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On the basis of symposium contributions onChlorella, Hibbertia, Eucalyptus, Ambrosia and on numerical approaches some fundamental problems of (bio)systematics, evolution, and taxonomic categories are discussed: Methods available for analysing affinities; conflicting evidence from phenetic, biochemical, cytogenetic and other analyses; further classification problems in cases of intermediacy, etc. While sibs of various levels and their natural hierarchy often can be objectively defined, this appears impossible for particular taxonomic levels itself (e. g. species). A single objective taxonomic system of organisms is unrealistic. Certain guiding lines for relative and practicable concepts of species and genus are proposed.Presented at the symposium Speciation and the Species Concept during the XIIth International Botanical Congress, Leningrad, July 8, 1975.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung In der Einleitung ist das Ziel der Arbeit in den wesentlichsten Punkten herausgestellt.Die Bursastrukturen (Bursavelum und Rippen bzw. Papillen) der parasitischen Strongylina lassen sich von den entsprechenden Bildungen der freilebenden Rhabditina, vor allem der Gattung Rhabditis, ableiten und in ihren Einzelgliedern homologisieren.Die im Laufe der Phylogenie bei den Strongylina auftretenden strukturellen Transformationen lassen sich auf einige wenige, relativ einfache morphogenetische Grundvorgänge zurückführen, die da sind: Wachstumsallometrien, Materialkompensationen, Organverschmelzungen und Spaltungen (Fissationen), Rudimentationen und ähnliche Vorgänge.Innerhalb der Strongylina Bursa ist ein Gefälle der Wachstumsgradienten feststellbar, das sich vom Zentrum der Bursa sowohl nach distal als auch proximalwärts abschwdcht. Zunehmende Förderung der zentral gelegenen Organe (Rippen) führt zu entsprechender Reduktion der peripheren Bursastrukturen, was vor allem im terminalen Schwanzabschnitt auffällt und zur Ausbildung des oft nur noch als Rudiment vorhandenen Dorsalrippenkomplexes führt. Letzterer entspricht in seiner Gesamtheit der Schwanzspitze der peloderen Rhabditiden mit den Papillen 9 und 10.Die bei Rhabditis moist getrennten Papillen 7 und 8 sind bei allen Strongylina zu einer Rippe (Externodorsal-Rippe) verschmolzen, die jedoch in manchen Aberrationen durch Abspaltung eines akzessorischen Astes ihre wahre Natur (als Verschmelzungsprodukt) zu erkennen gibt (Atavismus).Da dieselben Transformationsvorgänge innerhalb der Strongylina mehrfach unabhängig voneinander wirksam geworden sind, treten bestimmte Strukturformen als Parallelbildungen in verschiedenen phylogenetischen Union auf (polytope Entstehung).Zahlreich untersuchte Bildungsabweichungen (Aberrationen), deren Bedeutung für die Morphologie kurz umrissen wird, erschöpfen sich in den gleichen strukturellen Transformationstypen, die auch bei der Evolution der verschiedenen Union der Strongylina nachweisbar sind. Die Aberrationen führen daher häufig zu Atavismen oder zu Parallelvariationen (homologe Variationen").Die Zahl der Umwandlungsmbglichkeiten (Potenzen) der Bursastrukturen innerhalb der Strongylina ist beschränkt (Paripotenz im Sinne Haeckers). Bestimmte Arten (und Entwicklungshnien) haben jeweils nur bestimmte Potenzen realisiert. Andere können jedoch latent (virtuell) im Kryptotypus vorhanden sein, ohne normalerweise in Erscheinung. zu treten. In bestimmten Aberrationen können sie jedoch plötzlich realisiert werden, so ihr latentes Vorhandensein demonstrierend (Pluripotenz).Wie lange bestimmte Potenzen in einer Gruppe erhalten bleiben konnen, verdeutlichen auch die Schwanzhocker weiblicher Nematoden, als zum Bauplan der Nematoden gehbrende Bildungen. Die Potenz zur Ausbildung dieser Strukturen kommt offensichtlich sehr vielen Nematoden-Arten zu, wird jedoch nur in relativ wenigen Fällen, aber innerhalb der verschiedenen Gruppen bald hier, bald dort (disjunkte Verbreitung), realisiert. Es handelt sich bei den Schwanzhöckern um rudimentäre Organe, die bei keiner Nematoden-Art mehr voll ausgebildet erhalten sind. Ihre Rudimentation beruht zum Teil auf Materialentzug, als Folge von Unkonstruktionen der Schwanzregion, wobei die Adultstadien zuerst betroffen werden (Aphanisie nach Sewertzoff).Bei den in Chiropteren parasitierenden Strongylacanthinae haben sich Schwanzhöcker noch bei allen Arten erhalten, was ein offensichtlich archaisches Merkmal darstellt. Bei anderen Nematoden, denen sie nur im Larvalstadium zukommen, treten sie wohl durch Fötalisation in seltenen Fällen auch bei den adulten Stadien wieder auf.Alle speziellen Bursaformen der Strongylina lassen sich durch relativ wenige und einfache Transformationsvorgänge aus einem durch Abstraktion gewonnenen diagrammatischen Typus ableiten (Prinzip der variablen Proportionen" nach Troll).Die typisierten Umwandlungsvorgänge decken sich weitgehend mit den von Remane allgemein gefaßten strukturellen Typen der Realmutationen. Da sie bei den beobachteten Aberrationen, deren Entstehung auf dem Wege über Realmutationen sehr wahrscheinlich ist, in homologer Weise auftreten, kann das innerhalb der Strongylina zu beobachtende Evolutionsphänomen auf Realmutationen zurückgeführt warden.Obwohl sich die untersuchten strukturellen Transformationen in dem systematisch relativ wait gefaßten Rahmen einer Unterordnung abspielen (transspezifische Evolution nach Rensch), handelt es sich bei der von uns bevorzugten Terminologie (nach Woltereck und Remane), unter Berücksichtigung des Charakters der Umwandlungen, doch nur um Vorgänge, die in den Bereich der Mikroevolution fallen.  相似文献   

Summary Fundamentally, theoretically, there is only one process underlying genetic and cultural evolution: natural selection. Organism fitness-enhancement (adaptive significance) is one of its practical mechanisms; group formation and maintenance is another, often but not always through fitness-enhancement; and need-fulfillment is still another. If Durham can accept that formulation, and switch from organism-thinking to instruction-thinking (Cloak, 1975: 178), he will free himself from two handicaps: First, he can forget his worries about reductionism and determinism (1976a: 100, 101). Under this general theory of natural selection, cultural evolutionis biological evolution, continued by other (nongenetic) means. Second, he will spare himself the appearance of anthropomorphism, mentalism, and wishy-washiness attendant on his discussion of kinds of significance, other than adaptive significance, of cultural behaviors (1976a: 102–106, 115).  相似文献   

Neurasthenia is both a Western disease construct and a popular Chinese illness concept (shenjing shuairuo, SJSR). Using a self-report questionnaire, we examined 148 Hong Kong Chinese undergraduates' concept of its epidemiology, symptomatology, etiology and treatment. Notwithstanding that fatigue is thesine qua non of neurasthenia in Western nosology, subjects believed that SJSR was compatible with a diversity of symptoms which fell, on factor analysis, into the neurotic, psychotic, somatic and dysfunctional subgroups. Contrary to the popular portrayal of SJSR as a physical or chronic fatigue disorder, the most common perceived symptoms were anxiety, insomnia, depression and fright. Logically, psychological etiology and remedy were highly emphasized. The perceived high prevalence, non-aggressive nature and symptomatic diversity of SJSR attested to the notion that it might camouflage and destigmatize psychiatric labels of insanity. The contextual study of neurasthenia illustrates how in its search for legitimacy an originally Western concept adapts, transforms, and acquires distinctive local meanings in a non-Western culture.  相似文献   

Summary Monolayers of six different cell lines were investigated with respect to ionic coupling using micro-electrode techniques. In parallel, survival after Co--irradiation of monolayer- and spheroid cultures of these lines was compared. It was found that spheroids of coupled cell lines were more radioresistant than monolayers (contact effect). However, cell coupling did not enhance the survival of monolayers over single cells. This suggests that the contact effect is a tissue phenomenon requiring cellular interaction but is expressed only under conditions of three-dimensional growth.  相似文献   

Uptake kinetics of nitrogen derived from sewage–seawater mixtures (2.5–20% v/v effluent) were determined in the laboratory for Ulva rigida (Chlorophyceae) native from Bahía Nueva (Golfo Nuevo, Patagonia, Argentine). In terms of nitrogen concentration, experimental enrichment levels varied between 53.7 and 362.3M of ammonium and between 0.77 and 6.21M of nitrate+nitrite. Uptake rates were fitted to the Michaelis–Menten equation, with the following kinetic parameters: ammonium: Vmax = 591.2molg–1h–1, K s=262.3M, nitrate+nitrite: V max=12.9molg–1h–1, K s=3.5M). Both nutrients were taken up simultaneously, but ammonium incorporation was faster in all cases. The results show a high capability of Ulva rigida to remove sewage-derived nitrogen from culture media. In the field, most of the nitrogen provided by the effluent would be tied up in algal biomass, supporting low nitrogen levels found at a short distance away from the source.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung In der Meerschweinchenzirbeldrüse lassen sich elektronenmikroskopisch helle und dunkle Pinealzellen sowie einzelne Gliazellen nachweisen. In den bei weitem überwiegenden hellen Pinealzellen zeichnet sich ein Teil der vesicle-crowned rodlets (VCR) durch lokale Auftreibungen aus. Von VCR deutlich abzugrenzen sind die vesicle-crowned balls (VCB). Erstmalig beschrieben wird das Vorkommen von sog. Zylindern, die als Vorstufen von VCB aufgefaßt werden. In den relativ seltenen dunklen Pinealzellen, die sich durch chromatinreiche Kerne und elektronendichtes Zytoplasma auszeichnen, sind Vesikel, VCR, VCB und Zylinder seltener als in hellen Pinealzellen. Die reichlich vorhandenen marklosen Nervenfasern finden sich vor allem in perivasculären Räumen, seltener im Parenchym. Synapsen zwischen Nerven und Pinealzellen wurden nicht beobachtet. In den Zirbeldrüsen trächtiger Meerschweinchen zeichnen sich in der 2. Hälfte der Tragzeit die hellen Pinealzellen durch stärkere Lappung der Kerne, gehäuftes Auftreten von laktiven Zonen, Vermehrung von Mitochondrien, glattem ER, agranulären Vesikeln, VCR, VCB und Zylindern aus. Die dunklen Pinealzellen nehmen während der Tragzeit an Zahl zu. Post partum bilden sich diese Veränderungen innerhalb einer Woche zurück. Längerer Aufenthalt der Tiere in Dunkelheit führt zu einer Aktivierung der hellen Pinealzellen mit auffallender Vermehrung der VCR und zu einer Zunahme der dunklen Zellen. Unter Dauerbelichtung kommt es in den hellen Zellen zu einer Abnahme fast aller Zellorganellen und zu einer starken Vermehrung der VCR, die nach 70 Tagen auch Formveränderungen aufweisen. Nach Reserpinbehandlung beobachtet man eine Verminderung und degenerative Veränderungen der VCR. Es wird diskutiert, daß die VCR als prae- bzw. postsynaptische Strukturen der Erregungsübertragung von Nerven zu Pinealzellen bzw. von Pinealzellen untereinander dienen könnten.
The fine structure of the pineal gland of normal, pregnant and experimentally affected guinea-pigs
Summary By means of electron microscopy light and dark pinealocytes can be distinguished in the guinea-pig pineal gland. Glial cells are rare. In the light pinealocyte. the most frequent cell type, some vesicle-crowned rodlets (VCR) show circumscribed thickenings. From these structures vesicle-crowned balls (VCB) have to be clearly distinguished. Furthermore cylinders occur, which, it is suggested, are precursors of VCB. Dark pinealocytes characterized by chromatin-rich nuclei and electron-dense cytoplasm are rare and contain fewer vesicles, VCR, VCB and cylinders than light pinealocytes. Numerous non-myelinated nerve fibres are situated within perivascular spaces, a few also in the parenchyma. Synapses between nerve fibres and pinealocytes were not observed. In the pineal gland of pregnant guinea-pigs the following changes can be observed in the second half of gestation. The light cells show many nuclear indentations and an increase of active zones, mitochondria, smooth ER, agranular vesicles, VCR, VCB, and cylinders respectively. The dark cells increase in number. After birth these changes reverse to normal within one week. Constant darkness leads to an activation of the light cells accompanied by an increase of the VCR and to an increase in number of the dark cells. Under constant illumination the light cells show a decrease of their organelles and a strong increase of the VCR. After 70 days the VCR also show a change in shape. Following reserpine treatment the VCR decrease in number and show signs of degeneration. It is discussed that the VCR function as pre- or postsynaptic structures and that they are involved either in transmitting impulses from nerve fibres to pinealocytes or from one pinealocyte to the other.
Untersuchung unter Leitung von Univ.-Doz. Dr. L. Vollrath.  相似文献   

Heterochromatin variation in Cryptobothrus chrysophorus   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Northern and southern races of the Australian grasshopper Cryptobothrus chrysophorus share the same diploid chromosome number (2n=23, 24). The northern race is differentiated from the southern by fixed extra blocks of heterochromatin located distally on five of the six medium pairs of autosomes (M4, 5, 6, 8 and 9). The megameric M7 pair, which is completely heterochromatic in both races, is also frequently larger in the northern race. Additionally, while there is considerable polymorphism for the presence of supernumerary heterochromatic segments on the two smallest autosome pairs (S10, 11) in both races, the precise character of this polymorphism is strikingly different between them. That found in the north is both more extensive and more variable. An analysis of the patterns of C-banding obtained in neuroblast c-mitoses indicates even more variation within and between races than was anticipated from the patterns of heteropycnosis seen at first prophase of male meiosis. Thus, while the distal blocks on the M4, 6, 8 and 9 elements in the northern race invariably C-band those of the M5 never do. On the other hand polymorphisms for C-bands on the M5, 6, 8 and 9 are seen in some populations of the southern race but in regions which are not visibly heteropycnotic at meiosis. Polymorphisms for the pattern of C-banding also occur in the northern race populations in the M4, 6, 8 and 9 elements and some of these are associated with clear length differences in the chromosomes concerned. Others involve differences in the expression of the distal C-bands in M8 and 9 which vary from dark to intermediate. The supernumerary segments on the S10 and 11 pairs are especially variable in respect of their C-banding properties. Some are entirely C-banded, some show no C-banding whatsoever and some are composed of both banded and unhanded regions. Banding is again most pronounced, however, in the northern race. Finally the character of the megameric M7 is strikingly different in the two races not only in respect of its size, which is sometimes larger than that of the south, but also in respect of the extent of C-banding which is always more complex in the northern form irrespective of its size.  相似文献   

Dong A  Ye M  Guo H  Zheng J  Guo D 《Biotechnology letters》2003,25(4):339-344
Of 49 microbial strains screened for their capabilities to transform ginsenoside Rb1, Rhizopus stolonifer and Curvularia lunata produced four key metabolites: 3-O-[-d-glucopyranosyl-(1,2)--d-glucopyranosyl]- 20-O-[-d-glucopyranosyl]-3,12, 20(S)-trihydroxydammar-24-ene (1), 3-O-[-d-glucopyranosyl-(1,2)--d- glucopyranosyl]-20-O-[-d-glucopyranosyl]-3,12, 20(S)-trihydroxydammar-24-ol (2), 3-O-[-d-gluco- pyranosyl-(1,2)--d-glucopyranosyl]-3, 12, 20(S)-trihydroxydammar-24-ene (3), and 3-O--d-glucopyranosyl-3, 12, 20(S)-trihydroxydammar-24-ene (4), identified by TOF-MS, 1H- and 13C-NMR spectral data. Metabolites 1, 3 and 4 were from the incubation with R. stolonifer, and 1 and 2 from the incubation with C. lunata. Compound 2 was identified as a new compound.  相似文献   

Summary Structural gene loci encoding the monomeric isozymes nicotin adenin dinucleotide dehydrogenase (NADH dehydrogenase or NDH) have been located on the 4AL, 4B, and 4DS chromosome arms of Triticum aestivum cv Chinese Spring, on the 4RS chromosome arm of Secale cereale cultivars Imperial, King II, Dakold, and Ailes, on the 4S1 S/7S1 chromosome of Aegilops longissima, the 4E of Elytrigia elongata, and the CSU-A of Aegilops umbellulata. All the results support the homoeologous relationships among these chromosomes in the five species studied. In addition, a map of the 4RS chromosome arm in cv Ailes has been realized, linking loci Pgm-1 (located on the 4RS chromosome arm) and Ndh-1 (17.91 cM), with an estimated distance between both loci and the centromere of 20.00 cM and 32.12 cM, respectively.  相似文献   

Résumé Nous avons fait élever des larves d'Anergates atratulus par des ouvrières deMyrmica laevinodis à 22°C. Pour y parvenir, il n'est pas utile de faire hivernerensemble les larves d'Anergates et les ouvrières deMyrmica. La présence de larves autochtones n'empêche pas lesMyrmica d'élever des larves d'Anergates. Dans toutes les expériences lesMyrmica ont été soumises au fridavant de recevoir des larves d'Anergates. Aucune reine deMyrmica n'a été utilisée dans ces expériences.Sur les 64 larves d'Anergates que nous avons utilisées, 38 se sont transformées en imagos. C'est au début de l'adoption et au moment des métamorphoses que périrent la plupart des 26Anergates perdus. Les femelles vécurent en général 2 ou 3 jours et cherchèrent très tôt à quitter le nid natal. Les mâles vécurent 2 à 3 semaines.
Summary Larvae ofAnergates atratulus were experimentally reared by workers ofMyrmica laevinodis, at 22°C. An overwintering of both larvae ofAnergates and workers ofMyrmica is not necessary for the success of that experiment. The presence of larvae ofMyrmica does not keep theMyrmica from rearing larvae ofAnergates. The workers ofMyrmica have been cooled, in all the experiments, before receiving larvae ofAnergates. No queen ofMyrmica have been used in that experiments.38 of the 64 larvae ofAnergates used became imagos. Most of the 26 lostAnergates died at the beginning of the adoption and during the metamorphosis. The females lived generally 2 or 3 days and tried, very early, to leave their native nest. The males lived 2 or 3 weeks.

Anergates atratulus Myrmica laevinodis, 22 . bmecme Anergates Myrmica. Myrmica Anergates. Myrmica Anergates. Myrmica . 64 Anergates , 38 . 26 Anergates 2 3 . 2 3 .

An efficient and reliable micropropagation system for Persian clover (Trifolium resupinatum L.) was developed using different explants and media. Node, hypocotyl and cotyledonary node explants were cultured on Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium supplemented with combinations of either 6-benzyladenine (BA) and indole-3-butyric acid (IBA) or BA, Kinetin (KIN) and IBA. Direct multiple shoots developed within 6weeks in all explants in most media tested. The best shoot multiplication capacity was obtained from cotyledonary node explants on MS medium containing 7.1M BA and 1M IBA or 14.1M BA and 1M IBA. Elongated shoots were rooted on either MS medium alone or combination with different concentrations of indole-3-butyric acid (IBA), indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) and -naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA). High rooting was achieved in half strength MS medium containing 8M IBA.  相似文献   

Nitrogenase activity in the obligate methaneoxidizing bacterium Methylococcus capsulatus (Bath) was added ammonia. This observation was extended to include other ammonia. This observation was extended to include other representative N2-fixing species of methanotrophs. The ammonia switch-off of nitrogenase in M. capsulatus (Bath) was reversed on washing cells to remove excess ammonia, in the presence of chloramphenicol, suggesting that a form of covalent modification of nitrogenase may occur. Replacing the oxidizable substrate methanol with formaldehyde, formate, ethanol or hydrogen had no effect on nitrogenase switch-off. A number of potential nitrogen sources or intermediates of nitrogen metabolism such as glutamine, asparagine, glutamate and alanine when tested, did not effect switch-off. However, the rapid inhibition of nitrogenase activity of M. capsulatus (Bath) could be achieved by adding the uncoupler carbonylcyanide m-chlorophenylhydrazone or nitrite. The glutamine synthetase inhibitor methionine sulphoximine blocked the switch-off effect of ammonia, indicating that the metabolism of ammonia may be essential for switch-off to occur. Inhibitors of glutamate synthase did not alleviate the ammonia switch-off response. Methionine sulphoximine did not alleviate the rapid inhibition of nitrogenase by carbonylcyanide m-chlorophenylhydrazone indicating that the shortterm regulation of nitrogenase by uncouplers and ammonia proceed via different mechanisms.Abbreviations MSX methionine-DL-sulphoximine - DON 6-diazo-5-oxo-L-norleucine - GS glutamine synthetase - GOGAT glutamine 2-oxoglutarate aminotransferase (glutamate synthase) - CCCP carbonylcyanide m-chlorophenyl hydrazone  相似文献   

Summary A sensitive photometric method is described by which the dichroism of lipid bilayer membranes in aqueous phase can be measured. The method is applied to black films with incorporated chlorophylla andb. With chlorophylla a relatively large dichroism is found in the Soret band and a much weaker dichroism in the red band. From the experimental data, the angles B and R between the blue and red transition moments and the membrane can be obtained. B and R are then used to calculate the angle of the porphyrin ring with respect to the membrane surface. For chlorophylla and three different lipids, values of between 44 and 49° are found.  相似文献   

Summary In this paper, the results of the preceding electrophysiological study of sodium-alanine cotransport in pancreatic acinar cells are compared with kinetic models. Two different types of transport mechanisms are considered. In the simultaneous mechanism the cotransporterC forms a ternary complexNCS with Na+ and the substrateS; coupled transport of Na+ andS involves a conformational transition between statesNCS andNCS with inward- and outward-facing binding sites. In the consecutive (or ping-pong) mechanism, formation of a ternary complex is not required; coupled transport occurs by an alternating sequence of association-dissociation steps and conformational transitions. It is shown that the experimentally observed alanine- and sodium-concentration dependence of transport rates is consistent with the predictions of the simultaneous model, but incompatible with the consecutive mechanism. Assuming that the association-dissociation reactions are not rate-limiting, a number of kinetic parameters of the simultaneous model can be estimated from the experimental results. The equilibrium dissociation constants of Na+ and alanine at the extracellular side are determined to beK N <-64mm andK S <-18mm. Furthermore, the ratioK N /K N S of the dissociation constants of Na+ from the binary (NC) and the ternary complex (NCS) at the extracellular side is estimated to be <-6. This indicates that the binding sequence of Na+ andS to the transporter is not ordered. The current-voltage behavior of the transporter is analyzed in terms of charge translocations associated with the single-reaction steps. The observed voltage-dependence of the half-saturation concentration of sodium is consistent with the assumption that a Na+ ion that migrates from the extracellular medium to the binding site has to traverse part of the transmembrane voltage.  相似文献   

Protein filaments-structural components of the phloem exudate   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
Summary Fine structure and chemical composition of the phloem exudate of Cucurbita maxima and Nicotaiana glauca x suaveolens are investigated. Filamentous structures, several microns in length, are identified as structural components of the exudate by means of negative staining and electron microscopy. Two types of filaments are described: one form measures nearly 40 Å in diameter and shows a beaded appearance with regular spacings of about 50 Å; it is termed elementary filament. The second form has a diameter of about 90 Å and presumably consists of two helically arranged 40 Å subunits.The proteinaceous nature of the filaments is indicated by chemical analysis. The main macromolecular component of the exudate is demonstrated to be protein. Only traces of nucleic acids are detectable, lipids and polysaccharides cannot be found. The identity of the protein filaments with the filamentous structures (slime, P-protein), as revealed in thin sections of mature sieve tubes, is discussed.  相似文献   

Development of an L6 myoblast in vitro model of moniliformin toxicosis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
L6 myoblasts were used as an in vitro model to investigate the role of moniliformin and its interaction with monensin in turkey knockdown syndrome and sudden death syndromes in poultry. Cell viability and microscopic and ultrastructural alterations noted in L6 myoblasts cultured in the presence of moniliformin (0.0–0.3 g/l) were compared to those observed in parallel cultures also containing one of the following compounds: selenium (0–0.004 ng/l), thiamine (0–0.3 g/l), or pyruvate (0–0.46 g/l). Marked dilation of the RER, membranous whorls, glycogen deposition, membrane-bound cytoplasmic inclusions and necrosis were observed in myoblasts exposed to 0.03/2-0.30 g moniliformin/l medium. Supplementation of medium with thiamine and pyruvate, or selenium, provided significant protection to cells exposed to 0.0–0.3 g/l or 0.0–0.15 g moniliformin/l, respectively. Dose-dependent differences in protein and ATP production were not detected. Myoblasts grown in medium containing 0–0.15 g moniliformin/l and 7.5–50.0 M A23187, beauvericin or monensin had degrees of cytotoxicity similar to parallel cultures receiving only an ionophore. L6 myoblasts were a useful model of moniliformin toxicosis. The findings of this study suggest cytotoxicity due to moniliformin in L6 myoblasts may be due in part to oxidative damage and altered pyruvate metabolism, and that moniliformin does not predispose myoblasts to ionophore toxicosis. This study supports the results of in vivo investigations in poultry that moniliformin and monensin do not act synergistically to induce knockdown or monensin toxicosis.  相似文献   

Summary The DNA homology and adsorption specificity of newly isolated virulent bacteriophages of P. aeruginosa have been studied. On the basis of this analysis all phages were divided into four groups: k, m, mnP78-like and mnF82-like bacteriophages. DNA's of k as well as m phages were shown to possess different restriction patterns although they have an extensive homology. Unlike other groups, k phages were characterized by the presence of T4 DNA ligase-repaired, single-chain breaks.Abbreviations kbp kilobase pairs - EM electron microscopy  相似文献   

Pseudomonas maltophilia is an uncommon cause of hospital-acquired infection and is resistant to most of the antimicrobial agents used in the treatment of gram-negative infections. Susceptibility of 108 isolates ofP. maltophilia to ceftazidime, aztreonam, defpirome, gentamicin, imipenem, enoxacin, and ticarcillin plus clavulanic acid was determined by an agar dilution method. The isolates were in general resistant to the antibiotics. Imipenem and cefpirome were not active at clinically achievable levels. Of the isolates, 20% were susceptible to 16 g/ml ceftazidime, 53% were susceptible to 4 g/ml enoxacin, 10% were susceptible to 4 g/ml gentamicin, and 25% were susceptible to 64 g/ml ticarcillin plus 2 g/ml clavulanic acid.  相似文献   

Summary Cytokinesis in the unicellular chlorococcalean alga Eremosphaera viridis de Bary has been investigated by electron microscopy of thin sections. The new plasmalemmata of the daughter cells in this organism form centrifugally within a phycoplast. Unlike other cell division systems each new plasmalemma is formed, not by the fusion of vesicles, but rather by the fusion of open membranes which are characteristically heavily stained. Measurements of these open membranes reveal that they are 11 nm thick with a central 4,5 nm unstained portion. The possible origin of these open membranes as burst-open vesicles has been suggested from the presence of intensely straining vesicles in the vicinity of the cell equator. Calculations of vesicle and open membrane surface areas support this contention.  相似文献   

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