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Chimeric immunoglobulin genes were constructed by fusing murine variable region exons to human constant region exons. The ultimate goal was to produce an antibody capable of escaping surveillance by the human immune system while retaining the tumor specificity of a murine monoclonal. The murine variable regions were isolated from the functionally expressed kappa and gamma 1 immunoglobulin genes of the murine hybridoma cell line B6.2, the secreted monoclonal antibody of which reacts with a surface antigen from human breast, lung, and colon carcinomas. The kappa and gamma 1 chain fusion genes were co-introduced into non-antibody producing murine myeloma cells by electroporation. Transfectants that produced murine/human chimeric antibody were obtained at high frequency as indicated by immunoblots probed with an antisera specific for human immunoglobulin. Enzyme-linked immunoabsorbent assay analysis demonstrated that this chimeric antibody was secreted from the myeloma cells and retained the ability to bind selectively to membrane prepared from human tumor cells. The chimeric immunoglobulin was also shown by indirect fluorescence microscopy to bind to intact human carcinoma cells with specificity expected of B6.2. The ability of chimeric antibody to recognize human tumor-associated antigen makes feasible a novel approach to cancer immunotherapy.  相似文献   

One strategy for the generation of broadly reactive neutralizing antibodies (NA) against human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) primary isolates is to use immunogens that have constrained HIV-1 envelope gp120 conformations reflective of triggered envelope on the surface of virions. A major change in gp120 following binding to CD4 is the enhanced exposure of the CCR5 binding site. One inducer of CCR5 binding site epitopes on gp120 is the human anti-gp120 monoclonal antibody, A32. We have made cross-linked A32-rgp120(89.6) and A32-rgp120(BaL) complexes and have compared their immunogenicities to those of uncomplexed recombinant gp120(BaL) (rgp120(BaL)) and rgp120(89.6). A32-rgp120(89.6) and A32-rgp120(BaL) complexes had stable induced CCR5 binding site expression compared to that of uncomplexed rgp120s. However, the A32-rgp120 complexes had similar capacities in guinea pigs for induction of NA against HIV-1 primary isolates versus that of rgp120 alone. A32-rgp120(89.6) induced antibodies that neutralized 6 out of 11 HIV-1 isolates, while rgp120(89.6) alone induced antibodies that neutralized 4 out of 11 HIV-1 isolates. A32-rgp120(BaL) complexes induced antibodies that neutralized 4 out of 14 HIV-1 isolates while, surprisingly, non-cross-linked rgp120(BaL) induced antibodies that neutralized 9 out of 14 (64%) HIV-1 isolates. Thus, stable enhanced expression of the coreceptor binding site on constrained gp120 is not sufficient for inducing broadly neutralizing anti-HIV-1 NA. Moreover, the ability of HIV-1 rgp120(BaL) to induce antibodies that neutralized approximately 60% of subtype B HIV-1 isolates warrants consideration of using HIV-1 BaL as a starting point for immunogen design for subtype B HIV-1 experimental immunogens.  相似文献   

Ch14.18 is a mouse-human chimeric monoclonal antibody to the disialoganglioside (GD2) glycolipid. In the clinic, this antibody has been shown to be effective in the treatment of children with high-risk neuroblastoma, either alone or in combination therapy. Extensive product characterization is a prerequisite to addressing the potential issues of product variability associated with process changes and manufacturing scale-up. Charge heterogeneity, glycosylation profile, molecular state and aggregation, interaction (affinity) with Fcγ receptors and functional or biological activities are a few of the critical characterization assays for assessing product comparability for this antibody. In this article, we describe the in-house development and qualification of imaged capillary isoelectric focusing to assess charge heterogeneity, analytical size exclusion chromatography with online static and dynamic light scattering (DLS), batch mode DLS for aggregate detection, biosensor (surface plasmon resonance)-based Fcγ receptor antibody interaction kinetics, N-glycoprofiling with PNGase F digestion, 2-aminobenzoic acid labeling and high performance liquid chromatography and N-glycan analysis using capillary electrophoresis. In addition, we studied selected biological activity assays, such as complement-dependent cytotoxicity. The consistency and reproducibility of the assays are established by comparing the intra-day and inter-day assay results. Applications of the methodologies to address stability or changes in product characteristics are also reported. The study results reveal that the ch14.18 clinical product formulated in phosphate-buffered saline at a concentration of 5 mg/ml and stored at 2–8°C is stable for more than five years.Key words: monoclonal antibodies, chimeric antibody, characterization assays, SEC-MALS, imaged cIEF, N-glycoprofiling, N-glycan analysis, FcγRIIIA:ch14.18 interaction, surface plasmon resonance, complement-dependent cytotoxicity  相似文献   

The HIV envelope glycoprotein gp120 binds with high affinity to CD4 and is responsible for the tropism of HIV for CD4+ T cells and monocytes. Efforts to develop HIV vaccines have focused on gp120 and, therefore, a detailed molecular understanding of human immune responses to gp120 is essential. In this report, we have used human T cell clones specific for gp120 to examine the processing and presentation of gp120 to T cells. In particular, we examined the role of the CD4 that is expressed at low levels on the surfaces of human monocytes in the presentation of gp120 by monocytes. The presentation of gp120 to gp120-specific human T cell clones was blocked by pretreatment of monocytes with anti-CD4 mAb. Blocking of monocyte CD4 with anti-CD4 did not inhibit presentation of other Ag or of synthetic peptides representing epitopes within gp120 recognized by gp120-specific T cell clones. These results indicated that the anti-CD4-mediated inhibition occurred at the level of the monocyte, was specific for the gp120 response, and was operative at the initial Ag uptake phase of the Ag-processing pathway. Definitive confirmation that monocyte CD4 functions in the initial uptake step of the gp120-processing pathway was obtained by using soluble CD4 to block the interaction of gp120 with monocyte CD4. These results demonstrate that gp120 expressed by human monocytes plays an important role in the initial uptake of gp120 by monocytes and that gp120 taken up via CD4 is subsequently processed to allow for exposure of epitopes recognized by gp120-specific human T cells. At limiting gp120 concentrations, uptake via CD4 is essential for the presentation of gp120.  相似文献   

The pharmacokinetics of mouse V/human C (1,) chimeric monoclonal antibody CGP47 439 specific for the principal neutralizing determinant of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) was studied in patients with stage IV HIV-1 disease in an open-labeled phase I/IIA trial. Twelve male patients were enrolled and nine completed the study. Patients were divided into three groups according to the extent of CGP 47 439 to bind to gp120 from their viral isolates: undetectable for group 1, modestly reactive for group 2, and strongly reactive for group 3. A first dose of 1, 10, or 25 mg was administered by intravenous infusion to group 1, group 2 and group 3 patients, respectively. The patients then received seven doses of 50, 100, or 200 mg, respectively, every three weeks. CGP 47 439 serum concentrations were determined by an ELISA using monoclonal antibody AB19-4 specific for the idiotope of CGP 47 439. Half an hour after infusion only 25.5–36.1% of the administered antibody was found in the serum, reflecting its rapid distribution in the extravascular space and possibly binding to gp120 antigen in some of the patients. The terminal elimination half-life (T1/2) was 16.2 days in group 1 patients, 9.7 days in group 2 and in group 3 patients 7.5 days and 9.1 days. An antibody response to CGP 47 439 was not a factor in determining elimination rates, because only very low and transient responses were found in three patients. These results suggest that the reactivity of CGP 47 439 with HIV-1 gp120 contributed to its elimination in HIV-1 infected patients.Abbreviations AIDS aquired immune deficiency syndrome - ARC AIDS-related complex - HIV-1 human immune deficiency virus type 1 - gp120 envelope glycoprotein with 120 KD molecular weight - V3 variable domain of gp120 - PND principle neutralizing determinant of gp120 - IgG immunoglobulin G - CD4+ lymphocytes: lymphocytes expressing the CD4 marker VH and VL variable heavy and variable light chain region of an antibody - C1 and CK constant heavy chain region of gamma l and constant K light chain region of an antibody - anti-id anti-idiotypic - AUC area under curve - T1/2 terminal elimination half-life - ELISA enzyme-linked imuno sorbent assay - PBS phosphate buffered saline - NP-40 detergent - CDC center of disease control - GMP good manufacturing practice  相似文献   

Single crystals of the Fab fragment of a murine monoclonal antibody BAT123 (IgG1, kappa) raised against a dominant neutralizing determinant of gp120 of HIV that are suitable for X-ray structural analysis have been obtained. The thick prismatic plate crystals belong to space group P2(1)2(1)2 with unit cell dimensions of a = 177.42 A, b = 37.36 A and c = 73.30 A.  相似文献   

Cell Biochemistry and Biophysics - Chimeric genes composed of a single-chain Fv domain (scFv) of an antibody linked with receptor chains normally present in cells of hematopoietic origin were...  相似文献   

Summary The pharmacokinetics of 111In-labeled 260F9, a murine monoclonal antibody directed against a breast-cancer-associated antigen, was determined in seven patients with advanced breast cancer. Six patients were administered 1 mg antibody containing 1 mCi 111In. The seventh patient was administered 20 mg unlabeled antibody followed by 1 mg 111In-labeled antibody all via a peripheral vein. Immunoprecipitation, HPLC and SDS-PAGE gels demonstrated the stability of radiolabel on the antibody. The serum clearance of the radiolabel closely fits (r 2>0.95) a two-compartment model for the first six patients. The apparent volume of distribution of the radiolabel approximated to the plasma volume (3 1) and its mean residence time was 23.7 h. The radiolabel had an average t 1/2 of 22.9±12.21 h at the 1-mg dose. At the 20-mg dose one-compartment elimination kinetics were observed with the radiolabel and antibody showing similar mean residence times (36–41 h) and a t 1/2 of 26–28 h. Whole-body imaging showed that the blood-pool:liver ratio of radioactivity increased fourfold (at 48 h postinfusion) at the higher dose and the percentage of the injected dose of radioactivity in the liver decreased from 25% to 8% (24 h postinfusion).In one patient 7–14 times more radioactivity was localized in a breast tumor than in fat (normal breast). Over the first 25 h an average (cumulative) 7.5% of the total dose was excreted in urine. A study of 260F9 in CDF-1 mice demonstrated that the radiolabel remained associated with the antibody in serum. The antibody, however, cleared 60-fold slower in mice than in patients and showed an increased mean residence time of 191 h. The disparity in the pharmacokinetics of the antibody seen in the mouse and in the clinic, points to the different behavior shown by murine monoclonal antibodies in humans. This points to the need for preliminary studies of antibodies in patients for preclinical evaluations of their effectiveness as drug-targeting agents.  相似文献   

White HN  Meng QH 《PloS one》2012,7(2):e31555
During maturing antibody responses the increase in affinity for target antigens is achieved by genetic diversification of antibody genes followed by selection for improved binding. The effect this process has on the specificity of antibody for variants of the antigen is not well-defined, despite the potential role of antibody diversification in generating enhanced protection against pathogen escape mutants, or novel specificities after vaccination. To investigate this, a library of single amino-acid substitution epitope variants has been screened with serum obtained at different time-points after immunization of mice with the HIV gp41 peptide epitope ELDKWA. The serum IgG response is shown to mature and increase affinity for ELDKWA, and the titre and affinity of IgG against most epitope variants tested increases. Furthermore there is a bias towards high affinity serum IgG binding to variant epitopes with conservative substitutions, although underlying this trend there is also significant binding to many epitopes with non-conservative substitutions. Thus, maturation of the antibody response to a single epitope results in a broadening of the high-affinity response toward variant epitopes. This implies that many pathogen epitope escape variants that could manifest as single amino-acid substitutions would not emerge by escaping immune surveillance.  相似文献   

We combined the specificity of tumor-specific antibody with the chemokine function of interferon-gamma inducible protein 10 (IP-10) to recruit immune effector cells in the vicinity of tumor cells. A novel fusion protein of IP10-scFv was constructed by fusing mouse IP-10 to V(H) region of single-chain Fv fragment (scFv) against acidic isoferritin (AIF), and expressed in NS0 murine myeloma cells. The IP10-scFv fusion protein was shown to maintain the specificity of the antiAIF scFv with similar affinity constant, and bind to the human hepatocarcinoma SMMC 7721 cells secreting AIF as well as the activated mouse T lymphocytes expressing CXCR3 receptor. Furthermore, the IP10-scFv protein either in solution or bound on the surface of SMMC 7721 cells induced significant chemotaxis of mouse T cells in vitro. The results indicate that the IP10-scFv fusion protein possesses both bioactivities of the tumor-specific antibody and IP-10 chemokine, suggesting its possibility to induce an enhanced immune response against the residual tumor cells in vivo.  相似文献   

Peptide-based vaccines that directly target T cell or B cell epitopes may have significant advantages over conventional vaccines. Further, synthetic chimeric peptides that combine strong T cell epitopes with poorly immunogenic, but immunodominant, B cell epitopes or strain-conserved B cell epitopes may be useful in eliciting antibody to such important regions. Here we characterize a human T cell epitope analyzed in 54 individuals immunized with a hepatitis B virus surface Ag vaccine. Primary cultures from a total of 59 immunized donors were assessed for their ability to respond to hepatitis B virus surface Ag and peptides, and five were non-responders (8.5%). T cell lines were established from the remaining 54 responders. Of the responders, it was found that the peptide representing amino acids 19 through 33 (19-33) elicited significant proliferation in lines derived from 50 donors. This "universal" T cell epitope, which was recognized in donors of many different HLA-DR and -DQ haplotypes, was then used to construct a chimeric peptide containing 19-33 and the third V region loop structure (V3 loop) of HIV-1 envelope gp 120, in an attempt to augment the immune response to the V3 loop peptide. The V3 loop is the region to which significant neutralizing antibody is directed. Thus, a strong immune response to a synthetic peptide that contains the strain-conserved V3 loop region could have significant therapeutic implications. The V3 loop/19-33 peptide was then used to prime mice, to determine whether V3 loop-specific antibody could be induced. The peptide elicited potent 19-33-specific proliferation in T cells isolated from draining lymph nodes, and in six of six mice anti-V3 loop antibody was elicited. Further, V3 loop/19-33-primed animals made significant levels of antibody that bound rgp120. These data suggest that, when a major T cell epitope is synthesized in tandem with the V3 loop, a significant immune response against the loop can be elicited. Thus, given the finding that neutralizing antibody may play a role in the control and/or prevention of HIV infection, an HIV vaccine composed of a T cell epitope-containing peptide may prove effective. In addition, this type of approach can be generalized to the design of peptide-based vaccines.  相似文献   

Human B cell lymphomas are suitable targets for immunotherapy. Clinical trials with mouse-human chimeric B cell-specific monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) have already shown promising results. However, limitations for their use in clinical trials can be the lack of sufficient amounts and high production costs. Expression of mAbs in the mammary gland of transgenic animals provides an economically advantageous possibility for production of sufficient quantities of a promising antibody for clinical trials and beyond. In this paper, we show the feasibility of this approach, by generating transgenic mice expressing mouse-human chimeric anti-CD19 mAbs in their milk. Mouse anti-CD19 variable (V) region genes were combined with human IgG1 heavy (H) and kappa light (L) chain constant (C) region genes and fused to the bovine -lactoglobulin (BLG) promoter in two separate expression cassettes. Co-injection resulted in five transgenic lines. In one of these lines completely assembled chimeric mAbs were secreted into the milk, at an approximate level of 0.5mg/ml. These mAbs were able to bind specifically to the CD19 surface antigen on human B cells.  相似文献   

HIV entry is determined by one or more chemokine receptors. T cell-tropic viruses bind CXCR4, whereas macrophage-tropic viruses use CCR5 and other CCRs. Infection with CXCR4 and CCR5-tropic HIV requires initial binding to CD4, and chemotaxis induced by the CCR5-tropic envelope has been reported to be strictly dependent on CD4 binding. We demonstrate that, in contrast to CD4-dependent gp120 signaling via CCR5, envelope signaling through CXCR4 is CD4 independent, inducing chemotaxis of both CD4 and CD8 T cells. Signaling by virus or soluble envelope through CXCR4 may affect pathogenesis by attracting and activating target and effector cells.  相似文献   

《Research in virology》1991,142(4):247-259
A human monoclonal antibody (HuMAb) against HIV1, 1125H, was isolated from an asymptomatic, seropositive haemophiliac. This antibody was specific for gp 120, and its binding to gp 120 was inhibited by soluble CD4, indicating that its epitope was in or near the CD4-binding site. 1125H antibody recognized a variety of divergent HIV1 strains, including most laboratory strains tested as well as some early passage isolates. Commensurate with its specificity and high apparent affinity, 1125H exhibited potent neutralizing activity against IIIB, MN, RF and SF-2 strains. The epitope recognized by 1125H was destroyed by reduction of disulphide bonds, but not by removal of N-linked sugars. Thus, the epitope was conformationally determined and did not involve carbohydrate. Data from radioimmunoprecipitation/SDS-PAGE analysis of proteolytically cleaved viral lysate further indicated that the epitope of 1125H was not affected by cleavage at the V3 loop of gp 120, provided that gp 120 disulphide bonds remained intact. The potential use of HuMAb 1125H in passive immunotherapy against HIV is discussed as well as the importance of including its epitope in an AIDS vaccine.  相似文献   

A single-chain triplebody (sctb) 33-ds16-ds19 comprising two distal single-chain Fv fragments (scFvs) specific for the lymphoid antigen CD19 and the myeloid antigen CD33 flanking a central scFv specific for CD16, which is the low affinity Fc-receptor (FcγRIII) present on natural killer cells and macrophages, was produced and its properties were investigated. CD33 and CD19 in combina-tion are present on acute leukemiablasts with mixed lineage phenotype, but not on normal human hematopoietic cells. For comparison, two bispecific scFvs (bsscFvs), ds19-ds16 and 33-ds16, with monovalent binding to CD19 and CD33, respectively, were also studied. The sctb 33-ds16-ds19 specifically interacted with all 3 antigens. On the antigen double-positive cell line BV-173, the sctb bound with 2-fold greater avidity than bsscFv ds19-ds16 (KD = 21 vs. 42 nM) and with 1.4-fold greater avidity than bsscFv 33-ds16 (KD = 29 nM). All 3 fusion proteins had similar affinity for CD16 and sufficient thermic stability in human serum. In antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity (ADCC) reactions with human mononuclear cells as effectors, the sctb promoted lysis of BV-173 cells at 23-fold lower concentrations than bsscFv ds19-ds16 and at 1.4-fold lower concentrations than bsscFv 33-ds16. The sctb also mediated potent ADCC of the antigen double-positive mixed lineage leukemia cell line SEM, and the half-maximal concentration EC50 for BV-173 cells was 7 pM. Therefore, CD19 and CD33 are present on the surface of these leukemic cell lines such that they can be connected by a single sctb molecule, permitting the recruitment of NK cells via CD16 and tumor cell lysis.  相似文献   

A single-chain triplebody (sctb) 33-ds16-ds19 comprising two distal single-chain Fv fragments (scFvs) specific for the lymphoid antigen CD19 and the myeloid antigen CD33 flanking a central scFv specific for CD16, which is the low affinity Fc-receptor (FcγRIII) present on natural killer cells and macrophages, was produced and its properties were investigated. CD33 and CD19 in combination are present on acute leukemiablasts with mixed lineage phenotype, but not on normal human hematopoietic cells. For comparison, two bispecific scFvs (bsscFvs), ds19-ds16 and 33-ds16, with monovalent binding to CD19 and CD33, respectively, were also studied. The sctb 33-ds16-ds19 specifically interacted with all three antigens. On the antigen double-positive cell line BV-173, the sctb bound with 2-fold greater avidity than bsscFv ds19-ds16 (KD = 21 vs. 42 nM) and with 1.4-fold greater avidity than bsscFv 33-ds16 (KD = 29 nM). All three fusion proteins had similar affinity for CD16 and sufficient thermic stability in human serum. In antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity (ADCC) reactions with human mononuclear cells as effectors, the sctb promoted lysis of BV-173 cells at 23-fold lower concentrations than bsscFv ds19-ds16 and at 1.4-fold lower concentrations than bsscFv 33-ds16. The sctb also mediated potent ADCC of the antigen double-positive mixed lineage leukemia cell line SEM, and the half-maximal concentration EC50 for BV-173 cells was 7 pM. Therefore, CD19 and CD33 are present on the surface of these leukemic cell lines such that they can be connected by a single sctb molecule, permitting the recruitment of NK cells via CD16 and tumor cell lysis.Key words: leukemia, natural killer cells, antibody-derivatives, dual targeting, sctb  相似文献   

NMR data and the previously developed theoretical method were used to determine the three-dimensional structure of the immunodominant epitope (IDE) of the HIVThailand. protein gp120. The best energy IDE conformers consistent with the theoretical and experimental data were calculated, and their ensemble was shown to give rise to the main chain folds found earlier in examining the HIVMN IDE structure. The gp120 IDE is supposed to behave as a metastable oligopeptide that, depending on the microenvironment, largely assumes one of the conformations from the ensemble. The results are discussed in the light of literature data on HIV-1 IDE structure.  相似文献   

In HIV the viral envelope protein is processed by a host cell protease to form gp120 and gp41. The C1 and C5 domains of gp120 are thought to directly interact with gp41 but are largely missing from the available X-ray structure. Biophysical studies of the HIV gp120 C5 domain (residues 489-511 of HIV-1 strain HXB2), which corresponds to the carboxy terminal region of gp120, have been undertaken. CD studies of the C5 domain suggest that it is unstructured in aqueous solutions but partially helical in trifluoroethanol/aqueous and hexafluoroisopropanol/aqueous buffers. The solution structure of the C5 peptide in 40% trifluoroethanol/aqueous buffer was determined by NMR spectroscopy. The resulting structure is a turn helix structural motif, consistent with the CD results. Fluorescence titration experiments suggest that HIV C5 forms a 1 : 1 complex with the HIV gp41 ectodomain in the presence of cosolvent with an apparent Kd of approximately 1.0 micro m. The absence of complex formation in the absence of cosolvent indicates that formation of the turn-helix structural motif of C5 is necessary for complex formation. Examination of the C5 structure provides insight into the interaction between gp120 and gp41 and provides a possible target site for future drug therapies designed to disrupt the gp120/gp41 complex. In addition, the C5 structure lends insight into the site of HIV envelope protein maturation by the host enzymes furin and PC7, which provides other possible targets for drug therapies.  相似文献   

The human immunodeficiency virus envelope glycoprotein (Env) is composed of surface (gp120) and transmembrane (gp41) subunits, which are noncovalently associated on the viral surface. Human immunodeficiency virus Env mediates viral entry after undergoing a complex series of conformational changes induced by interaction with cellular CD4 and a chemokine coreceptor. These changes propagate from gp120 to gp41 via the gp120-gp41 interface, ultimately exposing gp41 and allowing it to form the trimer-of-hairpins structure that provides the driving force for membrane fusion. Key unresolved questions about the gp120-gp41 interface include the specific regions of gp41 and gp120 involved, the mechanism by which receptor and coreceptor-binding-induced conformational changes in gp120 are communicated to gp41, how trimer-of-hairpins formation is prevented in the prefusogenic gp120-gp41 complex, and, ultimately, the structure of the prefusion gp120-gp41 complex. Here, we develop a biochemical model system that mimics a key portion of the gp120-gp41 interface in the prefusogenic state. We find that a gp41 fragment containing the disulfide bond loop and C-peptide region binds primarily to the gp120 C5 region and that this interaction is incompatible with trimer-of-hairpins formation. Based on these data, we propose that in prefusogenic Env, gp120 sequesters the gp41 C-peptide region away from the N-trimer region, preventing trimer-of-hairpins formation until coreceptor binding disrupts this interface. This model system is a valuable tool for studying the gp120-gp41 complex, conformational changes induced by CD4 and coreceptor binding, and the mechanism of membrane fusion.  相似文献   

HIV envelope glycoproteins undergo large-scale conformational changes as they interact with cellular receptors to cause the fusion of viral and cellular membranes that permits viral entry to infect targeted cells. Conformational dynamics in HIV gp120 are also important in masking conserved receptor epitopes from being detected for effective neutralization by the human immune system. Crystal structures of HIV gp120 and its complexes with receptors and antibody fragments provide high-resolution pictures of selected conformational states accessible to gp120. Here we describe systematic computational analyses of HIV gp120 plasticity in such complexes with CD4 binding fragments, CD4 mimetic proteins, and various antibody fragments. We used three computational approaches: an isotropic elastic network analysis of conformational plasticity, a full atomic normal mode analysis, and simulation of conformational transitions with our coarse-grained virtual atom molecular mechanics (VAMM) potential function. We observe collective sub-domain motions about hinge points that coordinate those motions, correlated local fluctuations at the interfacial cavity formed when gp120 binds to CD4, and concerted changes in structural elements that form at the CD4 interface during large-scale conformational transitions to the CD4-bound state from the deformed states of gp120 in certain antibody complexes.  相似文献   

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