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Due to the dense organization of organelles, cytoskeletal elements, and protein complexes that make up the intracellular environment, it is likely that membrane-permeant solutes may be excluded from a fraction of the interstitial space of the cytoplasm via steric restrictions, electrostatic interactions, and other long-range intermolecular forces. This study investigates the hypothesis that the intracellular partitioning of membrane-permeant solutes manifests itself as a partial volume recovery in response to hyperosmotic loading, based on prior theoretical and biomimetic experimental studies. Osmotic loading experiments are performed on immature bovine chondrocytes using culture conditions where regulatory volume responses are shown to be insignificant. Osmotic loading with membrane-permeant glycerol (92 Da) and urea (60 Da) are observed to produce partial volume recoveries consistent with the proposed hypothesis, whereas loading with 1,2-propanediol (76 Da) produces complete volume recovery. Combining these experimental results with the previous theoretical framework produces a measure for the intracellular partition coefficient of each of these solutes. At 1000 mOsm, 1,2-propanediol is the only osmolyte to yield a partition coefficient not statistically different from unity, κpi = 1.00 ± 0.02. For glycerol, the partition coefficient increases with osmolarity from κpi = 0.48 ± 0.19 at 200 mOsm to κpi = 0.80 ± 0.07 at 1000 mOsm; urea exhibits no such dependence, with an average value of κpi = 0.87 ± 0.07 for all osmolarities from 200 to 1000 mOsm. The finding that intracellular partitioning of membrane-permeant solutes manifests itself as a partial volume recovery under osmotic loading offers a simple method for characterizing the partition coefficient. These measurements suggest that significant partitioning may occur even for small membrane-permeant osmolytes. Furthermore, a positive correlation is observed, suggesting that a solute's cytoplasmic partition coefficient increases with increasing hydrophobicity.  相似文献   

A simple model for light interception by an isolated plant isproposed. The model assumes that the leaves are uniformly distributedover a region of space bounded by an ellipsoid and a plane,and that light traversing this region is attenuated accordingto Beer's law. It is shown how the model can be extended toexamine a closed row of plants, or a closed array of plants.Simulated light profiles have been calculated for single plantswith different shapes, and an isolated row of plants, underuniform and standard overcast skies.  相似文献   

选用抗旱性有差异的6份甘薯栽培品种为试验材料,在田间鉴定抗旱性的基础上,通过室内PEG-6000模拟水分胁迫,测定胁迫下与抗旱性相关的9个生理生化指标,采用抗旱指数和隶属函数相结合的方法筛选与抗旱性密切相关的生理生化指标,对其抗旱性进行评价。结果表明:经田间抗旱鉴定,广薯87和徐薯22的抗旱性强,日紫0602和宁紫薯1号的抗旱性差;在PEG-6000模拟水分胁迫下,甘薯叶片NOS、CAT、T-AOC和T-SOD活性随着PEG浓度增高,其活性增强;Pro、MDA、Prot和T-AA含量也增加;尤其在25%PEG-6000胁迫处理24 h,甘薯叶片NOS、T-AOC、Pro的相对值与抗旱指数呈显著正相关,RWC相对值与抗旱指数呈极显著正相关,这4个指标的加权隶属函数值D与抗旱指数呈显著正相关(r=0.8944);因此,可用这4个指标的D值对甘薯抗旱性进行初步鉴定。  相似文献   

In a single compartment quantal response model, besides the input and release processes, an inspection process, assumed to be independent of the input and release processes, is considered. Each time when a release occurs, we assume the amount of release is randomly proportional to the amount present and the proportional rates form a sequence of independent and identically distributed random variables with support on [0, 1]. The input policy we consider is a modification of (s, S) input policy in the inventory model. More precisely, let 0 ≦s2s1sS, if after a release, the amount of the drug in subject's body is less than a level s2 which is small enough, then there will be an input immediately with probability 1 — p and no more inputs thereafter with probability p, also there will be an input immediately if the dose level is in the interval [s2, s1). If the dose level is in the interval [s1, s) there will be no input unless the inspector arrives. On the other hand, if the dose level is greater than or equal to s, then there will be no input. We consider a stochastic model as described above, and obtain the expressions for some quantities of interest. A Monte Carlo study has also been carried out to demonstrate some behaviors of our quantal response process.  相似文献   

We consider a non-standard design for a fixed dental implant, incorporating a soft layer which simulates the presence of the periodontal ligament (PDL). Instead of being aimed at causing an a priori defined stress/strain field within the surrounding bone, upon loading, such a design simply tries to better reproduce the natural tooth–PDL configuration. To do this, the mechanical properties of the internal layer match those of the PDL, determined experimentally to be strongly nonlinear. Three-dimensional finite element analyses show that the presence of such a layer produces (i) a prosthesis mobility very similar to that of a healthy tooth, for several loading conditions, and (ii) a stress/strain distribution substantially different from that arising, upon loading, around a conventional implant. The lack of knowledge of the real mechanical fields existing, under loading, in the bone around a healthy tooth makes it very difficult to state that the stress distribution produced by the modified implant is “better” than that produced by the standard one. Nevertheless, the comparison of the results obtained here, with those of previous refined analyses of the tooth–PDL–bone system, indicates that the modified implant tends to produce a stress distribution in the bone, upon loading, closer to “natural” than that given by the standard one, within the limits imposed by the presence of threads coupling the implant with the bone.  相似文献   

Studying AQP regulation mechanisms is crucial for the understanding of water relations at both the cellular and the whole plant levels. Presented here is a simple and very efficient method for the determination of the osmotic water permeability coefficient (Pf) in plant protoplasts, applicable in principle also to other spherical cells such as frog oocytes. The first step of the assay is the isolation of protoplasts from the plant tissue of interest by enzymatic digestion into a chamber with an appropriate isotonic solution. The second step consists of an osmotic challenge assay: protoplasts immobilized on the bottom of the chamber are submitted to a constant perfusion starting with an isotonic solution and followed by a hypotonic solution. The cell swelling is video recorded. In the third step, the images are processed offline to yield volume changes, and the time course of the volume changes is correlated with the time course of the change in osmolarity of the chamber perfusion medium, using a curve fitting procedure written in Matlab (the ‘PfFit’), to yield Pf.  相似文献   

Fatty livers were produced by feeding rats an amino acid imbalanced diet containing 8% of casein supplemented with 0.3% of DL-methionine, and the oxidative phosphorylation of liver mitochondria and homogenates was examined. In contrast to choline deficiency, the mitochondria and the homogenates of fatty liver resulting from such an amino acid imbalance showed almost normal P:O ratio. However, the response to an osmotic treatment of liver mitochondria of rats fed the amino acid imbalanced diet was different from that of normal rats.  相似文献   

We have used current/voltage (I/V) analysis to investigate the role played by extracellular mucilage in the cellular response to osmotic shock in Lamprothamnium papulosum. Cells lacking extracellular mucilage originated in a brackish environment (1/3 seawater). These were compared, first with cells coated with thick (∼50 μm) extracellular mucilage, collected from a marine lake, and second, with equivalent mucilaginous marine cells, treated with heparinase enzyme to disrupt the mucilage layer. Histochemical stains Toluidine Blue and Alcian Blue at low pH identified the major component of the extracellular mucilage as sulfated polysaccharides. Treating mucilage with heparinase removed the capacity for staining with cationic dyes at low pH, although the mucilage was not removed, and remained as a substantial unstirred layer. Cells lacking mucilage responded to hypotonic shock with depolarization (by ∼95 mV), cessation of cyclosis, due to transient opening of Ca2+ channels, and opening of Ca2+-activated Cl channels and K+ channels. Cell conductance transiently increased tenfold, but after 60 min was restored to the conductance prior to hypotonic shock. Mucilaginous cells depolarized by a small amount (∼18 mV), but Ca2+ channels failed to open in large enough numbers for cyclosis to cease. Likewise most Ca2+-activated Cl channels failed to open and conductance increased only ∼1.2-fold above the prehypotonic level. After 60 min conductance was less than the conductance prior to hypotonic shock. Heparinased mucilaginous cells recovered several aspects of the hypotonic response in cells lacking mucilage. These cells depolarized (by ∼103 mV); cyclosis ceased, indicating that Ca2+ channels had opened, and conductance increased to ∼4 times the value prior to hypotonic shock, indicating that Ca2+-activated Cl channels opened. However, after 60 min, these cells had neither restored membrane potential (and remained at positive values), nor decreased their conductance. It was not possible to determine whether K+ channels had opened. The heparinased cells recovered the normal hypotonic response of mucilaginous cells when heparinase was washed out. Apical seawater cells, which lacked mucilage, were unaffected by heparinase treatment. The results demonstrate that the presence of extracellular sulfated polysaccharide mucilage impacts upon the electrophysiology of the response to osmotic shock in Lamprothamnium cells. The role of such sulfated mucilages in marine algae and animal cells is compared and discussed. Received: 24 March 1998/Revised: 28 April 1999  相似文献   

In bioassay, where different levels of the stimulus may represent different doses of a drug, the binary response is the death or survival of an individual receiving a specified dose. In such applications, it is common to model the probability of a positive response P at the stimulus level x by P = F(x′β), where F is a cumulative distribution function and β is a vector of unknown parameters which characterize the response function. The two most popular models used for modelling binary response bioassay involve the probit model [BLISS (1935), FINNEY (1978)], and the logistic model [BERKSON (1944), BROWN (1982)]. However, these models have some limitations. The use of the probit model involves the inverse of the standard normal distribution function, making it rather intractable. The logistic model has a simple form and a closed expression for the inverse distribution function, however, neither the logistic nor the probit can provide a good fit to response functions which are not symmetric or are symmetric but have a steeper or gentler incline in the central probability region. In this paper we introduce a more realistic model for the analysis of quantal response bioassay. The proposed model, which we refer to it as the generalized logistic model, is a family of response curves indexed by shape parameters m1 and m2. This family is rich enough to include the probit and logistic models as well as many others as special cases or limiting distributions. In particular, we consider the generalized logistic three parameter model where we assume that m1 = m, m is a positive real number, and m2 = 1. We apply this model to various sets of data, comparing the fit results to those obtained previously by other dose-response curves such as the logistic and probit, and showing that the fit can be improved by using the generalized logistic.  相似文献   

Role of Glutathione in the Response of Escherichia coli to Osmotic Stress   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The growth of Escherichia coli mutants deficient in glutathione synthesis (gshA) and in glutathione reductase (gor) was suppressed in medium of elevated osmolarity. A mutant in -glutamyl transpeptidase (ggt) displayed better ability for osmoadaptation than the parental strain. The unfavorable effect of the gsh mutation on osmoadaptation of growing E. coli cells was more pronounced at low concentrations of K+ in the medium. An increase in osmolarity caused an increase in the intracellular content of glutathione. Changes in the extracellular glutathione level were biphasic: the glutathione level rapidly decreased during the first stage of the response and increased during the second stage. The changes in glutathione levels suggest that under hyperosmotic shock the glutathione transport from the medium into the cell can contribute to the intracellular glutathione accumulation. Changes in the level of intracellular K+ were similarly biphasic: a rapid increase in the K+ level during the first stage of the response to hyperosmotic shock changed to a gradual decrease during the second stage. In mutant gshA cells adapted to osmotic shock, the intracellular K+ level was markedly higher than in the parental strain cells. The possible role of glutathione in the response of E. coli to osmotic shock is discussed.  相似文献   

在根组织细胞分裂和细胞体积增大亚过程基础上,建立了一个综合根生长特征参数和环境影响在内的单根伸长的数学模型,同时实验观测了大豆根在不同的环境水势下的生长过程。模型计算结果与实验结果吻合较好。最后利用模型探讨了根伸长对环境因子变化的响应,以及根内水势分布。  相似文献   

A dynamical biophysical model for the functioning of an epithelium is presented. This model integrates the electrical and osmotic behaviors of the epithelium, taking into account intracellular conditions. The specific tissue modeled is the human bronchial epithelium, which is of particular interest, as it is the location of the most common lethal symptoms of cystic fibrosis. The model is implemented in a modular form to facilitate future application of the code to other epithelial tissue by inputting different transporters, channels, and geometric parameters. The model includes pH regulation as an integral component of overall regulation of epithelial function, through the interdependence of pH, bicarbonate concentration, and current. The procedures for specification, the validation of the model, and parametric studies are presented using available experimental data of cultured human bronchial epithelium. Parametric studies are performed to elucidate a), the contribution of basolateral chloride channels to the short-circuit current functional form, and b), the role that regulation of basolateral potassium conductance plays in epithelial function.  相似文献   

A study was made of the effects of various types of detergents on the swelling of isolated mitochondria and on mitochondrial ATPases which are activated by Mg or DNP respectively. The rate of swelling was measured in the Beckman spectrophotometer by following the decrease in turbidity of dilute suspensions of these organelles. It was found that non-ionic detergents containing a nonyl phenoxy side chain or anionic detergents caused swelling of the mitochondria and activation of Mg-ATPase. On the other hand, cationic detergents promoted the clumping of mitochondria and did not activate Mg-ATPase. DNP-ATPase was inhibited by all of the detergents tested. It would appear from these observations that the inhibition of DNP-ATPase is not related to a gross change in the morphology of the organelles; in contrast, the activation of Mg-ATPase definitely is correlated with swelling of the isolated mitochondria. These data also suggest that the ionic detergents combine with charged sites on the protein moiety of the lipoprotein in the mitochondrial surface, whereas the non-ionic detergents form inclusion compounds with the lipide moiety, thereby altering the mitochondrial structure and permeability.  相似文献   

Mast cells are central effector cells in allergic asthma and are augmented in the airways of asthma patients. Attenuating mast cell degranulation and with it the early asthmatic response is an important intervention point to inhibit bronchoconstriction, plasma exudation and tissue oedema formation. To validate the efficacy of novel pharmacological interventions, appropriate and practicable in vivo models reflecting mast cell-dependent mechanisms in the lung, are missing. Thus, we developed a novel model of passive pulmonary anaphylaxis in rats. Rats were passively sensitized by concurrent intratracheal and intradermal (ear) application of an anti-DNP IgE antibody. Intravenous application of the antigen, DNP-BSA in combination with Evans blue dye, led to mast cell degranulation in both tissues. Quantification of mast cell degranulation in the lung was determined by (1) mediator release into bronchoalveolar lavage, (2) extravasation of Evans blue dye into tracheal and bronchial lung tissue and (3) invasive measurement of antigen-induced bronchoconstriction. Quantification of mast cell degranulation in the ear was determined by extravasation of Evans blue dye into ear tissue. We pharmacologically validated our model using the SYK inhibitor Fostamatinib, the H1-receptor antagonist Desloratadine, the mast cell stabilizer disodium cromoglycate (DSCG) and the β2-adrenergic receptor agonist Formoterol. Fostamatinib was equally efficacious in lung and ear. Desloratadine effectively inhibited bronchoconstriction and ear vascular leakage, but was less effective against pulmonary vascular leakage, perhaps reflecting the differing roles for histamine receptor sub-types. DSCG attenuated both vascular leakage in the lung and bronchoconstriction, but with a very short duration of action. As an inhaled approach, Formoterol was more effective in the lung than in the ear. This model of passive pulmonary anaphylaxis provides a tissue relevant readout of early mast cell activity and pharmacological benchmarking broadly reflects responses observed in patients with asthma.  相似文献   

M Usuyama  C Ushida  R Shingai 《PloS one》2012,7(8):e42907
We developed a mathematical model of a hypothetical neuronal signal transduction pathway to better understand olfactory perception in Caenorhabditis elegans. This worm has only three pairs of olfactory receptor neurons. Intracellular Ca(2+) decreases in one pair of olfactory neurons in C. elegans, the AWC neurons, following application of an attractive odor and there is a transient increase in intracellular Ca(2+) following removal of odor. The magnitude of this increase is positively correlated with the duration of odor stimulation. Additionally, this Ca(2+) transient is induced by a cGMP second messenger system. We identified likely candidates for the signal transduction molecules functioning in this system based on available gene expression and physiological data from AWCs. Our model incorporated a G-protein-coupled odor receptor, a G-protein, a guanylate cyclase as the G-protein effector, and a single phosphodiesterase. Additionally, a cyclic-nucleotide-gated ion channel and a voltage-gated ion channel that mediated calcium influx were incorporated into the model. We posited that, upon odor stimulation, guanylate cyclase was suppressed by the G-protein and that, upon cessation of the stimulus, the G-protein-induced suppression ceased and cGMP synthesis was restored. A key element of our model was a Ca(2+)-dependent negative feedback loop that ensured that the calcium increases were transient. Two guanylate cyclase-activating proteins acted on the effector guanylate cyclase to negatively regulate cGMP signaling and the resulting calcium influx. Our model was able to closely replicate in silico three important features of the calcium dynamics of AWCs. Specifically, in our simulations, [Ca(2+)] increased rapidly and reached its peak within 10 s after the odor stimulus was removed, peak [Ca(2+)] increased with longer odor exposure, and [Ca(2+)] decreased during a second stimulus that closely followed an initial stimulus. However, application of random background signal ('noise') showed that certain components of the pathway were particularly sensitive to this noise.  相似文献   

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