCEs varied significantly in successive sampling intervals, requiring the weighting of each interval by the percentage of second-division mitosis in that interval to obtain the mean SCE frequency for each dose. All 3 compounds were potent inducers of SCEs but weakly mutagenic. All 3 chemicals by concentration were approximately equally effective in inducing SCEs or mutations. When the induced SCEs and mutations were compared at equal levels of survival, DCMMC was slightly more effective than MMC or POR in inducing SCEs and somewhat less mutagenic. These results indicate that the DNA interstrand crosslink is not the major lesion responsible for the induction of SCE or mutation by these compounds.  相似文献   

The average cross fertility is low and influenced by genotype, rather than by the taxonomic position of the parents. A few genotype combinations were reasonably fertile. On the average, crosses were more successful with the tetraploid as the female parent. When the triploids, which are functionally male-sterile, were allowed to outcross to diploids and tetraploids some seed setting occurred comparable in extent to the initial crosses. Meiosis is irregular with trivalents, bivalents and univalents; the mean multivalent frequency shows a positive correlation with mean chiasma frequency. Pairing seems to be affected mainly by the genetic constitution of the parents and not by interspecific affinities. The low fertility of the triploids is not surprising in view of the apparently random assortment of the chromosomes to the gametes.  相似文献   

Natural phage communities are reservoirs of the greatest uncharacterized genetic diversity on Earth. Yet, identical phage sequences can be found in extremely different environments, which implies that there is wide circulation of viral genes among distantly related host populations. Further evidence of genetic exchange among phage and host communities is the presence in phage of genes coding for proteins that are essential for photosynthesis. These observations support the idea that a primary role of host populations in phage ecology and evolution is to serve as vectors for genetic exchange.  相似文献   

An isotope procedure for the tracing of ion fluxes and rate constants in intact plants is presented and applied to 42K-labelled potassium fluxes in cells of intact barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) roots. This procedure differs from conventional tracer efflux protocols in that tracer accrual in the external solution bathing the labelled roots is continually monitored by solution subsampling, whereas conventional protocols involve monitoring the specific-activity decline in a sequence of eluates that wash out tracer released by roots. The new technique minimizes physical disturbance to the plant system, while permitting excellent time resolution of efflux kinetics. In the high-affinity transport (HATS) range, the flux and exchange parameters determined using this method showed close agreement with those found using a conventional protocol. However, in the low-affinity transport (LATS) range, substantially higher influx and efflux were seen than are normally observed with conventional tracer techniques. It is shown that this difference is attributable to the greater disturbance-sensitivity of LATS transport, and conclude that the measurement of fluxes is much more difficult in this transport range than in the disturbance-resistant HATS range.  相似文献   

While a considerable body of work examines immigrant networks, inadequate attention has been devoted to understanding how networks regulate the relationship between immigrants and host institutions. A rich immigrant process may reinforce current power structures by providing a convenient buffer between the elite and challengers. Conversely, immigration may challenge the status quo. I employ social network analysis to examine three understudied immigrant groups in Rome, Bangladeshis, Filipinos, and Peruvians. I find that they have developed systems of problem-solving and sense-making that often interrupt their interactions with host institutions. The state tolerates this because it situates immigrants’ concerns outside its sphere of responsibility.  相似文献   

Glomerular particles were isolated from the bovine cerebellar vermis and studied in vitro to further assess the possibility that -aminobutyric acid (GABA) is utilized as a neurotransmitter in this synaptic complex. Cerebellar glomeruli accumulated [3H]GABA at two different high affinity sites, with affinities (K T) of 2.2×10–6M and 3.0×10–5M. These uptake sites could not be distinguished on the basis of their temperature sensitivities, sodium dependence, substrate specificities or responses to metabolic inhibitors. Although an exchange process contributed to the uptake measured in these experiments, a considerable amount of the [3H]GABA accumulated by glomerular particles was stored in an osmotically-sensitive, nonexchangeable pool. Glomerular particles preloaded with [3H]GABA exhibited a Ca2+-independent release of this amino acid in response to membrane depolarization. However, when preloaded glomerular particles were exposed to unlabeled GABA, which presumably displaced [3H]GABA from the exchangeable pool, a K-evoked and Ca2+-dependent release of the remaining [3H]GABA occurred. The observed net uptake, together with the depolarization-induced and Ca2+-dependent release, of [3H]GABA from glomerular particles supports the suggestion that functionally active GABAergic synapses are present in these structures.  相似文献   

C Pryor  M Bridge  L M Loew 《Biochemistry》1985,24(9):2203-2209
A new fluorescent lipid analogue, bimanephosphatidylcholine, has been synthesized for use in lipid bilayers. This probe is well suited as an energy-transfer donor with N-(7-nitro-2,1,3-benzoxadiazol-4-yl)phosphatidylethanolamine as the acceptor. Dimyristoylphosphatidylethanolamine vesicles are prepared by sonication at pH 9 and characterized by electron microscopy and other methods. Resonance energy transfer between separately labeled donor and acceptor vesicles is monitored during HCl-induced aggregation to determine the kinetics of lipid randomization. Light scattering is also monitored to measure the kinetics of aggregation. The light scattering shows a marked reversal with NaOH while the energy transfer does not, indicating lipid exchange during a reversibly aggregated state; the extent of energy transfer suggests that only lipids in the outer monolayers exchange. The gel to liquid-crystalline phase transition temperature in HCl-treated vesicles is found to be 47 degrees C with diphenylhexatriene. The initial sonicated dispersion does not show a sharp phase transition. In vesicles labeled with both donor and acceptor probes, a small, irreversible increase in energy transfer is obtained upon lowering and then restoring the pH. These results suggest a metastable phase in the sonicated vesicles containing a randomized distribution of lipid and probes within the bilayers; the thermodynamically favored phase, whose formation is triggered by the pH shock, contains domains within which the probe lipids are more highly concentrated.  相似文献   

Kaj Århem 《Ethnos》2013,78(1-2):47-63
This article explores how notions of power, femininity, and ethnicity permeate the discourses of and around girls involved in gangs. I explore how the cholasLatina gang girls ‐ of Foxbury perform and inscribe on their bodies a specific kind of femininity that not only confounds wider community notions of how girls should act, dress, and talk, but throws into question the very gendered category that girls are expected to inhabit.  相似文献   

In eukaryotic nuclei, DNA is wrapped around a protein octamer composed of the core histones H2A, H2B, H3, and H4, forming nucleosomes as the fundamental units of chromatin. The modification and deposition of specific histone variants play key roles in chromatin function. In this study, we established an in vitro system based on permeabilized cells that allows the assembly and exchange of histones in situ. H2A and H2B, each tagged with green fluorescent protein (GFP), are incorporated into euchromatin by exchange independently of DNA replication, and H3.1-GFP is assembled into replicated chromatin, as found in living cells. By purifying the cellular factors that assist in the incorporation of H2A-H2B, we identified protein phosphatase (PP) 2C gamma subtype (PP2Cgamma/PPM1G) as a histone chaperone that binds to and dephosphorylates H2A-H2B. The disruption of PP2Cgamma in chicken DT40 cells increased the sensitivity to caffeine, a reagent that disturbs DNA replication and damage checkpoints, suggesting the involvement of PP2Cgamma-mediated histone dephosphorylation and exchange in damage response or checkpoint recovery in higher eukaryotes.  相似文献   

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