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A mathematical characterization of the membrane potential as an instantaneous return process in the presence of refractoriness is investigated for diffusion models of single neuron's activity, assuming that the firing threshold acts as an elastic barrier. Steady-state probability densities and asymptotic moments of the neuronal membrane potential are explicitly obtained in a form that is suitable for quantitative evaluations. For the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck (OU) and Feller neuronal models, closed form expression are obtained for asymptotic mean and variance of the neuronal membrane potential and an analysis of the different features exhibited by the above mentioned models is performed.  相似文献   

A generalization of an earlier paper (Capocelli and Ricciardi, 1971), dealing with a diffusion approximation for a neuron subject to one excitatory and one inhibitory Poisson input, is provided by not imposing any restrictions on number and magnitude if synaptic inputs. An equation for the neuron's transition p.d.f. is derived, use of which is made to determine the moments of the membrane potential. It is finally shown that a diffusion approximation is possible and that the resulting diffusion process is characterized by constant infinitesimal variance and linear drift.  相似文献   

The classical Ornstein-Uhlenbeck diffusion neuronal model is generalized by inclusion of a time-dependent input whose strength exponentially decreases in time. The behavior of the membrane potential is consequently seen to be modeled by a process whose mean and covariance classify, it as Gaussian-Markov. The effect of the input on the neuron's firing characteristics is investigated by comparing the firing probability densities and distributions for such a process with the corresponding ones of the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck model. All numerical results are obtained by implementation of a recently developed computational method.  相似文献   

A diffusion equation for the transition p.d.f. describing the time evolution of the membrane potential for a model neuron, subjected to a Poisson input, is obtained, without breaking up the continuity of the underlying random function. The transition p.d.f. is calculated in a closed form and the average firing interval is determined by using the steady-state limiting expression of the transition p.d.f. The Laplace transform of the first passage time p.d.f. is then obtained in terms of Parabolic Cylinder Functions as solution of a Weber equation, satisfying suitable boundary conditions. A continuous input model is finally investigated.  相似文献   

The theory of neuronal firing in Stein's model is outlined as well as the corresponding theory for a diffusion approximation which has the same first two infinitesimal moments. The diffusion approximation is derived from the discontinuous model in the limit of large input frequencies and small postsynaptic potential amplitudes. A comparison of the calculated mean interspike intervals is made for various values of the threshold for firing and various input frequencies. The diffusion approximation can underestimate the interspike interval by up to 100% or severely overestimate it, depending on the input frequencies and the threshold. A general relation between the predictions of the two models is deduced.  相似文献   

The interspike interval distribution of neuronal firing is analyzed by a model that assumes unit effect EPSP's lasting an exponential length of time. The model allows a general interarrival distribution; this contrasts with the numerous models requiring Poisson arrivals. The Laplace transform of the time to firing, modelled as the first passage time to a fixed arbitrary threshold level, is found. Comparisons are made for exponential and regular interarrivals using the first two moments of the time to firing. Surprisingly, the mean and variance of the time to reach any threshold level greater than one is greater for regular arrivals for any ratio of mean interarrival intervals to mean EPSP duration greater than 0.6.  相似文献   

We propose a stochastic model for the firing activity of a neuronal unit. It includes the decay effect of the membrane potential in absence of stimuli, and the occurrence of time-varying excitatory inputs governed by a Poisson process. The sample-paths of the membrane potential are piecewise exponentially decaying curves with jumps of random amplitudes occurring at the input times. An analysis of the probability distributions of the membrane potential and of the firing time is performed. In the special case of time-homogeneous stimuli the firing density is obtained in closed form, together with its mean and variance.  相似文献   

Stein's model for a neuron receiving randomly arriving post-synaptic potentials is studied from an analytic viewpoint, using some recent results in the theory of first passage times for temporally homogeneous Markov processes. The case when the only input is excitatory can be treated exactly. It is shown that the moments of the firing time are guaranteed to be finite so that the differential-difference equation for the expectation (and higher moments) of the time for the membrane potential to first reach threshold from resting level can be written down. Analytic solutions are obtained in a number of cases with main emphasis on the case when the threshold is twice the epsp magnitude. An invariance principie is formulated wherein at a given mean input frequency and for a given decay parameter, the distribution of firing times depends only on the ratio of threshld to epsp magnitude. For the case where this ratio is two, the variation in the mean discharge rate is obtained as a function of mean input frequency. The results are compared with the experimental data for the Poisson monosynaptic excitation of cat motoneurons by Redmanet al. Agreement between theoretical and experimental values is excellent at input frequencies near 102 sec-1, and theory underestimates the firing rate below that input frequency. Reasons for the discrepancy are discussed at length including the uncertainties in the neuronal parameters and the dependence of epsp magnitude on mean input frequency. The problem of including an inhibitory input process together with excitation is treated by an approximation procedure when the inhibition is considerably weaker than the excitation. At the input frequency investigated it is shown that when inhibition “half as weak” as the excitation occurs, the mean discharge frequency is approximately halved. In the final section a method of estimating neuronal parameters from the moments of the experimental inter-spike time distribution is outlined.  相似文献   

The diffusion model for a population subject to Malthusian growth is generalized to include regulation effects. This is done by incorporating a logarithmic term in the regulation function in a way to obtain, in the absence of noise, an S-shaped growth law retaining the qualitative features of the logistic growth curve. The growth phenomenon is modeled as a diffusion process whose transition p.d.f. is obtained in closed form. Its steady state behavior turns out to be described by the lognormal distribution. The expected values and the mode of the transition p.d.f. are calculated, and it is proved that their time course is also represented by monotonically increasing functions asymptotically approaching saturation values. The first passage time problem is then considered. The Laplace transform of the first passage time p.d.f. is obtained for arbitrary thresholds and is used to calculate the expected value of the first passage time. The inverse Laplace transform is then determined for a threshold equal to the saturation value attained by the population size in the absence of random components. The probability of absorption for an arbitrary barrier is finally calculated as the limit of the absorption probability in a two-barrier problem.  相似文献   

The linear cable equation with uniform Poisson or white noise input current is employed as a model for the voltage across the membrane of a onedimensional nerve cylinder, which may sometimes represent the dendritic tree of a nerve cell. From the Green's function representation of the solutions, the mean, variance and covariance of the voltage are found. At large times, the voltage becomes asymptotically wide-sense stationary and we find the spectral density functions for various cable lengths and boundary conditions. For large frequencies the voltage exhibits “1/f 3/2 noise”. Using the Fourier series representation of the voltage we study the moments of the firing times for the diffusion model with numerical techniques, employing a simplified threshold criterion. We also simulate the solution of the stochastic cable equation by two different methods in order to estimate the moments and density of the firing time.  相似文献   

The threshold of the cockroach tactile neuron increases strongly with depolarization by a process involving at least two time constants. This effect is probably responsible for the rapid and complete adaptation of the neuron's response to step inputs. A technique for intracellular recording and stimulation of the neuron has recently been established and this allows direct observation of the dynamic response of the neuronal encoder. A white noise stimulus was used to modulate the membrane potential of the neuron. The first-order frequency response function between membrane potential and action potential discharge could be explained by a variable threshold model with two time constants. Second-order frequency response functions could be accounted for by a Wiener cascade model. The dynamic nonlinear behavior of the encoder can therefore be explained by a unidirectional threshold which increases linearly and dynamically with membrane potential.  相似文献   

Five parameters of one of the most common neuronal models, the diffusion leaky integrate-and-fire model, also known as the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck neuronal model, were estimated on the basis of intracellular recording. These parameters can be classified into two categories. Three of them (the membrane time constant, the resting potential and the firing threshold) characterize the neuron itself. The remaining two characterize the neuronal input. The intracellular data were collected during spontaneous firing, which in this case is characterized by a Poisson process of interspike intervals. Two methods for the estimation were applied, the regression method and the maximum-likelihood method. Both methods permit to estimate the input parameters and the membrane time constant in a short time window (a single interspike interval). We found that, at least in our example, the regression method gave more consistent results than the maximum-likelihood method. The estimates of the input parameters show the asymptotical normality, which can be further used for statistical testing, under the condition that the data are collected in different experimental situations. The model neuron, as deduced from the determined parameters, works in a subthreshold regimen. This result was confirmed by both applied methods. The subthreshold regimen for this model is characterized by the Poissonian firing. This is in a complete agreement with the observed interspike interval data. Action Editor: Nicolas Brunel  相似文献   

The objective of system identification methods is to construct a mathematical model of a dynamical system in order to describe adequately the input-output relationship observed in that system. Over the past several decades, mathematical models have been employed frequently in the oculomotor field, and their use has contributed greatly to our understanding of how information flows through the implicated brain regions. However, the existing analyses of oculomotor neural discharges have not taken advantage of the power of optimization algorithms that have been developed for system identification purposes. In this article, we employ these techniques to specifically investigate the burst generator in the brainstem that drives saccadic eye movements. The discharge characteristics of a specific class of neurons, inhibitory burst neurons (IBNs) that project monosynaptically to ocular motoneurons, are examined. The discharges of IBNs are analyzed using different linear and nonlinear equations that express a neuron's firing frequency and history (i.e., the derivative of frequency), in terms of quantities that describe a saccade trajectory, such as eye position, velocity, and acceleration. The variance accounted for by each equation can be compared to choose the optimal model. The methods we present allow optimization across multiple saccade trajectories simultaneously. We are able to investigate objectively how well a specific equation predicts a neuron's discharge pattern as well as whether increasing the complexity of a model is justifiable. In addition, we demonstrate that these techniques can be used both to provide an objective estimate of a neuron's dynamic latency and to test whether a neuron's initial firing rate (expressed as an initial condition) is a function of a quantity describing a saccade trajectory (such as initial eye position).  相似文献   

The location of distinct sites is mandatory for many cellular processes. In the subcompartments of the cell nucleus, only very small numbers of diffusing macromolecules and specific target sites of some types may be present. In this case, we are faced with the Brownian movement of individual macromolecules and their "random search" for single/few specific target sites, rather than bulk-averaged diffusion and multiple sites. In this article, I consider the location of a distant central target site, e.g. a globular protein, by individual macromolecules executing unbiased (i.e. drift-free) random walks in a spherical compartment. For this walk-and-capture model, the closed-form analytic solution of the first passage time probability density function (p.d.f.) has been obtained as well as the first and second moment. In the limit of a large ratio of the radii of the spherical diffusion space and central target, well-known relations for the variance and the first two moments for the exponential p.d.f. were found to hold with high accuracy. These calculations reinforce earlier numerical results and Monte Carlo simulations. A major implication derivable from the model is that non-directed random movement is an effective means for locating single sites in submicron-sized compartments, even when the diffusion coefficients are comparatively small and the diffusing species are present in one copy only. These theoretical conclusions are underscored numerically for effective diffusion constants ranging from 0.5 to 10.0 microm(2) s(-1), which have been reported for a couple of nuclear proteins in their physiological environment. Spherical compartments of submicron size are, for example, the Cajal bodies (size: 0.1-1.0 microm), which are present in 1-5 copies in the cell nucleus. Within a small Cajal body of radius 0.1 microm a single diffusing protein molecule (with D=0.5 microm(2) s(-1)) would encounter a medium-sized protein of radius 2.5 nm within 1 s with a probability near certainty (p=0.98).  相似文献   

The problem of moment closure is central to the study of multitype stochastic population dynamics since equations for moments up to a given order will generally involve higher-order moments. To obtain a Normal approximation, the standard approach is to replace third- and higher-order moments by zero, which may be severely restrictive on the structure of the p.d.f. The purpose of this paper is therefore to extend the univariate truncated saddlepoint procedure to multivariate scenarios. This has several key advantages: no distributional assumptions are required; it works regardless of the moment order deemed appropriate; and, we obtain an algebraic form for the associated p.d.f. irrespective of whether or not we have complete knowledge of the cumulants. The latter is especially important, since no families of distributions currently exist which embrace all cumulants up to any given order. In general the algorithm converges swiftly to the required p.d.f.; analysis of a severe test case illustrates its current operational limit.  相似文献   

A fundamental methodology in neurophysiology involves recording the electrical signals associated with individual neurons within brains of awake behaving animals. Traditional statistical analyses have relied mainly on mean firing rates over some epoch (often several hundred milliseconds) that are compared across experimental conditions by analysis of variance. Often, however, the time course of the neuronal firing patterns is of interest, and a more refined procedure can produce substantial additional information. In this paper we compare neuronal firing in the supplementary eye field of a macaque monkey across two experimental conditions. We take the electrical discharges, or 'spikes', to be arrivals in a inhomogeneous Poisson process and then model the firing intensity function using both a simple parametric form and more flexible splines. Our main interest is in making inferences about certain characteristics of the intensity, including the timing of the maximal firing rate. We examine data from 84 neurons individually and also combine results into a hierarchical model. We use Bayesian estimation methods and frequentist significance tests based on a nonparametric bootstrap procedure. We are thereby able to conclude that a substantial fraction of the neurons exhibit important temporal differences in firing intensity across the two conditions, and we quantify the effect across the population of neurons.  相似文献   

The aim of this article is to study lattice models of neutral multi-alleles including Ohta-Kimura's step-wise mutation model. We shall show an outline of the construction of a unique strongly continuous non-negative semi-group associated with the infinite dimensional generator and show a general and straightforward method of obtaining the time dependent and equilibrium solutions of all polynomial moments of the gene frequencies. We shall discuss the spectrum of the diffusion processes and as an application we obtain all higher moments of the homozygosity.  相似文献   

A large-scale computational model of a local patch of input layer 4 [Formula: see text] of the primary visual cortex (V1) of the macaque monkey, together with a coarse-grained reduction of the model, are used to understand potential effects of cortical architecture upon neuronal performance. Both the large-scale point neuron model and its asymptotic reduction are described. The work focuses upon orientation preference and selectivity, and upon the spatial distribution of neuronal responses across the cortical layer. Emphasis is given to the role of cortical architecture (the geometry of synaptic connectivity, of the ordered and disordered structure of input feature maps, and of their interplay) as mechanisms underlying cortical responses within the model. Specifically: (i) Distinct characteristics of model neuronal responses (firing rates and orientation selectivity) as they depend upon the neuron's location within the cortical layer relative to the pinwheel centers of the map of orientation preference; (ii) A time independent (DC) elevation in cortico-cortical conductances within the model, in contrast to a "push-pull" antagonism between excitation and inhibition; (iii) The use of asymptotic analysis to unveil mechanisms which underly these performances of the model; (iv) A discussion of emerging experimental data. The work illustrates that large-scale scientific computation--coupled together with analytical reduction, mathematical analysis, and experimental data, can provide significant understanding and intuition about the possible mechanisms of cortical response. It also illustrates that the idealization which is a necessary part of theoretical modeling can outline in sharp relief the consequences of differing alternative interpretations and mechanisms--with final arbiter being a body of experimental evidence whose measurements address the consequences of these analyses.  相似文献   

We obtain computational results for a new extended spatial neuron model in which the neuronal electrical depolarization from resting level satisfies a cable partial differential equation and the synaptic input current is also a function of space and time, obeying a first order linear partial differential equation driven by a two-parameter random process. The model is first described explicitly with the inclusion of all biophysical parameters. Simplified equations are obtained with dimensionless space and time variables. A standard parameter set is described, based mainly on values appropriate for cortical pyramidal cells. When the noise is small and the mean voltage crosses threshold, a formula is derived for the expected time to spike. A simulation algorithm, involving one-dimensional random processes is given and used to obtain moments and distributions of the interspike interval (ISI). The parameters used are those for a near balanced state and there is great sensitivity of the firing rate around the balance point. This sensitivity may be related to genetically induced pathological brain properties (Rett's syndrome). The simulation procedure is employed to find the ISI distribution for some simple patterns of synaptic input with various relative strengths for excitation and inhibition. With excitation only, the ISI distribution is unimodal of exponential type and with a large coefficient of variation. As inhibition near the soma grows, two striking effects emerge. The ISI distribution shifts first to bimodal and then to unimodal with an approximately Gaussian shape with a concentration at large intervals. At the same time the coefficient of variation of the ISI drops dramatically to less than 1/5 of its value without inhibition.  相似文献   

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