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The Mauthner (M-) cells, a bilateral pair of medullary neurons in fish, initiate the characteristic “C-start” predatory escape response of teleosts. Similar movements have been described during hatching, social interactions, and feeding. M-cell firing, however, has not been correlated directly with these other behaviors. The objective of this study was to determine whether the M-cell, in addition to escape, plays a role in feeding.
  1. Goldfish were chronically implanted with electrodes positioned near the axon cap of one of the two M-cells. Subsequently, M-cell activity was monitored for up to 8 days while fish were surface feeding on live crickets.
  2. The M-cell fires and the fish performs a C-shaped flexion in association with the terminal phase of prey capture. Thus, the M-cell is active in the context of at least two behaviors, predator escape and prey capture, and may be considered a part of behaviorally shared neural circuitry.
  3. For the goldfish, Mauthner-initiated flexions during feeding rapidly remove the prey from the water's surface and minimizes the fish's own susceptibility to surface predation. Other species may possess a diverse repertoire of Mauthner-mediated feeding behaviors that depend on their adaptive specializations for predation. Moreover, group competition between predators and their prey may have facilitated a “neural arms race” for M-cell morphology and physiology.

The ultrastructure of the Mauthner cells (M-cells) of goldfish fries was investigated under four different functional states: a) intact (native fishes), b) fatigue (intact fishes subjected to a prolonged vestibular stimulation), c) adapted (intact fishes after a prolonged training session of the daily short vestibular stimuli), d) excited (adapted fishes subjected to a prolonged vestibular stimulation). It has been first found that the fatigue of the M-cells may result in destructive changes of their cytoskeleton. Besides, in the afferent synapses of both adapted and excited M-cells numerous dense-cored vesicles were revealed near the active zones. The data show the neuronal cytoskeleton to be the central target susceptible to damage upon stimulation. The training leads presumably to stabilization of the cytoskeleton ultrastructure. The dense-cored vesicles were suggested to play an active role in the process.  相似文献   

Desmosome-like contacts (DLC) in afferent chemical synapses of the Mauthner cells (MC) were investigated after application of low and high molecular mass peptide fractions 6 and 9, correspondingly, from the Central Asiatic black scorpion Orthochirus scrobiculosus. Besides, the DLC were examined in condition of a training induced morpho-functional stability of the MC (adaptation) mediated by transformation of actin monomers into polymers. In addition, the structure of DLC was studied after cytochalasin application which disrupts F-actin. Fraction 6 was shown to increase the length of DLC and osmiophily of fibrous material. Similar changes in DLC were caused by adaptation. Fraction 9 decreased the osmiophily of the fibrous material, made DLC asymmetric, but did not influence their length. Similar changes in DLC were seen also after cytochalasin D application. Taking into account our previous data on the role of F-actin in the MC functioning, which were obtained following specific pharmacological treatments, the similarity of ultrastructural changes in DLC after both adaptation and fraction 6 application, on the one hand, and after both cytochalasin D and fraction 9 application, on the other one, enabled us to suggest that these fractions may contain peptides able to exert influence of the actin cytoskeleton.  相似文献   

The ultrastructural investigations of the Mauthner neurons (M-cells) of P. reticulata were performed on the return of the fishes after a two weeks orbital flight, the M-cells of fishes from different control groups being simultaneously examined. The structure of M-cells from the experimental fishes was shown to be severely damaged. The changes involved the synaptic apparatus, postsynaptic areas, mitochondria and other organelles of the cytoplasm and the nucleus. Particular changes were seen in the neuronal cytoskeleton. While in the M-cells of intact fishes these were seen as evenly distributed microfilaments and neurofilaments, in the M-cells of experimental fishes the cytoskeleton looked as alternating bundles of condensed filaments. The first indications of cytoskeleton damage appeared in M-cells of the guppy from transport control group and strengthened in fishes from the group of synchronous control. Thus, the data obtained give us a possibility to suggest that the return on the Earth and following readaptation after a prolonged flight at conditions of microgravity and consequent disfunction of vestibular apparatus may result in the damage of central neurons receiving vestibular afferentation (such as M-cells). That, in turn, may be a cause of functional disorders of the central nervous system, including the nerve centres maintaining the organs of motion. These facts are necessary to take into consideration when more prolonged cosmic flights are planned.  相似文献   

In the goldfish, we studied the effects of intramedullar applications of glutamate (Glu), dopamine (DA), and of long-lasting rotational stimulation on the functional activity, dimensional characteristics, and ultrastructure of Mauthner neurons (MNs). Applications of Glu, especially when combined with rotational stimulation, were found to result in suppression of the function of MNs, in a decrease in their dimensions and lengths of desmosome-like contacts (DLCs, whose structure is determined by filamentous actin) in afferent mixed and chemical synapses, and in destruction of actin microfilaments in the cytoskeleton of MNs. Applications of DA, vice versa, induced an increase in the resistance to the effects of long-lasting stimulation and stabilized the dimensions of MNs; the length of DLCs increased in afferent synapses of both the above types, and the number of fibrillar actin bridges in the DLC cleft of mixed synapses also increased. Bundles of the actin filaments, which were preserved after stimulation, appeared in the cytoskeleton of MNs. Testing of the action of neurotransmitters on actin preparations in vitro showed that Glu entirely depolymerizes filamentous actin, while DA, vice versa, polymerizes monomeric actin. Thus, the Glu-and DA-induced reactions are similar in their types and are of a reciprocal nature both in the actin cytoskeleton of MNs in situ and in purified actin in vitro; these effects correlate with suppression of the functional state of MNs under the influence of Glu and with stabilization of this state under the influence of DA. These results agree with the concept on the roles of depolymerization and polymerization of actin in changes of the morphofunctional state of MNs and show that actin of the cytoskeleton of MNs is a cellular target for the actions of Glu and DA. The similarity between the effects of tested neurotransmitters on actin in MNs in situ and in cell-free preparations in vitro allows us to hypothesize that these transmitters can penetrate into the neuron. Neirofiziologiya/Neurophysiology, Vol. 38, No. 4, pp. 320–330, July–August, 2006.  相似文献   

The present study was designed to examine the synaptic events in neurons of the pacemaker nucleus of Gymnotus carapo during the increase in rate of the electric organ discharge following activation of Mauthner cells. Pacemaker and relay cells were investigated using intracellular recordings which were performed under two different conditions: (1) with the pacemaker nucleus spontaneously discharging and (2) after its activity was abolished by anesthesia. Mauthner axon activation induced an increase in the rate of pacemaker cell discharges. This response was accompanied by an increase in the slope of the pacemaker potential (up to 110%) and a depolarization of these cells. The discharges of relay cells followed one to one those of pacemaker cells. In contrast to that observed in pacemaker cells, only brief depolarizing antidromic effects could be evoked in relay cells after Mauthner axon activation. In quiescent pacemaker cells, Mauthner cell activation induced a prolonged (up to 500 ms) depolarizing potential with an average amplitude of 1.92 ± 0.82 mV; its latency was 4.43 ± 1.14 ms. Our data indicate that, within the pacemaker nucleus, the population of pacemaker cells is the only target for Mauthner cell-evoked, short-latency excitatory synaptic actions. Accepted: 1 March 1997  相似文献   

The localization of Ca2+ in control and adapted goldfish fry Mauthner cells (M-cells) revealed by sedimentation with potassium pyroantimonate technique was investigated. It has been shown the following. 1. In the control M-cells electron dense precipitates are present in the extracellular space, commonly within the active zone clefts of chemical synapses, throughout the whole apposition of the mixed synapses and in the synaptoplasm of both type afferent boutons. No precipitates were seen in the cytoplasm of M-cells. 2. After long term natural (vestibular) stimulation (LTNS), resulting in a strong functional suppression of M-cells, precipitates disappeared entirely from active zones but remained numerous in the cytoplasm of M-cells. The distribution of precipitates within the cytoplasm was non-uniform, the highest density was observed on the surfaces of intracellular organelles and elements of the cytoskeleton. 3. In fatigued M-cells after LTNS and after a subsequent one day rest the distribution of precipitates was less intensive, while in the whole it resembled that of fatigued M-cells. 4. In adapted M-cells the distribution of precipitates was similar to that observed in control. M-cells after LTNS, but the amount and size of the precipitated grains were noticeably increased. 5. The most numerous precipitates were seen in adapted M-cells after LTNS. They were localized throughout the postsynaptic cytoplasm and in a lesser order in the presynaptic cytoplasm. 6. After one day rehabilitation the intensitivity of cytochemical reaction of Ca2+ ion precipitation restored to the initial stage characteristic of adapted M-cells before LTVS. The results obtained suggest that the total concentration of Ca2+ ions in adapted M-cells and the dynamics of their exchanges between cytosole and intracellular depots, such as the smooth endoplasmic reticulum, may increase to keep a normal or even increased functional activity of M-cells, both before and after the LTNS.  相似文献   

Irritation for 10 min of the posterior spinal root in the frog Rana temporaria (electrical stimulation 50 imp/sec, threshold power 4) results in decreasing size of the motoneurons and their nuclei and in appearing pycnomorphous type of neurons. Simultaneously, peculiar changes in cellular ultrastructure connected with inhibition of protein synthesis are observed. When the ginseng preparation is administered to intact animals, an increased excitability of the spinal centers, as well as increasing volume of the motoneuronal nuclei and certain ultrastructural shifts demonstrating activation of protein synthesis and cellular energy are observed. When the ginseng preparation is preliminary administered to the frogs, before a high-frequency synaptic activation of the motoneurons, it protects the cells from pathological changes and pycnotic shrinkage.  相似文献   

Activity of sensorimotor cortical neurons in the ground squirrel was studied on slices under cooling the incubation medium from 32–34 to 21–26°С. Hypothermia evoked spontaneous firing activity in “silent” neurons and a slight decrease in firing in high-frequency neurons. Changes in the firing rate arose below 27°С and were accompanied by a fall in the spike amplitude. The intensity of hypothermic and post-hypothermic changes in ground squirrels was lower than in guinea pig sensorimotor cortical neurons recorded under the same conditions. In ground squirrels, most hypothermia-resistant were high-frequency (more than 8 spikes/s) neurons, which accounted for 45% of the recorded, while in guinea pigs high-frequency neurons occurred only in 15% of records. By the diameter of cell bodies, the population of sensorimotor cortical neurons was more homogeneous in ground squirrels than in guinea pigs. It is suggested that specific hypothermic changes in sensorimotor cortical neurons of ground squirrels relate to a lower density of K+ channels in their plasma membranes, because in the mammalian nervous system the latter open below 27°С due to thermal limitations of the M-cholinergic reaction which blocks these channels.  相似文献   

Histological examination of the epiphyses of 12 persons who perished because of craniocerebral trauma (CCT) showed that even in the first hours after CCT clear manifestations of considerable morphofunctional transformation of epiphyseal cellular elements towards intensification of indoleamine production become obvious. In the cases of death on the 11th–12th post-traumatic day, we observed complete morphofunctional exhaustion of the epiphysis: the cell elements with typical features of pinealocytes practically disappeared.  相似文献   

Basing on a complex approach with the use of general morphological and morphometrical methods, a morphofunctional characteristics of the nodose ganglia neurons of the nervus vagus has been presented in 203 dogs, both normal and at an experimental myocardial infarction. The neurons in question react to the myocardial infarction with a complex of changes in the intracellular structure parameters and their chemical markers. Their manifestation degree is higher and lasts longer, when the myocardial infarction happens at day time.  相似文献   

Extracellular neuronal activity was recorded from 460 neurons from alert young (5-7 months), middle-aged (54-65 months) and old (66-85 months) rabbits. Trace rhythmic activity of sensorimotor cortical neurons was examined after long-lasting (10-20 min) rhythmic (0.5-2 Hz) electrocutaneous stimulation of the contralateral forelimb. Spectral analysis of spike activity showed age-related differences in capability of producing a rhythm of previous stimulation in spontaneous neuronal activity. In young animals propriate rhythmic fluctuations of firing rate appeared after the first or second sessions of stimulations (on the first experimental day), in middle-aged ones--after 2-4 sessions (on the second or third days); cortical neurons in old rabbits did not exhibit trace rhythmic activity. Significant morphological changes in glial and neuronal cells were observed in sensorimotor cortex of old rabbits. It is proposed that morphological deteriorations may be the reason of the impairement of trace processes during aging.  相似文献   

During development, afferent fibers may stimulate development of postsynaptic target neurons. By surgically ablating an otic vesicle in zebrafish embryos 30 hr after fertilization we deprived the developing Mauthner (M) neuron of vestibular axonal input to its lateral dendrite. After 8 days, 14 M cells were examined by light microscopy, and in each case the size and branching of the lateral dendrite was reduced. No consistent changes were observed in shape and size of other regions of the deprived cells or in the contralateral control cells. Synapses onto five of these pairs of cells were examined by electron microscopy. Except for missing vestibular terminals on the deprived dendrites, the synaptic input to the dendrites and to other regions of the M cell was normal in distribution and pattern. These data suggest that growth-promoting or trophic effects of vestibular axons upon the M cell are localized to its lateral dendrite.  相似文献   

To assay the axon tract organizing capabilities of different regions of the vertebrate CNS, Mauthner axons were redirected by grafting supernumerary hindbrains in Xenopus embryos. The 63 redirected Mauthner axons thus produced included donor axons projecting into the host CNS and host axons that grew through the graft or that were redirected in the host CNS. Two major phenomena were observed. Caudal to the optic chiasm, the Mauthner axons followed a single ipsilateral stereotyped route—the basal substrate pathway—extending in the ventral and ventrolateral marginal zone from the diencephalon to the caudal spinal cord. In contrast, rostral to the optic chiasm, these same Mauthner axons followed variable ipsilateral and contralateral routes. Even pairs of Mauthner axons entering the optic chiasm side-by-side eventually followed different routes in normal forebrains. The contrasting behaviors of the Mauthner axons growing in the rostral diencephalon and telencephalon and of the same Mauthner axons growing elsewhere suggest that there are differences in the effective guidance cues between these two regions of the developing brain. This is consistent with other types of neuroanatomical and neuroembryological evidence indicating a fundamental division between the rostral and the caudal diencephalon.  相似文献   

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