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The general structure of cytochrome oxidase is reviewed and evidence that the enzyme acts as a redox-linked proton pump outlined. The overall H+/e stoichiometry of the pump is discussed and results [Wikström (1989),Nature 338, 293] which suggest that only the final two electrons which reduce the peroxide adduct to water are coupled to protein translocated are considered in terms of the restrictions they place on pump mechanisms. Direct and indirect mechanisms for proton translocation are discussed in the context of evidence for redox-linked conformational changes in the enzyme, the role of subunit III, and the nature of the CuA site.  相似文献   

An ensemble of structural models of the adduct between cytochrome c and cytochrome c oxidase from Paracoccus denitrificans has been calculated based on the experimental data from site-directed mutagenesis and NMR experiments that have accumulated over the last years of research on this system. The residues from each protein that are at the protein–protein interface have been identified by the above experimental work, and this information has been converted in a series of restraints explicitly used in calculations. It is found that a single static structural model cannot satisfy all experimental data simultaneously. Therefore, it is proposed that the adduct exists as a dynamic ensemble of different orientations in equilibrium, and may be represented by a combination or average of the various limiting conformations calculated here. The equilibrium involves both conformations that are competent for electron transfer and conformations that are not. Long-range recognition of the partners is driven by non-specific electrostatic interactions, while at shorter distances hydrophobic contacts tune the reciprocal orientation. Electron transfer from cytochrome bc 1 to cytochrome c oxidase is mediated through cytochrome c experiencing multiple encounters with both of its partners, only part of which are productive. The number of encounters, and thus the electron transfer rate, may be increased by the formation of a cytochrome bc 1–cytochrome c oxidase supercomplex and/or (in human) by increasing the concentration of the two enzymes in the membrane space. Protein Data Bank Accession numbers The coordinates of the five best structural models for each of the four clusters have been deposited in the Protein Data Bank (PDB ID 1ZYY).  相似文献   

It is a pleasure to contribute to the special issue published in honor of Vladimir Skulachev, a distinguished scientist who greatly contributes to maintain a high standard of biochemical research in Russia. A more particular reason can be found in his work (Artzabanov, V. Y., Konstantinov, A. A., and Skulachev, V. P. (1978) FEBS Lett., 87, 180–185), where observations anticipating some ideas presented in my article were reported. Cytochrome c oxidase exhibits protonmotive, redox linked allosteric cooperativity. Experimental observations on soluble bovine cytochrome c oxidase are presented showing that oxido-reduction of heme a/CuA and heme a 3/CuB is linked to deprotonation/protonation of two clusters of protolytic groups, A1 and A2, respectively. This cooperative linkage (redox Bohr effect) results in the translocation of 1 H+/oxidase molecule upon oxido-reduction of heme a/CuA and heme a 3/CuB, respectively. Results on liposome-reconstituted oxidase show that upon oxidation of heme a/CuA and heme a 3/CuB protons from A1 and A2 are released in the outer aqueous phase. A1 but not A2 appears to take up protons from the inner aqueous space upon reduction of the respective redox center. A cooperative model is presented in which the A1 and A2 clusters, operating in close sequence, constitute together the gate of the proton pump in cytochrome c oxidase.Translated from Biokhimiya, Vol. 70, No. 2, 2005, pp. 220–230.Original Russian Text Copyright © 2005 by Papa.This revised version was published online in April 2005 with corrections to the post codes.  相似文献   

Cytochromec oxidase oxidizes cytochromec and reduces molecular oxygen to water. When the enzyme is embedded across a membrane, this process generates electrical and pH gradients, and these gradients inhibit enzyme turnover. This respiratory control process is seen both in intact mitochondria and in reconstituted proteoliposomes. Generation of pH gradients and their role in respiratory control are described. Both electron and proton movement seem to be implicated. A topochemical arrangement of redox centers, like that in the photosynthetic reaction center and the cytochromebc 1 complex, ensures charge separation as a result of electron movement. Proton translocation does not require such a topology, although it does require alternating access to the two sides of the membrane by proton-donating and accepting groups. The sites of respiratory control within the enzyme are discussed and a model presented for electron transfer and proton pumping by the oxidase in the light of current knowledge of the transmembranous location of the redox centers involved.  相似文献   

The evolution of two mitochondrial genes, cytochrome b and cytochrome c oxidase subunit II, was examined in several eutherian mammal orders, with special emphasis on the orders Artiodactyla and Rodentia. When analyzed using both maximum parsimony, with either equal or unequal character weighting, and neighbor joining, neither gene performed with a high degree of consistency in terms of the phylogenetic hypotheses supported. The phylogenetic inconsistencies observed for both these genes may be the result of several factors including differences in the rate of nucleotide substitution among particular lineages (especially between orders), base composition bias, transition/transversion bias, differences in codon usage, and different constraints and levels of homoplasy associated with first, second, and third codon positions. We discuss the implications of these findings for the molecular systematics of mammals, especially as they relate to recent hypotheses concerning the polyphyly of the order Rodentia, relationships among the Artiodactyla, and various interordinal relationships.Correspondence to: R.L. Honeycutt  相似文献   

In order to distinguish between the regulatory effects of oxygen tension and light intensity on cytochrome c oxidase protein and enzymatic activity cells of Rhodobacter capsulatus were shifted from phototrophic (anaerobic, light) growth to aerobic-light, aerobic-dark and to anaerobic-dark conditions, respectively. During shift-experiments the formation of oxidase protein and regulation of oxidase activity was followed by immunological and enzymatic means. The results support the idea, that the formation of oxidase protein is regulated by oxygen tension and light intensity changes, whereas the regulation of oxidase activity seems only to be correlated to the oxygen tension. A DNA sequence involved in the oxygen-dependent regulation of cytochrome oxidase could be identified in the regulation-deficient oxidase mutant H41 of R. capsulatus. Immunological investigations of cytochrome c 2 from mutant H41 demonstrated at the same time the participation of the c 2-polypeptide in the regulation of cytochrome c oxidase.Abbreviations Bchl bacteriochlorophyll - CIE crossed immuno-electrophoresis - DMSO dimethyl sulfoxide  相似文献   

Haem-copper oxidases are the last components of the respiratory chains in aerobic organisms. These membrane-bound enzymes energetically couple the electron transfer (eT) reactions associated with reduction of dioxygen to water, to proton pumping across the membrane. Even though the mechanism of proton pumping at the molecular level still remains to be uncovered, recent progress has presented us with the structural features of the pumping machinery and detailed information about the eT and proton-transfer reactions associated with the pumping process.  相似文献   

We examined the nucleotide and amino acid sequence variation of the cytochrome c oxidase subunit II (COII) gene from 25 primates (4 hominoids, 8 Old World monkeys, 2 New World monkeys, 2 tarsiers, 7 lemuriforms, 2 lorisiforms). Marginal support was found for three phylogenetic conclusions: (1) sister-group relationship between tarsiers and a monkey/ape clade, (2) placement of the aye-aye (Daubentonia) sister to all other strepsirhine primates, and (3) rejection of a sister-group relationship of dwarf lemurs (i.e., Cheirogaleus) with lorisiform primates. Stronger support was found for a sister-group relationship between the ring-tail lemur (Lemur catta) and the gentle lemurs (Hapalemur). In congruence with previous studies on COII, we found that the monkeys and apes have undergone a nearly two-fold increase in the rate of amino acid replacement relative to other primates. Although functionally important amino acids are generally conserved among all primates, the acceleration in amino acid replacements in higher primates is associated with increased variation in the amino terminal end of the protein. Additionally, the replacement of two carboxyl-bearing residues (glutamate and aspartate) at positions 114 and 115 may provide a partial explanation for the poor enzyme kinetics in cross-reactions between the cytochromes c and cytochrome c oxidases of higher primates and other mammals. Correspondence to: R.L. Honeycutt  相似文献   

A redox-coupled conformational change in Asp51 of subunit I and a hydrogen-bond network connecting Asp51 with the matrix surface have been deduced from X-ray structures of bovine heart cytochrome c oxidase. This has provided evidence that Asp51 may play a role in the proton pumping process. However, the lack of complete conservation of a residue analogous to Asp51, the inclusion of a peptide bond in the hydrogen-bonding network and the lack of apparent involvement of the O2 reduction site have been used as arguments against the involvement of Asp51 in the mechanism of proton pumping. This minireview re-examines these arguments.  相似文献   

Cells lacking ataxia telangiectasia mutated (ATM) have impaired mitochondrial function. Furthermore, mammalian cells lacking ATM have increased levels of reactive oxygen species (ROS) as well as mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) deletions in the region encoding for cytochrome c oxidase (COX). We hypothesized that ATM specifically influences COX activity in skeletal muscle. COX activity was ∼40% lower in tibialis anterior from ATM-deficient mice than for wild-type mice (P < 0.01, n = 9/group). However, there were no ATM-related differences in activity of succinate dehydrogenase, isocitrate dehydrogenase, alpha-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase, mitochondrial glycerol 3-phosphate dehydrogenase, or complex III. Incubation of wild-type extensor digitorum longus muscles for 1 h with the ATM inhibitor KU55933 caused a ∼50% reduction (P < 0.05, n = 5/group) in COX activity compared to muscles incubated with vehicle alone. Among the control muscles and muscles treated with the ATM inhibitor, COX activity was correlated (r = 0.61, P < 0.05) with activity of glucose 6-phosphate dehydrogenase, a key determinant of antioxidant defense through production of NADPH. Overall, the findings suggest that ATM has a protective role for COX activity.  相似文献   

Xavier AV 《FEBS letters》2002,532(3):261-266
Cytochrome c3 has a central role in the energetics of Desulfovibrio sp., where it performs an electroprotonic energy transduction step. This process uses a network of cooperativities, largely based on anti-Coulomb components, resulting from a mechano-chemical energy coupling mechanism. This mechanism provides a model coherent with the data available for the redox chemistry of haem a of cytochrome c oxidase and its link to the activation of protons. A crucial feature of the model is an anti-Coulomb effect that sets the stage for a molecular ratchet, ensuring vectoriality for the redox-driven localised movement of protons across the membrane, against an electrochemical gradient.  相似文献   

Cytochrome c oxidase is a large intrinsic membrane protein designed to use the energy of electron transfer and oxygen reduction to pump protons across a membrane. The molecular mechanism of the energy conversion process is not understood. Other proteins with simpler, better resolved structures have been more completely defined and offer insight into possible mechanisms of proton transfer in cytochrome c oxidase. Important concepts that are illustrated by these model systems include the ideas of conformational change both close to and at a distance from the triggering event, and the formation of a transitory water-linked proton pathway during a catalytic cycle. Evidence for the applicability of these concepts to cytochrome c oxidase is discussed.  相似文献   

Two synthetic genes coding for human and Arabidopsis cytochrome c, respectively, have been designed and constructed, and the recombinant proteins have been over-expressed in Escherichia coli cells. Thus a comparative analysis of the two heme proteins, including horse cytochrome c as a reference, has been performed. In addition to their physico-chemical properties, the redox behavior of the three proteins has been analyzed by following the kinetics of both their reduction by flavin semiquinones (lumiflavin, riboflavin, and FMN) and oxidation by cytochrome c oxidase. The resulting data indicate that the accessibility and electrostatic charge of the active site do not differ in a significant way among the three proteins, but human cytochrome c exhibits some intriguing differences when interacting with cytochrome c oxidase that could be related to the amino acid changes underwent by the latter along evolution.  相似文献   

Electron transfer (ET) through and between proteins is a fundamental biological process. The activation energy for an ET reaction depends upon the Gibbs energy change upon ET (ΔG 0) and the reorganization energy. Here, we characterized ET from Pseudomonas aeruginosa cytochrome c 551 (PA) and its designed mutants to cupredoxins, Silene pratensis plastocyanin (PC) and Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans rusticyanin (RC), through measurement of pseudo-first-order ET rate constants (k obs). The influence of the ΔG 0 value for ET from PA to PC or RC on the k obs value was examined using a series of designed PA proteins exhibiting a variety of E m values, which afford the ΔG 0 variation range of 58–399 meV. The plots of the k obs values obtained against the ΔG 0 values for both PA–PC and PA–RC redox pairs could be fitted well with a single Marcus equation. We have shown that the ET activity of cytochrome c can be controlled by tuning the E m value of the protein through the substitution of amino acid residues located in hydrophobic-core regions relatively far from the redox center. These findings provide novel insights into the molecular design of cytochrome c, which could be utilized for controlling its ET activity by means of protein engineering. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Olsson MH  Sharma PK  Warshel A 《FEBS letters》2005,579(10):2026-2034
Gaining a detailed understanding of the molecular nature of the redox coupled proton transfer in cytochrome c oxidase (COX) is one of the challenges of modern biophysics. The present work addresses this by integrating approaches for simulations of proton transport (PTR) and electron transfer (ET). The resulting method converts the electrostatic energies of different charge configurations and reorganization energies to free-energy profiles for different PTR and ET pathways. This approach provides for the first time a tool to study the actual activation barriers and kinetics of different feasible PTR processes in the cycle of COX. Using this tool, we explore the PTR through the bottleneck water molecules. It is found that a stepwise PTR along this commonly assumed path leads to far too high barriers and is, thus, inconsistent with the observed kinetics. Furthermore, the simulated free-energy profile does not provide a simple gating mechanism. Fortunately, we obtain reasonable kinetics when we consider a PTR that involves a concerted transfer of protons to and from E286. Finally, semi-qualitative considerations of the forward and backward barriers point toward open questions about the actual gating process and offer a feasible pumping mechanism. Although further studies are clearly needed, we believe that our approach offers a general and effective tool for correlating the structure of COX with its function.  相似文献   

The mechanism of electron coupled proton transfer in cytochrome c oxidase (CcO) is still poorly understood. The P(M)-intermediate of the catalytic cycle is an oxoferryl state whose generation requires one additional electron, which cannot be provided by the two metal centres. The missing electron has been suggested to be donated to this binuclear site by a tyrosine residue. A tyrosine radical species has been detected in the P(M) and F* intermediates (formed by addition of H2O2) of the Paraccocus denitrificans CcO using electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy. From the study of conserved variants its origin was determined to be Y167 which is surprising as this residue is not part of the active site. Upon inspection of the active site it becomes evident that W272 could be the actual donor of the missing electron, which can then be replenished from Y167 or from the Y280-H276 cross link in the natural cycle. To address the question, whether such a direct electron transfer pathway to the binuclear centre exists two tryptophan 272 variants in subunit I have been generated. These variants are characterised by their turnover rates as well as using EPR and optical spectroscopy. From these experiments it is concluded, that W272 is an important intermediate in the formation of the radical species appearing in P(M) and F* intermediates produced with hydrogen peroxide. The significance of this finding for the catalytic function of the enzyme is discussed.  相似文献   

By manipulating the physical properties of oxygen, cells are able to harvest the large thermodynamic potential of oxidation to provide a substantial fraction of the energy necessary for cellular processes. The enzyme largely responsible for this oxygen manipulation is cytochrome c oxidase, which resides at the inner mitochondrial membrane. For unknown reasons, cancer cells do not maximally utilize this process, but instead rely more on an anaerobic-like metabolism demonstrating the so-called Warburg effect. As the enzyme at the crossroads of oxidative metabolism, cytochrome c oxidase might be expected to play a role in this so-called Warburg effect. Through protein assay methods and metabolic studies with radiolabeled glucose, alterations associated with cancer and cytochrome c oxidase subunit levels are explored. The implications of these findings for cancer research are discussed briefly.  相似文献   

Absorbance changes at 446 nm in purified cytochrome oxidase following flash photolysis of carboxy-oxidase poised in the mixed valence state at +220 mV show biphasic kinetics. One phase corresponds to CO recombination to ferrous cytochromea 3 with an energy of activation of 9 kcal/mol; the second phase is 3–5 times faster with an energy of activation of 9.15 kcal/mol. Following flash photolysis at approximately –60°C, cytochromesa andc and the 840-nm CuA species are observed to undergo reduction as electrons from ferrous unliganded cytochromea 3 equilibrate with the equipotential redox centers of the oxidase; as CO recombines with ferrous cyochromea 3, these centers are oxidized and the mixed valence carboxy-oxidase is regenerated. Electron redistribution between centers of the oxidase in the forward and reverse directions occurs faster than does the binding of CO.  相似文献   

Wolinella succinogenes grown on formate and elemental sulphur was found to use the polysulphide derivatives 2,2-tetrathiobispropionate (R2S4) or pentathionate (S5O 6 = ) as acceptors for formate oxidation. The specific activities of formate oxidation with these acceptors were similar to those with elemental sulphur. The main reaction products of R2S4 reduction were 2,2-dithiobispropionate (R2S2) and sulphide. Pentathionate was converted to thiosulphate and some elemental sulphur. The electrochemical proton potential across the cytoplasmic membrane of the bacterium was measured in the steady state of electron transport from formate to R2S4. The electrical proportion () of the determined through the distribution of labeled tetraphenylphosphonium cation was obtained as 0.17 Volt. The was zero, when a protonophore was present. The pH-difference across the membrane was negligible. Thus the generated by sulphur respiration is close to that measured earlier with fumarate as the terminal acceptor of electron transport.Abbreviations DMO 5,5-dimethyloxazolidine-2,4-dione - R2Sn (n=2–5) 2,2-polythiobispropionate - TTFB 4,5,6,7-tetrachloro-2-trifluoromethylbenzimidazol - TPP tetraphenylphosphonium cation  相似文献   

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