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The aim of the following study was to determine the activity and physico-chemical properties of prostaglandin E2 9-keto reductase from bovine placenta. Placental tissues obtained immediately after parturition were subjected to purification procedure consisting of homogenization, affinity chromatography, gel filtration and allowed to electrophoresis. The activity of enzyme was measured spectrophotometrically. The purification procedures receive 135-fold purified enzyme preparate of the molecular weight of 45 kDa with the following kinetic values: Michaelis constant for PGE2, 117 microM and max velocity 183 pmol/min. The activity of enzyme was also detected with 20 alpha-hydroxypregn-4en-3-one and with 9,10-phenanthrenquinone (Michaelis constant 22 microM and 6 microM, respectively). The determination of physico-chemical properties of prostaglandin E2 9-keto reductase, performed for the first time in bovine placenta, should aid the understanding of the metabolism of prostaglandins and their biological importance in physiological and pathological conditions in cattle.  相似文献   

Carbon monoxide (CO), formed during heme oxygenase (HO)-catalyzed oxidation of heme, has been proposed to play a complementary role with nitric oxide in the regulation of placental hemodynamics. The objective of this study was to elucidate HO enzymatic activity and HO-1 (inducible) and HO-2 (constitutive) protein content in the microsomal subcellular fraction of homogenate of selected regions of placenta from normotensive and mild pre-eclamptic pregnancies. HO enzymatic activity was measured under optimized conditions by gas chromatography using CO formation as an index of activity, and HO-1 and HO-2 protein content were determined by Western immunoblot analysis. Microsomal HO activity in each of the four placental regions was not different between normotensive and mild pre-eclamptic pregnancies. Microsomal HO-2 protein content was not different between normotensive and mild pre-eclamptic pregnancies, whereas there was increased expression of microsomal HO-1 protein in chorionic villi and fetal membranes from pre-eclamptic pregnancy compared with normotensive pregnancy. Microsomal HO enzymatic activity correlated with HO-2, but not HO-1, protein content.  相似文献   

R C Rose  J L Choi  A M Bode 《Life sciences》1992,50(20):1543-1549
Studies on the toxic effects of dehydro-L-ascorbic acid (DHAA) have been extended to include evaluations over time periods up to 3 hr. and to test for specific effects on a membrane transport protein, a membrane-bound enzyme and a soluble intracellular enzyme. In studies on cultured corneal endothelial cells, DHAA concentrations of 1, 2, and 5 mM over 3 hr. had an inhibitory effect on subsequent uptake of DHAA present at a tracer level. Surviving fragments of human placenta and alkaline phosphatase activity of the placental brush-border membrane were susceptible to the effect of DHAA at a high concentration (10 mM). Because intracellular metabolism of DHAA was not affected, and an increase in membrane permeability was not detected, it is concluded that a specific membrane transport protein might be the site of DHAA-induced damage. These studies support the concept that the oxidized form of ascorbic acid (vitamin C) has potential toxic effects on biological systems and suggests that proteins that mediate transport and metabolism may be sites where DHAA causes damage.  相似文献   

Arachidonic acid metabolism can lead to synthesis of cyclooxygenase products in the lung as indicated by measurement of such products in the perfusate of isolated lungs perfused with a salt solution. However, a reduction in levels of cyclooxygenase products in the perfusate may not accurately reflect the inhibition of levels of such products as measured in lung parenchyma. We infused sodium arachidonate into the pulmonary circulation of isolated dog lungs perfused with a salt solution and measured parenchymal, as well as perfusate, levels of 6-keto-prostaglandin F1 alpha (6-keto-PGF1 alpha), prostaglandin F2 alpha (PGF2 alpha), prostaglandin E2 (PGE2), and thromboxane B2 (TxB2). These studies were repeated with indomethacin (a cyclooxygenase enzyme inhibitor) in the perfusate. We found that indomethacin leads to a marked reduction in perfusate levels of PGF2 alpha, PGE2, 6-keto-PGF1 alpha, and TxB2, as well as a marked reduction in parenchymal levels of 6-keto-PGF1 alpha and TxB2 when parenchymal levels of PGF2 alpha and PGE2 are not reduced. We conclude that, with some cyclooxygenase products, a reduction in levels of these products in the perfusate of isolated lungs may not indicate inhibition of levels of these products in the lung parenchyma and that a reduction in one parenchymal product may not predict the reduction of other parenchymal products. It can be speculated that some of the physiological actions of indomethacin in isolated lungs may result from incomplete or selective inhibition of synthesis of pulmonary cyclooxygenase products.  相似文献   

This study reports the identification and sequence of a full-length cDNA for a new member of bovine prolactin-related protein (bPRP-VII) and its quantitative and localized expression in the placenta. A full-length bPRP-VII cDNA was cloned with a 929-nucleotide open-reading-frame corresponding to a protein of 238 amino acids. The predicted amino acid sequence shares 63% homology with bPRP-I and 70% with bPRP-VI. bPRP-VII has eight cysteine residues with four disulfide bonds, which is more abundant than that of other bPRPs. RT-PCR detected bPRP-VII only in the placenta. In the placenta, mRNA was expressed in the cotyledon and intercotyledonary tissues throughout gestation. Quantitative real-time RT-PCR analysis exhibited a high expression of bPRP-VII mRNA in the fetal membrane at Day 27 of gestation. In the placentome on Day 60 of gestation, in situ hybridization analysis evidenced bPRP-VII mRNA in binucleate cells. bPRP-VII gene produced a mature protein in mammalian cell expression system. Approximately 29kDa protein was confirmed in this by the Western blot analysis with FLAG epitope tag. Expression profiles and localization were similar to those of bPRP-I. Although the functional data remain to be examined, a new member of the bPRP-VII gene was cloned. In addition to bPRP-I, bPRP-VII may take on an important functional role in implantation.  相似文献   

Glucocorticoids block the induced secretion of prostaglandins in a variety of biological contexts. We have identified a primary response gene, TIS10, which encodes a mitogen-inducible prostaglandin synthase/cyclooxygenase in Swiss 3T3 cells. TIS10 is distinct from prostaglandin synthase/cyclooxygenase. (EC, previously cloned from mouse, man, and sheep. Dexamethasone blocks prostaglandin E2 synthesis by 3T3 cells in response to tetradecanoylphorbol acetate. Dexamethasone also blocks both phorbol ester- and forskolin-induced TIS10 mRNA accumulation. In contrast, phorbol esters, forskolin, and dexamethasone have little or no effect on the levels of prostaglandin synthase/cyclooxygenase mRNA in 3T3 cells. Moreover, dexamethasone does not inhibit induction of TIS8/egr-1, another primary response gene. Inhibition of the synthesis of TIS10 prostaglandin synthase/cyclooxygenase may be a principal mechanism by which glucocorticoids block prostaglandin synthesis and secretion.  相似文献   

Free alpha-subunit in normal term placenta was examined for molecular weight, electric charge and ability to combine with standard hCG-beta in comparison with extracellular free alpha-subunit and standard hCG-alpha dissociated from urinary hCG in vitro. The gel chromatography on Sephadex G-100 of the placental extract revealed three major immunoreactive hCG-alpha peaks, designated as P alpha-A (Kav = 0.32-0.46), P alpha-B (0.47-0.58) and P alpha-C (0.59-0.70), near the position of standard hCG-alpha. In the isoelectric focusing, while P alpha-A was mainly distributed over the acidic region, the major components of P alpha-B and P alpha-C were distributed over the basic region. Furthermore, in the combination study with standard hCG-beta, such a alpha-subunit with acidic pI scarcely showed any combining activity whereas alpha-subunit with basic pI revealed significant combining activity. These results suggest the following possibilities: that 1) the various size species of placental alpha-subunit may be responsible for the progressive glycosylation; 2) the small alpha-subunit with basic pI may combine with beta-subunit to form immunoreactive hCG; 3) the alpha-subunit, which has not associated with beta-subunit, may be converted to a large and incombinative form with acidic pI by further glycosylation, followed by secretion as a free alpha-subunit.  相似文献   

To characterize parathyroid hormone-related protein (PTHrP) in the human placenta, we measured PTHrP-like immunoreactivity (PRP-LI) in the term placenta and studied the elution profiles of placental tissue extracts on Sephadex G-75 chromatography with a specific RIA. We also examined the gene expression of PTHrP mRNA by Northern blot analysis and the localization of PRP-LI in the placenta by immunohistochemistry. The amount of PRP-LI in placental extracts (n = 7) was 20.9 +/- 2.2 pg/g wet tissue (mean +/- SE). Dilution curves of placental tissue ran parallel to those of synthetic PTHrP (1-34) standards. Sephadex G-75 gel chromatography demonstrated two major PRP-LI peaks; the first peak was eluted around the molecular size between 10 kilodaltons (Kda) and 20 Kda and the other around 5 Kda. Northern blot analysis of PTHrP mRNA extracted from placental tissues showed a major hybridization signal around 18S. PTHrP immunohistochemistry showed PRP-LI staining in the cytoplasm of syncytiotrophoblasts and stroma cells (Hofbauer cells) in the term placenta. These results suggest that syncytiotrophoblasts and stroma cells in the term placenta synthesize PTHrP in two major molecular forms, 10 Kda-20 Kda and around 5 Kda.  相似文献   

R W Egan  J L Humes  F A Kuehl 《Biochemistry》1978,17(11):2230-2234
The different effects of prostaglandin synthetase stimulators on inhibition of the cyclooxygenase by structurally distinct classes of nonsteroidal antiinflammatory agents suggest that the enzyme is altered by interaction with these stimulators. Reversible stimulation of prostaglandin synthetase activity by phenols and some other compounds and the relative influence of these stimulators on inhibitors of the cyclooxygenase were determined quantitatively. Two distinct classes of inhibitors were established. The fenamates were relatively weak inhibitors alone but were much more potent in the presence of phenolic compounds. In contrast, ibuprofen, indomethacin, and flurbiprofen were more potent than the fenamates and were reduced in effectiveness by the stimulators, as expected on the basis of two opposing actions. The relative potency of the cyclooxygenase stimulators (phenol greater than norepinephrine greater than tryptophan greater than benzoquinone greater than anisole) paralleled their synergistic action on the fenamates and their antagonist action on the nonfenamates. This correlation suggests that an enzyme alteration which leads to cyclooxygenase stimulation may also result in increased sensitivity to fenamates and decreased sensitivity to the other inhibitors, possibly by altering their capacity to bind.  相似文献   

Acetaminophen has similar analgesic and antipyretic properties to nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), which act via inhibition of cyclooxygenase enzymes. However, unlike NSAIDs, acetaminophen is at best weakly antiinflammatory. The mechanism by which acetaminophen exerts its therapeutic action has yet to be fully determined, as under most circumstances, acetaminophen is a very weak cyclooxygenase inhibitor. The potency of acetaminophen against both purified ovine cyclooxygenase-1 (oCOX-1) and human cyclooxygenase-2 (hCOX-2) was increased approximately 30-fold by the presence of glutathione peroxidase and glutathione to give IC50 values of 33 microM and 980 microM, respectively. Acetaminophen was found to be a good reducing agent of both oCOX-1 and hCOX-2. The results are consistent with a mechanism of inhibition of acetaminophen in which it acts to reduce the active oxidized form of COX to the resting form. Inhibition would therefore be more effective under conditions of low peroxide concentration, consistent with the known tissue selectivity of acetaminophen.  相似文献   

The immunocytochemical study of the bovine placenta has demonstrated the presence of cells containing alphamelanotropic hormones, in the decidual epithelium, since the 4th month of pregnancy. The number and the staining intensity of those cells grow up with the placental development. Since the 6th month, we observed the immunoreactional presence of cells in the foetal chorionic epithelium.  相似文献   

Airway function deteriorates significantly on cessation of exercise or isocapnic hyperventilation challenges but is largely preserved during the challenge in humans and guinea pigs. PGE(2), an endogenous bronchodilator, might be responsible for the preservation of lung function during hyperventilation (HV). We hypothesized that PGE(2) might have a protective effect during HV, partially explaining the minimal changes in respiratory system resistance (Rrs) usually seen during HV in humans and guinea pigs. Therefore, changes in Rrs were measured during and after HV in anesthetized, mechanically ventilated guinea pigs treated with flurbiprofen (FBN) or placebo. With HV, there was an initial bronchodilation that was unaffected by FBN. Rrs then increased with time during HV, an effect that was blocked by FBN. After HV, Rrs increased further in all groups, but the increase in Rrs was less in the FBN-treated groups. FBN treatment reduced the PGE(2) concentration slightly in lung lavage fluid compared with placebo. We found no enhancement or refractoriness of the Rrs response to repeat bouts of HV and no effect of FBN treatment on the response of Rrs to repeat HV. These results suggest that a constrictor PG is released during and possibly after HV and that the post-HV increase in Rrs is the sum of effects of the PG released during HV and a second constrictor mechanism operating after HV. We found no evidence for bronchodilator PG during or after HV in the guinea pig.  相似文献   

Heme oxygenase (HO) catalyzes the oxidation of heme to carbon monoxide (CO), biliverdin, and iron and is thought to play a role in protecting tissues from oxidative damage. There are three isoforms of HO: HO-1 (inducible), HO-2 (constitutive), and HO-3 (unknown function). Preeclampsia is characterized by an inadequately perfused placenta and areas of tissue damage. We hypothesized that damaged areas of placentas from women with PE and uncomplicated pregnancies are associated with an alteration in HO expression. Compared with microsomes isolated from morphologically normal and peri-infarct chorionic villi of pathological placentas, microsomes from infarcted chorionic villi from the same placentas had decreased HO activity measured under optimized assay conditions. There was no correlation between microsomal HO levels and activity and tissue damage in uncomplicated pregnancies. Whereas there was no significant difference in HO-1 protein levels across all regions of uncomplicated and mildly preeclamptic pregnancies, HO-2 protein levels were decreased (P < 0.05) in peri-infarct regions and infarcted chorionic villi of mildly preeclamptic pregnancies. Immunohistochemical analysis revealed an apparent decrease in both HO-1 and HO-2 protein expression in damaged tissues. HO-1 and HO-2 were immunolocalized in the syncytiotrophoblast layer of the chorionic villi, the underlying cytotrophoblast, and in the vascular endothelium. This study suggests that the ability of the chorionic villi to oxidize heme to CO, biliverdin, and iron may be compromised in areas of tissue damage in the placenta of women with preeclampsia.  相似文献   

F Ferré 《Life sciences》1986,39(20):1893-1900
The effect of dopamine on adenylate cyclase activity was investigated in slices of human term placentas. Dopamine elicited a dose-dependent stimulation of cAMP formation with a ED50 value of about 1 X 10(-6)M dopamine and an increase of 110% over the control with 1 X 10(-4)M dopamine. (-)-Epinephrine and (-)-norepinephrine also increased placental cAMP formation. Apomorphine displayed a slight but non-significant stimulatory effect while bromocriptine was not effective. SCH 23390, a selective antagonist of dopamine D1 receptors caused a dose-dependent decrease of the dopamine activation. In contrast, the dopamine increase of cAMP was unaffected by beta- and alpha-adrenergic blocking drugs and by the D2 selective antagonist, (-)-sulpiride. These data indicate that dopamine stimulates cAMP formation in human term placenta through a specific mechanism via D1 dopaminergic receptors positively coupled to adenylate cyclase.  相似文献   

The activities of NAD-specific and NADP-specific isocitrate dehydrogenases were measured in early and term human placenta. In both tissues the activity of NADP-specific isocitrate dehydrogenase was severalfold higher than that of the NAD-dependent enzyme. Subcellular distribution of these two enzymes in the placental tissue was estimated. About 60% of the total NADP-specific isocitrate dehydrogenase activity was found in the mitochondrial fraction and about 40% in the cytosol fraction. Insignificant amounts of the total activity were bound to the microsomal fraction. The whole of the NAD-specific isocitrate dehydrogenase activity was localized in the mitochondrial fraction. The total mitochondrial NADP-specific isocitrate dehydrogenase activity in both early and term placenta was also estimated from the mitochondrial specific activity of this enzyme and the amount of mitochondrial protein in wet tissue, calculated from the activities of citrate synthase or cytochrome c oxidase assayed in the isolated mitochondrial fraction and in the tissue of early and term human placenta.  相似文献   

The authors study the total water content in two different areas (parabasal and subchorial), in 40 normal, full-term placentas. The water content is found to be different in these two areas. As an average, it is 0.90% higher in the parabasal area. This difference persists even after washing off the fetal placental blood by perfusión with saline. The difference in the total water content between both areas, which is added to other differences previously demonstrated, must be related to a different functional role of the placental areas.  相似文献   

K G Bitar  M Cochran  J C Warren 《Steroids》1979,34(2):189-198
The activity of 17 beta-estradiol dehydrogenase (E.C. was measured, and its distribution in the subcellular fractions of bovine placenta was compared. Assay of activity was based on the formation of radioactive estrone from 17 beta[4(-14)C]-estradiol. Either NAD+ or NADP+ can serve as cofactor for the enzyme. The nuclear and microsomal fractions of the placental homogenate exhibited the highest specific enzymatic activities before and after treatment with Triton X-100. Electron micrographs of these two fractions prior to treatment with Triton X-100 showed satisfactory purity. 17 beta-estradiol dehydrogenase from bovine placenta exhibits a pH optimum of about 9.5-10.5, and is activated by 5 x 10(-6)M ZnCl2; comparable concentrations of CaCl2 and MgCl2 inactivate the enzyme. The apparent Michaelis constants, Km, for 17 beta-estradiol and NAD+ are 1.4 x 10(-6)M and 5.5 x 10(-5)M respectively. No 17 alpha-estradiol dehydrogenase activity was demonstrable when using 17 alpha-estradiol as substrate.  相似文献   

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